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فنان غزة الذي لا يتكلم بصوته بل بريشته.. بلال أبو نحل يرسم حكايات الصمود من مخيم دير البلح
International • 3:00 PM
1 min
قام الفنان الفلسطيني الأصم والأبكم بلال أبو نحل بتحويل خيمته في مخيم دير البلح للاجئين بقطاع غزة إلى استوديو فني ينبض بالحياة.
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Discapacidad en Europa: "Las palabras no cambiarán las cosas"
• 3:00 PM
5 min
'Europeans' Stories' visitó los Países Bajos, donde se han tomado una serie de medidas para garantizar los derechos de las personas con discapacidad.
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L'accordo Ue-Tunisia poggia su ripetute "violazioni di diritti umani"
• 2:58 PM
3 min
Il Mediatore europeo ha chiesto "criteri concreti" per sospendere i fondi Ue alla Tunisia in caso di violazione dei diritti umani
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Bomb attack targets Turkish Aerospace Industries headquarters in Ankara
• 2:53 PM
1 min
TAI sources told Euronews that security forces had been dispatched to deal with the incident.
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Can Abercrombie & Fitch survive sex trafficking scandal facing its former CEO?
Culture • 2:52 PM
10 min
The former CEO of American fashion brand Abercrombie & Fitch (A&F) Mike Jeffries has been arrested on charges of running a prostitution and international sex trafficking ring.
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Clear connection between social media posts and violence during Southport riots, UK regulator finds
Business • 2:49 PM
4 min
UK regulator Ofcom found a clear connection between online social media posts and increased violence on the streets during riots over the summer.
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Alemanha e Reino Unido assinam pacto de defesa face à ameaça russa
• 2:35 PM
1 min
O acordo entre os dois países tem como objetivo contrariar a ascensão da Rússia, bem como uma possível agressão. “Temos as mesmas ameaças”, afirmou o Secretário da Defesa britânico, John Healey.
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This Swiss ski resort has been named the best in the world, per new ranking
• 2:35 PM
7 min
Five ski resorts in Switzerland feature in the top 20 rankings, whilst Austria has 12.
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Mercedes seeks to plug gap with own battery recycling factory in Germany
Business • 2:32 PM
3 min
Mercedes is opening its own battery recycling plant in southern Germany, in an attempt to recover raw materials such as nickel, cobalt and lithium.
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Messerattacke in Murnau: Russe wegen Doppelmordes an zwei ukrainischen Soldaten vor Gericht
• 2:30 PM
4 min
Im April wurden in Murnau zwei ukrainische Soldaten ermordet, die sich dort von Kriegsverletzungen erholten. Der Verdächtige soll laut Ermittlern aus "gekränktem Nationalstolz" gehandelt haben.
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Alemania y Reino Unido firman un pacto en Defensa ante la amenaza rusa
• 2:28 PM
2 min
La firma entre ambos países busca contrarrestar el crecimiento de Rusia así como una posible agresión. "Tenemos las mismas amenazas", afirmó el secretario de Defensa de Reino Unido John Healey.
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Viktor Orbán: Brussels wants to put a puppet government in our place
• 2:26 PM
3 min
The Hungarian prime minister also claimed the whole bloc is being forced into Russia's war in Ukraine.
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Mpox: European health authorities say risk to public is low after new strain identified in Germany
Business • 2:26 PM
2 min
The German patient is the second case of a new strain of mpox detected in Europe.
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Τουρκία: Τρομοκρατική επίθεση στα κεντρικά της τουρκικής αεροδιαστημικής βιομηχανίας
• 2:24 PM
1 min
Τα κεντρικά γραφεία της TAI στην Άγκυρα δέχθηκαν τρομοκρατική επίθεση - Δεν επιβεβαιώνονται επισήμως τα περί επίθεσης αυτοκτονίας - Νεκροί και τραυματίες, σύμφωνα με τον υπουργό Εσωτερικών - Τι λένε στο euronews μέλη του προσωπικού
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Des morts et des blessés après un attentat à Ankara en Turquie (ministère de l'Intérieur)
World • 2:22 PM
2 min
Le ministre turc de l'Intérieur Ali Yerlikaya a déclaré qu'une attaque contre les locaux de l'entreprise turque d'aérospatiale et de défense TUSAS a fait "un certain nombre de morts et de blessés" mercredi.
