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MH17 : les proches des victimes demandent que la responsabilité de la Russie soit reconnue dans le cadre de l'accord de paix
Europe • 2:48 PM
7 min
Cette mesure devrait faire partie de tout accord de paix visant à mettre fin à l'agression de la Russie contre l'Ukraine, ont demandé les proches dans des lettres envoyées au président américain Donald Trump et à la présidente de la Commission européenne
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Líder do PKK apela ao grupo curdo proibido para depor as armas e dissolver-se
• 2:46 PM
3 min
Após 40 anos de insurreição contra o Estado turco, Abdullah Öcalan apelou ao grupo curdo para depor as armas.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/2025/02/27/lider-do-pkk-apela-ao-grupo-curdo-proibido-pa
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Russia e Usa: incontro tra diplomatici a Istanbul, ripristino dei rapporti tra i due Paesi
• 2:36 PM
2 min
I funzionari statunitensi e russi si sono incontrati a Istanbul per discutere delle ripristino delle operazioni diplomatiche. L'Ucraina è fuori dall'agenda<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/my-europe/
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بأجساد منهكة.. نقل أسرى فلسطينيين إلى المستشفيات فور الإفراج عنهم من سجون إسرائيل
International • 2:31 PM
2 min
وبدا الأسرى المُفرج عنهم في حالة ضعف وهزال شديدين، حيث فقد بعضهم القدرة على المشي نتيجة التعذيب الجسدي الذي تعرضوا له. كما يعاني معظمهم من أمراض جلدية، فيما أُدخل أحدهم إلى المستشفى بسبب تليف في الرئة، وتلقى جميع الأسرى علاجًا للجرب<div class="small-12 co
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Jeff Bezos takes the opinions out of the Washington Post opinion pages
Culture • 2:31 PM
7 min
In a move seen by many to be appeasing Donald Trump, Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos has announced the restriction of opinions at the paper.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/culture/2025/02/27/jeff
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Turchia, Ocalan chiede la dissoluzione del Pkk e chiede al partito curdo di deporre le armi
• 2:31 PM
4 min
La tanto attesa dichiarazione di Ocalan è stata letta dai deputati del partito Dem. Dal carcere di Imrali ha invitato l'organizzazione a deporre le armi e ha chiesto lo scioglimento del partito politico curdo<div class="small-12 column text-center article
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Fact-checking : les erreurs de Donald Trump sur l’aide américaine à l’Ukraine.
Europe • 2:27 PM
6 min
Après vérifications, les États-Unis n’ont pas versé à l’Ukraine 350 milliards de dollars mais, au maximum, 83,4 milliards de dollars.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/2025/02/27/fact-checking-les-err
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Проверка фактов. Что не так в заявлениях Трампа о финансовой помощи Украине?
• 2:23 PM
1 min
Трамп утверждает, что сделка с Киевом по редкоземельным металлам позволит США вернуть до 350 миллиардов долларов, потраченных на помощь Украине. Euronews пытается разобраться в том, сколько на самом деле США выплатили Киеву.<div class="small-12 column tex
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Japão dá início à construção dos caças FX da Mitsubishi, os mais avançados do mundo
• 2:22 PM
13 min
O desenvolvimento não era secreto, mas velocidade chocou os escritores militares. Trata-se de uma classe de aviões que colocará a nação insular na vanguarda das forças armadas da Ásia.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https
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PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan calls on banned Kurdish group to lay down arms and dissolve
• 2:14 PM
2 min
After a 40-year insurgency against the Turkish state, Öcalan called on the Kurdish group to lay down arms.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/02/27/pkk-leader-abdullah-ocalan-calls-on-kurdish-gro
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Το μέλλον της Ευρώπης: Μπορεί η μετανάστευση να σταματήσει τη μείωση του πληθυσμού της ΕΕ;
• 2:11 PM
2 min
Παρά το γεγονός ότι οι πολιτικοί κατά της μετανάστευσης κερδίζουν υποστήριξη, η Γαλλία, η Γερμανία και η Ιταλία θα αντιμετώπιζαν μεγάλα πληθυσμιακά προβλήματα σε ένα σενάριο μηδενικής μετανάστευσης<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><
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America First? Not when it comes to stock markets worldwide this year
Business • 2:10 PM
4 min
The US stock market has risen in 2025 and isn't far from its all-time high set last week. But it's climbed less than stock indexes in Mexico City, Paris and Hong Kong.
