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مؤيدو حزب الله يرفعون صور حسن نصر الله بين أنقاض المباني المدمرة في ضاحية بيروت
International • 3:30 PM
1 min
يستهدف الجيش الإسرائيلي ضاحية بيروت الجنوبية يوميًا بغارات مكثفة، زاعمًا أنها تحوي مخازن أسلحة لحزب الله.
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İngiltere yıllardır süren anlaşmazlığı sona erdiriyor: Afrika'daki son kolonisini Mauritius'a iade edecek
• 3:29 PM
3 min
Anlaşma, çok önemli bir İngiltere ve ABD ortak askeri üssüne ev sahipliği yapan bir adayı da içeren Chagos Adaları'nın geleceğine ilişkin yıllardır süren müzakerelerin ardından geldi.
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Tarifas sobre carros elétricos chineses chegam ao momento da verdade
• 3:28 PM
11 min
Perante as ameaças de retaliação de Pequim, os Estados-membros têm de decidir se querem aplicar tarifas de importação adicionais aos veículos elétricos chineses.
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Budget per la difesa Ue: "Potrebbe essere esiguo", avvertono i revisori dei conti
• 3:26 PM
3 min
La Corte dei conti europea ha chiesto una progettazione più solida e obiettivi realistici per l'iniziativa faro volta a sostenere l'industria della difesa dell'Ue, che rimane divisa sui criteri di ammissibilità ai finanziamenti nell'ambito del Programma e
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Mindestens 12 Verletzte durch russischen Beschuss eines Wohnhauses in Charkiw
• 3:23 PM
2 min
Charkiw, das rund 30 Kilometer von der russischen Grenze entfernt liegt, war im Verlauf des russischen Krieges gegen die Ukraine, der nun schon ins dritte Jahr geht, schon häufig Ziel von Luftangriffen.
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EURONEWS HOY | Las noticias del jueves 3 de octubre
• 3:22 PM
3 min
El resumen de la jornada en nuestro informativo exprés: al menos seis muertos en Líbano tras los últimos ataques israelíes; Joe Biden no apoyará un posible ataque israelí sobre las instalaciones nucleares de Irán, y el presidente ucraniano busca más inver
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La iniciativa antiestafa de Meta "simplemente no es suficiente", dice Revolut
• 3:22 PM
3 min
El gigante de las redes sociales debería supervisar los anuncios falsos y reembolsar a las víctimas, según la empresa de tecnología financiera Revolut, que cita cifras que muestran que Facebook y WhatsApp siguen siendo la mayor fuente de fraude.
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l’UE s’apprête à voter une loi pour entériner une surtaxe sur les véhicules électriques chinois
Europe • 3:20 PM
12 min
Les 27 pays membres de l’Union européenne se réunissent, vendredi 4 octobre, pour voter une loi sur la surtaxe des véhicules chinois importés en Europe. Cette surtaxe de près de 36% sur une durée de cinq ans risque de ne pas être adoptée.
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Κύπρος: Η Κουμανδαρία υποψήφια Άυλης Πολιτιστικής Κληρονομιάς της UNESCO
• 3:18 PM
1 min
Η παραγωγή του ξεχωριστού οίνου τεκμηριώνεται στην Κύπρο από το 800 π.Χ
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AB'de en çok farklı dil öğrenen ülke Lüksemburg oldu
• 3:17 PM
5 min
Eurostat'a göre, 2022 yılında AB'deki ilkokul öğrencilerinin yüzde 6,5'i iki veya daha fazla yabancı dil öğreniyordu.
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Poland plans to further tighten rules on alcohol sales for under 18s
• 3:17 PM
4 min
Alcoholic drinks remain popular in the eastern European country despite the criticism. Poland ranked as Europe's third biggest beer producer in 2023, according to a Eurostat. survey, with the country also being a large exporter of vodka.
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Aufrüsten für den Winter: Selenskyj trifft führende NGOs der Industrie
• 3:14 PM
2 min
Am Mittwoch traf er auf dem zweiten Internationalen Forum der Verteidigungsindustrie in Kiew mit NGOs der weltweit führenden Rüstungsunternehmen zusammen.
