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Vilnius Katedrali'nin altında gizli kraliyet hazineleri keşfedildi
• 3:01 PM
4 min
Litvanya'nın en ünlü katedralinin mahzeninde 15. ve 16. yüzyıllara ait uzun süredir kayıp olan taçlar, yüzükler ve asalar yeniden ortaya çıktı.
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Un adolescente va a juicio por los apuñalamientos en el Reino Unido en una clase de baile de Taylor Swift
• 3:00 PM
3 min
Se espera que el juicio de Axel Rudakubana, detenido por tres cargos de asesinato y 10 de intento de asesinato, dure cuatro semanas.
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Waffenstillstand: Israelis sind erleichtert und gleichzeitig beunruhigt
• 2:59 PM
3 min
Die Freude über die Wiedervereinigung der befreiten Geiseln Emily Damari, Romi Gonen und Doron Steinbrecher mit ihren Familien wird durch die Frage nach dem Schicksal der fast 100 anderen Geiseln gedämpft.
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Israël - Hamas : les Israéliens partagés entre la joie et l'abattement
World • 2:55 PM
2 min
La trêve et les trois premières libérations d'otages du Hamas plongent les Israéliens dans un sentiment partagé entre le soulagement et l'abattement.
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Trumps Amtseinführung: Welche europäischen Politiker sind dabei?
• 2:55 PM
4 min
Zur Amtseinführung von Donald Trump als 47. Präsident der USA reisen auch einige Politiker aus Europa. Aus Deutschland sind nur zwei Politiker der AfD geladen.
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Kate Moss turns 50: A look back in pictures through the life of the iconic supermodel
Culture • 2:54 PM
35 min
Moss, who rose to fame in the early 1990s as the face of the heroin chic fashion trend, has turned 50. Join us as we reflect on her remarkable life and career so far.
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Rascunhos de “Mr. Tambourine Man” de Bob Dylan rendem quase 500 000 euros em leilão
• 2:47 PM
6 min
Duas folhas de letras de música datilografadas foram os principais elementos de um leilão histórico de objetos de Bob Dylan realizado em Nashville.
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Leiter des Norwegischen Flüchtlingsrats: Kürzungen der Hilfe sind die größte Bedrohung für Afghanistans Frauen
• 2:43 PM
5 min
Die Machtübernahme der Taliban im August 2021 stürzte Millionen Menschen in Armut und Hunger, nachdem die ausländische Hilfe fast über Nacht eingestellt wurde.
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These are the most critical health crises facing the world in 2025
Business • 2:39 PM
7 min
Humanitarian disasters are breeding both short-term and long-term health problems around the world, global health officials said.
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Mezcla de alivio e intranquilidad en Tel Aviv tras el alto el fuego entre Israel y Hamás en Gaza
• 2:37 PM
3 min
Los habitantes de Tel Aviv expresan sentimientos encontrados tras el alto el fuego entre Israel y Hamás. La liberación de los primeros rehenes ha contentado a muchos en la ciudad israelí, pero la intranquilidad persiste mientras la mayoría sigue en cautiv
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Giorgia Meloni all'inaugurazione di Trump: qui per "rafforzare le relazioni con gli Stati Uniti"
• 2:37 PM
1 min
La premier è a Washington per la cerimonia di insediamento di Donald Trump come 47esimo presidente degli Stati Uniti
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James Cameron shares updates about third Avatar film - 'Avatar: Fire and Ash'
Culture • 2:35 PM
4 min
It's coming to your screens in December. It's going to be long. And it's going to be surprising, according to the Oscar-winning director.
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Los partidarios de Trump hacen cola en Washington para entrar a su "mitin de victoria"
• 2:32 PM
3 min
Se espera que millones de estadounidenses y espectadores de todo el mundo vean el juramento de Trump, de 78 años, cuando se convierta en el primer presidente estadounidense en cumplir dos mandatos no consecutivos desde la década de 1890.
