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دراسة: خطاب الكراهية على "إكس" ارتفع بنسبة 50% بعد استحواذ ماسك على المنصة
Business • 5:30 PM
1 min
ارتفع خطاب الكراهية على منصة التواصل الاجتماعي إكس بنسبة 50% بعد استحواذ الملياردير إيلون ماسك عليها، وفقًا لدراسة جديدة أجرتها جامعة كاليفورنيا بيركلي.
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Estudantes sérvios voltam a pedir justiça pelas mortes em estação de comboios
• 5:26 PM
2 min
Centenas de estudantes de várias cidades da Sérvia iniciaram na terça-feira uma marcha de quatro dias em direção a Kragujevac, onde se realizará um grande protesto no sábado.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euro
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Ukrainian strike reportedly kills one person in Russian-occupied city
Europe • 5:26 PM
2 min
Meanwhile, three civilians were injured after the Russian army shelled the city of Kherson on Saturday morning, local media reported.View on euronews
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Hamas to free three Israeli hostages on Saturday as ceasefire remains fragile
• 5:20 PM
3 min
The Palestinian group recently said they could delay the release of hostages, after accusing Israel of breaching some of the terms of the ceasefire agreement.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/0
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'Perfect storm' of crises threatening EU's security and economic models, report warns
Europe • 5:20 PM
5 min
The multipolarisation of the international order is challenging the EU's liberal vision with Donald Trump's return to the White House likely to accelerate the trend, a key report found.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="http
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Quem é Robert F. Kennedy Jr., o novo secretário da Saúde dos EUA?
• 5:19 PM
8 min
Kennedy é um notável advogado ambientalista, ativista anti-vacinas e antigo candidato presidencial que se tornou aliado de Donald Trump.
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Unilever'in 'ayırma' kararı aldığı dondurma işinde birincil listeleme Amsterdam'da olacak
• 5:18 PM
3 min
İngiltere Maliye Bakanı Rachel Reeves'in başkente daha fazla birincil liste getirmeye yönelik çabaları göz önüne alındığında, Unilever'in hamlesi, Londra'nın zor durumdaki borsasına yeni bir darbe olarak görülüyor.
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Most European countries far behind on critical cyber rules
Europe • 5:14 PM
4 min
The European Commission is assessing responses to infringement procedures it started in November.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/next/2025/02/13/most-european-countries-far-behind-on-critical-cybe
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Putin’s vision of peace is a subjugated Ukraine and a weak Euro-Atlantic community, expert says
Europe • 5:14 PM
8 min
Since Donald Trump announced the beginning of the peace negotiations over Russia's war against Ukraine, the US authorities have made several statements on what Ukraine should and should not expect. Yet, there are no indications of any conditions or conces
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Belgio, manifestazione nazionale a Bruxelles contro le politiche di austerità del nuovo governo
• 5:13 PM
3 min
Almeno 60mila persone hanno manifestato nella capitale belga Bruxelles contro la politica di austerità del nuovo governo<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/2025/02/13/belgio-manifestazione-nazionale-a-
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Вице-президент США прибыл в Мюнхен
• 5:12 PM
1 min
Помимо переговоров с Зеленским, Вэнс выступит с речью на Мюнхенской конференции по безопасности в пятницу.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/13/vance-arrived-to-germany?utm_source=te
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NO COMMENT: Las imágenes del atropello en Múnich que ha dejado 28 heridos
• 5:03 PM
1 min
El autor del atropello, quien conducía un modelo de Mini, fue identificado como un solicitante de asilo afgano de 24 años. La Policía lo detuvo inmediatamente en el lugar de los hechos.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="http
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Право на ЭКО. Как в ЕС решается проблема бесплодия?
• 5:02 PM
1 min
Для многих пар ЭКО - единственный способ завести желанного ребенка. Как в странах Европейского союза решается проблема бесплодия, с которой сталкиваются 25 миллионов граждан?<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euro
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لا وقت لديك؟ إليك حلول مبتكرة للاحتفال بعيد الحب!