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Grevlerle boğuşan Boeing, uydusunun uzayda parçalanmasıyla yeni bir darbe aldı
• 2:20 PM
4 min
Son olay, Boeing'in grevdeki işçilerin oylamasının sonuçlarını beklediği ve üçüncü çeyrek sonuçlarında büyük bir kayıp bildirmesinin beklendiği bir dönemde meydana geldi.
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Сторонники фон дер Ляйен критикуют её позицию по миграции
• 2:20 PM
1 min
Социалисты и «зелёные» критикуют концепцию экстерриториальных миграционных центр
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DSÖ, Avrupalı sağlık çalışanlarının ruh sağlığını araştıracak
• 2:18 PM
2 min
DSÖ ve AB, ruh sağlığı sorunlarının sağlık çalışanları üzerindeki etkisinin yanı sıra bu yükü hafifletmeye yönelik olası politika tedbirlerini değerlendirmeyi amaçlayan bir araştırma için ortaklık kurdu.
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A floating farm in Rotterdam rises to meet the challenge of climate change
Europe • 2:18 PM
4 min
A project that houses cows in a floating barn aims to demonstrate how farming can change its relationship with water and energy.
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Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο: Οι τοποθετήσεις των υποψήφιων Επιτρόπων στους ευρωβουλευτές
• 2:14 PM
1 min
Πολλοί ακολουθούν τη βασική φόρμουλα του βιογραφικού τους σημειώματος και επιβεβαιώνουν ότι είναι πιστοί στις ευρωπαϊκές αξίες
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Detroit rapper Eminem joins Barack Obama in campaigning for Kamala Harris at rally
Culture • 2:13 PM
3 min
The rapper spoke to his hometown before introducing former president Barack Obama with the beat of 'Lose Yourself' playing in the background.
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Koalitionsparteien zweifeln an Kommissionskurs
• 2:13 PM
5 min
Sozialdemokraten, Grüne und Liberale stellen die Haltung der Kommission zur Migration infrage.
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Tumultos e violência na Grande Lisboa
• 2:11 PM
1 min
Segunda noite de tumultos e violência na Grande Lisboa: quatro feridos e três detidos.
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Migranti in Albania, cosa succede dopo il decreto legge dell'Italia sui "Paesi sicuri"
• 2:05 PM
6 min
Proviamo a spiegare i dubbi sollevati dall'intervento del governo italiano per salvare il "modello Albania" dopo la bocciatura dei giudici di Roma. La questione rischia di essere più politica che giuridica
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SIAL: Inside the food festival serving up the next big food trends
Culture • 2:03 PM
11 min
You could call it the Glastonbury of the food world. Marking its 60th anniversary in Paris, the SIAL fair has played host to some 7,500 food exhibitors from 200 countries over the past week. It may be closed to the public, but this is where food trend and
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الاتحاد الأوروبي يناشد الدول المشاركة في قمة "بريكس" الضغط على بوتين لإنهاء الحرب في أوكرانيا
International • 2:00 PM
2 min
ناشد الاتحاد الأوروبي، اليوم الأربعاء، الدول المشاركة في قمة "بريكس" المنعقدة في قازان الروسية، بالضغط على الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين لوقف الحرب في أوكرانيا.
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Πορτογαλία: Δεύτερη νύχτα ταραχών και βίας στη Λισαβόνα
• 1:59 PM
1 min
Οι ταραχές προκλήθηκαν μετά το θάνατο πολίτη του Πράσινου Ακρωτηρίου από αστυνομικά πυρά
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Deuxième nuit d'émeutes à Lisbonne après la mort d'un homme tué par la police
Europe • 1:59 PM
8 min
Quatre personnes ont été blessées, dont deux policiers, et plusieurs véhicules ont été endommagés. Trois personnes ont été arrêtées. Les émeutes dans plusieurs municipalités de Lisbonne ont été déclenchées par la révolte populaire suite à la mort d'un hom
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AB'nin yeni teknoloji komiseri adayı Henna Virkkunen Avrupa'nın 'yapay zeka kıtası' olmasını istiyor
• 1:58 PM
5 min
Virkunnen'in açıklamaları, yapay zeka, çocukların çevrimiçi ortamda korunması ve tüketici kurallarının güncellenmesine ilişkin AB'nin planları hakkında ipuçları veriyor.
