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Bruselas insiste en que los contactos con la Casa Blanca son "buenos" tras el desaire de Rubio a Kallas
• 6:09 PM
4 min
La reunión cancelada entre el secretario de Estado de EE.UU. y la alta representante de la UE para Asuntos Exteriores ha dejado al descubierto los obstáculos diplomáticos a los que se enfrenta Bruselas en la nueva era Trump.View on euronews
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Déposer les armes et se dissoudre : un leader kurde s'adresse aux partisans depuis sa prison
World • 6:08 PM
5 min
Le fondateur du Parti des travailleurs du Kurdistan, Abdullah Öcalan, a appelé à la dissolution du mouvement armé. Le quartier général des commandants du PKK dans les montagnes du nord de l'Irak n'a pas réagi dans l'immédiat.View on euronews
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Ζαν Κλοντ Γιούνκερ: « Η Ουκρανία δεν είναι έτοιμη για ένταξη στην ΕΕ»
• 6:08 PM
1 min
Περιορισμένη ένταξη της χώρας προτείνει ο πρώην πρόεδρος της Ευρωπαϊκής ΕπιτροπήςView on euronews
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Futuro da Europa: poderá a migração travar o declínio demográfico na próxima década?
• 6:00 PM
4 min
As políticas de anti-migração estão a ganhar cada vez mais apoio na Europa. No entanto, a França, a Alemanha e a Itália enfrentariam grandes problemas demográficos caso congelassem a imigração no bloco.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__butt
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Wie wird sich die EU-Bevölkerung entwickeln - mit und ohne Migration?
• 5:54 PM
5 min
Auch wenn Politiker, die sich gegen Einwanderung aussprechen, an Unterstützung gewinnen, würden Frankreich, Deutschland und Italien ohne EInwanderung vor großen Problemen mit der Bevölkerung stehen.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button">
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Israele non si ritirerà dal Corridoio di Philadelphi al confine tra Gaza ed Egitto come da accordi
• 5:48 PM
3 min
Il rifiuto di Israele di lasciare la zona cuscinetto, da cui avrebbe dovuto ritirarsi da sabato e comunque entro il 9 marzo, minaccia di far crollare il fragile accordo di cessate il fuoco con Hamas<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button">
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EURONEWS HOY | Las noticias del jueves 27 de febrero: Trump y el 25% de aranceles a la UE
• 5:47 PM
4 min
Las noticias del día en Euronews Hoy: Nuevo intercambio de rehenes entre Israel y Hamás; Trump amenaza con imponer un 25% de aranceles a la Unión Europea , Rusia y Estados unidos se reunen hoy para negociar la paz con Ucrania. El Papa Francisco siente una
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Los polémicos influencers Andrew y Tristan Tate abandonan Rumanía en un vuelo con destino a Estados Unidos
• 5:47 PM
2 min
Andrew y Tristan Tate, acusados de una serie de presuntos delitos como tráfico de personas y violación, viajan a Estados Unidos poco después de que la Administración Trump hablara con las autoridades rumanas sobre su caso.<div class="small-12 column text-
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Gazze belgeselini yayından kaldıran BBC'ye tepki: 800'den fazla sanatçı ve gazeteci mektup yazdı
• 5:47 PM
4 min
Gazze'deki çocukların yaşamlarını konu alan film, BBC'nin filmin 14 yaşındaki anlatıcısının Hamas'ın bir yetkilisinin oğlu olduğunu tespit etmesinin ardından yayından kaldırıldı.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.
