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Το Ιράν επιβεβαιώνει ότι το πυρηνικό του πρόγραμμα συζητήθηκε μεταξύ ΗΠΑ και Ρωσίας
• 3:59 PM
1 min
Το σχόλιο προήλθε από εκπρόσωπο της ιρανικής κυβέρνησης εν μέσω αναφορών ότι η Τεχεράνη επιταχύνει την παραγωγή ουρανίου σχεδόν οπλικού βαθμούView on euronews
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Les feux de forêt font toujours rage au Japon
World • 3:53 PM
1 min
Environ 2 000 personnes travaillent au sol et dans les airs pour éteindre les flammes. Des hélicoptères des forces d'autodéfense ont pulvérisé de l'eau alors que des colonnes de fumée s'élevaient d'une grande partie des forêts.<div class="small-12 column
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Commission to respond to US Congress’ digital questioning by 10 March 
Europe • 3:52 PM
1 min
Under pressure from the US House of Representatives, Commission Vice-President Teresa Ribera told Euronews that she would respond to Republican Congressmen's questioning on digital enforcement by 10 March.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__b
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Belçika'da rüşvet iddiaları nedeniyle iki milletvekilinin dokunulmazlığının kaldırılması istendi
• 3:40 PM
2 min
Avrupa Parlamentosu (AP) milletvekilleri Alessandra Moretti ve Elisabetta Gualmini, 2022'de Parlamento'yu sarsan yolsuzluk skandalına karıştı.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/03/04/be
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Hollywood meets the West End: Adrien Brody, Imelda Staunton and more earn Olivier Awards nods
Culture • 3:36 PM
12 min
'Fiddler on the Roof' emerges as the most-nominated production at the 2025 Olivier Awards, dominating in a year filled with star-studded performances.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/culture/2025/0
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Bruxelles veut aider "immédiatement" l'Ukraine mais affirme que les États-Unis restent "un allié"
Europe • 3:30 PM
6 min
La Commission européenne affirme que les États-Unis restent "un allié" malgré l'adhésion croissante de Donald Trump aux discours de la Russie et sa récente décision de suspendre temporairement l'aide militaire à l'Ukraine.<div class="small-12 column text-
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A ausência de regras de responsabilidade específicas para a IA deixará as vítimas sem recursos?
• 3:30 PM
7 min
Pela primeira vez no mundo, a UE criou legislação para regular a IA denominada AI Act. Mas agora parece estar a afastar-se de uma proteção eficaz para as pessoas prejudicadas por esta tecnologia, abandonando a proposta de uma diretiva relativa à responsab
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Означает ли утрата правил ответственности за ИИ, что жертвы останутся без возмещения ущерба?
• 3:30 PM
3 min
Впервые в мире ЕС создал законодательство по регулированию искусственного интеллекта под названием AI Act. Но теперь ЕС, похоже, отказывается от эффективной защиты тех, кто пострадал от этой технологии, отменяя предложенную Директиву об ответственности за
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La perdita di norme sulla responsabilità specifica dell'IA lascerà le vittime senza un risarcimento?
• 3:30 PM
6 min
In anteprima mondiale, l'UE ha creato una legislazione per regolamentare l'intelligenza artificiale, chiamata “AI Act”. Ma ora sembra allontanarsi da una protezione efficace per chi ha subito danni a causa di questa tecnologia, abbandonando la direttiva p
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La UE enfrenta desafíos con la regulación de la inteligencia artificial
• 3:30 PM
7 min
En primicia mundial, la UE creó una legislación para regular la inteligencia artificial, denominada Ley de IA. Pero ahora parece alejarse de la protección efectiva de los perjudicados por esta tecnología al abandonar una propuesta de Directiva sobre respo
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EU-Haftungsrichtlinie für KI gefährdet, Kommission zieht Rückzug in Betracht
• 3:30 PM
6 min
Das sogenannte KI-Gesetz der EU ist der weltweit erste umfassende Rechtsrahmen zur Regulierung von künstlicher Intelligenz. Doch nun scheint die EU von einem wirksamen Schutz für diejenigen, die durch diese Technologie geschädigt werden, abzurücken.<div c
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H απώλεια κανόνων περί ευθύνης ειδικά για την ΤΝ θα αφήσει τα θύματα χωρίς αποκατάσταση;
• 3:30 PM
3 min
Σε μια παγκόσμια πρωτοτυπία, η ΕΕ δημιούργησε νομοθεσία για ρύθμιση της ΤΝ, τον αποκαλούμενο νόμο για την τεχνητή νοημοσύνη. Όμως, τώρα φαίνεται να απομακρύνεται από την αποτελεσματική προστασία όσων πλήττονται από αυτήν την τεχνολογία, εγκαταλείποντας τη
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L'absence de règles de responsabilité en matière d'IA laissera-t-elle les victimes sans recours ?
