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'Total waste of money':  Former Italian PM Conte rails against EU rearmament plan
Europe • 8:55 PM
6 min
In an interview to Euronews, Five Star Movement leader Giuseppe Conte said that the Commission “is exaggerating the Russian threat” to boost military expenditure<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/my-
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مئات المسيرات الأوكرانية فوق سماء روسيا تخلف قتلى وجرحى
International • 8:46 PM
1 min
أسفرت الغارات الأوكرانية عن مقتل ثلاثة أشخاص وإصابة 18 آخرين بجروح بما فيهم ثلاثة أطفال بحسب مسؤولين روس.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://arabic.euronews.com/2025/03/11/hundreds-of-ukrainian-drones-over-russia-leav
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Ukraine agrees to US-proposed immediate one-month ceasefire following Saudi Arabia talks
• 8:43 PM
3 min
Kyiv has reiterated that it is ready to take such a step only if Russia adheres to the ceasefire terms in the same way.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/03/11/ukraine-agrees-to-us-proposed-30-d
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Romania, la Corte costituzionale respinge all'unanimità la candidatura di "TikTok Messia" Georgescu
• 8:38 PM
2 min
La Corte Suprema della Romania ha confermato il precedente rifiuto della commissione elettorale alla candidatura di Georgescu, provocando manifestazioni a Bucarest martedì sera<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.eu
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Portogallo, il Parlamento respinge la mozione di fiducia: cade il governo Montenegro
• 8:31 PM
3 min
Tutti i partiti dell'opposizione, ad eccezione di Iniziativa liberale, hanno votato contro la mozione di fiducia al governo Montenegro. La crisi innescata dalla richiesta di una commissione parlamentare di inchiesta sul premier<div class="small-12 column
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Трамп заявил, что увеличит тарифы на канадскую сталь и алюминий до 50%
• 8:07 PM
1 min
Президент США Дональд Трамп объявил, что поручил министру торговли ввести дополнительные пошлины до 50% на импорт стали и алюминия из Канады. Они вступят в силу уже 12 марта.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euro
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Portugal : le Parlement rejette la motion de confiance et fait tomber le gouvernement
Europe • 8:07 PM
1 min
Tous les partis d'opposition, à l'exception de l'Initiative libérale, ont voté contre la motion de confiance au gouvernement.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/03/11/portugal-le-parleme
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Serbia, studenti si scontrano con la polizia dopo aver bloccato la sede della tv pubblica a Belgrado
• 8:03 PM
6 min
I manifestanti hanno bloccato gli accessi all'edificio della tv di Stato Rts perché non avrebbe coperto correttamente le proteste che vanno avanti dalla tragedia alla stazione ferroviaria di Novi Sad dello scorso novembre<div class="small-12 column text-c
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Romanya'da Georgescu'nun adaylığının reddedilmesine karşı protesto gösterileri yapıldı
• 8:01 PM
2 min
Romanya'nın en üst mahkemesi, Georgescu'nun adaylığının reddini onaylayarak Bükreş'te gösterilere neden oldu.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/03/11/romanyada-georgescunun-adayliginin-
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جيش ألمانيا في أزمة: تقدّمٌ في السن ونقصٌ شديد في العتاد وأعداد الجنود
Europe • 8:01 PM
2 min
رغم أن ألمانيا تعدّ من أكبر مصدري الأسلحة في العالم، إلا قواتها المسلحة تواجه أزمة في العدّة والعديد. إذ حذّرت المفوضة البرلمانية للقوات المسلحة الألمانية، إيفا هوغل، من تدهور حالة الجيش وتهالك أسلحته، مشيرة إلى نقص في العتاد والجنود.<div class="small-12
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Cos'è Manus AI, l'intelligenza artificiale che "trasforma i vostri pensieri in azioni"
Business • 7:47 PM
5 min
Una nuova piattaforma cinese di intelligenza artificiale sta facendo furore. Ma vale il clamore suscitato? Euronews Next ha dato un'occhiata
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Столкновение в Северном море: 59-летний мужчина задержан по обвинению в непредумышленном убийстве
• 7:34 PM
1 min
59-летний мужчина задержан в Великобритании по обвинению в "непредумышленном убийстве" на следующий день после столкновения у берегов Англии танкера и грузового судна, сообщила полиция. Судно Solong ещё горит, один член экипажа числится пропавшим без вест
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Siria: le tensioni etniche esplodono in scontri mortali, mettendo in discussione la revoca delle sanzioni da parte dell'Europa
• 7:30 PM
5 min
Le recenti violenze in Siria hanno fatto temere un'ulteriore instabilità. I leader chiedono la revoca delle sanzioni per alleviare le difficoltà economiche<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/2025/03/11
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Pakistan'da trene saldırı: 214 kişi rehin alındı
• 7:28 PM
