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Berlinale Jury President Todd Haynes on Trump’s return: ‘We’re in a particular crisis right now’
Culture • 10:41 AM
5 min
The 75th edition of the Berlinale officially kicks off tonight. Prior to the opening film, the jury led by US filmmaker Todd Haynes spoke to the press about the importance of festivals like the Berlinale, as well as the threats posed by Trump and the loom
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Avustralya, Çin savaş uçağını Güney Çin Denizi üzerinde 'tehlikeli' manevra yapmakla suçladı
• 10:39 AM
2 min
Avustralya Savunma Bakanı Richard Marles'a göre Çinli bir pilot tarafından atılan işaret fişekleri Avustralya'ya ait bir P-8 gözetleme uçağının 30 metre yakınına kadar geldi.View on euronews
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حماس: لغة التهديد والوعيد التي يستخدمها ترامب ونتنياهو لا تخدم تنفيذ اتفاق وقف اطلاق النار
International • 10:30 AM
2 min
أكدت حركة حماس، أن التصريحات التصعيدية الصادرة عن الرئيس الأمريكي السابق دونالد ترامب ورئيس الوزراء الإسرائيلي بنيامين نتنياهو تعيق جهود تنفيذ اتفاق وقف إطلاق النار في قطاع غزة.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://arab
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Trump's peace push 'not a betrayal' of Ukraine, Hegseth says
Europe • 10:22 AM
4 min
The US Secretary of State sought to clarify that his country was invested in peace after Trump explosively announced talks were to begin after speaking with Putin.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/m
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Explosion in department store in Taiwan leaves one dead and several injured
• 10:22 AM
1 min
The explosion at the Shin Kong Mitsukoshi department store in Taichung has killed one person and injured ten, four of them seriously. The cause of the incident is being investigated.View on euronews
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Ukrayna'nın müzakere bilmecesi: Barış planı nasıl ilerleyebilir?
• 10:18 AM
10 min
Rusya'nın Ukrayna'yı topyekûn işgali üç yılını doldurmak üzereyken, savaşın sona erebileceğine dair işaretler var. Yeni ABD yönetimi 'barış planı'nda diretiyor, ancak Washington, Kiev ve Moskova 'barışın' neyi temsil edebileceği konusunda farklı görüşlere
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Румыния: самый низкий уровень рождаемости за последние 100 лет
• 10:18 AM
1 min
С 1960 года наблюдается тенденция к снижению числа детей, рожденных в ЕС. В 2024 году в Румынии зафиксирован самый низкий уровень рождаемости за последние 100 лет.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/20
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Áustria: líder da extrema-direita exige novas eleições após fracasso das negociações de coligação
• 10:13 AM
4 min
As negociações de coligação arrastaram-se durante quatro meses, depois de os austríacos terem ido às urnas em setembro. São já as mais longas conversações da história do país.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.eur
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Commerzbank to cut jobs and boost profits in bid to fend off UniCredit
Business • 10:12 AM
3 min
The German bank is seeking to bolster its financial strength as Italy’s UniCredit vies for a takeover.
