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Putin asks Russian Orthodox church patriarch to consecrate Christmas gifts for troops in Ukraine
• 3:32 PM
3 min
Russia's invasion, which began in February 2022, has also been a source of religious controversy within the Eastern Orthodox Church and has driven a split among believers in both Russia and Ukraine.
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مذكرة اعتقال جديدة بحق رئيس كوريا الجنوبية.. ما الذي يجب أن نعرفه عن حصار المجمع الرئاسي في سيول؟
International • 3:31 PM
1 min
لم تهدأ الأوضاع في كوريا الجنوبية منذ إعلان الرئيس المعزول مرسوما بفرض الأحكام العرفية في الثالث من ديسمبر الماضي. ورغم أن المرسوم لم ينفذ سوى لبضع ساعات، فقد تصاعدت الأزمة مع تصاعد المعارضة التي تهيمن على البرلمان، ما أدى إلى إصدار مذكرة توقيف جديدة بحق
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Ο Klaus Welle συγκρίνει την κατάσταση της Ουκρανίας με τη διχοτόμηση της Γερμανίας
• 3:22 PM
1 min
Ο πρώην Γενικός Διευθυντής του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου, Klaus Welle, θεωρεί ότι η κατάπαυση του πυρός μεταξύ Ουκρανίας και Ρωσίας είναι η πιο πιθανή βραχυπρόθεσμη λύση για τον πόλεμο στην Ουκρανία.
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Stati Uniti, tempesta di neve causa quattro morti e lascia centinaia di migliaia senza corrente
• 3:21 PM
5 min
Bufere di neve stanno colpendo gli Stati Uniti dal Midwest al medio Atlantico. Disagi per 60 milioni di persone, con voli cancellati e incidenti per ghiaccio. La tempesta dovrebbe lasciare gli Usa nella giornata di martedì
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Клаус Велле: «Временное решение для Украины может быть похоже на Восточную и Западную Германию»
• 3:18 PM
1 min
Бывший генеральный секретарь Европейского парламента Клаус Велле полагает, что прекращение огня между Украиной и Россией является наиболее вероятным краткосрочным решением войны в Украине.
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K. Welle: “Una soluzione temporanea per l'Ucraina potrebbe assomigliare alla Germania Est e Ovest”
• 3:14 PM
2 min
L'ex direttore generale del Parlamento europeo, Klaus Welle, ritiene che un cessate il fuoco tra Ucraina e Russia sia la soluzione a breve termine più probabile per la guerra in Ucraina.
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K. Welle: "A solução temporária para a Ucrânia pode assemelhar-se à Alemanha Oriental e Ocidental"
• 3:14 PM
3 min
O antigo diretor-geral do Parlamento Europeu, Klaus Welle, considera que um cessar-fogo entre a Ucrânia e a Rússia é a solução mais provável a curto prazo para a guerra na Ucrânia.
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Klaus Welle: "la solución temporal para Ucrania se parecería a la de Alemania del Este y del Oeste"
• 3:10 PM
3 min
El exdirector general del Parlamento Europeo, Klaus Welle, piensa que un alto el fuego entre Ucrania y Rusia es la solución a corto plazo más probable para la guerra en Ucrania.
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Extrema-direita às portas do poder na Áustria: implicações para a UE
• 3:06 PM
3 min
O líder do FPÖ, Herbert Kickl, que foi encarregado de formar governo, opõe-se às sanções contra a Rússia, defende a remigração de estrangeiros e rejeita o Pacto Ecológico Europeu.
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„Eine Übergangslösung für die Ukraine könnte wie Ost- und Westdeutschland aussehen“ sagt Klaus Welle
• 3:05 PM
2 min
Der ehemalige Generaldirektor des Europäischen Parlaments Klaus Welle hält einen Waffenstillstand zwischen der Ukraine und Russland für die wahrscheinlichste kurzfristige Lösung für den Krieg in der Ukraine. Der Status wäre vergleichbar mit der Nachkriegs
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Syrie : Erdoğan met en garde contre une division du pays
World • 3:02 PM
3 min
Le président turc hausse le ton face aux combats entre les forces syriennes et des combattants kurdes dans le nord du pays.