2 min
Militanlar, aralarında Pakistan ordusundan askerlerin de yer aldığı 214 kişiyi rehin aldıklarını açıkladı.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/03/11/pakistanda-trene-saldiri-214-kisi-rehin-alindi?u
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Donald Trump renonce à doubler les droits de douane sur l'acier et l'aluminium canadiens
World • 7:25 PM
6 min
Le président américain avait menacé mardi de doubler les droits de douane, les faisant passer à 50 % dès mercredi.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/2025/03/11/donald-trump-porte-a-50-les-droits-de-do
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Trump dice que duplicará los aranceles previstos al acero y aluminio canadienses
• 7:24 PM
4 min
El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, se enfrenta a una mayor presión para estimular el crecimiento económico después de que una brusca caída en los mercados bursátiles aumente el riesgo de recesión.<div class="small-12 column text-center article
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Trump dichiara che raddoppierà al 50% le tariffe previste su acciaio e alluminio canadesi
• 7:17 PM
4 min
Il presidente degli Stati Uniti Donald Trump si trova ad affrontare una maggiore pressione per stimolare la crescita economica dopo che il brutale crollo dei mercati di lunedì ha indicato l'aumento dei rischi di recessione<div class="small-12 column text-
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تحول لافت.. مشروع قانون أوروبي لبناء مراكز احتجاز لطالبي اللجوء خارج دول التكتل
Europe • 7:15 PM
1 min
طرحت المفوضية الأوروبية، الثلاثاء، مشروع قانون جديد يتيح لدول الاتحاد الأوروبي إمكانية نقل طالبي اللجوء المرفوضين إلى دول خارج التكتل، حتى لو لم تكن لهم أي صلة بها، وذلك في تحول جذري لسياسة الهجرة الأوروبية.<div class="small-12 column text-center article_
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Missbrauch von Geldern: Neue Rekordzahl bei Betrugsfällen in der EU
• 7:10 PM
3 min
Über 2.600 aktive Ermittlungen wegen Betrugs in 2024 - das zählte die Europäische Staatsanwaltschaft. Ein Schaden in zweistelliger Milliardenhöhe. Vor allem bei der Mehrwertsteuer wird getrickst.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a
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Silah ithalatı rekor kırarken Ukrayna kendi üretimini de artırıyor
• 6:59 PM
6 min
Ukrayna, 2020-2024 döneminde dünyanın en büyük silah ithalatçısı oldu ve ithalatı 2015-19 dönemine kıyasla neredeyse yüz kat arttı. Ülke ayrıca Rusya'nın tam ölçekli işgalinden bu yana üretimini artırarak kendi silah endüstrisinde de reform yaptı.<div cla
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Trump quer duplicar para 50% os direitos aduaneiros previstos sobre o aço e o alumínio canadianos
• 6:58 PM
4 min
O presidente dos Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, enfrenta uma pressão crescente para estimular o crescimento económico, depois de uma venda brutal dos mercados na segunda-feira ter indicado riscos crescentes de recessão.<div class="small-12 column text-cent
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Güney Afrika'da otobüsün otoyolda kaza yapması sonucu en az 16 kişi öldü
• 6:58 PM
1 min
Kaza, Salı günü Johannesburg'un O.R.Tambo Uluslararası Havalimanı yakınlarında meydana geldi. Kazanın nedeni henüz bilinmiyor.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/03/11/guney-afrikada-otobusun-otoy
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Guerre en Ukraine : Kyiv accepte le cessez-le-feu de 30 jours proposé par Washington
World • 6:57 PM
1 min
Le secrétaire d'État américain Marco Rubio déclare que "la balle est maintenant dans le camp de la Russie".<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/2025/03/11/guerre-en-ukraine-kyiv-accepte-le-cessez-le-feu
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Ucrânia concorda com proposta dos EUA para um cessar-fogo de 30 dias na guerra com a Rússia
• 6:52 PM
1 min
O secretário de Estado dos EUA, Marco Rubio, diz que a "bola está agora no campo da Rússia".<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/2025/03/11/ucrania-concorda-com-proposta-dos-eua-para-um-cessar-fogo-de-3
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Trump says he will double planned tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminium to 50%
• 6:45 PM
4 min
US President Donald Trump faces increased pressure to stimulate economic growth after a brutal market selloff on Monday indicated rising recession risks.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/03/11/
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ثوران جديد لبركان النار في غواتيمالا يضع عشرات الآلاف من السكان في دائرة الخطر
International • 6:31 PM
1 min
يعتبر البركان الذي يبلغ ارتفاعه 3,763 مترًا جنوب غرب مدينة غواتيمالا واحدًا من أكثر البراكين نشاطًا في أمريكا الجنوبية.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://arabic.euronews.com/2025/03/11/new-eruption-of-guatemalas-volc
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Нецелевое расходование средств и махинации с НДС: как в ЕС борются с мошенничеством?