International • 5:01 PM
10 min
إذا كنت تشعر بالضغط بسبب قلة الوقت لتنظيم احتفال بعيد الحب هذا العام، لا داعي للقلق. في ظل وتيرة الحياة السريعة، نقدم لك مجموعة من الخيارات المميزة التي تمنحك الفرصة للاحتفال بهذا اليوم الخاص مع شريك حياتك.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__
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'As relações "caóticas" de Trump com os aliados são exatamente o que Putin quer' - analistas
• 5:00 PM
3 min
A retórica bélica de Trump em relação aos aliados dos Estados Unidos está a ser vantajosa para a Rússia, afirmaram dois especialistas à Euronews.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/2025/02/13/as-relaco
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«Хаотичные отношения Трампа с союзниками — это именно то, чего хочет Путин» — аналитики
• 5:00 PM
1 min
Два эксперта заявили Euronews, что воинственная риторика Трампа в отношении союзников Америки играет на руку России.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/2025/02/13/haotichnye-otnosheniya-trampa-s-soyuzn
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Per gli analisti, i "caotici" rapporti tra Trump e gli alleati sono proprio ciò che Putin vuole
• 5:00 PM
2 min
Due esperti hanno detto a Euronews che la retorica bellicosa di Trump verso gli alleati dell'America gioca a favore della Russia. Date le circostanze, la strategia migliore per l'Europa è puntare a fare accordi sui deficit commerciali e sulle materie prim
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"Las 'caóticas' relaciones de Trump con sus aliados es exactamente lo que quiere Putin" — analistas
• 5:00 PM
3 min
Dos expertos han declarado a 'Euronews' que la retórica belicosa de Trump hacia los aliados de Estados Unidos juega a favor de Rusia.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/2025/02/13/las-caoticas-relacion
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«Οι "χαοτικές" σχέσεις του Trump με τους συμμάχους είναι ακριβώς αυτό που θέλει ο Putin» - αναλυτές
• 5:00 PM
1 min
Δύο ειδικοί δήλωσαν στο Euronews ότι η πολεμοχαρής ρητορική του Trump προς τους συμμάχους της Αμερικής είναι υπέρ της Ρωσίας.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/02/13/oi-xaotikes-sxeseis-toy-trump
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Trumps „chaotische“ Beziehungen zu Verbündeten sind genau das, was Putin will - Analysten
• 5:00 PM
2 min
Zwei Experten gaben gegenüber Euronews an, dass Trumps kriegerische Rhetorik gegenüber Amerikas Verbündeten Russland zum Vorteil gereicht.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://de.euronews.com/2025/02/13/trumps-chaotisch
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Poutine souhaite des relations « chaotiques » entre Trump et ses alliés - experts
Europe • 5:00 PM
3 min
Deux experts ont déclaré à Euronews que la rhétorique belliqueuse de Trump à l'égard des alliés de l'Amérique joue en faveur de la Russie.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/2025/02/13/poutine-souhaite
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'Trump's 'chaotic' relations with allies is exactly what Putin wants' - analysts
Europe • 5:00 PM
2 min
Two experts have told Euronews that Trump's bellicose rhetoric towards America's allies is playing to Russia's advantage. Aiming to do deals on trade deficits and raw materials in exchange for continued military support is the best policy given the circum
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Latest news bulletin | February 13th – Evening
• 5:00 PM
1 min
Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news, World, Business, Entertainment, Politics, Culture, Travel.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/
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Новости дня | 13 февраля — вечерний выпуск
• 5:00 PM
1 min
Узнавайте о самых важных событиях в Европе и за ее пределами - последние новости, срочные новости, мир, бизнес, развлечения, политика, культура, путешествия<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/2025/02/1
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Le notizie del giorno | 13 febbraio - Serale
• 5:00 PM
1 min
Segui l'attualità dall'Europa e dal mondo. Ricevi le ultime notizie su economia, spettacolo, politica, cultura, viaggi.View on euronews
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L’info du jour | 13 février - Soir
World • 5:00 PM
1 min
Suivez les derniers développements de l'actualité en Europe et dans le monde. Retrouvez les dernières infos sur la politique, l'économie, la culture et le divertissement.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews
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EURONEWS HOY | Las noticias del jueves 13 de febrero: Atropello múltiple en Múnich
• 4:59 PM
3 min
Los principales titulares de la jornada: Un atropello múltiple deja al menos 28 heridos en Múnich. Trump negocia con Putin la paz en Ucrania. Austria, a un paso de la repetición electoral.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="h
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Moldova, droni russi si schiantano dopo aver violato lo spazio aereo: dura reazione delle autorità
• 4:57 PM
2 min
L'incidente ha messo a rischio la vita dei moldavi, ha dichiarato la presidente della Moldova, Maia Sandu<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/2025/02/13/moldova-droni-russi-si-schiantano-dopo-aver-viola
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Comment les traitements de l'infertilité sont-ils pris en charge dans l'UE ?
