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Detenidos en España los líderes de la organización terrorista que asaltó una televisión en Ecuador
• 5:35 PM
2 min
El principal cabecilla de la organización Los Tiguerones, detenido en Tarragona junto a su número dos, ha sido vinculado a delitos de terrorismo como el asalto al medio ecuatoriano TC Televisión cuando se emitía un informativo en directo en enero.
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A Alemanha precisa de reformar o seu sistema de pensões?
• 5:22 PM
9 min
Com os políticos a centrarem-se na pobreza na terceira idade, muitos apelam ao Governo alemão para que reforme o sistema de pensões. Mas qual é a gravidade da situação?
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EPP, far right MEPs call to build a wall at the EU border, stoking controversy
Europe • 5:07 PM
4 min
Right-wing lawmakers voted in favour of funding "external physical barriers" as part of the 2025 budget, though the resolution was eventually voted down.
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Fransa'da bütçe sorunlarını çözmek için sanal kumarhanelerin yasallaşması gündemde
• 5:06 PM
4 min
Hükümet, sanal kumara yönelik yasağın kaldırılmasının yasadışı sitelerle mücadeleye yardımcı olacağını belirtiyor. Ayrıca bunun, çok ihtiyaç duyulan vergi gelirini getirebileceği de düşünülüyor.
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İngiltere'de son şiddet olayları ile sosyal medya paylaşımları arasında açık bir bağlantı tespit edildi
• 5:06 PM
4 min
İngiliz medya denetim kuruluşu Ofcom, çevrim içi sosyal medya paylaşımları ile yaz boyunca sokaklarda artan şiddet olayları arasında açık bir bağlantı olduğunu tespit etti.
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Socialisti, Verdi e Liberali contestano la Commissione Ue sui centri per il rimpatrio dei migranti
• 5:04 PM
5 min
Gli alleati criticano il piano di Ursula von der Leyen dopo che la presidente aveva invitato i 27 a studiare "soluzioni innovative" per arginare il flusso di migranti irregolari, tra cui la creazione di centri per il rimpatrio al di fuori dei confini Ue
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الاستعدادات الصينية تجاه تايوان: حرب أم استعراض للقوة؟
International • 5:00 PM
1 min
تأتي هذه المناورة في وقت تشهد فيه المنطقة تصاعدًا في التوترات، حيث تثير الأنشطة العسكرية الصينية المتكررة قرب تايوان، بالإضافة إلى تصريحات الرئيس الصيني حول الاستعداد للحرب، تساؤلات حول نوايا بكين في استخدام القوة لاستعادة السيطرة على الجزيرة.
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Climate Commissioner eyes chance to drive emissions cuts through tax policy
Business • 4:58 PM
4 min
Wopke Hoekstra wants to use tax changes to nudge Europeans towards cleaner and greener choices in areas such as transport and heating – but he’ll face the same veto that has blocked reform for years.
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Γερμανία: Στο επίκεντρο και πάλι οι συντάξεις
• 4:56 PM
1 min
Τι απαντούν οι αρμόδιες υπηρεσίες για το ύψος και τις αυξήσεις
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Does Germany need to reform its pension system?
Europe • 4:56 PM
9 min
With politicians focussing on poverty in old age, many are calling on the German government to reform the pension system. But how serious really is the situation?
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Campanha de vacinação contra a poliomielite no norte de Gaza adiada devido a aumento da violência
• 4:55 PM
3 min
O objetivo da campanha de vacinação em Gaza era fornecer a mais de meio milhão de crianças segundas doses de uma nova vacina oral.
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Какие европейские университеты подают больше всего патентных заявок?
• 4:53 PM
2 min
Университеты ЕС стабильно увеличивают вклад в развитие технологий, но трудности с коммерциализацией научных исследований остаются
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European Parliament softens stance on overhaul of medical device rules
Business • 4:50 PM
3 min
Timetable for reforms of rules affecting medical devices not defined after calls for thorough impact assessment.
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Crocodilo siamês repovoa o Camboja
• 4:46 PM
1 min
O crocodilo siamês, que se pensava estar extinto no Camboja, está a regressar graças a esforços sustentados de conservação.
