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UN humanitarian affairs chief wants G7 action on conflict-fueled hunger

Business • Jun 13, 2024, 1:42 PM
1 min de lecture

The United Nations chief of humanitarian affairs wants G7 leaders meeting in Italy to use their influence to prevent a manmade famine.

Martin Griffiths warned in a statement that conflict was fueling hunger in too many corners of the world. He singled out Gaza and Sudan where warring parties have been accused of blocking the delivery of life-saving aid.

He said ''nowhere is the choice between inaction and oblivion so clear as in Gaza and Sudan."

In Gaza, UNICEF is warning that nearly 3000 children in the south of the Israeli-blockaded strip have been cut off from treatment for moderate and severe acute malnutrition, putting them at risk of death.

And the humanitarian Coordinator in South Sudan has released $20 million from the South Sudan Humanitarian Fund to prevent the hunger situation in South Sudan from worsening.