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Quali sono i lavori più stressanti in Europa?
Business • 11:26 AM
8 min
Alcuni lavori sono più stressanti di altri. L'osservatorio di Euronews Business ha osservato la situazione in Europa per capire quali sono i Paesi con i dipendenti più stressati. Nel Regno Unito una persona su 50 dichiara che il lavoro ha avuto un impatto
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Cars, public transport, cycling: This is how people in Europe prefer getting around, city by city
Business • 11:17 AM
8 min
We look closer at the most used transportation modes across 83 European cities where various factors contribute to the differences between the cities.
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La réponse européenne au canal de Suez est mise en chantier après 20 ans de retard
Business • 11:00 AM
4 min
La nouvelle route devrait dynamiser les échanges entre la France, la Belgique et les Pays-Bas.
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Partager le message viral "Goodbye Meta AI" ne protégera pas vos données. Voici ce qu'il faut faire à la place
Business • 8:04 AM
5 min
Un canular Instagram viral, partagé par des milliers de personnes, y compris des célébrités, prétend à tort que le repost empêchera Meta d'utiliser vos données personnelles pour l'entraînement de ses modèles d'IA.
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L'Ukraine va utiliser des avatars et des vidéos d'IA pour informer les citoyens sur l'aide sociale
Business • 7:39 AM
4 min
Les vidéos d'IA ne seront pas utilisées pour l'effort de guerre, mais pourraient aider les citoyens résidant dans les territoires temporairement occupés par la Russie.
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Comment bien vieillir ? Les habitants de ces pays de l'UE vivent le plus longtemps en bonne santé
Business • 7:21 AM
5 min
Malte arrive en tête en ce qui concerne le vieillissement en bonne santé, mais les meilleurs et les pires pays sont différents pour les hommes et les femmes.
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Babies born through assisted reproduction may have higher risk of heart defects
Business • 7:00 AM
3 min
Babies born after fertility treatment may have a slightly higher risk of heart defects, a study found.
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Ukraine’s government will use AI avatars and videos to help inform citizens about social care
Business • 3:07 PM
3 min
The AI videos will not be used for the war but could help citizens residing in territories temporarily occupied by Russia.
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Commission sees role for nuclear and carbon capture in production of low-carbon fuels
Business • 2:45 PM
4 min
Trains, automobiles and even planes could be run on nuclear power or even natural gas while being treated as ‘green’ under proposed EU rules
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Commission cautious on onshoring drug production to the EU
Business • 2:33 PM
3 min
Pandemic exposed EU states to worrying pharma supply shortages, leading to widespread calls for more home-manufactured pharma.
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Economic self-sabotage? Ireland’s Green Party and DAA weigh in on passenger cap
Business • 2:22 PM
4 min
The aviation industry cannot fully rely on technological solutions to tackle the climate crisis, Green councillor says amid dispute over passenger limits at Dublin airport.
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Protection des mots de passe : Meta condamné à une amende de 91 millions d'euros
Business • 11:54 AM
4 min
Le géant américain Meta a été condamné par la Commission irlandaise de protection des données pour ne pas avoir suffisamment protégé les mots de passe de ses utilisateurs.
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Meta hit with €91 million fine for lax password safety 
Business • 11:02 AM
2 min
Big tech company Meta is ordered to pay a €91m data protection fine for not having enough user password protection in place, the Irish data watchdog said.
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Canale Senna-Nord Europa, iniziano i lavori: la nuova via commerciale economica ed ecologica europea
Business • 10:47 AM
3 min
La risposta dell'Europa al Canale di Suez si apre con 20 anni di ritardo. La nuova rotta darà un impulso, economico ed ecologico, al commercio tra Francia, Belgio e Paesi Bassi
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Condividere il post virale "Goodbye Meta AI" non proteggerà i dati personali: come tutelarsi
Business • 10:02 AM
4 min
Un post virale su Instagram, condiviso da migliaia di persone, sostiene falsamente che la ricondivisione impedirà a Meta di utilizzare i dati personali per l'addestramento dell'Intelligenza artificiale. Il modo per sottrarsi davvero non è questo, ma esist
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Portugal minimum wage rises: How does it compare to EU counterparts?
Business • 8:57 AM
3 min
Plans to increase Portugal's minimum wage has been announced - but the higher salary is still far below some of its European Union counterparts.
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Scientists discover link between bacteria in the mouth and head and neck cancers
Business • 8:27 AM
4 min
Poor oral health could lead to certain types of cancer, according to a new study.