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بطل السومو يؤدي طقوسًا تقليدية ويعلن بداية موسم جديد في معبد ميجي بطوكيو
International • 3:01 PM
1 min
أدى تيرونوفوجي، بطل رياضة السومو الكبير، طقوسا سنوية تقليدية يوم الثلاثاء في معبد ميجي بطوكيو، إيذانا ببدء موسم مصارعة السومو الجديد.
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London, Paris, Dublin: Which European city has the most congested roads?
• 3:00 PM
6 min
Traffic jams cost each driver more than €1,000 in wasted time in Europe’s most congested city last year.
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"La solution temporaire pour l'Ukraine pourrait ressembler à l'Allemagne de l'Est et de l'Ouest"
Europe • 3:00 PM
3 min
L'ancien directeur général du Parlement européen, Klaus Welle, pense qu'un cessez-le-feu entre l'Ukraine et la Russie est la solution à court terme la plus probable à la guerre en Ukraine.
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'Temporary solution for Ukraine might look like East and West Germany', says Klaus Welle
Europe • 2:59 PM
2 min
The former Director General of the European Parliament, Klaus Welle, thinks that a ceasefire between Ukraine and Russia is the most likely short-term solution to the war in Ukraine.
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Trump propone di nuovo l'annessione di Canada e Groenlandia agli Usa
• 2:57 PM
6 min
A seguito delle dimissioni del premier canadese Justin Trudeau dopo 9 anni di governo, il presidente eletto Trump ribadisce le sue mire sul Canada e sulla Groenlandia
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Η ακροδεξιά στο κατώφλι της εξουσίας στην Αυστρία: η ΕΕ κρατάει την ανάσα της
• 2:56 PM
1 min
Ο ηγέτης του FPÖ Χέρμπερτ Κικλ, στον οποίο έχει ανατεθεί ο σχηματισμός κυβέρνησης, αντιτίθεται στις κυρώσεις κατά της Ρωσίας, τάσσεται υπέρ της απέλασης των αλλοδαπών και απορρίπτει το Πράσινο Σύμφωνο.
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Sumo-Champion eröffnet Saison mit traditionellem Ritual im Meiji-Schrein
• 2:56 PM
1 min
Japans Sumo-Großmeister Terunofuji nahm am Dienstag an einem jährlichen Sumo-Ritual teil, mit dem die Ringkampfsaison offiziell eröffnet wurde.
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Ультраправые на пороге власти в Австрии: ЕС затаил дыхание
• 2:55 PM
1 min
Лидер АПС Герберт Кикль, которому поручено сформировать правительство, выступает против санкций в отношении России, за реэмиграцию иностранцев и отвергает "Зеленый пакт".
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Γαλλία: Δέκα χρόνια από την τρομοκρατική επίθεση στο Charlie Hebdo
• 2:53 PM
1 min
Η απειλή εξακολουθεί να υπάρχει δηλώνει ο υπουργός Εσωτερικών της χώρας
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Russland: Patriarch segnet Weihnachtsgeschenke für Truppen in der Ukraine
• 2:50 PM
1 min
Patriarch Kirill hat den Ukraine-Krieg als Teil eines metaphysischen Kampfes gegen den Westen bezeichnet.
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DEM Parti heyetiyle görüşen AK Parti Grup Başkanı Güler: 'Af gibi bir konu gündemimizde yok'
• 2:49 PM
6 min
Güler görüşme sonrası, 'Samimi, olumlu bir şekilde sohbet ettik. Düşüncelerimizi paylaştık. Daha sonraki günlerde gerekli açıklamalar yapılacaktır,' demişti.
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Ουκρανία: Έρευνα για φερόμενες λιποταξίες στρατιωτών κατά τη διάρκεια εκπαίδευσης στη Γαλλία
• 2:42 PM
1 min
«Μερικές δεκάδες» Ουκρανοί στρατιώτες λιποτάκτησαν κατά τη διάρκεια της εκπαίδευσής τους στη Γαλλία, σύμφωνα με Γάλλους στρατιωτικούς αξιωματούχους
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Trump Jr, babasının satın alma çağrılarını yenilemesinin ardından Grönland'da
• 2:40 PM
3 min
Donald Trump'ın Grönland'ı satın alma konusundaki ısrarı sürerken, Trump Jr Grönland'a ziyaret gerçekleştirdi.