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Australia accuses Chinese fighter jet of 'unsafe' manoeuvre over South China Sea
• 10:12 AM
2 min
Flares released by a Chinese pilot came within 30 metres of an Australian P-8 surveillance plane, according to the Australian Defence Minister Richard Marles.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/0
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El ultraderechista Kickl exige nuevas elecciones en Austria tras fracasar la negociación política
• 10:07 AM
5 min
Las negociaciones políticas para formar una coalición se han prolongado durante cuatro meses, desde que tuvieron lugar las últimas elecciones generales en Austria, el periodo más largo de la historia del país.<div class="small-12 column text-center articl
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Taiwan: esplosione in un centro commerciale a Taichung, 4 morti e 26 feriti
• 10:05 AM
1 min
Quattro morti e 26 feriti nel tragico incidente al 12esimo piano di un centro commerciale a Taichung<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/2025/02/13/taiwan-esplosione-in-un-centro-commerciale-a-taichung-
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How to navigate the European Commission's new chain of command
Europe • 9:59 AM
8 min
From new coordination methods to more transparency over lobbying, here’s how Ursula von der Leyen reshaped the Commission in her own image.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/13/how-
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Guerra in Ucraina: l'enigma negoziale di Kiev tra cessate il fuoco e concessioni territoriali
• 9:59 AM
8 min
Mentre l'invasione russa in Ucraina si avvicina al terzo anniversario, si intravede un segnale di possibile fine della guerra. La nuova amministrazione statunitense sta portando avanti il suo piano di pace, ma Washington, Kiev e Mosca hanno interpretazion
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Explosion dans un grand magasin à Taïwan, un mort et plusieurs blessés
World • 9:59 AM
1 min
Une explosion au grand magasin Shin Kong Mitsukoshi de Taichung a causé un mort et dix blessés, dont quatre graves. Une enquête est en cours.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/2025/02/13/explosion-dan
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Centri migranti in Albania, licenziato il personale, Piantedosi: "Il progetto andrà avanti"
• 9:54 AM
3 min
La cooperativa incaricata dei centri di Shengjin e Gjader avrebbe terminato i contratti di buona parte dei dipendenti. Alla Camera il ministro dell'Interno Matteo Piantedosi ha parlato però di "soluzioni in grado di superare gli ostacoli incontrati in Alb
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Mit Schwert und Spiegel: Rätsel um geheimnisvolle Grabstätte gelöst
• 9:51 AM
10 min
Jahrelang rätselten Experten über das Geschlecht einer begrabenen Person in einer 2000 Jahre alten Grabstätte auf den Scilly-Inseln. Nun steht fest, sie war höchstwahrscheinlich eine Frau.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="h
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Austria, estrema destra non trova alleati di governo: si prospettano nuove elezioni
• 9:45 AM
4 min
Il leader di estrema destra Kickl chiede nuove elezioni dopo non essere riuscito a formare un governo di coalizione. Tutti i partiti si rifiutano di governare con lui<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com
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الأمم المتحدة: قمع الاحتجاجات في بنغلاديش قد يرقى ليكون جريمة ضد الإنسانية
International • 9:31 AM
1 min
قُتل الصيف الماضي ما يصل إلى 1400 شخص، معظمهم على يد الأجهزة الأمنية في البلاد، في مظاهرات ضد رئيسة الوزراء المخلوعة الشيخة حسينة.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://arabic.euronews.com/2025/02/13/united-nations-crac
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El enigma de la negociación ucraniana: alto el fuego, concesiones y más sacrificios
• 9:29 AM
9 min
Cuando la invasión a gran escala de Ucrania por parte de Rusia está a punto de cumplir tres años, se vislumbra un posible final de la guerra.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/2025/02/13/el-enigma-de-
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Глава Австрийской партии свободы требует новых выборов после провала переговоров о создании коалиции
• 9:25 AM
1 min
Попытки сформировать коалицию продолжаются уже четыре месяца после прошедших в сентябре выборов. Это может привести к негативным последствиям для страны, отмечают эксперты.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.eurone
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EU-Außenminister: Kein Frieden in der Ukraine ohne Beteiligung der Europäer
• 9:24 AM
2 min
Die europäischen Außenminister haben gefordert, dass ein Friedensabkommen in der Ukraine nur mit Beteiligung Kiews und seiner europäischen Verbündeten möglich ist.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://de.euronews.com/20
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Guerre en Ukraine : que peut attendre Kyiv de la conférence de Munich sur la sécurité?
World • 9:22 AM
9 min
La nouvelle administration américaine fait avancer son plan de paix, mais Washington, Kyiv et Moscou ont des interprétations différentes de ce que cette « paix » pourrait représenter.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https:
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España supera los 49 millones de residentes en enero de 2025 gracias a la inmigración
• 9:19 AM
5 min
España ha alcanzado un nuevo hito demográfico al superar los 49 millones de habitantes, según los últimos datos publicados por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE).<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews
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‘Completely paralysed’: Grounded flights at Brussels Airport cause major travel delays in Belgium
• 9:10 AM
7 min
All departing flights from Brussels Airport and Charleroi Airport in Belgium have been cancelled.