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الذهب الرقمي الجديد.. عملة ترامب المشفرة تحلّق وتسجل 12 مليار دولار في قيمتها السوقية
Business • 2:31 PM
1 min
حلّق سعر العملة المشفرة الخاصة بالرئيس الأمريكي دونالد ترامب، اليوم الإثنين، فبلغت قيمتها السوقية حوالي 12 مليار دولار أمريكي، وسجلت أسعار البيتكوين أعلى مستوياتها تزامنًا مع تنصيب الزعيم الجمهوري البالغ من العمر 78 عامًا لولاية ثانية.
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Optimism amongst Trump supporters as thousands gather ahead of inauguration
• 2:28 PM
5 min
On the eve of the swearing-in ceremony, thousands of Trump supporters stood in line despite the freezing weather to attend a 'Make America Great Again' rally.
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What is Davos and why is it important? Your guide to the World Economic Forum’s annual summit
Business • 2:24 PM
8 min
The World Economic Forum has held a meeting every year since it was founded in 1971. But why is Davos, as it is commonly known, so significant?
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Γερμανοί εισαγγελείς: Δεν ήταν τρομοκρατική επίθεση στο Μαγδεμβούργο
• 2:20 PM
1 min
Έξι άνθρωποι έχασαν τη ζωή τους και περισσότεροι από 300 τραυματίστηκαν όταν ένας γιατρός σαουδαραβικής καταγωγής έπεσε με αυτοκίνητο πάνω σε χριστουγεννιάτικη αγορά στην πόλη Μαγδεμβούργο τον Δεκέμβριο.
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L'adolescent responsable de la mort de trois jeunes filles lors d'un cours de danse au Royaume-Uni plaide coupable
Culture • 2:19 PM
3 min
Un adolescent britannique qui avait poignardé et tué trois jeunes filles et fait une dizaine de blessées, lors d'une soirée dansante consacrée à Taylor Swift à Southport en Angleterre a plaidé coupable.
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¿Cuáles son los mayores riesgos globales? Guerra, desinformación y medioambiente lideran la lista
• 2:16 PM
3 min
El Foro Económico Mundial ha publicado este miércoles su Informe de Riesgos Globales, que se basa en una encuesta a más de 900 líderes mundiales del sector público y el privado, la sociedad civil y el mundo académico.
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Η αλλαγή του Ντόναλντ Τραμπ στο TikTok: Από την υποστήριξη μιας απαγόρευσης σε σωτήρας
• 2:16 PM
1 min
"Ζητώ από τις εταιρείες να μην αφήσουν το TikTok να παραμείνει σκοτεινό!" έγραψε ο Ντόναλντ Τραμπ σε μια ανάρτηση στην εφαρμογή κοινωνικής δικτύωσης Truth Social το πρωί της Κυριακής.
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Adalet Bakanı Tunç: Yargıya baskı girişime karşı gerekli adımlar atılacak
• 2:15 PM
3 min
Tunç yargıya yönelik her türlü baskı ve müdahale girişimine karşı tüm gerekli hukuki adımların atılacağını belirtti.
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Prima notte senza bombardamenti a Gaza, ma per la ricostruzione potrebbero volerci secoli
• 2:15 PM
4 min
Il giorno dopo il rilascio dei primi ostaggi, niente bombardamenti dopo più di un anno. Ma la situazione resta critica e l'Onu avverte: per la ricostruzione potrebbero volerci 350 anni
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Certificação de cibersegurança continua em suspenso apesar dos esforços polacos
• 2:14 PM
4 min
Os progressos de certificação da cibersegurança para os serviços de computação em nuvem (EUCS) - que se encontra num impasse desde 2019 - podem vir a acontecer após a revisão da Lei da Cibersegurança (CSA).
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Полярный холод внёс изменения в протокол второй инаугурации Трампа
• 2:13 PM
1 min
Полярный холод внёс изменения в протокол второй инаугурации Дональда Трампа. 47-й президент США принесёт присягу не на ступенях Капитолия, а внутри. зменения были внесены в последнюю минуту, что вынудило силы безопасности переосмыслить целый ряд моментов.