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L'estrema destra sulla soglia del potere in Austria: l'Europa col fiato sospeso
• 2:39 PM
3 min
Il leader del partito austriaco FPÖ, Herbert Kickl, incaricato di formare un nuovo governo, si oppone alle sanzioni contro la Russia, sostiene i rimpatri degli stranieri e rifiuta il Green Deal
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AİHM, Yunanistan'ın Türk göçmeni yasa dışı olarak sınır dışı ettiğine hükmetti
• 2:33 PM
3 min
Yunanistan sınır politikalarının uluslararası hukuka uygun olduğunu iddia etse de karar, Avrupa ülkelerinin göçmen politikalarını nasıl ele aldığına dair endişeleri arttırıyor.
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Ливанская армия сменяет израильскую
• 2:33 PM
2 min
В соответствии с соглашением о перемирии между Израилем, Ливаном и группировкой "Хезболлах" израильская армия уступает контроль над приграничными зонами на юге Ливана подконтрольным Бейруту армейским силам.
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Jean-Marie Le Pen, figure de l'extrême droite française, est mort à l'âge de 96 ans
World • 2:31 PM
5 min
L'ancien président du Front national Jean-Marie Le Pen, figure de l'extrême droite française et finaliste de la présidentielle de 2002, est mort ce mardi à l'âge de 96 ans à Garches (Hauts-de-Seine).
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Brett Ratner'ın yönettiği Melania Trump belgeseli Amazon Prime'a geliyor
• 2:31 PM
8 min
Geleceğin First Lady'sinin Amazon Prime için hazırladığı yeni bir belgesel, Amazon'un kurucusu Jeff Bezos ile Trumplar arasında değişen, belki de daha sıcak bir ilişki olduğunu gösteriyor.
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Dez anos depois, França recorda as vítimas do ataque ao Charlie Hebdo
• 2:21 PM
4 min
Decorreram, esta terça-feira as cerimónias de homenagem às 12 vítimas do atentado jihadista contra as instalações do semanário satírico francês, a 7 de janeiro de 2015.
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Kiev, Fransız eğitimli Ukrayna tugayından firar iddialarını soruşturuyor
• 2:20 PM
5 min
Fransız askeri yetkililere göre 'birkaç düzine' Ukraynalı asker, Fransa'daki eğitimleri sırasında firar etti.
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Ten years on, France commemorates deadly attacks on satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo
• 2:16 PM
4 min
A decade after a deadly assault that shook France, the country paused to honour the victims, while also grappling with the evolving challenges of free expression and terrorism.
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L’extrême droite aux portes du pouvoir en Autriche : l'UE retient son souffle
Europe • 2:16 PM
3 min
Le dirigeant du FPÖ Herbert Kickl, chargé de former un gouvernement, s'oppose aux sanctions contre la Russie, prône la remigration des étrangers et rejette le Pacte vert.
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I cristiani ortodossi in Russia, Serbia e Georgia celebrano il Natale secondo il calendario giuliano
• 2:12 PM
5 min
I cristiani ortodossi di Russia, Serbia e Georgia hanno celebrato il Natale secondo il calendario giuliano. Vladimir Putin ha partecipato a una funzione nella chiesa di San Giorgio il Vittorioso sulla collina Poklonnaya
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Documentário sobre Melania Trump realizado por Brett Ratner vai ser emitido na Amazon Prime
• 2:10 PM
8 min
Um novo documentário sobre o Amazon Prime da futura primeira-dama sugere uma mudança, talvez mais calorosa, na relação entre o fundador da Amazon, Jeff Bezos, e os Trumps.
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Meta to replace fact-checkers with 'community notes' system similar to X
Business • 2:06 PM
3 min
Over the next months, Meta will phase in a community notes system and simplify its policies on fact-checking.
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Η Meta καταργεί το πρόγραμμα fact-checking στις ΗΠΑ
• 2:06 PM
1 min
Σημαντικό πισωγύρισμα της πολιτικής ελέγχου του περιεχομένου - Η ανακοίνωση του Μαρκ Ζάκερμπεργκ.
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DEVA Partisi'nde istifa: 'Parti bir çatı bünyesinde farklı bir yola giriyor'
• 2:04 PM
2 min
DEVA Partisi'nin Meclis'teki sandalye sayısı 11'e düştü.