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Bali floats steep daily tourist tax amid concerns over mass tourism and unruly visitors
• 2:08 PM
6 min
Other destinations, including Venice and Barcelona, have seen mixed results from raising tourism taxes.
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Öcalan pide al Partido de los Trabajadores de Kurdistán que abandone las armas
• 2:08 PM
1 min
La esperada declaración de Öcalan fue leída por diputados del Partido Demócrata. Öcalan pidió a la organización que depusiera las armas.View on euronews
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Aumenta el brote de sarampión en EE.UU.: ¿Cuál es la situación en todo el mundo?
• 2:02 PM
5 min
Más de 10 millones de personas contrajeron el sarampión en 2023, y 107.500 murieron.
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Fact checking: le affermazioni di Trump sul sostegno finanziario degli Stati Uniti all'Ucraina
• 1:59 PM
5 min
Secondo Trump, l'accordo sui minerali firmato con Kiev consentirà agli Stati Uniti di recuperare fino a 350 miliardi di dollari di aiuti finanziari. Euronews ha verificato le affermazioni del presidente statunitense<div class="small-12 column text-center
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Facebook under European regulatory spotlight amid US tech backlash
Business • 1:58 PM
4 min
Some 5,000 Facebook users have asked the company to stop processing their personal data to target them with direct marketing.
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El futuro de Europa: ¿Puede la inmigración frenar el declive demográfico en la próxima década?
• 1:57 PM
4 min
A pesar de que las políticas contrarias a la inmigración han ganado apoyo recientemente, Francia, Alemania e Italia se enfrentarían a grandes problemas de población en un escenario de inmigración cero.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__butto
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US and Russian diplomats meet in Istanbul for second round of talks
Europe • 1:52 PM
2 min
US and Russian diplomats meet in Istanbul to discuss embassy operations, with Ukraine off the agenda. This is a second round following talks in Saudi Arabia that signalled a shift in US policy under Trump.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__
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L'ex capo della Commissione Juncker: l'Ucraina dovrebbe ottenere un'adesione limitata all'Ue
• 1:47 PM
2 min
L'ex presidente della Commissione europea ha dichiarato a Euronews di rimpiangere di non essere stato più fermo nei confronti dei nuovi Stati membri, Ungheria e Slovacchia, che hanno violato lo stato di diritto dell'Ue. "Bruxelles deve stare attenta ad am
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الحصبة تتفشى في الولايات المتحدة.. هل نحن أمام خطر عالمي؟
Business • 1:46 PM
3 min
سجلت الولايات المتحدة أول وفاة مرتبطة بالحصبة منذ عام 2015، حيث قضى طفل لم يتلقّ التطعيم جراء تفشي المرض في ريف ولاية تكساس. ومع استمرار انتشار الفيروس، أبلغت السلطات هناك عن 124 إصابة مؤكدة، بينما سجلت ولاية نيو مكسيكو المجاورة تسع حالات أخرى، ما يثير ال
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Spazio: l'Ingv individua acqua allo stato liquido su Marte
Business • 1:44 PM
3 min
Lo studio, condotto per otto anni marziani, che corrispondono a circa 16 terrestri, ha individuato acqua sulla superficie del Pianeta Rosso. Esultano gli autori della ricerca, mentre si pensa alle ripercussioni scientifiche e per i viaggi spaziali
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Des diplomates russes et américains vont se réunir jeudi à Istanbul, annonce Sergueï Lavrov
Europe • 1:38 PM
3 min
"Nos diplomates et experts de haut niveau se réuniront et aborderont les problèmes systémiques qui se sont accumulés", a-t-il déclaré lors d’une conférence de presse au Qatar.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.eur
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İmamoğlu hakkında bilirkişi soruşturması kabul edildi: Duruşma 12 Haziran'da
• 1:31 PM
2 min
İddianame, "yargı görevi yapanı, bilirkişiyi veya tanığı etkilemeye teşebbüs" suçlamasıyla iki yıldan dört yıla kadar hapis ve siyasi yasak talebiyle hazırlandı.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025
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The future of Europe: Can migration stop population decline in the coming decade?
