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Trump blocca immediatamente ogni collaborazione fra Oms e agenzie sanitarie statunitensi
Business • 11:57 AM
5 min
Gli analisti statunitensi sottolineano come questa mossa sia stata una sorpresa e comprometta gli sforzi per contenere le epidemie dentro e fuori il Paese
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Dimite el primer ministro serbio Miloš Vučević tras meses de protestas
• 11:56 AM
3 min
Vučević dimitió justo un día después de que el presidente Aleksandar Vučić anunciara planes de reconstrucción urgente del gobierno.
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Kubilius: Space is an EU top priority, but budget is still limited and fragmented
Europe • 11:53 AM
3 min
In ten years, the global space economy could triple in size. Europe wants to remain at the forefront of this sector, but risks being left behind if words are not matched by action, said EU Commissioner for Space and Defence Andrius Kubilius.
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Ikea looks to expand second-hand furniture offering after test success
Business • 11:48 AM
2 min
The Swedish furniture maker is going head to head with competitors including eBay and Depop.
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LVMH sells Stella McCartney minority stake as luxury sector struggles
Business • 11:34 AM
3 min
LVMH has already sold the streetwear fashion brand Off-White recently, as well as its stake in Cruise Line Holdings amid dampened global demand for luxury goods and falling Chinese sales.
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Il primo ministro serbo Miloš Vučević si dimette dopo mesi di proteste
• 11:34 AM
3 min
Vučević si è dimesso all'indomani dell'annuncio del presidente Aleksandar Vučić di un radicale rimpasto
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Studenti universitari serbi occupano le strade di Belgrado contro il crollo della tettoia della stazione di Novi Sad
• 11:32 AM
1 min
Per 24 ore hanno bloccato uno svincolo stradale centrale della capitale per chiedere conto al governo di Vucic del crollo della tettoia che a novembre ha provocato la morte di 15 persone
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الذكرى الـ80 لتحرير أوشفيتز: الرئيس دودا يقود مراسم التأبين في بولندا
International • 11:31 AM
1 min
أحيت بولندا يوم الإثنين الذكرى الـ80 لتحرير معسكر أوشفيتز على يد القوات السوفيتية، في مراسم أقيمت في موقع المعسكر السابق.
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Αλβανία: Στο «κενό» χιλιάδες Αφγανοί που περιμένουν να μεταβούν στις ΗΠΑ
• 11:30 AM
1 min
Χιλιάδες πρόσφυγες που έλαβαν ειδική βίζα είδαν τις πτήσεις τους να ακυρώνονται μετά την απόφαση Τραμπ για παγωμα του προγράμματος εισδοχής προσφύγων
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Denmark to inject almost €2bn into Arctic security amid Trump's Greenland threats
Europe • 11:26 AM
3 min
Copenhagen is boosting its military spending and holding talks with European allies as Trump ramps up his expansionist rhetoric.
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Chinese New Year 2025: Everything you need to know about the Year of the Snake
Culture • 11:25 AM
17 min
The Lunar New Year starts tomorrow, welcoming the Year of the Snake. What can we expect from this year and how are people celebrating? With soup and puppets, for some...
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Industry calls on EU competition chief to wrap up investigations
Europe • 11:23 AM
2 min
EU probes into Apple, Alphabet and Meta — which were opened last March — remain unclosed.
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Avrupa Merkez Bankası bu hafta faiz indirimine hazırlanıyor
• 11:20 AM
4 min
Enflasyonun yüzde 2'lik hedefe yaklaşması ve büyümenin zayıf kalması nedeniyle ECB, Perşembe günü 25 baz puanlık faiz indirimine hazırlanıyor.
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Китайский DeepSeek обещает революцию в сфере ИИ и грозит конкурентам из США
• 11:14 AM
1 min
Китайский стартап DeepSeek обвалил акции технологических компаний США и Европы.
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Αναζωπύρωση των προεκλογικών συζητήσεων για το μεταναστευτικό στη Γερμανία
• 11:13 AM
1 min
Αφορμή η πρόσφατη φονική επίθεση με μαχαίρι από Αφγανό αιτούντα άσυλο
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Primeiro-ministro sérvio Miloš Vučević demite-se
• 11:09 AM
3 min
Vučević demitiu-se, num cenário de intensos protestos, apenas um dia depois do presidente Aleksandar Vučić ter anunciado planos para a reconstrução urgente do governo sérvio.