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İsrail, Gazze-Mısır sınırından çekilmeyecek
• 5:46 PM
2 min
İsrail'in Philadelphi Koridoru'ndan çekilmeyi reddetmesi, Hamas ile devam eden kırılgan ateşkes anlaşmasını yok etme tehlikesi taşıyor.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/02/27/israil-gazze-misir-
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انفجارات تهز اجتماعاً لقادة متمردي حركة "23 مارس" في الكونغو الديمقراطية
International • 5:46 PM
1 min
أُصيب عشرات الأشخاص في انفجارين خلال اجتماع لحركة "23 مارس" في بوكافو بشرق الكونغو الديمقراطية، مما زاد من حدة التوترات في المنطقة التي تشهد نزاعات مسلحة متصاعدة. تُتهم الحركة بتلقي دعم عسكري من رواندا، ما يعقّد الجهود الدولية للتسوية.<div class="small-12
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Comissão mantém-se firme quanto às retaliações face às últimas ameaças de tarifas de Trump
• 5:40 PM
4 min
Apesar de afirmar que as discussões sobre o comércio transatlântico com os EUA continuam acesas, a Comissão Europeia disse que o bloco está pronto para responder com firmeza se as tarifas anunciadas pelo presidente Trump se concretizarem.<div class="smal
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Молитвы о здоровье у больницы, где проходит лечение папа Франциск
• 5:39 PM
2 min
У входа в больницу им. Агостино Джемелли в Риме верующие зажигают свечи, приносят рисунки и открытки, выражая поддержку проходящему лечение понтифику.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/
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L'Europe maintient une stabilité démocratique fragile dans un contexte de déclin mondial
Europe • 5:38 PM
4 min
Malgré les différences entre l'Ouest et l'Est, la santé démocratique de l'Europe reste bonne face au déclin mondial, selon une étude publiée jeudi par l'Economist Intelligence Unit.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://
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ESC-Maskottchen vorgestellt
• 5:35 PM
6 min
Basel bereitet sich auf den Eurovision Song Contest 2025 vor. Jetzt hat es das Maskottchen vorgestellt, das die Schweizer Stadt repräsentieren wird.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://de.euronews.com/kultur/2025/02/27
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Ucrânia deve ter adesão limitada à UE, afirma antigo presidente da Comissão Europeia
• 5:33 PM
3 min
O antigo presidente da Comissão Europeia disse ainda à Euronews que lamenta não ter sido mais firme com os novos Estados-membros Hungria e Eslováquia, que violaram o Estado de Direito da UE, acrescentando que Bruxelas precisa de ser "muito cuidadosa" ante
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Exército israelita não se retirará da fronteira entre Gaza e Egito
• 5:29 PM
4 min
A recusa de Israel em abandonar o Corredor de Filadélfia ameaça fazer cair por terra um frágil acordo de cessar-fogo com o Hamas.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/2025/02/27/exercito-israelita-nao-se
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Сложить оружие и самораспуститься: лидер турецких курдов обратился к сторонникам из тюрьмы
• 5:27 PM
2 min
Основатель Рабочей партии Курдистана Абдуллах Оджалан призвал к самороспуску вооружённого движения. Из штаб-квартиры командиров РПК в горах северного Ирака немедленного ответа не последовало.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href
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DEM Parti'den Öcalan'ın silah bırakma çağrısına ilişkin ilk yorum: Kayyumlar şimdi bitmeli
• 5:27 PM
12 min
Suriye'nin de bir Kürt sorunu olduğunu ve Suriye'deki yeni yönetimin çözümün bir parçası olması gerektiğini belirten Temelli, 'Yoksa Suriye'yi kaos iklimi hâlâ bekliyor olur,' dedi.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://
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Europa mantiene una frágil estabilidad democrática en medio del declive mundial, según un informe
• 5:26 PM
4 min
A pesar de las discrepancias entre Occidente y Oriente, la salud democrática de Europa sigue siendo boyante frente al declive mundial, según un estudio publicado el jueves por Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU).<div class="small-12 column text-center artic
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Amazon, ünlü sesli asistanı Alexa'nın yapay zeka destekli versiyonunu tanıttı
• 5:25 PM
7 min
Alexa+ Çarşamba günü sahnede yaptığı bir gösterim sırasında 'Ben sadece bir asistan değilim, dijital dünyadaki yeni en iyi arkadaşınızım,' dedi.
