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Morte de um provocador: lendário fotógrafo italiano Oliviero Toscani morre aos 82 anos
• 1:19 PM
8 min
Numa carreira de sessenta anos, Oliviero Toscani trabalhou em todo o mundo e para todas as revistas mais importantes. São famosos os seus retratos e campanhas publicitárias cheias de cor e de provocação sobre temas da atualidade, do ambiente aos migrantes
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Erdoğan: Yeni evlenecek gençlere 150.000 TL faizsiz kredi verilecek
• 1:16 PM
4 min
"Aile Yılı" kapsamında düzenlenen tanıtım programında konuşan Erdoğan, tek seferlik doğum yardımı tutarının 5000 TL'ye yükseltileceğini, ikinci çocuk için ise 1500 TL, üçüncü ve sonraki çocuklar için de 5000 TL yardım verileceğini aktardı.
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Le parti d'extrême droite et les conservateurs autrichiens parviennent à un accord sur le budget
Europe • 1:15 PM
3 min
Le leader de l'extrême droite, Herbert Kickl, et ses futurs partenaires de coalition ont déclaré ce lundi qu'ils étaient parvenus à un accord pour réduire le déficit budgétaire, un premier pas important vers ce qui serait le premier gouvernement de l'aprè
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'Alekos Fassianos: Bizans’a Yelken Açmak' sergisi Zeyrek Çinili Hamam’da
• 1:13 PM
3 min
Gördüğü yoğun ilgi üzerine 22 Şubat 2025’e kadar uzaltılan 'Bizans’a Yelken Açmak' sergisi, Yunan sanatçı Alekos Fassianos’un (1935-2022) eserleriyle İstanbul’un kalbinde eşsiz bir sanat deneyimi sunmaya kısa bir süre daha devam edecek.
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Switzerland and Serbia both offer to host Putin-Trump meeting
• 1:09 PM
5 min
The offers from Bern and Belgrade come as US President-elect Donald Trump seeks to convince Russian President Vladimir Putin to end his war in Ukraine.
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Suriye'de İsrail işgali, Şam'ın 20 kilometre yakınına kadar genişledi
• 1:07 PM
3 min
İsrail güçleri Suriye'deki ilerleyişini sürdürüyor.
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israël - Hamas : combats à Gaza et espoirs d'un cessez-le-feu
World • 1:05 PM
2 min
Des négociations indirectes entre Israël et le Hamas ont lieu au Qatar, des officiels se disent optimistes.
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Biden apela a cessar-fogo em Gaza antes da tomada de posse de Trump
• 1:05 PM
3 min
Desde o início da guerra, mais de 46.000 pessoas foram mortas e mais de 110.000 ficaram feridas em Gaza, de acordo com o Ministério da Saúde local.