Europe • 4:54 PM
4 min
Avec le revirement de la Pologne concernant le financement public des traitements de FIV, tous les États membres de l'UE soutiennent désormais ce traitement de l'infertilité. Toutefois, les conditions et les délais d'attente varient d'un État membre à l'a
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Ai: nasce a Parigi HeritageWatch.ai, un nuovo sistema per la tutela del patrimonio culturale
• 4:52 PM
5 min
HeritageWatch.Ai, lanciato a Parigi durante l'Artificial intelligence action summit, combina tecnologie differenti. Nasce per fornire dati in tempo reale per proteggere i siti del patrimonio culturale da disastri naturali e conflitti<div class="small-12 c
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Λιθουανή υπουργός Άμυνας στο Euronews: Mε τη Ρωσία "τρέχουμε" σε διαφορετικές ταχύτητες
• 4:47 PM
1 min
Οι ΗΠΑ απορρίπτουν τις ελπίδες της Ουκρανίας για ένταξη στο ΝΑΤΟ. Η Λιθουανία λέει ότι οι αμυντικές δυνατότητες της ΕΕ «δεν ανταποκρίνονται» στην ανάπτυξη της Ρωσίας.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com
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Ukrayna-Rusya barış görüşmeleri: Avrupa'nın masadaki yeri şüpheli
• 4:42 PM
8 min
Trump ve Putin'in Ukrayna konusunda müzakerelere 'derhal' başlama kararı almasının ardından Avrupa masada yer alıp almayacağını merak ediyor.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/13/ukr
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J.D. Vance doit rencontrer Volodymyr Zelensky en marge du sommet sur la sécurité de Munich
Europe • 4:40 PM
4 min
Avec le secrétaire d'État américain Marco Rubio, J.D. Vance et Volodymyr Zelensky devraient discuter des pressions exercées par Donald Trump pour que l'Ukraine et la Russie entament des négociations de paix.<div class="small-12 column text-center article_
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Disney+ eski filmlerdeki içerik uyarılarını yumuşatacak
• 4:39 PM
6 min
Amerika'nın kültürel ortamındaki daha geniş bir siyasi değişimin parçası olarak Disney+, 'Dumbo' ve 'Peter Pan'daki ırksal stereotiplerle ilgili otomatik oynatma uyarılarını değiştiriyor.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="ht
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Who is Robert F Kennedy Jr, the incoming US health secretary?
Business • 4:38 PM
7 min
Kennedy is a notable environmental lawyer, anti-vaccine activist, and former presidential candidate turned Donald Trump ally.
