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Четвертый случай стрельбы за неделю в Брюсселе. Один человек убит
• 10:34 AM
1 min
Около 15 выстрелов прозвучали в бельгийской столице в ночь на пятницу. Один человек убит. Власти Брюсселя обещают усилить борьбу с бандами, которые занимаются распространением наркотиков.View on euronews
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Mansur Yavaş: Adaylık konusunu bilerek tartıştırdıklarını düşünüyorum
• 10:24 AM
4 min
'Asgari ücretlilere destek programı'nı açıklayan Yavaş, toplam sosyal destek miktarının 12 milyar 293 milyon 861 bin liraya denk geldiğini bildirdi.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/02/07/mansur
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War-ravaged landmarks in Iraq’s Mosul are reopening after UNESCO-led restoration project
Culture • 10:19 AM
13 min
A UNESCO-led project is restoring historic landmarks in Iraq's Mosul, including the Al-Hadbaa Minaret and key churches, after being destroyed by ISIS.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/culture/2025/0
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نائبة الرئيس الفلبيني تستعد لمحاكمة العزل وتلتزم الصمت بشأن الاستقالة
International • 10:18 AM
4 min
أعلنت نائبة الرئيس الفلبيني، سارة دوتيرتي، يوم الجمعة أن محاميها يستعدون لمعركة قانونية في محاكمة العزل التي ستواجهها، لكنها امتنعت عن تأكيد ما إذا كانت الاستقالة خيارًا لتجنب إدانة قد تمنعها من الترشح للرئاسة في المستقبل.<div class="small-12 column text-
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Giappone: lo spettacolo della parete ghiacciata del monte Ontake
• 10:13 AM
1 min
Il freddo estremo di questo inverno ha trasformato i paesaggi naturali nella prefettura di Nagano, in Giappone, in particolari formazioni di ghiaccio, attirando visitatori da tutto il Paese<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="
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Russia and Belarus cheer dismantling of USAID as rights groups voice concerns
• 10:11 AM
6 min
Musk-led cuts to the US foreign aid agency have impacted rights groups, independent media, and election monitoring campaigns in Russia, Belarus and Moldova.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/02
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Trump's sanctions against ICC threaten search for justice in Ukraine, EU warns
Europe • 10:09 AM
5 min
The executive order signed by Donald Trump targets ICC officials who work in investigations related to the US and its allies, such as Israel.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/07/tr
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Após saída dos Estados Unidos, governo húngaro pondera se deve continuar a pertencer à OMS
• 10:06 AM
3 min
De acordo com Gergely Gulyás, do gabinete do primeiro-ministro, a Hungria está agora a considerar a adoção da mesma medida anunciada por Donald Trump há alguns dias.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/
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ما الذي كشفه غالانت عن خطة هجوم البيجر وتداعيات الحرب في غزة؟
International • 10:00 AM
4 min
قال وزير الدفاع الإسرائيلي السابق، يوآف غالانت، في منشور على منصة "إكس"، إن الإعداد للهجوم على حزب الله وإدارة الحرب في قطاع غزة بدأ قبل سنوات من الحرب الأخيرة.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://arabic.euronews.com/2
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Sarah Michelle Gellar confirma o relançamento de "Buffy, caçadora de vampiros"
• 9:57 AM
10 min
Silêncio, nossos corações nerds e amantes dos anos 90...<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/cultura/2025/02/07/sarah-michelle-gellar-confirma-o-relancamento-de-buffy-cacadora-de-vampiros?utm_source=tes
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Brezilya'da yeni yasa ile okullarda akıllı telefon kullanımına kısıtlama getiriliyor
• 9:55 AM
2 min
Bu hafta kabul edilen yeni yasaya göre Brezilyalı öğrenciler, öğretmenleri izin vermediği sürece sınıflarda ve koridorlarda telefonlarına erişemeyecek.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/haber/2025/02/
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Shock for UK as Bank of England halves its economic growth prediction
Europe • 9:52 AM
5 min
The BoE's predictions follow its decision on Thursday to cut its main interest rate for the third time in six months. The bank now predicts that the British economy will only grow by 0.75% this year, down from its previous forecast of 1.5% just three mont
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Maiden voyage of Brussels to Venice night train 'couldn't even enter Italy': Here's why
• 9:46 AM
8 min
The head of the company behind the journey said 'the Italians began to change their minds' on allowing the train into the country.
