Chinese lithium must not become ‘the new Russian gas’, says EU industry chief
Business • 5:14 PM
5 min
The EU has drawn up a priority list of 47 projects for the mining and processing of critical raw materials, which local authorities will be required to fast-track through the permitting process in as little as 15 months or less.
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24 dangerous pathogen groups are posing serious health risks, UK experts warn
Business • 4:58 PM
3 min
A new report from UK experts says research should be prioritised, including for four of the pathogen families at high risk of causing a pandemic.
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Health ministers urge the European Commission to boost anti-tobacco action
Business • 4:35 PM
2 min
In a letter to Health Commissioner Oliver Várhelyi, health ministers from 12 countries urge the Commission to step up its fight against tobacco and novel nicotine products.
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Resellers mark up ‘Dubai chocolate’ as TikTok feeds sweet treat craze
Business • 2:33 PM
3 min
The chocolate bar has already been recreated by Swiss chocolate maker Lindt, as well as several other smaller shops and supermarkets across the world.
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Shell increases shareholder returns and doubles down on LNG
Business • 11:42 AM
4 min
Shell recently revamped its focus on oil and gas output, a move which has been greatly welcomed by shareholders, due to the current higher returns potential.
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UNAIDS chief urges Donald Trump to make an 'amazing deal' to end HIV
Business • 10:27 AM
4 min
The UNAIDS director also warned that US funding cuts could be dire for global efforts to curb HIV.
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German business morale surges to 7-month highs on recovery hopes
Business • 10:23 AM
4 min
Confidence among German businesses improved in March, supported by a rebound in manufacturing and optimism over major government spending plans.
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EU Commissioner touts April launch of AI plan to boost deployment by businesses
Business • 12:02 AM
3 min
The EU Tech Commissioner already hinted at the plan before she took office late last year.
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Non, la Suisse n'a pas interdit les mammographies
Business • 4:01 PM
10 min
Des messages circulant sur les réseaux sociaux depuis des mois affirment à tort que la Suisse a interdit les dépistages du cancer du sein et que ces procédures augmentent le risque de développer la maladie.
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Usa: l'azienda di test genetici 23andMe avvia procedimento per bancarotta, in calo gli ordini
Business • 2:52 PM
4 min
L'azienda ha annunciato la decisione domenica in seguito alle preoccupazioni sulla sicurezza dei dati genetici di milioni di clienti
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MetaAI déployé en Europe, la Commission doit encore évaluer sa conformité au DSA
Business • 2:31 PM
2 min
MetaAI sera lancée cette semaine dans toute l'Europe, quelques mois après un report exigé par les régulateurs irlandais pour des craintes quant à l'utilisation de données personnelles d'utilisateurs par Meta.
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Roundup et cancer : Bayer condamné à payer 1,9 milliard d'euros par un tribunal américain
Business • 2:17 PM
4 min
Le groupe pharmaceutique Bayer a repris le désherbant Roundup lors de l'acquisition de la société agrochimique américaine Monsanto en 2018. Cependant, elle a depuis été frappée par des milliers de cas de cancer liés au Roundup.
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Bayer ordered to pay €1.9 billion by US court in Roundup cancer case
Business • 1:28 PM
3 min
Pharmaceutical company Bayer took over weed killer Roundup in its acquisition of US agrochemical company Monsanto back in 2018. However, it has since been hit with thousands of cancer-related Roundup cases.
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American genetic testing firm 23andMe files for bankruptcy as orders fall
Business • 1:23 PM
4 min
The company announced the decision late on Sunday amid concerns about the security of millions of customers' genetic data.
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SAP has just become Europe's most valuable company, dethroning Novo Nordisk
Business • 1:07 PM
2 min
The German software company's share price gained 40% in the past year, while Danish drugmaker Novo Nordisk has gradually lost almost half of its own since last summer.
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AI: l'intelligenza artificiale di Meta non è ancora stata autorizzata dalla Commissione europea
Business • 11:18 AM
3 min
MetaAI sarà lanciata in tutta Europa, mesi dopo che l'azienda ha affrontato le perplessità delle autorità di regolamentazione per l'uso di dati personali per addestrare i suoi modelli di intelligenza artificiale
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Meta's AI tool still not cleared for use by EU Commission
Business • 10:24 AM
4 min
MetaAI will be launched across Europe, months after the company faced regulators’ questions for the use of personal data to train its AI models.