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China registra un auge de las ventas de vehículos eléctricos, mientras los coches de gasolina se hunden
• 1:01 PM
3 min
Los híbridos enchufables experimentaron el crecimiento más rápido en 2024, atrayendo a una segunda generación de compradores de vehículos eléctricos que están nerviosos por la compra de modelos puros o buscan la mayor autonomía que pueden proporcionar los
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Αυστρία: Ακροδεξιοί και συντηρητικοί κατέληξαν σε συμφωνία για τον προϋπολογισμό
• 1:00 PM
1 min
Είναι ένα σημαντικό πρώτο βήμα προς την πρώτη κυβέρνηση της χώρας μετά τον Β' Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο υπό την ηγεσία της ακροδεξιάς
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Πούτιν - Τραμπ: «Εν αναμονή τηλεφωνικής συνομιλίας» για την Ουκρανία
• 11:59 AM
1 min
Οι δηλώσεις του Μάικ Γουόλτς, ο οποίος θα είναι ο νέος σύμβουλος εθνικής ασφαλείας του Λευκού Οίκου - Τι απάντησε το Κρεμλίνο
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ΟΗΕ: Νέα έκκληση για την προστασία των παιδιών στη Λωρίδα της Γάζας
• 11:59 AM
1 min
Ο συντονιστής ανθρωπιστικής βοήθειας του ΟΗΕ για τα Κατεχόμενα Παλαιστινιακά Εδάφη την Κυριακή ζήτησε να τερματιστεί ο πόλεμος στη Γάζα για να διασφαλιστεί ένα καλύτερο μέλλον για τα παιδιά εκεί και σε ολόκληρη την περιοχή
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In India inizia il Maha Kumbh Mela, il più grande evento spirituale del mondo
• 11:57 AM
12 min
Il Maha Kumbh Mela è iniziato ufficialmente in India. Nella città santa di Prayagraj sono attese 400 milioni di persone nei prossimi 45 giorni
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Τουρκία: Χειροπέδες στον δήμαρχο του Μπεσίκτας, Ρίζα Ακπολάτ
• 11:55 AM
1 min
Το Ρεπουμπλικανικό Λαϊκό Κόμμα, το κύριο κόμμα της αντιπολίτευσης στην Τουρκία, καταδίκασε τη σύλληψη ως πολιτικά υποκινούμενη
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Istanbul: arrestato sindaco di Besiktas per gare d'appalto truccate, "motivazioni politiche"
• 11:54 AM
3 min
Il Partito popolare repubblicano, il principale partito di opposizione della Turchia, ha condannato l'arresto di Akpolat come politicamente motivato e il sindaco di Istanbul Ekrem İmamoğlu lo ha definito un tentativo di influenzare l'opinione pubblica
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La posta in gioco nelle prossime elezioni presidenziali in Polonia
• 11:52 AM
8 min
Il voto di maggio determinerà in larga misura se il governo di coalizione del primo ministro Donald Tusk riuscirà ad attuare il suo programma elettorale senza subire i veti presidenziali
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Österreichische Rechtsaußenpartei und Konservative erzielen Haushaltsvereinbarung
• 11:49 AM
2 min
FPÖs Herbert Kickl und seine künftigen Koalitionspartner erklärten am Montag, dass sie sich auf eine Senkung des Haushaltsdefizits geeinigt hätten. Dies sei ein wichtiger erster Schritt auf dem Weg zur ersten extrem rechts geführten Regierung des Landes n
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Фейки о нападении в Магдебурге продолжают распространяться в преддверии выборов в Германии
• 11:44 AM
4 min
Некоторых политиков и пользователей социальных сетей обвинили в том, что они используют этот инцидент в политических целях.
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Worum geht es bei den bevorstehenden Präsidentschaftswahlen in Polen?
• 11:44 AM
8 min
Das Votum im Mai wird in hohem Maße darüber entscheiden, ob die Koalitionsregierung von Ministerpräsident Donald Tusk ihre Agenda umsetzen kann.
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Austrian far-right party and conservatives reach budget agreement
Europe • 11:42 AM
2 min
Austrian far-right leader Herbert Kickl and his prospective coalition partners said on Monday that they have reached an agreement to bring down the budget deficit, an important first step toward what would be the country's first post-World War II governme
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El juego del calamar... mediterráneo: el edificio de Calpe que es igual al de la serie de Netflix
• 11:41 AM
10 min
Diseñado en los años 70 por el visionario arquitecto Ricardo Bofill, este edificio no solo es un sueño para arquitectos y fotógrafos, sino también un imán para fanáticos de la serie.
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Presidente de município em Istambul detido em investigação sobre fraude em concursos
• 11:40 AM
3 min
O Partido Republicano do Povo, o principal partido da oposição turca, condenou a detenção por motivos políticos, tendo o presidente da Câmara de Istambul, Ekrem İmamoğlu, considerado que se tratou de uma tentativa de influenciar a opinião pública.