• 6:30 PM
1 min
К концу 2024 года Европейская прокуратура расследовала более 2 000 дел, связанных с махинациями, общий ущерб от которых оценивается в 24,8 млрд евро. Серьёзной проблемой в странах блока остаётся мошенничество с НДС.<div class="small-12 column text-center
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Romanian constitutional court unanimously rejects Calin Georgescu's candidacy, sparking protests
Europe • 6:28 PM
1 min
Romania's top court upheld the electoral committee's earlier rejection of 'TikTok Messiah" Georgescu's candidacy, causing demonstrations in Bucharest on Tuesday evening.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews
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Choque entre la Policía serbia y los manifestantes antigubernamentales ante la televisión pública
• 6:27 PM
3 min
Varios ciudadanos intentaron bloquear la entrada de la 'RTS' alegando su sesgo progubernamental. Es el último episodio de cinco meses de protestas contra la corrupción y las políticas de Aleksandar Vučić, presidente abiertamente prorruso y que hoy recibe
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Como está a ser combatida a fraude na União Europeia?
• 6:14 PM
4 min
A Procuradoria Europeia tinha mais de 2 000 investigações ativas relacionadas com fraude até ao final de 2024, com um total de danos estimados em 24,8 mil milhões de euros. A fraude ao IVA continua a ser a preocupação mais significativa.<div class="small-
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Trump piyasaları alt üst etti: Kanada'ya vergileri yüzde 50'ye çıkardı
• 6:06 PM
6 min
Pazartesi günü borsada yaşanan büyük düşüşün ardından Salı günü de piyasalarda tedirginlik sürerken, Trump’a ekonomiyi büyütmek için somut bir plan sunması yönündeki baskılar artıyor.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https:
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DeepSeek'ten sonra Manus: Çin'in çok konuşulan yeni yapay zekası nedir?
• 5:57 PM
6 min
Çin'in yeni yapay zeka aracı Manus çok konuşuluyor. Peki konuşulanlar abartı mı, yoksa gerçek mi?
