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Norway's LGBTQ community party at the Pride parade in Oslo
Europe • 7:11 AM
2 min
According to the Brussels-based NGO ILGA-Europe, Norway this year ranks the 8th best state in Europe for the LGBTQ community.
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Officials say at least 11 killed in Russian strikes across Ukraine on Saturday
Europe • 11:14 PM
5 min
Russian officials say at least five people were killed in Ukrainian strikes on Kursk with the Defence Ministry saying six Ukrainian drones had been shot down overnight over four regions, including the Crimean Peninsula which Moscow annexed in 2014.
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Estonia's ruling party nominates the climate minister as the new PM
Europe • 4:50 PM
1 min
Estonia's ruling party has chosen Climate Minister Kristen Michal to replace outgoing leader Kaja Kallas as the Baltic state's new prime minister.
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Protests held outside venue for Germany's far-right AfD party convention
Europe • 2:58 PM
2 min
The Alternative for Germany opened a convention on Saturday after a strong performance in the recent European election, as protesters gathered outside.
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Attacker shot dead after wounding Israeli embassy guard in Belgrade
Europe • 11:49 AM
2 min
Serbia's Interior Ministry said the attacker, 25 year old Miloš Žujović, fired a crossbow bolt at the officer, hitting him in the neck.
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French legislative elections: Farmers rely on Europe, but are tempted by far right
Europe • 11:38 AM
11 min
The farmers Euronews spoke to in Braslou, a village of 315 inhabitants in southern Touraine, shared the feeling familiar among large parts of rural France: they have been forgotten and abandoned by politicians and authorities alike.
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EU companies to sign 40 billion euros' worth of deals with Egypt
Europe • 10:10 AM
1 min
"Companies are signing over 20 new deals or Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs) with Egyptian partners, which are worth over 40 billion euros," the European Commission president said.
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Brussels, my love? The EU's green zombie
Europe • 5:00 AM
1 min
In this edition, we learn why scientists reckon current southern European heatwaves are a direct consequence of climate change, and how recent elections might affect EU environmental targets.
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Friday, june 28, 2024

Meloni condemns racism among ruling party's youth league revealed in exposé
Europe • 11:59 PM
4 min
Left-wing news outlet Fanpage claimed it had video evidence of some National Youth members using racist slurs and making a Nazi salute.
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Putin calls for production of missiles previously banned under 1988 treaty
Europe • 10:20 PM
5 min
At the UN Security Council on Friday, a representative from Conflict Armament Research said his organisation had detailed the components of missiles used against Ukraine and says the evidence shows they originated in North Korea.
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Volodymyr Zelenskyy says he is working on 'comprehensive plan' for peace in Ukraine
Europe • 8:57 PM
5 min
Zelenskyy met Slovenia's President Nataša Pirc Musar in Kyiv where the two leaders honoured the memory of fallen Ukrainian soldiers by laying wreaths at the Remembrance Wall in the heart of Ukraine’s capital.
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European Council president nominee downplays Meloni's vote against him
Europe • 7:01 PM
3 min
For the first time a politician from the south of the European Union will take over the presidency of the European Council.
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French leftist coalition hoping to be a block against far-right government
Europe • 5:20 PM
7 min
Left-wing voters hope that a new coalition will block the far right from winning the election, but with Macron's party calling it “extreme,” it could be difficult to galvanise voters.
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State of the Union: Rutte new NATO chief, EU accession talks with Ukraine
Europe • 5:00 PM
4 min
This edition of State of the Union focuses on Mark Rutte's appointment as the next NATO secretary general and the opening of EU accession talks with Ukraine
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Migrant detention facilities nearly built in Albania in controversial deal with Italy
Europe • 4:46 PM
3 min
The construction of two Italian migrant detention centres in Albania is underway with the facilities expected to open at the beginning of August.
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'Russophobic' EU top job decisions 'bad' for ties with Russia, Kremlin says
Europe • 1:32 PM
2 min
EU leaders have nominated Ursula von der Leyen to remain as European Commission president and chosen Kaja Kallas as the next EU foreign policy chief.
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EU and NATO under new leadership: Who's who
Europe • 1:25 PM
6 min
The European Union is turning a new page in the same week when NATO appointed its new chief. Meet the key actors who will shape the next five years.
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Why did Hungary and Italy vote down EU top jobs?
Europe • 1:02 PM
3 min
The Conservative duo slammed the nomination process to elect EU high-level positions as undemocratic and misaligned with the outcome of the EU elections, which saw the right wing gaining prominence in the European Parliament.
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What is Meloni's strategy in Brussels?
Europe • 11:22 AM
4 min
From kingmaker to troublemaker — Italian Prime Minister may have time to beef up her strategy in the pursuit of a significant European Commission portfolio before the first European Parliament plenary in July.