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Maha Kumbh Mela: The world’s largest religious gathering begins in India
Culture • 11:39 AM
12 min
The Maha Kumbh Mela has officially started in India, drawing millions of devotees to the holy city of Prayagraj for a 45-day festival of spiritual significance and extraordinary scale.
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Beşiktaş Belediye Başkanı Rıza Akpolat Balıkesir'de gözaltına alındı
• 11:39 AM
5 min
CHP İstanbul İl Başkanı Özgür Çelik, başlatılan soruşturma kapsamında Beşiktaş Belediyesi'nde arama yapıldığını belirtti.
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Viral petition calls for Gisèle Pelicot to be awarded Nobel Peace Prize
• 11:38 AM
3 min
Gisèle Pelicot, a survivor of sexual abuse, is hailed as a national icon in France for her bravery in court.
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Βέλγιο: Παρέλυσαν αεροδρόμια και σιδηροδρομικοί σταθμοί λόγω απεργίας
• 11:31 AM
1 min
Μεταρρύθμιση του συνταξιοδοτικού σχεδιάζει η κυβέρνηση
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Utilizadores do metro de Londres põem as pernas a descoberto para o Passeio Oficial Sem Calças
• 11:30 AM
10 min
Não se trata de uma nova tradição e o único objetivo é o capricho. Aqui está tudo o que precisa de saber sobre o evento oficial "No Trousers Tube Ride".
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Istanbuls Bürgermeister inhaftiert wegen "Angebotsmanipulationen"
• 11:26 AM
3 min
Die Republikanische Volkspartei, die wichtigste Oppositionspartei der Türkei, verurteilte die Verhaftung als politisch motiviert, und der Istanbuler Bürgermeister Ekrem İmamoğlu bezeichnete sie als Versuch, die öffentliche Meinung zu beeinflussen.
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Πολωνία: Το διακύβευμα των προεδρικών εκλογών
• 11:26 AM
3 min
Οι κάλπες του Μαΐου θα καθορίσουν, σε μεγάλο βαθμό, αν η κυβέρνηση συνασπισμού του πρωθυπουργού Ντόναλντ Τουσκ θα μπορέσει να εφαρμόσει την ατζέντα της
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Σουηδικά πολεμικά στις περιπολίες του ΝΑΤΟ στη Βαλτική μετά τα «σαμποτάζ»
• 11:24 AM
4 min
Ο πρωθυπουργός της Σουηδίας δήλωσε σε ετήσια διάσκεψη για την ασφάλεια την Κυριακή ότι η Σουηδία «δεν βρίσκεται σε πόλεμο, αλλά δεν υπάρχει και ειρήνη»
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MİT, Reyhanlı saldırısının faillerinden Muhammed Dib Koralı'yı Suriye'de yakaladı
• 11:22 AM
1 min
Kamuoyunda 'Reyhanlı terör saldırısı' olarak bilinen eylemde, toplam 53 kişi hayatını kaybetmiş, çok sayıda kişi de yaralanmıştı.
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FireAid: anunciado concerto de beneficência para vítimas dos incêndios florestais de Los Angeles
• 11:22 AM
6 min
Descrita como uma "noite de música e solidariedade", a iniciativa FireAid realizar-se-á no final deste mês. A Disney, bem como organizações desportivas de Los Angeles, também prometeram disponibilizar dinheiro e começaram a angariar fundos para as vítimas
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Istanbul's municipal mayor detained amid bid-rigging probe
Europe • 11:15 AM
3 min
The Republican People’s Party, Turkey’s main opposition party, condemned the arrest as politically motivated, with Istanbul Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu calling it an attempt to sway public opinion.
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Επέλαση του χιονιά σε βόρεια και κεντρική Ελλάδα - Σε ποιες περιοχές παρουσιάζονται προβλήματα
• 11:11 AM
1 min
Πώς θα εξελιχθεί η κακοκαιρία
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FireAid: Los Angeles orman yangını mağdurları için yardım konseri duyuruldu
• 11:09 AM
4 min
'Müzik ve dayanışma gecesi' olarak tanımlanan FireAid bu ayın sonunda gerçekleştirilecek.