Europe • 1:24 PM
4 min
Despite anti-immigration politicians recently gaining support, France, Germany and Italy would face big population problems in a zero-immigration scenario.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/02/2
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Diplomáticos de Rusia y Estados Unidos se reúnen este jueves en Estambul
• 1:23 PM
2 min
La semana pasada, funcionarios rusos y estadounidenses hablaron cara a cara en Arabia Saudí con el objetivo de buscar una solución de paz para el conflicto entre Moscú y Kiev.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.eur
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Transizione verde, il Portogallo oltre la media europea grazie alle energie rinnovabili per il consumo domestico
• 1:19 PM
7 min
Il Portogallo si colloca al 15esimo posto dell'Indice di transizione verde, salendo di tre posizioni rispetto al 2022. Nel 2024 la produzione rinnovabile ha rappresentato il 71% del consumo di elettricità e il Paese ha registrato le emissioni di carbonio
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Énergies renouvelables : le Portugal enregistre des progrès notables en 2024
Europe • 1:19 PM
7 min
Le Portugal se classe au 15e rang de l'indice de transition verte, ayant gagné trois places par rapport à 2022. En 2024, la production renouvelable représentait 71 % de la consommation d'électricité et le pays a enregistré ses plus faibles émissions de ca
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Los agricultores españoles estallan contra Mercosur: "Están acabando con la agricultura europea"
• 1:18 PM
6 min
El Gobierno español defiende el acuerdo entre la Unión Europea y Mercosur en materia agrícola y ganadera a diferencia de otros países como Francia o Alemania. Esto ha provocado el enfado de los agricultores españoles que no descartan convocar movilizacion
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New frescoes discovered at Pompeii shed light on Bacchanalian mysteries
Culture • 1:14 PM
2 min
Life-sized Pompeii paintings give new insight into religious practices in the ancient city.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/culture/2025/02/27/new-frescoes-discovered-at-pompeii-shed-light-on-bacch
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Overworked: Which Europeans have the longest working week?
Europe • 1:07 PM
1 min
EU citizens work an average of 36 hours a week, but the rate is much higher in some countries.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2024/12/30/overworked-which-europeans-have-the-longest-working-week?ut
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‘Don’t buy a Swasticar’: Anti-Elon Musk Tesla advert goes viral
Culture • 1:06 PM
7 min
A UK-based group called Everyone Hates Elon appears to have taken credit for a poster seen in London and going viral online. It adds itself to another disturbing video currently doing the rounds online, which slams both Donald Trump and Elon Musk.<div cla
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"Устранить раздражители": в Стамбуле завершились переговоры делегаций России и США
• 1:05 PM
1 min
Как сообщается, новый многочасовой раунд переговоров между представителями Москвы и Вашингтона был посвящён проблемам работы посольств. Встреча на Босфоре "приблизит" стороны к решению накопившихся проблем, заявила официальный представитель МИД РФ Мария З
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Abhängigkeit von US-Big-Tech: Welches Risiko gehen europäische Regierungen ein?
• 1:04 PM
9 min
Experten befürchten, dass US-Präsident Donald Trump Zugriff auf europäische Daten erhalten könnte, da beispielsweise viele niederländische Ministerien in der öffentlichen Cloud arbeiten.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="htt
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Spanien: Erdbeben der Stärke 4,1 in Sevilla und drei weiteren Provinzen
• 1:00 PM
3 min
