Unknown disease in DRC leaves dozens dead, officials say
Business • 4:31 PM
1 min
Officials said there was an unknown disease that left dozens dead in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
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Il Regno Unito acquista 5 milioni di vaccini contro l'influenza aviaria nel caso di una possibile pandemia
Business • 4:26 PM
2 min
Il governo sta aggiungendo un vaccino umano H5 alle sue scorte come parte dei suoi piani di preparazione alle minacce sanitarie future
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Electric vehicles: Could improved charging stations increase demand for EVs?
Business • 4:03 PM
5 min
The European Commission aims to have 3.5 million charging points by 2030.
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Trump names billionaire investment banker as ambassador to Britain
Business • 3:32 PM
3 min
Warren Stephens is head of Stephens Inc, a privately owned diversified financial services firm. Its headquarters are in Little Rock, Arkansas.
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Les ministres de la santé font fléchir le Parlement en donnant leur feu vert à des restrictions plus sévères sur le tabac
Business • 2:17 PM
4 min
Le Conseil de l'UE a approuvé de nouvelles recommandations sur les environnements sans fumée ni aérosols dans l'ensemble de l'Union, afin de renforcer la protection contre l'exposition au tabagisme passif et d'"encourager les fumeurs actuels à arrêter", c
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Meta didn't notice major disinformation in Romanian election, says Nick Clegg
Business • 1:01 PM
3 min
The Big Tech president Nick Clegg said the influence of AI in a year of many elections has been limited.
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L'Ue promette di portare avanti la nuova legge sui diritti degli stagisti nonostante le spaccature nazionali
Business • 11:47 AM
5 min
I 27 non hanno trovato un accordo sulla nuova legge comunitaria in materia di tirocini, ma la commissaria Roxana Mînzatu ha dichiarato che l'abbandono dell'iniziativa volta a proteggere i diritti dei tirocinanti sul posto di lavoro sarebbe "fuori question
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Sanofi announces its largest China investment amid ongoing trade war
Business • 11:08 AM
2 min
The French pharma firm is seeking to increase insulin production in Beijing as trade tensions between the EU and China simmer on.
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Usa-Cina, è guerra dei chip: stop reciproco a export di materiali per produzione di semiconduttori
Business • 11:03 AM
4 min
Lunedì gli Stati Uniti avevano annunciato restrizioni sulle esportazioni a 140 aziende tecnologiche cinesi. Martedì la Cina ha risposto con una stretta all'export di prodotti dual-use come gallio e germanio, necessari alla fabbricazione di microchip
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US strengthens export controls for Chinese semiconductor companies
Business • 10:32 AM
2 min
The rules include new controls on semiconductor manufacturing equipment and software tools, the US commerce department said.
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EU vows to press on with new interns’ rights law despite national splits
Business • 7:46 AM
4 min
Roxana Mînzatu’s first working day as EU Commissioner saw member states fail to agree on new EU laws on internships – but she said abandoning laws intended to protect traineees’ workplace rights would be “out of the question”.
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Un adulte moyen pourrait vivre 5 ans de plus en faisant plus d'exercice (étude)
Business • 7:12 AM
3 min
Les adultes les plus réfractaires à l'effort sont ceux qui ont le plus à gagner.
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ASML sticks to guidance despite new US curbs on China's tech advancement
Business • 6:08 AM
3 min
ASML sees a limited impact of the US fresh restrictions on AI chip exports to China and maintains its guidance for 2024 and 2025.
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In Pakistan, concerns about worsening air pollution are making EVs an attractive option
Business • 6:01 AM
5 min
Air quality is a concern in cities across Pakistan as smog causes serious health issues for the public.
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Allemagne : les syndicats de VW entament un bras de fer
Business • 4:01 AM
5 min
Des grèves d'avertissement pour empêcher les licenciements : les syndicats de Volkswagen se disent prêts à un conflit comme l'Allemagne "n'en pas connu depuis des décennies."