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O que está em jogo nas próximas eleições presidenciais na Polónia?
• 11:08 AM
9 min
A votação determinará, em grande medida, se o governo de coligação do primeiro-ministro Donald Tusk conseguirá implementar a sua agenda.
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Ιράν: Παρέλαβε 1.000 νέα «στρατηγικά» ντρόουν με ικανότητα να χτυπάνε μακρινούς στόχους
• 11:05 AM
1 min
Τα νέα ντρόουν «όχι μόνο αυξάνουν το βάθος της αναγνώρισης και της παρακολούθησης των συνόρων, αλλά και ενισχύουν τη μαχητική ικανότητα του στρατού στην αντιμετώπιση μακρινών στόχων»,
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Soldados norte-coreanos na Ucrânia não mostram intenção de desertar para a Coreia do Sul, afirma Seoul
• 11:01 AM
4 min
Presidente ucraniano sugeriu a devolução dos soldados à Coreia do Norte em troca de prisioneiros ucranianos detidos pela Rússia.
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الفائض التجاري للصين يقارب تريليون دولار وصادراتها تجاوزت وارداتها في العام 2024
Business • 11:01 AM
3 min
تجاوزت صادرات الصين في ديسمبر التوقعات مسجلة ارتفاعًا بنسبة 10.7% عن السنة الماضية، حيث حاولت مصانع بكين زيادة إنتاجها تحسبًا لتنفيذ الرئيس الأمريكي المنتخب دونالد ترامب تهديداته بزيادة الرسوم الجمركية حال توليه المنصب.
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Nachrichten des Tages | 13. Januar - Mittagsausgabe
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Informieren Sie sich über das aktuelle Geschehen in Europa und der Welt - Politik, Wirtschaft, Unterhaltung, Kultur und Reisen.
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Новости дня | 13 января — дневной выпуск
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Узнавайте о самых важных событиях в Европе и за ее пределами - последние новости, срочные новости, мир, бизнес, развлечения, политика, культура, путешествия
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Latest news bulletin | January 13th – Midday
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news, World, Business, Entertainment, Politics, Culture, Travel.
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Le notizie del giorno | 13 gennaio - Pomeridiane
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Segui l'attualità dall'Europa e dal mondo. Ricevi le ultime notizie su economia, spettacolo, politica, cultura, viaggi.
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L’info du jour | 13 janvier - Mi-journée
World • 11:00 AM
1 min
Suivez les derniers développements de l'actualité en Europe et dans le monde. Retrouvez les dernières infos sur la politique, l'économie, la culture et le divertissement.
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الإمارات تستأنف نشاطها الدبلوماسي في لبنان وتعيد فتح سفارتها بعد انقطاع دام ثلاث سنوات
International • 11:00 AM
2 min
وصل وفد إماراتي رفيع المستوى إلى لبنان يوم الاثنين للتحضير لإعادة فتح سفارة دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة في بيروت بعد إغلاق دام أكثر من ثلاث سنوات، وفق ما أفادت وكالة الأنباء الإماراتية (وام).
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Greve nacional causa caos na Bélgica devido ao cancelamento de voos e ligações de comboio
• 10:57 AM
6 min
Num aeroporto de Bruxelas, todas as partidas a partir do meio-dia foram canceladas porque "a segurança já não pode ser garantida".
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Kahkaha Müzesi Uluslararası Kahkaha Gününde Zagreb'de açıldı
• 10:56 AM
2 min
'HaHaHouse' tamamen ziyaretçilerini güldürmeye adanmış dünyadaki ilk müze.
