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Οι Ολυμπιακοί της Αθήνας διατηρούν ακόμα και σήμερα το παγκόσμιο ρεκόρ τηλεθέασης
• 7:52 PM
4 min
Κινδυνεύουν ωστόσο να το χάσουν τις επόμενες εβδομάδες από το Παρίσι - Ενδιαφέρουσες αποκαλύψεις σε ημερίδα της ΕΟΕ για την κληρονομιά του 2004: ποια τα οφέλη και ποιο το χρέος που άφησαν
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Πέθανε σε ηλικία μόλις 58 ετών ο θρύλος του NBA Ντικέμπε Μουτόμπο
• 3:27 PM
1 min
Εκτός από κορυφαίος μπασκετμπολίστας ήταν και σπουδαίος άνθρωπος με έντονη φιλανθρωπική δράση
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النجم الفرنسي غريزمان يعلن اعتزاله الدولي بعد مسيرة حافلة
Sports • 2:30 PM
2 min
أعلن أنطوان غريزمان، نجم المنتخب الفرنسي وبطل كأس العالم 2018، اعتزاله اللعب دولياً، مؤكداً أنه يغلق "هذه الصفحة من حياته" في رسالة مؤثرة نشرها على حسابه في منصة "إكس" اليوم الاثنين.
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Serhat Akın'ın yaralandığı olayda 6 şüpheliden 5'i tutuklandı
• 2:10 PM
3 min
Bir şüpheli adli kontrol şartıyla serbest bırakıldı.
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Switzerland and Italy redraw border as melting glaciers shift the frontier
• 1:35 PM
4 min
The popular ski resort of Zermatt is in the affected area.
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Wildfire in southern Greece leaves two people dead following record-hot summer
• 8:14 AM
5 min
The flames were fanned on by strong winds blowing through forests left tinder-dry by a warm spring and hot summer.
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New York Climate Week takeaways: Island nations speak up and fossil fuel subsidies come under fire
• 8:04 AM
9 min
Fossil fuel companies received €6.3 trillion in subsidies in one year.
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Saturday, september 28, 2024

Are cars a thing of the past? This is how people in Europe prefer getting around, city by city
• 11:17 AM
8 min
We look closer at the most used transportation modes across 83 European cities where various factors contribute to the differences between the cities.
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How this concerned dad shifted his company away from fossil fuels for his daughters’ future
• 9:04 AM
11 min
Jordi Zonneveld didn't want his three daughters to live in a world reliant on burning oil, gas and coal, warming the planet.
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Friday, september 27, 2024

Inside the London restaurant that cooks with ingredients grown 60km away on an eco-friendly farm
• 3:06 PM
5 min
The approach of UK restaurants reflects a broader trend, with many Europeans now going for locally sourced food.
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Commission sees role for nuclear and carbon capture in production of low-carbon fuels
• 2:45 PM
4 min
Trains, automobiles and even planes could be run on nuclear power or even natural gas while being treated as ‘green’ under proposed EU rules
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Hypocrisy claims levelled at climate negotiators pushing for low emissions while backing oil and gas
• 2:32 PM
6 min
Top climate negotiators urged countries to put forward more ambitious climate plans but critics say they aren't cutting back themselves.
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Turtle comebacks and solar breakthroughs: Positive environmental stories from 2024
• 7:35 AM
78 min
Climate anxiety is very real, but these good news stories from 2024 prove there is hope for our planet.
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Thursday, september 26, 2024

