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فيلم اليكترا: تجربة بصرية وحسية لأربع ممثلات وكاتبة في بيروت المنهكة من التعب
World • 1:58 PM
1 min
في هذا العدد من ثقافة، تستضيف ليانا صالح  المخرج اللبناني هشام بزري للحديث عن فيلمه الروائي الأول إليكترا والذي تدور أحداثه وسط أنقاض مسرح بيكاديللي في بيروت بعد عقود من الحرب، ويحكي  ثلاثة أيام من حياة كاتبة مسرحية مع أربع ممثلات يحاولن إحياء المسرح الم
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'Dead and wounded' in Ankara after attack on state aerospace company
• 1:54 PM
1 min
A huge explosion outside the headquarters of Turkish Aerospace Industries near Ankara left a number of people "dead and injured", Turkey's interior minister said Wednesday, describing it as a "terrorist attack".
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Gobierno de Turquía reporta “muertos y heridos” tras ataque a sede de las industrias de defensa
• 1:52 PM
1 min
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غزة: مقتل موظف بوكالة الأونروا في غارة إسرائيلية بخان يونس
World • 1:51 PM
1 min
أفادت المتحدثة باسم وكالة غوث وتشغيل اللاجئين الفلسطينيين (الأونروا) جولييت توما بمقتل أحد موظفي الوكالة الأربعاء في غارة إسرائيلية استهدفت مركبة بجنوب قطاع غزة. وبلغ عدد قتلى هذه الوكالة الأممية وفق مفوضها العام فيليب لازاريني ما يقارب 223 موظفا منذ اند
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Kenya's ice hockey team now part of the International Federation
Africa • 1:51 PM
1 min
The Kenya Ice Lions are Kenya’s ice hockey team. Aside from South Africa, Kenya is the only sub-Saharan African country with an ice rink. Recently, the team achieved a significant milestone: they are now members of the International Ice Hockey Federation
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وزير الداخلية التركي: قتلى وجرحى في "هجوم إرهابي" بأنقرة
Science • 1:50 PM
1 min
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En Turquie, une attaque “terroriste” vise le siège des industries de défense à Ankara
Europe • 1:49 PM
1 min
Une attaque qualifiée de terroriste a visé le siège des industries de défense turques, à Ankara, faisant des "morts et des blessés", selon le ministère de l'Intérieur. 
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تدهور الأوضاع الإنسانية في غزة ولبنان
Middle East • 1:40 PM
1 min
التقارير الأممية تفيد بأن وضع المدنيين في غزة ولبنان يزداد سوءًا يوما بعد يوم. وكالة الأمم المتحدة لغوث وتشغيل اللاجئين الفلسطينيين (الأونروا) دعت إلى هدنة مؤقتة للسماح للسكان بمغادرة مناطق شمال قطاع غزة في وقت يقول فيه مسؤولون بقطاع الصحة إنهم يعانون من
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L'INVITE DU JOUR, Me Nathalie Tomasini sur l'Affaire Pelicot
World • 1:37 PM
1 min
2024-10-23 13:01 L'INVITE DU JOUR, Me Nathalie Tomasini sur l'Affaire Pelicot
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US says evidence shows North Korea has troops in Russia for Ukraine war
• 1:33 PM
1 min
The United States said for the first time on Wednesday that it had seen evidence of North Korean troops in Russia, and South Korean lawmakers said about 3,000 soldiers had been sent to support the Kremlin's war in Ukraine with more to follow.
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Au Groenland, le militant écologiste Paul Watson restera en prison jusqu'au 13 novembre
World • 1:32 PM
1 min
La justice groenlandaise a décidé mercredi de maintenir en détention le militant écologiste Paul Watson jusqu'au 13 novembre, dans l'attente de la décision du gouvernement danois sur la demande d'extradition du Japon pour une affaire liée à son combat po
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What is Vladimir Putin's goal at the BRICS summit currently taking place in Russia?