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Ölleck in Krasnodar: Russische Einsatzkräfte treffen ein
• 10:56 AM
6 min
Die Straße von Kertsch ist eine wichtige globale Schifffahrtsroute, die eine Verbindung zwischen dem Asowschen Meer und dem Schwarzen Meer herstellt. Sie war ein zentraler Punkt im Konflikt zwischen Russland und der Ukraine, nachdem Moskau die Halbinsel 2
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Иран пополнил свой арсенал стратегических беспилотников
• 10:56 AM
1 min
Иранские военные получили в свое распоряжение тысячу новых стратегических беспилотников, "оснащенных самыми современными технологиями", сообщило государственное информагентство Ирана.
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China sees a boom in EV sales while petrol-filled cars tank
Business • 10:55 AM
2 min
Plug-in hybrids saw the most rapid growth in 2024, attracting a second generation of electric vehicle buyers who are nervous about buying pure EVs or looking for the more extended range that hybrids can provide.
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Λος Άντζελες: Συναυλία για τα θύματα των πυρκαγιών - Φήμες πως θα τραγουδήσουν «τεράστια» ονόματα
• 10:55 AM
3 min
Το FireAid προγραμματίζεται για τις 30 Ιανουαρίου
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Téhéran ajoute 1 000 drones stratégiques à son arsenal dans un contexte de tensions avec les États-Unis et Israël
World • 10:54 AM
2 min
Les drones seraient dotés de capacités de furtivité et de lutte contre la fortification.
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Seoul: Nordkoreanische Soldaten in der Ukraine wollen nicht nach Südkorea überlaufen
• 10:52 AM
4 min
Unterdessen hat der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj vorgeschlagen, die Soldaten im Austausch gegen ukrainische Gefangene, die von Russland festgehalten werden, an Nordkorea zurückzugeben.
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Polish PiS party selects historian Karol Nawrocki as presidential pick
Europe • 10:49 AM
5 min
The decision caps a weekend during which the country's two largest parties announced their candidates for an election that will decide the successor to incumbent President Andrzej Duda, whose second and final term ends in August 2025.
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European glass fibre producers target Egypt-based Chinese makers in trade complaint
Europe • 10:46 AM
3 min
European glass fibre producers lodge an anti-dumping complaint calling on the Commission to apply anti-dumping duties on production passing through the Belt and Road Initiative.
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Tahran, ABD ve İsrail ile yaşanan gerilimin ortasında cephaneliğine 1.000 stratejik insansız hava aracı ekledi
• 10:40 AM
2 min
İnsansız hava araçlarının (İHA) gizlilik ve tahkimat karşıtı yeteneklere sahip olduğu belirtiliyor.
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Irão acrescenta "1.000 drones estratégicos" à sua frota
• 10:39 AM
1 min
O anúncio, que ocorre num clima de tensão do país com Israel e com os Estados Unidos, foi feito pela televisão estatal.
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Londra'da her yıl düzenlenen 'pantolonsuz metro' yolculuğu gerçekleştirildi
• 10:37 AM
11 min
Bu yeni bir gelenek değil ve tek amaç tuhaflık. İşte Resmi Pantolonsuz Metro Yolculuğu etkinliği hakkında bilmeniz gereken her şey.
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Equipa russa chega a Krasnodar para responder ao derrame de petróleo no Estreito de Kerch
• 10:35 AM
6 min
O Estreito de Kerch é uma importante rota marítima mundial, que permite a passagem do interior do Mar de Azov para o Mar Negro, e tem sido um ponto-chave do conflito entre a Rússia e a Ucrânia depois de Moscovo ter anexado a península em 2014.
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What’s at stake in Poland’s upcoming presidential elections?
Europe • 10:34 AM
8 min
May's vote will, to a large extent, determine whether Prime Minister Donald Tusk's coalition government can implement its agenda.