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Da MrBeast a Elon Musk, chi è in corsa per acquistare TikTok negli Usa
Business • 11:06 AM
6 min
È di nuovo partito il conto alla rovescia per l'acquisizione di TikTok da parte di un acquirente statunitense, per evitare un ban permanente. Euronews Next dà un'occhiata ai possibili futuri proprietari
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Hangi Avrupa ülkesi kişisel veri güvenliğini önceliyor?
• 11:06 AM
2 min
Çoğu internet kullanıcısı, web sitelerinin gizlilik beyanlarını okumadan geçiyor.
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LA's wildfires fuelled by high winds and drought - in pictures
• 11:03 AM
22 min
Los Angeles wildfires - in pictures
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Intelligenza artificiale: l'Ue non dà indicazioni sui divieti, presto nuove regole in vigore
Business • 11:02 AM
3 min
I gruppi della società civile lanciano l'allarme in vista dell'entrata in vigore, il 2 febbraio, delle disposizioni della legge europea sull'intelligenza artificiale relative ai sistemi di Ai vietati. Commissione Ue non ha ancora pubblicato le linee guida
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Albanie : l'avenir américain des réfugiés afghans compromis par l'administration Trump
World • 11:01 AM
5 min
Le président des États-Unis Donald Trump a suspendu le programme américain d'admission des réfugiés. De nombreux Afghans qui attendent l'approbation de leur visa américain en Albanie s'inquiètent de ce changement en matière de politique migratoire.
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أكاديمية السينما الفرنسية تنسحب من منصة إكس: "تصرفات ماسك لا تتماشى مع قيمنا"
Civilization • 11:01 AM
2 min
أعلنت الجهة المنظمة لحفل توزيع جوائز الأوسكار في فرنسا انسحابها من منصة "إكس"، مشيرة إلى أن المنصة، "بسبب تصرفات ومواقف رئيسها"، لم تعد تتوافق مع قيمها.
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Новости дня | 28 января — дневной выпуск
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Узнавайте о самых важных событиях в Европе и за ее пределами - последние новости, срочные новости, мир, бизнес, развлечения, политика, культура, путешествия
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L’info du jour | 28 janvier - Mi-journée
World • 11:00 AM
1 min
Suivez les derniers développements de l'actualité en Europe et dans le monde. Retrouvez les dernières infos sur la politique, l'économie, la culture et le divertissement.
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Latest news bulletin | January 28th – Midday
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news, World, Business, Entertainment, Politics, Culture, Travel.
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Le notizie del giorno | 28 gennaio - Pomeridiane
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Segui l'attualità dall'Europa e dal mondo. Ricevi le ultime notizie su economia, spettacolo, politica, cultura, viaggi.
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Nachrichten des Tages | 28. Januar - Mittagsausgabe
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Informieren Sie sich über das aktuelle Geschehen in Europa und der Welt - Politik, Wirtschaft, Unterhaltung, Kultur und Reisen.
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Segurança de dados: quais os países da UE que mais se protegem?
• 10:51 AM
2 min
A maioria dos utilizadores online não lê as declarações de privacidade e prefere concentrar-se na gestão da segurança dos seus próprios dados na Internet.
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Sırbistan Başbakanı Milos Vucevic aylardır süren protestoların ardından istifa etti
• 10:49 AM
3 min
Vucevic, Cumhurbaşkanı Aleksandar Vucic'in hükümetin acilen yeniden yapılandırılmasına yönelik planlarını açıklamasından sadece bir gün sonra istifa etti.
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Trump firma una orden para revisar la política del Pentágono sobre los soldados transgénero
• 10:48 AM
4 min
La nueva orden sobre las tropas transgénero no impone una prohibición inmediata, sino que ordena al Pentágono que elabore una política sobre su servicio en las fuerzas armadas basada en la preparación militar.
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UE ainda sem diretrizes claras sobre restrições à IA, enquanto novas regras entram em vigor
• 10:43 AM
4 min
As regras da nova lei europeia a AI Act, sobre os sistemas de IA proibidos, incluindo os sistemas de reconhecimento facial, começam a ser aplicadas a 2 de fevereiro.