• 1:31 PM
1 min
Leaders of the nations in the BRICS grouping, which accounts for 37% of global economic output, predicted its influence would grow as they met in Russia on Tuesday, outlining common projects ranging from a grain exchange to a cross-border payments system
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"C'est à eux d'avoir honte" : au procès des viols de Mazan, le cri du cœur de Gisèle Pelicot
World • 1:30 PM
1 min
Gisèle Pelicot s'est à nouveau exprimée, mercredi, au tribunal d'Avignon, où sont jugés son ex-mari et 50 autres hommes, pour des viols commis sur elle alors qu'elle était droguée et endormie. À mi-chemin de son procès, elle a rendu hommage à ses soutien
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'Monsieur Aznavour': Legendary singer's life brought to the screen in France
• 1:26 PM
1 min
He was an icon of la chanson française. Charles Aznavour's lyrical talent illuminated the 20th century and shone until his death in 2018. The singer-songwriter's life has now been brought to the screen by Mehdi Idir and slam poet Grand Corps Malade. Film
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Discover the Lebanese city of Nebatieh, which FRANCE 24 has gained rare access to
• 1:22 PM
1 min
Israel is continuing to strike what it says are Hezbollah targets across Lebanon. It ordered residents of Nabatieh, in the south, to evacuate at the beginning of October and since then has carried out an intensive campaign of air strikes in the center, o
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Diwali goes abroad: Festival of lights increasingly celebrated outside India
Pacific Asia • 1:13 PM
1 min
In this edition of Entre Nous, FRANCE 24's Delano D'Souza tells about Diwali, the Indian festival of lights. The holiday is increasingly being celebrated outside India. This year, toymaker Mattel unveiled a Barbie doll to coincide with Diwali. We hear fr
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Israel inicia bombardeos contra la ciudad libanesa de Tiro, Patrimonio de la Humanidad
• 11:54 AM
1 min
El Ejército israelí atacó este 23 de octubre la histórica ciudad portuaria de Tiro, en el sur de Líbano, mientras intensifica su ofensiva contra lo que asegura son objetivos de Hezbolá. En las últimas horas, el Gobierno de Benjamin Netanyahu emitió alert
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نزوح آلاف المدنيين من صور في جنوب لبنان بعد دعوة الإخلاء الإسرائيلية
Science • 11:54 AM
1 min
استهدفت غارات اسرائيلية مدينة صور في جنوب لبنان الأربعاء، بعيد طلبات إخلاء اسرائيلية للمدينة، أثارت موجة نزوح منها. 
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"Monsieur Aznavour" : Tahar Rahim dans la peau de la star de la chanson française
Culture • 11:45 AM
1 min
Au programme de ce nouveau numéro 100 % cinéma de "À l'Affiche !" : la sortie en salles du biopic "Monsieur Aznavour" ; "The Killer", film d’action du vétéran hongkongais John Woo ; "Trois kilomètres jusqu’à la fin du monde", le troisième long métrage du
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'Broken' Gisèle Pelicot tells mass rape trial, 'It's not us who should feel shame – but them'
• 11:41 AM
1 min
Gisèle Pelicot, whose ex-husband and dozens of other men are on trial in France accused of raping her, said Wednesday she was "completely broken" by her ordeal, but also "determined" to help other women.
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Cold case, une passion humaine ? Parlons-en avec A. Allali et P. Tourancheau
France • 11:36 AM
1 min
Le Dahlia noir aux États-Unis, l’affaire Maddie au Portugal, la tuerie de Chevaline, l'affaire Dupont de Ligonnès ou du Petit Gregory ici en France… Amateurs ou pas de faits-divers, ces noms vous disent forcément quelque chose. Qu’ils vous intéressent ou
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الحرب ترمي بثقلها على النساء الحوامل في لبنان
Science • 11:29 AM
1 min
تتحدث داليا حجازي عن معاناة ومخاوف النساء الحوامل في ظل الحرب في لبنان، وتستعرض أبرز التحديات التي واجهت النساء منذ بداية النزوح. 
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خطة الجنرالات في الإسرائيلية في غزة: المستوطنون عائدون؟
Middle East • 11:28 AM
1 min
في صدى المشرق اليوم نتوقف عند ما يعرف ب "خطة الجنرالات" الإسرائيلية، التي وضعت بمبادرة من رئيس شعبة العمليات الأسبق الجنرال احتياط غيورا آيلاند الذي يوصف في إسرائيل بأنه منظر الحرب على غزة، ويؤيدها عشرات الضباط. خطة الجنرلات تهدف لهزيمة حماس بشكل جذري ول
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Budget 2025 : la coalition derrière Michel Barnier en ordre dispersé
France • 11:26 AM
1 min
Michel Barnier va t-il avoir recours au 49.3 pour faire passer sans vote son projet de budget ? Un scénario qui paraît inévitable. Le Premier ministre dit vouloir laisser le temps au débat parlementaire mais sa majorité relative et le bloc central – cens
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Basket : un nombre record de joueurs africains en NBA pour le début de saison
Sport • 11:13 AM
1 min
La nouvelle saison du championnat de basket nord-américain (NBA) a débuté mardi. La ligue a annoncé qu'au sein des 125 joueurs internationaux provenant de 43 pays, 17 sont originaires d'Afrique, un record. Tour d'horizon de ces talents venus du continent
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Easing the burden of sickle cell disease in Africa: more campaigners push for improved care
Africa • 11:08 AM
1 min
Sickle cell anemia is an inherited blood disorder that can leave sufferers struggling with serious, sometimes excruciatingly painful health complications. Most of the eight million people worldwide who have the disease are of African descent. With the ri
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بلينكن يصل إلى الرياض بعد زيارة إسرائيل لبحث سبل إنهاء الحرب
World • 11:01 AM
1 min
وصل وزير الخارجية الأميركي أنتوني بلينكن الأربعاء إلى السعودية لدفع مباحثات التطبيع بين المملكة وإسرائيل قدما، ضمن جولة إقليمية يسعى خلالها إلى البحث في وقف لإطلاق النار في غزة.