Das Epizentrum des Bebens lag in der sevillanischen Gemeinde Cazalla de la Sierra, einer kleinen Stadt mit etwa 4 000 Einwohnern.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://de.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/27/spanien-erdbebe
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"عميد الأسرى" الفلسطينيين نائل البرغوثي حرًا طليقًا بعد 45 عاما.. ماذا نعرف عنه؟
International • 1:00 PM
3 min
أطلقت إسرائيل الخميس، ضمن الدفعة السابعة والأخيرة من المرحلة الأولى لاتفاق وقف إطلاق النار بين حركة حماس وإسرائيل، سراح نائل البرغوثي (67 عامًا)، الملقب بـ"عميد الأسرى الفلسطينيين"، وهو أقدم معتقل في السجون الإسرائيلية، حيث قضى أكثر من أربعة عقود خلف القض
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MH17: родственники жертв требуют признать ответственность России в рамках мирного соглашения
• 11:55 AM
4 min
Пункт о признании РФ вины за гибель рейса MH17 должен быть включён в текст потенциального соглашения, призванного положить конец неспровоцированной агрессии России против Украины, потребовали родственники жертв в письмах, направленных президенту США и гла
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شاهد: الأقلية البيضاء في جنوب إفريقيا تشكر ترامب بعد أن عرض عليهم اللجوء إلى أمريكا
Civilization • 11:45 AM
2 min
عرض ترامب على الأقلية البيضاء في جنوب إفريقيا حق اللجوء إلى الولايات المتحدة بعد انتقاده لحكومة الرئيس رامافوزا بسبب ما سماه التمييز ضد ملاك الأراضي البيض، وذلك على خلفية قانون يسمح بمصادرة الأراضي دون تعويض. يُفسر موقفه بتوجهات بريتوريا السياسية وعلاقاته
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Guerra in Ucraina, Seul dice che la Corea del Nord ha inviato altre truppe a combattere nel Kursk
• 11:44 AM
5 min
Lo scorso ottobre la Corea del Nord aveva inviato tra i diecimila e i dodicimila soldati a combattere al fianco della Russia nella regione russa di confine del Kursk, ma all'inizio di gennaio le truppe erano state ritirate. Ora sarebbero ricomparse<div cl
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102 yaşındaki Fransız, II. Dünya Savaşı'nda zorla çalıştırıldığı için 43.000 euro tazminat istiyor
• 11:41 AM
4 min
Yaşlı adam 1943'te Marsilya'dan Almanya'ya gönderilmiş ve burada bir kimya fabrikasında iki yıldan fazla bir süre ücretsiz olarak çalışmıştı. Avukatı, Fransa'nın bu meblağı ödemeyi reddederek uluslararası hukuku ihlal edeceğini söylüyor.<div class="small-
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Paesi europei della Nato impreparati in caso di aggressione aerea russa, secondo il think tank Rusi
• 11:39 AM
4 min
L'aviazione è necessaria come deterrente in caso di aggressione russa. Secondo il think tank Rusi, le forze europee in questo momento non potrebbero rispondere adeguatamente a un eventuale attacco di Mosca senza una razionalizzazione delle risorse<div cla
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Rapor: NATO'nun Avrupa hava kuvvetlerinin Rusya'ya karşı caydırıcılığını artırmak için reforma ihtiyacı var
• 11:36 AM
4 min
Yeni bir RUSI raporuna göre, hava üstünlüğü potansiyel Rus saldırganlığına karşı caydırıcı bir unsur olarak kritik önem taşıyor ve Avrupa NATO hava kuvvetleri görev uzmanlaşmasına yönelik reformlar yapılmadığı takdirde bunu başarmakta zorlanacak gibi görü
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В США наблюдается вспышка кори. А какова эпидемиологическая ситуация в мире?
• 11:32 AM
1 min
В 2023 году корью заболели более 10 миллионов человек, 107 500 из них - умерли.
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North Korea has sent more troops to Russia, says Seoul
• 11:31 AM
2 min
Thousands of North Korean soldiers are said to have already been killed or injured fighting against Ukrainian forces in Russia's Kursk region.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/02/27/north-korea
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Nvidia kazançları beklentileri aştı: Yapay zeka çiplerine güçlü talep sürüyor
• 11:29 AM
4 min
Nvidia'nın üç aylık kazançları analistlerin beklentilerini aşarak yapay zeka taleplerinin hala güçlü olduğuna işaret etti. Ancak şirketin gelir büyümesi baz etkisi nedeniyle yavaşladı.
