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San Valentino: prezzi record di cioccolato, caffè e oro. È la festa più costosa di sempre
• 9:14 AM
3 min
Se non avete ancora fatto un regalo alla vostra dolce metà e volete risparmiare, evitate cioccolatini o gioielli. I prezzi del cacao sono saliti in borsa del 68 per cento, oro a +46 per centoView on euronews
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Dmitro Kuleba aboga por contemplar nuevas opciones para alcanzar la paz con Rusia
• 9:11 AM
10 min
El exministro ucraniano de Asuntos Exteriores, Dmitro Kuleba, considera que un mal acuerdo para Ucrania no hará sino envalentonar a Putin para que se vuelva más agresivo con Europa.View on euronews
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TikTok available for download on Apple and Google app stores after US ban delay
Business • 9:11 AM
2 min
TikTok is once again available for download on Apple and Google's app stores in the US after a ban was delayed.
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Guerra in Ucraina: drone russo colpisce la centrale di Chernobyl, stabili i livelli di radiazioni
• 9:11 AM
3 min
La copertura dell'impianto di Chernobyl colpita è il cosiddetto sarcofago, un guscio protettivo costruito intorno al reattore 4 del sito, che esplose nel 1986 causando uno dei peggiori incidenti nucleari della storia del nucleareView on euronews
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Juiz ordena à administração Trump que restabeleça o financiamento dos programas de ajuda externa
• 9:10 AM
8 min
Um juiz federal dos EUA ordenou à administração Trump que levantasse temporariamente um congelamento de fundos de três semanas que encerrou o trabalho de ajuda e desenvolvimento dos EUA a nível mundial.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__butt
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زيلينسكي: هجوم روسي بطائرة مسيرة يستهدف محطة تشيرنوبيل النووية
International • 9:04 AM
1 min
أعلن الرئيس الأوكراني فولوديمير زيلينسكي يوم الجمعة عن تعرض مأوى الإشعاع في محطة تشيرنوبيل النووية لهجوم بطائرة مسيرة روسية، مما أسفر عن أضرار كبيرة. وقع الهجوم أثناء الليل على الموقع الذي شهد أسوأ كارثة نووية في التاريخ عام 1986 عندما انفجر أحد مفاعلات ا
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Ataque com drones russos danifica escudo protetor da central nuclear de Chernobyl
• 8:57 AM
4 min
O escudo que protege o quarto reator da central nuclear de Chernobyl foi atingido durante a noite por um drone russo, informou o Presidente ucraniano Volodymyr Zelenskyy.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews
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Russian drone attack damages Chernobyl nuclear plant's protective shield, no radiation leak reported
Europe • 8:52 AM
3 min
A protective shield over the destroyed fourth reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear plant has been struck overnight by a Russian attack drone carrying a high-explosive warhead, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said.<div class="small-12 column text-cente
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Zelenskiy: Rusya'ya ait İHA, Çernobil'i vurdu
• 8:41 AM
2 min
Zelenskiy ve Birleşmiş Milletler’e bağlı Uluslararası Atom Enerjisi Ajansı (UAEA), saldırının ardından radyasyon seviyelerinde artış olmadığını duyurdu.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/02/14/ze
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Dresden gedenkt der alliierten Luftangriffe vor 80 Jahren
• 8:40 AM
5 min
Dresden hat mit mehreren Veranstaltungen an die Opfer des Zweiten Weltkriegs und die Zerstörung der Stadt vor 80 Jahren erinnert. Als Vertreter des britischen Königshauses nahm Prinz Edward an der Gedenkfeier teil.<div class="small-12 column text-center a
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Un juez federal de EE.UU. ordena a la Administración Trump restablecer la financiación de los programas de ayuda exterior
• 8:34 AM
9 min
Un juez federal estadounidense ordenó a la administración Trump levantar temporalmente una congelación de fondos de tres semanas que ha paralizado la ayuda y el trabajo de desarrollo de Estados Unidos a nivel mundial.<div class="small-12 column text-cente
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Après ses propos controversés sur l'avenir de l'Ukraine, Pete Hegseth se rend en Pologne
World • 8:31 AM
1 min
La nouvelle administration américaine souhaite faire passer le message que la Pologne et le flanc oriental de l'OTAN sont toujours importants pour les États-Unis<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/2025
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Breadcrumbing and Bridget Jones: The big(hearted) Valentine's Day quiz
Culture • 8:29 AM
1 min
Forget remembering to buy roses and a card - let the real test of today be your knowledge of romcoms and dating terminology. The power of love (and perfect quiz scores) compels you.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://
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Taiwan vows US investment boost after Trump’s tariff threats on chips
Business • 8:26 AM
2 min
Taiwan President Lai Ching-te said on Friday he would communicate more with the US over President Donald Trump’s concerns over the chip industry and invest more in the US hours after Trump ordered reciprocal tariffs on trade partners.