Europe • 3:30 PM
7 min
Pour la première fois dans le monde, l'UE a créé une législation pour réglementer l'intelligence artificielle, appelée Règlement sur l’IA. Mais elle semble maintenant s'éloigner de cette protection efficace des personnes lésées par cette technologie.<div
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Will loss of AI-specific liability rules leave victims without redress?
Europe • 3:30 PM
6 min
In a world-first, the EU created legislation to regulate Artificial Intelligence, called the AI Act. But it now seems to be moving away from effective protection for those harmed by this technology by abandoning a proposed AI Liability Directive.<div clas
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Где в Европе лучше живется одиноким?
• 3:30 PM
1 min
Новое исследование выявило лучшие страны для тех, кто живет без семьи, с точки зрения баланса дохода, налогов и стоимости жизни.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/2025/03/04/europe-in-motion-best-cou
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NO COMMENT: El fuego arrasa la prefectura japonesa de Iwate y destruye parte de la ciudad de Ōfunato
• 3:27 PM
1 min
Según las autoridades locales, unas 500 hectáreas de terreno ardieron desde el lunes por la mañana, lo que elevaba la superficie arrasada a alrededor de 2.600 hectáreas a primeras horas del martes.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><
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Επιστολή του Αντόνιο Κόστα στον Βίκτορ Όρμπαν για την Ουκρανία
• 3:26 PM
3 min
Ο πρόεδρος του Ευρωπαϊκού Συμβουλίου αναγνωρίζει αποκλίσεις ως προς την πορεία προς την επίτευξη ειρήνης στην Ουκρανία, αλλά τονίζει την ανάγκη να συμβάλει η ΕΕ με "ισχυρές εγγυήσεις ασφαλείας" για τη χώρα<div class="small-12 column text-center article__b
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M23 rebels abduct over 130 patients from hospitals in eastern DR Congo, UN says
• 3:24 PM
2 min
The abductions come as the Rwanda-backed group continues its rapid military expansion in eastern DR Congo, seizing key cities and escalating one of the most intense conflicts in over a decade.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a hre
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Глава Еврокомиссии предложила план перевооружения ЕС объемом в 800 миллиардов евро
• 3:23 PM
1 min
Перед внеочередным саммитом ЕС глава Еврокомиссии предложила план перевооружения ЕС объемом в 800 миллиардов евро.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/03/04/vdl-defence-package-proposa?ut
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ЕС считает США "союзником" и после прекращения Трампом военной помощи Украине
• 3:21 PM
1 min
Брюссель избегает критиковать Вашингтон за приостановку военной помощи Киеву, что может иметь серьёзные последствия в противовтоянии Украины российской агрессии.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/my-
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Chaos im Parlament in Serbien: Oppositionsabgeordnete mit Vuvuzelas zünden Fackeln und Rauchgranaten
• 3:20 PM
3 min
Im Parlament in Belgrad hat es eine Schlägerei unter Abgeordneten gegeben, bevor Rauchbomben entzündet wurden. Hintergrund des Streits sind die Proteste gegen die Regierung und der Rücktritt des Ministerpräsidenten.<div class="small-12 column text-center
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ما المتوقع من اجتماع القادة العرب في القاهرة بشأن مستقبل غزة؟
International • 3:16 PM
1 min
تسلط يورونيوز الضوء على الآمال والتوقعات التي تحملها الوفود المشاركة من مختلف دول الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا، قبيل انعقاد القمة الطارئة حول غزة في القاهرة يوم الثلاثاء.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://arabic.eurone
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Bruselas insiste en que EE.UU. sigue siendo "un aliado" tras la suspensión de Trump de la ayuda militar a Ucrania
• 3:12 PM
7 min
Bruselas ha evitado criticar a Washington por la suspensión de la ayuda militar, que podría tener graves repercusiones en la guerra en Ucrania.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/03/04/b
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Почему персонажи европейских мультфильмов такие страшные?