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Morreu Jean-Marie Le Pen
• 2:02 PM
3 min
Histórico político francês tinha 96 anos.
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Λίβανος: Πρώτο βήμα υλοποίησης της κατάπαυσης του πυρός Ισραήλ - Χεζμπολάχ
• 2:02 PM
2 min
Ο στρατός του Λιβάνου αναπτύσσεται σε περιοχές που εκκενώνει ο ισραηλινός στρατός στο νότιο Λίβανο - Συνεχίζονται οι συνομιλίες στο Κατάρ σε "τεχνικό επίπεδο" για μια συμφωνία ανακωχής στη Γάζα
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بسبب انتقادات لأداء السيسي.. بايدن يغير وجهة مساعدات عسكرية بقيمة 95 مليون دولار من مصر إلى لبنان
International • 2:00 PM
5 min
قررت إدارة الرئيس الأمريكي جو بايدن تحويل مساعدات عسكرية بقيمة 95 مليون دولار من القاهرة إلى بيروت، لعدم رضاها عن أداء الرئيس المصري عبد الفتاح السيسي في معالجة القضايا الإنسانية. وتأتي هذه الخطوة في وقت يعاني فيه الجيش اللبناني من نقص بالتسليح، وفي ظل ال
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Erdoğan reitera o apoio turco à integridade territorial da Síria
• 1:54 PM
3 min
As palavras do presidente turco surgem numa altura em que crescem os combates na fronteira entre curdos e rebeldes apoiados pela Turquia.
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Il governo FPÖ in Austria, monito per i politici tedeschi
• 1:48 PM
5 min
La possibilità di un governo guidato dal partito di estrema destra FPÖ in Austria, preoccupa i politici tedeschi che si mobilitano per evitare uno scenario simile con l'AfD.
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European Court rules Greece illegally deported migrant in landmark case
Europe • 1:47 PM
2 min
Greece claims its border policies comply with international law, but the ruling raises concerns about how European nations handle migrants.
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La Russia sostiene di aver conquistato la città distrutta di Kurakhove, nella regione ucraina di Donetsk
• 1:45 PM
2 min
Un tempo sede di 18.000 persone, questa città bombardata è stata ridotta in macerie negli ultimi mesi. La domanda ora è: si aprirà la strada per Pokrovsk, un importante hub logistico per l'Ucraina nel fronte orientale?
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L'armée libanaise se déploie dans la ville côtière de Naqoura dans le cadre de l'accord de cessez-le-feu avec Israël
World • 1:43 PM
5 min
Israël et le Hezbollah ont accepté de retirer leurs forces du Sud-Liban avant la fin du mois de janvier. La zone sera alors sécurisée par l'armée libanaise et les forces de maintien de la paix de l'ONU, conformément aux conditions du cessez-le-feu.
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155. Brigade: Sind ukrainische Soldaten während der Ausbildung in Frankreich desertiert?
• 1:41 PM
5 min
Ein paar Dutzend ukrainische Soldaten sind nach Angaben der französischen Armee während ihrer Ausbildung in Frankreich desertiert. Laut Paris ist die Zahl der Deserteure "sehr gering" im Vergleich zur Gesamtzahl der ausgebildeten Soldaten.
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Detay: Justin Trudeau'nun 40 yıl önce istifa eden babası Yves Trudeau
• 1:39 PM
7 min
Justin Trudeau, 2000 yılında kaybettiği babası Pierre Yves Trudeau'nun 40 sene önceki ayak izlerini takip etti.
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Erdogan reitera el apoyo turco a la integridad territorial de Siria
• 1:37 PM
4 min
El presidente turco Erdogan reiteró la postura de Turquía contra las amenazas a la integridad de Siria, advirtiendo de que Ankara actuaría con rapidez en respuesta a cualquier amenaza percibida.
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'Breaking Bad' dizisiyle ünlenen ev satışa çıktı
• 1:34 PM
4 min
New Mexico'daki mülkün Bryan Cranston ve Aaron Paul'un rol aldığı uzun soluklu dizideki rolü, piyasa değerini artırdı ve mütevazı evi popüler kültür tarihinin bir parçası haline getirdi.