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Δρέσδη: Εκδηλώσεις για τα 80 χρόνια από τους συμμαχικούς βομβαρδισμούς
• 8:10 AM
1 min
Περίπου 25.000 άνθρωποι σκοτώθηκαν κατά τη διάρκεια των βομβαρδισμών<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/02/14/dresdh-ekdhloseis-mnhmhs-80-xronia-symmaxikoys-bombardismoys?utm_source=test_mrss&utm_
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Ukraine : la place de l'Europe à la table des négociations de paix en question
Europe • 8:09 AM
9 min
Après que Donald Trump et Vladimir Poutine se sont mis d'accord pour entamer "immédiatement" des négociations sur l'Ukraine, l'Europe se demande si elle aura un siège à la table.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.
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80-летие бомбардировок Дрездена союзниками во время Второй мировой войны
• 8:05 AM
1 min
В Дрездене прошли мероприятия в память о жертвах Второй мировой войны и разрушении города 80 лет тому назад.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/14/germany-dresden-commemoration?utm_so
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Trump adia um vasto plano de tarifas recíprocas enquanto os mercados mundiais recuperam
• 8:04 AM
4 min
O presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, assinou um memorando presidencial sobre as tarifas recíprocas, ordenando à sua administração que investigasse o plano, dando tempo para negociações. Os mercados globais entraram em modo de risco após a decisão.
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واشنطن تتجه لتزويد الهند بمقاتلات "إف-35" وزيادة صادرات النفط والغاز
International • 8:00 AM
5 min
اتفق الرئيس الأمريكي دونالد ترامب ورئيس الوزراء الهندي ناريندرا مودي يوم الخميس على بدء محادثات رسمية للتوصل إلى اتفاق تجاري مبكر وحل الخلافات بشأن الرسوم الجمركية. كما تعهدت الهند بشراء مزيد من النفط، والغاز، والمعدات العسكرية الأمريكية، إلى جانب تعزيز ا
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Chocolate, café e ouro em máximos históricos: este é o Dia dos Namorados mais caro de sempre
• 8:00 AM
4 min
Se ainda não tem presente para a sua cara-metade, evite os chocolates ou as joias... ou então perca o amor a algumas poupanças. Preços do cacau e do ouro dispararam na bolsa de valores: cacau subiu 68% e ouro aumentou 46%.<div class="small-12 column text-
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Negociaciones de paz en Ucrania: Europa, en entredicho
• 7:57 AM
8 min
Después de que Donald Trump y Vladímir Putin acordaran iniciar "inmediatamente" negociaciones sobre Ucrania, Europa se pregunta si tendrá un asiento en la mesa.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/my-eu
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TikTok, ABD'de Google Play ve App Store'a geri döndü
• 7:52 AM
3 min
ABD'deki kullanıcıların neredeyse yarısı tarafından kullanılan popüler kısa video uygulaması, geçen ay kısa süreliğine erişime kapatılmıştı.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/02/14/tiktok-abdde-g
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Kapalı acil servisler, uzman eksikliği ve kuyruklar: Portekiz'de hastaneler alarm veriyor
• 7:50 AM
4 min
Portekiz'de ulusal sağlık sisteminde yaşanan krize karşı hükümet henüz harekete geçmedi. Portekizliler tıbbi bakım almak için uzun saatler beklemeye devam ediyor.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/202
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Premier ministre du Monténégro : "Nous sommes les prochains à pouvoir devenir le 28ᵉ membre de l'UE"
Europe • 7:41 AM
2 min
Le Monténégro, pays candidat à l'UE, espère devenir le 28ᵉ membre d'ici 2028, déclare son Premier ministre Milojko Spajić lors d'un entretien avec Euronews.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/my-europe
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Un juge fédéral ordonne à Trump de rétablir le financement des programmes d'aide à l'étranger
World • 7:29 AM
9 min