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Unione europea, lobby finanziaria: "nessun indizio su come attuare le nuove regole sull'intelligenza artificiale"
Business • 2:31 AM
3 min
La nuova Commissione von der Leyen deve ripensare radicalmente le leggi sul cambiamento climatico, sugli investimenti e sui dati se vuole che l'Europa sia competitiva, ha dichiarato Frédéric de Courtois di AXA a Euronews
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Health ministers buck Parliament to green-light stronger tobacco restrictions
Business • 12:59 AM
3 min
The EU Council has approved new recommendations on smoke- and aerosol-free environments across the bloc to strengthen protection against exposure to second-hand smoke and to "encourage current smokers to quit”, bucking Parliament's recent shelving of the
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Secondo uno studio, un adulto potrebbe vivere cinque anni in più facendo maggiore attività fisica
Business • 12:20 AM
3 min
Una ricerca condotta sugli adulti americani ha scoperto che fare attività per meno di due ore al giorno migliora sensibilmente l'aspettativa di vita media, riducendo il rischio di depressione, diabete e malattie cardiovascolari
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UK purchases 5 million bird flu vaccine doses to prepare for possible pandemic
Business • 12:17 AM
2 min
The government is adding a human H5 vaccine to its stockpile as part of its health threat preparedness plans.
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Germania: lavoratori Volkswagen preoccupati per il futuro, lo sciopero di avvertimento
Business • 7:13 PM
4 min
Migliaia di lavoratori della sede centrale della Volkswagen a Wolfsburg hanno lanciato uno sciopero di avvertimento lunedì, con il consiglio di fabbrica che accusa gli azionisti di dare priorità a profitti miliardari mentre i lavoratori affrontano la prec
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Volkswagen workers worry about future as they stage warning strikes
Business • 6:37 PM
4 min
Thousands of workers at Volkswagen's headquarters in Wolfsburg launched warning strikes on Monday, with the works council accusing shareholders of prioritising billions in profits while workers face job insecurity and potential layoffs.
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Intel's CEO steps down amid financial woes at US chipmaker
Business • 4:06 PM
3 min
Intel's CEO is stepping down after less than four years, underscoring the turmoil at the computer chipmaking company.
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Average adult could live 5 extra years with more exercise, study shows
Business • 3:43 PM
3 min
The most workout-averse adults had the most to gain.
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L'Agence des impôts espagnole attaquée par des hackers : que sait-on sur le ransomware Trinity ?
Business • 2:57 PM
7 min
L'Agence espagnole des impôts (AEAT) fait l'objet d'une enquête pour une cyber-attaque utilisant le ransomware Trinity, qui aurait compromis 560 Go de données confidentielles. Comment gérer ce type d'incident ? Euronews a demandé l'avis d'un expert.
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Green transition Commissioner Ribera to visit ArcelorMittal amid clean steel backtrack
Business • 2:27 PM
4 min
European Commission top brass set to visit steel multinational’s Belgian plant this week in the wake of a warning that low-carbon steel projects won’t go ahead without further policy support from Brussels.
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I dubbi sulla distribuzione del farmaco che potrebbe aiutare a porre fine all'Aids
Business • 1:48 PM
7 min
Un'iniezione due volte l'anno si è rivelata efficace nel 96 per cento dei casi per la prevenzione dell'Hiv. È il farmaco che più si avvicina a un vaccino mai realizzato, ma la sua distribuzione dovrà essere capillare ed economica per avere effetto nelle a
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A twice-yearly shot could help end AIDS. But how can people access it?
Business • 11:41 AM
6 min
The drug has been called a profound advancement in medicine but getting it to those who need it is a "missing piece in the puzzle," experts say.
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Church urges El Salvador's president to keep ban on gold mining
Business • 10:55 AM
2 min
The country banned all metals mining above ground and below in 2017 in order to protect the small country's water resources from contamination.
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Carlos Tavares, le PDG de Stellantis, démissionne : la faute à son pari sur les VE ?