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بعد أشهر من الاحتجاجات.. استقالة رئيس وزراء صربيا ميلوس فوتشيفيتش
International • 10:40 AM
1 min
قالت وكالة أنباء تانجوغ إن رئيس الوزراء الصربي ميلوس فوتشيفيتش يتوجه لتقديم استقالته اليوم الثلاثاء على خلفية المظاهرات الحاشدة المطالبة بإسقاط حكومته.
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New York hosts first-ever full replica of Anne Frank’s hiding place outside of Amsterdam
Culture • 10:39 AM
1 min
A full-scale replica of Anne Frank's secret annex opened in New York City on Holocaust Remembrance Day, offering a look into her two years in hiding.
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Otel yangınına ilişkin Bahçeli: 'Bakanlığın özeleştiriden imtina etmesini isabetli bulmuyoruz'
• 10:35 AM
7 min
Bolu Belediye Başkan Yardımcısı Sedat Gülener, İtfaiye Müdür Vekili Kenan Coşkun, otel sahibi Halit Ergül başta olmak üzere şu ana dek toplamda 19 kişi tutuklandı.
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بين تعريفات ترامب وذكاء ديب سيك.. هل تتغير موازين أسواق العملات؟
International • 10:31 AM
2 min
شهدت أسواق العملات تقلبات حادة أثارت قلق المتداولين وأربكت التوقعات، مع تصاعد التهديدات الجمركية الأميركية وإطلاق شركة "ديب سيك" نموذجها الجديد للذكاء الاصطناعي.
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Los afganos en Albania se enfrentan a la incertidumbre al suspender Trump su programa de refugiados
• 10:30 AM
6 min
El presidente estadounidense ha suspendido el programa de acogida de determinados refugiados afganos en Estados Unidos.
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Serbian Prime Minister Miloš Vučević resigns after months of protests
• 10:30 AM
2 min
Vučević resigned just one day after President Aleksandar Vučić announced plans for urgent government reconstruction.
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Autoridades sanitárias dos EUA receberam ordens para deixar de trabalhar com a OMS imediatamente, acelerando o impacto da retirada
• 10:29 AM
5 min
Os peritos norte-americanos afirmaram que a pausa súbita foi uma surpresa e iria atrasar os esforços para conter as ameaças à saúde no estrangeiro.
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One of Europe's most wanted fugitives is hiding out in Sierra Leone, Dutch officials say
Europe • 10:28 AM
4 min
The Netherlands and Sierra Leone are investigating reports that the Dutch cocaine kingpin Jos Leijdekkers is living in the West African nation.
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MrBeast'ten Elon Musk'a: TikTok için kimler yarışıyor?
• 10:27 AM
6 min
TikTok'un satışında geri sayım başladı. Euronews Next, Çin menşeli uygulamayı satın alabilecek potansiyel adaylara yakından bakıyor.
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ECB set to cut rates this week: Could Trump tariffs cloud outlook?
Europe • 10:26 AM
6 min
The ECB is expected to cut rates by 25bps to 2.75% on Thursday as inflation nears 2% and growth remains weak. Analysts see further cuts in 2025, but US trade tariffs could add uncertainty.
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Gazeteci Şirin Payzın'a 'terör propagandası' soruşturması
• 10:22 AM
1 min
Payzın hakkında açılan soruşturmayı sosyal medya platformu X üzerinden duyurdu.
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DeepSeek, a ferramenta de inteligência artificial revolucionária em oito perguntas
• 10:19 AM
10 min
O DeepSeek-R1, o último de uma série de modelos desenvolvidos com poucos chips e baixo custo, desafia o domínio de gigantes como a OpenAI, a Google e a Meta.
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Sicurezza dati: Quali Paesi Ue si proteggono meglio
• 10:10 AM
2 min
La maggior parte degli utenti online non legge le dichiarazioni sulla privacy e preferisce concentrarsi sulla gestione della sicurezza dei propri dati su Internet
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L'UE manque d'orientations sur les interdictions en matière d'IA
Business • 10:09 AM
6 min
Les règles de la loi sur l'IA concernant les systèmes d'IA interdits, y compris les systèmes de reconnaissance faciale, entrent en vigueur le 2 février.