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Еврокомиссия призывает "покупать европейское" в законопроекте о критических лекарствах
• 5:45 PM
3 min
Еврокомиссия предложила новые правила, направленные на укрепление надёжности поставок и доступности важнейших лекарств, отдавая предпочтение поставщикам из ЕС при государственных закупках.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="h
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Biglietti aerei e ferroviari combinati: come volare ed esplorare l'Europa con un'unica prenotazione
• 5:36 PM
20 min
La prenotazione di un biglietto ferroviario tramite la compagnia aerea può eliminare tutte le seccature del viaggio di ritorno e garantirvi una protezione quando le cose non vanno come previsto
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Sánchez asegura ante Díaz que el aumento del gasto en Defensa no irá en detrimento del social
• 5:35 PM
3 min
En una reunión de dos horas en La Moncloa, el presidente del Gobierno español y la vicepresidenta segunda y ministra de Trabajo han abordado la cuestión del aumento del gasto en Defensa, en un anticipo de la ronda de conversaciones que Sánchez mantendrá e
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EURONEWS HOY | Las noticias del martes 11 de marzo: Ucrania lanza el mayor ataque con drones
• 5:34 PM
3 min
Las noticias del día en Euronews Hoy: Ucrania lanza el mayor ataque con drones sobre Rusia y el volcán de Fuego de Guatemala entra en erupción.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/03/11/e
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Lo stato della lotta alle frodi nell'Ue: l'Italia al secondo posto per indagini su reati sull'Iva
• 5:33 PM
3 min
Alla fine del 2024 la Procura europea aveva all'attivo più di duemila indagini sulle frodi, con danni totali stimati a 24,8 miliardi di euro. Le frodi in materia di Iva continuano a rappresentare la preoccupazione più significativa<div class="small-12 col
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5. Jahrestag von COVID-Pandemie: "Die EU kann sich keine Selbstzufriedenheit leisten"
• 5:33 PM
11 min
"Die EU kann sich keine Selbstzufriedenheit leisten" und muss sicherstellen, dass sie auf neue Gesundheitskrisen vorbereitet ist, sagte der EU-Kommissar für Krisenvorsorge gegenüber Euronews anlässlich des fünften Jahrestages der Erklärung von COVID zur P
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Volo in ritardo? Presto potrebbe essere più difficile chiedere un risarcimento alle compagnie aeree
• 5:33 PM
15 min
A Bruxelles si stanno discutendo proposte per indebolire le regole di compensazione in vigore da vent'anni, che tutelano i viaggiatori europei per ritardi superiori a tre ore
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As notícias do dia | 11 março 2025 - Noite
• 5:29 PM
1 min
Acompanhe a atualidade da Europa e do Mundo. Fique a par das notícias mais recentes da Política, dos Negócios, do Desporto e da Cultura.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/2025/03/11/as-noticias-do-dia
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Comment l'Union européenne lutte-t-elle contre la fraude ?
Europe • 5:29 PM
4 min
Le Parquet européen comptait plus de 2 000 enquêtes actives liées à la fraude à la fin de l'année 2024, pour un préjudice total estimé à 24,8 milliards d'euros. La fraude à la TVA reste la préoccupation majeure.<div class="small-12 column text-center arti
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La Comisión Europea impulsará la compra comunitaria en la nueva Ley de Medicamentos Esenciales
• 5:19 PM
9 min
La Comisión Europea ha propuesto nuevas normas destinadas a reforzar la seguridad del suministro y la disponibilidad de medicamentos esenciales. Así, pretende dar prioridad, en la contratación pública, a los proveedores radicados en la UE.<div class="smal
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Più di 200 influencer hanno promosso illegalmente prodotti a base di nicotina in Francia
Business • 5:14 PM
2 min
Un nuovo rapporto di un'organizzazione anti tabacco francese ha criticato il sostegno degli influencer ai prodotti online contenenti nicotina
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New French law aims to revive village bistros in rural life boost
Culture • 5:11 PM
3 min
A new bill that would change an old licencing law has faced opposition from the left over concerns about alcohol consumption.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/03/11/french-mp-proposes-to-revive
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¿Qué futuro le espera a los refugiados ucranianos en España y otros países europeos?
• 5:08 PM
16 min
Cuentan con una autorización temporal de residencia que se ha extendido hasta marzo de 2026. Los líderes europeos debatirán a finales de mes en Bruselas cuál será el destino de los cientos de miles de refugiados de la guerra en los distintos países del bl
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Del desvío de fondos al fraude del IVA: ¿Cómo avanza la lucha contra el fraude en la UE?