Business • 9:42 AM
8 min
Le départ de Carlos Tavares met en évidence les difficultés croissantes auxquelles sont confrontés les constructeurs automobiles traditionnels dans le cadre de la transition vers les véhicules électriques.
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Stellantis, l’amministratore delegato Carlos Tavares si è dimesso
Business • 9:32 AM
5 min
Carlos Tavares si è dimesso domenica con effetto immediato dalla carica di ceo di Stellantis dopo quasi quattro anni, in un contesto di crollo delle vendite di veicoli elettrici e di aumento della concorrenza da parte delle case automobilistiche cinesi
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Stellantis CEO Tavares quits: Why his EV bet sparked his departure
Business • 8:49 AM
6 min
Carlos Tavares has resigned as Stellantis CEO after nearly four years, amid plunging electric vehicle sales and rising competition from Chinese car makers. His departure highlights the mounting challenges for legacy carmakers in the EV transition.
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‘No clue’ how to implement EU’s new AI rules: insurance lobby chief
Business • 7:00 AM
2 min
The new von der Leyen Commission must have a radical rethink of laws on climate change, investment and data if Europe is to compete, AXA’s Frédéric de Courtois told Euronews.
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Les pays les plus corrompus ont moins de médecins : voici pourquoi la démocratie et la santé sont liés
Business • 5:51 AM
7 min
Selon une étude, les pays où les démocraties sont plus fortes et les niveaux de corruption moins élevés ont tendance à avoir un personnel médical plus important.
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Più corruzione, meno medici. Uno studio rivela il legame tra democrazia, legalità e salute
Business • 3:00 AM
5 min
I Paesi più corrotti hanno meno medici: uno studio svela il legame tra solidità dei sistemi democratici, legalità e qualità dei sistemi sanitari
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Spagna, cyberattacco all'Agenzia delle Entrate: cosa si sa del ransomware Trinity?
Business • 12:35 AM
7 min
L'Agenzia fiscale spagnola (Aeat) è stata al centro di un attacco informatico con il ransomware Trinity, che avrebbe compromesso 560GB di dati riservati. Come affrontare questo tipo di incidenti? Euronews parla con un esperto
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Women with depression may be more likely to have painful periods, study suggests
Business • 12:08 AM
2 min
Researchers used genetic analysis and found that depression could be a causal factor for period pain.
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Sunday, december 1, 2024
Russia, Putin approva una spesa militare record per poter vincere in Ucraina
Business • 1:05 PM
3 min
Il presidente russo ha stabilito di stanziare ancora più soldi per la guerra in Ucraina. L'anno prossimo, la spesa di Mosca per le forze militari e di sicurezza supererà quella per l'assistenza sanitaria, dell'istruzione e della politica sociale
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More corrupt countries have fewer doctors: Here’s why there’s a link between democracy and health
Business • 10:01 AM
5 min
Countries with stronger democracies and lower levels of corruption tend to have a stronger physician workforce, the study found.
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Où est Bluesky ? Pas chez nous, disent les régulateurs des médias en Irlande et aux Pays-Bas
Business • 6:29 AM
4 min
La Commission européenne tente de localiser l'endroit où Bluesky - qui profite de la fuite des abonnés du X - s'est installé, en interrogeant les 27 régulateurs nationaux de la loi sur les services numériques.
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ChatGPT a deux ans : quelle est la prochaine étape pour le chatbot de l'OpenAI, pionnier de l'IA générative ?
Business • 4:00 AM
9 min
Avec deux nouvelles versions de GPT-4, o1, un nouveau moteur de recherche et un drame interne, ChatGPT et sa société mère OpenAI ont connu une deuxième année remarquable. Quelles sont les prochaines étapes ?
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ChatGpt compie due anni: gli sviluppi dell'intelligenza artificiale e il futuro del chatbot OpenAi
Business • 1:01 AM
6 min
Da due nuove versioni di Gpt-4, o1 a un nuovo motore di ricerca e a un dramma interno, ChatGpt e la società madre OpenAI hanno avuto un secondo anno notevole. Ecco cosa ci aspetta
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Saturday, november 30, 2024
This capital's locals are happiest with their public transport. How does the rest of Europe compare?