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SpaceX lancia un'altra serie di satelliti
• 10:03 AM
1 min
Lunedì 27 gennaio, SpaceX ha lanciato in orbita bassa un razzo Falcon 9 con 21 satelliti Starlink, di cui 13 con capacità Direct to Cell.
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Data security: Which EU countries protect themselves the most?
Europe • 10:00 AM
1 min
Most online users don't read privacy statements and prefer to focus on managing their own data security on the internet.
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Albanien: Schiff Cassiopeia mit 49 Migranten läuft im Hafen ein
• 9:56 AM
1 min
Die Fahrt des Schiffes Cassiopea mit 49 Migranten an Bord nach Albanien ist der dritte Versuch Roms, seine Grenzverfahren in einem Drittland zu beschleunigen - vor einem Urteil des EU-Gerichtshofs.
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Будущее афганских беженцев в Албании под вопросом из-за новой политики США
• 9:55 AM
1 min
Президент США Дональд Трамп приостановил действие программы, которая позволила бы афганским беженцам, отвечающим определенным критериям, переселиться в США после захвата власти талибами.
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La UE carece de orientaciones sobre las inminentes prohibiciones de la IA, denuncian varios expertos
• 9:54 AM
5 min
Las normas de la ley sobre sistemas de IA prohibidos, como los de reconocimiento facial, empezarán a aplicarse el próximo 2 de febrero.
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Stati Uniti: rimossi i funzionari del dipartimento di Giustizia che avevano indagato su Trump
• 9:53 AM
6 min
La mossa dettata dal desiderio di creare un dipartimento di Giustizia più fedele a Trump, dopo quattro anni di processi che sarebbero sfociati in una condanna, se il tycoon non fosse diventato presidente
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Academia de cinema francesa responsável pelos Prémios César abandona X de Elon Musk
• 9:52 AM
5 min
O grupo responsável pelo equivalente francês dos Óscares anunciou a sua decisão de abandonar a plataforma X: "A plataforma X, em particular devido às ações e posições do seu líder, já não está de acordo com os nossos valores".
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Migranti, lo stop di Trump blocca in Albania migliaia di afgani in attesa di un visto per gli Usa
• 9:52 AM
4 min
Il presidente degli Stati Uniti ha sospeso un programma di visti speciali per gli afgani che hanno lavorato per governi stranieri e organizzazioni umanitarie e che rischiano di essere perseguitati dai Talebani. In migliaia sono ora bloccati in Paesi terzi
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Страны Старого Света во власти шторма "Эрминия"
• 9:46 AM
1 min
На европейские страны обрушился шторм "Эрминия". В Испанию и Францию он принес ураганный ветер, дожди и наводнения.
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Cosa sappiamo della "nave spia" russa Yantar rintracciata nelle acque del Regno Unito
• 9:46 AM
10 min
Il Cremlino è sospettato di aver impiegato la nave per sorvegliare i fondali marini, raccogliendo informazioni che potrebbero essere utilizzate per atti di sabotaggio, come la rottura di cavi sottomarini
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Afegãos na Albânia enfrentam incerteza com a suspensão do programa de refugiados por Trump
• 9:37 AM
5 min
O presidente dos Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, suspendeu uma política que permitiria a reinstalação nos EUA de refugiados afegãos que cumprissem determinados critérios.
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Navio italiano com 49 migrantes a bordo chega ao porto de Shengjin
• 9:34 AM
1 min
Depois de os juízes italianos terem ordenado por duas vezes o regresso dos imigrantes transferidos para a Albânia, a viagem do navio Cassiopea, com 49 migrantes a bordo, é a terceira tentativa de Roma para acelerar os procedimentos fronteiriços num país t
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Deux membres du Hamas tués à Tulkarem, en Cisjordanie occupée
World • 9:33 AM
3 min
Israël a confirmé avoir tué l'un des chefs locaux du groupe islamiste ainsi qu'un autre de ses membres dans une frappe visant un véhicule.
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¿Qué es DeepSeek?: La revolucionaria herramienta de inteligencia artificial en 8 preguntas
• 9:31 AM
11 min
DeepSeek, el último de una serie de modelos desarrollados con pocos chips y bajo coste, desafía el dominio de gigantes como OpenAI, Google y Meta.