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Пленные солдаты КНДР в Украине не стремятся перебежать в Южную Корею - Сеул
• 10:33 AM
1 min
Взятые Украиной в плен северокорейские солдаты не проявляют намерения переходить на сторону Южной Кореи. Зеленский предложил вернуть их Пхеньяну в обмен на украинских пленных, удерживаемых Россией
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Ουκρανία: Οι αιχμάλωτοι Βορειοκορεάτες δεν δείχνουν πρόθεση να αυτομολήσουν στη Νότια Κορέα
• 10:31 AM
1 min
Ο Ουκρανός πρόεδρος Ζελένσκι πρότεινε την ανταλλαγή τους με Ουκρανούς κρατούμενους που κρατούνται από τη Ρωσία
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HaHaHouse открылся в Загребе в Международный день смеха
• 10:31 AM
1 min
HaHaHouse - первый в мире музей, посвящённый тому, чтобы заставить посетителей смеяться. Он открыл свои двери 10 января, в Международный день смеха.
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Selon Séoul, les soldats de Pyongyang capturés en Ukraine ne cherchent pas à passer en Corée du Sud
Europe • 10:24 AM
7 min
Le président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky a proposé de rendre les soldats à la Corée du Nord en échange de prisonniers ukrainiens détenus par la Russie.
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Los Angeles'taki orman yangınlarında 24 kişi öldü, binlerce kişi evsiz kaldı
• 10:23 AM
3 min
İtfaiyeciler, Los Angeles'ta binlerce evi kül eden ve 24 kişinin ölümüne neden olan orman yangınlarıyla mücadele ediyor. Yetkililer ölü sayısının artabileceği konusunda uyarıyor.
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Guerra in Ucraina, secondo Seul i soldati di Pyongyang catturati non diserteranno
• 10:22 AM
3 min
L'agenzia di spionaggio della Corea del Sud conferma che i soldati nordcoreani catturati in Ucraina non hanno intenzione di disertare. Intanto il presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky ha proposto di restituire i soldati alla Corea del Nord in cambio di pr
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Addio a Oliviero Toscani: dalle foto più iconiche per Benetton alla malattia
• 10:21 AM
15 min
In sessant'anni di carriera Oliviero Toscani ha lavorato in ogni luogo del mondo e per tutte le riviste più importanti. Celebri i suoi ritratti e le campagne pubblicitarie piene di colore e di provocazioni sull'attualità, dall'ambiente ai migranti fino al
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L'Iran aggiunge mille "droni strategici" al suo arsenale militare
• 10:20 AM
2 min
A Teheran cresce la preoccupazione per un possibile attacco d'Israele ai suoi siti nucleari
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Rusya, Ukrayna'nın TürkAkım doğal gaz hattına saldırı girişiminde bulunduğunu açıkladı
• 10:19 AM
2 min
Saldırının amacının, Rus gazının Avrupa ülkelerine sevkiyatını durdurmak olduğu iddia edildi.
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Muere Oliviero Toscani, el fotógrafo inconformista que llevaba dos años enfermo
• 10:16 AM
11 min
En sus sesenta años de carrera, Toscani ha trabajado en todo el mundo y para todas las revistas más importantes. Miles de retratos, millones de imágenes, incluyendo temas de actualidad, desde el medio ambiente hasta los migrantes, el racismo y los persona
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Tehran adds 1,000 strategic drones to its arsenal amid tensions with US and Israel
• 10:09 AM
2 min
The drones are said to have stealth and anti-fortification capabilities.
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Sabotages en mer Baltique : la Suède va fournir des navires à l'OTAN pour ses patrouilles
Europe • 10:04 AM
8 min
Le Premier ministre Ulf Kristersson a déclaré dimanche, lors d'une conférence annuelle sur la sécurité, que la Suède n'était pas en guerre, mais qu'il n'y avait pas non plus de paix, a rapporté l'agence de presse TT.
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Caos en Bélgica por la cancelación de vuelos y trenes debido a una huelga nacional
• 10:03 AM
5 min
Los tres sindicatos más grandes de Bélgica confirmaron hoy el inicio de una huelga general de 24 horas contra el recorte de tres mil millones de euros a las pensiones y prestaciones sociales.