Business • 12:54 AM
8 min
Dissatisfaction with public transport in capital cities was more keenly felt in southern Europe and parts of the Balkans. How does your city compare?
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New study suggests flu during pregnancy could cause autism in children. Experts are weighing in
Business • 12:39 AM
6 min
Here’s what experts say about the link between maternal infections and increased chances of autism in children.
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ChatGPT turns two: What's next for the OpenAI chatbot that broke new ground for AI?
Business • 12:08 AM
8 min
From two new releases of GPT-4, o1 to a new search engine and internal drama, ChatGPT and parent company OpenAI had a notable second year. What’s next?
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Friday, november 29, 2024
Done deal: What to expect from the funding deal agreed at UN climate talks
Business • 5:02 PM
4 min
After a turbulent week in Baku, a deal was reached in the early hours of Sunday, 24 November. The big number to focus on is the $300bn a year that developing nations will receive from rich countries in climate funding by 2035, a far lower sum than the $1.
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Where is Bluesky? Not here, say Irish, Dutch media regulators
Business • 2:56 PM
3 min
The EU Commission is trying to locate where Bluesky set up shop, by asking all 27 national Digital Services Act regulators.
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Il 16 gennaio il Parlamento Ue ascolterà i candidati alla carica di Garante della privacy
Business • 2:51 PM
3 min
L'attuale mandato del Garante europeo della protezione dei dati termina il 5 dicembre. Il candidato dovrà essere approvato dagli eurodeputati e dai 27 Paesi membri
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EU Parliament will hear candidates for top privacy job on 16 January
Business • 2:19 PM
2 min
The current European Data Protection Supervisor mandate ends next week.
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What is 'pig butchering,' the global financial scam Meta is warning everyone about?
Business • 11:36 AM
5 min
Meta says it has shut down 2 million accounts on its platforms that are "pig butchering" people into financial scams. But what does that mean?
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Google sued in Canada over alleged 'anti-competitive conduct in online advertising'
Business • 11:00 AM
2 min
The legal action is over online web advertising, the watchdog said.
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Which countries in Europe allow assisted suicide and euthanasia?
Business • 9:32 AM
6 min
here are just a few European countries that allow some form of assisted dying. Here’s a look at where they are as the UK considers new legislation.
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Volkswagen workers in Germany ready to strike in early December
Business • 9:05 AM
2 min
Volkswagen workers are set to strike in Germany in early December and union IG Metall said in a circulated pamphlet that it is "necessary".
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Why does the EU now have two health Commissioners, and what will it mean?
Business • 9:03 AM
4 min
How health topics will be divided between two Commissioner for the first time is a poser for the new executive.
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One of the world's busiest airports is piloting using AI to assist air traffic control
Business • 8:53 AM
5 min
The AI engine has already been tested on over 40,000 flights at London Heathrow, but experts warn AI systems have limitations.
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Guerra dei dazi: Ue e Cina verso una soluzione alternativa sui veicoli elettrici
Business • 7:38 AM
4 min
Si prevede che l'Ue e la Cina continuino i colloqui sulla soluzione alternativa per sostituire i dazi recentemente imposti dall'Ue sui veicoli elettrici di produzione cinese
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EU and China advance towards alternative solution for EV tariffs
Business • 6:53 AM
3 min
The EU and China are expected to continue talks regarding the alternative solution to replace the EU’s newly imposed tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles.