• 5:01 PM
4 min
La Fiscalía Europea contaba más de 2.000 investigaciones abiertas vinculadas al fraude a finales de 2024, con unas pérdidas estimadas en 24.800 millones de euros. La defraudación del IVA sigue siendo el caso más preocupante.<div class="small-12 column tex
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Un déluge de désinformation après des manifestations en Grèce
Europe • 5:01 PM
6 min
Dans le cadre d'une campagne de désinformation coordonnée, des manifestations à Athènes ont été faussement décrites comme étant anti-migrants.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/2025/03/11/un-deluge-de
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Syrian ethnic tensions erupt in deadly clashes, questioning Europe's sanctions lift
• 5:01 PM
5 min
Recent violence in Syria has sparked fears of further instability as leaders call for lifting sanctions to ease economic woes.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/03/11/syrian-ethnic-tensions-erup
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Le notizie del giorno | 11 marzo - Serale
• 5:00 PM
1 min
Segui l'attualità dall'Europa e dal mondo. Ricevi le ultime notizie su economia, spettacolo, politica, cultura, viaggi.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/2025/03/11/le-notizie-del-giorno-11-marzo-sera
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Últimas noticias | 11 marzo - Tarde
• 5:00 PM
1 min
Ponte al día con las noticias más importantes de Europa y el mundo: noticias de última hora, internacional, negocios, entretenimiento, política, cultura, viajes.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/2025
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Nachrichten des Tages | 11. März - Abendausgabe
• 5:00 PM
1 min
Informieren Sie sich über das aktuelle Geschehen in Europa und der Welt - Politik, Wirtschaft, Unterhaltung, Kultur und Reisen.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://de.euronews.com/2025/03/11/nachrichten-des-tages-11-ma
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Το πιο πρόσφατο δελτίο ειδήσεων | 11 Μαρτίου - Βραδινό δελτίο
• 5:00 PM
1 min
Ενημερωθείτε για τις πιο σημαντικές ειδήσεις από την Ευρώπη και όχι μόνο - τα πιο πρόσφατα νέα, οι έκτακτες ειδήσεις, θέματα από όλο τον κόσμο, την οικονομία, την πολιτική, τον πολιτισμό, τα ταξίδια<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button">
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L’info du jour | 11 mars - Soir
World • 5:00 PM
1 min
Suivez les derniers développements de l'actualité en Europe et dans le monde. Retrouvez les dernières infos sur la politique, l'économie, la culture et le divertissement.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews
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Die Gräuel von Butscha: Die Ukraine will nicht nur Frieden, sondern auch Gerechtigkeit
• 5:00 PM
12 min
Während der russischen Besatzung haben die Bewohner der ukrainischen Stadt Butscha Gewalttaten erleben müssen. Auf Friedensverhandlungen blicken viele von ihnen besorgt.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://de.euronews.
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Новости дня | 11 марта — вечерний выпуск
• 5:00 PM
1 min
Узнавайте о самых важных событиях в Европе и за ее пределами - последние новости, срочные новости, мир, бизнес, развлечения, политика, культура, путешествия<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/2025/03/1
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Latest news bulletin | March 11th – Evening
• 5:00 PM
1 min
Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news, World, Business, Entertainment, Politics, Culture, Travel.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/
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La Commissione Ue spinge per l'acquisto di farmaci europei nella nuova legge sui medicinali critici
Business • 4:59 PM
7 min
La Commissione europea ha proposto nuove norme volte a rafforzare la sicurezza dell'approvvigionamento e la disponibilità di farmaci essenziali, dando priorità ai fornitori con sede nell'Ue negli appalti pubblici
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France : plus de 200 influenceurs ont fait la promotion de produits à base de nicotine
Business • 4:41 PM
3 min
Un rapport de l'Alliance française contre le tabac (ACT) pointe du doigt le soutien apporté par les influenceurs aux produits contenant de la nicotine.