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السويد تخصص ثلاث سفن حربية وطائرة في بحر البلطيق لمساعدة "الناتو" في مهمته
Europe • 10:00 AM
4 min
أعلنت الحكومة السويدية عن مساهمتها بثلاث سفن حربية ضمن جهود حلف شمال الأطلسي (الناتو) لتعزيز وجوده في بحر البلطيق، وذلك في إطار حماية البنية التحتية تحت سطح البحر من أعمال "التخريب المحتملة".
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Les incendies de Los Angeles font 24 morts et des milliers de sans-abri
World • 9:51 AM
2 min
Les pompiers luttent contre les incendies de Los Angeles qui ont détruit des milliers d'habitations et tué 24 personnes. Les autorités préviennent que le bilan pourrait s'alourdir.
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North Korean soldiers in Ukraine show no intent to defect to South Korea, Seoul says
Europe • 9:50 AM
3 min
Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has suggested returning the soldiers to North Korea in exchange for Ukrainian prisoners held by Russia.
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Verkehrschaos in Belgien: Flüge und Züge fallen wegen eines landesweiten Streiks aus
• 9:40 AM
5 min
Auf einem Brüsseler Flughafen werden nach dem Mittag alle Abflüge gestrichen, da "die Sicherheit nicht mehr gewährleistet werden kann".
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Belgio, trasporti nel caos per sciopero nazionale contro riforma pensioni: voli e treni cancellati
• 9:38 AM
4 min
A causa dello sciopero nazionale per la riforma del sistema pensionistico i trasporti in Belgio registrano forti disagi, con l'aeroporto di Bruxelles Sud Charleroi che ha cancellato tutti i voli previsti per la giornata e l'aeroporto internazionale che ne
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La Polonia ha negato il suo spazio aereo ai parlamentari slovacchi diretti a Mosca
• 9:37 AM
2 min
Una delegazione parlamentare slovacca si trova nella capitale russa per discutere delle forniture di gas. Il suo viaggio è stato ostacolato da un incidente diplomatico, con la Polonia che avrebbe negato lo spazio aereo ai rappresentanti slovacchi, costret
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FireAid: Benefit concert announced for LA wildfire victims
Culture • 9:36 AM
5 min
Described as an “evening of music and solidarity", FireAid will take place later this month. Disney and LA sports organisations have also pledged money and started raising funds for the victims of the LA wildfires.
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Travel chaos in Belgium as flights and trains cancelled due to nationwide strike
• 9:28 AM
5 min
At one Brussels airport, all departures are cancelled after midday as "security can no longer be guaranteed"
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Tempête Dikeledi : des trombes d’eau sur Mayotte, encore meurtrie après Chido
Europe • 9:22 AM
8 min
Le préfet de Mayotte, François Xavier Bieuville, a prolongé l'alerte rouge sur l'archipel jusqu'à lundi soir au moins. Le cyclone Dikeledi, rétrogradé en "tempête tropicale modérée", a provoqué des pluies importantes et des inondations.
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Irán refuerza su flota con 1000 drones estratégicos en medio de tensiones regionales
• 9:21 AM
2 min
Este despliegue ocurre en un contexto de crecientes preocupaciones internacionales por la posibilidad de un ataque contra las instalaciones nucleares iraníes.
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Serbie : mobilisation étudiante anticorruption contre le pouvoir ne faiblit pas
Europe • 9:09 AM
9 min
Les cours à l'université ont été suspendus pendant des semaines, les étudiants demandant des comptes sur l'effondrement d'un auvent en béton à la gare de Novi Sad en novembre, qui a tué 15 personnes.