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شركة "كوكا كولا" تسحب مشروباتها من بعض الأسواق الأوروبية.. إليكم السبب
International • 9:31 AM
2 min
تم اكتشاف مستويات عالية من المادة خلال اختبار روتيني في منشأة الإنتاج التابعة للشركة في غنت، بلجيكا، وفقًا لمتحدث باسم الشركة.
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US health officials ordered to stop working with WHO immediately, speeding up impact of withdrawal
Business • 9:27 AM
4 min
US experts said the sudden pause came as a surprise and would set back efforts to contain health threats abroad.
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La IA de DeepSeek sacude los mercados mundiales: Nvidia pierde 600.000 millones de dólares
• 9:20 AM
6 min
La presentación del último modelo de inteligencia artificial de la empresa china, que supera a sus rivales en eficiencia, ha provocado una fuerte caída del mayor valor bursátil estadounidense, arrastrando al resto de tecnológicas y a las bolsas mundiales.
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Incêndio de rápida propagação atinge o norte de Los Angeles e força a novas evacuações
• 9:20 AM
9 min
Mais de 50 mil pessoas foram sinalizadas para se retirarem da área norte de Los Angeles, uma vez que um novo incêndio florestal de rápida propagação varreu as zonas montanhosas desta região.
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La startup chinoise DeepSeek secoue les marchés mondiaux, les actions de Nvidia plongent
Business • 9:13 AM
5 min
La présentation du dernier modèle d'IA de la société chinoise DeepSeek, dont les performances seraient supérieures à celles de ses concurrents américains, a provoqué une forte baisse de la valeur des actions technologiques américaines et européennes.
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French film academy behind the César Awards quits Elon Musk’s X
Culture • 9:04 AM
4 min
The group behind France's equivalent to the Oscars has announced its decision to quit X: "The X platform, particularly due to the actions and stances of its leader, no longer aligns with our values."
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Les 49 migrants transférés d'Italie sont arrivés en Albanie
World • 9:03 AM
1 min
En attendant une décision de la Cour de justice de l'UE, les autorités italiennes ont procédé au transfert de 49 migrants vers un centre de rétention en Albanie.
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Manisfestations étudiantes en Serbie : le Premier ministre contraint à la démission
Europe • 8:58 AM
9 min
Des milliers de citoyens se sont joints à un blocus de la capitale serbe qui fait suite à des semaines de manifestations visant à demander des comptes sur l'accident mortel survenu dans la ville de Novi Sad, que les critiques ont imputé à la corruption en
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DeepSeek agita mercados mundiais com a queda das ações da Nvidia
• 8:56 AM
5 min
A revelação do mais recente modelo de IA da empresa chinesa DeepSeek, que supera os seus rivais norte-americanos, provocou uma queda acentuada no valor das ações tecnológicas dos EUA e da Europa.
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La startup cinese di Ai DeepSeek fa tremare i mercati globali: crollo in borsa per Nvidia
Business • 8:56 AM
4 min
La presentazione dell'ultimo modello di intelligenza artificiale, che supera i suoi rivali statunitensi, ha causato un forte calo del valore dei titoli tecnologici statunitensi ed europei
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Siirt Belediye Eş Başkanı Sofya Alağaş'a 6 yıl 3 ay hapis cezası
• 8:49 AM
2 min
Alağaş hakkında gazetecilik faaliyeti yürüttüğü dönemde 'örgüt üyesi' iddiasıyla dava açılmıştı.
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DeepSeek: «Σεισμός» στις αγορές παγκοσμίως - Διολίσθησαν οι μετοχές της Nvidia
• 8:42 AM
1 min
Τα αποκαλυπτήρια του τελευταίου μοντέλου τεχνητής νοημοσύνης της κινεζικής start-up DeepSeek, το οποίο ξεπερνά τις επιδόσεις του αμερικανικού ανταγωνισμού και κόστισε πολύ λιγότερο, προκάλεσαν απότομη πτώση στην αξία τεχνολογικών κολοσσών σε ΗΠΑ και Ευρώπ
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Usa, Trump firma ordine esecutivo per divieto ai militari transgender: reintegrati anche i no-vax
• 8:42 AM
3 min
Il nuovo ordine sulle truppe transgender non impone un divieto immediato, ma indica al Pentagono di elaborare una politica sulla loro presenza nelle forze armate giudicata incompatibile con il servizio militare
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ترامب يوقّع أمرًا تنفيذيًا لطرد المتحولين جنسيًا من الجيش الأمريكي
International • 8:31 AM
1 min
وقّع الرئيس دونالد ترامب أمرًا تنفيذيًا يقضي بمراجعة سياسة البنتاغون بشأن الجنود المتحولين جنسيًا في الجيش الأمريكي، في إطار طردهم من الخدمة العسكرية.
