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How would a French far-right government influence the EU? | Radio Schuman

Europe • Jul 2, 2024, 6:27 AM
2 min de lecture

How would a French far-right prime minister lead the country alongside president Emmanuel Macron? How could this dynamic impact on the EU institutions in Brussels? Why is Macron currently so disliked in France?

These are questions Radio Schuman asked to Pierre Sellal, former France’s permanent representative to the EU for over ten years. Sellal previously served during the cohabitation between president Jacques Chirac and prime minister Lionel Jospin, as chief of cabinet to foreign affairs to minister Hubert Vedrine .

If Rassemblement National's Jordan Bardella becomes prime minister, Macron will need to direct France's foreign policy to account for the diverse political composition of the government. How should Macron strategically approach such a cohabitation when voting legislation in Brussels?

Sellal offered Radio Schuman some insights on managing cohabitation, particularly during high level negotiations in the European Council and the Council of the EU.

What would politics be without a glass of wine? In this episode we also dive into rosé wine and best advice for how to drink it over the summer. A couple of ice cubes in the glass on a particularly hot day?

Radio Schuman is hosted and produced by Maïa de la Baume, with journalist and production assistant Eleonora Vasques and audio editing by Zacharia Vigneron. The music is by Alexandre Jas.