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Biden başkanlığının son saatlerinde Fauci, Milley ve 6 Ocak komitesi üyesi için af çıkardı
• 2:11 PM
3 min
ABD Başkanı Biden başkanlığının son saatlerinde, potansiyel olarak 'haksız (ve) siyasi amaçlı kovuşturmaların' hedefi olarak nitelendirdiği kişiler hakkında önleyici af çıkardı.
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Der Moment, in dem die israelischen Geiseln freigelassen wurden
• 2:09 PM
1 min
Drei israelische Geiseln werden von der Hamas freigelassen. Der Moment, in dem sie die Grenze passieren, weckt tiefe Emotionen bei ihren Familienangehörigen.
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Davos 2025: i leader mondiali si riuniscono per affrontare le sfide economiche e tecnologiche
• 2:08 PM
2 min
La riunione annuale 2025 del World Economic Forum si svolge dal 20 al 24 gennaio a Davos, in Svizzera. Sviluppo economico e innovazione tecnologica sul tavolo dei leader mondiali presenti al vertice
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Freude über die Rückkehr von 90 palästinensischen Gefangenen
• 2:07 PM
1 min
Tausende feierten in Beitunia die Freilassung von 90 palästinensischen Gefangenen im Rahmen des Waffenstillstands zwischen Israel und Hamas. Die freigelassenen Gefangenen berichteten über harte Haftbedingungen.
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X, Meta ve Bluesky yeni video özellikleriyle TikTok yasağından nasıl yararlandı?
• 2:07 PM
3 min
Sosyal medya şirketleri, yeni video araçları ve akışları sunarak ABD'de TikTok yasağının oluşturduğu boşluktan en iyi şekilde yararlandı.
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Tränenreiche Wiedervereinigung: Israelische Geiseln kehren nach Hause zurück
• 2:06 PM
1 min
Drei Israelis wurden freigelassen und mit ihren Familien vereint. Die Freilassung ist Teil eines Waffenstillstands zwischen Israel und der Hamas.
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Özel: 'Sandık görevlilerini, güvenliğini çalışıyoruz'
• 2:02 PM
2 min
CHP lideri Özel Pazartesi günü sabah saatlerinde Erdoğan'a 'Adayımız hazır, çık karşımıza,' diyerek meydan okudu.
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Donald Trump promet d'agir "à une vitesse et avec une force sans précédent"
World • 2:00 PM
6 min
Sur le point de réintégrer la Maison-Blanche, Donald Trump promet d'agir pour mettre un terme au "déclin" et aux États-Unis, ses partisans exultent. Il sera la première personne condamnée pour un crime à occuper le poste de président des États-Unis.
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من هم القادة الأوروبيون الذين سيشاركون في حفل تنصيب ترامب الثاني؟
Europe • 2:00 PM
1 min
يتولى دونالد ترامب اليوم منصبه كرئيس الولايات المتحدة للمرة الثانية، وسط ترقب عالمي لحفل التنصيب في واشنطن. لكن السؤال الذي يطرح نفسه: من بين القادة الأوروبيين، من سيكون حاضراً ليضيف بعداً سياسياً جديداً إلى الحفل؟
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Welche Länder haben die höchste Luftverschmutzung in Europa?
• 1:56 PM
2 min
Die Zahl der durch Luftverschmutzung verursachten Todesfälle ist in der EU zurückgegangen, wobei die Sterblichkeitsraten in Bulgarien, Polen und Ungarn am höchsten waren.
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Gazze'deki Filistinliler ateşkesin ilk gecesinin ardından rahat uyandı
• 1:55 PM
7 min
Ateşkesin yürürlüğe girmesiyle birlikte binlerce Gazzeli savaşın başlarında terk etmek zorunda kaldıkları evlerine geri dönmeye başladı.
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Hidden royal treasures discovered underneath Vilnius Cathedral
Culture • 1:55 PM
7 min
Long-lost crowns, rings, and sceptres dating back to the 15th and 16th centuries have resurfaced in the crypt of Lithuania’s most famous cathedral.