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L'actrice Sarah Michelle Gellar confirme la reprise de "Buffy contre les vampires"
Culture • 9:45 AM
10 min
Le reboot de la série à succès des années 1900 serait en bonne voie.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/culture/2025/02/07/lactrice-sarah-michelle-gellar-confirme-la-reprise-de-buffy-contre-les-vampire
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Ungheria fuori dall'Oms dopo gli Stati Uniti e l'Argentina?
• 9:43 AM
2 min
Secondo Gergely Gulyás, ministro dell'Ufficio del Primo Ministro, "l'Ungheria sta valutando" se sia il caso di uscire dall'Oms. Sarebbe la terza defezione, dopo gli Stati Uniti di Donald Trump e l'Argentina di Javier Milei<div class="small-12 column text-
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Un muerto en el cuarto tiroteo vinculado a la violencia entre narcos en Bruselas esta semana
• 9:43 AM
2 min
Las autoridades de la capital belga intentan combatir la violencia relacionada con las drogas.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/07/un-muerto-en-el-cuarto-tiroteo-vinculado-a-la-viol
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Estado de emergência em Santorini: três cenários possíveis para os terramotos no Egeu
• 9:42 AM
5 min
As autoridades declararam estado de emergência e dizem que a decisão foi tomada para "satisfazer as necessidades urgentes e gerir as consequências". Permanecerá em vigor até 3 de março.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="http
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Un mort dans la quatrième fusillade en une semaine liée à la violence entre gangs à Bruxelles
Europe • 9:41 AM
3 min
Les autorités de la capitale belge tentent de lutter contre la violence endémique liée à la drogue.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/07/un-mort-dans-la-quatrieme-fusillade-en-une-se
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Прощай, БРЭЛЛ! Страны Балтии отключаются от российской энергосети
• 9:40 AM
1 min
Литва, Латвия и Эстония отключат 8 февраля свои энергосети от российской энергосистемы и присоединятся к европейской. Власти трёх балтийских стран заверяют, что процесс пройдет незаметно для потребителей, а цены, если и увеличатся, то незначительно.<div c
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Quarto tiroteio relacionado com violência entre gangues causa um morto em Bruxelas
• 9:37 AM
2 min
As autoridades da capital belga estão a tentar combater a violência relacionada com o tráfico de droga.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/07/quarto-tiroteio-relacionado-com-violencia
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Brüksel'de bir hafta içinde çete şiddetiyle bağlantılı dördüncü silahlı saldırı: Bir ölü
• 9:35 AM
2 min
Belçika'nın başkentindeki yetkililer uyuşturucuyla bağlantılı silahlı saldırılarla mücadele etmeye çalışıyor.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/07/brukselde-bir-hafta-icinde-cete-sid
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Hungría se plantea irse de la OMS tras la retirada de Argentina y Estados Unidos
• 9:22 AM
2 min
Según Gergely Gulyás, Ministro del Gabinete del Primer Ministro, "Hungría actuará precisamente si considera" la misma medida anunciada por Donald Trump hace unos días.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.co
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New law in Brazil restricts smartphones in schools
• 9:20 AM
2 min
Brazilian students will no longer have access to their phones in classrooms and hallways unless given permission by a teacher, according to new legislation passed this week.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euro
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Les Kosovars aux urnes sur fond d'économie en difficulté et de tensions ethniques ravivées
World • 9:19 AM
4 min
Quel que soit le résultat des élections de dimanche, le prochain gouvernement devra s'attaquer à la pauvreté croissante pour contrer les menaces de violences ethniques dans le nord du pays.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="