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Blockbuster weight loss drugs could help with alcohol cravings, small new study suggests
Business • 9:07 AM
4 min
The new findings add to growing evidence that the medicines could help people with alcohol addiction.
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Media company Thomson Reuters wins AI copyright case
Business • 9:06 AM
2 min
A judge ruled in favour of Thomson Reuters, saying that a law firm's use of their legal content to train an artificial intelligence model went against US copyright laws.
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Tesla neden 'Muhteşem Yedili' grubu içinde bu yılın en büyük kaybedeni oldu?
• 9:05 AM
5 min
Tesla'nın hisseleri keskin bir şekilde gerileyerek Trump liderliğindeki yükselişten elde ettiği kazançların çoğunu sildi. BYD'nin otonom aracını geliştirmek için DeepSeek ile kurduğu ortaklık, Tesla'nın rekabet gücüne yönelik en büyük tehdidi oluşturuyor.
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Συμφωνία Όρμπαν με την επικεφαλής του γερμανικού AfD για μια νέα μεταναστευτική πολιτική στην ΕΕ
• 9:04 AM
1 min
Συναντήθηκαν στη Βουδαπέστη - Υποστήριξαν επίσης ότι η ευρωπαϊκή «Πράσινη Συμφωνία» πρέπει να καταργηθεί<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/02/13/orban-weidel-budapest?utm_source=test_mrss&utm_cam
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رومانيا : تراجع قياسي في نسبة المواليد منذ 100 سنة
International • 9:01 AM
1 min
تشهد رومانيا انخفاضا غير مسبوق في معدلات الولادة، حيث لم يتجاوز عدد المواليد خلال العام الماضي 150,000، وهو أدنى رقم يسجل منذ قرن تقريبا.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://arabic.euronews.com/2025/02/13/romania-recor
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Romania, crollo della natalità. Toccato il record di culle vuote
• 9:00 AM
2 min
Demografia in calo dal 1960. Nel 2024, la Romania ha registrato il tasso di natalità più basso degli ultimi 100 anni con meno di 150.000 bambini nati<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/2025/02/13/roman
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Avusturya'da başarısız koalisyon görüşmelerinin ardından FPÖ lideri Kickl yeni seçim talep etti
• 8:49 AM
4 min
Koalisyon görüşmeleri, Avusturya'da Eylül ayında yapılan seçimin ardından dört ay boyunca sürdü. Bu ülke tarihindeki en uzun süren koalisyon görüşmeleri takvimi oldu.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com
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Ukraine’s negotiating conundrum: Ceasefire, concessions and more sacrifice
• 8:46 AM
9 min
As Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine nears a three-year mark, there is a sign of a possible end to the war. The new US administration is pushing forward with its peace plan, but Washington, Kyiv and Moscow have different interpretations of what this
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Car giants Honda, Nissan and Mitsubishi end multi-billion dollar tie-up talks
Business • 8:45 AM
2 min
Honda and Nissan announced in December they were planning on holding talks to set up a joint holding company while Mitsubishi said later it was considering joining the group.
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Le nombre de discours haineux sur X a augmenté de 50 % sous la direction d'Elon Musk
Business • 8:41 AM
7 min
Une nouvelle étude menée par l'université de Californie à Berkeley a révélé que les discours haineux ont augmenté de 50 % dans les mois qui ont suivi le rachat de X, anciennement Twitter, par le milliardaire Elon Musk.
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X'te nefret söylemi Elon Musk'ın liderliğinde yüzde 50 arttı
• 8:36 AM
7 min
Berkeley'deki Kaliforniya Üniversitesi tarafından yapılan yeni bir araştırma, milyarder Elon Musk'ın eski adı Twitter olan X'i satın almasından sonraki aylarda nefret söyleminin yüzde 50 oranında arttığını ortaya koydu.<div class="small-12 column text-cen
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استطلاع: أغلبية الأوروبيين يرون أمريكا "شريكا ضروريا لا حليفا" وشكوك حول مستقبل بروكسل
Europe • 8:30 AM
1 min
أظهرت دراسة أجراها المجلس الأوروبي للعلاقات الخارجية (ECFR) أن الأوروبيين لم يعودوا ينظرون إلى الولايات المتحدة كـ"حليف"، وكشفت عن تباين واسع في الآراء حول مستقبل الاتحاد الأوروبي.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://a
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Anthropic poaches Google DeepMind talent to lead new European office
Business • 8:00 AM
3 min
Anthropic announced to Euronews Next on Thursday in a Europe exclusive that Neil Houlsby would be leading the new Zürich office.