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Kaja Kallas, Rusya'nın 'emperyalist rüyasını' ve Çin'in 'haksız rekabetini' eleştirdi
• 4:45 PM
4 min
Kaja Kallas'ın AB'nin Dış İlişkiler ve Güvenlik Politikası Yüksek Temsilcisi adayı olarak gösterilmesi, onu yakından takip edilen isimlerden biri haline getiriyor
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Anschlag auf türkisches Rüstungsunternehmen: Vier Tote und 14 Verletzte
• 4:43 PM
2 min
Bei einem mutmaßlichen terroristischen Anschlag auf die türkische Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie (TUSAS) nahe Ankara sind mindestens vier Menschen getötet und 14 weitere verletzt worden.
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Kallas critica il "sogno imperialistico" della Russia e la "concorrenza sleale" della Cina
• 4:41 PM
5 min
"Il modo in cui rispondiamo alla guerra illegale di aggressione della Russia contro l'Ucraina dice al mondo chi siamo e quali valori sosteniamo", ha dichiarato Kaja Kallas in una lettera al Parlamento europeo in vista dell'audizione di conferma
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Kallas and Kos make pitch to curb unanimity in EU foreign and enlargement policy
Europe • 4:41 PM
4 min
The two Commissioners-designate argue that unanimity is slowing down decision-making in the field they are to helm for the next five years.
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Kaja Kallas critica o "sonho imperialista" da Rússia e a "concorrência desleal" da China
• 4:35 PM
5 min
"A forma como respondemos à guerra da Rússia contra a Ucrânia diz ao mundo quem somos e os valores que defendemos", afirmou Kaja Kallas numa carta enviada ao Parlamento Europeu.
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Το Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο και το Συμβούλιο συγκρούονται για τις περικοπές "λιτότητας" ύψους 1,52 δισ. ευρώ στον προϋπολογισμό του 2025
• 4:33 PM
1 min
"Ο προϋπολογισμός της ΕΕ δεν μπορεί να είναι αιχμάλωτος των επιτοκίων με τη μείωση των προγραμμάτων μας", δήλωσε ο ευρωβουλευτής Βίκτορ Νεγκρέσκου, καθώς οι συνάδελφοί του εξέφρασαν σαφή αντίθεση στις προτεινόμενες περικοπές, προετοιμάζοντας το σκηνικό γι
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Des centaines de personnes à Paris soutiennent Paul Watson, menacé d'extradition vers le Japon
World • 4:32 PM
1 min
Des centaines de personnes se rassemblent à Paris pour soutenir un militant contre la chasse à la baleine menacé d'extradition vers le Japon.
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Kaja Kallas denuncia el "sueño imperialista" de Rusia y la "competencia desleal" de China
• 4:31 PM
6 min
"La forma en que respondemos a la guerra ilegal de agresión de Rusia contra Ucrania dice al mundo quiénes somos y los valores que defendemos", ha dicho Kaja Kallas en una carta al Parlamento Europeo antes de su audiencia de confirmación.
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وجبات "كوارتر باوندر" من ماكدونالدز تودي بحياة شخص وتصيب العشرات.. ماذا نعرف حتى الآن؟
International • 4:30 PM
1 min
وجبة شهيرة من ماكدونالدز تودي بحياة شخص وتصيب نحو 50 آخرين بالتسمم في الولايات المتحدة.
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Quais as universidades e países europeus que registam mais pedidos de patentes?
• 4:30 PM
5 min
Relatório revela uma contribuição crescente das universidades para o ecossistema de inovação do continente europeu, mas lamenta que a fragmentação europeia esteja a prejudicar a capacidade de transformar a investigação científica de alto nível em competit
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İddia: TUSAŞ saldırısı sonrası X, Instagram ve Facebook'a erişim sorunu yaşanıyor
• 4:23 PM
6 min
We Are Social'ın 2024 yılının ilk çeyreğinde yayınladığı rapora göre, Türk kullanıcılar her gün sosyal medyada 2 saat 44 dakika geçiriyor.
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Trami Tropik Fırtınası Filipinler'i vurdu: 1 kişi öldü, 7 kişi kayıp
• 4:20 PM
1 min
Trami Tropik Fırtınası ardından yaşanan şiddetli yağmur, Filipinler'in doğusunda yoğun sel baskınlarına neden oldu.