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Ankara'da sahte içkiden 33 kişi hayatını kaybetti
• 9:16 AM
2 min
Son yıllarda fiyatların ve vergilerin artmasıyla Türkiye’de sahte içki tüketiminden kaynaklanan ölümlerde artış yaşanıyor.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/02/07/ankarada-sahte-ickiden-33-kisi-h
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One dead in fourth shooting linked to gang violence in Brussels this week
Europe • 9:12 AM
2 min
Authorities in the Belgian capital are trying to combat drug-related violence.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/07/one-dead-in-fourth-shooting-linked-to-gang-violence-in-brussels-t
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The rare Stradivarius violin putting the spotlight on an unknown Polish composer
Culture • 9:08 AM
17 min
Janusz Wawrowski, a professor of music and a violinist, is using the only Stradivarius violin in Poland to showcase the works of composer Grażyna Bacewicz.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/culture/2
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Casa Branca cancela milhões de euros em assinaturas do Politico num contexto de cortes orçamentais liderados por Musk
• 9:08 AM
5 min
Ao anunciar cortes de milhões de dólares nas subscrições online, o secretário de imprensa da administração Trump repetiu declarações enganadoras utilizadas para justificar o desmantelamento da agência de ajuda internacional e desenvolvimento do governo do
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NO COMMENT: Los supervivientes recuerdan el mortífero terremoto de 2023 en Turquía
• 9:01 AM
1 min
Dos años después de que un terremoto de magnitud 7,8 sacudiera el sur de Turquía, los residentes recuerdan la tragedia que se cobró más de 53.000 vidas en Turquía y 6.000 en Siria.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://e
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La UE explora cómo contraatacar frente a la guerra comercial de Trump
• 8:54 AM
9 min
En la última semana, el presidente Trump ha amenazado con imponer aranceles a Canadá, China y México. La UE espera su turno y reflexiona sobre su posible respuesta.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/b
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Belgio: altra sparatoria nella notte, è la quarta in tre giorni, un morto
• 8:50 AM
1 min
Giovedì la polizia aveva risposto a una nuova sparatoria in meno di due giorni nei pressi della stazione della metropolitana di Clémenceau a Bruxelles<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/
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Косово: выборы на фоне слабой экономики и межэтнической напряжённости
• 8:38 AM
1 min
Косово в преддверии всеобщих выборов. "Главной проблемой нового правительства станет экономика", - считают эксперты.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/2025/02/07/kosovo-economy-elex?utm_source=test_mr
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ترامب يفرض عقوبات على الجنائية الدولية ويتهمها باستهداف إسرائيل والولايات المتحدة
International • 8:30 AM
5 min
أعلن الرئيس الأمريكي دونالد ترامب "حالة الطوارئ الوطنية" ووقع أمرًا تنفيذيًا بفرض عقوبات على المحكمة الجنائية الدولية (ICC) بسبب تحقيقاتها في الجرائم المرتبطة بإسرائيل.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://arabic.eurone
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Slay, queen: Sarah Michelle Gellar confirms ‘Buffy The Vampire Slayer’ revival is happening
Culture • 8:17 AM
9 min
Be still, our nerdy and nineties-loving hearts...<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/culture/2025/02/07/slay-queen-sarah-michelle-gellar-confirms-buffy-the-vampire-slayer-revival-is-happening?utm_sour
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Dichiarato lo stato di emergenza a Santorini: i tre possibili scenari per i terremoti
• 8:14 AM
9 min
Le autorità hanno dichiarato che la decisione presa per "soddisfare le esigenze urgenti e gestire le conseguenze" rimarrà in vigore fino al 3 marzo<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/
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AB, Trump'ın ticaret savaşına nasıl karşı koyabilir?