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ميلانوفيتش يفوز بولاية ثانية في كرواتيا: "رسالة لمن يريد أن يسمعها"
Europe • 9:00 AM
5 min
حصل الرئيس الكرواتي زوران ميلانوفيتش على ولاية ثانية بعدما أظهرت النتائج الرسمية يوم الأحد فوزه بنسبة 74% من أصوات الناخبين على منافسه دراغان بريموراتش.
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Mindestens 24 Tote und 16 Vermisste bei den Waldbränden in Los Angeles - neue Winde erwartet
• 8:59 AM
2 min
Feuerwehrleute kämpfen gegen die Waldbrände in der Nähe von Los Angeles, die 24 Menschenleben gefordert und Tausende von Häusern zerstört haben. Bei der Suche nach 16 Vermissten könnten weitere Opfer gefunden werden, wenn die Leichenhundestaffeln die verb
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I passeggeri della metropolitana di Londra si mettono in mutande per l'evento "No trousers tube ride"
• 8:57 AM
10 min
Non è una nuova tradizione e l'unico obiettivo è l'estro. Ecco tutto quello che c'è da sapere sull'evento ufficiale No trousers tube ride
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Los Angeles wildfires claim 24 lives and leave thousands homeless
• 8:56 AM
2 min
Firefighters are battling wildfires in Los Angeles that have destroyed thousands of homes and killed 24 people. Officials warn the death toll may rise.
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Движение протеста в Сербии не утихает, студенты обвиняют власти в нарушении их гражданских прав
• 8:37 AM
5 min
Вот уже два с половиной месяца, как сербские студенты выходят на акции протеста, требуя "справедливости" для 15 погибших в результате обрушения крыши на железнодорожном вокзале в северном городе Нови-Сад и наказания виновных в трагедии.
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Número de mortos nos incêndios de Los Angeles sobe para 24
• 8:23 AM
2 min
Meteorologistas alertaram para a possibilidade de condições meteorológicas perigosas com o regresso de ventos fortes esta semana. Há pelo menos 16 pessoas desaparecidas.
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No trousers? No problem: London underground users bare their legs for Official No Trousers Tube Ride
Culture • 8:15 AM
10 min
It's not a new tradition and the only goal is whimsy. Here's everything you need to know about the Official No Trousers Tube Ride event.
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Число погибших в результате пожаров в Калифорнии возросло до 24
• 8:12 AM
1 min
Власти Калифорнии опасаются, что пожары могут перекинуться на густонаселенные районы Лос-Анджелеса из-за усиления ветра.
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ESNS 2025: Award shows, hot new talent and the search for the next big thing
Culture • 8:11 AM
8 min
Ahead of Eurosonic Noorderslag, the huge music expo event that kicks off the year's musical calendar, here's the Euronews Culture guide on what to expect.
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Edmundo González denuncia el secuestro de su yerno cuando llevaba a sus hijos al colegio
• 8:10 AM
5 min
La líder opositora de Venezuela María Corina Machado ha confirmado que acudirá a la manifestación del 9 de enero para reivindicar la victoria de González Urrutia. Por su lado, Maduro ha anunciado la detención de siete "mercenarios" extranjeros que pretend
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Nuclear energy: Is it too costly or essential? | Euronews Tech Talks podcast
Business • 8:09 AM
8 min
Should green advocates support or oppose nuclear energy? The answer to this question and many more on the Euronews Tech Talks nuclear energy debate with Michele Governatori and Myrto Tripathi.
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Nuclear fusion energy: Inside the record-breaking JET project | Euronews Tech Talks podcast
Business • 8:08 AM
8 min
What makes fusion energy so challenging, and why is there so much hype around it? Euronews Tech Talks explored these questions through the JET project.
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إيران تعزز أسطولها الجوي بألف طائرة مسيرة جديدة.. فما هي خصائصها؟
International • 8:00 AM
2 min
ضم الجيش الإيراني، صباح اليوم الإثنين، إلى أسطوله ألف طائرة مسيرة، حسبما ذكرت وكالة أنباء تسنيم شبه الرسمية.
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