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España y Alemania podrían frenar la imposición de aranceles a vehículos chinos este viernes
• 3:13 PM
13 min
Ante las amenazas de represalias de Pekín, los Estados miembros deben decidir si quieren imponer aranceles adicionales a la importación de vehículos eléctricos chinos.
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L'Ukraine est "plus proche que jamais de l'adhésion", affirme le chef de l'OTAN
Europe • 3:11 PM
4 min
Lors d'une visite surprise dans la capitale ukrainienne jeudi, le nouveau secrétaire général de l'OTAN a réitéré la promesse de l'alliance de renforcer son soutien militaire et financier à l'Ukraine.
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Czechia, Cyprus, Portugal urged to comply with DSA
Business • 3:11 PM
3 min
The countries did not meet the February deadline to comply with the Digital Services Act.
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EU's €1.5bn defence industry programme may be stretched too thin, auditors warn
Europe • 3:01 PM
3 min
The European Court of Auditors has called for a more robust design and realistic targets on a flagship bid to bolster the EU defence industry, which remains divided over eligibility criteria for funding under the European Defence Industry Programme (EDIP)
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بعد الهجوم الإيراني.. قاعدة نيفاتيم الإسرائيلية تتعرض لأضرار جسيمة والتهديدات النووية تلوح في الأفق
International • 3:00 PM
4 min
أظهرت صور التقطتها الأقمار الصناعية، اليوم، الأضرار التي لحقت بقاعدة نيفاتيم الجوية في جنوب إسرائيل جراء الهجوم الصاروخي الذي نفذته إيران مساء الثلاثاء.
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Il Regno Unito restituirà alle Mauritius le isole Chagos mettendo fine a una contesa decennale
• 2:56 PM
3 min
L'accordo segue anni di negoziati sul futuro delle isole Chagos, una delle quali ospita una fondamentale base militare congiunta del Regno Unito e degli Stati Uniti. Elogio di Biden
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İstanbul Boğazı'nda iki yük gemisi çarpıştı: Gemiler Ahırkapı'ya çekilecek
• 2:55 PM
1 min
Yük gemilerinden birinin çarpışma sonrası dümeninin kilitlendiği ve kıyıya sürüklendiği belirtildi.
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31 yıllık hazine avı nihayet sona erdi: 150.000 euro değerindeki Altın Baykuş bulundu
• 2:53 PM
3 min
Fransa'da bir yere saklanmasının üzerinden yaklaşık 31 yıl geçtikten sonra 150.000 euro değerinde olduğu bildirilen hazine bulundu.
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Francia, la caccia al tesoro dura 30 anni: trovato il Gufo d'oro da 150.000 euro
• 2:52 PM
3 min
Il tesoro del valore di 150.000 euro è stato ritrovato dopo oltre 30 anni dall'inizio del gioco. Questo segna la fine di una ricerca basata su indovinelli ed enigmi
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ΣΥΡΙΖΑ: Ανακοίνωσε την υποψηφιότητά του ο Στέφανος Κασσελάκης
• 2:51 PM
1 min
Κάλεσε τους πολίτες να γραφτούν μέλη στον ΣΥΡΙΖΑ μέχρι τις 11 Οκτωβρίου
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Mario Orfeo è il nuovo direttore di Repubblica, John Elkan lascia presidenza Gedi
• 2:50 PM
1 min
Il direttore del Tg3 Mario Orfeo sostituirà Maurizio Molinari alla guida di Repubblica, mentre Maurizio Scanavino prenderà il posto di John Elkan alla presidenza di GEDI
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За транспорт в ЕС будут отвечать греки. Дома их критикуют за состояние ж/д инфраструктуры
• 2:42 PM
1 min
Члена правящей партии "Новая демократия" Апостолоса Цицикостаса выдвинули на пост еврокомиссара по "устойчивому транспорту и туризму". Власти страны критикуют за нерешенные вопросы транспортной безопасности. Расследование смертоносного столкновения поездо
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Greece holding EU Commission transport portfolo criticised at home
Europe • 2:35 PM
3 min
Greece's Apostolos Tzitzikostas has been tapped to helm the transport portfolio in the next European Commission.