• 8:11 AM
8 min
Başkan Trump geçtiğimiz hafta içinde Kanada, Çin ve Meksika'yı gümrük vergisi tehdidiyle vurdu. AB ise sırasını beklemekte. Olası bir ticaret savaşı Avrupalıların birliğini bir kez daha test edecek.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button">
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Трамп подписал указ о введении санкций против Международного уголовного суда в связи с расследованием в отношении Израиля
• 8:06 AM
1 min
Президент США Дональд Трамп обвинил Международный уголовный суд в "незаконных и необоснованных действиях, направленных против Америки и нашего близкого союзника Израиля".<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews
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Nutella, o famoso creme de avelã, assinala os 60 anos com exposição em Roma
• 8:01 AM
4 min
Com materiais de arquivo e frascos de edição limitada, a exposição no Museu MAXXI, em Roma, mostra a evolução da marca, criada na Itália do pós-guerra, e como se tornou um ícone cultural para muitas gerações.<div class="small-12 column text-center article
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Sekiz günde üçüncü olay: ABD'nin Alaska eyaletinde 10 kişiyi taşıyan uçak kayboldu
• 7:51 AM
3 min
Bu kaybolma olayı sekiz gün içinde ABD havacılık trafiğinde yaşanan üçüncü büyük olay oldu.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/02/07/sekiz-gunde-ucuncu-olay-abdnin-alaska-eyaletinde-10-kisiyi-tasi
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Estado de emergencia en Santorini: Los tres escenarios posibles para los terremotos del Egeo
• 7:51 AM
8 min
Las autoridades declararon que la decisión adoptada para "satisfacer las necesidades urgentes y gestionar las consecuencias" seguirá en vigor hasta el 3 de marzo.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/my-
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La Grenfell Tower sarà abbattuta, critiche al governo britannico: "Vergognoso e imperdonabile"
• 7:41 AM
6 min
Il 14 giugno 2017, l'incendio nel grattacielo di Londra causò la morte di 72 persone, tra cui due italiani. Alcuni dei familiari in lutto vorrebbero che l'edificio londinese fosse conservato come monumento alla tragedia<div class="small-12 column text-cen
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Slovakia aping 'Orban's playbook on steroids' says leading lawmaker
Europe • 7:40 AM
2 min
The country is witnessing protests against the Prime Minister Robert Fico.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/02/07/slovakia-aping-orbans-playbook-on-steroids-says-leading-lawmaker?utm_source=tes
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تجميد المساعدات الأمريكية يعطل جهود الإغاثة ويهدد الملايين في العالم بمجاعة كارثية
International • 7:31 AM
8 min
أدى قرار الرئيس الأمريكي دونالد ترامب بوقف المساعدات الخارجية إلى تفاقم الأزمات الإنسانية، مع تعليق شحنات الغذاء الطارئة وتجميد برامج التغذية في مناطق منكوبة مثل السودان وغزة، مما يعطل جهود الإغاثة ويهدد ملايين الأشخاص بالجوع الحاد.<div class="small-12 co
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Les pays baltes coupent le cordon avec la Russie
World • 7:30 AM
2 min
Ce week-end, la Lituanie, la Lettonie et l'Estonie se raccordent à l'Union européenne et ne dépendront plus de l'électricité russe.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/2025/02/07/les-pays-baltes-coupent
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Amazon disappoints investors with weak outlook despite upbeat earnings
Business • 7:23 AM
3 min
Amazon topped expectations in its fourth-quarter earnings. However, its disappointing guidance deepened concerns about a slowdown in the artificial intelligence (AI) industry.
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Donald Trump'ın Gazze planı 'Orta Doğu ve Avrupa'yı istikrarsızlaştıracak'
• 7:21 AM
3 min
İsrail Savunma Bakanı orduya, Filistin yerleşim bölgesinde yaşayanların 'gönüllü olarak bölgeyi terk etmeleri' için hazırlık yapılması talimatını verdi.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/my-europe/202
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From Limassol to the world: VIMA wants to put Cyprus on the art map – all the while building bridges
Culture • 7:17 AM
21 min
Cyprus may be famed for sun, sea and "sheftalia", but it is also home to a dynamic art scene. Come late spring 2025, the Mediterranean island will open a new chapter in its creative journey: enter VIMA, Cyprus's first international contemporary art fair.<
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Governo britânico criticado pela decisão de demolir a Torre Grenfell
• 7:15 AM
3 min
Alguns dos enlutados querem que o edifício de Londres seja mantido como um memorial da tragédia.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/2025/02/07/governo-britanico-criticado-pela-decisao-de-demolir-a-torr