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Le Parlement européen et le Conseil de l'UE s'opposent sur une coupe de 1,5 milliard d'euros dans le budget 2025
Europe • 4:16 PM
3 min
Le budget de l'UE ne peut pas être prisonnier des taux d'intérêt, en réduisant nos programmes", a déclaré Victor Negrescu, l'un des principaux législateurs, alors que les eurodéputés ont manifesté une opposition claire aux réductions proposées, ouvrant la
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Kaja Kallas dénonce le "rêve impérialiste" de la Russie et la "concurrence déloyale" de la Chine
Europe • 4:15 PM
6 min
"La façon dont nous répondons à la guerre d'agression illégale de la Russie contre l'Ukraine indique au monde qui nous sommes et les valeurs que nous défendons", a déclaré Kaja Kallas dans une lettre adressée au Parlement européen avant son audition de co
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Rapçi Eminem, Kamala Harris için düzenlenen mitingde Barack Obama'ya katıldı
• 4:13 PM
3 min
Rapçi, arka planda çalan 'Lose Yourself' ritmiyle eski ABD Başkanı Barack Obama'yı tanıtmadan önce memleketine seslendi.
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Hundreds gather in Paris to support anti-whaling activist facing extradition to Japan
• 4:13 PM
1 min
A Greenland court extended the custody of anti-whaling campaigner Paul Watson until 13 November as Denmark reviews a Japanese extradition request.
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EURONEWS HOY | Las noticias del miércoles 23 de octubre
• 4:10 PM
3 min
Euronews Hoy le ofrece las noticias más destacadas de la jornada: la polémica llegada del secretario general de la ONU a la cumbre BRICS celebrada en Rusia; la huelga de trabajadores del sector automovilístico en el noroeste de Francia y el rescate de 46
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Siamese crocodile returns to Cambodia’s wild
• 4:10 PM
1 min
The Siamese crocodile, once thought to be extinct in Cambodia, is making a comeback as a result of a successful reintroduction program that has bred and released captive baby crocodiles into the wild.
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Kühe grasen auf dem Wasser? Einzigartiges Pilotprojekt in Rotterdam
• 4:08 PM
5 min
Im Hafen von Rotterdam gibt es einen weltweit einzigartigen schwimmenden Bauernhof mit Kühen, dessen Stall auf dem Wasser steht. Mit diesem Pilotprojekt will man den Herausforderungen der Klimakrise begegnen.
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Стоит ли Россия за недавними поджогами в Европе?
• 4:00 PM
1 min
Инциденты в Германии, Латвии, Литве, Польше и Великобритании вызвали подозрения в том, что Москва пытается наказать европейские страны за поддержку Украины против российского вторжения.
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هل تقف روسيا وراء الحرائق التي اندلعت مؤخرا في أوروبا؟
Europe • 4:00 PM
1 min
أدت الحوادث في ألمانيا ولاتفيا وليتوانيا وبولندا والمملكة المتحدة إلى شكوك بأن موسكو تحاول تخريب الدول الأوروبية لدعمها أوكرانيا ضد الغزو الروسي.
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Latest news bulletin | October 23rd – Evening
• 4:00 PM
1 min
Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news, World, Business, Entertainment, Politics, Culture, Travel.
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L’info du jour | 23 octobre - Soir
World • 4:00 PM
1 min
Suivez les derniers développements de l'actualité en Europe et dans le monde. Retrouvez les dernières infos sur la politique, l'économie, la culture et le divertissement.
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Le notizie del giorno | 23 ottobre - Serale
• 4:00 PM
1 min
Segui l'attualità dall'Europa e dal mondo. Ricevi le ultime notizie su economia, spettacolo, politica, cultura, viaggi.
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Nachrichten des Tages | 23. Oktober - Abendausgabe
• 4:00 PM
1 min
Informieren Sie sich über das aktuelle Geschehen in Europa und der Welt - Politik, Wirtschaft, Unterhaltung, Kultur und Reisen.
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As notícias do dia | 23 outubro 2024 - Noite
• 4:00 PM
1 min
Acompanhe a atualidade da Europa e do Mundo. Fique a par das notícias mais recentes da Política, dos Negócios, do Desporto e da Cultura.
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Новости дня | 23 октября — вечерний выпуск
• 4:00 PM
1 min
Узнавайте о самых важных событиях в Европе и за ее пределами - последние новости, срочные новости, мир, бизнес, развлечения, политика, культура, путешествия
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ECDC: Almanya'da görülen mpox virüsü Avrupalılar için düşük risk taşıyor
• 3:58 PM
3 min
Alman hasta, Avrupa'da tespit edilen maymun çiçeği virüsünün klad 1b türünün ikinci vakası oldu.