Fenerbahçe'nin eski futbolcusu Serhat Akın silahlı saldırıya uğradı
• 10:35 PM
2 min
Akın, futbol kariyerini 2013'te, o dönem Almanya'da 4. Lig ekibi olan Berliner AK 07'de noktalamıştı.
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What are the differences between club and international football?
Sport • 5:00 PM
1 min
Infrequent matches and a limited selection pool mean international football poses a unique challenge for players and coaches alike.
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تنمر ترامب على إيمان خليف: الرئيس الجزائري يتدخل شخصيا لوقف دعوى قانونية ضد الرئيس الأمريكي السابق
Sports • 3:30 PM
8 min
أعلنت الملاكمة الجزائرية إيمان خليف، الحاصلة على الميدالية الذهبية في دورة الألعاب الأولمبية الصيفية بباريس، أنها تعتزم اتخاذ خطوات قانونية ضد بعض الأفراد الذين شككوا في جنسها. وأوضحت أن هذه التعليقات غير مقبولة وتؤثر سلبًا على سمعتها الرياضية، ومن بين هؤ
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'Like a toothpick in wet sand’: 10 homes in this US village have collapsed into the sea since 2020
• 3:02 PM
11 min
Their destruction has been decades in the making as beach erosion and climate change slowly edged the Atlantic closer.
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‘Chronically submerged’: Europe’s overseas territories are battling sea level rise
• 2:30 PM
5 min
Residents of former Dutch colony Bonaire have sued the Netherlands for lack of action against climate change.
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'Generic, vague, misleading’: Shein investigated by Italian watchdog over greenwashing
• 2:04 PM
4 min
The Chinese fast fashion giant is being investigated in Italy over its sustainability claims.
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Cenova derbisinin ardından taraftarlar arasında çıkan şiddetli çatışmalarda 40 kişi yaralandı
• 1:04 PM
1 min
İtalya Kupası 2. turunda Sampdoria, Genoa'yı penaltı atışları sonucunda mağlup etti.
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Wednesday, september 25, 2024

النمسا: إصابة 27 شخصاً إثر اندلاع اشتباكات عنيفة في ملعب الديربي بعد فوز نادي "رابيد"
Sports • 8:30 PM
2 min
اندلعت اشتباكات عنيفة بمباراة لكرة القدم في فيينا، مساء الأحد، بعد فوز نادي رابيد بهدفين مقابل هدف، ما أدى إلى إصابة 27 شخصًا.
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Uber calls on EU to ban combustion engines on ridesharing cars by 2030
• 4:08 PM
4 min
Multinational ride-hailing company is also calling on binding targets for the production of electric vehicles in the European market along with adequate incentives to ease the climate transition.
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‘National Hero’: Locals praise for Polish reservoir that spared two cities from Storm Boris flooding
• 3:04 PM
5 min
Some have suggested the reservoir should be named after famous Polish goalkeeper Wojciech Szczesny.
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Slower planes and contrail coordination: New report lays out five-year plan to cut aviation impacts
• 2:32 PM
6 min
Current policies leave the aviation industry seriously off track in meeting its climate pledges.
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Italy floods: Grandmother and baby missing in Tuscany as Veneto region declares state of emergency
• 2:00 PM
3 min
The floods in Tuscany and the Veneto come days after the Emilia Romagna region was struck, with some areas submerged for the third time in just over a year.
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Wolves in crosshairs as EU governments agree to more hunting and culls
• 1:15 PM
4 min
Nature conservationists have denounced as ‘shameful’ a back-room agreement that saw all but two EU governments acquiesce to a European Commission proposal to ease protection for Europe’s burgeoning wolf populations.
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التزلج من السماء: سيباستيان ألفاريز يجمع بين التحليق وركوب الأمواج في أبوظبي
Sports • 9:00 AM
1 min
دخل الطيار التشيلي سيباستيان ألفاريز التاريخ من خلال "التزلج على الماء" بعد أن قفز من طائرة هليكوبتر من طراز Bell 212 على ارتفاع 3657 مترًا فوق جزيرة الحديريات في أبو ظبي.
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Tuesday, september 24, 2024

Commission insists no plans to delay anti-deforestation law
• 4:11 PM
3 min
Amid a growing backlash from trading partners and conservative lawmakers, the European Commission maintains it is working to implement new legislation that will ban from January the import of products linked to deforestation overseas.
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Earth’s life support systems are in ‘critical condition’, new Planetary Health Check warns
• 3:32 PM
7 min
Years of research have outlined nine processes that help to keep the planet’s life support systems stable.
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Commission mulls regulation of solar radiation modification research
• 3:20 PM
3 min
EU funding is assessing the feasibility and safety of geoengineering as an approach to combat the effects of greenhouse gas emissions.
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Which polluter pays and planetary danger zones: Climate takes centre stage at UNGA
• 2:20 PM
5 min
‘Earth is going in the wrong direction... that's why we need to act," one speaker said ahead of the UN General Assembly.
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A giant Antarctic glacier is melting but scientists have found a way to thicken Arctic sea ice
• 2:16 PM
5 min
The Antarctic Ice Sheet is retreating at a faster rate than in previous decades, raising concerns about a total collapse.
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European ad agencies are leading the way on working with fossil fuel companies
• 9:04 AM
6 min
UN Secretary-General António Guterres has described advertising and PR industries as key facilitators for the fossil fuel industry.
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Fossil fuel investment could cost extra under EU insurance plans
• 6:30 AM
4 min
EU insurance regulator Eiopa is considering hiking capital charges on oil and gas bonds by up to 40%, as it seeks to prepare the industry for net-zero.
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Monday, september 23, 2024