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Giornata mondiale della tubercolosi: allarme in Europa, +10% di casi tra bambini
Business • 9:14 AM
4 min
Il rapporto 2025 di Ecdc segnala che nel 2023 "i bambini di età inferiore ai 15 anni rappresentavano il 4,3% delle persone con tubercolosi nuova e recidivante nella regione europea dell'Oms"
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Fact-checking: la Svizzera non ha vietato le mammografie
Business • 9:02 AM
7 min
I post sui social media che circolano da mesi sostengono falsamente non solo che la Svizzera ha vietato gli screening del cancro al seno per motivi di sicurezza, in quanto la procedura aumenterebbe il rischio di sviluppare la malattia
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Tuberculosis cases are up among kids in Europe and Central Asia, health authorities warn
Business • 8:01 AM
5 min
The report comes amid cuts to global aid, which health officials say could lead to a resurgence of TB.
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No, Switzerland hasn't banned mammograms
Business • 7:45 AM
8 min
Social media posts that have circulated for months falsely claim not only that Switzerland has banned breast cancer screenings, but that the procedures increase the risk of developing the disease.
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Sunday, march 23, 2025
Apple loses $1bn a year on streaming: Why don't its shows work?
Business • 11:11 AM
8 min
Despite huge investment and award-winning shows, Apple TV+ is still struggling to make a mark and reportedly losing up to a billion euros a year.
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Common herbs like rosemary may have inspired a breakthrough Alzheimer’s treatment
Business • 9:00 AM
3 min
The mice tested with the drug showed cognitive improvement and less harmful protein build-ups in the brain.
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Saturday, march 22, 2025
Lavoro: si va verso un futuro ibrido in Europa, lo smart working è superato secondo gli esperti
Business • 10:03 PM
9 min
Gli esperti ritengono che il picco iniziale di lavoro a distanza durante la pandemia sia in gran parte superato e che il futuro preveda un lavoro ibrido
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Five years on, did the COVID pandemic have a lasting effect on how we work in Europe?
Business • 9:01 AM
10 min
Experts believe that an initial spike in remote work during the pandemic is mostly over and that the future will involve hybrid work.
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Test di Google: il valore delle notizie per il business pubblicitario è "ampiamente sovrastimato"
Business • 5:01 AM
2 min
Sono arrivati i risultati di un test condotto in otto Paesi europei. "Sovrastimato ampiamente il valore dei contenuti giornalistici per la pubblicità" dice Google
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Friday, march 21, 2025
From surveillance to automation: How AI tech is being used at European borders
Business • 3:50 PM
6 min
Experts told Euronews Next about the impacts of AI systems at the border, saying it deserves more attention from EU lawmakers.
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DP World selects Mota-Engil to build DRC’s first deep-water port
Business • 3:31 PM
2 min
DP World has appointed Portugese construction firm Mota-Engil to lead the development of the Banana Port, the Democratic Republic of Congo’s (DRC) first deep-water maritime gateway.
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European Commission targets in-game currency in children's video games
Business • 3:06 PM
3 min
The Commission is probing alleged unfair practices in the horse-riding game Star Stable Online, targeting in-game purchases aimed at children. The upcoming Digital Fairness Act may include stricter rules on virtual currency transparency and fairness.
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Google says value of news to ad business ‘vastly overestimated’ after EU test
Business • 2:31 PM
2 min
The results are in for a test Google carried out in eight European countries.
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European airlines see shares flying low as Heathrow chaos continues
Business • 2:16 PM
3 min
The major European carriers saw their share prices decline after the region’s busiest airport had to temporarily close on Friday.
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Something in the water: Pee from 130 European cities reveals hike in recreational drug use
Business • 10:22 AM
4 min
Illicit drugs found in wastewater from cities across Europe indicate a rise in stimulant consumption across the bloc, according to a new study.
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Tesla faces fresh blow as regulators recall nearly all Cybertrucks
Business • 10:22 AM
4 min
It's the eighth recall of the vehicle.
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Scandalo corruzione a Bruxelles: la lobby tecnologica prende le distanze da Huawei
Business • 7:46 AM
2 min
L'influente gruppo industriale del settore tecnologico DIGITALEUROPE ha sospeso il membro cinese Huawei in seguito all'indagine dei pubblici ministeri belgi su sospetti di corruzione al parlamento europeo
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Brussels tech lobby distances from Huawei following probe into alleged Parliament corruption
Business • 5:31 AM
2 min
Influential tech industry group DIGITALEUROPE suspended Chinese member Huawei in the wake of a probe by Belgian prosecutors into suspected bribery at the European Parliament.