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Rusya'nın Harkiv'de bir binaya saldırısında en az 12 kişi yaralandı
• 2:34 PM
3 min
Rus sınırına 30 kilometre mesafedeki Harkiv, neredeyse üçüncü yılına giren savaşta sıkça hava saldırılarına maruz kalan kentlerden biri olarak öne çıkıyor.
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Lisbon voted Europe's Best Culinary Destination for the first time
Culture • 2:30 PM
5 min
Lisbon has been honoured with the Best Culinary Destination in Europe award at the World Culinary Awards. The capital has long been recognised for its gastronomic offerings.
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إعتقال مراهقين سويديين بتهمة تفجير قنابل يدوية قرب السفارة الإسرائيلية في كوبنهاغن
International • 2:30 PM
3 min
كشف المدعي العام في المحكمة الدنماركية يوم الخميس عن اعتقال مراهقين سويديين بتهمة حيازة 5 قنابل يدوية، وتفجير اثنتين منها في محيط السفارة الإسرائيلية في الضواحي الشمالية لكوبنهاغن، وذلك على خلفية الانفجارين اللذين وقعا يوم الأربعاء.
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La nominación del comisario europeo de Transportes causa controversia en Grecia
• 2:29 PM
4 min
Los familiares de las víctimas del accidente de Tempi se oponen a la nominación del griego Apostolos Tzitzikostas como comisario europeo de Transportes.
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AB ülkeleri, Çin menşeli elektrikli araçlara ek gümrük vergisini oylayacak
• 2:27 PM
9 min
Oylama, Ursula von der Leyen'in yürüttüğü Çin politikasının 'kırılma anı' olabilir.
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Η ώρα της αλήθειας: Οι χώρες της ΕΕ ψηφίζουν για τους δασμούς στα κινέζικα ηλεκτρικά οχήματα
• 2:23 PM
3 min
Εν μέσω των απειλών του Πεκίνου για αντίποινα, τα κράτη - μέλη πρέπει να πάρουν μια απόφαση που θα κρίνει το μέλλον της πολιτικής της φον ντερ Λάιεν για την Κίνα
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Ruanda'da Marburg virüsünden hayatını kaybedenlerin sayısı 11'e çıktı
• 2:19 PM
3 min
Ruanda hükümeti 36 doğrulanmış vaka olduğunu belirterek, 25 kişinin izolasyon altında olduğunu bildirdi.
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Italia, ante el Tribunal de la UE por abusar de los contratos temporales en las escuelas
• 2:16 PM
4 min
La Comisión Europea ha llevado a Roma ante el Tribunal de Justicia de la UE por uso abusivo de contratos de duración determinada y condiciones laborales discriminatorias.
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UK to return its last African colony to Mauritius ending years of dispute
• 2:13 PM
3 min
The deal follows years of negotiations over the future of the Chagos Islands, one of which is home to a crucial joint UK and US military base.
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Von der Leyen, momento della verità: i Paesi dell'Ue votano sui dazi alle auto elettriche cinesi
• 2:11 PM
10 min
Tra le minacce di ritorsione di Pechino, gli Stati membri devono decidere se imporre ulteriori tariffe all'importazione dei veicoli elettrici cinesi
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Fransa'da hükümet şirketlere vergi artışını değerlendiriyor: Yatırımcılar için ne anlama geliyor?
• 2:11 PM
5 min
2029 yılına kadar kamu açığını azaltmayı hedefleyen Fransa'da şirketler için büyük vergi artışları değerlendiriliyor. Peki bu, yatırımcılar için ne anlama geliyor?