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ألمانيا تمدد عمليات التفتيش على الحدود وسط جدل حول مسألة الهجرة قبيل الانتخابات البرلمانية
International • 8:00 AM
1 min
ودافع المستشار أولاف شولتس عن هذه الخطوة، مشيرًا إلى أنها قللت فعليًا من طلبات اللجوء وعمليات العبور غير الشرعية.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://arabic.euronews.com/2025/02/13/germany-extends-border-controls-amid-
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La Roumanie enregistre le taux de natalité le plus bas des 100 dernières années
World • 7:50 AM
2 min
Depuis 1960, le nombre d'enfants nés dans l'UE a tendance à diminuer. En 2024, la Roumanie a enregistré son taux de natalité le plus bas des 100 dernières années.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/202
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Far-right Kickl demands fresh elections after Austrian coalition talks fail
Europe • 7:44 AM
3 min
The coalition negotiations have dragged on for four months after Austrians voted in September — the longest in the country's history.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/13/far-right-
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Não há paz na Ucrânia sem a participação dos europeus, afirmam ministros dos Negócios Estrangeiros
• 7:43 AM
3 min
Os ministros europeus dos Negócios Estrangeiros reuniram-se em Paris na quarta-feira, tendo afirmado que um acordo de paz na Ucrânia exigiria o envolvimento de Kiev e dos seus aliados europeus.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a hr
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ABD enflasyonu yukarı yönlü sürpriz yaparken Avrupa hisse senetleri düştü
• 7:41 AM
5 min
ABD enflasyonu Ocak ayında beklenenden fazla artarak piyasaları sarstı ve Fed'in faiz indirim beklentilerini Aralık 2025'e taşıdı. ABD Hazine tahvil getirileri yükseldi ve Avrupa hisse senetleri kazançlarını sildi.
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Tesla: Why is it the biggest loser this year within the 'Magnificent Seven' group?
Business • 7:41 AM
4 min
Tesla's stock retreated sharply, erasing most of the gains from the Trump-led surge. BYD's partnership with DeepSeek to develop its autonomous vehicle poses the biggest threat to Tesla's competitiveness.
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Η Ευρώπη ξεκαθαρίζει ότι θα έχει λόγο στις ειρηνευτικές συνομιλίες για την Ουκρανία
• 7:38 AM
1 min
«Η ασφάλεια της Ουκρανίας και η ευρωπαϊκή ασφάλεια είναι αδιαίρετες« δήλωσε από το Παρίσι ο Αντρίι Σίμπιχα, υπουργός Εξωτερικών της Ουκρανίας.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/02/13/paris-weiber
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إيلون ماسك: الذكاء الاصطناعي سيقهر الذكاء البشري
International • 7:31 AM
1 min
أكد إيلون ماسك، الملياردير الأمريكي ورئيس مكتب كفاءة الحكومة، في كلمته خلال القمة العالمية للحكومات، أن الذكاء البشري سيتضاءل أمام الذكاء الاصطناعي.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://arabic.euronews.com/2025/02/13/el
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Pas de paix en Ukraine sans la participation des Européens, insistent les ministres des Affaires étrangères
World • 7:26 AM
3 min
Les ministres européens des Affaires étrangères se sont réunis à Paris mercredi, affirmant qu'un accord de paix en Ukraine nécessiterait l'implication de K et de ses alliés européens.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https:
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Urkaine-Krieg: Trump und Putin wollen verhandeln - Europäer warnen vor Alleingang
• 7:14 AM
4 min