• 3:09 PM
2 min
Многие монстры, населявшие мультфильмы, стали символом эпохи, когда все самые странные фантазии телевизионщиков воплощались в жизнь без лишних вопросов.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/culture/2025/
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Francia: il Louvre organizza una cena per raccogliere fondi per il museo
• 3:09 PM
14 min
All'inizio della settimana della moda di Parigi, il Louvre invita a cena martedì 4 marzo oltre 300 personalità del mondo dello stile, dell'arte e della cultura<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/cultur
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AB, ABD ile yaşanan gerilimin ortasında bu yıl 'Dijital Diplomasi' girişimini başlatacak
• 3:05 PM
3 min
Avrupa Komisyonu diğer bölgelerle teknoloji konusunda işbirliği yapıyor ancak ABD bir soru işareti olmaya devam ediyor.
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Νέα μελέτη αποκαλύπτει τις κορυφαίες ευρωπαϊκές χώρες που ξεπερνούν τη φορολογική επιβάρυνση για τους εργένηδες
• 3:00 PM
2 min
Το να ζει κανείς μόνος του σημαίνει συχνά πολύ υψηλότερο κόστος. Μια νέα μελέτη προσδιορίζει τα καλύτερα μέρη για τους εργένηδες που σκέφτονται να μετακομίσουν με σκοπό να αυξήσουν την αγοραστική τους δύναμη.<div class="small-12 column text-center article
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Un cuadro de Brueghel robado reaparece en los Países Bajos medio siglo después
• 2:55 PM
5 min
Un cuadro de Brueghel del siglo XVII, robado del Museo Gdansk de Polonia en 1974, ha sido recuperado en los Países Bajos con la ayuda de un detective apodado el "Indiana Jones del mundo del arte".<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a
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AB, Trump'ın Ukrayna'ya askeri yardımı durdurmasına rağmen ABD'yi 'müttefik' görmekte ısrar ediyor
• 2:54 PM
6 min
Brüksel, Ukrayna'nın Rusya'ya karşı mücadelesinde ciddi sonuçları olabilecek askeri yardımın askıya alınması konusunda Washington'u eleştirmekten kaçındı.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/my-europe/2
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Украденная картина Брейгеля вновь появилась в Нидерландах через 50 лет
• 2:49 PM
2 min
Картина Питер Брейгеля Младшего, похищенная из Гданьского музея в 1974 году, найдена в Нидерландах усилиями детектива, которого прозвали "Индианой Джонсом мира искусства".<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronew
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MWC 2025: Here is the new AI tech unveiled at Mobile World Congress
Business • 2:48 PM
5 min
Here is Euronews Next's round-up of some of the tech displayed at the Mobile World Congress this week in Barcelona.
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Bruxelas diz que os EUA continuam a ser "um aliado", depois da suspensão da ajuda militar à Ucrânia
• 2:46 PM
6 min
Bruxelas evitou criticar Washington pela suspensão da ajuda militar, que pode ter graves repercussões na luta da Ucrânia contra a invasão da Rússia.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/03
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CHP İstanbul İl Kongresi hakkında soruşturma başlatıldı
• 2:45 PM
7 min
CHP'nin İstanbul İl Kongresi, 8 Ekim 2023 tarihinde Haliç Kongre Merkezi'nde düzenlenmişti. Kongrede o dönem CHP Bahçelievler İlçe Başkanı Özgür Çelik, 342 oy alarak İstanbul İl Başkanı seçilmişti.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><
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Οι Βρυξέλλες επιμένουν ότι οι ΗΠΑ εξακολουθούν να είναι «σύμμαχος» μετά το φρένο Τραμπ στην ουκρανική βοήθεια
• 2:39 PM
1 min
Οι Βρυξέλλες απέφυγαν να επικρίνουν την Ουάσινγκτον για την αναστολή της στρατιωτικής βοήθειας, η οποία θα μπορούσε να έχει σοβαρές επιπτώσεις στον αγώνα της Ουκρανίας κατά της Ρωσίας<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https:
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Stati Uniti, l'indice dei libri proibiti: al bando tematiche razziali e di genere
• 2:39 PM
5 min
Tra le migliaia di libri banditi negli Stati Uniti lo scorso anno, nuovi dati rivelano che la maggior parte di essi trattava temi razziali e della comunità LGBTQ+<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/cul
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Bruxelles dopo stop di Trump agli aiuti militari a Kiev: Usa sono ancora un alleato
• 2:39 PM
5 min
Bruxelles ha rifiutato di commentare lo stop americano agli aiuti militari a Kiev che potrebbe avere gravi ripercussioni per l'Ucraina nel conflitto contro la Russia<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/