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12 blessés après l'explosion d'une bombe russe sur un immeuble ukrainien
Europe • 2:07 PM
3 min
Une bombe russe a frappé un immeuble de cinq étages à Kharkiv, la deuxième plus grande ville d'Ukraine, blessant au moins 12 personnes, dont une fillette de 3 ans, ont déclaré les autorités locales jeudi.
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CIA: Προσλαμβάνουμε πληροφοριοδότες στην Κίνα, το Ιράν και τη Βόρεια Κορέα
• 2:04 PM
1 min
Η υπηρεσία δημοσίευσε μια σειρά διαδικτυακών οδηγιών για το πώς να επικοινωνήσει κανείς με το Λάνγκλεϊ στα κορεατικά, τα μανδαρινικά και τα φαρσί
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Which EU country has the most people learning multiple languages?
Europe • 2:04 PM
5 min
In 2022, 6.5% of primary school students in the EU were learning two or more foreign languages, according to Eurostat.
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الأمم المتحدة تحذر: كارثة إنسانية في الشرق الأوسط قد تشعل موجة لجوء جديدة نحو أوروبا
International • 2:00 PM
1 min
حذرت الأمم المتحدة من وقوع كارثة إنسانية إذا استمرت الأوضاع في الشرق الأوسط على حالها، مشيرة إلى احتمال تدفق موجة جديدة من طالبي اللجوء نحو أوروبا في ظل تفاقم الأزمة.
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Treasure hunt finally over for France’s famous €150,000 Golden Owl
Culture • 2:00 PM
3 min
The treasure reportedly worth €150,000 has been found, more than 30 years since it was hidden somewhere in France. This marks the end of an enigma-based quest and one of the world’s longest-running treasure hunts.
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Meta’s anti-scam initiative ‘simply isn’t good enough’, Revolut says
Business • 1:57 PM
3 min
The social media giant should monitor fake ads and reimburse victims, fintech company Revolut has said, citing figures showing Facebook and WhatsApp remain the biggest source of fraud.
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На климатическом саммите в Баку обсудили защиту водных ресурсов
• 1:57 PM
1 min
Экстремальные погодные явления нарушают работу портов, что может усилить продовольственный кризис, заявили в Баку.
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L'UE accorde une aide humanitaire supplémentaire de 30 millions d'euros au Liban
Europe • 1:57 PM
3 min
Ces fonds supplémentaires portent le montant total de l'aide monétaire fournie à plus de 100 millions d'euros pour 2024.
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Marburg virus death toll in Rwanda rises to 11 as travellers in Germany test negative
Business • 1:54 PM
3 min
The virus is a haemorrhagic fever that is clinically similar to Ebola.
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Fransa Başbakanı Barnier'ın gündeminde daha sert göç kuralları ve daha yüksek vergiler var
• 1:51 PM
8 min
Yeni Fransa Başbakanı Michel Barnier salı günü Ulusal Meclis'te yaptığı konuşmada politika planlarını açıkladı. Euronews, Barnier'in başlıca önceliklerini mercek altına aldı.
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Maltempo: allerta rossa in Emilia Romagna, evacuata Bagnacavallo
• 1:42 PM
5 min
La Protezione Civile mette in guardia della possibilità di frane e smottamenti, favoriti da condizioni di saturazione dei suoli abbastanza elevate. Si prevedono rapidi innalzamenti dei livelli idrometrici sui corsi d'acqua
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ЕС выделил Ливану гуманитарную помощь ещё на 30 млн евро
• 1:41 PM
2 min
Таким образом общая сумма пакета помощи на 2024 год составит более 100 млн евро
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At least 12 injured from Russian shelling on residential building in Kharkiv
Europe • 1:40 PM
2 min
Kharkiv, located around 30 kilometres from the Russian border, has been a frequent target of aerial attacks throughout Russia's war against Ukraine, which is now deep into its third year.
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Comment Israël sait-il si précisément où se trouvent les commandants terroristes ?