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Tudo a postos para o regresso de Trump à Casa Branca
• 1:53 PM
6 min
Pela primeira vez em cerca de 130 anos, um presidente norte-americano assume um segundo mandato não-consecutivo. Aos 78 anos, Trump regressa esta segunda-feira à Casa Branca.
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All eyes on Washington for Trump inauguration
• 1:52 PM
1 min
In Washington at noon local time (6 pm CET), Donald Trump will take the oath of office for a second go at the presidency of the United States in what is a remarkable political comeback.
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Europe reaffirms strong ties with US despite concerns over Trump' policies
• 1:51 PM
3 min
As Trump prepares to take office, European leaders highlighted the importance of strong ties with Washington and the need to adapt to potential shifts in international policies and agreements.
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US Big Tech is ready for Trump 2, but is the EU?
Business • 1:50 PM
6 min
US tech moguls will take ring-side seats for the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 47th US president today, but the new mandate is set to test Europe's regulation of the tech sector.
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Adolescente declara-se culpado de esfaqueamento fatal em aula de dança no Reino Unido
• 1:47 PM
2 min
Um adolescente britânico que esfaqueou três raparigas num ataque a faca num evento de dança com o tema e músicas de Taylor Swift declarou-se culpado de homicídio. Entre as vítimas mortais está uma criança portuguesa.
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Перемещенные палестинцы возвращаются из Хан-Юниса в Рафах
• 1:37 PM
1 min
За 15 месяцев войны, начавшейся с жестокого нападения ХАМАС на Израиль, огромные территории Газы превратились в руины. По оценкам ООН, на восстановление анклава уйдут годы и потребуются десятки миллиардов евро.
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Irish venture capital investments rise with upbeat outlook for 2025
Business • 1:35 PM
3 min
Factors such as rebounding interest in new technologies, as well as the government announcing new schemes supporting the venture capital (VC) industry all contributed to higher VC numbers.
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How X, Meta, and Bluesky are taking advantage of the TikTok ban with new video features
Business • 1:35 PM
4 min
Social media companies are making the most of the TikTok ban in the US by offering new video tools and feeds.
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Palestinianos aliviados após primeira noite sem bombardeamentos
• 1:35 PM
3 min
A população vai agora também começar a receber ajuda humanitária, com a entrada de mais de 600 camiões.
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AB Komisyonu çevrimiçi nefret söylemine dair çabaları resmileştiriyor
• 1:33 PM
3 min
Çevrimiçi yasadışı nefret söylemiyle mücadeleye ilişkin Davranış Kuralları, platformların Dijital Hizmetler Yasası'na uymalarına yardımcı olmalıdır.
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ألمانيا: حادث الدهس في سوق عيد الميلاد بماغديبورغ ليس هجومًا إرهابيًا
Europe • 1:31 PM
4 min
أعلن المدعي العام الاتحادي في ألمانيا، ينس رومل، أن حادث الدهس الذي وقع في سوق عيد الميلاد بمدينة ماغديبورغ، وأسفر عن مقتل ستة أشخاص وإصابة أكثر من 300 آخرين، لن يُحقق فيه باعتباره هجومًا إرهابيًا، مشيرًا إلى أن دوافع الجاني كانت شخصية وليست ذات طابع سياس
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Cessate il fuoco a Gaza: le reazioni degli israeliani dopo il rilascio dei primi 3 ostaggi
• 1:29 PM
1 min
L'accordo tra Israele e Hamas prevede il rilascio di 33 ostaggi e la liberazione di circa 2mila prigionieri palestinesi, così come l'ingresso di aiuti umanitari per gli abitanti della Striscia di Gaza
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La UE espera a ver qué le espera tras la toma de posesión de Donald Trump
• 1:29 PM
6 min
Europa se prepara para enfrentar importantes desafíos económicos bajo la presidencia de Trump, incluidos su industria automotriz, el suministro de energía y la devaluación del euro, además de la posibilidad de un resurgimiento de la inflación.