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Le notizie del giorno | 27 febbraio - Serale
• 5:24 PM
1 min
Segui l'attualità dall'Europa e dal mondo. Ricevi le ultime notizie su economia, spettacolo, politica, cultura, viaggi.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/2025/02/27/le-notizie-del-giorno-27-febbraio-s
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Trump minaccia altri dazi per l'Ue, la Commissione europea prende tempo sulle ritorsioni
• 5:24 PM
3 min
La Commissione europea si è detta pronta a rispondere con fermezza se i dazi annunciati dal presidente Trump dovessero concretizzarsi, ma intanto ha dichiarato che proseguono le discussioni con gli Stati Uniti sul commercio ad alto livello<div class="smal
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Bruxelas insiste que contactos com a Casa Branca são "bons", depois de Rubio ter ignorado Kallas
• 5:22 PM
4 min
O cancelamento da reunião entre Kaja Kallas e Marco Rubion expôs os obstáculos diplomáticos que Bruxelas enfrenta na nova era Trump.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/27/bruxelas-ins
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Bakanlık monitörleri hacklendi, Elon Musk karşıtı reklam viral oldu
• 5:19 PM
8 min
İngiltere merkezli Everyone Hates Elon adlı bir grup, Londra'da görülen ve internette viral olan bir posteri üstlendi. Bu poster, şu anda internette dolaşan ve hem Donald Trump'ı hem de Elon Musk'ı eleştiren bir başka rahatsız edici videoya ekleniyor.<div
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Greenland’s big tourism push: Why the world’s largest island wants more visitors
• 5:18 PM
12 min
Icebergs the size of skyscrapers and ancient glaciers: The wonders of Greenland are becoming easier to reach than ever.
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فون دير لاين تقود وفدا أوروبيا إلى الهند.. شراكة اقتصادية أم إعادة ترتيب التحالفات؟
Europe • 5:16 PM
3 min
توجه أكثر من 20 مفوضًا أوروبيًا، بمن فيهم كبار المسؤولين، إلى نيودلهي الخميس في مسعى دبلوماسي لإعادة إحياء "الشراكة الاستراتيجية" بين الاتحاد الأوروبي والهند. وتهدف هذه الزيارة أيضاً إلى توسيع نطاق التعاون التجاري، وتعزيز الشراكة في مجال التكنولوجيا، وكسب
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La Commission européenne annonce une simplification des obligations pour les PME
Europe • 5:15 PM
6 min
80 % des entreprises de l'UE seront libérées de leurs obligations en matière de rapports environnementaux et n'auront plus à prouver qu'elles ne commercent pas indirectement avec des entreprises responsables d'exploitation ou de violations des droits de l
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Jeff Bezos, Washington Post'un görüş sayfasını kısıtlıyor: Sadece iki konuya izin var
• 5:11 PM
8 min
Washington Post'un sahibi Jeff Bezos, pek çok kişi tarafından Donald Trump'ı yatıştırma amaçlı olarak görülen bir hamleyle, gazetedeki görüşlerin kısıtlanacağını duyurdu.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews
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A Comissão Europeia vai a Deli, mas o que é que procura?
• 5:07 PM
5 min
A Índia é um parceiro difícil, mas Ursula von der Leyen e a sua equipa esperam estreitar os laços em três frentes: comércio, tecnologia e Ucrânia.
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Rus ve ABD heyetinin İstanbul'daki görüşmesinde neler oldu?
• 5:02 PM
7 min
İstanbul'daki kritik toplantı yaklaşık 6,5 saat sürdü.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/02/27/rus-ve-abd-heyetinin-istanbuldaki-gorusmesinde-neler-oldu?utm_source=test_mrss&utm_campaign=feeds_wo
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Το πιο πρόσφατο δελτίο ειδήσεων | 27 Φεβρουαρίου - Βραδινό δελτίο
• 5:00 PM
1 min
Ενημερωθείτε για τις πιο σημαντικές ειδήσεις από την Ευρώπη και όχι μόνο - τα πιο πρόσφατα νέα, οι έκτακτες ειδήσεις, θέματα από όλο τον κόσμο, την οικονομία, την πολιτική, τον πολιτισμό, τα ταξίδια<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button">
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Новости дня | 27 февраля — вечерний выпуск
• 5:00 PM
1 min
Узнавайте о самых важных событиях в Европе и за ее пределами - последние новости, срочные новости, мир, бизнес, развлечения, политика, культура, путешествия<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/2025/02/2