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NO COMMENT: Angustioso rescate de una mujer atascada en una alcantarilla
• 2:39 PM
1 min
Los Bomberos de San Bernardino han rescatado a una mujer atrapada en un desagüe subterráneo. La sacaron sana y salva y la llevaron a un hospital para una revisión, sin lesiones visibles.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="htt
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Belgian prosecutor seeks immunity waiver for two more Socialist MEPs over bribery allegations
Europe • 2:33 PM
2 min
MEPs Alessandra Moretti and Elisabetta Gualmini enmeshed in the corruption scandal that rocked the Parliament in 2022<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/03/04/belgian-prosecutor-seeks-i
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İngiltere'de polis, Gazze protestoları nedeniyle The Crown oyuncusu Halid Abdalla'yı sorgulayacak
• 2:32 PM
3 min
Binlerce kişi, 15 aydır devam eden Gazze Savaşı'nda İsrail’in eylemlerine karşı protesto düzenlemek için bir araya gelmişti.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/03/04/ingilterede-polis-gazze-protes
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هل تستطيع أوروبا أن تدعم أوكرانيا بمفردها؟
Europe • 2:31 PM
4 min
عقب المشادة الكلامية بين الرئيس الأمريكي دونالد ترامب ونظيره الأوكراني فولوديمير زيلينسكي في المكتب البيضاوي يوم الجمعة، وردت أنباء عن أن زعيم البيت الأبيض أمر بتجميد المساعدات لكييف، مما يضع منطقة اليورو في موقف حرج، ويطرح سؤالًا محوريًا: هل يمكن لأوروبا
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EU to launch 'Digital Diplomacy' initiative this year amid tensions with the US
Business • 2:28 PM
4 min
The European Commission engages on technology with other regions, but the US remains a question mark
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Creditwise stila la classifica dei Paesi d'Europa in cui essere single conviene di più
• 2:19 PM
3 min
Vivere da soli ha un costo sempre più oneroso. Creditwise ha fatto la lista in cui i single hanno condizioni più vantaggiose a livello fiscale e di potere d'acquisto<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/
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Pourquoi les personnages des émissions télé pour enfants sont-ils si terrifiants en Europe ?
Culture • 2:15 PM
8 min
Alors que nous célébrons le 25e anniversaire de l'apparition d'une miche de pain déprimée à la télévision allemande pour enfants, nous nous penchons sur certaines des tentatives les plus étranges de l'Europe pour divertir les jeunes.<div class="small-12 c
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Brief an Orbán: EU-Ratspräsident Costa räumt Uneinigkeit in Sachen Ukraine ein
• 2:14 PM
6 min
In einem Brief an den ungarischen Regierungschef Viktor Orbán räumt EU-Ratspräsident Antonio Costa Meinungsverschiedenheiten über den Weg zum Frieden in der Ukraine ein, pocht aber auf "starke Sicherheitsgarantien" der EU für das Land.<div class="small-12
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Benjamin Netanyahu presta depoimento no julgamento de corrupção em curso em Israel
• 2:14 PM
3 min
Netanyahu está a ser processado por fraude, abuso de confiança e aceitação de subornos em três casos distintos.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/2025/03/04/benjamin-netanyahu-presta-depoimento-no-jul
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Karneval in Rio: Sambaschulen erleuchten das Sambadrom
• 2:11 PM
1 min
Der Karneval in Rio ist weiterhin in vollem Gange, und die besten Sambaschulen sind im Sambadrom aufgetreten.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://de.euronews.com/2025/03/04/karneval-in-rio-sambaschulen-erleuchten-das-s
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Hat USAID 4 Millionen Dollar gezahlt, um Selenskyj zur "Person des Jahres" zu machen?
• 2:04 PM
9 min
Seit Trumps Wiedereinzug ins Weiße Haus ist USAID zur Zielscheibe für falsche Behauptungen geworden. Und die Unterstützung der USA für die Ukraine wird nun noch intensiver unter die Lupe genommen.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a
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Benjamin Netanyahu se sienta en el banquillo de los acusados en su juicio por corrupción
• 2:03 PM
3 min
Netanyahu hace frente a cargos de fraude, abuso de confianza y aceptación de sobornos en tres casos distintos.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/2025/03/04/benjamin-netanyahu-sube-al-estrado-en-el-jui
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USAID gastou milhões para fazer de Zelenskyy a "Pessoa do Ano" da revista Time?