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A mudança de Donald Trump sobre o TikTok: de apoiante da proibição a "salvador"
• 1:29 PM
9 min
"Estou a pedir às empresas que não deixem o TikTok ficar às escuras!" apelou Donald Trump numa publicação na sua aplicação de redes sociais, Truth Social.
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Première nuit dans le calme depuis 15 mois pour les habitants de Gaza
World • 1:28 PM
8 min
Les palestiniens déplacés de Gaza ont pour certains d'entre eux, rejoint leurs anciens quartiers, mais l'ampleur des destructions est apocalyptique.
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Beim Weltwirtschaftsforum Davos 2025 stehen Wohlstand, Klima und Frieden auf der Tagesordnung
• 1:20 PM
4 min
Die Diskussionen werden sich unter anderem mit geoökonomischer Unsicherheit, künstlicher Intelligenz, einer neuen Vorstellung von Wachstum und Umweltschutz befassen.
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El cambio de Donald Trump en TikTok: de apoyar su prohibición a ser aclamado como su salvador
• 1:19 PM
7 min
El nuevo presidente se ha llevado el mérito de recuperar la red social china, pese a que fue él mismo quien impulsó el debate sobre su prohibición en 2020.
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Des scientifiques découvrent de véritables preuves de l'histoire de la création : Adam et Ève auraient vécu en Afrique il y a 200 000 ans
Culture • 1:18 PM
10 min
Le récit d'Adam et Ève apparaît dans les écritures des religions abrahamiques et beaucoup le connaissent. Selon la tradition, Adam et Ève ont été les premiers homme et femme à fouler notre Terre.
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Biden pardons Fauci, Milley and 6 January committee members in unprecedented move
• 1:12 PM
3 min
The US president used the final hours of his presidency to issue preemptive pardons to those he described as potentially being a target of "unjustified (and) politically motivated prosecutions".
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Palestinians in Gaza wake up relieved after first night of ceasefire
• 1:08 PM
6 min
Thousands of Gazans have begun to travel back to the homes they evacuated earlier in the war.
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Prada, Armani and Dolce&Gabbana: The best of Men's Milan Fashion Week so far
Culture • 1:06 PM
1 min
Milan Fashion Week Men’s arrived this weekend beginning with high-wattage shows from Armani, Prada and Dolce & Gabbana.
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Líderes mundiais reúnem-se em Davos para enfrentar desafios económicos e tecnológicos
• 1:04 PM
3 min
Começou a reunião anual do FEM em Davos, centrada em questões globais como o desenvolvimento económico e a inovação tecnológica.
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EU digital enforcement barometer amid rising pressure from US tech giants
Europe • 1:00 PM
6 min
The European Commission will conclude several investigations launched against Big Tech in the coming months. As US tech giants pressure the EU to retreat and align with laissez faire tone struck by the incoming Trump administration, we take stock of the o
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Violenze nel nord-est della Colombia, 80 morti e migliaia di sfollati
• 11:57 AM
4 min
Il presidente colombiano Gustavo Petro ha chiuso la porta a nuovi colloqui di pace con l'Esercito di Liberazione Nazionale (Eln), uno dei gruppi armati coinvolti nei combattimenti. "Non vogliono la pace", ha dichiarato
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زلزال بقوة 5.4 درجة يضرب باتانغاس في الفلبين
International • 11:55 AM
1 min
ضرب زلزال بقوة 5.4 درجة منطقة قبالة ساحل كالاتاغان في باتانغاس، بحسب هيئة رصد البراكين والزلازل الفلبينية.
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Παγκόσμιο Οικονομικό Φόρουμ στο Νταβός: Πώς θα γίνει η επανεκκίνηση της ανάπτυξης;
• 11:53 AM
1 min
Μιλά στην απεσταλμένη του euronews ο Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος του Φόρουμ
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Обвиняемый в убийстве детей в танцевальной студии в Великобритании признал вину
• 11:53 AM
2 min
18-летний Аксель Рудакубана, которого обвиняют в убийстве троих детей и нанесении ранений еще 10 пострадавшим, предстал перед судом в Ливерпуле. Он признал вину по всем пунктам обвинения.