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Dieci anni dal disastro aereo dell'MH17: "La Russia riconosca le sue responsabilità"
• 11:25 AM
6 min
Secondo i media ucraini, l'ammissione di responsabilità dovrebbe far parte di qualsiasi accordo di pace che ponga fine all'aggressione non provocata della Russia all'Ucraina tre anni fa<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="http
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Le notizie del giorno | 27 febbraio - Pomeridiane
• 11:24 AM
1 min
Segui l'attualità dall'Europa e dal mondo. Ricevi le ultime notizie su economia, spettacolo, politica, cultura, viaggi.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/2025/02/27/le-notizie-del-giorno-27-febbraio-p
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Eski Avrupa Komisyonu Başkanı Juncker: Ukrayna tam üyelik yerine sınırlı AB üyeliğine sahip olmalı
• 11:05 AM
3 min
Avrupa Komisyonu'nun eski başkanı, AB hukukunun üstünlüğünü ihlal ettiği tespit edilen yeni üye ülkeler Macaristan ve Slovakya'ya karşı daha sert davranmadığı için pişman olduğunu belirterek, Brüksel'in yeni ülkeleri bloğa kabul etmeden önce 'çok dikkatli
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Autriche : les partis centristes concluent un accord de coalition, écartant l'extrême droite
Europe • 11:03 AM
3 min
Après cinq mois de négociations, une coalition entre l’ÖVP (centre-droit), le SPÖ (centre-gauche) et Neos (libéraux) voit le jour, excluant le FPÖ (extrème-droite) malgré sa victoire électorale.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a h
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Новости дня | 27 февраля — дневной выпуск
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Узнавайте о самых важных событиях в Европе и за ее пределами - последние новости, срочные новости, мир, бизнес, развлечения, политика, культура, путешествия<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/2025/02/2
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Das sind die besten und schlechtesten Fluggesellschaften
• 11:00 AM
12 min
Singapore Airlines, Emirates, British Airways: Die besten und schlechtesten Fluggesellschaften nach Meinung der Passagiere.
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من الرفاهية إلى الدعم الاجتماعي.. ما الذي تحتويه حقيبة هدايا الأوسكار لعام 2025؟
Civilization • 11:00 AM
8 min
ككل عام، لا يعود المرشحون لجوائز الأوسكار إلى منازلهم فارغي الأيدي، سواء فازوا أم لم يفوزوا. ويبدو أن حقيبة هدايا الأوسكار لعام 2025، والتي تصل قيمتها إلى ستة أرقام، ستُعطي المرشحين تجربة استثنائية، لما تتضمنه من جوائز فاخرة.<div class="small-12 column te
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As notícias do dia | 27 fevereiro 2025 - Tarde
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Acompanhe a atualidade da Europa e do Mundo. Fique a par das notícias mais recentes da Política, dos Negócios, do Desporto e da Cultura.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/2025/02/27/as-noticias-do-dia
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L’info du jour | 27 février - Mi-journée
World • 11:00 AM
1 min
Suivez les derniers développements de l'actualité en Europe et dans le monde. Retrouvez les dernières infos sur la politique, l'économie, la culture et le divertissement.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews
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Latest news bulletin | February 27th – Midday
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news, World, Business, Entertainment, Politics, Culture, Travel.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/
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Últimas noticias | 27 febrero - Mediodía
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Ponte al día con las noticias más importantes de Europa y el mundo: noticias de última hora, internacional, negocios, entretenimiento, política, cultura, viajes.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/2025
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ABD'de kızamık salgını büyüyor: Dünya genelinde durum ne?
• 11:00 AM
5 min
2023 yılında 10 milyondan fazla kişi kızamığa yakalanırken, bunların 107.500'ü hayatını kaybetti.
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La Corée du Nord envoie des troupes supplémentaires dans la région russe de Koursk, selon Séoul
Europe • 10:56 AM
6 min
Selon les services de renseignement sud-coréens, le personnel militaire envoyé par la Corée du Nord en Russie devrait être impliqué dans les combats dans la région de Koursk.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euro
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Tayland, insan hakları endişelerine rağmen 40 Uygur'u Çin'e iade etti
• 10:56 AM
5 min
Washington Post'un Çinli yetkililerin açıklamalarına dayandırdığı haberine göre, Tayland 40 Uygur Türkünü Çin'e iade etti.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/02/27/tayland-insan-haklari-endiseleri