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Corea del Norte envía más tropas a Rusia para participar en la guerra contra Ucrania, según Seúl
• 5:00 PM
6 min
Se espera que los militares enviados a la Federación Rusa desde Corea del Norte participen en batallas en la región de Kursk, según la Inteligencia surcoreana.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/my-eur
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Nachrichten des Tages | 27. Februar - Abendausgabe
• 5:00 PM
1 min
Informieren Sie sich über das aktuelle Geschehen in Europa und der Welt - Politik, Wirtschaft, Unterhaltung, Kultur und Reisen.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://de.euronews.com/2025/02/27/nachrichten-des-tages-27-fe
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Últimas noticias | 27 febrero - Tarde
• 5:00 PM
1 min
Ponte al día con las noticias más importantes de Europa y el mundo: noticias de última hora, internacional, negocios, entretenimiento, política, cultura, viajes.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/2025
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L’info du jour | 27 février - Soir
World • 5:00 PM
1 min
Suivez les derniers développements de l'actualité en Europe et dans le monde. Retrouvez les dernières infos sur la politique, l'économie, la culture et le divertissement.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews
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As notícias do dia | 27 fevereiro 2025 - Noite
• 5:00 PM
1 min
Acompanhe a atualidade da Europa e do Mundo. Fique a par das notícias mais recentes da Política, dos Negócios, do Desporto e da Cultura.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/2025/02/27/as-noticias-do-dia
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Latest news bulletin | February 27th – Evening
• 5:00 PM
1 min
Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news, World, Business, Entertainment, Politics, Culture, Travel.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/
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Rom: Gebete für Papst Franziskus
• 4:58 PM
2 min
Menschen zündeten Kerzen an, hinterließen Grußkarten, Zeichnungen und zeigten so ihre Solidarität.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://de.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/27/rom-gebete-fur-papst-franziskus?utm_source=tes
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Telefónica sees robust performance in 2024, boosted by Spanish market
Business • 4:58 PM
3 min
The telecom giant has met several key financial guidance targets for 2024, while also continuing to solidify its position in the Spanish market through increased investments in 5G infrastructure.
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Jean-Claude Juncker : "L'Ukraine n'est pas prête pour une adhésion" à l'UE
Europe • 4:57 PM
2 min
Jean-Claude Juncker a estimé que des défis majeurs tels que la corruption et la faiblesse de l'économie empêchent pour l'instant une intégration complète de l'Ukraine à l'UE. L'ancien président de la Commission européenne a suggéré une "adhésion limitée",
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Ünlü Oscar fotoğrafı bu yıl ne anlatıyor?
• 4:54 PM
19 min
Kim öne çıktı? Kim en iyi tarza sahipti? Ve kim orada değildi?
İşte bu yılın Oscar fotoğrafının anlattıkları.
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El ministro turco de Exteriores afirma que una nueva arquitectura europea de Defensa sin Turquía no es realista
• 4:54 PM
2 min
Ankara advierte que debe ser incluida en los futuros planes de Defensa de Europa, aludiendo a su situación estratégica y su poderío militar, a pesar de que sus relaciones con Moscú y sus prioridades específicas en política exterior podrían tener difícil e
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Δυο χρόνια μετά την τραγωδία των Τεμπών η κοινωνική οργή φουσκώνει
• 4:52 PM
1 min
Μετά από 5 χρόνια διακυβέρνησης της Νέας Δημοκρατίας και κρίσεις όπως η ενεργειακή αλλά και η αύξηση του πληθωρισμού που άπτονται της καθημερινότητας του πολίτη, το θέμα το οποίο φαίνεται να συσπειρώνει την κοινωνία απέναντι στην εξουσία είναι η τραγωδία
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Doğu Perinçek: 'Öcalan'ın çağrısı TSK ve Türk milletinin zaferidir'