• 2:01 PM
10 min
A USAID tornou-se um alvo significativo de alegações falsas desde que Trump regressou à Casa Branca, e o escrutínio ao apoio dos EUA à Ucrânia intensificou-se.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/2025/0
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Τηλεφωνική επικοινωνία Μητσοτάκη - Ζελένσκι πριν την έκτακτη Σύνοδο Κορυφής
• 1:58 PM
1 min
Ο Έλληνας πρωθυπουργός επανέλαβε τη δέσμευση της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης για μία δίκαιη και διαρκή ειρήνη στην Ουκρανία<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/03/04/tilefwniki-epikoinwnia-mitsotaki-ze
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Un tableau de Brueghel volé il y a 50 ans refait surface aux Pays-Bas
Culture • 1:57 PM
5 min
Un tableau de Brueghel du XVIIe siècle, volé au musée polonais de Gdańsk en 1974, a été retrouvé aux Pays-Bas avec l'aide d'un détective surnommé "L'Indiana Jones du monde de l'art".<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https:/
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Millie Bobby Brown de Stranger Things répond aux tabloïds qui critiquent son apparence
Culture • 1:53 PM
12 min
"Ce n'est pas du journalisme, c'est de l'intimidation", déclare l'actrice britannique de 21 ans en réponse aux récentes critiques dont elle a fait l'objet dans plusieurs tabloïds.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr
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Carnaval de Rio : les écoles de samba illuminent le Sambadrome
World • 1:50 PM
1 min
Le carnaval de Rio a continué à battre son plein avec les meilleures écoles de samba qui ont défilé au Sambadrome.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/2025/03/04/carnaval-de-rio-les-ecoles-de-samba-illu
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Kim Jong Un'un kız kardeşi, ABD'nin Güney Kore'deki askeri varlığına misilleme tehdidinde bulundu
• 1:50 PM
2 min
Uzmanlar, Kuzey Kore'nin geçen hafta bir ABD uçak gemisinin Güney Kore sularına ulaşmasının ardından nükleer silah denemelerini artırabileceğini belirtiyor.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/03/0
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Carnaval do Rio: escolas de samba iluminam o Sambódromo
• 1:46 PM
1 min
O Carnaval do Rio continuou a todo vapor com as principais escolas de samba a desfilar no Sambódromo.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/2025/03/04/carnaval-do-rio-escolas-de-samba-iluminam-o-sambodrom
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Stranger Things yıldızı Millie Bobby Brown'dan eleştirilere yanıt: 'Bu gazetecilik değil, zorbalık'
• 1:42 PM
12 min
Oyuncu Millie Bobby Brown giyim tarzıyla yaşından büyük göründüğüne dair kendisine gelen eleştirelere sert yanıt verdi: 'Bu gazetecilik değil, zorbalık.'<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/kultur/2025/
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Brussels insists US is still 'an ally' after Trump halts military aid to Ukraine
Europe • 1:42 PM
6 min
Brussels has avoided criticising Washington for the suspension of military aid, which could have serious repercussions for Ukraine's fight against Russia.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/
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'Bilirkişi soruşturması': Halk TV Genel Yayın Yönetmeni Suat Toktaş tahliye edildi
• 1:42 PM
6 min
'Bilirkişi soruşturması' kapsamında Halk TV'de Genel Yayın Yönetmeni Suat Toktaş, sorumlu müdür Serhan Asker, programlar koordinatörü Kürşad Oğuz, gazeteci Barış Pehlivan ile Seda Selek hakkında dava açılmıştı.<div class="small-12 column text-center artic
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O que esperar da reunião dos líderes árabes no Cairo para discutir o futuro de Gaza
• 1:41 PM
7 min
A Euronews analisa o que as diferentes delegações do Médio Oriente e do Norte de África esperam obter da "cimeira de emergência" sobre Gaza, que se realiza no Cairo, esta terça-feira.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https:
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حرب الجمارك تشتعل والأسواق العالمية مُربكة: ترامب ماضٍ في العقاب وأوتاوا وبكين تنتقمان
International • 1:41 PM
4 min
دخلت الرسوم الجمركية الأمريكية، اليوم الثلاثاء، حيز التنفيذ ضد كندا والمكسيك بنسبة 25%. وقرر الرئيس الأمريكي دونالد ترامب مضاعفة الضرائب على واردات الصين لتصل إلى 20%، ما استدعى ردًا انتقاميًا من بكين وأوتاوا.<div class="small-12 column text-center articl