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102-year-old Frenchman seeks €43,000 in reparation for WWII forced labour
• 10:52 AM
3 min
The centenarian was sent in 1943 from Marseille to Germany, where he worked unpaid for more than two years in a chemical plant. His lawyer says France would be in breach of international law by refusing to pay the sum.<div class="small-12 column text-cent
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Partidos centristas austríacos chegam a acordo de coligação sem extrema-direita
• 10:51 AM
4 min
As conversações para formar um novo governo prolongam-se há cinco meses, mais do que qualquer negociação de coligação na história do país.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/27/partid
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AI-generated video by Trump shows Gaza as lavish resort, drawing criticism
• 10:48 AM
4 min
The US president posted an AI-generated video of the Gaza Strip as a luxury tourist destination on social media, which users have slammed as offensive and experts warn perpetuates a dangerous narrative.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__butt
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Τετ-α-τετ Εμανουέλ Μακρόν - Φρίντριχ Μερτζ στον απόηχο των νέων απειλών Τραμπ
• 10:46 AM
1 min
Σύμφωνα με πληροφορίες, οι δύο ηγέτες συμφώνησαν να ανοίξουν ένα νέο κεφάλαιο στις σχέσεις των δύο χωρών<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/27/tetatet-makron-mertz-ston-apoixo-newn-ap
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В Австрии создали правительственную коалицию без ультраправых
• 10:46 AM
1 min
Лидер националистической Партии свободы Герберт Кикль назвал союз своих соперников «коалицией неудачников» и потребовал новых выборов.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/27/austria-ne
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ВВС стран Европы нуждаются в реформе для усиления сдерживания России – доклад
• 10:45 AM
1 min
Превосходство в воздухе имеет решающее значение для сдерживания потенциальной российской агрессии, и военно-воздушные силы НАТО в Европе, скорее всего, не смогут добиться этого без реформы, направленной на специализацию миссий, говорится в новом отчёте бр
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هاليفي: "الجيش المصري ليس تهديدًا لكنه قد ينقلب في لحظة"
International • 10:45 AM
4 min
عبّر رئيس أركان الجيش الإسرائيلي المنتهية ولايته هرتسي هاليفي عن توجسه من الجيش المصري، حيث قال إنه "قلق جدًا من قدراته" مع أنه "لا يُصنف كتهديد حالي" لكن يمكن أن "ينقلب في لحظة واحدة".<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="http
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Horse rescued from freezing pond in New York by police and neighbours
• 10:39 AM
1 min
The 1,300-pound horse fell through the ice in a pond in upstate New York but was later rescued.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/02/27/horse-rescued-from-freezing-pond-in-new-york-by-police-and
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Un año menos de cárcel a 2 miembros de 'La Manada' por la ley del "solo sí es sí"
• 10:39 AM
2 min
La Audiencia de Navarra ha rebajado de 15 a 14 años la condena de prisión a dos integrantes más del grupo conocido como 'La Manada'. Esta reducción de pena entra dentro del marco de la ley de Libertad Sexual, o la también conocida ley del "solo sí es sí".
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La dipendenza dai fornitori di cloud statunitensi è una possibile minaccia?
Business • 10:39 AM
6 min
Secondo gli esperti, si teme che il presidente degli Stati Uniti Donald Trump possa avere accesso ai dati europei
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Aumentano i casi di morbillo negli Stati Uniti a causa del basso tasso di vaccinazione
Business • 10:36 AM
4 min
Nel 2024 negli Stati Uniti si sono registrati il doppio dei casi rispetto al 2023. Il fenomeno è ugualmente riscontrabile a livello mondiale. Nel 2023 più di 10 milioni di persone si sono ammalate di morbillo e 107.500 sono morte
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Zombies on the catwalk: Milan Fashion Week in pictures
Culture • 10:31 AM
12 min
At Milan Fashion Week, Diesel once again stunned audiences by evoking a zombie apocalypse with its Fall-Winter 2025-26 collection.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/culture/2025/02/27/zombies-on-the-
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Romanya'da insan kaçakçılığı ile suçlanan fenomen Tate kardeşler ABD'ye gitti
• 10:29 AM
3 min
İnsan kaçakçılığı ve tecavüz dahil bir dizi suçla itham edilen Andrew ve Tristan Tate, Trump yönetiminin Romanya makamlarıyla davaları hakkında görüşmesinin hemen ardından ABD'ye gitti.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="http