World • 1:35 PM
19 min
Tout au long de cette année, l'armée de l'air israélienne semble connaître à la minute et au mètre près l'emplacement exact de la cible à éliminer. La réponse : 8200, une unité de renseignement de Tsahal, responsable du renseignement d'origine électromagn
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ΕΕ: Πώς θα γίνουν οι ακροάσεις των νέων Επιτρόπων από το Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο
• 1:32 PM
1 min
Τι προβλέπουν οι νέοι κανονισμοί του ΕΚ, όπως διαμορφώθηκαν τον περασμένο Απρίλιο
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Nato, Mark Rutte visita Kiev: "Alleanza atlantica e Ucraina più vicine che mai"
• 1:31 PM
3 min
Il nuovo segretario generale della Nato ha fatto visita a Kiev in un viaggio non preannunciato. Mark Rutte ha ribadito l'impegno dell'Alleanza atlantica a continuare a rafforzare il sostegno militare e finanziario all'Ucraina
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Israele sostiene di aver ucciso tre comandanti di Hamas in un attacco aereo mesi fa
• 1:30 PM
1 min
L'Idf ha riferito che Rawhi Mushtaha, il presunto braccio destro del leader di Hamas a Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, sarebbe rimasto ucciso in un attacco israeliano portato a termine tre mesi fa. Morti nell'operazione anche i comandanti Sameh Siraj e Sameh Oudeh
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Avrupa Parlamentosu, Komisyon üyelerinin onaylama oturumlarının formatını duyurdu
• 1:29 PM
3 min
Çevre, sanayi veya insan hakları; hangi Parlamento komiteleri Komisyon üyelerini analiz edecek?
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Yeni NATO Genel Sekreteri Rutte'nin ilk rotası Kiev oldu: 'Ukrayna NATO'ya her zamankinden yakın'
• 1:25 PM
5 min
Perşembe günü Ukrayna'nın başkentine habersiz bir ziyaret gerçekleştiren yeni NATO Genel Sekreteri Rutte, ittifakın Ukrayna'ya askeri ve mali destek sağlamaya devam etme taahhüdünü yineledi.
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Araştırma: Avrupalılar araç yerine toplu taşıma kullanmayı tercih ediyor
• 1:14 PM
2 min
Toplu taşıma kullanımı Avrupa'daki şehirlerde farklılık gösterebiliyor
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LVMH, Formula 1'in 10 yıl süreyle yeni ana sponsoru oldu
• 1:06 PM
3 min
Lüks saat üreticisi Rolex ile 2013 yılından bu yana devam eden ortaklık sona eriyor.
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Израиль оценивает ущерб от иранской ракетной атаки
• 1:04 PM
1 min
Лишь некоторые иранские ракеты, отметили в ЦАХАЛ, попали в авиабазы, но пострадали только административные здания. Самолеты, вооружение и функциональные возможности баз ВВС не были затронуты.
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Ουκρανία: Ρωσική επίθεση στο Χάρκοβο με βόμβες ολίσθησης - Δεκάδες τραυματίες
• 1:04 PM
1 min
Το Χάρκοβο στο στόχαστρο των Ρώσων για ακόμη μία φορά
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Lisbona premiata per la prima volta come migliore destinazione culinaria d'Europa
• 1:03 PM
4 min
Lisbona è stata premiata come migliore destinazione culinaria d'Europa ai World Culinary Awards. La capitale portoghese è da tempo rinomata per la sua offerta gastronomica
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AB, Lübnan için 30 milyon euro değerinde ek insani yardım paketi açıkladı
• 1:01 PM
1 min
AB, İsrail-Hizbullah çatışmaları nedeniyle Lübnan'a 30 milyon euro ek insani yardım sağlayacak. Ursula von der Leyen, masum sivillerin korunmasını vurguladı.
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الاتحاد الأوروبي يعلن عن 30 مليون يورو كمساعدات إضافية للبنان مع تصاعد الأزمة الإنسانية
International • 1:00 PM
3 min
أعلنت المفوضية الأوروبية أنها ستدفع بالمزيد من المساعدات الإنسانية إلى لبنان بقيمة 30 مليون يورو، وذلك بسبب تفاقم الوضع الإنساني نتيجة الهجمات الإسرائيلية، ليصبح مجموع ما قدمه الاتحاد الأوروبي لهذا العام أكثر من 104 ملايين يورو.