Un juge fédéral américain a ordonné à l'administration Trump de lever temporairement un gel de financement de trois semaines qui a interrompu l'aide américaine et le travail de développement dans le monde.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__b
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Macron: Suriye'de terör örgütleriyle mücadele 'mutlak öncelik'
• 7:27 AM
5 min
Fransa Cumhurbaşkanı Macron, geçici hükümete Kürt güçlerin kontrolündeki Suriye Demokratik Güçleri'ni (SDG) Suriye'deki geçiş dönemine 'tam olarak entegre etme' çağrısında bulundu.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://t
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Goodbye americano, hello long black? The new coffee order that's becoming a UK favourite
Culture • 7:14 AM
11 min
It's deja brew as yet another new coffee trend takes over the UK - this time a reverse spin on the classic americano.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/culture/2025/02/14/goodbye-americano-hello-long
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Top lawmaker insists Europe should join Ukraine peace talks | Radio Schuman
Europe • 7:14 AM
2 min
US president Donald Trump is engaging in peace talks with Russian president Vladimir Putin, without involving European countries.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/02/14/top-lawmaker-insists-eur
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Dresde conmemora el 80 aniversario del bombardeo aliado de la II Guerra Mundial
• 7:02 AM
2 min
Dresde conmemoró el jueves con varios actos a las víctimas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y la destrucción de la ciudad hace ocho décadas.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/14/dresde-c
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Portugal bate recorde de transplantes de coração em 2024
• 7:01 AM
3 min
Esta sexta-feira não se comemora só o Dia dos Namorados, é também Dia Nacional do Doente Coronário. No ano passado, foram recolhidos em Portugal 60 corações, dos quais 58 foram transplantados no país.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button
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Los 'Cuatro Fantásticos': ¿Por qué nunca ha habido una buena adaptación cinematográfica de la primera familia de Marvel?
• 7:01 AM
15 min
Los 'Cuatro Fantásticos' fueron el primer gran éxito de Marvel y fundacional de lo que un día se convertiría en un universo cinematográfico. ¿Por qué su magia nunca se ha trasladado a la gran pantalla? ¿Será capaz la versión de Pedro Pascal romper con est
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مهندس "خطة الجنرالات": إسرائيل فشلت في تحقيق أهدافها في غزة
International • 7:00 AM
5 min
اعتبر الجنرال المتقاعد غيورا آيلاند، الرئيس السابق لمجلس الأمن القومي الإسرائيلي، أن إسرائيل منيت بـ"فشل ذريع" في حربها على غزة، مؤكدا أن النتائج الميدانية تعكس عجزها عن تحقيق الأهداف التي وضعتها منذ بداية الهجوم، وفقاً لما ذكرته صحيفة "معاريف" الإسرائيلي
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Горбатый кит проглотил каякера в Патагонии, но затем выплюнул
• 6:57 AM
1 min
Каякер Адриан Симанкас угодил в пасть горбатого кита в Магеллановом проливе, но, судя по всему, пришелся ему не по вкусу<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/2025/02/14/nc6-whale-swallows-kayaker?utm_sou
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Une baleine à bosse avale puis relâche un kayakiste en Patagonie chilienne
World • 6:51 AM
1 min
Une baleine à bosse a brièvement avalé le kayakiste Adrián Simancas dans la Patagonie chilienne avant de le relâcher sain et sauf.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/2025/02/14/une-baleine-a-bosse-aval
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Australie : un troupeau d'éléphants est transféré dans un nouvel enclos de 21 hectares
World • 6:50 AM
1 min
Un troupeau de neuf éléphants d'Asie a été transféré du zoo de Melbourne au zoo de Werribee Open Range, parcourant une distance de 36 kilomètres en cinq jours.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/2025/0
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Are Tesla owners at risk of vandalism following Musk controversy?