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İspanya'da 22 caretta caretta kaplumbağası denize bırakıldı
• 1:56 PM
1 min
İspanya Ekolojik Geçiş Bakanlığı tarafından yürütülen bir koruma programı kapsamındaki 22 caretta caretta kaplumbağası Almassora sahiline bırakıldı.
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Difesa, firmato un accordo "storico" per la sicurezza tra Regno Unito e Germania
• 1:48 PM
4 min
In primo piano l'apertura da parte della Rheinmetall, la società della difesa tedesca, di un nuovo stabilimento nel Regno Unito per produrre canne per i sistemi d’artiglieria, utilizzando l'acciaio britannico
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Rusia e Irán podrían alimentar las protestas violentas tras las elecciones estadounidenses, según los servicios de inteligencia
• 1:45 PM
6 min
La advertencia de dos altos funcionarios de inteligencia se produce después de que un ciudadano estadounidense "involuntario" fuera reclutado por la inteligencia militar rusa para organizar protestas en Estados Unidos en enero.
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İdam sehpasından Meclis'e: Öcalan için yasal düzenleme yapılacak mı?
• 1:44 PM
12 min
Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi (MHP) Genel Başkanı Devlet Bahçeli, Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi'ndeki (TBMM) son grup toplantısında 25 yıldır hapiste olan PKK lideri Abdullah Öcalan için 'umut hakkı' çağrısında bulundu.
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No Comment : vague de violence au Portugal après la mort d'un homme abattu par la police
World • 1:41 PM
1 min
Deux bus ont été brûlés ces dernières heures, l'un à Amadora, l'autre à Oeiras, près de Lisbonne, dans de nouveaux actes de révolte après la mort d'Odair Moniz, abattu par la PSP (police de sécurité publique).
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ABD Savunma Bakanı: 'Kuzey Kore birliklerinin Rusya'da olduğuna dair kanıtlar var'
• 1:41 PM
2 min
Savunma Bakanı'nın yorumu, Washington'un Ukrayna ve Güney Kore tarafından daha önce yapılan açıklamaları kamuoyuna ilk kez teyit etmesi anlamına geliyor.
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Ευρωκοινοβούλιο: Σοσιαλιστές, Πράσινοι και Φιλεύθεροι αμφισβητούν την Κομισιόν για τη μετανάστευση
• 1:40 PM
1 min
Η πρόεδρος της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής κάλεσε το μπλοκ να εξετάσει τις λεγόμενες καινοτόμες λύσεις για τον περιορισμό της ροής παράτυπων μεταναστών, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της δημιουργίας κόμβων επιστροφής εκτός του μπλοκ για την κράτηση αιτούντων άσυλο που έχο
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WHO to survey EU healthcare workers' mental wellbeing
Europe • 1:39 PM
2 min
The WHO and the EU have partnered to launch a survey aimed at assessing the impact of mental health challenges on healthcare professionals, as well as possible policy measures to alleviate the burden.
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No Comment : le crocodile du Siam repeuple le Cambodge
World • 1:38 PM
1 min
Le crocodile du Siam que l’on croyait éteint au Cambodge fait son retour grâce à des efforts soutenus de conservation.
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«Ρωσία και Ιράν μπορούν να υποκινήσουν βίαιες διαδηλώσεις μετά τις αμερικανικές εκλογές» λένε αξιωματούχοι των ΗΠΑ
• 1:38 PM
2 min
Η προειδοποίηση από δύο ανώτερους αξιωματούχους των μυστικών υπηρεσιών της χώρας
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Uma quinta flutuante para enfrentar o desafio das alterações climáticas
• 1:35 PM
5 min
Situada no porto de Roterdão, uma exploração agrícola sobre a água pretende responder aos riscos climáticos associados ao aumento das temperaturas.