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NO COMMENT: Desde un barrio de Hezbolá en el sur de Beirut bombardeado por Israel
• 1:00 PM
1 min
La milicia chií Hezbolá invitó a la prensa internacional a visitar uno de sus bastiones bombardeados al día siguiente del ataque de Irán contra Tel Aviv.
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Von der Leyen's China policy faces moment of truth as EU countries vote on EV tariffs
Europe • 1:00 PM
10 min
Amid Beijing's threats of retaliation, member states need to decide if they want to slap additional import tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles.
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İsviçre İstanbul Başkonsolosu Philippe Brandt'i tanıyın
• 11:54 AM
1 min
İstanbul'daki görevine yeni başlayan Başkonsolos, ikili ve ekonomik ilişkileri değerlendirdi.
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What is the new recipe for MEPs grilling European Commissioners?
Europe • 11:52 AM
4 min
The new Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament adopted last April modify the conduct of the hearings on the committees involved, the duration, the speaking time but also introduce more scope for ongoing scrutiny throughout the mandate.
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Karabulut ailesinin avukatı Rezan Epözdemir: 'Cem Garipoğlu'nun mezarından kefen çıkmadı'
• 11:51 AM
3 min
Karabulut, 15 yıl önce ülke gündemine oturan bir cinayete kurban gitmişti.
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Ukraine is closer to NATO than ever, Mark Rutte says during Kyiv visit
Europe • 11:49 AM
4 min
In an unannounced trip to Ukraine's capital Thursday, the new NATO secretary general reiterated the alliance's pledge to continue bolstering military and financial support for Ukraine.
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Abuso di contratti a tempo a scuola: Italia deferita alla Corte Ue
• 11:45 AM
2 min
La Commissione europea ha deferito Roma alla Corte Ue di Giustizia per utilizzo abusivo di contratti a tempo determinato e a condizioni di lavoro discriminatorie
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European Parliament reveals format for Commissioner confirmation hearings
Europe • 11:43 AM
3 min
Environment, Industry or Human rights – which Parliament committees will analyse the Commissioners-designate?
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Pink Floyd vende sus derechos musicales a Sony por 362 millones de euros
• 11:42 AM
5 min
Shine On You Crazy Millions... La emblemática banda de rock británica ha acordado vender su catálogo y, al parecer, también ha aceptado vender los derechos sobre su nombre y su imagen. Este millonario acuerdo llega tras años de luchas internas entre los m
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Il futuro della Georgia in vista delle elezioni: l'intervista alla presidente Zourabichvili
• 11:41 AM
13 min
L'opposizione della Georgia si è riunita in un blocco che potrebbe prendere circa il 60 per cento dei voti alle elezioni di ottobre. L'intervista di Euronews alla presidente georgiana Salomé Zourabichvili: ancora viva la speranza che Bruxelles riavvii i c
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Генсек НАТО Марк Рютте встретился с президентом Украины Владимиром Зеленским в Киеве
• 11:41 AM
1 min
Зеленский сообщил, что на встрече обсуждали потребности Украины в ПВО для защиты от российских ударов.
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Regras de imigração mais duras, impostos mais elevados: é assim o plano político do primeiro-ministro francês
• 11:37 AM
7 min
O novo primeiro-ministro francês, Michel Barnier, apresentou o seu plano político num discurso proferido no Parlamento francês na terça-feira. A Euronews analisa as suas principais prioridades.
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LVMH becomes major sponsor of Formula 1 with new 10-year deal unveiled
Business • 11:37 AM
4 min
LVMH has signed a 10-year global partnership with Formula One, with brands such as Louis Vuitton and Tag Heuer involved. The iconic watch manufacturer Rolex is ending a partnership with Formula One, which has been ongoing since 2013.