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Aschaffenburg'daki bıçaklı saldırı Almanya'nın göç politikası tartışmalarını yeniden alevlendirdi
• 8:28 AM
4 min
Aschaffenburg'daki saldırı, Almanya'da göçle ilgili korkuları yoğunlaştıran ve aşırı sağcı Almanya için Alternatif (AfD) partisine desteği arttıran bir dizi şiddet olayının sonuncusu oldu.
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İsrail Batı Şeria'da bir araca düzenlediği saldırıda iki Hamas üyesini öldürdüğünü iddia etti
• 8:23 AM
3 min
İki adam, İsrail'in Cenin'de 7. gününe giren geniş çaplı askeri baskını devam ederken öldürüldü.
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Sırp üniversite öğrencilerinden 15 ölümlü tren istasyonu kazası için Belgrad'da 24 saatlik abluka
• 8:18 AM
4 min
Kuzeydeki Novi Sad kentinde meydana gelen ve eleştirmenlerin yaygın hükümet yolsuzluğundan sorumlu tuttuğu ölümcül kazanın hesabının sorulması talebiyle haftalardır süren protestoların ardından binlerce vatandaş ablukaya katıldı.
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Ekrem İmamoğlu'nun bahsettiği bilirkişi konuştu: Bunların yarası büyük
• 8:11 AM
5 min
İmamoğlu, Pazartesi günü düzenlendiği basın toplantısında İBB, Esenyurt ve Beşiktaş belediyeleri ile İmamoğlu'nun kendisi hakkında yürütülen bazı soruşturmalarda bilirkişi olan Satılmış Büyükcanayakın'ın 'sahte bilirkişi raporu yazmak' iddiasıyla yargılan
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Германия. Нападение в Ашаффенбурге спровоцировало острую дискуссию о миграционной политике
• 8:05 AM
1 min
Трагедия в немецком Ашаффенбурге вывела на новый виток дебаты о нелегальной миграции. Тема стала одной из главных в предвыборной кампании.
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Watch: Just Stop Oil activists disrupt Sigourney Weaver on stage during 'The Tempest' show
Culture • 8:02 AM
6 min
The climate activists have targeted works of art, Stonehenge, Taylor Swift's jet and Charles Darwin's grave. Now, they're interrupting a Hollywood legend on stage, in order to raise the alarm about a "global shipwreck"...
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İstanbul Başakşehir'de üç halk otobüsü kazaya karıştı: Yaralılar var
• 7:57 AM
1 min
Olay yerine sağlık ekiplerinin sevk edildiği aktarıldı.
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Afghans in Albania face uncertainty as Trump suspends refugee programme
• 7:53 AM
4 min
US President Donald Trump has suspended a policy that would have allowed Afghan refugees who fulfill certain criteria to resettle in the US.
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Llegan a Albania otros 49 inmigrantes captados cuando trataban de alcanzar Italia
• 7:52 AM
2 min
El viaje del buque Cassiopea, con 49 inmigrantes a bordo, es el tercer intento de Roma de agilizar los trámites fronterizos en un tercer país: se produce antes de la sentencia del Tribunal de la UE.
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Etats-Unis : le ministère de la Justice fait le ménage chez les employés impliqués dans les enquêtes contre Trump
World • 7:51 AM
5 min
Il s'agit de la dernière tentative en date pour mettre fin aux enquêtes criminelles qui, pendant des années, ont visé le président américain. Des enquêtes qui ont donné lieu à des mises en accusation distinctes mais qui n'ont jamais donné lieu à un procès
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Италия - Албания: судно с 49 нелегальными мигрантами на борту прибывает в порт Шенджин
• 7:41 AM
1 min
Отправка судна "Кассиопея" с 49 мигрантами на борту - третья попытка Рима ускорить пограничные процедуры в третьей стране. Несмотря на изменение закона в Италии, решение Рима может изменить Европейский суд.