• 4:51 PM
7 min
Perinçek, Kürdistan İşçi Partisi (PKK) lideri Abdullah Öcalan'ın yaptığı 'silah bırakma' çağrısını 'olumlu' bulduğunu belirtti.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/02/27/dogu-perincek-ocalanin-cagr
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Coreia do Norte enviou mais tropas para a Rússia, afirma Seul
• 4:49 PM
3 min
Milhares de soldados norte-coreanos terão sido mortos ou feridos nos combates contra as forças ucranianas na região russa de Kursk.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/2025/02/27/coreia-do-norte-enviou-
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La Turquie estime qu'une défense européenne sans la Turquie est "irréaliste"
Europe • 4:48 PM
2 min
Ankara a prévenu qu'elle devait être incluse dans les futurs plans de défense européens, citant sa position stratégique et sa puissance militaire, malgré des relations difficiles avec la Russie et l'Europe.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__
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مستقبل أوروبا: هل يمكن للهجرة وقف النزيف الديموغرافي للقارة العجوز في العقد القادم؟
Europe • 4:46 PM
2 min
وعلى الرغم من حصول السياسيين المناهضين للهجرة على الدعم في الآونة الأخيرة، إلا أن فرنسا وألمانيا وإيطاليا ستواجه مشاكل سكانية كبيرة فيما لو انعدمت الهجرة في هاذين البلدين.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://arabic.eur
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Bezos censura la sezione opinioni del Washington Post: solo "libertà personali e libero mercato"
• 4:46 PM
7 min
In una mossa vista da molti come un'acquiescenza a Donald Trump, il proprietario del Washington Post Jeff Bezos ha annunciato la restrizione della sezione opinioni del giornale, celebre proprio per la sua eterogeneità<div class="small-12 column text-cente
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Israeli army won't withdraw from Gaza-Egypt border, says official
• 4:43 PM
3 min
Israel's refusal to leave the Philadelphi Corridor threatens to collapse a fragile ceasefire deal with Hamas.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/02/27/israeli-army-wont-withdraw-from-gaza-egypt-b
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Perché la Commissione europea sta andando in India per incontrare Modi
Business • 4:39 PM
4 min
Malgrado tendenze fortemente protezionistiche, Ursula Von Der Leyen e i commissari europei sperano che la visita in India possa portare a politiche comuni su commercio, tecnologia e Ucraina
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Surto de sarampo cresce nos EUA. Qual é a situação a nível mundial?
• 4:37 PM
4 min
Mais de 10 milhões de pessoas apanharam sarampo em 2023, tendo sido registadas quase 108 mil mortes.
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Fieles y simpatizantes rezan por el Papa Francisco frente al hospital en Roma
• 4:37 PM
5 min
A la entrada del hospital Agostino Gemelli de Roma, fieles católicos y simpatizantes encendieron velas, colocaron tarjetas, dibujos y globos para mostrar su apoyo al pontífice.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.eu
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"Neues europäisches Verteidigungsbündnis ohne Türkei unmöglich"
• 4:35 PM
2 min
Ankara weist darauf hin, dass es trotz der schwierigen Beziehungen sowohl zu Russland als auch zu Europa in die künftigen europäischen Verteidigungspläne einbezogen werden muss. Die Türkei verfügt über eine militärische Stärke und eine strategische Lage.<
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Euroverify: ¿Son correctas las afirmaciones de Trump sobre el apoyo financiero de EE.UU. a Ucrania?
• 4:30 PM
6 min
Trump afirma que el acuerdo sobre minerales que ha firmado con Kiev permitirá a Estados Unidos recuperar hasta 350.000 millones de dólares en ayudas financieras. 'Euronews' hace una labor de verificación.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__bu
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Faithful and well-wishers take prayers and support for Pope Francis to hospital
Europe • 4:27 PM
4 min
At the entrance of the Agostino Gemelli Hospital in Rome, Catholic faithful and well-wishers lit candles, placed cards, drawings, and balloons, and stood in solidarity.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.