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As arms imports spike, Ukraine boosts domestic weapon production
• 4:36 PM
5 min
Ukraine became the world’s largest importer of major arms in the period 2020–2024, with its imports increasing nearly a hundredfold compared with 2015–19. The country has also reformed its own arms industry, ramping up production since Russia’s full-scale
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At least 16 dead after bus crashes on motorway in South Africa
• 4:32 PM
1 min
The accident happened near Johannesburg’s O.R.Tambo International Airport on Tuesday. The cause remains unknown.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/03/11/at-least-16-dead-after-bus-crashes-on-mot
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Mundo assiste às eleições legislativas na Gronelândia
• 4:32 PM
3 min
Na terça-feira, foram abertas as urnas para os gronelandeses elegerem os 31 deputados que irão definir a política da ilha estratégica do Ártico. Primeiros resultados conhecidos às 22 horas de Lisboa.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"
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Euroverify: Lluvia de desinformación en Grecia tras las protestas por un accidente mortal de tren
• 4:30 PM
7 min
Las protestas se han calificado falsamente de 'antimigrantes' en el marco de una campaña coordinada de desinformación.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/2025/03/11/las-protestas-griegas-por-un-acciden
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Глава МИД Украины: переговоры в Саудовской Аравии проходят в конструктивной атмосфере
• 4:26 PM
1 min
В преддверии встречи Рубио заявил журналистам, что США готовы выслушать представителей Украины, какие условия они считают необходимыми для достижения мира.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/news/2025/
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Orbán amenaza con expulsar a los húngaros con doble nacionalidad
• 4:15 PM
7 min
El partido del Ejecutivo ultranacionalista propone modificar la Constitución para expulsar a discreción a aquellos húngaros con más de un pasaporte.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/03
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مستوطنون إسرائيليون يقتحمون مرآب سيارات ويحرقون ثلاث مركبات في الضفة الغربية
International • 4:15 PM
2 min
في اعتداء جديد ضمن سلسلة من الهجمات المتكررة، اقتحم مستوطنون إسرائيليون مرآب سيارات في الضفة الغربية المحتلة خلال الليل، وأضرموا النار بثلاث سيارات، في واقعة قال صاحب المرآب إنها ليست الأولى من نوعها.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button
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Commission to push 'buy European' in new critical medicines act
Business • 4:12 PM
7 min
The European Commission has proposed new rules aimed at strengthening the security of supply and availability of critical medicines, prioritising EU-based suppliers in public procurement.
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L'ancien président philippin Rodrigo Duterte arrêté pour crime contre l'humanité présumé
World • 4:12 PM
5 min
La Cour pénale internationale soupçonne l'ex-dirigeant philippin de crime contre l'humanité dans le cadre de la répression brutale qu'il a menée contre le trafic de drogue dans le pays.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="http
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Comissão de investigação síria: um passo em direção à justiça ou uma manobra para evitar sanções?
• 4:06 PM
9 min
A comunidade internacional está cética quanto à independência de uma comissão nacional de investigação na sequência dos recentes massacres cometidos contra a minoria alauíta na costa síria.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="
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'Base militar russa gigante': enviado da Ucrânia alerta para a militarização da Crimeia ocupada pela Rússia
• 4:05 PM
12 min
Olha Kuryshko falou à Euronews sobre a repressão, as deportações forçadas e a transformação da península numa base militar russa.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/03/11/base-militar-ru
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Abren las urnas en Groenlandia para unas elecciones que podrían ser clave para el futuro de la isla
• 4:02 PM
6 min
Estos comicios podrían marcar un antes y un después en la historia de la isla ártica, que se enfrenta a las amenazas de Trump de apropiarse del territorio autónomo danés y un creciente deseo de la población de independizarse de Dinamarca.<div class="small
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هيئة تسوية النزاعات الأوروبية: فيسبوك يتصدر قائمة الشكاوى الخاصة بإزالة المحتوى
Business • 4:01 PM
1 min
قالت هيئة تسوية النزاعات الأوروبية في أيرلندا (ACE)، المسؤولة عن تلقي الشكاوى من مستخدمي وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي بشأن إزالة المحتوى أو الإشراف عليه وفقًا لقواعد المنصة في الاتحاد الأوروبي، إن ثلاثًا من كل أربع شكاوى تصلها كانت من مستخدمي فيسبوك.
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Washington Post yazarı, gazetenin Bezos'u eleştiren yazısını yayınlamayı reddetmesi üzerine istifa etti
• 3:59 PM
6 min
Geçtiğimiz ay Amazon'un kurucusu Bezos, sahibi olduğu Washington Post'un köşe yazılarının artık bireysel yazarların düşünceleri için serbest bir alan olmayacağını duyurdu.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronew
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UE lança as bases para a construção de centros de deportação em países distantes
• 3:57 PM
9 min
O novo regulamento sobre as deportações representa o primeiro resultado tangível da tendência para a externalização que os dirigentes da UE aprovaram no ano passado.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/
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Misuse of funds to VAT fraud: The state of combatting fraud across the EU
Europe • 3:53 PM
3 min
The European Public Prosecutor's Office had over 2,000 active fraud-related investigations by the end of 2024, with total estimated damages amounting to €24.8 billion. VAT fraud continues to be the most significant concern.<div class="small-12 column text
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Rapor: Fransa'da 200'den fazla influencer nikotin ürünlerini yasa dışı olarak tanıttı
• 3:52 PM
2 min
Fransız tütün karşıtı bir kuruluşun hazırladığı yeni bir rapor, influencer'ların nikotin içeren ürünleri internet üzerinden desteklemesini eleştirdi.