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Watch West Bank joy as 90 freed Palestinian prisoners return
• 11:53 AM
1 min
Thousands in Beitunia celebrated the release of 90 Palestinian prisoners as part of the Israel-Hamas ceasefire. The next exchange is scheduled for Saturday as fragile truce holds.
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Magdeburg Noel pazarı saldırısı 'terör olayı' olarak soruşturulmayacak
• 11:53 AM
3 min
Suudi Arabistan doğumlu bir doktorun Aralık ayında Magdeburg kentindeki bir Noel pazarına aracıyla dalması sonucu altı kişi hayatını kaybederken, 300'den fazla kişi de yaralanmıştı.
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Procuradores alemães: atropelamento no mercado de Natal de Magdeburgo não foi ataque terrorista
• 11:51 AM
3 min
Seis pessoas morreram e mais de 300 ficaram feridas quando um médico de origem saudita conduziu um automóvel contra a multidão mercado de Natal na cidade de Magdeburgo, em dezembro.
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¿Te sientes triste y sin energía? No eres tú, es el Blue Monday
• 11:50 AM
3 min
Esta tradición de origen inglés nació hace casi dos décadas y combina un trasfondo comercial con fundamentos que han sido criticados
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Global leaders gather in Davos to tackle economic and technological challenges
• 11:50 AM
3 min
The WEF's annual meeting in Davos has begun, focusing on global issues like economic development and technological innovation.
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Trump iklim mücadelesini terk edecek ama bu Avrupa'nın kazancı olabilir
• 11:48 AM
7 min
ABD, Trump'ın ilk döneminde küresel iklim mücadelesinden geri çekildi ve ikinci dönemi de farklı olmayacak. İbrahim Özdemir'e göre bu, Avrupa'nın gelecek nesilleri belirleyecek olan bu konuda diğerleriyle birlikte hareket etmesi için bir fırsat.
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Germania, l'attacco al mercatino di Natale di Magdeburgo non è un attentato terroristico
• 11:45 AM
3 min
Sei persone sono morte e più di 300 sono rimaste ferite quando un medico di origine saudita ha guidato un'auto contro un mercatino di Natale nella città di Magdeburgo a dicembre. Nonostante l'ipotesi iniziale, il procuratore generale ha dichiarato che non
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¿Qué aliados europeos de Trump estarán en Washington para su investidura?
• 11:44 AM
4 min
Algunos políticos de ultraderecha asistirán a la toma de posesión del 47º presidente de Estados Unidos.
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Poland focuses on border security at start of EU presidency
Europe • 11:42 AM
6 min
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has said that protecting borders is a 'sacred duty', but humanitarian organisations have expressed concerns.
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Serbest bırakılan Filistinli mahkumlar coşkulu kalabalıklar arasında Batı Şeria'ya ulaştı
• 11:37 AM
1 min
Batı Şeria'nın Beytunya kentinde Pazartesi sabahı erken saatlerde, Hamas ile İsrail arasındaki ateşkes anlaşması kapsamında serbest bırakılan ilk Filistinli mahkumları coşkulu bir kalabalık karşıladı.
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Ex-MEP Maria Arena charged with membership of criminal organisation
Europe • 11:32 AM
2 min
The charges, which Arena has denied, are the latest in the Qatargate allegations that foreign lobbyists attempted to purchase influence in the European Parliament.
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États-Unis : les alliés européens de Trump présents à Washington pour l'inauguration
Business • 11:22 AM
8 min
Des soutiens européens de Donald Trump ont accepté des invitations pour assister à la cérémonie d'investiture du 47e président des États-Unis, lundi.