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Cyber certificate debate to land on plate of incoming Tech Commissioner 
Business • 7:38 AM
4 min
New EU Tech Commissioner Henna Virkkunen will have to improve the adoption processes of certification schemes, her mission letter says.
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Europe’s answer to the Suez Canal breaks ground after 20-year delay
Business • 5:15 AM
3 min
New route will turbo-charge trade between France, Belgium and the Netherlands.
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Meta hit with privacy fine from European Union over password lapse
Business • 12:45 AM
1 min
Meta has been hit with a $102 million privacy fine from the European Union over a 2019 password security lapse.
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Thursday, september 26, 2024

New Swedish law enables government funding for babysitting grandparents
Business • 7:13 PM
6 min
Parents in Sweden can now transfer paid parental leave days to people who are not a legal guardian, including grandparents and friends.
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En Suède, les grands-parents peuvent désormais bénéficier d'un congé parental
Business • 7:09 PM
4 min
Alors que le congé parental pour les pères existe depuis 50 ans en Suède, désormais les grands-parents pourront se substituer à leurs enfants pour garder leurs petits-enfants tout en étant rémunérés.
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Svezia, una marcia in più: congedo parentale retribuito a parenti o amici
Business • 6:24 PM
5 min
L'agenzia svedese per le assicurazioni sociali, Försäkringskassan, afferma che il nuovo sistema - che prevede il trasferimento dei giorni di congedo parentale anche a parenti e amici - dovrebbe garantire alle famiglie una maggiore flessibilità
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Tech and environmental sustainability projects emerge as winners in European Design Awards
Business • 4:48 PM
6 min
Winners at the 2024 Design Europa Awards included a modular turntable and electric yachts, reflecting a shift towards eco-friendly design. Categories honoured SMEs, larger companies, young talent, and lifetime achievement, with a focus on technological in
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Global leaders commit to curbing the threat of antibiotic-resistant superbugs by 2030
Business • 4:22 PM
5 min
The UN agreement calls for global cooperation to protect people from superbugs that can evade antibiotic drugs.
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Sharing the viral 'Goodbye Meta AI' post won't protect your data. Here's what to do instead
Business • 3:40 PM
3 min
A viral Instagram hoax, shared by thousands, including celebrities, falsely claims that reposting will prevent Meta from using personal data for AI training.
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EU disease prevention agency's new chief seeks better public engagement
Business • 2:50 PM
3 min
New chief Pamela Rendi-Wagner says European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) should do more to combat disinformation and appeal to wider audience.
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How to age well: People in these countries enjoy the longest years of healthy life in the EU
Business • 2:13 PM
4 min
Malta came out on top when it comes to healthy ageing, but the best and worst countries are different for men and women.
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Corte giustizia Ue: la catena di supermercati tedesca Aldi viola la legge, annunciava falsi sconti
Business • 1:46 PM
3 min
"Un supermercato non può fingere di offrire uno sconto se aumenta i prezzi prima di ridurli", è quanto stabilito dai giudici della Corte di giustizia Ue a proposito dei falsi sconti annunciati da Aldi in Germania
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Smarter AI glasses, Orion, and Judi Dench-sounding AI: The new Meta tech to look out for
Business • 1:37 PM
7 min
From the ‘most advanced glasses the world has ever seen’ to actors voicing its AI. Here’s what happened at the Meta event.
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Poor sleep in pregnancy may be linked to higher risk of developmental delays in kids, study finds
Business • 1:00 PM
8 min
A recent study by researchers in China found that insufficient sleep during pregnancy may be associated with neurodevelopmental delays in children, especially in boys.
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La ville de Wolfsburg craint un avenir sans Volkswagen
Business • 11:42 AM
7 min
Wolfsburg inquiète par des potentielles fermetures d'usines Volkswagen en Basse-Saxe. Le groupe automobile emploie près de la moitié de la ville.
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Commerzbank in larger payout pledge ahead of UniCredit talks
Business • 10:53 AM
3 min
The German lender is lifting profit targets and shareholder rewards as Italy's UniCredit contemplates a merger.
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OpenAI could switch to for-profit, giving Sam Altman a stake as more staff quit ChatGPT maker
Business • 10:19 AM
5 min
Chief technology officer Mira Murati is also the latest senior staffer to step down in a leadership shake-up
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Microsoft claims its new AI correction feature can fix hallucinations. Does it work?
Business • 9:39 AM
5 min
Microsoft claims it has a new capability that detects and corrects false or misleading statements from AI.