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Eurovision 2025 a Basilea: Lumo è la nuova mascotte
• 4:24 PM
5 min
Mentre Basilea si prepara a ospitare l'Eurovision Song Contest del 2025, l'organizzazione ha svelato la mascotte che rappresenterà la città svizzera<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/cultura/2025/02/2
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Ue-Usa, per Bruxelles contatti "buoni" con la Casa Bianca dopo vertice annullato Rubio e Kallas
• 4:24 PM
4 min
L'incontro è stato annullato all'ultimo quando Kaja Kallas era già a Washington mercoledì. Per una portavoce della Commissione europea il canale di comunicazioni con Washington è sempre aperto e su vari temi. Ma dopo dazi e dichiarazioni di Trump, sembra
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Celebrities and media figures criticise BBC for pulling documentary 'Gaza: How to Survive a War'
Culture • 4:23 PM
4 min
The film about the lives of children in Gaza was removed after the BBC said it discovered the film’s 14-year-old narrator was the son of an official for Palestinian organisation Hamas. However, it may not be as simple as that...<div class="small-12 column
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Around 112 migrants rescued off the coast of Libya reach Tuscany in Central Italy
Europe • 4:22 PM
2 min
According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), at least 129 people trying to reach Europe have already disappeared or died in the Mediterranean so far this year.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ww
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Italien: Neue Fresken in Pompeji entdeckt
• 4:17 PM
1 min
Bei der Entdeckung handelt es sich um einen Fries in Lebensgröße, der sich über drei Wände eines Bankettsaals erstreckt.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://de.euronews.com/kultur/2025/02/27/italien-neue-fresken-in-pom
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Emmanuel Macron, the (social media) king of Europe
Europe • 4:17 PM
10 min
The French president is doubling down on his social media presence - an approach that has positioned him as the EU's top influencer-slash-leader for an internet-native audience in France and beyond, propelling himself at the forefront of Europe’s leadersh
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Commission holds fire on retaliation in face of latest Trump tariff threats
Europe • 4:11 PM
3 min
Despite claiming that discussions with the US over trade are continuing on a high level, the European Commission has said it is ready to respond firmly if the tariffs announced by President Trump materialise.<div class="small-12 column text-center article
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EU cloud certification should mimic French scheme, says nationalist lawmaker
Business • 4:07 PM
3 min
The report by a Europe of Sovereign Nations lawmaker recommends different ways to improve the EU's technology sovereignty.
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Un hombre atropella a varias personas en Israel y apuñala a dos guardias de seguridad
• 4:07 PM
1 min
El autor, que también apuñaló a dos guardias de seguridad, ha muerto en el acto.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/2025/02/27/un-hombre-atropella-a-varias-personas-en-israel-y-apunala-a-dos-guardias-d
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Ρώμη: Πιστοί συγκεντρώνονται έξω από το νοσοκομείο και προσεύχονται για τον Πάπα
• 4:04 PM
1 min
Κάθε απόγευμα, δεκάδες κόσμου προσεύχονται όλοι μαζί στην πλατεία του Gemelli<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/27/rwmi-pistoi-sugkentrwnontai-nosokomeio-proseuxontai-gia-ton-papa?ut
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'Your new best friend': Amazon unveils an AI-powered version of its famous voice assistant Alexa
Business • 4:03 PM
6 min
"I’m not just an assistant, I’m your new best friend in the digital world," Alexa+ said during an onstage demo on Wednesday.
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Governo turco afirma que uma nova arquitetura de defesa europeia sem a Turquia é irrealista
• 4:00 PM
2 min
Ancara está a avisar que deve ser incluída nos futuros planos de defesa europeus, citando a sua localização estratégica e força militar, apesar das relações difíceis com a Rússia e a Europa.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href=
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Difesa comune europea, Turchia chiede di non essere esclusa dai piani: "strategia irrealistica"
• 3:58 PM
2 min
Ankara chiede di non essere esclusa dai futuri piani di difesa europei. La Turchia ha una posizione strategica sulla cartina e possiede un'avanzata forza militare, ma le relazioni con la Russia e l'Europa sono spesso complicate<div class="small-12 column
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Fiéis rezam pelo Papa Francisco junto ao hospital em Roma
• 3:53 PM
2 min
No exterior do Hospital Gemelli, em Roma, os fiéis acenderam velas, deixaram cartões e desenhos, manifestando o seu apoio ao pontífice. Todas as tardes, tem havido uma oração diária à porta do hospital.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__butt
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Глава МИД Турции: новая архитектура европейской безопасности без Анкары невозможна
• 3:53 PM
1 min
МИД Турции предупреждает о необходимости включения Анкары в будущие европейские оборонные планы, ссылаясь на ее стратегическое положение и военную мощь, несмотря на сложные отношения как с РФ, так и с Европой.<div class="small-12 column text-center articl
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Can the British military restore itself in time for a European security crisis?