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EU lacks guidance on AI prohibitions, as rules start to apply
Business • 7:39 AM
3 min
The AI Act's rules on banned AI systems including facial recognition systems start to apply 2 February.
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Studenti universitari serbi bloccano Belgrado per 24 ore per il crollo della tettoia a Novi Sad
• 7:35 AM
6 min
Migliaia di giovani hanno occupato un incrocio stradale centrale della capitale per chiedere conto dell'incidente mortale avvenuto nella città di Novi Sad, che ha provocato la morte di 15 persone
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قوافل العائدين إلى شمال غزة متواصلة ومقتل جندي "بالخطأ" قرب محور نتساريم ولبنانيين يدخلون قرية يارون
International • 7:30 AM
1 min
يواصل النازحون الفلسطينيون العبور إلى شمال القطاع لليوم الثاني على التوالي بعد انسحاب القوات الإسرائيلية من محور نتساريم، في مشهد أثار حفيظة الأوساط اليمينية المتطرفة في حكومة بنيامين نتنياهو. في هذه الأثناء، يصعّد الجيش عملياته في جنين ومناطق متفرقة بالض
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Chinese startup DeepSeek rattles global markets as Nvidia shares plunge
Business • 7:27 AM
4 min
The unveiling of Chinese AI startup DeepSeek's latest AI model, which outperforms its US rivals, caused a sharp decline in the value of US and Europe's tech stocks.
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Soldats transgenres : vers une nouvelle interdiction aux Etats-Unis ?
World • 7:20 AM
3 min
Le nouveau décret sur les troupes transgenres n'impose pas d'interdiction immédiate, mais il est demandé au Pentagone d'évaluer le service des personnes concernées dans les forces armées.
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How Poland’s historic Upper Silesia coal mining region is turning towards jewellery
Culture • 7:15 AM
13 min
Upper Silesia, a region in southern Poland with long historic ties to the coal industry, is marked by the blood, sweat, and tears of miners. Now, designers are taking this “black gold” and transforming it into pieces of jewellery infused with the local et
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Ισραήλ: Συνεχίζονται οι επιχειρήσεις στη Δυτική Όχθη- Νεκροί δύο μαχητές της Χαμάς
• 7:13 AM
1 min
Η επιχείρηση «Σιδηρούν Τείχος» ξεκίνησε για να εξουδετερώσει το λεγόμενο Τάγμα της Τζενίν
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"Todos estamos bajo un techo que se derrumba": Los estudiantes serbios exigen justicia
• 7:10 AM
19 min
'Euronews' ha hablado con cinco estudiantes de Serbia que forman parte del movimiento de protesta del país en demanda de justicia tras el mortal derrumbe del techo de la estación de tren de Novi Sad.
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Trump despide a los empleados que le investigaron por el asalto al Capitolio y los documentos clasificados de Florida
• 7:08 AM
6 min
El fiscal especial encargado de investigar a Trump por su participación en el asalto al Capitolio y la acumulación de documentos clasificados en su mansión de Florida tras su derrota en 2020 renunció a su cargo tras entregar sus informes.
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Albania, la nave Cassiopea con a bordo 49 migranti arriva al porto di Shengjin
• 7:04 AM
3 min
Dopo che i giudici italiani hanno ordinato il rientro dei migranti trasferiti in Albania per due volte. Il viaggio della nave Cassiopea, con a bordo 49 migranti, è il terzo tentativo di Roma di sbrigare procedure accelerate di frontiera in un Paese terzo:
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Messerattacke in Aschaffenburg: Heftige Debatte über Migrationspolitik
• 7:03 AM
4 min
Der Angriff in Aschaffenburg ist der jüngste in einer Reihe von gewalttätigen Vorfällen in Deutschland, die Ängste im Zusammenhang mit Migration und eine wachsende Unterstützung für die Rechtsaußen-Partei AfD verstärken.
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Israel diz ter matado dois membros do Hamas num ataque a um veículo em Tulkarem
• 7:02 AM
3 min
Os dois homens foram mortos enquanto o ataque militar em grande escala de Israel em Jenin continuava no seu sétimo dia.
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