بطل الفورمولا 1 يصوم عن الكلام ويلوح بترك السباقات بعد اتهامه بالبذاءة
Sports • 7:00 PM
2 min
اكتفى بطل العالم في الأعوام الثلاثة الأخيرة في سباقات الفورمولا 1، الهولندي ماكس فيرستابن، بتقديم إجابات مقتضبة جدا، خلال مؤتمر صحفي يوم السبت، ولوح بالاعتزال، احتجاجا على الهيئة المنظمة للسباقات (FIA) بسبب معاقبته على ما صدر عنه من شتائم.
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Auditors find EU support for organic farming ineffective
• 3:58 PM
5 min
Member states apply EU funds inconsistently and disregard basic principles of organic farming, the latest audit from the European Court of Auditors revealed.
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England and Wales’ heat-leaking homes unleashing same amount of CO2 as Denmark emits annually
• 3:04 PM
7 min
Under current plans, it will take 90 years for the insulation in all of the energy inefficient homes to be upgraded.
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Major new UN pact reaffirms global commitment to transition away from fossil fuels
• 2:30 PM
10 min
The 42-page plan for the UN's 193 member states to work together in addressing the most significant global challenges has been years in the making.
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Wetter atmosphere may have exacerbated Central European floods, climatologist says
• 1:57 PM
3 min
Geosphere Austria climatologist Marc Olefs said that the fossil fuel industry is to blame for the exacerbation of extreme weather events, including heavy rainfall as seen over Europe over the past couple of weeks.
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Sunday, september 22, 2024

Ronaldo, Suudi sahipli SNK’nın dövüş oyunu Fatal Fury’de yer alacak
• 11:15 AM
1 min
Oyun tanıtımı "Efsanevi Bir Oyuncu Efsanevi Bir Oyuna Katılıyor" sloganını içeriyor.
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Saturday, september 21, 2024

Ρεχάγκελ στο euronews για πιθανή χορήγηση ελληνικής ιθαγένειας: «Είμαι και θα παραμείνω Γερμανός»
• 12:35 AM
3 min
Ο προπονητής που οδήγησε την Εθνική Ελλάδος στην κορυφή της Ευρώπης το 2004 μίλησε στο euronews στο περιθώριο της εκδήλωσης της ΕΟΕ στο Καλλιμάρμαρο «Αθήνα: 20 χρόνια μετά»
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Friday, september 20, 2024

Λάμψη και συγκίνηση στο «πάντρεμα» των Legends του 2004 με τους Olympians του 2004 και του 2024
• 5:50 PM
10 min
Φαντασμαγορική τελετή στο Καλλιμάρμαρο για τον εορτασμό των 20 ετών από τους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες της Αθήνας με παρόντες τους πρωταθλητές Ευρώπης του 2004 και τους φετινούς και παλιούς Ολυμπιονίκες - Ξεσήκωσαν το κοινό Αννα Βίσση και Έλενα Παπαρίζου με τα τ
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Portugal’s wildfires produce record emissions with smoke headed for France and Spain
• 3:03 PM
9 min
The smoke plume has significantly degraded local air quality is forecast to travel east in the coming days.
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‘We had just finished repairing our houses’: Flooding hits Italian city for third time in 16 months
• 2:30 PM
7 min
Some residents of the city of Faenza had just completed house repairs after devastating floods in 2023 when their properties were submerged again this week.
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Kyiv residents told to stay indoors as air pollution blankets the Ukrainian capital
• 10:48 AM
3 min
The Ukrainian capital topped a list of the most polluted major cities early on Friday in a real-time Swiss database.
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Global strikes across 50 countries demand action as two major climate events begin in New York
• 9:38 AM
5 min
New York is hosting Climate Week NYC, an annual event that promotes climate action, at the same time the UN General Assembly takes up the issue on several fronts.
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Thursday, september 19, 2024