Europe • 6:46 AM
6 min
Images have been going around online that claim to show Tesla cars defaced with swastikas, following Elon Musk's actions at Trump's inauguration rally, where he performed a gesture that was likened to a Nazi salute.<div class="small-12 column text-center
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Trump quer tarifas "recíprocas" para aliados e adversários
• 6:43 AM
7 min
O presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, assina um memorando que visa a aplicação de direitos aduaneiros recíprocos aos parceiros e adversários comerciais dos EUA, numa tentativa de eliminar os desequilíbrios comerciais com Washington.<div class="small-12 colu
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La communauté internationale s'engage à soutenir la transition politique en Syrie
Europe • 6:42 AM
5 min
La Syrie aura un nouveau gouvernement à partir du 1ᵉʳ mars, a annoncé plus tôt le ministre intérimaire des Affaires étrangères du pays.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/14/la-commun
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I 42 messaggi più belli e originali per la dolce metà a San Valentino su WhatsApp: consigli, emoji e frasi famose sull'amore
• 6:40 AM
7 min
San Valentino è un momento speciale per molti, quindi se la fantasia e l'inventiva non vi abbandonano, ecco un elenco dei 42 migliori messaggi da dedicare in un biglietto o in un messaggio<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="h
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Dresden bombardımanının 80. yıl dönümü: İkinci Dünya Savaşı'nda Müttefiklerin tartışmalı saldırısı
• 6:36 AM
2 min
Dresden, İkinci Dünya Savaşı kurbanlarını ve şehrin 80 yıl önce uğradığı yıkımı Perşembe günü düzenlenen çeşitli etkinliklerle andı.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/14/dresden-bomb
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ΗΠΑ: Διάταγμα Τραμπ για επιβολή "αμοιβαίων δασμών" σε όλες τις χώρες
• 6:34 AM
1 min
Νέα πυρά κατά της ΕΕ: Δασμός και ο ΦΠΑ - Η διαδικασία θα διαρκέσει μήνες- Δίνεται χρόνος για διαπραγματεύσεις λένε οι αναλυτές<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/02/14/diatagma-tramp-gia-epibolh-
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Platz 28 für Montenegro? Regierungschef Spajić zum gewünschten EU-Beitritt
• 6:31 AM
2 min
Der Regierungschef des EU-Beitrittskandidatenlandes hofft, dass Montenegro bis 2028 das 28. Mitglied der Union wird. Im Interview mit Euronews zeigte er sich sehr zuversichtlich.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://de.
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36 самых лучших и оригинальных поздравлений с Днем святого Валентина по WhatsApp
• 6:27 AM
3 min
День святого Валентина - особенный для многих влюбленных. Не сомневаемся, что воображение и изобретательность вас не подведут, но эти 36 любовных посланий также могут пригодиться<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.
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La vision de la paix de Poutine : une Ukraine soumise et l'OTAN affaiblie (expert)
World • 6:27 AM
9 min
Depuis que Donald Trump a annoncé le début des négociations de paix dans la guerre en Ukraine, les États-Unis ont fait plusieurs déclarations sur les concessions que l’Ukraine devrait faire. La Russie, quant à elle, n’a eu aucun détail sur les conditions
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Dresda, 80° anniversario dei bombardamenti alleati al fosforo della Seconda Guerra Mondiale
• 6:25 AM
2 min
La città tedesca ha commemorato le vittime della Seconda Guerra Mondiale e la distruzione della città a causa dei bombardamenti al fosforo di Stati Uniti e Regno Unito<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.co
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Trump apunta a aliados y adversarios con aranceles recíprocos en su nueva orden ejecutiva
• 6:24 AM
7 min
El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, firma una orden ejecutiva por la que se aplican aranceles recíprocos a los socios y adversarios comerciales de Estados Unidos, mientras presiona para eliminar los desequilibrios comerciales con Washington.<di
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ABD'de federal yargıç, Trump yönetiminin dış yardım finansmanını yeniden sağlamasına hükmetti
• 6:23 AM
8 min
ABD'de federal yargıç, Trump yönetiminin, ABD'nin dünya çapındaki yardım ve kalkınma çalışmalarını durduran üç haftalık fon dondurma kararını geçici olarak kaldırmasına hükmetti.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.