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Μεγάλη η καταστροφή στην Παναγία την Καταφυγιώτισσα στη Ζάχολη Κορινθίας
• 11:37 AM
1 min
Χτισμένη μέσα σε σπηλιές στο βουνό την περίοδο μετά τα Ορλωφικά, γλίτωσε επί Τουρκοκρατίας αλλά όχι και από την πρόσφατη πύρινη λαίλαπα
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Europeans in major cities 'abandon cars' when public transport is available, new survey finds
Business • 11:36 AM
3 min
The use of public transport varied from one major European city to another, according to a new survey.
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NO COMMENT: El tifón Krathon toca tierra en Taiwán con fuertes vientos y lluvias torrenciales
• 11:31 AM
1 min
Krathon llegó al distrito industrial de Siaogang en Kaohsiung alrededor de las 12:40 horas, apuntó la Agencia Meteorológica Central. El meteoro registró vientos máximos sostenidos de 126 kilómetros/hora cerca de su vórtice, con rachas de hasta 162 km/h.
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من الإساءة الدينية إلى الخيانة والتواصل مع العدو.. جندي روسي في قفص الاتهام بتهم متعددة
International • 11:30 AM
2 min
يواجه نيكيتا زورافال، الجندي الروسي البالغ من العمر 20 عامًا، عواقب وخيمة بعد أن تم اتهامه بالخيانة، وهو ما يأتي بعد إدانته السابقة بالإساءة للمعتقدات الدينية. إذ أدين زورافال في وقت سابق بإحراق القرآن الكريم في مدينته فولغوغراد، ليقضي الآن عقوبة بالسجن ل
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Avrupa Komisyonu tartışmalı 'ulusal egemenlik' yasası nedeniyle Macaristan'ı mahkemeye veriyor
• 11:28 AM
4 min
Brüksel, Macaristan'ın 'ulusal egemenlik yasasına' karşı, çok çeşitli temel hakları ihlal ettiğini ileri sürerek yasal girişimlerini hızlandırdı.
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Georgia ratifies law curbing LGBTQ+ rights despite president's opposition
Europe • 11:20 AM
3 min
The law, which includes bans on same-sex marriages, was approved by parliament before being opposed by pro-European President Salome Zourabichvili.
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Η Κομισιόν στέλνει την Ουγγαρία στην δικαιοσύνη για τον αμφιλεγόμενο νόμο περί «εθνικής κυριαρχίας»
• 11:16 AM
1 min
Οι Βρυξέλλες αναφέρουν ότι παραβιάζει το ενωσιακό δίκαιο
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Georgia puede cambiar su suerte en la UE, según comenta Zourabichvili a 'Euronews'
• 11:15 AM
16 min
Una oposición deshilachada se ha unido en un bloque que, según las proyecciones, obtendrá alrededor del 60% de los votos en las elecciones de octubre. La presidenta georgiana, Salomé Zourabishvili.
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Menos inmigración y más impuestos, las promesas del nuevo primer de Francia, Michel Barnier
• 11:08 AM
8 min
El nuevo primer ministro francés, Michel Barnier, ha expuesto sus planes políticos en un discurso pronunciado ante el Parlamento del país. 'Euronews' examina sus principales prioridades.
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'Мы открыты для бизнеса': ЦРУ ищет новых информаторов в Китае, Иране и Северной Корее
• 11:08 AM
1 min
ЦРУ опубликовало онлайн-инструкции на корейском, мандаринском и фарси. В них подробно описаны шаги, которые потенциальные информаторы могут предпринять, чтобы связаться с сотрудниками американской внешней разведки, не подвергая себя опасности.