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Σερβία: Συνεχίζονται οι κινητοποιήσεις των φοιτητών με πορεία προς την πόλη Κραγκούγεβατς
• 4:37 PM
1 min
Είναι η δεύτερη φορά που οι φοιτητές πραγματοποιούν πορεία – η προηγούμενη φορά ήταν την 1η Φεβρουαρίου από το Βελιγράδι προς το Νόβι Σαντ στην επέτειο των τριών μηνών από την τραγωδία στον σιδηροδρομικό σταθμό<div class="small-12 column text-center artic
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Serbische Studenten setzen Protestmarsch nach Kragujevac fort
• 4:31 PM
2 min
Hunderte von Studenten aus mehreren Städten Serbiens begannen am Dienstag einen viertägigen Marsch nach Kragujevac, wo am Samstag eine Massenkundgebung stattfinden soll.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://de.euronews.
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Tratamentos para a infertilidade na UE: onde são financiados e quem tem acesso?
• 4:29 PM
4 min
Com a reviravolta no financiamento público da Polónia para o tratamento de fertilização in vitro, todos os Estados-membros da UE apoiam agora este tratamento de fertilidade. No entanto, as condições e os tempos de espera variam consoante os 27.<div class=
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Aktivistler, İsrail-Filistin barışına yönelik umutlarını diri tutuyor
• 4:26 PM
9 min
15 aydır devam eden yıkıcı savaşın ardından ateşkesin çökme tehlikesiyle karşı karşıya olduğu Orta Doğu'da barışın sağlanması hiç bu kadar zor görünmemişti. Euronews bunu kabullenmeyi reddeden iki barış yanlısı grupla görüştü.<div class="small-12 column t
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Two Russian drones crash in Moldova after violating its airspace, authorities say
• 4:23 PM
2 min
The incident put Moldovan lives at risk, the eastern European country's President Maia Sandu said.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/02/13/two-russian-drones-crash-in-moldova-after-violating-its
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Репортаж с места событий: власти заявляют о "предполагаемом теракте" в Мюнхене
• 4:20 PM
1 min
По данным властей, подозреваемый, взятый под стражу, - 24-летний проситель убежища, родившийся в Афганистане.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/13/munich-possible-attack-report?utm_s
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27.000 salmones de piscifactoría se fugan en Noruega: 42 euros de recompensa por cada ejemplar
• 4:19 PM
4 min
La fuga de salmones está causando graves problemas medioambientales. Según los activistas, reduce la diversidad genética del salmón salvaje, aumenta las infecciones por piojos de mar e intensifica la competencia por las zonas de cría.<div class="small-12
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O que acontece se os medicamentos contra o VIH forem suspensos para milhões de pessoas
• 4:16 PM
5 min
O VIH enfraquece gradualmente o sistema imunitário do organismo e torna-o vulnerável a doenças, incluindo as raramente observadas em pessoas saudáveis.
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Reportagem no local: Autoridades dizem que atropelamento em Munique é "ataque suspeito"
• 4:15 PM
1 min
O suspeito, que foi detido, é um requerente de asilo de 24 anos, nascido no Afeganistão, de acordo com as autoridades.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/13/reportagem-no-local-autori
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Ο Έλον Μασκ ζήτησε να διαγραφούν ολόκληρες υπηρεσίες από την ομοσπονδιακή κυβέρνηση
• 4:15 PM
1 min
Μιλώντας κατά τη διάρκεια μιας βιντεοκλήσης στη Σύνοδο Κορυφής των Παγκόσμιων Κυβερνήσεων στο Ντουμπάι, ο δισεκατομμυριούχος είπε ακόμα ότι οι ΗΠΑ δίνουν σήμερα προτεραιότητα στην «κυριαρχία της γραφειοκρατίας» έναντι της κυριαρχίας του λαού, επικρίνοντας
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¿Quién es el autor del atropello múltiple en Múnich? Un refugiado afgano con antecedentes penales
• 4:14 PM
3 min
El sospechoso del atropello, que fue detenido en el lugar de los hechos, es un solicitante de asilo de 24 años nacido en Afganistán.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/13/quien-es-el-
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I rischi per il made in Italy posti dai dazi di Trump
• 4:08 PM
3 min