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Libano, il piano dell'Oms: recupero degli ospedali e allestimento di cliniche mobili
Business • 6:31 AM
3 min
Alcuni ospedali libanesi potrebbero essere operativi entro poche settimane, hanno dichiarato i funzionari, ma per altri ci vorranno mesi
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Tribunale Ue respinge il ricorso per l'accesso al gasdotto Nord Stream 2 presentato da Gazprom
Business • 3:01 AM
4 min
L'istanza era stata presentata prima dell'invasione su larga scala dell'Ucraina da parte della Russia e del conseguente sabotaggio del gasdotto
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Thursday, november 28, 2024
Ue, in crescita il numero di diagnosi di HIV nel 2023: i dati del nuovo rapporto Oms
Business • 9:30 PM
4 min
L'aumento delle diagnosi di HIV nel 2023 è probabilmente dovuto in parte a un incremento dei test, ma le autorità sanitarie hanno dichiarato che sono necessari maggiori sforzi per contenerlo e prevenirlo
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La résolution sur l'interdiction de fumer fortement rejetée par le Parlement européen
Business • 7:40 PM
3 min
Une résolution sur l'interdiction de fumer, initialement soutenue par une majorité de députés, a été largement rejetée après les tentatives des groupes de droite d'exclure les nouveaux produits du tabac du texte.
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Il Parlamento Ue respinge con forza la risoluzione sul divieto di fumo
Business • 6:10 PM
2 min
La risoluzione, inizialmente sostenuta dalla maggioranza dei deputati, è stata ampiamente respinta dopo i tentativi dei gruppi di destra di escludere dal testo i dispositivi elettronici
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Smoking ban resolution strongly rejected by EU Parliament
Business • 5:30 PM
2 min
A resolution on smoking bans, initially backed by a majority of MEPs, was widely rejected after attempts by right-wing groups to exclude novel tobacco products from the text.
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Amid uncertain Israel-Hezbollah ceasefire, WHO chief warns of ‘huge’ health needs in Lebanon
Business • 5:14 PM
5 min
Some Lebanese hospitals could be operational within weeks, officials said, but others will take months to repair.
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L'Australie adopte la loi interdisant les réseaux sociaux aux moins de 16 ans, une première mondiale
Business • 4:37 PM
5 min
La proposition de loi a été adoptée à une large majorité par les législateurs des deux chambres du parlement australien.
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Commissione europea: regolamentare l'impatto ambientale dell'Intelligenza artificiale
Business • 4:02 PM
2 min
L'esecutivo dell'Ue sta esaminando l'energia utilizzata dai grandi modelli linguistici e dagli organismi standard per calcolare un parametro di riferimento tramite il quale dare delle direttive per un impatto sostenibile dell'IA
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Auditors admonish ‘loopholes’ in EU’s €100bn corporate tax avoidance fight
Business • 4:01 PM
4 min
Brussels recently scored a win when judges ruled Apple should reimburse €13bn in underpaid taxes – but a high-profile tax havens blacklist is undermined by weak sanctions, and warnings of cross-border schemes often go unheeded, auditors said.
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Non, Christine Lagarde ne veut pas supprimer l'argent liquide pour lutter contre le changement climatique
Business • 4:01 PM
7 min
Une vidéo diffusée sur les médias sociaux montrerait Christine Lagarde, présidente de la Banque centrale européenne, appelant à la suppression de l'argent liquide afin de réduire notre empreinte carbone.
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La Commission européenne souhaite réglementer l'impact environnemental de l'IA
Business • 3:56 PM
2 min
L'exécutif européen demande aux grands modèles de langage (Chat GPT) et aux organismes de normalisation de mesurer la quantité d'énergie qu'ils produisent.
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EU Commission aims to regulate environmental impact of AI through delegated act
Business • 3:33 PM
2 min
The EU executive is looking at the energy used by large language models and standard bodies to calculate a benchmark.
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Number of Europeans diagnosed with HIV rose in 2023 with new cases in most countries
Business • 3:30 PM
4 min
The increase in diagnoses in 2023 is likely due in part to an increase in testing, but health authorities said more work is needed to contain HIV.
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Which countries in Europe are heading toward becoming cashless societies?
Business • 3:26 PM
6 min
The Nordic countries are leading the way for adopting a future without cash transactions, while Armenia, Georgia, and Germany fall behind, according to a recent analysis.