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A Rotterdam una fattoria galleggiante per affrontare le sfide del cambiamento climatico
• 3:57 PM
4 min
Situata nel porto di Rotterdam, questa stalla sull'acqua mira a dimostrare che un'azienda agricola può funzionare con una più bassa impronta di carbonio e rispondendo ai rischi associati al riscaldamento globale
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¿Qué universidades y países europeos presentan más solicitudes de patentes?
• 3:56 PM
5 min
Un nuevo estudio muestra la creciente contribución de las universidades al ecosistema de innovación del continente, pero lamenta que la fragmentación del bloque esté mermando la capacidad de convertir la investigación científica de alto nivel en competiti
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El organismo de control de la UE critica el acuerdo con Túnez por motivos de derechos humanos
• 3:54 PM
4 min
La Defensora del Pueblo Europeo ha pedido "criterios concretos" para suspender los fondos de la UE destinados a Túnez en caso de abusos contra los derechos humanos.
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El Parlamento Europeo rechaza el recorte de 1.520 millones de euros propuesto por el Consejo
• 3:54 PM
4 min
El presupuesto de la UE no puede ser prisionero de los tipos de interés mediante la reducción de nuestros programas", afirmó el diputado Victor Negrescu, mientras los eurodiputados mostraban su clara oposición a los recortes propuestos por el Consejo para
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Avrupa Parlamentosu ve Konseyi, Erasmus programının da dahil edildiği bütçe kesintilerinde uzlaşamadı
• 3:53 PM
3 min
'AB bütçesi, programlarımızı azaltarak faiz oranlarının esiri olamaz,' diyen AP milletvekili Victor Negrescu, 2025 yılı bütçesine ilişkin gergin müzakerelere zemin hazırlayan kesinti önerilerine karşı olduklarını açıkça ortaya koydu.
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Convocan elecciones en Bielorrusia mientras continúa la represión de Lukaschenko
• 3:52 PM
5 min
El gobernante autoritario lleva 30 años en el poder. En Bielorrusia, los participantes en las protestas de 2020 siguen siendo perseguidos y los líderes de la oposición están detenidos o en el exilio.
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Kaja Kallas blasts Russia's 'imperialistic dream' and China's 'unfair competition'
Europe • 3:43 PM
4 min
"How we respond to Russia's illegal war of aggression against Ukraine tells the world who we are and the values we stand for," Kaja Kallas has said in a letter to the European Parliament ahead of her confirmation hearing.
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Τα ευρωπαϊκά πανεπιστήμια και οι χώρες με τις περισσότερες αιτήσεις για πατέντες
• 3:42 PM
2 min
Μια νέα μελέτη καταδεικνύει την αυξανόμενη συμβολή των πανεπιστημίων στο οικοσύστημα καινοτομίας της ηπείρου, αλλά εκφράζει τη λύπη της για τον κατακερματισμό του μπλοκ που παραλύει την ικανότητα μετατροπής της επιστημονικής έρευνας υψηλού επιπέδου σε οικ
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Берлин и Лондон подписали оборонный пакт
• 3:41 PM
1 min
Это соглашение между двумя членами НАТО называют первым в своем роде.
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Watchdog finds European Commission failed to assess competition impact of post-Covid aid
Business • 3:39 PM
2 min
As the EU loosened several times its state aid rules after the COVID-19, a report of the European auditors found that analysis of the impact on competition was missing.
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Neuer Verteidigungspakt: Deutschland und Großbritannien vertiefen militärische Zusammenarbeit
• 3:33 PM
3 min
Deutschland und Großbritannien haben einen Verteidigungspakt unterzeichnet, der engere Kooperationen in der Rüstungsindustrie und gemeinsame militärische Projekte vorsieht.
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Lisbon sees second night of riots after police shot dead a man during an arrest
Europe • 3:33 PM
6 min
Rioting in several districts around the city erupted when a Portuguese police officer shot and killed a Cape Verdean man.
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Bir Rus vatandaşı, Almanya'da Ukraynalı askerleri bıçaklamakla suçlanıyor
• 3:31 PM
2 min
Murnau'da işlenen cinayette zanlının, Rusya'nın devam eden geniş çaplı işgalinin ahlaki olup olmadığı konusunda çıkan bir tartışmanın ardından bıçakla saldırdığı iddia edildi.
