What are the most imported and exported products between China and the EU?

In 2024, the EU exported goods worth €213.3 billion to China and imported €517.8 billion.
This led to a trade deficit of €304.5 billion, according to the latest Eurostat figures.
The only EU countries toreport trade surpluses with China were Ireland and Luxembourg.
The other 25 EU countries experienced trade deficits, with the Netherlands facing the largest deficit at €85 billion.
China remained the EU’s largest trade partner for imports, accounting for 21.3% of the total, followed by the United States at 13.7% and the United Kingdom at 6.8%.
China was the EU's third-largest export partner, after the United States (20.6%) and the United Kingdom (13.2%).
Compared to 2023, both imports and exports decreased in 2024, dropping by 0.5% and 4.5%, respectively.
Between 2014 and 2024, imports from China increased by 101.9%, while exports grew by 47.0%.
The three largest importers from China in the EU were the Netherlands (€109 billion), Germany (€96 billion) and Italy (€50 million).
Meanwhile, the three largest exporters to China in the EU were Germany (€90 billion), France (€24 billion) and the Netherlands (€24 billion).
EU exports of manufactured goods (88%) had a much higher share than primary goods (11%).
The most exported manufactured goods were machinery and vehicles (51%), followed by other manufactured goods (20%) and chemicals (17%).
Similarly, in 2024, EU imports of manufactured goods represented 97% of total imports, with primary goods making up just 2%.
The most imported products from China were electrical machinery, appliances and electrical parts, telecommunications and audio equipment, and office machines and data-processing machines.
These three categories accounted for nearly 40% of all imports from China.