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Police probing cyberattack on wi-fi networks at UK train stations
Business • 9:38 AM
2 min
UK transport officials and police said on Thursday they are investigating a “cyber-security incident” that hit the public wi-fi networks at the country’s biggest railway stations.
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European girls are starting puberty much earlier than before. Here’s what we know about why
Business • 9:27 AM
9 min
Researchers have some promising leads but no definite answers as to why girls are entering early puberty more frequently than in the past.
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VW workers stage protest as managers and unions hold talks
Business • 9:24 AM
3 min
The talks on pay and conditions at Volkswagen come amid reports of job cuts and, for the first time in its history, potential plant closures in Germany.
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Le supermarché allemand Aldi reconnu coupable de "faux rabais" par l'UE
Business • 9:24 AM
3 min
Le supermarché ne peut pas prétendre offrir un rabais s'il augmente les prix artificiellement pour les réduire ensuite, ont estimé les juges de la Cour de justice de l'UE.
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German supermarket Aldi's fake discounts breach EU law, top European court says
Business • 9:01 AM
3 min
The supermarket can’t pretend it’s offering a discount if it raises prices just to cut them back, the judges ruled in a case brought by consumer activists from Baden-Württemberg.
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Italy pilots AI in schools looking to boost tech-based learning
Business • 8:36 AM
4 min
Under the pilot project set to begin this year, AI will be introduced in 15 schools across four regions.
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'Weekend warrior' exercise as beneficial as regular workouts in lowering risk of over 200 diseases
Business • 8:15 AM
4 min
Both regular exercise and intense weekend exercise were found to lower the risk of more than 200 diseases, including hypertension and diabetes.
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La nuova frontiera della guerra tra Mosca e Kiev: lo sviluppo dei droni ucraini Fpv
Business • 7:22 AM
17 min
L'intervista di Euronews con il team di Wild Hornets, l'organizzazione ucraina che si occupa di costruire e potenziare i nuovi droni Fpv che stanno cambiando le sorti dei fronti di guerra. Un contributo fondamentale arriva dall'Intelligenza artificiale
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Time for the Robotaxi? Future trend in focus ahead of Tesla investor update
Business • 6:02 AM
4 min
Tesla is expected to report a record number of deliveries for the third quarter next week, fuelled by strong sales growth in China. The upcoming Robotaxi event is likely to be a key focus, shaping the future trend of its stock.
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L'UE doit-elle réglementer les influenceurs de santé en plein essor ?
Business • 5:06 AM
6 min
Les contenus sur la santé étant en plein essor sur les médias sociaux, les experts et les législateurs envisagent de réglementer les influenceurs des médias sociaux, en donnant la priorité aux créateurs de contenus "crédibles".
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LGBTQ+ community may be more at risk of developing dementia or depression in later life
Business • 5:00 AM
3 min
LGBTQ+ people were 15 per cent more likely to develop negative brain health outcomes compared to their cisgender and straight counterparts, according to a new study.
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Wild Hornet attacks: How Ukraine's Drones are making their mark on the frontline
Business • 4:00 AM
18 min
Euronews spoke to two members of the Ukrainian organisation Wild Hornets about their aim to enhance Ukraine’s drone capabilities to combat Russia in the battlefield.
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Germania: lavoratori Volkswagen in protesta, scontro tra dirigenza e sindacati
Business • 12:50 AM
2 min
Volkswagen, che potrebbe chiudere tre fabbriche in Germania mettendo così a rischio migliaia di posti di lavoro, ha respinto le richieste del maggiore sindacato dei metalmeccanici, tra cui quella di un aumento del 7 per cento degli stipendi
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Wednesday, september 25, 2024

Google presenta un reclamo all'Ue per le pratiche di licenza cloud di Microsoft
Business • 4:31 PM
2 min
Google presenta una denuncia antitrust alla Commissione europea contro il suo concorrente nel mercato del cloud
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Google dépose une plainte auprès de l'UE concernant les pratiques de Microsoft en matière de cloud
Business • 4:26 PM
2 min
Google dépose une plainte antitrust auprès de la Commission européenne contre son concurrent sur le marché du cloud.
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AI, AR and VR: What to expect from the Meta Connect 2024 event
Business • 2:15 PM
3 min
From smart Ray-Ban glasses to a stripped-back version of the Quest 3 headset, here is what we could see from Meta.