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One dead after tropical storm Trami hits the Philippines
• 3:30 PM
1 min
Tropical storm Trami brought heavy rainfall to the eastern Philippines, causing severe flooding that left one person dead and seven others missing.
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الاستخبارات الأمريكية تحذّر: روسيا وإيران قد تسعيان إلى تأجيج الاحتجاجات بعد الانتخابات الرئاسية
International • 3:30 PM
2 min
حذر مسؤولان كبيران في الاستخبارات الأمريكية، يوم الثلاثاء، من أن روسيا وإيران قد تحاولان الدعوة إلى تنظيم احتجاجات عنيفة في الولايات المتحدة، عبر الإنترنت، وذلك بعد الانتخابات الرئاسية في البلاد في تشرين الثاني/ نوفمبر.
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Συμφωνία στενότερης αμυντικής συνεργασίας υπέγραψαν Γερμανία και Βρετανία
• 3:26 PM
1 min
Οι δυο χώρες θα φτιάχνουν μαζί ντρόουν, κάννες πυροβολικού και πυραύλους
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Le Royaume-Uni et l’Allemagne ont signé un accord de défense "historique"
Europe • 3:24 PM
3 min
L'Allemagne et le Royaume-Uni vont signer aujourd'hui un accord sans précédant dans le domaine de la défense. Baptisé "accord de Trinity House", le partenariat est clairement destiné à contrer l'agression croissance de la Russie.
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В пенсионном фонде Германии советуют не полагаться на государство
• 3:23 PM
1 min
Хорошее наследство, богатый партнёр и работодатель, который будет начислять вам надбавку – немцам советуют готовиться к пенсии загодя.
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DEM Parti Grup Başkanvekili Temelli'den TUSAŞ saldırısı açıklaması: 'Zamanlaması manidardır'
• 3:20 PM
3 min
AK Parti Grup Başkanvekili Zengin de 'Ben de zamanlamasını çok manidar buluyorum' diyerek, 'Neden bugün? Neden TUSAŞ?' sorularının yanıtlanmasının önemini vurguladı.
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ECB’s Lagarde stays cautious on rate cuts, urges competitiveness reforms
Europe • 3:18 PM
5 min
ECB's Christine Lagarde emphasised a cautious, data-driven approach to further rate cuts. She highlighted the need to address productivity gaps, energy costs, and digitalisation, calling for immediate action.
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Les pensions de retraites allemandes sont-elles insuffisantes ?
Europe • 3:13 PM
5 min
Avec un âge légal de départ à la retraite de 65 ans et des pensions mensuelles relativement basses par rapport à la moyenne européenne, le système de retraites fait plus que jamais débat en Allemagne.
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Macaristan Başbakanı Orban: Brüksel benim yerime kukla bir hükümet kurmak istiyor
• 3:13 PM
3 min
Orban'a göre tüm Avrupa Birliği (AB), Rusya ve Ukrayna arasındaki savaşa itiliyor.
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Βίκτορ Όρμπαν: Οι Βρυξέλλες θέλουν να βάλουν μια κυβέρνηση-μαριονέτα στη θέση μας
• 3:11 PM
3 min
Ολόκληρη η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση ωθείται στον ρωσοουκρανικό πόλεμο, δήλωσε ο πρωθυπουργός της Ουγγαρίας με αφορμή την εθνική επέτειο της 23ης Οκτωβρίου.
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The pie and mash campaign to get UK 'Cockney classic’ protected status
Culture • 3:10 PM
3 min
A conservative former minister is campaigning for pie and mash to get enahnced status in the UK. NB: The dish does taste better than it looks. Promise.
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Parlamento Europeu e Conselho entram em conflito sobre cortes de "austeridade" de 1,52 mil milhões de euros no orçamento para 2025
• 3:07 PM
3 min
O orçamento da UE não pode ser prisioneiro das taxas de juro pela redução dos nossos programas", disse o eurodeputado Victor Negrescu, que manifestou a sua oposição aos cortes propostos, preparando o terreno para negociações tensas sobre o orçamento da UE
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فنان غزة الذي لا يتكلم بصوته بل بريشته.. بلال أبو نحل يرسم حكايات الصمود من مخيم دير البلح
International • 3:00 PM
1 min
قام الفنان الفلسطيني الأصم والأبكم بلال أبو نحل بتحويل خيمته في مخيم دير البلح للاجئين بقطاع غزة إلى استوديو فني ينبض بالحياة.