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Amazon pensa di ricorrere in appello contro la multa record per la privacy
Business • 5:01 AM
2 min
L'azienda ha 40 giorni di tempo per decidere se intraprendere ulteriori azioni legali
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Una minaccia per l'autonomia: il parlamento olandese esorta il governo ad abbandonare i servizi cloud statunitensi
Business • 2:01 AM
2 min
Il parlamento olandese ha approvato diverse mozioni per creare un cloud nazionale e ridurre la dipendenza dalla tecnologia cloud statunitense
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L'analisi delle acque reflue rivela il consumo di droghe stimolanti in Europa
Business • 12:38 AM
4 min
Secondo un nuovo studio, le droghe illecite trovate nelle acque reflue di 130 città europee indicano un aumento del consumo di stimolanti in tutto il blocco. Ecco i dati più recenti
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Thursday, march 20, 2025
Lotta alla tubercolosi "a rischio" a causa dei tagli agli aiuti internazionali, denuncia l'Oms
Business • 9:31 PM
3 min
Molti Paesi sono a corto di farmaci e di personale specializzato contro la tubercolosi, una malattia infettiva che uccide ancora oltre un milione di persone ogni anno nel mondo. Tra i motivi addotti dall'Oms il taglio dei fondi internazionali, come quello
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Guerre commerciale : l'UE remet à plus tard ses tarifs douaniers sur les spiritueux américains
Business • 7:13 PM
4 min
L'entrée en vigueur d'une liste de contre-mesures contre les droits de douane américains a été reportée afin de laisser le temps aux États membres de l'UE de mener des discussions entre eux. La Commission attend la prochaine action de Washington avant de
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OpenAi, denuncia per violazione della privacy dopo l'allucinazione di ChatGpt
Business • 6:39 PM
3 min
Il reclamo è stato presentato all'Autorità norvegese per la protezione dei dati, sostenendo che OpenAI viola le norme europee del Regolamento generale sulla protezione dei dati (Gdpr)
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Amazon considers appeal after court sides with regulator on record privacy fine
Business • 6:06 PM
1 min
The company has 40 days to decide whether it will take further legal action.
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Products containing dangerous chemicals could get EU green label
Business • 6:04 PM
2 min
As the EU pursues its war on red tape, proposed changes to sustainability rules could see harmful chemicals permitted on the bloc’s green investment list, allowing producers to take advantage of policy support and growing demand for environmentally friend
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UK elite law firm fined over €500,000 for Russian sanctions breaches
Business • 5:26 PM
3 min
The firm voluntarily reported the breaches to the OFSI, although the UK's Treasury body said it must remain "steadfast" in its commitment to sanctions.
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OpenAI faces European privacy complaint after ChatGPT allegedly hallucinated man murdered his sons
Business • 5:23 PM
5 min
The complaint has been filed to the Norwegian Data Protection Authority, alleging that OpenAI violates Europe’s GDPR rules.
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L'Unione europea rinvia i dazi sui prodotti dagli Stati Uniti: nel mirino anche gli alcolici
Business • 4:55 PM
3 min
L'entrata in vigore di un elenco di contromisure contro le tariffe commerciali statunitensi è stata rinviata per dare tempo ai colloqui tra gli Stati membri dell'Ue. La Commissione europea attende la prossima mossa di Washington prima di rivedere la sua r
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BusinessEurope: Why Europe’s economy is on a make-or-break knife-edge
Business • 4:38 PM
3 min
Boosting competitiveness in the face of weak growth and tariff threats is now a matter of urgency, says business chief.
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Tariffs: EU holds fire on US spirits in tit-for-tat trade war
Business • 4:14 PM
3 min
The entry into force of a list of countermeasures against US trade tariffs, including American spirits, has been postponed to allow time for talks among EU member states, with the European Commission awaiting Washington’s next move before revising its ove
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Global aid cuts are ‘crippling’ the fight against the world’s deadliest infectious disease, WHO says
Business • 4:11 PM
4 min
Nine countries are struggling to access TB drugs, which could impact people’s treatment.
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A new perspective: How Earth observation helps tackle global challenges | Euronews Tech Talks
Business • 3:23 PM
8 min
What is Earth observation? What challenges can it help us to address? Euronews Tech Talks spoke with Jean-Christophe Gros, an EU programme coordinator at ESA.
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Les leçons que l'Europe peut tirer de l'Ukraine en matière de technologie de défense
Business • 2:19 PM
7 min
Les dépenses de défense devraient dominer le sommet de l'Union européenne qui se tient cette semaine à Bruxelles. Mais comme l'Ukraine l'a appris en trois ans de guerre, la rapidité est la clé de tout investissement dans les technologies de défense.