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What's the best strategy to stay young based on astronaut research | Euronews Tech Talks
Business • 1:59 PM
6 min
Have you ever wondered what the most effective strategy is to stop accelerated ageing in astronauts and whether it could work on Earth? Tune into this episode of Euronews Tech Talks to find out.
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Should the EU regulate burgeoning health influencers?
Business • 10:45 AM
5 min
With health content booming on social media, experts and lawmakers are mulling regulation of social media influencers, prioritising ‘credible’ content creators.
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Suisse : plusieurs arrestations suite à un décès dans la "capsule suicide" Sarco
Business • 10:28 AM
6 min
Les autorités suisses s'interrogent sur la légalité de l'utilisation de l'appareil imprimé en 3D dans le but de faciliter l'aide à la mort.
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Takeover target Commerzbank gets new CEO as UniCredit circles
Business • 9:51 AM
3 min
Bettina Orlopp is to replace Manfred Knof 'in the near future'. The news comes days after Italian bank UniCredit revealed it had increased its stake in Commerzbank from around 9% to 21%, subject to regulatory approval.
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Les pays les moins chers et les plus chers d'Europe pour recharger votre VE
Business • 8:04 AM
5 min
Euronews Business se promène métaphoriquement à travers l'Europe pour identifier les pays où les tarifs de recharge des véhicules électriques sont les moins chers et les plus chers.
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Italie : l'IA fait sa rentrée des classes !
Business • 7:48 AM
4 min
Quinze lycées répartis dans quatre régions italiennes, vont tester pendant deux ans une IA couplée aux enseignements des professeurs. Si le résultat est concluant, l'IA pourrait être déployée dans toutes les écoles du pays.
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Novo Nordisk boss in US grilling over prices for weight-loss drugs
Business • 7:35 AM
6 min
Novo Nordisk has been criticised by US politicians for the high pricing of its popular weight-loss and diabetes drugs. But CEO Lars Fruergaard Jørgensen has defended the company, attributing the elevated prices to "structural issues" within the US healthc
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Intelligenza artificiale per migliorare la didattica: il progetto pilota in 15 scuole italiane
Business • 7:26 AM
3 min
Da quest'anno partirà una sperimentazione della durata di due anni voluta dal ministero dell'Istruzione per testare quali benefici può fornire l'utilizzo della nuova tecnologia all'insegnamento e all'apprendimento
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The cheapest and most expensive countries in Europe to charge your EV
Business • 7:11 AM
4 min
Euronews Business takes a metaphorical ride across Europe to identify the countries with the cheapest and most expensive public electric vehicle charging rates.
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Elon Musk and Giorgia Meloni: What could an alliance between the divisive figures mean for the EU?
Business • 5:30 AM
6 min
Italy has led the way for Musk's companies to invest in satellite internet and space. Will it in return be supported by the EU line on social media and issues dear to the right? An award the high-tech magnate presented to Meloni on Monday raises several q
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Comment les drones ukrainiens révolutionnent la ligne de front
Business • 5:00 AM
21 min
Euronews s'est entretenue avec deux membres de l'organisation ukrainienne Wild Hornets sur leur objectif de renforcer les capacités de l'Ukraine en matière de drones.
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Commerzbank takeover: Germany questions UniCredit's 'hostile' strategy
Business • 12:47 AM
6 min
UniCredit's bid to raise its stake in Commerzbank to 29.9% faces German resistance. The European Commission sees potential benefits in consolidation, while analysts predict significant financial synergies.
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FTX collapse: Caroline Ellison handed 2-year prison sentence for 'greatest financial fraud ever'
Business • 12:37 AM
5 min
The former FTX crypto executive was shown leniency by the judge in New York, acknowledging her "very, very substantial" cooperation with prosecutors.
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Google complains to EU over Microsoft cloud licensing practices
Business • 12:12 AM
2 min
Google files an antitrust complaint to the European Commission against its competitor on the cloud market.
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L'Ue sarebbe pronta a regolamentare gli "influencer della salute" sui social media
Business • 12:05 AM
16 min
Con il boom dei contenuti sulla salute sui social media, esperti e legislatori europei stanno valutando la possibilità di regolamentare gli influencer sui social media, dando priorità ai creatori di contenuti "credibili"
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OpenAI, Microsoft, Amazon among first AI Pact signatories
Business • 12:05 AM
3 min
The voluntary AI Pact aims to help companies comply with the EU's AI Act
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Tuesday, september 24, 2024

Problematic social media use on the rise among European youth, study says
Business • 11:01 PM
8 min
A small but concerning share of European youngsters use social media or video games at problematic levels, according to a new report.