How does France keep developing generational talents?
Sport • 5:00 PM
1 min
Despite missing out on Euro glory and Olympic gold, France is one of the best international football teams in the world.
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"ولو بالمليارات لن ألعب في دولة تقتل الأبرياء".. المهاجم النرويجي ساتر يرفض الانضمام لناد إسرائيلي
Sports • 4:00 PM
1 min
فشل ناد إسرائيلي في التعاقد مع مهاجم أجنبي يبلغ من العمر 28 عاما قبل إغلاق نافذة الانتقالات في الدوري المحلي. وأصدر اللاعب النرويجي بيانا يوضح فيه موقفه.
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4°C hotter in Paris and 2.2m in the path of flooding: France’s extreme weather only set to get worse
• 3:04 PM
13 min
The report’s authors hope it can act as a roadmap for local authorities to adapt and accelerate the green transition.
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‘Common sense solution’: How taxes on yachts and private jets could fund climate action
• 5:04 AM
8 min
The carbon emissions of the world's richest 1 per cent are thought to be the same as poorest two thirds of humanity.
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Wednesday, september 18, 2024

Fenerbahçe, üç bakanlık dahil 7 ayrı kuruma Galatasaray'ı şikayet etti
• 5:43 PM
3 min
Fenerbahçe'nin şikayeti harcama limitlerini, 'karaborsa' iddialarını ve 'illegal' bir bahis şirketinin Galatasaray'a verdiği reklamı içeriyor.
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إيطاليا تودع هداف كأس العالم 1990 توتو شيلاتشي بعد صراعه مع سرطان القولون
Sports • 3:00 PM
1 min
بعد صراع مع سرطان القولون، توفي المهاجم الإيطالي سالفاتوري ”توتو“ شيلاتشي، الذي أسعد جماهير بلاده حينما استضافت روما كأس العالم، سنة 1990م.
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Civil society groups urge EU leaders to secure funding for fair transition in regions
• 3:00 PM
3 min
Central and eastern European countries are among the biggest beneficiaries of transition funds due to their historic dependency on the coal mining sector and heavy industries.
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Locals in this capital are happiest with their public transport. How do Europe's cities compare?
• 2:42 PM
8 min
Dissatisfaction with public transport in capital cities was more keenly felt in southern Europe and parts of the Balkans. How does your city compare?
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Tuesday, september 17, 2024

‘Dream team’: Green groups breathe a sigh of relief on von der Leyen’s climate choices
• 4:09 PM
5 min
Climate activists and the renewable energy lobby have broadly interpreted Ursula von der Leyen’s commissioner picks – the Netherlands’ Wopke Hoekstra, Denmark’s Dan Jørgensen and Spain’s Teresa Ribera – as signalling continuity with the Green Deal that ma
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New environment commissioner tasked with tackling growing water crisis
• 3:53 PM
6 min
The European Commission president said today that ‘water resilience is a big priority’ for her second mandate as she picked Jessika Roswall for her new environment policy chief.
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You could be breathing in microplastics that then enter your brain, new research reveals
• 3:02 PM
7 min
New research has revealed that plastic from everyday items has the ability to infiltrate the brain.
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Monday, september 16, 2024

Επτά οι υποψήφιοι διάδοχοι του Τόμας Μπαχ στην προεδρία της ΔΟΕ - Στην Ελλάδα οι εκλογές
• 8:23 PM
1 min
Τον προσεχή Μάρτιο κατά την σύνοδο της Διεθνούς Ολυμπιακής Επιτροπής που θα φιλοξενηθεί στην Πελοπόννησο, θα εκλεγεί ο νέος πρόεδρός της - Ποιοι οι επτά υποψήφιοι
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Italy and Spain at risk of austerity in climate-neutrality race, new study suggests
• 4:40 PM
3 min
Study suggests green financing will boost the economy but Mediterranean countries will endure fiscal challenges.
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EU bungled plastic waste tax, auditors say  
• 3:28 PM
4 min
A new levy intended to discourage the landfill and incineration of plastic waste is plagued by dodgy data, and may have led to an uptick in crime, auditors warn
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Italian butterfly thieves handed highest-ever fine for wildlife crime in Sri Lanka
• 3:00 PM
3 min
The two men from northern Italy face two years in jail if they fail to pay the fine by 24 September.
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Σοβαρά επεισόδια στο ντέρμπι της Λεμεσού με τραυματισμούς, συλλήψεις και αναβολή
• 2:44 PM
1 min
Τρεις αστυνομικοί τραυματίστηκαν, ο ένας χρειάστηκε να χειρουργηθεί - Τέσσερα άτομα συνελήφθησαν και την Τρίτη αποφασίζεται η παράταση της κράτησής τους - 17 αναζητούνται από την Αστυνομία δημοσιοποιώντας φωτογραφίες - Το υπ. Δημοσιας Τάξεως τα ρίχνει στη
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UK high court blocks first new coal mine in 30 years. Is it the end of the ‘climate-damaging’ plan?
• 2:05 PM
4 min
The developer’s claim that it would be a ‘net zero mine’ is legally flawed, according to the ruling.
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Sunday, september 15, 2024