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Il premio Nobel per la pace Lech Walesa a Euronews: "L'Ucraina non può mollare"
• 1:40 PM
6 min
L'ex presidente polacco e premio Nobel per la pace Lech Wałęsa, in un'intervista a Euronews, ha espresso le sue preoccupazioni sull'attuale situazione geopolitica del nostro continente. A suo avviso, l'Europa dovrebbe essere solidale con gli ucraini in di
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Нетаньяху вновь предстал перед судом по делу о коррупции
• 1:39 PM
1 min
Премьер-министра Израиля обвиняют в получении взяток, мошенничестве и злоупотреблении доверием.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/2025/03/04/ru-netanyahu-corruption-trial?utm_source=test_mrss&utm_camp
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French architect Anne Lacaton wins 2025 Jane Drew Prize
Culture • 1:37 PM
5 min
French architect Anne Lacaton has been awarded the 2025 Jane Drew Prize for her pivotal role in advancing women in architecture, recognised for her inventive and socially conscious design work.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a hr
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Σερβία: Φωτοβολίδες και καπνογόνα σε χαοτική συνεδρίαση του κοινοβουλίου
• 1:36 PM
1 min
Βουλευτές της αντιπολίτευσης πυροδότησαν φωτοβολίδες και κροτίδες, με αποτέλεσμα να προκληθούν τραυματισμοί<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/03/04/servia-fwtovolides-kapnogona-xaotiki-
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Карнавал в Рио: школы самбы "зажигают" на Самбадроме
• 1:35 PM
1 min
Карнавал в Рио-де-Жанейро в разгаре: на Самбадроме проходят парады лучших бразильских школ самбы.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/2025/03/04/nc1-brazil-carnival?utm_source=test_mrss&utm_campaign=fee
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Il premier israeliano Netanyahu alla sbarra nel processo per corruzione e frode a suo carico
• 1:30 PM
3 min
Netanyahu deve difendersi dall'accusa di frode, di violazione della fiducia e di accettazione di tangenti in tre casi distinti, che si protraggono dal 2019. Il leader israeliano ha sempre negato di aver compiuto illeciti e accusa il sistema legale di esse
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Kim Jong-un’s sister threatens retaliation over US aircraft carrier in South Korea
• 1:30 PM
2 min
Experts say North Korea could increase its weapons testing after the arrival of a US aircraft carrier last week.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/03/04/kim-jong-uns-sister-threatens-retaliation
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Governo britânico lança campanha publicitária no Iraque para reduzir travessias no Canal da Mancha
• 1:28 PM
3 min
A medida surge numa altura em que o primeiro-ministro britânico, Keir Starmer, tenta reprimir os grupos de contrabandistas.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/2025/03/04/governo-britanico-lanca-campanh
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Çin'in siyasi danışma organı Pekin'de 'İki Oturum' toplantılarını başlattı
• 1:28 PM
1 min
Yaklaşık 5.000 delegenin katıldığı ve bir hafta süren etkinlikte Çin Komünist Partisi, yıl boyunca izleyeceği politikaların ana hatlarını belirliyor.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/03/04/cinin
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Migranti bloccati su piattaforma petrolifera, Sea Watch manda nave
• 1:23 PM
2 min
Queste persone sono bloccate da quattro giorni, senza che le autorità italiane, maltesi o tunisine intervengano. L'ong Mediterranea aveva già denunciato la morte di un migrante nella giornata di martedì<div class="small-12 column text-center article__butt
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Filipinler'e ait savaş uçağı ve pilotları, isyancılara karşı düzenlenen operasyon sırasında kayboldu
• 1:22 PM
3 min
FA-50 tipi jet, Pazartesi gecesi yarı gece yarısı hedef bölgesine ulaşmadan önce hava kuvvetlerine ait diğer uçaklarla iletişimini kaybetti.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/03/04/filipinlere-ai
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Paesi Bassi: ritrovato un dipinto del celebre artista fiammingo Brueghel dopo 50 anni
• 1:22 PM
4 min
Un dipinto di Brueghel del XVII secolo, rubato dal Museo polacco di Danzica nel 1974, è stato recuperato nei Paesi Bassi grazie all'aiuto di un detective soprannominato "Indiana Jones del mondo dell'arte"<div class="small-12 column text-center article__bu