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ΗΠΑ: Δικαστικό «μπλόκο» στην απόφαση Τραμπ για διακοπή των προγραμμάτων εξωτερικής βοήθειας
• 6:19 AM
5 min
Δικαστική απόφαση υποχρεώνει την διακυβέρνηση Τραμπ να άρει προσωρινά το πάγωμα της χρηματοδότησης των αμερικανικών προγραμμάτων εξωτερικής βοήθειας για τρεις εβδομάδες<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.c
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Chocolate, café y oro en máximos históricos: El San Valentín más caro de la historia
• 6:16 AM
5 min
Si aún no tienes regalo para tu media naranja, evita los bombones o las joyas... o perderás el amor de algunos ahorros. Los precios del cacao y el oro se han disparado en bolsa: el cacao ha subido un 68% y el oro un 46%.<div class="small-12 column text-ce
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Donald Trump annuncia dazi "reciproci" per alleati e avversari degli Stati Uniti
• 6:12 AM
4 min
Il presidente Usa Donald Trump vuole eguagliare le tarrife doganali che ogni Paese applica agli Stati Uniti al fine di eliminare gli squilibri commerciali con Washington. Una scommessa rischiosa che potrebbe innescare rapidamente una guerra commerciale<di
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Trump cible ses alliés et ses adversaires avec des droits de douane "réciproques"
World • 6:04 AM
8 min
Donald Trump a promis d'imposer des "droits de douane réciproques" pour rétablir "l'équité" entre Washington et le reste du monde. Une annonce de plus, mais sans calendrier précis.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://f
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Exploring the Baltics by train just got easier as new rail route links three capital cities
• 6:00 AM
4 min
Travel between Baltic capitals in one day with faster, seamless train connections
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من يدفع 1200 يورو مقابل مشروب "نادر وغير مسبوق" ؟ فندق في بلفاست يراهن على ذلك
Business • 6:00 AM
2 min
في محاولة لاجتذاب عشاق الفخامة والمذاق الراقي، أطلق فندق ذا ميرشانت في بلفاست، بأيرلندا الشمالية، كوكتيلًا فريدًا بسعر 1,000 جنيه إسترليني (1,200 يورو)، وُصف بأنه "تجربة غير مسبوقة".
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As notícias do dia | 14 fevereiro 2025 - Manhã
• 6:00 AM
1 min
Acompanhe a atualidade da Europa e do Mundo. Fique a par das notícias mais recentes da Política, dos Negócios, do Desporto e da Cultura.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/2025/02/14/as-noticias-do-dia
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Le notizie del giorno | 14 febbraio - Mattino
• 6:00 AM
1 min
Segui l'attualità dall'Europa e dal mondo. Ricevi le ultime notizie su economia, spettacolo, politica, cultura, viaggi.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/2025/02/14/le-notizie-del-giorno-14-febbraio-m
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Новости дня | 14 февраля — утренний выпуск
• 6:00 AM
1 min
Узнавайте о самых важных событиях в Европе и за ее пределами - последние новости, срочные новости, мир, бизнес, развлечения, политика, культура, путешествия<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/2025/02/1
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Nachrichten des Tages | 14. Februar - Morgenausgabe
• 6:00 AM
1 min
Informieren Sie sich über das aktuelle Geschehen in Europa und der Welt - Politik, Wirtschaft, Unterhaltung, Kultur und Reisen.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://de.euronews.com/2025/02/14/nachrichten-des-tages-14-fe
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Latest news bulletin | February 14th – Morning
• 6:00 AM
1 min
Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news, World, Business, Entertainment, Politics, Culture, Travel.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/
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L’info du jour | 14 février - Matin
World • 6:00 AM
1 min
Suivez les derniers développements de l'actualité en Europe et dans le monde. Retrouvez les dernières infos sur la politique, l'économie, la culture et le divertissement.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews
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Karadağ Başbakanı: AB'nin 28. üyesi olmak için sırada biz varız
• 5:57 AM
2 min
AB'ye aday ülkeler arasında yer alan Karadağ'ın Başbakanı Milojko Spajic Euronews'e verdiği mülakatta 2028 yılına kadar 28. üye olmayı umduklarını açıkladı.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/my-europe
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Дональд Трамп подписал указ о взаимных пошлинах
• 5:52 AM
1 min
Трамп подписал указ о введении ответных таможенных пошлин против иностранных торговых партнеров, которые обложили налогом американскую продукцию.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/2025/02/14/trump-rec
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Trump'ın karşılıklı gümrük vergisine dair yol haritasını açıklamasıyla küresel piyasalar yükselişte
• 5:47 AM
4 min
ABD Başkanı Donald Trump, karşılıklı gümrük vergilerine ilişkin kararname imzalayarak yönetimine planı inceleme talimatı verdi ve müzakereler için zaman tanıdı. Kararın ardından küresel piyasalar risk alma moduna geçti.