Гран-при по дзюдо в Загребе: схватки тяжеловесов в последний день турнира
• 10:37 PM
1 min
Тяжеловесы из Украины, Венгрии, Нидерландов и Японии уезжают из хорватской столицы с "золотом", завоёванным в последний день соревнований. Для большинства - это первая победа на турнирах такого уровня.
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Choque de pesos pesados en el tercer día del Gran Premio de Judo de Zagreb
• 9:05 PM
3 min
Las más grandes estrellas de las categorías poids lourds se sont affrontées sur le tatami, además de muchos jóvenes judokas y talentos locales.
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Gold for Hungary, France and Japan on third day of Zagreb Judo Grand Prix
Sport • 9:02 PM
4 min
Who won what on day three of the Zagreb Judo Grand Prix in the Croatian capital.
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Destaque para os pesos pesados no terceiro dia do Grande Prémio de Judo de Zagreb 2024
• 8:50 PM
3 min
Ao terceiro dia do Grande Prémio de Judo de Zagreb os pesos pesados subiram ao tatami para mostrar  os melhores  talentos do judo.
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Grand Prix di judo di Zagabria, la battaglia dei pesi massimi
Sport • 8:25 PM
11 min
La terza e ultima giornata del Grand Prix di judo di Zagabria ha visto protagonisti i pesi massimi
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Les poids lourds mis à l'honneur lors de la 3e journée du Grand prix de Judo de Zagreb 2024
Sport • 8:07 PM
5 min
Les plus grandes stars des catégories poids lourds se sont affrontées sur le tatami, ainsi que de nombreux jeunes judokas et talents locaux.
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Saturday, september 14, 2024

Гран-при по дзюдо в Загребе: на пьедестале - молодые дарования
• 9:52 PM
8 min
Во второй день Гран-при по дзюдо-2024, проходящего в столице Хорватии, определились победители в категориях среднего веса. Для большинства из них это первое "золото" Мирового тура.
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Día 2 del Gran Premio de Judo de Zagreb: Un escaparate de jóvenes talentos
• 9:16 PM
4 min
Jóvenes judocas internacionales se han lucido en el segundo día del Gran Premio de Zagreb, que cerrará mañana con los pesos pesados.
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Novos talentos em destaque no Grande Prémio de Judo de Zagreb
• 9:04 PM
3 min
Tal como no dia anterior, a segunda ronda de competição do Grande Prémio de Judo de Zagreb foi dominada pelos novos atletas que subiram ao tatami.
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Zagreb Judo Grand Prix showcases young judoka talents
Sport • 8:30 PM
2 min
All the latest developments on day two of the competition.
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Grand prix de Judo de Zagreb : les nouveaux talents mis à l'honneur
Sport • 8:19 PM
10 min
Comme le jour précédent, le deuxième tour des compétitions du Grand Prix de Judo de Zagreb a également été dominé par les nouveaux athlètes qui ont foulé les tatamis.
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Judo, nella seconda giornata del Grand Prix di Zagabria la riscossa dei nuovi talenti
Sport • 8:02 PM
10 min
Come nella prima giornata, anche la seconda tornata di gare al Grand Prix di judo di Zagabria è stata dominata dai nuovi atleti saliti sul tatami
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EU states lagging on carbon emission reductions, Commission tells MEPs
• 12:37 AM
3 min
Several member states still need to send their energy and climate plans to the European Commission, where strategies to slash emissions are laid out.
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Friday, september 13, 2024