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Bilancio 2025: Parlamento e Consiglio Ue si scontrano sui tagli da 1,52 miliardi di euro
• 1:33 PM
3 min
"Il bilancio dell'Ue non può essere prigioniero dei tassi d'interesse riducendo i nostri programmi", ha detto il vicepresidente del Parlamento Ue Negrescu. Gli eurodeputati hanno espresso una chiara opposizione ai tagli proposti e ci si aspetta negoziati
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"Was sollen wir tun": Hunderte Arbeitsplätze in Frankreichs Autoindustrie bedroht
• 1:31 PM
6 min
Im Nordwesten Frankreichs kämpfen rund 300 Beschäftigte gegen den drohenden Verlust ihrer Arbeitsplätze in der Automobilindustrie. Angesichts der Werksschließungen und des Drucks auf die Branche wächst die Unsicherheit.
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تحذيرات من هجوم وشيك.. سريلانكا تشدد الأمن حول الإسرائيليين وتل أبيب تدعو رعاياها للمغادرة
International • 1:30 PM
1 min
وصلت تداعيات الحرب في غزة ولبنان إلى سريلانكا، تلك الدولة الآسيوية، فشددت إجراءات الأمن بعد تلقي السلطات معلومات عن تهديدات بشن هجمات على إسرائيليين.
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У Вашингтона есть доказательства, что войска КНДР находятся в России
• 1:29 PM
1 min
Министр обороны США Ллойд Остин впервые публично подтвердил, что есть доказательства присутствия северокорейских солдат в России, и чем они там занимаются, "можно только догадываться".
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Нидерланды: плавучий коровник помогает бороться с изменением климата
• 1:22 PM
1 min
Ферма на воде, расположенная в порту Роттердама, – ответ на повышение уровня мирового океана, участившиеся наводнения. Молоко здесь производят, экономя ресурсы.
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Gazze'nin kuzeyinde çocuk felci aşı kampanyası 'tırmanan şiddet' nedeniyle ertelendi
• 1:21 PM
3 min
Gazze'deki aşı kampanyasının amacı yarım milyondan fazla çocuğa yeni bir oral aşının ikinci dozunu sağlamaktı.
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TUSAŞ merkez yerleşkesine canlı bomba saldırısı: 3 ölü, 14 yaralı var
• 1:16 PM
5 min
TUSAŞ'ın Ankara'daki genel merkezinde bir saldırı düzenlendi. Euronews, TUSAŞ kaynaklarına olayı sordu.
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Prague is banning late-night bar crawls. What are the alternatives for partygoers?
• 1:16 PM
3 min
From beer spas to brewery tours, revellers will need to find new activities in Prague from next month.
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Deutsche Bank pierde la batalla judicial sobre el pago de la adquisición de Postbank
• 1:13 PM
5 min
El Tribunal Superior de Colonia ha condenado a Deutsche Bank a pagar una nueva indemnización a los inversores de Postbank que alegaron que les pagó de menos cuando adquirió el banco minorista alemán en 2010.
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US-Verteidigungsminister: Nordkoreanische Truppen in Russland
• 1:10 PM
2 min
US-Verteidigungsminister Lloyd Austin hat bestätigt, dass sich nordkoreanische Truppen in Russland aufhalten. Dies folgt auf Aussagen aus der Ukraine, die eine mögliche Unterstützung der nordkoreanischen Soldaten bei der Abwehr des ukrainischen Einmarsche
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Вторая ночь беспорядков в Большом Лиссабоне: четверо раненых и трое арестованных
• 1:07 PM
1 min
Двадцать первого октября в городке Амадора при попытке задержания полицией был убит мигрант из Кабо-Верде. Это спровоцировало беспорядки в пригородах Лиссабона. Ведется расследование обстоятельств произошедшего.
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Έντονη αντίδραση της Ουκρανίας για το «παρών» του Γκουτέρες στη σύνοδο των BRICS
• 1:02 PM
2 min
Το Κίεβο κάνει λόγο για «λανθασμένη επιλογή που βλάπτει τη φήμη του οργανισμού»
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Una granja flotante en pleno puerto de Róterdam para hacer frente al cambio climático
• 1:01 PM
5 min
Situada en el puerto de Róterdam, el mayor de Europa, una granja sobre el agua pretende demostrar que puede funcionar al tiempo que responde a los riesgos climáticos asociados al aumento de las temperaturas.