• 3:52 PM
14 min
The UK government is hiking defence spending to help build up Europe's forces against Russia — but decades of funding cuts and recruitment problems have hollowed the British armed forces out.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href
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تطور تاريخي: ماذا تعني دعوة أوجلان حزبه لإلقاء السلاح بالنسبة لتركيا وسوريا؟
Civilization • 3:52 PM
3 min
في خطوة تاريخية، دعا عبد الله أوجلان زعيم حزب العمال الكردستاني إلى إلقاء السلاح وحل الحزب، مما يمهد الطريق لعملية سلام جديدة في تركيا وإعادة تشكيل التحالفات في سوريا. تحمل هذه الدعوة فرصة لإنهاء صراع دامٍ استمر لعقود، لكن نجاحها يعتمد على تجاوب الأطراف ا
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Papa Francesco, la preghiera dei fedeli all'ospedale Gemelli dove è ricoverato
• 3:47 PM
2 min
Ogni giorno all'esterno del policlinico, dove Bergoglio è ricoverato, si tiene una preghiera molto sentita per la salute del Papa<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/27/papa-francesco-
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محور فيلادلفيا إلى الواجهة مجددا.. هل يصمد وقف إطلاق النار بين إسرائيل وحماس؟
International • 3:46 PM
4 min
بعد انتهاء آخر مرحلة من صفقة التبادل بين إسرائيل وحماس، أفادت وسائل إعلام عبرية بأن نتنياهو تراجع عن التزامه بالانسحاب من محور فيلادلفيا، الممر الاستراتيجي "العقدة" كما يصفه البعض، إذ حال هذا المحور لفترة طويلة دون تسجيل خروقات في مفاوضات الهدنة.. واليوم
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El excomisario Juncker afirma que Ucrania debería tener una adhesión limitada a la UE
• 3:44 PM
3 min
El expresidente de la Comisión Europea también declaró a 'Euronews' que lamenta no haber sido más firme con los nuevos Estados miembros Hungría y Eslovaquia, que han infringido el Estado de Derecho de la UE.<div class="small-12 column text-center article_
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Будущее Европы: поможет ли миграция остановить сокращение численности населения?
• 3:42 PM
2 min
В странах ЕС сильны антимигрантские настроения, на отчёт Евростата показывает, что без притока иностранной рабочей силы экономике и социальному сектору придётся несладко.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews
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Katy Perry joins all-female crew for space mission on Jeff Bezos Blue Origin rocket
Culture • 3:41 PM
8 min
Blue Origin says its next spaceflight is set to make history with the first all-woman flight since the Soviet Union's Valentina Tereshkova’s solo spaceflight in 1963.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.co
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Euroverify: Έλεγχος των ισχυρισμών Τραμπ σχετικά με την οικονομική στήριξη των ΗΠΑ προς την Ουκρανία
• 3:38 PM
1 min
Ο Τραμπ λέει ότι η συμφωνία για τα ορυκτά που υπέγραψε με το Κίεβο θα επιτρέψει στις ΗΠΑ να ανακτήσουν έως και 350 δισεκατομμύρια δολάρια σε οικονομική στήριξη. Το Euronews ελέγχει κατα πόσο είναι αληθείς αυτοί οι ισχυρισμοί<div class="small-12 column tex
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Qual foi o verdadeiro montante da ajuda financeira dos EUA à Ucrânia e será que os números de Trump batem certo?
• 3:36 PM
6 min
Trump diz que o acordo sobre minerais que assinou com Kiev vai permitir aos EUA recuperar até 350 mil milhões de dólares de apoio financeiro. A Euronews verifica os factos.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.eurone
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عبد الله أوجلان زعيم حزب العمال الكردستاني المسجون في تركيا يدعو لحل التنظيم وإلقاء السلاح
International • 3:33 PM
2 min
دعا زعيم حزب العمال الكردستاني عبد الله أوجلان، المسجون مدى الحياة في تركيا، تنظيمه إلى حل نفسه والتخلي عن العمل المسلح ضد الحكومة التركية.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://arabic.euronews.com/2025/02/27/turkeys-jai
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Faktencheck: Haben die USA der Ukraine 350 Milliarden Dollar gegeben?