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Trump y Harris van a la caza del voto latino a dos semanas de las presidenciales
• 10:58 AM
1 min
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In Uganda, opposition members found guilty
• 10:55 AM
1 min
In Uganda, the country's main opposition claims that the guilty verdict of 16 of its members accused of treachery followed after they were forced to confess to the charges. They had already spent four years in jail after their arrest ahead of the 2021 pr
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NGO warns of increase in sexual violence in DR Congo
Africa • 10:52 AM
1 min
Healthcare workers, who are doing what they can to care for victims of violence in eastern DR Congo, say that they have seen a distressing increase in the number of people who have been targetted by sexual violence. Since 2021, survivors - both children
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Protest of Gaza hostage families coincides with USA's Blinken's visit to Israel
• 10:42 AM
1 min
100 Israeli hostages taken by Hamas are still in Gaza, although many of them are thought to be dead. Their families and friends are doing their best to keep hope alive - and are protesting in front of USA’s Blinken's hotel in Tel Aviv.
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Entre Nous US Ballot
• 10:37 AM
1 min
2024-10-22 15:19 Entre Nous US Ballot
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Présidentielle américaine : Eminem et Obama en soutien à Harris dans le Michigan
World • 10:27 AM
1 min
En meeting dans le Michigan pour la vice-présidente Kamala Harris, Barack Obama a été introduit sur scène mardi par le rappeur Eminem, la dernière star en date à afficher son soutien à Kamala Harris. "Ne huez pas, votez!", a-t-il imploré le public quand
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Russian invasion sends Ukraine population plummeting by 8 million
Europe • 10:25 AM
1 min
Ukraine's population has declined by eight million since Russia’s invasion almost three years ago. The war sparked an exodus and sent birth rates plunging, according to the United Nations, in a country which already had one of the lowest birth rates in E
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Tokyo Metro jumps 45% on market debut in Japan's biggest IPO in years
• 10:21 AM
1 min
Tokyo Metro, the main operator of the Japanese capital's sprawling underground rail network, made a stellar market debut on Wednesday in the country's biggest IPO in six years. Its shares rose 45 percent on its first day. Plus, FRANCE 24's correspondents
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Turkey's Erdogan agrees to meet Russia's Putin at BRICS summit
• 10:18 AM
1 min
Turkey's overtures towards BRICS may be a first for a NATO member, but experts say the move is economically-driven and aligns with Ankara's desire for "strategic autonomy." More information with Jasper Mortimer, FRANCE 24 correspondent in Ankara, Turkey.