Kreml-Sprecher Dmitri Peskow sagte, das Gespräch zwischen Trump und Putin habe sich um viele Themen gedreht, einschließlich des Nahen Ostens und des Iran, aber die Ukraine sei das Hauptthema gewesen.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"
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Rumanía registra la tasa de natalidad más baja de los últimos 100 años
• 7:08 AM
2 min
Desde 1960 se observa una tendencia a la baja en el número de niños nacidos en la Unión Europea. En 2024, Rumanía registró su tasa de natalidad más baja de los últimos 100 años.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.e
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أوروبا تحذر: أي اتفاق سلام في أوكرانيا يجب أن يشمل كييف وحلفاءها
International • 7:00 AM
1 min
اجتمع وزراء خارجية الدول الأوروبية يوم الأربعاء، في العاصمة الفرنسية باريس، مؤكدين أن أي اتفاق سلام بشأن أوكرانيا يجب أن يتم بالتنسيق مع كييف وحلفائها الأوروبيين.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://arabic.euronews.com
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Hate speech on X now 50% higher under Elon Musk’s leadership, new study finds
• 7:00 AM
6 min
A new study by the University of California, Berkeley found that hate speech rose by 50 per cent in the months after billionaire Elon Musk purchased X, formerly Twitter.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews
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El consumo de cannabis triplica los casos de esquizofrenia en dos décadas
• 7:00 AM
6 min
Una nueva investigación se suma a la creciente evidencia de un vínculo entre el consumo excesivo de cannabis y la psicosis, dicen los expertos.
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Trump’s USAID shutdown leaves EU aid in despair | Radio Schuman
Europe • 6:59 AM
2 min
Former U.S. President Donald Trump decided to suspend certain USAID programs worldwide, sparking a significant debate.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/02/13/trumps-usaid-shutdown-leaves-eu-aid
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AB'nin işletmeler için bürokrasiyi azaltma planı çalışanları olumsuz etkileyecek mi?
• 6:55 AM
3 min
Brüksel, Avrupa'nın rekabet gücünü arttırmak amacıyla işletmeler için idari yükü basitleştirmek ve azaltmak istiyor.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/13/abnin-isletmeler-icin-burokr
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Трамп и Путин договорились начать переговоры по Украине
• 6:52 AM
1 min
Пресс-секретарь Кремля Дмитрий Песков сказал, что в ходе беседы Трампа и Путина было затронуто много тем, включая Ближний Восток и Иран, но основное внимание было уделено Украине.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru
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Ucraina: Trump parla con Putin, "negoziati immediati" per finire la guerra, forse in Arabia Saudita
• 6:44 AM
3 min
Potenziale svolta sulla guerra in Ucraina con le telefonate di Trump a Putin e Zelensky. Il presidente Usa annuncia l'avvio di negoziati per la pace con Mosca, dove è stato invitato, mettendo appartemente Kiev in secondo piano. Possibili collqui di pace i
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Αλλάζει ριζικά η αμερικανική πολιτική στην Ουκρανία μετά το τηλεφώνημα Τραμπ-Πούτιν
• 6:42 AM
1 min
Ο Ντόναλντ Τραμπ δήλωσε πως είχε συνομιλία για πάνω από μια ώρα με τον Ρώσο ομόλογό του σχετικά με την Ουκρανία, για την οποία όμως αρνήθηκε να πει αν θα είναι ισότιμο μέλος σε μια ενδεχόμενη ειρηνευτική διαδικασία.<div class="small-12 column text-center
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Trump et Poutine prêts à négocier pour mettre fin à la guerre : sans l'Ukraine et les Européens ?