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La Commissione Ue propone dazi sui fertilizzanti da Russia e Bielorussia
• 1:19 PM
10 min
La Commissione europea propone di imporre tariffe aggiuntive sui fertilizzanti provenienti da Russia e Bielorussia pari al 100% per due anni. Durante i tre anni di guerra, i fertilizzanti provenienti dalla Russia non sono stati soggetti a sanzioni. Cosa è
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Ukrayna: Rusya, Dnipro Nehri'nde hakimiyet için 'intihar' görevi başlattı
• 1:15 PM
5 min
Herson’un stratejik önemi büyük çünkü Ukrayna’nın ana nehri olan Dnipro’nun ağzında yer alıyor.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/03/04/ukrayna-rusya-dnipro-nehrinde-hakimiyet-icin-intihar-gorevi
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O ti spogli o te ne vai: perché i costumi da bagno potrebbero essere presto vietati sulle spiagge per nudisti tedesche
• 1:14 PM
2 min
Sebbene il naturismo risalga al XIX secolo in Germania, oggi sta perdendo il favore delle giovani generazioni
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Philippine fighter jet and two pilots missing after rebel mission
• 1:11 PM
2 min
The plane lost contact with other military aircraft during an overnight assault against communist insurgents.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/03/04/philippine-fighter-jet-and-two-pilots-missin
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China’s political advisory body opens annual session in Beijing
• 1:08 PM
1 min
The weeklong event, attended by around 5,000 delegates, is used by the Chinese Communist Party to outline its policies for the year.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/03/04/chinas-political-advi
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Quadro de Brueghel roubado reaparece nos Países Baixos passados 50 anos
• 1:05 PM
4 min
Um quadro de Brueghel do século XVII, roubado do Museu de Gdańsk, na Polónia, em 1974, foi recuperado nos Países Baixos com a ajuda de um detetive apelidado de "Indiana Jones do mundo da arte".<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a hr
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İsrail Başbakanı Binyamin Netanyahu devam eden yolsuzluk davasında yeniden hakim karşısına çıktı
• 1:04 PM
3 min
İsrail Başbakanı Binyamin Netanyahu üç ayrı davada dolandırıcılık, güveni kötüye kullanma ve rüşvet alma suçlamalarıyla yargılanıyor.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/03/04/israil-basbakani-biny
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Yapay zeka çözümleri, sürdürülebilirlik ve kapsayıcı seyahat: ITB Berlin seyahatin geleceğini şekillendiriyor
• 1:04 PM
4 min
Euronews Travel önümüzdeki birkaç gün boyunca ITB Berlin'de önde gelen seyahat uzmanlarıyla görüşecek.
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Америка купила Зеленскому титул "человека года"? Нет, это фейк
• 1:03 PM
3 min
Потратило ли американское агентство USAID миллионы, чтобы сделать Зеленского "человеком года" в 2022-м?<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/2025/03/04/euroverify-usaid-zelenskyy?utm_source=test_mrss&utm
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نتنياهو أمام المحكمة للمرة الـ15 في قضايا الفساد والرشوة
International • 1:01 PM
1 min
نتنياهو يمثل للمرة الـ15 أمام المحكمة في قضايا فساد، وسط جلسات مكثفة تمتد لشهرين، حيث يواجه اتهامات تتعلق بالرشوة وإساءة الأمانة في ملفات "1000"، "2000"، و"4000"، تشمل تلقي هدايا ثمينة، والتفاوض على تغطية إعلامية إيجابية، وتقديم تسهيلات لرجال أعمال مقابل
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I disturbi ginecologici possono aumentare il rischio di malattie cardiache? Una nuova ricerca suggerisce di sì
Business • 11:58 AM
4 min
Secondo i ricercatori, l'infiammazione cronica, gli squilibri ormonali e i problemi metabolici come la resistenza all'insulina potrebbero contribuire al rischio
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Hatimoğulları: 'Öcalan'ın özgür yaşam ve çalışma koşulları hızla oluşturulmalıdır'
• 11:56 AM
7 min
Hatimoğulları, Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan'ın 'süreci sahiplenmesinin' önemli olduğunu belirtti ancak 'yetmez' diyerek ekledi: 'Eylem ve icraat gerekir. Doğal olarak devleti yöneten icra makamından icra beklenir. Yani Cumhurbaşkanından beklenir.'<div class="sma
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Ukrayna'yı savunmak için 'Gönüllüler Koalisyonu': Hangi Avrupa ülkeleri katılacak?