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‘A threat to autonomy’: Dutch parliament urges government to move away from US cloud services
Business • 2:01 PM
3 min
The Dutch parliament approved several motions to build a national cloud and reduce its dependence on US cloud technology.
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Experimental drug may slow dementia onset for patients with rare genetic form of Alzheimer’s
Business • 1:56 PM
4 min
The drug targets amyloid plaques that build up in the brain years before symptoms appear.
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Scientists develop record cold refrigerator that could unlock full potential of quantum computers
Business • 11:23 AM
6 min
Its developers say the refrigerator can help pave the way for more reliable quantum computation.
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L'outil d'intelligence artificielle de Meta bientôt disponible en Europe
Business • 10:34 AM
3 min
Le déploiement européen de Meta IA avait été interrompu l' été dernier en raison de "l'imprévisibilité de la réglementation".
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When it comes to defence tech, Europe could learn lessons on speed from Ukraine
Business • 9:41 AM
7 min
Defence spending is set to dominate this week’s EU Summit in Brussels. But as Ukraine is learning, speed is key to any investment in defence tech.
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Meta ci riprova con gli strumenti di intelligenza artificiale nell'Ue
Business • 8:10 AM
2 min
L'anno scorso l'autorità irlandese per la protezione dei dati aveva bloccato il lancio del chatbot alimentato dall'AI di Meta dopo che l'azienda voleva utilizzare i dati dei suoi utenti di Facebook e Instagram nell'Ue per addestrare il software
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Meta rolls out AI tools in EU, despite previous regulatory problems
Business • 6:39 AM
4 min
The Irish data protection authority last year stopped the roll-out after the company wanted to user EU data for training purposes.
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Wednesday, march 19, 2025
L'Ue vuole ridurre le importazioni di acciaio del 15 per cento
Business • 6:28 PM
2 min
La Commissione europea ha presentato mercoledì un piano d'azione per l'industria siderurgica e metallurgica. In un settore caratterizzato da una forte concorrenza internazionale, l'esecutivo europeo prevede di ridurre le quote di importazione del 15 per c
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L'UE prévoit de réduire les importations d'acier de 15 %
Business • 6:11 PM
2 min
La Commission européenne a présenté mercredi un plan d'action sur l'acier et les métaux. Dans un secteur marqué par une forte concurrence internationale, l'exécutif européen prévoit de durcir les quotas d'importation avec un objectif de réduction de 15 %.
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Popular ADHD TikTok videos often do not accurately reflect symptoms, experts say
Business • 6:01 PM
5 min
Both mental health experts and young people were asked to rate 100 of the most popular TikTok videos on ADHD for a new study. Here’s what it found.
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La Commissione Ue avverte Alphabet e Apple: "State violando le regole digitali europee"
Business • 5:38 PM
3 min
La Commissione ha resistito alle pressioni dell'amministrazione Trump finalizzate a tutelare i giganti tecnologici statunitensi
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EU Commission unveils plan to channel €10 trillion of citizens' savings into strategic investments
Business • 5:32 PM
4 min
The European Commission wants to boost Europe's economy by redirecting the savings of citizens across the EU towards investment to stay competitive on the global stage.
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EU plans to reduce steel imports by 15%
Business • 5:28 PM
2 min
The European Commission presented on Wednesday an action plan for the steel and metals industries. In a sector marked by strong international competition, the European executive plans to tighten import quotas with an objective of 15% reduction.
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La Commission européenne avertit Alphabet et Apple qu'ils enfreignent les règles européennes en matière de concurrence
Business • 4:09 PM
6 min
La Commission a résisté aux pressions de l'administration Trump pour protéger les géants américains de la technologie en constatant que les propriétaires de Google et de l'iPhone enfreignent la loi sur le marché numérique.
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EU Commission warns Alphabet and Apple they're breaking Europe's digital rulebook
Business • 3:26 PM
2 min
The Commission has resisted pressure from the Trump administration to shield US tech giants in finding the Google and iPhone owners are breaching the Digital Market Act.
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‘Computers of the future,’ Disney robots and AI factories: The key takeaways from Nvidia’s GTC 2025
Business • 2:09 PM
7 min
Missed Nvidia’s GTC 2025? Euronews Next breaks down the main announcements from the company’s annual conference.