World • 6:37 AM
3 min
Le porte-parole du Kremlin, Dmitry Peskov, a déclaré que la conversation entre Trump et Poutine avait couvert un grand nombre de sujets, notamment le Moyen-Orient et l'Iran, mais que l'Ukraine était le principal sujet abordé.<div class="small-12 column te
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بيونغيانغ تهدم مركز لم الشمل بين الكوريتين.. ضربة جديدة لآمال المصالحة
International • 6:31 AM
2 min
أعلنت حكومة كوريا الجنوبية، يوم الخميس، أن كوريا الشمالية أقدمت على هدم مبنى كان مخصصا لاستضافة لقاءات العائلات التي فرقها الصراع خلال الحرب الكورية (1950-1953)، في خطوة جديدة ضمن جهودها لإزالة أي رموز للتعاون مع سيول.<div class="small-12 column text-cent
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Ρουμανία: Δραματική μείωση των γεννήσεων- Κλείνουν σχολεία και παιδικοί σταθμοί
• 6:27 AM
1 min
Η Ρουμανία κατέγραψε 480.000 γεννήσεις το 1930 σε σύγκριση με 150.000 το 2024.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/02/13/romania-low-birthrate?utm_source=test_mrss&utm_campaign=feeds_world_video-no
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BM: Bangladeş'te 2024'teki protestolar sırasında 'sistematik olarak' insan hakları ihlal edildi
• 6:25 AM
3 min
Geçtiğimiz yaz devrik lider Şeyh Hasina'ya karşı düzenlenen protestolarda çoğu ülkenin güvenlik güçleri tarafından olmak üzere 1.400 kadar kişi öldürüldü.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/02/13/
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No habrá paz en Ucrania sin la participación de los europeos, dicen los ministros de Asuntos Exteriores
• 6:24 AM
3 min
Los ministros europeos de Asuntos Exteriores se reunieron el miércoles en París y afirmaron que un acuerdo de paz en Ucrania requeriría la implicación de Kiev y sus aliados europeos.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https:/
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Trump dice que él y Putin han acordado iniciar conversaciones para poner fin a la guerra
• 6:16 AM
3 min
El portavoz del Kremlin, Dmitri Peskov, dijo que la conversación entre Trump y Putin abarcó una buena cantidad de temas, incluidos Oriente Medio e Irán, pero que Ucrania fue el foco principal.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a hre
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Guerra in Ucraina, ministri esteri Ue: i negoziati per la pace devono coinvolgere l'Europa
• 6:02 AM
3 min
Alcuni dei ministri degli Esteri europei si sono riuniti a Parigi rivendicando un posto al tavolo di eventuali negoziati sulla pace in Ucraina. Donald Trump ha parlato di avvio immediato di colloqui dopo avere parlato mercoledì con Putin e Zelensky. Bene
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احتدام الجدل في فرنسا حول ملف الهجرة وحق منح الجنسية بالولادة
Europe • 6:00 AM
2 min
اقترح رئيس الوزراء الفرنسي فرانسوا بايرو في 7 شباط/ فبراير إجراء نقاش حول الهوية الفرنسية. وكان التوتر على أشده في الجمعية الوطنية قبل ذلك بيوم، عندما تم التصويت على تقييد الحق في الحصول على الجنسية الفرنسية في جزيرة مايوت. فكيف يؤثر هذا الملف على مجريات
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"Wir bringen Hygge nach Hollywood": Dänen wollen jetzt Kalifornien kaufen
• 6:00 AM
4 min
Die Äußerungen des US-Präsidenten Donald Trump über den Erwerb Grönlands sind auf Befremden, Empörung und nun auch auf Humor gestoßen.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://de.euronews.com/2025/02/13/wir-bringen-hygge-na
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Could a carbon credit-backed digital currency help us fight climate change?
Business • 6:00 AM
11 min
Toco believes its novel monetary system is a solution for the climate crisis that doesn’t compromise economic growth, but sceptics question whether a lack of oversight will undermine its impact.