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Óscares 2025: desde "O Discurso do Rei" a "Oppenheimer", os vencedores de Melhor Filme desde 2010
• 10:22 AM
25 min
De "O Discurso do Rei" a "Oppenheimer", a Euronews Cultura classificou todos os vencedores do Óscar de Melhor Filme desde 2010. Quem se irá juntar à lista no domingo? Este é um ano imprevisível, por isso, as apostas estão muito altas.<div class="small-12
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Roumanie : Călin Georgescu inculpé est placé sous contrôle judiciaire
Europe • 10:22 AM
2 min
Le leader d’extrême droite est notamment accusé d’incitation à troubler l’ordre constitutionnel<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/27/roumanie-calin-georgescu-inculpe-est-place-sous-c
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Джин Хэкмен и его жена найдены мёртвыми в их доме
• 10:20 AM
1 min
Двукратный обладатель премии "Оскар" и его жена были найдены мёртвыми в их доме в Санта-Фе. Полиция не нашла следов криминала. Джину Хэкмену было 95 лет.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/culture/2025
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Avusturya'da merkez partiler, aşırı sağ olmadan koalisyon anlaşmasına vardı
• 10:19 AM
3 min
Avusturya'da yeni hükümeti kurma görüşmeleri beş aydır devam ediyor ve bu süre ülke tarihindeki tüm koalisyon görüşmelerinden daha uzun.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/27/avustury
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Ligera mejoría del Papa tras dos semanas hospitalizado
• 10:17 AM
1 min
Su neumonía evoluciona de forma normal, según ha desvelado el último TAC al que se sometió recientemente.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/27/ligera-mejoria-del-papa-tras-dos-semana
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Austria: Nuevo pacto tripartito tras el batacazo de la coalición derechista de FPÖ
• 10:12 AM
2 min
Cinco meses después del triunfo de la extrema derecha en las urnas, ÖVP, SPÖ y Neos se alían para formar un Ejecutivo centrista que deja fuera a los ultras de Herbert Kickl. Christian Stocker suena como canciller, mientras el país respira aliviado tras un
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Ukraine should get limited EU membership, former Commission chief Juncker says
Europe • 10:11 AM
3 min
The former president of the European Commission also told Euronews he regrets not being firmer on newer member states Hungary and Slovakia, which have been found to breach the EU's rule of law, adding that Brussels needs to be "very careful" before admitt
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Fancy a ferry from Scotland to France? ‘Project Brave’ wants to take you there in 2025
• 10:08 AM
6 min
‘Project Brave’ aims to launch a passenger and freight ferry service between Scotland and France, but when?
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Austria's centrist parties clinch coalition deal without the far right
Europe • 9:59 AM
3 min
Talks to form a new government have stretched on for five months, longer than any coalition negotiation in the country's history.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/27/austrias-centr
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'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' ve 'Gossip Girl' yıldızı Michelle Trachtenberg hayatını kaybetti
• 9:52 AM
7 min
Michelle Trachtenberg, sevilen dizi 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer'da Buffy'nin küçük kız kardeşi Dawn Summers ve gençlik dizisi 'Gossip Girl'de Georgina Sparks karakterleriyle hafızalara kazındı.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href
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Gli influencer Andrew e Tristan Tate lasciano la Romania e volano negli Usa
• 9:50 AM
1 min
Andrew e Tristan Tate, accusati di una serie di crimini tra cui traffico di esseri umani, riciclaggio e stupro, si stanno recando in America subito dopo che l'amministrazione Trump ha parlato con le autorità romene del loro caso<div class="small-12 column
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A measles outbreak is growing in the US. What's the situation worldwide?
Business • 9:46 AM
4 min
More than 10 million people got measles in 2023, and 107,500 died.
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Макрон и Мерц договорились о перезапуске отношений Франции и Германии (СМИ)
• 9:46 AM
1 min
Вероятный будущий канцлер ФРГ побывал с визитом во Франции - всего через несколько дней после победы его консервативного блока на выборах. Цель поездки, как считают аналитики: выработать общую позицию по вопросам обороны ЕС, торговли с США и по урегулиров
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دراسة: ديمقراطية أوروبا تبقى في الصدارة وتراجع عالمي ملحوظ والاستبداد يزداد قوة
Europe • 9:46 AM