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Como combater a guerra comercial de Trump? Anti-coerção, antitrust e tarifas específicas em vista
• 7:02 AM
8 min
Na semana passada, o presidente Trump ameaçou impor direitos aduaneiros ao Canadá, à China e ao México. A UE está a aguardar a sua vez e a ponderar a sua eventual resposta.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.eurone
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Πρωθυπουργός Γεωργίας: «Θέλουμε νέο γύρο ενταξιακών διαπραγματεύσεων με την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση»
• 7:01 AM
1 min
Τον Νοέμβριο, ο Κομπαχίτζε ανέστειλε τις ενταξιακές συνομιλίες με την Ε.Ε., αφού οι Βρυξέλλες κατηγόρησαν το κόμμα του για νοθεία στις βουλευτικές εκλογές<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/02/07/
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Baltische Staaten beenden Stromnetzverbindungen mit Russland
• 6:57 AM
3 min
Um die Energie-Unabhängigkeit des Baltikums von Russland und Belarus zu feiern, kommen EU-Chefin von der Leyen und andere Vertreter am Wochenende in die litauische Hauptstadt Vilnius.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https:
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В Эребру почтили память погибших в результате стрельбы в учебном центре
• 6:57 AM
1 min
Шведские СМИ сообщают, что нападение на учащихся в муниципальном учебном центре в Эребру совершил 35-летний Рикард Андерссон. По данным полиции, он покончил с собой.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/
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Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης από την Σαντορίνη: «Είναι καλύτερο να προετοιμαζόμαστε και να προλαμβάνουμε»
• 6:46 AM
2 min
Η σεισμική δραστηριότητα συνεχίστηκε και τη νύχτα - Ανησυχία και στην Αμοργό<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/02/07/se-katastash-ektakths-anagkhs-h-santorinh-shmera-sto-nhsi-o-kyriakos-mhtsotakh
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Los países bálticos ponen fin a sus vínculos eléctricos con Rusia y estrechan sus lazos con la UE
• 6:43 AM
3 min
Tras el anuncio de los planes de desconexión, surgieron campañas propagandísticas en las redes sociales y en folletos impresos en las calles de la ciudad que alertaban con noticias falsas sobre apagones, grave escasez de energía y facturas altísimas para
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ABD'de yolcu uçağına çarpan askeri helikopterin gözetim sisteminin kapalı olduğu tespit edildi
• 6:42 AM
2 min
American Airlines'a ait uçak ve askeri helikopterdeki mürettebatın tamamı yaşanan kazada hayatını kaybetti.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/02/07/abdde-yolcu-ucagina-carpan-askeri-helikopterin-
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Países bálticos encerram rede elétrica da era soviética e estreitam laços com a UE
• 6:39 AM
3 min
Após o anúncio dos planos para cortar com Moscovo, surgiram campanhas de propaganda nas redes sociais e em folhetos impressos nas ruas da cidade, com notícias falsas sobre apagões, escassez grave de energia e faturas de energia elevadíssimas para os consu
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Trump firma una orden que impone sanciones a la Corte Penal Internacional por las investigaciones a Israel
• 6:34 AM
4 min
El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, acusó a la Corte Penal Internacional de "acciones ilegítimas y sin fundamento dirigidas contra Estados Unidos y nuestro estrecho aliado Israel".<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href
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Polícia ainda sem determinar motivações do atirador que matou dez pessoas em escola sueca
• 6:32 AM
4 min
Até quinta-feira, os investigadores ainda não tinham descoberto um motivo definitivo para os crimes.. A polícia disse que não houve avisos prévios e acredita que o autor do crime agiu sozinho. Até à data, não há suspeitas de ligações a terrorismo.<div cla
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أسترازينيكا تحقق قفزة في الأرباح مدفوعة بتجارب واعدة ونمو مستدام
Business • 6:31 AM
1 min
أعلنت شركة الأدوية العملاقة أسترازينيكا عن نتائجها المالية للربع الأخير من السنة الماضية وعام 2024 بأكمله، مسجلةً أداءً استثنائيًا يعكس قوة استراتيجياتها البحثية والتجارية.
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Vous partez en vacances en Europe ? Voici les taxes, interdictions et restrictions touristiques auxquels il faut s'attendre
• 6:29 AM
25 min
Des taxes au Portugal à l'interdiction d'Airbnb en Espagne, nous vous expliquons toutes les règles qui pourraient affecter vos vacances en Europe en 2025.