Gli Stati Uniti sono il più grande mercato extra-Ue per le esportazioni italiane. I dazi imposti da Donald Trump potrebbero penalizzare il settore vinicolo, degli alcolici e dei mobili<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https
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Serbian students to gather in Kragujevac seeking justice over train station deaths
Europe • 4:07 PM
2 min
Hundreds of students from multiple cities across Serbia began a four-day march on Tuesday to Kragujevac, where a mass protest is set to take place on Saturday.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/my-eu
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J.D. Vance, se reunirá con Zelenski al margen de la Conferencia de Seguridad de Múnich
• 4:04 PM
3 min
Zelenski y Vance, junto con el secretario de Estado de Estados Unidos, Marco Rubio, discutirán sobre el impulso del presidente Donald Trump para que Ucrania y Rusia inicien negociaciones para poner fin al conflicto más letal de Europa desde la Segunda Gue
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OTAN : la Lituanie appelle à renforcer la défense des alliés
World • 4:00 PM
2 min
La ministre lituanienne de la Défense estime que l’OTAN traverse une période très difficile en raison de la lenteur de l’Europe pour développer ses capacités de défense.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.
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‘It’s not a theme park’: As tourism surges, Canary Islanders call on visitors to show more respect
• 4:00 PM
19 min
Locals in the Canary Islands aren’t ‘anti-visitor’, but say they are only suffering from tourists’ bad behaviour rather than reaping the benefits.
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Auto sulla folla a Monaco di Baviera, le autorità sospettano un attentato
• 3:59 PM
1 min
Il conducente della Mini Cooper che ha travolto e ferito almeno 28 persone è stato preso in custodia dalla polizia: è un richiedente asilo di 24 anni nato in Afghanistan già noto alle forze dell'ordine<div class="small-12 column text-center article__butto
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Colloqui di pace in Ucraina: in dubbio il posto dell'Europa al tavolo
• 3:59 PM
6 min
Dopo che il presidente Usa Donald Trump e il presidente della Russia Vladimir Putin hanno concordato di avviare "immediatamente" i negoziati sull'Ucraina, l'Europa si chiede se avrà un posto al tavolo<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button
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Trump annuncerà la settimana prossima dazi ai partner commerciali statunitensi
Business • 3:59 PM
5 min
"Oggi è la volta buona: dazi reciproci!!!" ha postato il presidente degli Stati Uniti Donald Trump sul suo social media, Truth Social. "Rendere l'America di nuovo grande!!!", ha aggiunto, mentre le sue decisioni potrebbero dare il via a un più ampio confl
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O que está em risco para os produtos Made in Italy se Trump impuser tarifas?
• 3:55 PM
2 min
Sendo os EUA o maior mercado extracomunitário para as exportações italianas, as tarifas Trump poderão ter um impacto significativo em sectores como o vinho, as bebidas espirituosas e o mobiliário.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a
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How are fertility treatments handled around the EU?
Europe • 3:54 PM
3 min
With the U-turn of Poland's public funding for IVF treatment, all EU member states now support this fertility treatment. However, the conditions and waiting times vary among the 27.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://
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Марш на Крагуевац: сербские студенты примут участие в антиправительственном протесте
• 3:53 PM
1 min
Студенты из университетов нескольких городов Сербии участвуют в многодневном марше. 15 февраля они присоединятся к антиправительственному протесту в Крагуеваце.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/my-eu
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Trump vai anunciar a aplicação de direitos aduaneiros recíprocos aos parceiros comerciais dos EUA
• 3:52 PM
5 min
"HOJE É O GRANDE DIA: TARIFAS RECÍPROCAS!!!" publicou Trump no seu site de redes sociais, Truth Social. "FAÇAM A AMÉRICA GRANDE DE NOVO!!!"
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Donald Trump yönetimi altında milyonlarca insanın HIV ilaçları kesilirse ne olur?