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How the fall of Macron’s centrists has changed France’s political landscape
Europe • 11:02 AM
11 min
The French president has sold his party as a centrist force against extremism, but now he faces an uncertain election, and his strategy of pitting his presidential coalition against two extremes may no longer work with voters.
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EU top jobs have been decided, what’s next?
Europe • 9:28 AM
5 min
With European leaders agreeing on the three names to fill the EU's top jobs, the wheels have been set in motion for the next five years in the European Union. What comes next?
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Who really is Jordan Bardella, the young far-right French politician?
Europe • 9:25 AM
9 min
Bardella’s journey from university drop-out to potential prime minister has astonished many, highlighting his meteoric rise in just a few years. Banking on a compelling rags-to-riches story, the reality is far more nuanced.
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Behind the scenes at the EU top job summit | Radio Schuman
Europe • 7:01 AM
2 min
EU heads of state nominated Ursula von der Leyen, António Costa, and Kaja Kallas for key leadership positions as President of the European Commission, President of the European Council, and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs, respectively.
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In rural France, far-right alliance seeks to expand its voter base
Europe • 6:30 AM
7 min
Some members of the right-wing party Les Républicains have joined the far-right, which has created a broader base of support across France. For some, it shows there is weaker support to block the far-right from government.
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Heatwave expected in Italy this weekend with temperatures soaring to 40°C
Europe • 6:11 AM
1 min
After a recent spell of bad weather, the sun is returning and temperatures will spike, with a change of up to 15 degrees in some areas.
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Bardella rips into Macron's French troops in Ukraine pitch during election debate
Europe • 1:37 AM
5 min
In the run-up to the first round of French elections on Sunday, opponents of Emmanuel Macron slammed him in a televised debate over his comment on not ruling out putting French troops on the ground in Ukraine.
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Why is Emmanuel Macron so disliked by French voters?
Europe • 12:01 AM
5 min
Analysts say that Macron's decision to dissolve parliament was not understood by French voters.
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Thursday, june 27, 2024

EU leaders agree top jobs, Meloni and Orbán hold out
Europe • 9:23 PM
9 min
Ursula von der Leyen, António Costa and Kaja Kallas have been nominated to lead the European Union in the next five years, despite opposition of the Italian and Hungarian leaders.
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Serbian police shut down festival promoting cultural exchange with Kosovo
Europe • 8:00 PM
4 min
The festival ban comes a day after the EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said no progress had been made during talks in Brussels towards implementing an EU-backed agreement towards normalising ties between Belgrade and Pristina.
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Train collides with bus in Slovakia, killing at least five people
Europe • 5:52 PM
1 min
The train was travelling from Prague to Budapest and was transporting about 100 passengers. At least five people were reported injured.
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Ukraine's NATO membership is 'our duty', Estonian PM Kallas says
Europe • 4:09 PM
6 min
The Estonian leader is one of Europe's most outspoken critics of Moscow and is tipped to become the new EU’s foreign policy chief, taking over from Spain's Josep Borrell.
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Ukraine's Zelenskyy signs security pact with EU during Brussels visit
Europe • 3:27 PM
4 min
The Ukrainian leader's visit to Brussels during a summit of EU leaders came days after the country held its first membership talks with the bloc.
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Can von der Leyen muster majority backing of European Parliament?
Europe • 2:59 PM
6 min
Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen's reappointment by the European Council proceeded as smoothly as expected, with the attention now turning to the European Parliament, where she must secure the necessary votes to seal a new mandate.
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Climate action back in EU’s policy priorities for the next term – leak
Europe • 2:15 PM
4 min
Idea of scrapping green priorities unveiled in a previous leak unleashed backlash from environmentalists and lawmakers but a new leak on the Strategic Agenda reveals EU leaders' intention to continue pushing for EU climate action.
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Vox backs Le Pen as Spain keeps an eye on French elections
Europe • 2:07 PM
4 min
In the run-up to the first round of French elections on Sunday, Spain's premier far-right party is hoping for a result that will amplify its own message.
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Seoul warns Russia over North Korea-supplied weapons
Europe • 11:25 AM
3 min
The warning came at a time when Russia forced 10,000 recently naturalised citizens to fight in the war in Ukraine, while Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited the battered eastern Donetsk region.
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EU Summit: Top jobs deal sealed despite opposition from Meloni and Orbán
Europe • 9:34 AM
2 min
The trio of candidates were approved by leaders on Thursday, although no candidate secured unanimous backing according to multiple diplomatic sources.
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Weber calls for Meloni’s inclusion in EU top jobs decisions
Europe • 8:54 AM
3 min
The leader of the powerful centre-right European People's Party called to integrate Rome into decision-making after complaints from Italy's Georgia Meloni.
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What do EU capitals think about the French elections? | Radio Schuman
Europe • 6:13 AM
2 min
With France set for the polls in the first round of legislative elections on Sunday (30 June), Marine Le Pen's Rassemblement National is leading the polls.
