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Germany preparing for 'all conceivable' security threats during Euro 2024, interior minister says

Sport • Jun 4, 2024, 3:20 PM
2 min de lecture

Security is a “top priority” for Germany as they prepare to host the upcoming European Football Championship. 

Speaking at a news conference ten days before the official start of the Euro 2024 competition on Tuesday, German Interior Mnister Nancy Faeser said the nation was preparing for “all conceivable dangers.”  

She cited threats such as terrorism, hooliganism and cyberattacks, but said the cooperation was "going very well" across the federal and state level.

“The police will have a strong presence wherever large numbers of people are on the move. This will be a major effort for the state police forces and the federal police, but it is also crucial for the tournament,” she said. 

A temporary police centre was set up in North Rhine-Westphalia – where four of the ten stadiums hosting the games are located.  

“We can never guarantee 100% security,” said Herbert Reul, North Rhine-Westphalia governor, but added “We can prepare ourselves as best as we can.”  

The news came a day after a police officer died following a stabbing at a Pax Europa event, an organisation that describes itself as informing the public about the dangers posed by the “increasing spread and influence of political Islam.”