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Ricerca: una persona su tre in tutto il mondo esposta all'inquinamento atmosferico domestico
Business • 1:40 PM
3 min
Secondo i ricercatori, i risultati sottolineano l'importanza di aiutare le "comunità con scarse risorse" a passare a fonti energetiche più pulite
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5G, eurodeputati chiedono misure di sicurezza vincolanti per la rete dopo lo scandalo Huawei
Business • 11:39 AM
2 min
La richiesta è arrivata in una lettera di 35 legislatori europei alla commissaria Henna Virkkunen, La richiesta è di misure vincolanti anziché volontarie. La commissaria aveva già esortato gli Stati membri ad accelerare l'implementazione del 5G security t
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Paesi Bassi, autorità avvertono dopo la morte di un uomo: antidolorifici falsi in vendita online
Business • 11:18 AM
2 min
Le autorità hanno dichiarato che l'ossicodone contraffatto che circola nei Paesi Bassi comporta gravi rischi per la salute
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Lawmakers call for binding 5G security measures in wake of Huawei scandal
Business • 10:58 AM
3 min
EU Commissioner Henna Virkkunen has previously said she wants member states to speed up the 5G security toolbox implementation.
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Fake painkillers are circulating in the Netherlands, authorities warn after man dies
Business • 10:38 AM
3 min
Counterfeit oxycodone circulating in the Netherlands poses serious health risks, authorities said.
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One in three people worldwide are breathing in household air pollution, researchers warn
Business • 6:00 AM
3 min
About one in three people worldwide were exposed to household air pollution in a single year, according to new estimates.
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Des eurodéputés exigent des restrictions contre Huawei sur le réseau 5G après les accusations de corruption
Business • 12:04 AM
4 min
Le géant chinois des télécommunications est soupçonné d'avoir versé des pots-de-vin à des membres actuels ou anciens du Parlement européen afin d'influencer la législation de l'UE en sa faveur.
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Tuesday, march 18, 2025
Allemagne : le Bundestag donne son feu vert au "bazooka" de Merz pour la défense
Business • 3:45 PM
6 min
Friedrich Merz avait besoin du soutien de la majorité des deux tiers du Parlement pour mettre en œuvre son plan visant à débloquer des milliards d'euros pour les dépenses de défense et d'infrastructure.
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Germania, addio alle politiche di austerity: sì all'aumento delle spese per la difesa
Business • 3:38 PM
4 min
Per diventare legge, il provvedimento ha ancora bisogno di una maggioranza di due terzi nel Bundesrat, la camera bassa tedesca che rappresenta gli Stati del Paese
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Grippe aviaire : Les experts de l'ONU s'alarment des risques croissants pour l'approvisionnement alimentaire
Business • 3:37 PM
3 min
La grippe aviaire se propage depuis des années parmi les oiseaux sauvages, mais sa propagation aux mammifères et aux humains inquiète les experts.
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Germany's parliament passes historic package boosting defence spending
Business • 3:17 PM
4 min
Friedrich Merz needed the support of two-thirds majority in parliament for his plan to unlock billions for defence and infrastructure spending.
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EU Commission to decide whether to scrap AI liability rules by August
Business • 2:56 PM
4 min
The European Parliament remains divided about whether to keep the liability rules for AI systems.
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Cina, Byd annuncia nuova tecnologia per ricaricare i veicoli elettrici in cinque minuti
Business • 2:27 PM
3 min
Byd afferma che la sua tecnologia "Super e-Platform" sarà in grado di raggiungere velocità di ricarica di picco di mille kilowatt
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Stati Uniti, si salvi chi può dall'intelligenza artificiale: saltano anche gli infermieri
Business • 1:54 PM
8 min
In alcuni casi, gli assistenti di intelligenza artificiale (AI) vengono utilizzati per automatizzare i compiti del personale infermieristico
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Bird flu: UN experts raise alarm over growing risks to food supply
Business • 10:24 AM
4 min
Avian influenza has been spreading among wild birds for years, but spillover into mammals and people has experts worried.
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Carmaker BYD says its new technology can fully charge EVs in as little as five minutes
Business • 10:09 AM
4 min
The Chinese automaker says its "Super e-Platform" technology will be capable of peak charging speeds of 1,000 kilowatts.
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As AI reshapes patient care, human nurses are pushing back against its creeping influence
Business • 8:25 AM
8 min
In some cases, artificial intelligence (AI) assistants are being used to automate nurses' tasks.
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5 years on from the pandemic, 1 in 10 people aren’t sure if they have long COVID
Business • 8:20 AM
5 min
Five years after the COVID-19 pandemic began, here’s a look at how many people are still grappling with the medical consequences of the virus.