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فرنسا تُعلن عن رصد أول إصابة بالمتحور الجديد لجدري القردة
Business • 1:31 PM
1 min
أعلنت السلطات الصحية الفرنسية عن رصد أول حالة إصابة بسلالة جديدة من فيروس جدري القرود "إمبوكس"، التي انتشرت في وسط أفريقيا العام الماضي.
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Il documentario su Melania Trump diretto da Brett Ratner arriva su Amazon Prime
• 1:28 PM
7 min
Un nuovo documentario su Amazon Prime della futura first lady suggerisce un rapporto in evoluzione, forse più caldo, tra il fondatore di Amazon Jeff Bezos e i Trump.
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Kedileri konu alan animasyon 'Flow' Altın Küre'de Letonya için tarihi bir zafere imza attı
• 1:28 PM
3 min
İlklerin yaşandığı tarihi bir gecede, Letonya'dan Gints Zilbalodis'in 'Flow' filmi En İyi Sinema Filmi - Animasyon kategorisinde zafere ulaşarak, Baltık ülkesi için Altın Küre'de önemli bir başarıya imza attı.
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Россия заявляет, что захватила Курахово в Донецкой области
• 1:24 PM
1 min
В этом разбомбленном Россией городе когда-то проживало 18 тысяч человек. Москва сообщает, что после месяцев боев взяла под контроль Курахово. Означает ли это, что теперь для российской армии открыта дорога на Покровск, крупный логистический центр Украины
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Roma İmparatorluğu, Avrupa genelinde zeka seviyesini nasıl düşürdü?
• 1:24 PM
5 min
Araştırmacılardan McConnell, 'Neredeyse 2.000 yıl önce Avrupa’daki atmosferik hava kirliliğini ölçüp antik Roma'daki potansiyel sağlık etkilerini değerlendirebildiğimiz için hayret içerisindeyiz,' dedi.
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Trump Jr travels to Greenland after his father renews calls to buy it
• 1:20 PM
3 min
President-elect Donald Trump has claimed that Greenlanders would ‘benefit tremendously’ by joining the US.
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Tech policy in 2025 - 14 movers and shakers to watch for in Europe
Europe • 1:15 PM
14 min
If 2023 and 2024 saw serial EU digital rules developed, 2025 clearly promises to be the year of enforcement. The EU election last June reshuffled the Brussels political landscape, and while some key figures of influence remain in place, others have emerge
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Muere a los 30 años el famoso burro que inspiró el personaje de Eddie Murphy en 'Shrek'
• 1:15 PM
5 min
Perry fue sacrificado debido a las complicaciones derivadas de varios problemas de salud, entre ellos una dolorosa enfermedad de las pezuñas llamada laminitis.
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Gine'de cuntanın demokrasiye geçiş için verdiği son tarihi kaçırmasıyla protestolar patlak verdi
• 1:13 PM
2 min
Bir kişinin hayatını kaybetmesi ve yüzlerce gözaltı ile sonuçlanan gösteriler, Batı Afrika ülkesindeki gerilimi arttırdı.
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Kiev indaga su presunte diserzioni nella brigata ucraina addestrata dai francesi
• 1:13 PM
5 min
Alcune decine di soldati ucraini hanno disertato durante il loro addestramento in Francia, secondo i funzionari militari francesi. Parigi afferma che il numero di diserzioni è "molto marginale" rispetto al numero totale di soldati addestrati
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Cat-centred animation 'Flow' was a historic win for Latvia at the Golden Globes
Culture • 1:11 PM
7 min
In a historic night of firsts, Gints Zilbalodis’ 'Flow' from Latvia triumphed in the Best Motion Picture – Animated category, marking a significant achievement for the Baltic nation at the Golden Globes.
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Front National Gründer Jean-Marie Le Pen ist gestorben
• 1:09 PM
3 min
Jean-Marie Le Pen, Gründer der französischen rechtsextremen Partei Front National, die heute unter dem Namen Rassemblement National (RN) bekannt ist, ist im Alter von 96 Jahren gestorben.
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Aubrey Plaza eşinin intiharı sonrası ilk kez konuştu: 'Hayal edilemeyecek bir trajedi'
• 1:08 PM
3 min
Film yapımcısı 47 yaşındaki Jeff Baena'nın Cuma günü Los Angeles'taki bir evde ölü bulduğu açıklanmıştı.