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David Lynch’s children invite fans to 'worldwide group meditation' to honour director’s legacy
Culture • 11:22 AM
3 min
David Lynch’s children – Jennifer, Austin, Riley and Lula Lynch – have invited mourning fans to join in a 10-minute worldwide group session today to "meditate, reflect, and send positivity into the universe."
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İngiltere'de dans kursunda 3 kız çocuğunu bıçaklayan saldırganın yargılanması başladı
• 11:17 AM
4 min
Üç cinayet ve 10 cinayete teşebbüs nedeniyle gözaltına alınan Axel Rudakubana'nın davasının dört hafta sürmesi bekleniyor.
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Gaza, tregua tra Israele e Hamas: le immagini della liberazione dei primi tre ostaggi israeliani
• 11:16 AM
1 min
Domenica Hamas ha rilasciato i primi tre ostaggi, come previsto dall'accordo per il cessate il fuoco nella Striscia di Gaza. Al diffondersi della notizia la folla ha applaudito a Tel Aviv
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Davos 2025: O que esperar do Fórum Económico Mundial deste ano
• 11:15 AM
4 min
A Reunião Anual de 2025 do Fórum Económico Mundial (FEM) realiza-se de 20 a 24 de janeiro em Davos, na Suíça. Eis um resumo do que se pode esperar da reunião deste ano.
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R.E.M'in vokali Michael Stipe'den aşırı sağın yükselişini protesto etmek için Meta boykotu çağrısı
• 11:11 AM
7 min
'Çok mu bağımlıyız ki bir hafta bile oturumu kapatamıyoruz?'
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Давос-2025 открывается вопросом "Как возобновить экономический рост?"
• 11:09 AM
1 min
В этом году старт форума в Давосе совпал с инаугурацией президента США Дональда Трампа. Спустя несколько дней, как ожидается, он обратится к участникам ВЭФ в режиме онлайн.
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Refik Anadol’un ‘Buzul Rüyaları’ Zürih’te ziyaretçileri büyülüyor
• 11:06 AM
2 min
Los Angeles’ta yaşayan sanatçı, İzlanda, Grönland ve Antarktika’dan milyonlarca buzul görüntüsüyle 'şiirsel deneyimler' yarattı.
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روسيا تعلن إسقاط 31 مسيرة أوكرانية استهدفت منشآت صناعية في الساعات الأخيرة
International • 11:00 AM
2 min
أعلنت وزارة الدفاع الروسية عن تدمير 31 طائرة مسيرة أوكرانية خلال ساعات الليل، في إطار التصدي لهجوم استهدف منشآت صناعية.
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Новости дня | 20 января — дневной выпуск
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Узнавайте о самых важных событиях в Европе и за ее пределами - последние новости, срочные новости, мир, бизнес, развлечения, политика, культура, путешествия
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L’info du jour | 20 janvier - Mi-journée
World • 11:00 AM
1 min
Suivez les derniers développements de l'actualité en Europe et dans le monde. Retrouvez les dernières infos sur la politique, l'économie, la culture et le divertissement.
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Le notizie del giorno | 20 gennaio - Pomeridiane
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Segui l'attualità dall'Europa e dal mondo. Ricevi le ultime notizie su economia, spettacolo, politica, cultura, viaggi.
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Latest news bulletin | January 20th – Midday
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news, World, Business, Entertainment, Politics, Culture, Travel.
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As notícias do dia | 20 janeiro 2025 - Tarde
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Acompanhe a atualidade da Europa e do Mundo. Fique a par das notícias mais recentes da Política, dos Negócios, do Desporto e da Cultura.
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Nachrichten des Tages | 20. Januar - Mittagsausgabe
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Informieren Sie sich über das aktuelle Geschehen in Europa und der Welt - Politik, Wirtschaft, Unterhaltung, Kultur und Reisen.
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Migrantes ilegais no EUA preparam-se para o pior cenário e receiam deportações em grande escala
• 10:58 AM
5 min
Os imigrantes que vivem em cidades americanas estão a preparar-se para potenciais deportações em larga escala sob a nova administração de Donald Trump.
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