Гран-при в Загребе зажигает новые звёзды дзюдо
• 11:31 PM
1 min
На арене "Загреб" начался первый крупный мировой турнир по дзюдо после Олимпийских игр в Париже - Гран-при Хорватии. В первый день турнира победами отметились молодые спортсмены.
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Atletas brilham no primeiro dia do Grande Prémio de Judo de Zagreb
• 10:42 PM
2 min
Mais uma vez, a cidade de Zagreb é o palco do Grande Prémio de Judo, que revela a resiliência e força dos atletas de todo o mundo.
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Las estrellas emergentes brillan en el Gran Premio de Judo de Zagreb
• 10:37 PM
3 min
El primer Gran Premio de Judo tras los Juegos Olímpicos de París 2024 se celebra en el Arena de Zagreb (Croacia).
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La Croatie célèbre ses champions lors de la première journée du Grand Prix de Zagreb 2024
Sport • 9:21 PM
6 min
Le premier grand prix après les Jeux olympiques de Paris 2024 a débuté aujourd'hui à l'Arena de Zagreb en Croatie.
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Rising Stars Shine at Judo Grand Prix Zagreb 2024
Sport • 9:17 PM
3 min
All the latest developments on the first day of the World Judo Tour.
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Grand Prix di judo di Zagabria, brillano gli astri nascenti
Sport • 9:00 PM
10 min
A Zagabria, in Croazia, in occasione della prima giornata del Grand Prix di judo, a brillare sono stati soprattutto alcuni volti nuovi
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Climate change triggered a mega-tsunami that caused the Earth to vibrate for nine days
• 3:04 PM
5 min
Scientists were baffled by seismic signals which were recorded from the Arctic to Antarctica for more than a week last September.
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Von der Leyen moots ‘nature credits’ market to avert ecosystem collapse
• 2:05 PM
4 min
The European Commission is considering a market-based system to encourage farmers and industry to conserve nature and restore lost biodiversity by putting a price on ecosystems.
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Global charity calls for end to EU incentives for crop-based biofuels
• 1:11 PM
5 min
Oxfam argues that despite caps introduced in recent years the EU continues to drive demand for food crops and land to be diverted into fuel production, but the biofuel industry continues to insist it is part of the solution to climate change.
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Sahada dostluk: Türkiye ve İtalya spor diplomasisiyle buluşuyor
• 11:46 AM
8 min
Türkiye Kadın Voleybol Milli Takımı'nın başarılı başantrenörü Daniele Santarelli, Türkiye'deki görevine voleybolun ne kadar önemli olduğunu bilerek başladığını belirtti.
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Thursday, september 12, 2024

Introducing the new UEFA Champions League format
Sport • 5:00 PM
1 min
Europe’s premier club competition is back, with more teams and a refreshed draw process.
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Wind and solar have risen to ‘new highs’ in the EU overtaking fossil fuels for the first time ever
• 2:04 PM
6 min
Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson said the EU is now “well equipped” to meet climate neutrality goals.
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‘Punitive instrument’: Brazil says EU deforestation laws will affect one third of exports
• 2:03 PM
7 min
Brazil made €42 billion from exports of products from its forests in 2023 alone.
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Wednesday, september 11, 2024

Green recovery funds misapplied, unassessed according to EU auditors
• 3:31 PM
4 min
Spending overestimation on climate projects and miscount of actual sums spent in EU countries flagged by the latest report from the European Court of Auditors.
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EU still hesitant to sanction Russian gas as report highlights scale of ongoing imports
• 3:04 PM
5 min
The annual State of the EU Energy Union report shows Europe still relies on Russia for nearly a fifth of its gas imports, while the EU executive is concerned at the slow pace of the transition away from fossil fuels.
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European governments are using ‘harsh, overly broad’ laws to silence climate protesters
• 3:00 PM
6 min
Some Western nations are using old legislation or enacting harsh new laws to restrict the right to peaceful protest and impose disproportionate penalties, a report warns.
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Landmark EU report embraces green energy transition - but advocates for softer rules on PFAS
• 2:04 PM
6 min
The landmark Draghi report says the green energy transition is key to saving Europe's economy.
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