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Le PDG de Telegram, Pavel Durov, est à Dubaï avec l'autorisation de la justice française
Business • 5:00 AM
3 min
Le contrôle judiciaire de Pavel Durov a été suspendu jusqu'au 17 avril. La justice française reproche à Telegram de ne pas avoir agi contre les contenus criminels sur sa messagerie.
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La rara sindrome che impedisce alle persone di ruttare: la disfunzione cricofaringea retrograda
Business • 3:32 AM
11 min
Gli utenti dei social media e i medici specialisti hanno sensibilizzato l'opinione pubblica su una rara condizione che impedisce alle persone di ruttare, ma le opzioni per il trattamento rimangono limitate e costose
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L'influenza aviaria si diffonde, a rischio l'approvvigionamento alimentare
Business • 12:46 AM
3 min
L'influenza aviaria si sta diffondendo da anni tra gli uccelli selvatici, ma il passaggio del virus ai mammiferi e all'uomo preoccupa gli esperti
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Monday, march 17, 2025
Online platforms fail to assess risks in annual reports, study says
Business • 3:30 PM
2 min
Reports required under the Digital Services Act must be sent to the European Commission every year.
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Sotto inchiesta ma libero di muoversi, l'ad di Telegram Durov torna a Dubai
Business • 2:49 PM
3 min
Pavel Durov, il fondatore di origine russa dell'app di messaggistica Telegram, è stato autorizzato a lasciare temporaneamente la Francia nonostante l'indagine in corso
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Telegram's CEO Durov returns to Dubai amid French probe into alleged criminal activity
Business • 1:05 PM
3 min
Pavel Durov, the Russian-born founder of the messaging app Telegram, has been temporarily allowed to leave France despite being under investigation.
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'Embarrassing, painful and socially debilitating': The rare condition that stops people from burping
Business • 10:09 AM
12 min
Social media users and medical specialists have been raising awareness of a rare condition that stops people from burping, but treatment options remain limited and costly.
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La settimana dei mercati: le banche centrali daranno una spinta positiva agli investitori?
Business • 9:23 AM
6 min
Questa settimana le principali banche centrali decideranno sui tassi di interesse, fornendo indicazioni sulla traiettoria del mercato. Gli investitori si concentreranno in particolare sulle prospettive politiche della Fed, che potrebbe intervenire per ris
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Les banques centrales donneront-elles une impulsion positive aux investisseurs ?
Business • 8:40 AM
6 min
Les principales banques centrales devraient décider des taux d'intérêt cette semaine, donnant ainsi des indications sur la trajectoire du marché. Les investisseurs se concentreront sur les perspectives de la politique de la Réserve fédérale, qui pourrait
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De combien de temps de sommeil avons-nous réellement besoin ? Voici ce qu'en disent les experts
Business • 5:46 AM
7 min
Les huit heures de sommeil tant vantées suffisent-elles pour éviter les problèmes de santé ? Des experts expliquent pourquoi il est important de se réveiller en pleine forme.
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Markets week ahead: Will central banks offer investors a positive push?
Business • 5:15 AM
4 min
Major central banks are set to decide on interest rates this week, providing guidance on market trajectory. Investors will particularly focus on the Federal Reserve’s policy outlook, as the bank may step in and buoy a wobbly Wall Street after it fell into
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Di quante ore di sonno abbiamo davvero bisogno? Ecco cosa dicono gli esperti
Business • 1:52 AM
5 min
Le tanto decantate otto ore di sonno sono sufficienti per evitare problemi di salute? Gli esperti spiegano perché è importante svegliarsi riposati
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Sunday, march 16, 2025
Un background socioeconomico povero potrebbe accelerare l'invecchiamento biologico
Business • 11:36 AM
3 min
In alcune condizioni, i soggetti più svantaggiati avevano un rischio doppio di sviluppare alcune malattie associate all'età rispetto al gruppo più privilegiato
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Le fait d'être issu d'un milieu socio-économique défavorisé pourrait accélérer le vieillissement biologique (étude)
Business • 10:26 AM
4 min
Pour certaines pathologies, les personnes les plus défavorisées avaient un risque deux fois plus élevé de développer des maladies liées à l'âge.
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How much sleep do we really need? Here's what the experts say
Business • 10:05 AM
6 min
Is the much vaunted eight hours of sleep enough to avoid health issues? Experts discuss why its important to wake up feeling refreshed.
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