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Australia passes world-first ban on social media for under 16s into law
Business • 2:06 PM
3 min
The proposed bill has now been passed by lawmakers in both chambers of the Australian parliament.
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L'Italia sostiene la richiesta del settore automobilistico: ritardare limiti più duri alle emissioni
Business • 1:33 PM
5 min
L'Italia e la Polonia sono tra i sette Stati membri dell'Ue che si sono allineati all'industria automobilistica e alla sua richiesta di ritardare l'introduzione di standard più severi sulle emissioni di CO2
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Australia approva prima legge al mondo su divieto di utilizzo dei social media per minori di 16 anni
Business • 1:11 PM
1 min
La proposta di legge per vietare l'uso dei social media ai minori di sedici anni è stata approvata dai deputati di entrambe le camere del parlamento australiano
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Italy leads seven countries backing auto sector call to delay tougher emissions limits
Business • 11:49 AM
4 min
Italy and Poland are among seven EU member states that have aligned with the car industry and its call for a delay to stricter CO2 emissions standards.
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UK scientists say repurposed drug could be a ‘game-changer’ to ease asthma, COPD attacks
Business • 11:33 AM
4 min
The study authors said the results could lead to an update in how the lung conditions are managed.
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France : les marchés proches de leur plus bas niveau depuis quatre mois en raison de la crise gouvernementale
Business • 10:33 AM
5 min
Les marchés français ont sous-performé par rapport à leurs homologues mondiaux cette année - fait rare, en cause : des troubles politiques. Le risque d'effondrement du gouvernement devrait aggraver les difficultés de l'économie de la zone euro et, par con
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UK to launch consultation on EV transition after factory closures
Business • 9:57 AM
4 min
The country’s business secretary announced the move after Stellantis, which owns Vauxhall, announced plans to close a UK van factory.
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I mercati francesi sfiorano i minimi a causa della crisi di governo
Business • 9:55 AM
3 min
Quest'anno i mercati francesi hanno registrato una rara sottoperformance rispetto ai loro omologhi globali a causa delle turbolenze politiche. Il rischio di un crollo del governo è destinato ad aggiungere ulteriori sfide all'economia dell'eurozona e quind
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Bird flu: Why ‘unusual changes’ in a human case in Canada are raising concerns
Business • 9:16 AM
8 min
With 55 human cases in the US and avian influenza impacting bird populations across the globe, here’s a look at why scientists are closely paying attention to any evolution of this virus.
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Salute: ecco i Paesi europei dove si fuma di più e di meno dentro casa
Business • 8:17 AM
3 min
Una nuova indagine ha stimato la percentuale dei Paesi europei dove ai cittadini è stato chiesto se fumano sigarette dentro casa. Ecco i risultati
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Cutting-edge new charger the size of a suitcase could help curb emissions from trucks in Europe
Business • 8:10 AM
4 min
The onboard chargers are currently being used in eight electric trucks in Denmark to decarbonise supply chains.
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French markets near a four-month low amid government crisis
Business • 8:06 AM
4 min
French markets are a rare underperformer, compared to their global peers this year amid its political turmoil. The risk of a government collapse is set to add more challenges to the eurozone’s economy, hence, pressuring the euro.
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Francia: Carrefour chiede scusa al Brasile dopo l'embargo sulla carne sudamericana
Business • 7:44 AM
4 min
L'amministratore delegato di Carrefour SA Alexandre Bompard ha dichiarato che si scuserà pubblicamente con il governo brasiliano per risolvere la controversia scatenata dal supermercato dopo aver dichiarato che non avrebbe fornito carne bovina sudamerican
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Ricerca - quasi 2 lavoratori europei su 5 sono a rischio di cattiva salute mentale
Business • 7:24 AM
4 min
Una nuova indagine ha rilevato che il genere, l'età e lo status socioeconomico sono fattori che contribuiscono a un maggiore rischio di deterioramento in termini di salute mentale
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Une île sacrée de la côte écossaise va bénéficier de l'un des accès Internet à haut débit les plus rapides d'Europe
Business • 7:09 AM
4 min
L'île sacrée d'Iona, qui ne compte que 170 habitants, bénéficie de l'une des connexions à large bande les plus rapides du continent.