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Cosa sta facendo l'Europa per tutelare i diritti delle persone con disabilità?
• 3:00 PM
4 min
Europeans' Stories ha visitato i Paesi Bassi, dove sono state adottate varie misure in materia
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Overcoming obstacles to equality: the battle for disability rights in the EU
Europe • 3:00 PM
6 min
Living with a disability in Europe today is still all too often a journey littered with obstacles and discrimination. The Paris 2024 Paralympic Games have put the issue back on the agenda. But the task ahead is enormous.
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Discapacidad en Europa: "Las palabras no cambiarán las cosas"
• 3:00 PM
6 min
'Europeans' Stories' visitó los Países Bajos, donde se han tomado una serie de medidas para garantizar los derechos de las personas con discapacidad.
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Behinderung in Europa: "Worte allein ändern nichts"
• 3:00 PM
5 min
Menschen mit Behinderungen stoßen auf Hindernisse beim Zugang zu Bildung, Arbeitsmarkt, Freizeit und politischer Teilhabe. Fast die Hälfte der EU-Bevölkerung ist der Ansicht, dass Diskriminierung aufgrund einer Behinderung weit verbreitet ist.
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Handicap en Europe : "Ce ne sont pas les mots qui changeront les choses"
Europe • 3:00 PM
5 min
Europeans' Stories s’est rendu aux Pays-Bas, où de nombreux dispositifs ont été mis en œuvre pour garantir les droits des personnes handicapées.
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Словами не помочь: инвалиды в ЕС требуют лучших антидискриминационные законов
• 3:00 PM
1 min
Наш телеканал представляет очередной выпуск программы "Европейский разговор", поднимая тему сохраняющейся дискриминации людей с ограниченными возможностями.
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Διαρκής η μάχη των ατόμων με αναπηρία για τα δικαιώματά τους στην ΕΕ
• 3:00 PM
3 min
Η ζωή με αναπηρία στην Ευρώπη εξακολουθεί να είναι πολύ συχνά ένα ταξίδι γεμάτο εμπόδια και διακρίσεις. Οι Παραολυμπιακοί Αγώνες του Παρισιού 2024 επανέφεραν το θέμα στην ημερήσια διάταξη. Αλλά η δουλειά που πρέπει να γίνει είναι τεράστια.
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Pessoas com deficiência: “As palavras não vão mudar as coisas”
• 3:00 PM
5 min
Neste episódio, o Europeans' Stories esteve nos Países Baixos onde, apesar de terem sido tomadas medidas, ainda há muito a fazer para garantir os direitos das pessoas com deficiência.
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Atentado contra empresa aeroespacial turca de defesa faz pelo menos 4 mortos e vários feridos
• 3:00 PM
2 min
Agressores detonaram um explosivo e abriram fogo durante um ataque às instalações da empresa estatal turca de sistemas aeroespaciais (Tusas), matando pelo menos quatro pessoas e ferindo mais de uma dezena, segundo as autoridades.
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ΑΠΟΚΛΕΙΣΤΙΚΟ Airbnb: Τι απαντά στην ελληνική κυβέρνηση για το πάγωμα των μισθώσεων στην Αθήνα
• 3:00 PM
3 min
Οι θέσεις της Airbnb για το αν και πόσο οι βραχυχρόνιες μισθώσεις επηρεάζουν τη στεγαστική κρίση, ποιοι και πόσο ενοικιάζουν ακίνητα στην Ελλάδα, πώς οι πλατφόρμες συγκρατούν τις τιμές στα ξενοδοχεία- Τι είπε η επικεφαλής δημόσιας πολιτικής Νότιας Ευρώπης
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L'accordo Ue-Tunisia poggia su ripetute "violazioni di diritti umani"
• 2:58 PM
3 min
Il Mediatore europeo ha chiesto "criteri concreti" per sospendere i fondi Ue alla Tunisia in caso di violazione dei diritti umani
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Terrorist attack targets Turkish Aerospace Industries in Ankara: What we know so far
• 2:53 PM
2 min
An attack on Turkish Aerospace Industries in Ankara left four dead and 14 injured. President Erdogan denounced the attack and wished a speedy recovery for the wounded.
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Can Abercrombie & Fitch survive sex trafficking scandal facing its former CEO?