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Ungheria, il partito di Orbán vuole modificare la Costituzione per espellere chi critica il governo
• 3:46 PM
6 min
La proposta potrebbe comportare l'espulsione degli ungheresi in possesso di nazionalità di altri Paesi se il governo li considera un pericolo per la sovranità<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/my-euro
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Fancy a drink? French lawmakers adopt bill to bring back bars in rural areas
Culture • 3:45 PM
3 min
Proponents of the bill argue it is a way to tackle the economic and social decline of rural areas, whilst critics worry about health risks.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/culture/2025/03/11/fancy-
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Grönlandlılar erken parlamento seçimleri için sandık başında
• 3:45 PM
3 min
Grönlandlılar, stratejik Kuzey Kutbu adasındaki politikaları şekillendirecek 31 milletvekilini seçmek üzere oy kullanmaya başladı.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/03/11/gronlandlilar-
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Delayed flight? It could soon be harder for you to claim compensation from airlines
• 3:40 PM
14 min
Proposals to water down passenger flight delay compensation rules are being discussed in Brussels, risking Europe’s claim to having the most passenger-friendly skies in the world.
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"Гигантская военная база РФ": постпред президента Украины в Крыму предупреждает о милитаризации Россией оккупированного полуострова
• 3:40 PM
4 min
Постоянный представитель президента Украины в Автономной Республике Крым Ольга Курышко рассказала Euronews о репрессиях, насильственных депортациях и превращении полуострова в российскую военную базу.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button
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Greenland votes amid Trump controversy over US ambitions
Europe • 3:37 PM
3 min
Polls opened on Tuesday for Greenlanders to elect their 31 lawmakers who will shape policy on the strategic island in the North Atlantic.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/03/11/the-wo
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Comissária europeia pede cautela perante novas crises sanitárias, no 5.º aniversário da pandemia de Covid-19
• 3:34 PM
12 min
A UE "não se pode dar ao luxo de ser complacente e deve garantir que está preparada para enfrentar novas crises sanitárias", disse à Euronews a comissária responsável pela Preparação para Crises, no quinto aniversário do inicio da pandemia de Covid-19.<di
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Les pourparlers avec les États-Unis ont débuté "de manière constructive", selon un responsable ukrainien
World • 3:31 PM
5 min
Les pourparlers entre les hauts fonctionnaires ukrainiens et américains ont commencé mardi en Arabie saoudite, quelques heures après que trois personnes ont été tuées dans une attaque de drones ukrainiens en Russie.<div class="small-12 column text-center
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What is Manus AI and is it having a DeepSeek moment?
Business • 3:19 PM
6 min
A new Chinese AI platform is causing a frenzy. But is it worth the hype? Euronews Next takes a look.
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الوفد الأوكراني في جدة: محادثات السلام مع واشنطن بدأت بشكل "بنّاء"
Europe • 3:15 PM
1 min
على وقع إطلاق النار المتبادل بين كييف وموسكو، انطلقت في جدة، الثلاثاء، مفاوضات السلام بين مسؤولين أوكرانيين وأمريكيين لإنهاء الحرب الروسية - الأوكرانية.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://arabic.euronews.com/news/2025
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La UE enumera los retos para avanzar en los derechos de la mujer, pero se queda corta en soluciones
• 3:14 PM
9 min
La Comisión Europea acaba de desvelar su visión política a largo plazo para mantener su compromiso con la igualdad de género, pero algunas voces críticas sostienen que carece de soluciones detalladas para los retos pendientes desde hace tiempo.<div class=
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More than 200 influencers illegally promoted nicotine products in France, report finds
Business • 3:09 PM
3 min
A new report from a French anti-tobacco organisation has criticised influencers’ support of nicotine-containing products online.
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Взгляд из Бучи: "Мир" для России - это когда в живых не останется ни одного украинца
• 3:04 PM
5 min
Ровно три года назад, в начале марта 2022 года, спутниковые снимки показали первое массовое захоронение мирных жителей в Буче, городе в Киевской области. Оно находилось на территории Андреевской церкви, где сейчас стоит Стена памяти мирных жителей, убитых
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