• 3:51 PM
5 min
HIV, vücudun bağışıklık sistemini yavaş yavaş zayıflatır ve sağlıklı insanlarda nadiren görülenler dahil olmak üzere hastalıklara karşı savunmasız hale getirir.
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Estas cápsulas submarinas podrían algún día ayudar a los humanos a vivir y explorar el fondo del océano
• 3:50 PM
6 min
La empresa británica que diseñó los hábitats submarinos modulares afirma que podrían utilizarse para todo, desde estudios marinos y turismo hasta seguridad.
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Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s 'The Gates' revived in AR and Exhibition
Culture • 3:45 PM
8 min
To mark the 20th anniversary of 'The Gates', Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s iconic installation in New York’s Central Park, a series of events and technological experiences are bringing the celebrated work back to life for a new generation.<div class="small-
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Ecco come vengono gestiti nell'Unione europea i trattamenti per la fertilità
• 3:42 PM
3 min
Con l'inversione di rotta dei finanziamenti pubblici polacchi per i trattamenti di fecondazione assistita, tutti gli Stati membri dell'Ue sostengono ora questo trattamento per la fertilità. Ma le condizioni e i tempi di attesa variano tra i 27 Stati<div c
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Ukraine peace talks: Europe's seat at the table in doubt
Europe • 3:38 PM
7 min
After Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin agreed to "immediately" start negotiations on Ukraine, Europe wonders if it will have a seat at the table.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/13
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Affaire des téléphones piratés par Paragon Solutions : le gouvernement italien nie toute implication
Europe • 3:36 PM
2 min
Une vaste opération de piratage de téléphones portables menée par la société israélienne Paragon Solutions a été révélée par Meta en janvier dernier. Parmi les personnes visées en Italie, le membre d’une ONG et un journaliste dont le travail a été la cibl
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Довиле Шакалене: "Сила - не на бумаге, а на земле"
• 3:36 PM
1 min
Министр обороны Литвы Довиле Шакалене побеседовала с нашим корреспондентом в свете громких заявлений США об изменении своей роли в архитектуре европейской безопасности.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.
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Report from the scene: Munich car ramming a 'suspected attack,' say authorities
Europe • 3:34 PM
1 min
The suspect, who has been taken into custody, is a 24-year-old Afghanistan-born asylum seeker, according to authorities.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/13/report-from-the-scene-m
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Las autoridades barajan como atentado el atropello múltiple en Múnich con al menos 28 heridos
• 3:32 PM
4 min
"Se sospecha que se trata de un atentado. Hay muchos indicios de ello", indicó el gobernador bávaro, Markus Söder.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/13/un-coche-atropella-a-varias-pe
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Ολοκληρώθηκε επιχείρηση επιστροφής υπηκόων τρίτων χωρών μετά από απόρριψη της αίτησης ασύλου τους
• 3:32 PM
1 min
To μεταναστευτικό βρίσκεται στο επίκεντρο των συζητήσεων των ευρωπαίων ηγετών τους τελευταίους μήνες και όλα δείχνουν πως η Ευρώπη θα προχωρήσει προς αυστηροποίηση της μεταναστευτικής της πολιτικής<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><
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Danemark : des archéologues mettent au jour un casque romain "exceptionnellement rare"
Culture • 3:30 PM
6 min
Une découverte archéologique au Danemark a permis de mettre au jour un casque romain vieux de 1 600 ans et des armes, suggérant un rituel longtemps perdu lié à la résidence d'un chef.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https:
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Fact check: Where in Europe has the longest school summer holidays?
Europe • 3:29 PM
5 min
President Emmanuel Macron said that he wants to review the amount of time French pupils get off for the summer, claiming that France has longer holidays than other countries. How does it compare to the rest of Europe?<div class="small-12 column text-cente
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Olay yerinden görüntülerle Münih'te 28 kişinin yaralandığı araçlı saldırı
• 3:29 PM
1 min
Yetkililer, şu anda Almanya'da sığınmacı olarak bulunan 24 yaşındaki Afgan uyruklu bir erkek olduğu açıklanan sürücünün olay yerinde gözaltına alındığını bildirdi.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/20
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Сработает ли план ЕС по сокращению бюрократических проволочек для бизнеса?