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Άγνωστος ακόμα ο απολογισμός της επίθεσης του Ιράν στο Ισραήλ
• 11:07 AM
1 min
Δεν έχουν αναφερθεί θύματα - Εχει επιβληθεί σιγή ασυρμάτου αν και κάποιοι πολίτες ανήρτησαν εικόνες στα social media - Δορυφορικές εικόνες δείχνουν ζημιές σε αεροπορική βάση
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Attacco al Congresso: Donald Trump accusato di atti criminali "privati"
• 11:06 AM
2 min
Con un lungo documento legale che offre prove e testimonianze inedite sul tentativo dell'ex presidente di rovesciare il risultato delle elezioni del 2020, il procuratore speciale Jack Smith sostiene che Trump non abbia diritto all'immunità presidenziale,
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Lisboa é eleita Melhor Destino Culinário da Europa pela primeira vez
• 11:04 AM
4 min
Lisboa foi distinguida com o prémio de Melhor Destino Culinário da Europa nos World Culinary Awards. Há muito tempo que a capital tem vindo a ser reconhecida pela sua oferta gastronómica.
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Еврокомиссия откладывает введение закона о борьбе с вырубкой лесов
• 11:01 AM
1 min
Из-за трудностей с реализацией Европейская комиссия предложила отложить введение закона о борьбе с вырубкой лесов. Неправительственные организации возмущены этой инициативой.
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Israel says damage from Iranian missile attack minimal thanks to 'high-quality defence'
• 11:01 AM
4 min
Meanwhile, people were seen taking photos and climbing on the debris from shot-down missiles in Israel.
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بعد عودتهم من احتفال ديني.. مقتل 60 شخصا على الأقل وفقدان 100 آخرون بحادثة غرق قارب في نيجيريا
International • 11:00 AM
1 min
لقي 60 شخصًا على الأقل مصرعهم وفقد 100 آخرون في نيجيريا إثر انقلاب قارب كان يقلهم من احتفال ديني بمناسبة ولادة الرسول محمد في ولاية النيجر الشمالية بنيجيريا.
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El primer avión de evacuación de españoles en el Líbano despega del aeropuerto de Beirut
• 10:59 AM
4 min
El Ministerio de Defensa pone en marcha el plan de evacuación de españoles en el Líbano con el envío de dos aviones a Beirut.
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Ucrania: Al menos 12 heridos tras la explosión de una bomba rusa en un bloque de apartamentos
• 10:58 AM
4 min
Járkov, situada a unos 30 kilómetros de la frontera rusa, ha sido un objetivo frecuente de ataques aéreos a lo largo de la guerra contra Rusia, que ya está en su tercer año.
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UE aumenta ajuda humanitária ao Líbano em 30 milhões de euros
• 10:55 AM
7 min
A Comissão Europeia anunciou mais 30 milhões de euros de ajuda humanitária no Líbano. Este montante vem juntar-se aos 10 milhões de euros já anunciados em 29 de setembro e eleva o total da ajuda humanitária da UE ao país para mais de 104 milhões.
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Με ασφάλεια στην Κύπρο 60 Έλληνες και Κύπριοι από το Λίβανο
• 10:54 AM
1 min
O ΥΕΘΑ της Ελλάδας συνεχάρη όσους συμμετείχαν στην επιχείρηση
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EU-Kommission verklagt Ungarn wegen umstrittenem Gesetz zu 'nationaler Souveränität'
• 10:54 AM
5 min
Brüssel hat seine rechtlichen Schritte gegen Ungarns "nationales Souveränitätsgesetz" verschärft und argumentiert, dass es eine Vielzahl von Grundrechten verletze.
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Food supply risk under the spotlight at Baku Climate Summit
• 10:53 AM
3 min
The Baku Climate Action Week ahead of COP29 focused on how extreme weather due to the climate crisis is disrupting supply chains.
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Royal Mail, İngiliz rock grubu The Who'nun 60. yıl dönümünü kutluyor
• 10:50 AM
7 min
Rock grubu The Who'nun 60. yıldönümü sebebiyle özel bir pul seti çıkarılıyor.
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Tougher immigration rules, higher taxes: French PM Barnier policy plan's main takeaways
• 10:46 AM
7 min
New French Prime Minister Michel Barnier laid out his policy plans in a speech delivered to the nation’s parliament on Tuesday. Euronews examines his top priorities.
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