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Von der Leyen health update: Key details on her recent pneumonia diagnosis
Europe • 1:07 PM
2 min
Von der Leyen cancelled her engagements due to pneumonia but continues to manage her duties from Hanover. Here's what we know so far about her condition.
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Los migrantes varados en Acapulco se enfrentan a la incertidumbre: "Nos mintieron"
• 1:03 PM
5 min
Muchos migrantes, engañados por promesas de permisos y ayudas, se enfrentan a recursos limitados, condiciones inseguras y dificultades para continuar su viaje.
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Il campione di sumo inaugura la stagione con il tradizionale rituale al Santuario Meiji
• 1:01 PM
1 min
Il grande campione di sumo del Giappone, Terunofuji, ha partecipato martedì a un rituale annuale di sumo per dare ufficialmente il via alla stagione di lotta
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Guinea on lockdown as protests erupt over junta’s missed democracy deadline
• 11:57 AM
2 min
Demonstrations have resulted in one death and hundreds of arrests, intensifying tensions in the West African nation.
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El Ejército libanés se despliega en el sur de Líbano tras la retirada israelí
• 11:54 AM
5 min
Israel y Hezbolá acordaron retirar sus fuerzas del sur del Líbano antes de finales de enero. El Ejército libanés y las fuerzas de mantenimiento de la paz de la ONU se encargarán de la seguridad de la zona, como parte de las condiciones acordadas para el a
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Eurozone inflation on the rise: Could ECB cuts be in jeopardy?
Europe • 11:49 AM
4 min
Despite the rise in inflation, markets continue to anticipate aggressive ECB rate cuts in 2025, with a 25-basis-point reduction expected this month.
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Trump quiere tomar el control de Canadá y Groenlandia: "Les encantaría formar parte de EE.UU."
• 11:46 AM
5 min
El presidente electo repitió sus insinuaciones de que Canadá debería convertirse en el "estado número 51" tras la dimisión del líder canadiense Justin Trudeau, que pone fin a nueve años en el poder.
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L'esercito libanese si schiera nella città costiera di Naqoura come parte dell'accordo di cessate il fuoco con Israele
• 11:44 AM
6 min
Israele e Hezbollah hanno concordato di ritirare le loro forze dal Libano meridionale entro la fine di gennaio. L'area sarà quindi messa in sicurezza dall'esercito libanese e dalle forze di pace delle Nazioni Unite, come parte delle condizioni concordate
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Ελλάδα: Αίτηση αναίρεσης κατέθεσαν οι οικογένειες των πλημμυροπαθών της Μάνδρας
• 11:42 AM
5 min
Στην σχετική ανακοίνωση, οι οικογένειες κάνουν λόγο μέσω των πληρεξούσιων δικηγόρων τους για «νομικές αστοχίες, πλημμέλειες και αντιφάσεις» στην απόφαση του Οκτωβρίου που έριξε τους κατηγορουμένους «στα μαλακά».
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Lübnan, İsrail ile ateşkes kapsamında Nakura'ya asker konuşlandırdı
• 11:42 AM
4 min
İsrail ve Hizbullah, Ocak ayının sonuna doğru Lübnan'ın güneyinden çekilme noktasında mutabakata vardı. Bölgenin güvenliğini BM ve Lübnan ordusu sağlayacak.
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FPÖ-Regierung in Österreich ein Warnsignal für deutsche Politiker
• 11:42 AM
4 min
Nachdem in Österreich nun die Möglichkeit einer FPÖ-Regierung besteht, machen deutsche Politiker mobil, um ein ähnliches Szenario, zum Beispiel mit der AfD, zu verhindern.
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Groenland, Canada : Trump s'entête
World • 11:39 AM
6 min
Le président élu a réitéré ses propos selon lesquels le Canada devrait devenir le "51e État" après la démission du dirigeant canadien Justin Trudeau, qui marque la fin de son mandat de neuf ans au pouvoir.
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أطفال محاصرون في المدارس وركاب عالقون في محطات القطار.. الفيضانات تبتلع شوارع بريطانيا
Europe • 11:38 AM
5 min
غمرت السيول شوارع بريطانيا، معطلة الحركة في أجزاء من البلاد، وذلك بعد سحابة مطر استمرت لفترة طويلة. وقالت السلطات إنها أنقذت العشرات من المواطنين العالقين في منازلهم، متوقعة استمرار الطقس الشتوي.