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Malmö Symphony Orchestra makes history with world’s first robotic cellist performance
Culture • 1:00 PM
1 min
In a groundbreaking performance, the Malmö Symphony Orchestra have collaborated with a robotic cellist for the world premiere of Jacob Mühlrad's composition "Veer."
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Germany and UK take aim with 'landmark' deal to make artillery guns
Europe • 11:55 AM
3 min
The new defence agreement will bring jobs to the UK as the Labour government seeks to build closer ties with European allies.
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Francia: due migranti morti nel Canale della Manica, salvate 46 persone
• 11:54 AM
1 min
Le autorità hanno dichiarato che altre 46 persone sono state salvate da un gommone pesantemente sovraccarico che si è trovato in difficoltà
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Russian citizen charged with fatal stabbing of Ukrainian soldiers in Germany
• 11:50 AM
2 min
The double murder in Bavaria allegedly saw the suspect lash out with a knife after an argument over the morality of Russia's ongoing full-scale invasion.
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Rússia e Irão podem fomentar protestos violentos após as eleições nos EUA
• 11:48 AM
6 min
O aviso de dois altos funcionários dos serviços secretos surge depois de um cidadão americano "involuntariamente" ter sido recrutado pelos serviços secretos militares russos para organizar protestos nos EUA em janeiro.
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Deutsche Bank loses court battle over Postbank takeover payout
Business • 11:45 AM
3 min
The higher court in Cologne has ordered Deutsche Bank to pay further compensation to Postbank investors who claimed that the bank underpaid them when it took over the German retail bank in 2010.
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I musicisti di Abba, The Cure e Radiohead firmano una dichiarazione contro l'utilizzo del lavoro dei creativi per addestrare l'IA
• 11:44 AM
5 min
Tra i 13.500 firmatari che protestano contro l'uso del lavoro dei creativi per addestrare strumenti di intelligenza artificiale ci sono il compositore Max Richter, lo scrittore Kazuo Ishiguro e gli attori Kevin Bacon e Julianne Moore
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Präsidentschaftswahlen in Belarus für den 26. Januar angesetzt
• 11:44 AM
4 min
Alexander Lukaschenko ist seit 30 Jahren an der Macht. In Belarus werden die Teilnehmer der Proteste von 2020 immer noch verfolgt, die Vertreter der Opposition haben das Land verlassen oder befinden sich in Haft.
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Les élections présidentielles au Bélarus se dérouleront le 26 janvier 2025
Europe • 11:35 AM
7 min
Alexandre Loukachenko est au pouvoir depuis 30 ans. Au Bélarus, les participants aux manifestations de 2020 sont toujours persécutés. Les représentants de l'opposition ont quitté le pays ou sont en détention.
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النسخة 45 من "سباق رولكس في البحر الأوسط"
International • 11:30 AM
1 min
انطلق 112 مركبًا شراعيًا من 30 دولة من ميناء فاليتا الرئيسي في مالطا للمشاركة في النسخة 45 من "سباق رولكس البحر الأوسط".
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Polio vaccine campaign in northern Gaza postponed due to 'escalating violence'
Business • 11:27 AM
3 min
The aim of the vaccine campaign in Gaza was to provide more than half a million kids with second doses of a novel oral vaccine.
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Trump İngiltere İşçi Partisi'ni ABD seçimlerine 'dış müdahale' ile suçladı
• 11:26 AM
3 min
Başkan adayı Donald Trump, İngiliz Başbakanı Keir Starmer'ın İşçi Partisini, Amerikan devrimine atıfta bulunan bir belgeyle seçimlere müdahale etmekle suçlayarak yasal şikayette bulundu.
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Presidenciais na Bielorrússia marcadas para 26 de janeiro
• 11:25 AM
5 min
Alexander Lukashenko está no poder há 30 anos. Na Bielorrússia, os participantes nos protestos de 2020 continuam a ser perseguidos, os representantes da oposição abandonaram o país ou estão detidos.
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EU watchdog issues criticism of EU-Tunisia deal over human rights concerns
Europe • 11:21 AM
3 min
The European Ombudsman has called for "concrete criteria" to suspend EU funds for Tunisia in case of human rights abuse.