• 11:54 AM
5 min
Fransa ve İngiltere, Ukrayna'da varılacak barış anlaşmasından sonra garanti olarak sahaya asker gönderme fikrini ortaya attı. Ancak şu ana kadar çok az ülke bu fikre katılmış görünüyor.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="http
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Borsa İstanbul'da manipülasyon soruşturmasında 17 kişiye gözaltı
• 11:48 AM
2 min
Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu (SPK) tarafından da tüm kurumların işlemlerinin inceleme altına alındığı duyurulmuştu.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/03/04/borsa-istanbulda-manipulasyon-sorusturmasind
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Le pape se repose après une "insuffisance respiratoire aiguë", selon le Vatican
Europe • 11:47 AM
4 min
Cette crise constitue un nouveau revers dans le combat que mène le pape pour se remettre d'une infection respiratoire compliquée, qui dure depuis plus de deux semaines. Le pape François souffre d'une maladie pulmonaire chronique et a subi l'ablation d'une
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هل يفرض روبوت الدردشة الآلي Grok رقابة على انتقاد إيلون ماسك ودونالد ترامب؟
Europe • 11:45 AM
1 min
قام مستخدمو X مؤخرًا بالإبلاغ عن كيفية برمجة روبوت الدردشة الآلي الذي يعمل بالذكاء الاصطناعي. وقالوا إن الروبوت يتجاهل المصادر التي تنتقد مالك المنصة إيلون ماسك والرئيس دونالد ترامب. برنامج يوروفيفاي حقق في الأمر.<div class="small-12 column text-center ar
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Em carta a Orbán, Costa admite divergências sobre a Ucrânia
• 11:43 AM
5 min
Numa carta dirigida ao primeiro-ministro húngaro, Viktor Orbán, obtida pela Euronews, o presidente do Conselho Europeu, António Costa, reconhece a existência de divergências sobre o caminho para a paz na Ucrânia, mas sublinha a necessidade de a UE contrib
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Brasile, Carnevale di Rio de Janeiro: le parate delle scuole di samba illuminano il Sambodromo
• 11:42 AM
1 min
Il Carnevale di Rio è proseguito a pieno ritmo con le migliori scuole di samba che sono sfilate nella struttura lunga 700 metri sul viale Avenida Marques de Sapucai nella città brasiliana<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="ht
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Serbia's parliament session erupts into chaos as opposition MPs set off flares and smoke grenades
Europe • 11:42 AM
2 min
Serbia's parliamentary session in Belgrade on Tuesday briefly turned violent after opposition MPs set off flares following a short brawl, leading to injuries. Speaker of Parliament Brnabić urged MPs to resume work.<div class="small-12 column text-center a
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The 'I'm Still Here' effect: How Oscar fever is gripping Brazil during Carnaval
Culture • 11:42 AM
20 min
Walter Salles' 'Im Still Here' won Best International Feature Film at the 97th Academy Awards. Brazilians roared at home and on the streets, where Carnival festivities have been ongoing since Saturday. And now, the 'I'm Still Here' house is to be transfor
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Costa escribe a Orbán admitiendo desavenencias y ofreciendo garantías de seguridad sobre Ucrania
• 11:40 AM
5 min
En una carta al primer ministro de Hungría, Viktor Orban, obtenida por 'Euronews', el presidente del Consejo Europeo, António Costa, reconoció divergencias sobre el camino para lograr la paz en Ucrania, pero defendió la necesidad de que la UE aporte "fuer
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Costa Orban ile görüş ayrılığını kabul etti, Ukrayna için güvenlik garantileri ihtiyacını vurguladı
• 11:34 AM
5 min
AB Konseyi Başkanı Antonio Costa, Macaristan Başbakanı Viktor Orban'a gönderdiği ve Euronews tarafından görülen mektubunda Ukrayna'da barışın sağlanmasına giden yolda görüş ayrılıkları olduğunu kabul etti ancak AB'nin ülkeye 'güçlü güvenlik garantileri' s
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Ue: António Costa ammette la frattura sulla questione Ucraina in una lettera a Viktor Orbán
• 11:27 AM
5 min
In una lettera al premier ungherese Viktor Orban, ottenuta da Euronews, il presidente del Consiglio europeo Antonio Costa ha riconosciuto le divergenze sul percorso da seguire per raggiungere la pace in Ucraina<div class="small-12 column text-center artic
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Colombia, nuova iniziativa del governo per limitare il traffico di droga e la violenza dei ribelli
• 11:26 AM
2 min
L'iniziativa del presidente Petro mira a bonificare 25mila ettari di piantagioni di coca nei prossimi cinque mesi, mantenendo al contempo le operazioni militari contro i gruppi ribelli del nordest che alimentano il traffico di cocaina<div class="small-12
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L'Iran conferma: il suo programma nucleare è stato discusso tra Stati Uniti e Russia
• 11:25 AM
2 min
Il commento sul programma nucleare dell'Iran è stato rilasciato da un portavoce del governo iraniano, tra le notizie secondo cui Teheran starebbe accelerando la produzione di uranio<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://
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Ρωσικά πλήγματα στην Οδησσό μετά την απόφαση Τραμπ να παγώσει τη στρατιωτική βοήθεια στην Ουκρανία
• 11:23 AM
1 min
Οι Κρατικές Υπηρεσίες Έκτακτης Ανάγκης της Ουκρανίας ανέφεραν ότι ρωσικό μη επανδρωμένο αεροσκάφος επιτέθηκε κατά τη διάρκεια της νύχτας με στόχο ενεργειακές υποδομές στην Οδησσό<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.
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