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Le notizie del giorno | 13 febbraio - Mattino
• 6:00 AM
1 min
Segui l'attualità dall'Europa e dal mondo. Ricevi le ultime notizie su economia, spettacolo, politica, cultura, viaggi.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/2025/02/13/le-notizie-del-giorno-13-febbraio-m
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L’info du jour | 13 février - Matin
World • 6:00 AM
1 min
Suivez les derniers développements de l'actualité en Europe et dans le monde. Retrouvez les dernières infos sur la politique, l'économie, la culture et le divertissement.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews
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Latest news bulletin | February 13th – Morning
• 6:00 AM
1 min
Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news, World, Business, Entertainment, Politics, Culture, Travel.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/
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Новости дня | 13 февраля — утренний выпуск
• 6:00 AM
1 min
Узнавайте о самых важных событиях в Европе и за ее пределами - последние новости, срочные новости, мир, бизнес, развлечения, политика, культура, путешествия<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/2025/02/1
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Nachrichten des Tages | 13. Februar - Morgenausgabe
• 6:00 AM
1 min
Informieren Sie sich über das aktuelle Geschehen in Europa und der Welt - Politik, Wirtschaft, Unterhaltung, Kultur und Reisen.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://de.euronews.com/2025/02/13/nachrichten-des-tages-13-fe
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Hawaii'deki Kilauea Yanardağı etkileyici bir gösteri sunuyor
• 5:55 AM
1 min
Kilauea Yanardağı 100 metre havaya lav püskürterek Hawaii'nin Büyük Adası'nda muhteşem bir gösteri sundu.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/02/13/hawaiideki-kilauea-yanardagi-etkileyici-bir-goste
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Dışişleri Bakanları, Avrupalıların katılımı olmadan Ukrayna'da barış olamayacağını belirtti
• 5:48 AM
3 min
Paris'te bir araya gelen Avrupalı dışişleri bakanları, Ukrayna üzerine varılacak bir barış anlaşmasının Kiev ve Avrupalı müttefiklerinin katılımını gerektireceğini vurguladı.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euro
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Les camions avec de l'aide humanitaire pillés lors du passage de frontière à Rafah
World • 5:32 AM
2 min
Une vidéo de l'Associated Press montre des habitants de Gaza courant vers des camions d'aide en mouvement et s'emparant de sacs de fournitures.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/2025/02/13/les-camions
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El Ozempic no muestra beneficios en pacientes con Párkinson
• 5:31 AM
3 min
Se están explorando medicamentos GLP-1 como posibles tratamientos para una variedad de afecciones.
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Brüksel'deki NATO toplantısı öncesinde Trump'ın politikaları protesto edildi
• 5:29 AM
2 min
Protesto, ABD Savunma Bakanı Pete Hegseth'in Brüksel'de Ukrayna Savunma Temas Grubu'nda yaptığı konuşmanın hemen ardından gerçekleşti.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/13/brukseldek
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مكتب التحقيقات الفيدرالي يكشف عن 2,400 وثيقة جديدة بشأن ظروف اغتيال الرئيس كينيدي
International • 5:01 AM
1 min
في خطوة قد تعيد تشكيل الروايات التاريخية، كشفت مكتب التحقيقات الفيدرالي (FBI) عن العثور على 2,400 وثيقة جديدة تتعلق باغتيال الرئيس الأمريكي الراحل جون كينيدي.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://arabic.euronews.com/202
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EU plant weniger Verwaltungsaufwand für Unternehmen
• 5:01 AM
3 min
Brüssel will den Verwaltungsaufwand für Unternehmen vereinfachen und reduzieren, um die europäische Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu verbessern.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://de.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/13/eu-plant-
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El Gremio de Autores de EE.UU. crea un portal para certificar libros de "intelecto humano" y no de IA
• 5:01 AM
4 min
¿Cómo puede saber el origen de lo que está leyendo? El portal online Human Authored utiliza un logotipo especialmente diseñado en las portadas de los libros y en el material promocional de los mismos para garantizar que la obra procede del "intelecto huma
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La plupart des habitants de la planète respirent un air insalubre (OMS)
World • 4:26 AM
2 min
Bien que la qualité de l'air varie considérablement dans le monde, environ 99 % de la population mondiale est exposée à un moment ou à un autre à un air qui ne répond pas aux normes strictes établies par l'Organisation mondiale de la santé, a rapporté l'a
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Las autoridades sanitarias exigen medidas "urgentes" ante los nuevos máximos de algunas ETS en Europa
• 3:01 AM
4 min
Los casos de sífilis y gonococia se dispararon en 2023, con notables aumentos entre los jóvenes, según las autoridades sanitarias.