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Tiroteo masivo en Suecia: Los habitantes de Örebro encienden velas en homenaje a las víctimas
• 6:28 AM
4 min
Hasta el jueves, los investigadores no habían descubierto un motivo definitivo detrás del tiroteo. La Policía dijo que no hubo advertencias previas y que creen que el autor actuó solo. Las autoridades dijeron que por ahora no hay sospechas de que existier
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Ο Τραμπ υπογράφει διάταγμα επιβολής κυρώσεων στο Διεθνές Ποινικό Δικαστήριο για τις έρευνες κατά του Ισραήλ
• 6:21 AM
1 min
Ο πρόεδρος των ΗΠΑ Ντόναλντ Τραμπ κατηγόρησε το Διεθνές Ποινικό Δικαστήριο για "παράνομες και αβάσιμες ενέργειες με στόχο την Αμερική και το στενό μας σύμμαχο Ισραήλ".<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.co
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Örebro : la police soupçonne le tireur d'avoir suivi des cours au centre d'enseignement pour adultes
World • 6:21 AM
2 min
Selon la presse locale, le tueur avait 35 ans et souffrait de troubles psychologiques.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/2025/02/07/orebro-la-police-soupconne-le-tireur-davoir-suivi-des-cours-au-centr
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Trump assina ordem para impor sanções ao Tribunal Penal Internacional por causa das investigações a Israel
• 6:19 AM
4 min
Trump acusou o Tribunal Penal Internacional de "ações ilegítimas e sem fundamento que visam a América e o nosso aliado próximo Israel".<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/2025/02/07/trump-assina-ordem-
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Stati Uniti, Trump impone sanzioni alla Corte penale internazionale per le indagini su Israele
• 6:03 AM
5 min
Il presidente degli Stati Uniti ha accusato la Corte penale internazionale di azioni illegittime e senza fondamento che prendono di mira gli Stati Uniti e lo stretto alleato Israele. La decisione potrebbe avere un grave effetto sulle vittime di abusi dei
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Wilde Wölfe, klösterlicher Wein und herrliche Strände: Fünf alternative Fluchten im Jahr 2025
• 6:01 AM
15 min
Möchten Sie den üblichen Urlaubszielen entkommen? In Osteuropa erwarten Sie bedächtigere Reiseerlebnisse.
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NO COMMENT: El Festival de las Luces de Copenhague ilumina la ciudad durante tres semanas
• 6:01 AM
1 min
Copenhague se ilumina durante tres semanas, atrayendo a más de 400.000 visitantes a pesar del frío invierno.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/2025/02/07/no-comment-el-festival-de-las-luces-de-copenha
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حديقة حيوانات أوريغون تحتفل بولادة فيل صغير جديد بعد 20 شهرًا من الانتظار
International • 6:00 AM
1 min
أعلنت حديقة حيوانات أوريغون عن ولادة فيل صغير بعد أكثر من 20 شهرًا من الحمل. واستطاع المولود الجديد، الذي رأى النور في تمام الساعة 4:29 مساءً، الوقوف على قدميه بعد أقل من 15 دقيقة على ولادته، ما يعني أنه يتمتع بصحة جيدة وقوة بدنية ملحوظة.<div class="small
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Nachrichten des Tages | 7. Februar - Morgenausgabe
• 6:00 AM
1 min
Informieren Sie sich über das aktuelle Geschehen in Europa und der Welt - Politik, Wirtschaft, Unterhaltung, Kultur und Reisen.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://de.euronews.com/2025/02/07/nachrichten-des-tages-7-feb
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Le notizie del giorno | 07 febbraio - Mattino
• 6:00 AM
1 min
Segui l'attualità dall'Europa e dal mondo. Ricevi le ultime notizie su economia, spettacolo, politica, cultura, viaggi.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/2025/02/07/le-notizie-del-giorno-07-febbraio-m
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Новости дня | 7 февраля — утренний выпуск
• 6:00 AM
1 min
Узнавайте о самых важных событиях в Европе и за ее пределами - последние новости, срочные новости, мир, бизнес, развлечения, политика, культура, путешествия<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/2025/02/0
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Latest news bulletin | February 7th – Morning
• 6:00 AM
1 min
Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news, World, Business, Entertainment, Politics, Culture, Travel.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/
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L’info du jour | 7 février - Matin
World • 6:00 AM
1 min
Suivez les derniers développements de l'actualité en Europe et dans le monde. Retrouvez les dernières infos sur la politique, l'économie, la culture et le divertissement.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews
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Donald Trump sanctionne la Cour pénale internationale pour ses enquêtes contre Israël
World • 5:55 AM
4 min
Le président américain accuse la Cour pénale internationale d'"actions illégitimes et sans fondement visant l'Amérique" et son "proche allié Israël".<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/2025/02/07/donal
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ABD Başkanı Trump, İsrail'e yönelik soruşturmalar nedeniyle UCM'ye yaptırım öngören kararnameyi imzaladı
• 5:53 AM
4 min
ABD Başkanı Donald Trump, Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi'ni Amerika'yı ve yakın müttefiki İsrail'i hedef alan 'gayrimeşru ve temelsiz eylemlerde bulunmakla' suçladı.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/202
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Svezia, sparatoria a Örebro: commemorazione in ricordo delle vittime
• 5:46 AM
2 min
La città di Örebro ricorda le vittime della tragica sparatoria nel campus della scuola per adulti Risbergska. Le indagini intanto proseguono ma è stata esclusa al momento la pista terrorismo<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href=
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6 Şubat depremlerinin ikinci yıl dönümünde hayatını kaybedenler anıldı
• 5:36 AM
1 min
Depremin tam olarak meydana geldiği saat olan 04:17'de bir dakikalık saygı duruşunda bulunuldu ve "Sesimi duyan var mı?" sloganları atıldı.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/02/07/6-subat-depreml
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Κόσοβο: Βουλευτικές εκλογές την Κυριακή, στην σκιά οικονομικών προβλημάτων και εθνοτικών συγκρούσεων
• 5:32 AM
1 min
Οι προβλέψεις αναφέρουν ότι ο σημερινός πρωθυπουργός Άλμπιν Κούρτι αναμένεται να εξασφαλίσει ισχνή πλειοψηφία<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/02/07/kosobo-boyleytikes-ekloges-thn-kyriakh?utm_so
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FOTOS: Estas son las imágenes ganadoras de los Sony World Photography Awards 2025
• 5:31 AM
29 min
Ya sea la intensidad silenciosa de un sacerdote de Sri Lanka sumido en una profunda devoción o un majestuoso rinoceronte negro en una mañana brumosa, estas fotografías ganadoras ofrecen una ventana a la diversidad del planeta Tierra.<div class="small-12 c
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I Paesi baltici pronti a staccarsi dalla rete elettrica russa
• 5:24 AM
2 min
Tutto pronto per la cerimonia che segnerà la fine dei collegamenti tra Lettonia, Estonia e Lituania e la rete elettrica russa. Dopo l'inizio della guerra in Ucraina, i tre Paesi baltici hanno avviato il processo di distacco per rafforzare la propria rete
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Σουηδία: Σοκ, θρήνος και αναπάντητα ερωτήματα για το μακελειό στο Έρεμπρο, με τους 11 νεκρούς
• 5:19 AM
1 min
Πολίτες άναψαν κεριά στη μνήμη των αδικοχαμένων θυμάτων<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/02/07/soyhdia-sok-8rhnos-kai-anapanthta-erwthmata-gia-to-makeleio-sto-erempro?utm_source=test_mrss&utm_ca
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Stati Uniti, zoo dell'Oregon accoglie un cucciolo di elefante sano dopo una gravidanza di 20 mesi
• 5:00 AM
1 min
Negli Stati Uniti lo zoo dell'Oregon ha presentato al pubblico il suo nuovo cucciolo di elefante, nato il 1° febbraio scorso<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/2025/02/07/stati-uniti-zoo-delloregon-acc
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Donald Trump's plan for Gaza would 'destabilise the Middle East as well as Europe'
Europe • 5:00 AM
3 min
The Israeli Defence Minister has ordered the army to prepare for the "voluntary departure" of the inhabitants of the Palestinian enclave.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/07/donald