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Trump beschuldigt Labour-Partei der "ausländischen Einmischung" in die US-Wahl
• 11:15 AM
3 min
Der Präsidentschaftskandidat Donald Trump hat eine Beschwerde gegen die Labour-Partei des britischen Premierministers Keir Starmer eingereicht. Die Partei mische sich in die US-Wahl ein.
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Cocaina rosa, ecco cos'è la droga diffusissima tra i giovani
Business • 11:13 AM
5 min
La polvere, che in realtà è un mix di sostanze, era stata assunta anche dall'ex star degli One Direction Liam Payne, morto la scorsa settimana
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Cocaína rosa: o que sabemos sobre a droga encontrada no organismo de Liam Payne
• 11:11 AM
5 min
A droga para festas, que normalmente não contém cocaína, está a atrair as atenções depois de ter sido encontrada durante a autópsia do falecido músico dos One Direction.
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Socialists, Greens and Liberals challenge Commission’s stance on migration
Europe • 11:11 AM
5 min
The European Commission President has called on the bloc to look into so-called innovative solutions to stem the flow of irregular migrants, including the creation of return hubs outside the bloc to detain rejected asylum seekers awaiting deportation.
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Dois migrantes morrem ao tentar atravessar o Canal da Mancha
• 11:10 AM
1 min
Outras 46 pessoas foram resgatadas de um barco insuflável muito sobrecarregado que entrou em dificuldades.
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Violentos disturbios en Lisboa tras la muerte de un caboverdiano por disparos policiales
• 11:09 AM
4 min
La segunda noche de violencia en las calles se produce tras la muerte de Odair Moniz, un ciudadado caboverdiano de 43 años, a quien la Policía disparó en la madrugada del lunes, en una localidad del área metropolitana de Lisboa. Al menos tres personas han
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Tech's nuclear option: Why AI's insatiable appetite for energy is fuelling a radioactive renaissance
Business • 11:09 AM
9 min
As demand for AI increases, so does the demand for solutions on how to power it. Big Tech is betting on nuclear energy but the move is raising concerns.
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Endangered languages study wins top British Academy Global Cultural Understanding Prize
Culture • 11:05 AM
8 min
Ross Perlin won the annual award for his book ‘Language City: The Fight to Preserve Endangered Mother Tongues’.
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Diyarbakır'daki Amida Höyük'te 5.000 yıllık mühür bulundu
• 11:00 AM
2 min
Mührün, şehrin ilk yönetim merkezinde keşfedilmesi, bu bölgenin tarih boyunca güçlü bir ticaret merkezi olduğunu ortaya koyuyor.
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"Cosa faremo?" La preoccupazione dei lavoratori francesi del settore auto
• 11:00 AM
5 min
I dipendenti della Valeo di Suze-sur-Sarthe stanno scioperando per salvare il proprio posto di lavoro. Resta cupo il futuro dell'industria automobilistica in Europa a causa della concorrenza e del ridimensionamento degli impianti
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Ünlü yönetmen Roman Polanski'nin tecavüz davasında uzlaşmaya varıldı
• 11:00 AM
3 min
Oscar ödüllü yönetmen Roman Polanski, 1973 yılındaki cinsel saldırı iddiasıyla ilgili bir hukuk davasında uzlaşmaya vardı.
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حركة الاستيطان الإسرائيلي في غزة تكتسب زخماً.. ووزراء يؤيدون
International • 11:00 AM
1 min
في السابق، كانت هناك فكرة سياسية إسرائيلية هامشية تدعو إلى عودة الاستيطان إلى قطاع غزة، لكن بعد اندلاع الحرب الأخيرة أصبحت هذه الحركة تكتسب زخماً كبيراً مع تأييد وزراء في حكومة بنيامين نتنياهو لمخططها.
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Лукашенко заявил, что примет участие в президентских выборах 26 января 2025 года
• 10:56 AM
2 min
Александр Лукашенко находится у власти уже 30 лет. В Беларуси до сих пор преследуют участников акций протеста 2020 года, представители оппозиции уехали либо находятся в заключении.