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A bitter dish to swallow: Japan continues whaling tradition
• 10:06 AM
1 min
The anti-whaling activist Paul Watson has been held by Danish authorities in Greenland since July. Japan accuses him of injuring fishermen and damaging a vessel during a whale hunt in 2010. Tokyo is demanding Watson's extradition so he can face charges,
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US presidential election : Harris and Trump court hispanic voters
• 10:04 AM
1 min
Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris on Tuesday said she would work to bring more funds to community banks to help Latino men secure small business loans, while Republican Donald Trump's economic roundtable aimed at Latino voters devolved into a
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Japon : la chasse à la baleine, une tradition culinaire bien ancrée
World • 10:03 AM
1 min
C’est une affaire qui, depuis quelques mois, a pris une dimension internationale. Le militant écologiste Paul Watson est incarcéré depuis juillet au Groenland. Le Japon l’accuse d’avoir causé des dommages et blessures sur certains pêcheurs, et sur l’un d
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Putin defies the West, but 'we shouldn't overestimate the importance of this BRICS summit'
• 9:56 AM
1 min
China's Xi Jinping, India's Narendra Modi and some other BRICS leaders discussed the war in Ukraine with President Vladimir Putin as the Kremlin chief chaired a major summit aimed at showing Western attempts to isolate Russia have failed. For more inform
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At last a passport for Britain's (probably) favourite bear
Europe • 9:53 AM
1 min
PRESS REVIEW – Wednesday, October 23: South Korea mulls its response as North Korea cements its war coalition with Russia. In other news, an Arab News/YouGov poll shows Donald Trump leading among Arab-American voters. Also, do Western gorillas have democ
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Putin hosts Global South leaders at BRICS summit meant to counterbalance Western clout
• 9:48 AM
1 min
China’s Xi Jinping, India’s Narendra Modi and other world leaders arrived Tuesday in the Russian city of Kazan for a summit of the BRICS bloc of developing economies that the Kremlin hopes to turn into a rallying point for defying Western influence in gl
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Au Sénégal, le succès des maillots de football
World • 9:44 AM
1 min
Le championnat sénégalais de football a démarré ce week-end. Face à la crise économique qui impacte les équipes locales, les clubs essaient de développer de nouvelles stratégies commerciales. Ils font de plus en plus appel à des designers pour confection
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'The smell of death is everywhere' in Gaza, according to the UN
• 9:44 AM
1 min
Israeli strikes across Gaza killed 16 people on Wednesday as Israeli forces stepped up pressure on northern areas of the Palestinian enclave, besieged hospital and refugee shelters, and ordered residents to head south, medics and residents said. Details
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الحرب ترمي بثقلها على النساء الحوامل في لبنان
Science • 9:44 AM
1 min
تتحدث داليا حجازي عن معاناة ومخاوف النساء الحوامل في ظل الحرب في لبنان، وتستعرض أبرز التحديات التي واجهت النساء منذ بداية النزوح. 
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En Guinée, enlèvement de Sadou Nimaga, proche de l’ancien président
World • 9:37 AM
1 min
En Guinée, Sadou Nimaga, proche de l’ancien président Alpha Condé, a disparu jeudi dernier dans des circonstances inquiétantes. Ce mardi 22 octobre, son avocat affirme que sa sécurité est menacée et craint que l’enquête ne piétine. La correspondance régi
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Sommet des Brics en Russie : Poutine affiche l'entente avec ses partenaires
World • 9:34 AM
1 min
À l'occasion du sommet des Brics, Vladimir Poutine a affiché son entente avec les pays membres et entend faire la démonstration de l'échec de la politique occidentale de sanctions économiques et d'isolement diplomatique visant son pays depuis l'assaut de
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Former Abercrombie & Fitch chief Mike Jeffries charged with sex crimes
• 9:30 AM
1 min
Former Abercrombie & Fitch CEO Mike Jeffries, his romantic partner and a third man were arrested Tuesday on charges of luring men into drug-laced, outlandish and coercive sex parties by dangling the promise of modeling for the retailer's once-defining be
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French government considers forcing through budget bill after tax on rich vote
• 9:29 AM
1 min
Left-wing and centrist MPs banded together on Tuesday and voted to make a temporary tax on the rich a permanent levy to help reduce France's crippling public deficit, dealing a major blow to the minority right-wing government. In response, the government
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Pour la rapporteuse spéciale de l'ONU Francesca Albanese, "Yahya Sinouar aurait dû être jugé"
World • 9:28 AM
1 min
La rapporteuse spéciale de l’ONU sur la situation des droits de l’Homme dans les Territoires palestiniens occupés, Francesca Albanese, a accordé un entretien à France 24. Elle a notamment commenté la mort du chef du Hamas, Yahya Sinouar, lors d'une opéra
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Au Liban, le plus grand hôpital du pays visé par Israël
World • 9:25 AM
1 min
Ce 22 octobre, une frappe israélienne a touché un quartier habité dans le sud de Beyrouth. Bilan : 18 morts, dont quatre enfants, et 60 blessés, selon le ministère libanais de la Santé. Elle s'est produite à proximité de l'hôpital Rafic Hariri, le plus g
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In an Arizona election center, a room made of glass ensures that voters can observe vote-counting
• 9:23 AM
1 min
Four years after Donald Trump's electoral defeat, America's body politic is swimming in vote-rigging conspiracies pushed by Trump himself. Yet, a county in Arizona is trying to keep its head above the water with a 32 million dollar election center that i
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