• 3:26 PM
1 min
Брюссель хочет упростить и уменьшить административное бремя для бизнеса, чтобы повысить конкурентоспособность Европы.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/13/eu-regulation-business-effi
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Atropelamento em Munique faz 28 feridos, governador da Baviera diz que há suspeitas de atentado
• 3:19 PM
5 min
Há pelo menos 28 feridos (incluindo crianças), dois com gravidade. Suspeito, já detido pela polícia, é um afegão de 24 anos com estatuto de requerente de asilo.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/my-eu
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La marcha estudiantil en Serbia pide la dimisión del presidente Aleksandar Vucic
• 3:19 PM
2 min
El movimiento estudiantil, que se mantiene en pie desde hace tres meses, ha llevado a la dimisión del primer ministro, Milos Vucevic y del alcalde de Novi Sad, Milan Gjuriq.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euron
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Peace activists in Israel and Palestine keep hope for peace alive despite conflict
• 3:19 PM
9 min
After 15 months of devastating war and with a ceasefire at risk of collapse, peace in the Middle East has seldom looked more elusive. Euronews spoke to two groups who refuse to accept that.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="
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ECB: Gümrük vergileri ve rekabet gücü açığı büyüme için risk teşkil ediyor
• 3:16 PM
6 min
Avrupa Merkez Bankası, ABD ticaret politikası belirsizliği ve küresel talebin yavaşlamasıyla birlikte artan ticari sürtüşmeleri ve düzenleyici engelleri Euro Bölgesi büyümesi için risk olarak görüyor.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button
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Salute, cosa succederebbe se i farmaci contro l'Hiv venissero sospesi per milioni di persone
Business • 3:14 PM
4 min
Il virus dell'Hiv indebolisce gradualmente il sistema immunitario dell'organismo e lo rende vulnerabile alle malattie, comprese quelle raramente riscontrabili in persone altrimenti sane
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Serbie : les étudiants entament une marche de plusieurs jours en signe de protestation
Europe • 3:12 PM
2 min
Depuis l'effondrement de l'auvent de la gare de Novi Sad, les manifestations sont presque quotidiennes.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/13/serbie-les-etudiants-entament-une-marche-
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États-Unis : qui dirigera les pourparlers de paix entre l'Ukraine et la Russie ?
Europe • 3:08 PM
9 min
En novembre, Donald Trump a nommé le général à la retraite Keith Kellogg comme envoyé spécial pour la paix en Ukraine. Mais après ses récents appels avec Kyiv et Moscou, il a déclaré que les pourparlers seraient menés par une autre personne : son envoyé p
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Walk Japan’s ancient travellers’ highway for historic post towns, teahouses and mountain shrines
• 3:01 PM
13 min
The Nakasendo road still exists in its entirety - as do dozens of the post towns it weaves between - and can form an epic walking itinerary across central Japan.
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دراسة جديدة تكشف: أدوية السمنة قد تساعد في تقليل الرغبة في الكحول والتدخين
Business • 3:00 PM
2 min
أظهرت دراسة حديثة نتائج مثيرة تشير إلى أن الأدوية التي أحدثت تحولاً في علاج السمنة قد تساعد أيضًا الأشخاص في تقليل استهلاكهم للكحول. وعلى الرغم من أن هذه الدراسة كانت صغيرة، حيث شملت 48 بالغًا فقط واستمرت لمدة شهرين، فإنها تفتح الباب أمام آفاق جديدة في مع
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What’s at risk for Made-in-Italy products if Trumps imposes tariffs?