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Spanien: 22 Schildkröten erfolgreich ins Meer entlassen
• 10:55 AM
1 min
Im Rahmen eines vom spanischen Ministerium für den ökologischen Wandel durchgeführten Erhaltungsprogramms wurden 22 Unechte Karettschildkröten am Strand von Almassora freigelassen.
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Россия и Иран могут разжечь насильственные протесты после выборов в США - разведка
• 10:55 AM
2 min
Представители американской разведки считают, что Россия и Иран пытаются вмешиваться в президентские выборы в США, чтобы спровоцировать насилие в этой стране.
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Los trabajadores del automóvil en huelga exigen un futuro europeo para su sector
• 10:53 AM
6 min
Los empleados de Valeo en Suze-sur-Sarthe están en huelga para salvar sus puestos de trabajo, ya que el futuro de la industria del automóvil en Europa sigue en duda debido a la competencia y a la reducción de plantilla.
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"O que é que vamos fazer?": trabalhadores franceses do setor automóvel exigem futuro europeu para a atividade
• 10:51 AM
6 min
Os trabalhadores da fábrica da Valeo em Suze-sur-Sarthe, em risco de fechar, estão em greve para tentar salvar os seus postos de trabalho. A crise europeia no setor não dá tréguas e faz questionar o futuro da indústria em solo europeu.
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"Qu'allons-nous faire ?" Les grévistes de chez Valeo réclament un avenir européen pour leur métier
Europe • 10:47 AM
7 min
Les employés de Valeo, à Suze-sur-Sarthe, font grève pour sauver leurs emplois, alors que l'avenir de l'industrie automobile en Europe reste incertain en raison de la concurrence et des réductions d'effectifs.
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Fallecen dos inmigrantes en el Canal de la Mancha: 46 pasajeros han sido rescatados
• 10:37 AM
2 min
Dos barcos franceses y un helicóptero de las autoridades consiguieron efectuar el rescate. La cifra de fallecidos en el Canal asciende a medio centenar este año.
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No Comment: when art overcomes war in Gaza
• 10:32 AM
1 min
Bilal Abu Nahl, a deaf and dumb Palestinian artist, has transformed his tent in the Deir al-Balah refugee camp in the Gaza Strip into an improvised art studio.
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Crollano le vendite, i produttori di pompe di calore chiedono l'aiuto di Bruxelles
• 10:32 AM
5 min
Il calo della domanda dopo il record di vendite registrato durante la crisi energetica del 2022 ha spinto i produttori a rivolgersi a Bruxelles per affrontare un argomento spinoso: tasse e sussidi che favoriscono il gas
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صدور مذكرات أليكسي نافالني المعارض الروسي الذي توفى بعد أن توقع موته بالسجن يوثقها في كتابه "الوطني"
International • 10:30 AM
1 min
اعتبر نافالني واحداً من أكبر المدافعين عن مكافحة الفساد في روسيا، ما يعني أنه كان من أبرز المعارضين لبوتين. وتوفي في سجن نائي في القطب الشمالي في شباط/ فبراير الماضي، بعد أن حُكم عليه بالسجن لمدة 19 عاماً بتهم يُنكرها ويصفها بأنها سياسية.
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Roman Polanski, cancellato il processo civile per presunto stupro di una minorenne avvenuto nel 1973
• 10:29 AM
3 min
Il regista premio Oscar Roman Polanski ha raggiunto un accordo in una causa civile per un'accusa di violenza sessuale del 1973. La causa, il cui processo era previsto a Los Angeles per il prossimo agosto, è stata ritirata
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'What are we going to do': French car parts workers on strike demand an EU future for their trade
Europe • 10:25 AM
5 min
Valeo employees in Suze-sur-Sarthe are striking to save their jobs, as the automotive industry's future in Europe remains in doubt due to competition and downsizing.
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Neue Fangmengen: Mehr Hering aus der Ostsee
• 10:25 AM
6 min
Die Landwirtschaftsminister der EU haben sich darauf geeinigt, für die meisten Fischbestände in der stark verschmutzten Ostsee niedrige Fangquoten beizubehalten. Allerdings wächst die Sorge über die Präsenz russischer Schiffe, die die verringerten Möglich
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