Culture • 2:52 PM
10 min
The former CEO of American fashion brand Abercrombie & Fitch (A&F) Mike Jeffries has been arrested on charges of running a prostitution and international sex trafficking ring.
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Clear connection between social media posts and violence during Southport riots, UK regulator finds
Business • 2:49 PM
4 min
UK regulator Ofcom found a clear connection between online social media posts and increased violence on the streets during riots over the summer.
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Alemanha e Reino Unido assinam pacto de defesa face à ameaça russa
• 2:35 PM
1 min
O acordo entre os dois países tem como objetivo contrariar a ascensão da Rússia, bem como uma possível agressão. “Temos as mesmas ameaças”, afirmou o Secretário da Defesa britânico, John Healey.
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This Swiss ski resort has been named the best in the world, per new ranking
• 2:35 PM
7 min
Five ski resorts in Switzerland feature in the top 20 rankings, whilst Austria has 12.
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Polio-Impfkampagne im nördlichen Gazastreifen wegen "eskalierender Gewalt" verschoben
• 2:35 PM
4 min
Ziel der Impfkampagne in Gaza war es, mehr als eine halbe Million Kinder mit einer zweiten Dosis eines neuartigen Schluckimpfstoffs zu versorgen.
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Mercedes seeks to plug gap with own battery recycling factory in Germany
Business • 2:32 PM
3 min
Mercedes is opening its own battery recycling plant in southern Germany, in an attempt to recover raw materials such as nickel, cobalt and lithium.
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مأساة جديدة في القنال الإنجليزي: وفاة مهاجرين وإنقاذ 48 آخرين من الغرق
Europe • 2:30 PM
1 min
لقي مهاجران حتفهما بعد غرق قارب يقلهم نحو القنال الإنجليزي، حيث أعلنت البحرية الفرنسية أنها تمكنت من انتشال 48 مهاجراً من المياه الفرنسية، بينهم جثتان، ليرتفع بذلك عدد القتلى والمفقودين الغرقى في المياه الفرنسية هذا العام إلى أكثر من 51 قتيلاً.
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Messerattacke in Murnau: Russe wegen Doppelmordes an zwei ukrainischen Soldaten vor Gericht
• 2:30 PM
4 min
Im April wurden in Murnau zwei ukrainische Soldaten ermordet, die sich dort von Kriegsverletzungen erholten. Der Verdächtige soll laut Ermittlern aus "gekränktem Nationalstolz" gehandelt haben.
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Alemania y Reino Unido firman un pacto en Defensa ante la amenaza rusa
• 2:28 PM
2 min
La firma entre ambos países busca contrarrestar el crecimiento de Rusia así como una posible agresión. "Tenemos las mismas amenazas", afirmó el secretario de Defensa de Reino Unido John Healey.
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Viktor Orbán: Brussels wants to put a puppet government in our place
Europe • 2:26 PM
3 min
The Hungarian prime minister also claimed the whole bloc is being forced into Russia's war in Ukraine.
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Mpox: European health authorities say risk to public is low after new strain identified in Germany
Business • 2:26 PM
2 min
The German patient is the second case of a new strain of mpox detected in Europe.
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Τουρκία: Φονική επίθεση σε εγκαταστάσεις επιχείρησης της αμυντικής βιομηχανίας
• 2:24 PM
1 min
Τέσσερις νεκροί και 14 τραυματίες από την επίθεση, σύμφωνα με τον Τούρκο πρόεδρο - Νεκροί τουλάχιστον δύο από τους δράστες - Δεν έχει γίνει ανάληψη ευθύνης
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Attaque terroriste à Ankara : plusieurs morts et de nombreux blessés
World • 2:22 PM
3 min
L'entreprise turque d'aérospatiale et de défense TUSAS a été ciblée par une attaque meurtrière.
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Grevlerle boğuşan Boeing, uydusunun uzayda parçalanmasıyla yeni bir darbe aldı
• 2:20 PM
4 min
Son olay, Boeing'in grevdeki işçilerin oylamasının sonuçlarını beklediği ve üçüncü çeyrek sonuçlarında büyük bir kayıp bildirmesinin beklendiği bir dönemde meydana geldi.
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Сторонники фон дер Ляйен критикуют её позицию по миграции
• 2:20 PM
1 min
Социалисты и «зелёные» критикуют концепцию экстерриториальных миграционных центр
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