1 min
على الرغم من التناقضات بين الغرب والشرق، لا تزال الصحة الديمقراطية في أوروبا مزدهرة في مواجهة التراجع العالمي، وفقًا لدراسة صدرت يوم الخميس عن وحدة الاستخبارات الاقتصادية (EUI).<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://arab
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EBRD, ticari risklerin yatırımlar üzerinde baskı oluşturması nedeniyle 2025 büyüme tahminini düşürdü
• 9:39 AM
7 min
EBRD, yavaşlayan yatırımlar, ticari belirsizlik ve zayıflayan dış talebin görünümü etkilemesi nedeniyle 2025 büyüme tahminini Eylül 2024'e göre 0,3 puan düşürerek yüzde 3,2'ye indirdi. Banka, ABD genelindeki gümrük vergilerinin büyüme üzerinde daha fazla
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ΗΠΑ: Βρέθηκαν νεκροί στο σπίτι τους ο ηθοποιός Τζιν Χάκμαν και η σύζυγός του
• 9:35 AM
2 min
Ο βραβευμένος με Όσκαρ 95χρονος ηθοποιός ζούσε σε προάστιο του Σάντα Φε στο Νέο Μεξικό των ΗΠΑ - Δεν θεωρείται πιθανό το ενδεχόμενο εγκληματικής ενέργειας<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/culture/202
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Cavallo stava annegando in uno stagno ghiacciato a New York: salvato dai vicini e dalla polizia
• 9:34 AM
1 min
Sly, un cavallo di 590 chili, è caduto in un laghetto ghiacciato a New York ed è stato ripescato vivo dalla polizia, dai vicini e dal suo proprietario<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/2025/02/27/cava
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Il Carnevale di Vortova in Repubblica Ceca: un anticipo di primavera
• 9:33 AM
1 min
Nella Repubblica Ceca si svolgono sfilate e festeggiamenti associati a banchetti pieni di carne grassa e dolci<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/2025/02/27/il-carnevale-di-vortova-in-repubblica-ceca-u
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El actor de Hollywood Gene Hackman y su mujer aparecen muertos en su casa
• 9:32 AM
5 min
El actor estadounidense, ganador de dos Oscar, y su esposa, Betsy Arakawa, han sido hallados muertos en su casa de Santa Fe (Nuevo México). Gene Hackman tenía 95 años.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.co
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Oscar ödüllü aktör Gene Hackman, eşi ve köpeği evlerinde ölü bulundu
• 9:28 AM
3 min
Şu anda cinayet şüphesi bulunmadığı bildirildi.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/kultur/2025/02/27/oscar-odullu-aktor-gene-hackman-esi-ve-kopegi-evlerinde-olu-bulundu?utm_source=test_mrss&utm_campaig
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Stati Uniti, Gene Hackman e la moglie trovati morti nella loro casa
• 9:28 AM
1 min
L'attore statunitense due volte premio Oscar Gene Hackman e sua moglie, Betsy Arakawa, sono stati trovati morti nella loro casa di Santa Fe, nel New Mexico. Hackman aveva 95 anni<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.
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Décès de l'acteur américain oscarisé Gene Hackman à l'âge de 95 ans
Culture • 9:21 AM
1 min
Gene Hackman et son épouse, Betsy Arakawa, ont été retrouvés morts à leur domicile de Santa Fe, au Nouveau-Mexique.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/culture/2025/02/27/deces-de-lacteur-americain-osca
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Αυστρία: Συμφωνία για τρικομματικό κυβερνητικό συνασπισμό με αποκλεισμό της ακροδεξιάς
• 9:20 AM
1 min
Λαϊκό Κόμμα (ÖVP), Σοσιαληδημοκράτες (SPÖ) και φιλελεύθεροι αναμένεται να ανακοινώσουν τις λεπτομέρειες του νέου κυβερνητικού συνασπισμού που αίρει το πολύμηνο πολιτικό αδιέξοδο - Εκτός το κόμμα Ελευθερίας της Αυστρίας που κατέλαβε την πρωτιά στις πρόσφατ
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Beykoz Belediye Başkanı'nın gözaltına alınmasına İmamoğlu'ndan tepki: 'Eşiyle uyurken evi basıldı'
• 9:20 AM
3 min
İBB Başkanı Ekrem İmamoğlu ise Köseler'in sabah 04:00'te ev baskını ile gözaltına alınmasına ilişkin olarak, 'Kişisel bir hırs ve öfkenin yansımasından başka bir şey değildir,' yorumunu yaptı.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a hre
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Oscar-winning actor Gene Hackman and wife Betsy Arakawa found dead at home
Culture • 9:15 AM
13 min
Santa Fe County Sheriff's responded to a request to do a welfare check on Wednesday and found actor Gene Hackman, his wife Betsy Arakawa and a dog dead. No foul play is currently suspected.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="
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Gene Hackman e mulher encontrados mortos em casa
• 9:12 AM
5 min
O ator norte-americano, vencedor de dois Óscares, e a sua mulher, Betsy Arakawa, foram encontrados mortos em casa em Santa Fé, no Novo México. Gene Hackman tinha 95 anos.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews
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