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More than 740 million young people could be short-sighted by 2050, study finds
Business • 10:30 PM
6 min
A new study provided up-to-date estimates of the number of children and adolescents globally who are short-sighted and showed that the disorder has increased significantly since 1990.
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Police in Switzerland detain several people over suspected death in Sarco 'suicide capsule'
Business • 5:45 PM
6 min
The legality of using the 3D-printed device for its intended purpose of helping assisted dying is being questioned by authorities in Switzerland.
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Trasporti Ue, i treni ad alta velocità per collegare l'Europa sono per ora solo un piano
Business • 5:17 PM
4 min
Europarlamentari, autorità e addetti ai lavori hanno discusso di alta velocità ferroviaria su un treno da Bruxelles a Berlino. Sei ore per discutere la fattibilità di un piano che non è mai partito. Ricerche indicano costi alti ma enormi benefici per econ
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Commission insists no plans to delay anti-deforestation law
Business • 4:11 PM
3 min
Amid a growing backlash from trading partners and conservative lawmakers, the European Commission maintains it is working to implement new legislation that will ban from January the import of products linked to deforestation overseas.
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French agency fines 11 pharmaceutical labs €8 million over drug shortages
Business • 3:54 PM
2 min
Big names in the pharmaceutical industry were accused of failing to comply with regulations to prevent drug shortages.
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Unicredit aumenta la partecipazione nella tedesca Commerzbank a quasi il 21%: proteste da Berlino
Business • 3:28 PM
7 min
"Non chiederemo posti nel cda di Commerzbank", ha assicurato il Ceo di Unicredit Andrea Orcel. L'Ue non sembra contraria all'affare, mentre il caso diventa politico in Germania dopo che Scholz ha chiamato la scalata di Unicredit un "atto ostile"
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Dutch DSA authority received 170 complaints, but lacks power to act
Business • 3:17 PM
3 min
In July the European Commission began infringement proceedings against six countries for failing to implement the Digital Services Act, despite the law being applicable to all online platforms in February.
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Frodi online, gruppo di consumatori chiede a Meta di agire sugli annunci falsi
Business • 1:57 PM
3 min
Secondo il gruppo olandese dei consumatori Consumentenbond, Meta non interviene sui falsi annunci online, violando la legge sui servizi digitali (DSA)
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Boeing: Union negotiators reject troubled airline's 'final offer' over pay
Business • 11:39 AM
4 min
The offer of a total package of 30% over four years is higher than a previous proposal but more than 30,000 workers are calling for the restoration of a traditional pension plan.
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Psychedelic therapies are coming to Europe, but face barriers before reaching patients
Business • 11:07 AM
16 min
The psychedelic medicine hype may be over, but the movement’s next act could be more important.
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Salute, carenza di farmaci in Europa: undici produttori multati in Francia tra cui Sandoz e Biogaran
Business • 10:26 AM
2 min
Grandi nomi dell'industria farmaceutica europea sono stati multati dall'Autorità garante francese per non avere rispettato le norme sullo stoccaggio obbligatorio di farmaci. La legge è stata varata in passato proprio per prevenire le emergenze causate da
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What will happen to the EU telecom law without Thierry Breton?
Business • 10:22 AM
5 min
With Henna Virkkunen likely to replace Thierry Breton as the EU Commissioner in charge of telecom, the scope of the upcoming Digital Networks Act is uncertain.
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Les investissements dans les combustibles fossiles pourraient coûter plus cher dans le cadre des plans d'assurance de l'UE
Business • 10:13 AM
5 min
L'Eiopa, l'autorité européenne de régulation des assurances, envisage d'augmenter jusqu'à 40 % les charges en capital sur les obligations liées au pétrole et au gaz, afin de préparer le secteur à l'objectif "net-zéro".
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Europe's biggest paintmaker AkzoNobel set to cut 2,000 jobs
Business • 9:58 AM
2 min
The Amsterdam-based firm, known for brands such as Dulux, is on a cost-cutting drive to 'accelerate profitable growth'.
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Severe obesity is rising in the US, according to new research
Business • 9:44 AM
5 min
The rate of severe obesity is about 40 per cent in the US, with women at particularly high risk of severe obesity, the study found.