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What do French nationals living in Italy think about their home country's politics?
Europe • 4:46 AM
4 min
Euronews asked those living in the Italian capital what their take is on the 'Meloni effect' on French politics.
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Keir Starmer vows to re-negotiate 'botched' post-Brexit trade deal with the EU
Europe • 4:35 AM
3 min
The Labour leader says he wants to secure a better deal with the EU on trade, R&D as well as security and defence.
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Negotiators have a deal on the EU top jobs. But will the 27 leaders agree?
Europe • 4:00 AM
8 min
The two-day summit will focus on the EU top jobs, the Strategic Agenda for the next five years, military support for Ukraine and the Israel-Hamas war.
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Wednesday, june 26, 2024

Orban meets Macron ahead of Hungary's EU Presidency
Europe • 7:09 PM
4 min
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban met with French President Emmanuel Macron to discuss support for Ukraine and other key issues before Hungary's EU presidency commences on 1 July.
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Freed from arrest in Hungary, Italian activist Salis joins European Parliament
Europe • 5:17 PM
2 min
The Italian leftist activist was granted immunity after being elected an MEP. The European Parliament's plenary session will decide whether to suspend her immunity.
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France's Greens urge presidential coalition to block far right in second round
Europe • 3:23 PM
4 min
The Greens want a commitment from parties in Prime Minister Gabriel Attal's coalition to drop out of the race in the second round if it means blocking the far-right National Rally.
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Justice must prevail against Denmark’s ‘ghetto laws’
Europe • 3:06 PM
9 min
A ruling in our favour would also have wider resonance for similar neighbourhoods across Denmark whose cases are currently on hold awaiting this decision, Majken Felle writes.
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Europe seeks solutions to remedy increase in space debris
Europe • 2:56 PM
5 min
Several EU countries, such as Germany and France, already have space laws, but Brussels will present the first European Space Law in the coming months.
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Zelenskyy tightens grip on absent officials amid escalating conflict
Europe • 2:33 PM
5 min
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has taken a tough stance on officials neglecting frontline duties while Russian attacks in Donetsk escalate.
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Danish livestock farmers to be taxed for cow and pig-made greenhouse gases
Europe • 1:00 PM
5 min
The Scandinavian country pitched a 'flatulence tax' scheme, which was met with industry-wide support and is expected to be carried by the national parliament.
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Hungary blocks joint EU statement denouncing Russia's media ban
Europe • 11:58 AM
3 min
Der Spiegel, Le Monde and RAI are among the outlets blacklisted by Russia.
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No re-joining but closer ties: Would a Labour election win bring UK and EU closer together?
Europe • 11:13 AM
8 min
Labour's leader Kier Starmer has ruled out any radical re-haul of the UK-EU relationships but has made clear his distaste for Boris Johnson's post-Brexit arrangements.
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Meloni contests ‘undemocratic’ EU top jobs talks, mulling abstention
Europe • 10:18 AM
3 min
Exclusion from a preliminary deal to allocate the bloc's top jobs following June's elections has enraged Italy’s prime minister Giorgia Meloni who’s now considering formally abstaining from the decision, according to media reports.
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Bulgaria can’t join the eurozone due to high inflation, ECB says
Europe • 10:03 AM
4 min
Sofia had expressed hopes it could join the EU currency zone in the middle of next year, but must meet tough economic criteria.
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Who is NATO's new secretary general Mark Rutte?
Europe • 9:04 AM
5 min
On Wednesday, ambassadors of the 32 NATO members officially appointed outgoing Dutch PM Mark Rutte as its next secretary general - but who is Rutte, the man behind the job?
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Far-right prepares for power in EU institutions| Radio Schuman
Europe • 5:58 AM
2 min
The European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) at the European Parliament will elect co-presidents today (26 June).
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Kaja Kallas: The Russia hawk poised to become the EU’s top diplomat
Europe • 4:00 AM
9 min
Moscow has put a prize on her head. Kaja Kallas is now wanted in Brussels.
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EU's radical right wing could fragment further as parties negotiate new groupings
Europe • 12:38 AM
6 min
Two new groups could emerge from the ongoing post-election negotiations.
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Tuesday, june 25, 2024

France elections: Germans prepare for seismic change in EU politics
Europe • 4:54 PM
2 min
As France gears up for the shocking snap elections that French President Emmanuel Macron called during the EU elections, Germans are preparing for a seismic change in EU politics.
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Left-wing Popular Front alliance candidates use fresh volunteers to woo voters
Europe • 3:25 PM
2 min
Candidates from the left-wing alliance march through the streets of Paris, distributing flyers and engaging with voters, as they rely on new volunteers to woo voters.
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Socialists and Liberals re-elect their leaders by acclamation, keeping the status quo
Europe • 3:09 PM
4 min
Spain's Iratxe García Pérez and France's Valérie Hayer will respectively preside over the socialist and liberal groups.
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