• 2:55 PM
3 min
With the U.S. as the largest non-EU market for Italian exports, tariffs imposed by President Trump could significantly impact sectors like wine, spirits, and furniture. Federvini, representing wine and spirits exporters, warns that such tariffs could cos
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Unilever opts for primary listing in Amsterdam for ice cream business
Business • 2:52 PM
4 min
Unilever has chosen Amsterdam over London for its ice cream business’ primary listing, in a new blow to the City of London's struggling initial public offering (IPO) market.
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Serbia, le proteste studentesche non si fermano: in centinaia in marcia verso Kragujevac
• 2:48 PM
1 min
Gli studenti di tutta la Serbia stanno marciando da giorni verso la manifestazione prevista i 15 febbraio a Kragujevac: chiedono responsabilità e giustizia per l'incidente di Novi Sad dello scorso novembre<div class="small-12 column text-center article__b
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ΕΒΕΠ: Κίνδυνος «στοχοποίησης» του Πειραιά στον εμπορικό πόλεμο ΗΠΑ- Κίνας
• 2:44 PM
1 min
Το Επιμελητήριο του Πειραιά ζητά από την ελληνική κυβέρνηση μέτρα που θα διασφαλίσουν την ουδετερότητα του λιμανιού
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Trump set to announce reciprocal tariffs on US trading partners
Business • 2:43 PM
5 min
"TODAY IS THE BIG ONE: RECIPROCAL TARIFFS!!!" Trump posted on his social media site, Truth Social. "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!"
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Elon Musk quer que os EUA "eliminem agências inteiras" do governo federal
• 2:42 PM
5 min
Elon Musk discursou por videoconferência na Cimeira Mundial dos Governos no Dubai, na qual também fez várias referências à "guerra termonuclear" e aos potenciais riscos da inteligência artificial.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a
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Disney+ will soften its content warnings on old movies amid Trump-led DEI changes
Culture • 2:41 PM
5 min
As part of a broader political shift within America's cultural landscape, Disney+ is changing its autoplay warnings about racial stereotypes on 'Dumbo' and 'Peter Pan'.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.
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US-Armeegeneral oder New Yorker Immobilienmagnat: Wer wird die Friedensgespräche zwischen der Ukraine und Russland leiten?
• 2:35 PM
9 min
Im November ernannte Donald Trump den pensionierten General Keith Kellogg zum Sondergesandten für Frieden in der Ukraine. Nun soll aber sein Nahost-Beauftragter Steve Witkoff plötzlich die Führung übernehmen.<div class="small-12 column text-center article
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HeritageWatch.AI: Kültürel mirası krizlerden korumak için yapay zeka destekli girişim
• 2:31 PM
5 min
Paris'te başlatılan yeni iş birliği HeritageWatch.AI, kültürel miras alanlarının afetlerden ve çatışmalardan korunmasına yardımcı olacak gerçek zamanlı veriler sağlamak için uydu görüntülerini, 3D modellemeyi ve yapay zekayı birleştiriyor.<div class="smal
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Monaco di Baviera: le immagini dopo l'auto piombata sulla folla
• 2:31 PM
1 min
L'auto sarebbe finita deliberatamente contro una manifestazione nella città bavarese<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/2025/02/13/monaco-di-baviera-le-immagini-dopo-lauto-piombata-sulla-folla?utm_sour
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Генерал армии США или нью-йоркский магнат недвижимости: кто возглавит мирные переговоры между Украиной и РФ?
• 2:29 PM
2 min
В ноябре Дональд Трамп назначил отставного генерала Кита Келлога спецпосланником по Украине и РФ, который должен возглавить переговоры о завершении войны. Но после первых телефонных бесед с Киевом и Москвой президент США заявил, что вести их будет другой
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В Мюнхене 24-летний афганец совершил наезд на группу пешеходов. Пострадали не менее 20 человек
• 2:29 PM
1 min
В Мюнхене неизвестный совершил наезд на группу пешеходов. Пострадали 28 человек. Двое детей находятся в больнице в критическом состоянии.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/13/germany
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