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No, Christine Lagarde doesn't want to scrap cash to fight climate change
Business • 6:45 AM
6 min
A video is being shared on social media which allegedly shows Christine Lagarde, president of the European Central Bank, calling for the abolition of cash in order to reduce our carbon footprint.
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Voici les meilleurs et les pires pays européens pour les maisons sans fumée
Business • 6:27 AM
4 min
Une nouvelle étude a permis d'évaluer le pourcentage de foyers sans fumée en Europe.
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Gifting olive oil over wine? Waitrose outlines yearly sales trends
Business • 12:51 AM
4 min
The UK supermarket says the "cost of living still counts", but its shoppers are showing "a return to indulgence". Premium olive oil is one product attracting attention.
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Luxury carmaker in trouble: Aston Martin issues new debt and profit warning
Business • 12:45 AM
2 min
Aston Martin is raising millions to invest in electrification, as well as in other areas, while its core profit is expected to fall short of 2023 levels.
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Wednesday, november 27, 2024
Découvrez Daisy, le chatbot "mamie" qui fait perdre du temps aux fraudeurs au téléphone
Business • 9:08 PM
2 min
Une société de télécommunications britannique a lancé une "mamie" IA qui fera perdre du temps aux escrocs en radotant au téléphone le plus longtemps possible.
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Ecco la "nonnina" Daisy, la chatbot IA che fa perdere tempo ai truffatori telefonici
Business • 8:09 PM
2 min
Una società di telecomunicazioni britannica ha lanciato una "nonnina" IA che farà perdere tempo ai truffatori blaterando al telefono il più a lungo possibile.
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Meet Daisy, the AI 'granny' chatbot that wastes the time of phone scammers
Business • 5:02 PM
2 min
A British telecommunications company launched an AI "granny" that will waste scammers' time by rambling on the phone for as long as possible.
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Nuclear fusion energy: Inside the record-breaking JET project | Euronews Tech Talks podcast
Business • 4:18 PM
8 min
What makes fusion energy so challenging, and why is there so much hype around it? Euronews Tech Talks explored these questions through the JET project.
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Nord Stream 2 pipeline access gripe rejected by EU court
Business • 4:06 PM
1 min
Complaint over unbundling requirement was lodged before Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine and the subsequent sabotage of the pipeline.
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Protection des mineurs : l'interdiction des réseaux sociaux aux moins de 16 ans en bonne voie en Australie
Business • 2:56 PM
2 min
Cette mesure a franchi un nouveau cap, avec son adoption par la Chambre basse. Le Sénat doit encore se prononcer.
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Stellantis annuncia chiusura stabilimento di Luton, produzione veicoli Vauxhall spostata in Cheshire
Business • 2:39 PM
2 min
Il colosso automobilistico italo-francese ha annunciato la pianificazione di ulteriori investimenti per potenziare lo stabilimento britannico di Ellesmere Port, che diventerà l'impianto di produzione di veicoli elettrici del Regno Unito
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Banco Bpm, l'acquisizione da parte di Unicredit causerebbe "seimila esuberi"
Business • 2:16 PM
3 min
Il piccolo istituto di credito italiano aveva in precedenza espresso "serie preoccupazioni" circa gli impatti di una potenziale fusione
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Keep calm and carry on: Sweden reissues WWII booklet to prepare citizens for war in the digital age
Business • 2:14 PM
6 min
Sweden has revived a wartime-era pamphlet and made it fit for the digital age to prepare its citizens for future crises.
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HSBC €31,7 million trader 'chat room' cartel fine upheld by EU court
Business • 2:10 PM
2 min
The European judges dismissed HSBC’s procedural challenge against the cartel fine imposed by the European Commission in 2021.
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