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مراقبون: خطة ترامب بشأن غزة قد تزعزع استقرار الشرق الأوسط وأوروبا أيضا
Europe • 5:00 AM
1 min
أمر وزير الدفاع الإسرائيلي الجيش الإسرائيلي بالاستعداد "للمغادرة الطوعية" لسكان القطاع المحاصر.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://arabic.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/07/trump-gaza-plan-threaten-stability-middle-eas
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Nutella: 60 Jahre Schokoladenaufstrich
• 5:00 AM
4 min
Die Ausstellung im MAXXI-Museum in Rom zeigt anhand von Archivmaterial und Gläsern in limitierter Auflage, wie der im Nachkriegsitalien entstandene Brotaufstrich über Generationen hinweg weltweit zu einer kulturellen Ikone geworden ist.<div class="small-1
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NO COMMENT: El jubilado que convierte botas viejas en macetas en Turquía
• 5:00 AM
1 min
En Güneysu, Ali İhsan Solak ha transformado 40 botas viejas en coloridas macetas, despertando la curiosidad de los viandantes. Tiene previsto ampliar su proyecto.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/202
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عدد قياسي في حالات الإصابة بالسكري في بريطانيا: 1 من كل 5 أشخاص يعانون من المرض
Business • 4:00 AM
3 min
يعاني أكثر من مليون شخص بالغ في المملكة المتحدة من مرض السكري من النوع الثاني، دون أن يتم تشخيصهم، وفقًا لتقرير جديد يكشف عن حجم الأزمة الصحية المتفاقمة.
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Le piattaforme online non sono responsabili dei contenuti di annunci sessuali
Business • 2:00 AM
2 min
Nel caso romeno, una vittima ha intrapreso un'azione legale contro una piattaforma online dopo che i suoi dati personali erano stati utilizzati senza il suo consenso
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Viaggi, escursioni al vulcano e feste a base di tonno: perché visitare l'isola italiana dell'Odissea
• 12:00 AM
12 min
Christopher Nolan girerà le scene dell'Odissea sull'isola siciliana dove si dice che avvenne lo sbarco dell'eroe greco di Omero, Odisseo
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¿Qué es el turismo de maratones y por qué está ganando popularidad?
• 11:00 PM
7 min
Cada vez son más los corredores que convierten sus calendarios de carreras en itinerarios de viaje por lugares exóticos.
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Trump signs order imposing sanctions on International Criminal Court over investigations of Israel
• 10:55 PM
3 min
US President Donald Trump accused the International Criminal Court of "illegitimate and baseless actions targeting America and our close ally Israel."<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/02/06/tru
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İsveç'te insanlar okul saldırısının kurbanlarını andı
• 10:37 PM
3 min
Soruşturmacılar, Perşembe gününe gelindiğinde katliamın arkasında yatan kesin bir neden bulamamıştı.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/02/06/isvecte-insanlar-okul-saldirisinin-kurbanlarini-andi?u
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Musica: francobolli speciali degli AC/DC per festeggiare 50 anni dell'album di debutto High Voltage
• 10:30 PM
8 min
Gli AC/DC hanno pubblicato il loro album di debutto "High Voltage" nel 1975 e sono diventati una delle più grandi rock band del mondo. La nuova serie di francobolli celebra la loro carriera e le loro esibizioni dal vivo<div class="small-12 column text-cen
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السجن النافذ لمن يلقي التحية النازية.. أستراليا تقر قوانين جديدة لمكافحة جرائم الكراهية
International • 10:30 PM
3 min
أقرت أستراليا الخميس قوانين صارمة لمكافحة جرائم الكراهية، حيث فرضت عقوبة السجن النافذ لمدة تتراوح بين سنة وست سنوات على جرائم الإرهاب. فهل تساهم هذه الخطوات في كبح جماح الجريمة؟<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://arab
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People in Örebro light candles in tribute to victims of Swedish mass shooting
• 10:17 PM
3 min
Investigators had not uncovered a definitive motive behind the bloodshed by Thursday. Police said there were no warnings beforehand, and they believe the perpetrator acted alone. Authorities said there were no suspected connections to terrorism at this po
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