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Telegram condividerà dati degli utenti con le autorità giudiziarie: lo comunica il fondatore Durov in un post
Business • 9:42 AM
4 min
L'amministratore delegato di Telegram, Pavel Durov, è stato arrestato in Francia il mese scorso per non avere gestito i contenuti estremisti sulla piattaforma. In un post sul social ha comunicato la nuova linea di cooperazione dell'azienda. Come reagirann
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Pénurie de médicaments : onze laboratoires français mis à l'amende
Business • 9:41 AM
3 min
De grands noms de l'industrie pharmaceutiques étaient accusés de ne pas respecter la réglementation contre la pénurie de médicaments. Ils devront s'acquitter d'amendes d'un montant de quelque 8 millions d'euros.
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Telegram responds to legal pressure by providing some user data to authorities
Business • 8:01 AM
4 min
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was arrested in France last month for failing to manage extremist content on the platform.
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European markets open higher as China unveils economic stimulus package
Business • 7:19 AM
4 min
European markets opened higher, buoyed by the People's Bank of China's (PBOC) recent suite of easing measures. Mining stocks are expected to gain from the strong price rally in key metals.
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Pager attacks in Lebanon have heightened residents' fears over personal devices like phones
Business • 6:43 AM
2 min
Electronics shop owners in Lebanon have said there has been an impact on their sales following the page and walkie-talkie attacks last week.
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Fossil fuel investment could cost extra under EU insurance plans
Business • 6:30 AM
4 min
EU insurance regulator Eiopa is considering hiking capital charges on oil and gas bonds by up to 40%, as it seeks to prepare the industry for net-zero.
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Nursing shortages linked to higher risk of death and complications in surgical patients, study finds
Business • 4:05 AM
4 min
Researchers from the University of Southampton in the UK looked into the impact of nurse understaffing on patient outcomes.
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Consumer group asks for Meta to act on fake ads
Business • 4:01 AM
4 min
Meta is not acting on fake online ads, which breaches the Digital Services Act (DSA), claims Dutch consumer group Consumentenbond.
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Monday, september 23, 2024

In quali paesi si impiega più tempo per andare al lavoro in Europa?
Business • 4:07 PM
8 min
I tempi medi di pendolarismo variano: nei paesi dell'Europa meridionale si impiega meno tempo rispetto a quelli del nord
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Trajets domicile-travail : de fortes disparités en Europe
Business • 2:09 PM
7 min
La durée moyenne des trajets domicile-travail varie d'un pays à l'autre, les pays du sud de l'Europe ayant les trajets domicile-travail les plus courts.
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L'OTAN peaufine ses drones, des armes décisives dans la guerre qui oppose l'Ukraine et la Russie
Business • 1:47 PM
11 min
"Les drones sont constamment dans le ciel. Ils surveillent notre territoire le long de la ligne de front", indique un membre du ministère ukrainien de la Défense à Euronews Next.
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Musk e l'Italia, gli investimenti di Space X e Starlink in cambio di un'intesa con Meloni in Europa
Business • 1:42 PM
7 min
L'Italia ha aperto la strada a investimenti delle aziende di Musk nell'internet satellitare e nel settore spazio. Avrà in cambio una sponda nella linea Ue sui social media e sui temi cari alla destra? Un premio che il magnate dell'alta tecnologia ha conse
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Ue, quanto sono vulnerabili agli attacchi i cavi Internet sottomarini
Business • 11:46 AM
10 min
Ecco cosa potrebbe accadere se l'infrastruttura Internet mondiale subisse un attacco o un sabotaggio su larga scala
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Guerres hybrides : la vulnérabilité des câbles sous-marins inquiète les experts
Business • 10:22 AM
12 min
Les autorités américaines et européennes mettent en garde contre la vulnérabilité des câbles sous-marins. Dans quelle mesure sont-ils protégés ?
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La Nato sta testando nuove tecnologie anti-droni
Business • 12:02 AM
10 min
Nuovi strumenti di questo tipo sono cruciali nella guerra in Ucraina, soprattutto dopo che Vladimir Putin ha annunciato che quest'anno la Russia decuplicherà la produzione di droni
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Saturday, september 21, 2024

Il numero di morti per suicidio in Europa è diminuito del 13% in un decennio
Business • 11:02 AM
7 min
Secondo Eurostat, nel 2021 nell'Ue si sono verificati circa 47mila decessi per suicidio. L'Italia è il Paese con il tasso più basso ma in termini assoluti è il quinto Paese del blocco
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Le nombre de décès par suicide en Europe a diminué de 13 % en dix ans
Business • 12:30 AM
7 min
47 346 décès par suicide ont été enregistrés dans l'UE en 2021, selon les derniers chiffres publiés par l'office statistique Eurostat.
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