• 3:31 PM
5 min
Trump sagt, dass das Rohstoffabkommen, das er mit Kiew unterzeichnet hat, den USA erlauben wird, bis zu 350 Milliarden Dollar an finanzieller Unterstützung zurückzubekommen. Euronews überprüft diese Aussage.<div class="small-12 column text-center article_
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Торговые связи с Украиной и МЕРКОСУР смогут защитить ЕС от тарифов США
• 3:30 PM
1 min
Укрепление торговых отношений с Украиной и странами МЕРКОСУР может быть выгодным для Европы в случае торговой войны с США, заявил в интервью Euronews комиссар ЕС по сельскому хозяйству Кристоф Хансен.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button
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I legami commerciali con l'Ucraina e il Mercosur possono proteggere l'UE dai dazi statunitensi
• 3:30 PM
4 min
Il rafforzamento delle relazioni commerciali con l'Ucraina e i Paesi del Mercosur potrebbe rivelarsi vantaggioso per l'Europa nell’eventualità di una guerra commerciale con gli Stati Uniti, ha dichiarato a Euronews il Commissario europeo per l'agricoltura
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Os laços comerciais com a Ucrânia e o Mercosul podem proteger a UE dos direitos aduaneiros dos EUA
• 3:30 PM
5 min
O reforço das relações comerciais com a Ucrânia e os países do Mercosul pode ser benéfico para a Europa em caso de guerra comercial com os Estados Unidos, disse o Comissário Europeu da Agricultura, Christophe Hansen, à Euronews.<div class="small-12 column
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Los lazos comerciales con Ucrania y Mercosur pueden proteger a la UE de los aranceles de EE.UU.
• 3:30 PM
5 min
El refuerzo de las relaciones comerciales con Ucrania y los países del Mercosur podría ser beneficioso para Europa en el caso de una guerra comercial con Estados Unidos, según ha declarado a 'Euronews' Christophe Hansen, el Comisario de Agricultura de la
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Στρατηγικές ευκαιρίες και προκλήσεις για την ΕΕ στις εμπορικές σχέσεις
• 3:30 PM
1 min
Η ενίσχυση των εμπορικών σχέσεων με την Ουκρανία και τις χώρες της Mercosur θα μπορούσε να αποδειχθεί επωφελής για την Ευρώπη σε περίπτωση εμπορικού πολέμου με τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες, δήλωσε στο Euronews ο Επίτροπος της ΕΕ για τη γεωργία, Christophe Hanse
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Handelsbeziehungen mit der Ukraine und Mercosur können EU vor US-Zöllen schützen
• 3:30 PM
4 min
Die Stärkung der Handelsbeziehungen mit der Ukraine und den Mercosur-Ländern könnte sich für Europa im Falle eines Handelskriegs mit den Vereinigten Staaten als vorteilhaft erweisen, erklärte EU-Landwirtschaftskommissar Christophe Hansen gegenüber Euronew
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Le commerce avec l'Ukraine et le Mercosur peuvent protéger l'UE des droits de douane américains
Europe • 3:30 PM
5 min
Le renforcement des relations commerciales avec l'Ukraine et les pays du Mercosur pourrait s'avérer bénéfique pour l'Europe en cas de guerre commerciale avec les États-Unis, a déclaré à Euronews le commissaire européen à l'agriculture, Christophe Hansen.<
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Trade ties with Ukraine, Mercosur can shield EU from US tariffs, says agriculture Commissioner
Europe • 3:30 PM
4 min
Strengthening trade relations with Ukraine and Mercosur countries could prove beneficial for Europe in the event of a trade war with the United States, EU Agriculture Commissioner Christophe Hansen told Euronews.<div class="small-12 column text-center art
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Social media: Facebook di Meta accusato di violare le leggi europee sulla privacy
Business • 3:28 PM
3 min
Circa 5mila utenti di Facebook hanno chiesto all'azienda di interrompere il trattamento dei loro dati personali per indirizzarli al marketing diretto. L'associazione dei consumatori Eko ha scoperto che Meta ha ignorato le loro richieste
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Soutien au Pape malade : des fidèles témoignent, devant l'hôpital Gemelli à Rome
Europe • 3:24 PM
4 min
Ces derniers jours, de nombreux fidèles ont apporté leur soutien au pape François en priant devant l'hôpital Gemelli à Rome. Certains d'entre eux ont témoigné de leur attachement au souverain pontife au micro d'Euronews.<div class="small-12 column text-ce
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Turkish FM says any new European defence architecture without Turkey is unrealistic
Europe • 3:24 PM
2 min
Ankara is warning that it must be included in future European defence plans, citing its strategic location and military strength, despite challenging relations with both Russia and Europe.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="h
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