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Talks to end war in Ukraine start now, Trump says after Putin call
• 2:30 AM
3 min
US President Donald Trump announced that he and Vladimir Putin agreed to negotiate ending Russia's war in Ukraine, following a surprise prisoner swap.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/02/13/tru
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Spagna: iniziativa per recuperare le foto dopo l'alluvione del 2024
• 2:01 AM
1 min
Passaparola a Valencia per cercare di salvare il maggior numero di fotografie possibili, dopo la disastrosa alluvione del 29 ottobre scorso<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/2025/02/13/spagna-iniziati
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Camion di aiuti per Gaza attraversano il confine a Rafah
• 12:00 AM
2 min
La situazione è in miglioramento, ma gli operatori umanitari avvertono che una ripresa delle ostilità potrebbe riportare fame e malattie fra i gazawi<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/2025/02/13/camio
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No peace in Ukraine without participation of Europeans, say foreign ministers
• 11:57 PM
2 min
European foreign ministers met in Paris on Wednesday, saying a peace deal in Ukraine would require the involvement of Kyiv and its European allies. The meeting came as US President Donald Trump said he had agreed to immediate peace talks with Russian Pres
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NO COMMENT: En Bangladesh, un grupo de manifestantes destroza la casa de la ex primera ministra
• 10:59 PM
1 min
El atentado tuvo lugar tras discurso que Hasina tenía previsto pronunciar ante sus partidarios de la vecina India, adonde huyó el año pasado durante una revuelta estudiantil mortífera contra el régimen que gobernó durante 15 años.<div class="small-12 colu
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Romanya'da son 100 yılın en düşük doğum oranı kaydedildi
• 10:38 PM
1 min
AB'de 1960 yılından bu yana doğan çocuk sayısı düşüş eğiliminde. Romanya, 2024'te son 100 yılın en düşük doğum oranını kaydetti.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/02/12/romanyada-son-100-yilin-en
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شح المساعدات يدفع سكان غزة للركض وراء شاحنات الإغاثة علّهم يظفرون ببعض الغذاء والدواء
International • 10:37 PM
1 min
شح المساعدات يدفع سكان غزة للركض وراء شاحنات الإغاثة علّهم يظفرون ببعض الغذاء والدواء<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://arabic.euronews.com/2025/02/12/scarcity-of-aid-leaves-gazans-scrambling-for-food-and-medicine-on
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حمم تكاد تطال السماء.. مشهد مذهل لثوران بركان كيلاويا في هاواي
International • 10:01 PM
1 min
في مشهد مذهل خطّته أنامل الطبيعة، شهد الثلاثاء بركان كيلاوا الواقع في جزيرة هاواي الكبرى نشاطا نجم عنه تدفق حمم بلغ ارتفاعها 100 متر في السماء لكن من دون أن تهدد المنازل المجاورة للبركان.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="ht
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Beyaz Saray, AP muhabirini 'Amerika Körfezi' tutumu nedeniyle akredite etmedi
• 9:48 PM
3 min
Donald Trump geçtiğimiz ay Meksika Körfezi'nin adını 'Amerika Körfezi' olarak değiştiren bir kararname imzaladı. ABD menşeli haber ajansı Associated Press (AP) şu ana kadar Trump'ın değişikliğini kabul etmekle birlikte orijinal ismi kullanmaya devam etti.
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Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival: A tradition of hope and blessings in Taiwan
• 9:43 PM
1 min
The Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival in Taiwan, held on the 15th day of the Lunar New Year, draws thousands of visitors and locals to release paper lanterns carrying wishes for good fortune.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="http
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أمريكيون يتظاهرون ضد ترامب في بروكسل عشية اجتماع حلف الناتو في العاصمة البلجيكية
Europe • 9:31 PM
1 min
وقد جرت المظاهرة على هامش كلمة وزير الدفاع الأمريكي بيت هيغسيث في مجموعة الاتصال المعنية بالدفاع عن أوكرانيا في بروكسل.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://arabic.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/12/anti-trump-protest-in
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Romania registers lowest natality rate in last 100 years
• 9:23 PM
1 min
There has been a downward trend since 1960 in the number of children born in the EU. In 2024, Romania recorded its lowest natality rate in the last 100 years.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/0
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