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Migrantes retidos em Acapulco: México aplica estratégia de "dispersão e esgotamento"
• 11:36 AM
5 min
Muitos migrantes, enganados por promessas de autorizações e apoio, enfrentam recursos limitados, condições inseguras e dificuldades em continuar as suas viagens.
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Helsinki landmark Finlandia Hall reopens after three-year renovation
Culture • 11:35 AM
9 min
The architectural icon, designed by Alvar Aalto, is now more accessible than ever to the public after an extensive renovation.
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Morreu o burro que inspirou a personagem de Eddie Murphy em 'Shrek'
• 11:32 AM
5 min
RIP Perry, o pequeno burro que inspirou a personagem de Eddie Murphy na saga de filmes animação. Perry tinha 30 anos e vivia numa reserva na Califórnia.
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Ουκρανία: Η Ρωσία ισχυρίζεται ότι κατέλαβε το Κουραχόβε - Οι μάχες συνεχίζονται λέει το Κίεβο
• 11:25 AM
1 min
Η Μόσχα λέει πως τα στρατεύματά της βελτιώνουν τις θέσεις τους και αποκρούουν ουκρανικές επιθέσεις
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North Korea tests hypersonic missile in bid to ‘reliably contain’ rivals
• 11:22 AM
3 min
The weapons test happened while US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was in Seoul for talks with South Korean officials.
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Fransa'da tehlikeli yeni mpox türünün ilk vakası bildirildi
• 11:18 AM
3 min
Fransa, Avrupa'da yeni mpox türünün tespit edildiği beşinci ülke oldu.
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En düşük emekli maaşı 14.469 lira olacak
• 11:12 AM
2 min
En düşük emekli aylıklarına zam için yasal düzenleme gerekiyor.
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Дональд Трамп снова предложил Канаде стать 51-м штатом США
• 11:09 AM
1 min
Будущий глава Белого дома Дональд Трамп вновь предлагает Канаде войти в состав США и снова заявляет о своих амбициях в отношении Гренландии.
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Exército libanês desloca-se para cidade costeira de Naqoura ao abrigo do acordo de cessar-fogo com Israel
• 11:06 AM
5 min
Israel e o Hezbollah concordaram em retirar as suas forças do sul do Líbano antes do final de janeiro. A área será então protegida pelo exército libanês e pelas forças de manutenção da paz da ONU, de acordo com as condições acordadas para o cessar-fogo.
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Israel says it will send intelligence, military delegation to Hamas ceasefire talks in Qatar
• 11:05 AM
7 min
Benjamin Netanyahu's office said representatives of the Mossad intelligence agency and military would attend the talks but gave no further details. There has been no immediate comment from Hamas.
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Stati Uniti, primo decesso umano per influenza aviaria H5N1
Business • 11:05 AM
3 min
Le agenzie sanitarie statunitensi hanno dichiarato che il rischio per la popolazione rimane basso, ma un'ampia diffusione tra gli animali ne facilita la trasmissione all'essere umano
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Suecia y Austria instan a la UE a ser más contundente con la inmigración irregular
• 11:05 AM
4 min
En una reunión para conmemorar los 30 años de pertenencia a la UE, el canciller austríaco Karl Nehammer y el primer ministro sueco Ulf Kristersson se centraron en los inmigrantes.
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Arresto di Cecilia Sala in Iran, Teheran preme per lo scambio con Abedini
• 11:04 AM
6 min
Le autorità italiane continuano a lavorare per il rilascio della giornalista italiana arrestata il mese scorso a Teheran e trattenuta nel carcere di Evin. Sala sarebbe costretta a dormire sul pavimento in una cella sempre illuminata. Vertice a Palazzo Chi
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EURONEWS HOY | Las noticias del jueves 2 de enero: Un coche de Tesla explota frente al Hotel Trump
• 11:04 AM
4 min
El informativo exprés de 'Euronews' le ofrece los principales titulares de la jornada: Dos ataques en Nueva Orleans y Las Vegas sacuden a Estados Unidos y un tercer incidente en Montenegro deja varios muertos.
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