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US judge orders Trump administration to temporarily restore foreign aid funding
• 5:46 AM
5 min
A US federal judge ordered the Trump administration to temporarily lift a funding freeze that has shut down US aid and development work globally.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/02/14/us-feder
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Auf der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz 2025 geht es um die Zukunft Europas
• 5:30 AM
2 min
Wie kann Europa den perfekten Sturm von Krisen bewältigen, der seine Sicherheit und seine Werte bedroht? Verfolgen Sie hier bei Euronews live, wie Staats- und Regierungschefs, Führungskräfte und hochrangige Minister in München zusammenkommen, wo Europa vo
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القادة الأوروبيون يردون على ترامب: أنتم بحاجة لنا لإنجاح أي اتفاق سلام يخص أوكرانيا
Europe • 5:01 AM
1 min
أثار الاتصال الهاتفي بين دونالد ترامب وفلاديمير بوتين مخاوف بروكسل من إستبعاد أوروبا تمامًا عن عملية السلام.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://arabic.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/14/european-leaders-respond-to-trum
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Будущее Европы под угрозой: Мюнхенская конференция по безопасности - 2025
• 5:01 AM
1 min
Как Европе преодолеть "идеальный шторм" кризисов, угрожающих ее безопасности и ценностям? Следите в прямом эфире Euronews за проведением международной встречи в Мюнхене.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.
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Christie’s organizará una subasta que solo incluirá arte creado con IA
• 5:01 AM
6 min
Christie’s organiza una venta dedicada íntegramente al arte creado con inteligencia artificial, la primera de este tipo que se realiza en una gran casa de subastas.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/c
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Trump delays a sweeping reciprocal tariff plan as global markets rally
Business • 5:01 AM
4 min
US President Donald Trump signed a Presidential memo on reciprocal tariffs to order his administration to investigate the plan, offering time for negotiations. Global markets turned to a risk-on mode following the decision.
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مقتل شخصين في حريق بمعبد بوذي في حي برونكس بمدينة نيويورك
International • 4:01 AM
1 min
بحسب مصالح الإطفاء في المدينة، فإن الحريق شبّ في أولى ساعات فجر الأربعاء. وذكر العاملون في المعبد أن مصدر النيران كان مدفأة وُضعت بعض الملابس بقربها<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://arabic.euronews.com/2025/02/14/tw
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NO COMMENT: Las galletas croatas en forma de corazón hacen su agosto en San Valentín
• 3:00 AM
1 min
Los visitantes de la pequeña ciudad croata de Marija Bistrica son recibidos con amor, literalmente. Esta histórica y pintoresca ciudad del norte del país es famosa por su tradicional licitar, una galleta con forma de corazón que vive su época más agitada
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Pakistan: il saluto cerimoniale per l'arrivo di Erdogan a Islamabad
• 2:30 AM
1 min
Recep Tayyip Erdogan è arrivato in Pakistan per una visita ufficiale di due giorni.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/2025/02/14/pakistan-il-saluto-cerimoniale-per-larrivo-di-erdogan-a-islamabad?utm_s
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Dresden marks 80th anniversary of World War II Allied bombing
Europe • 2:17 AM
2 min
Dresden commemorated the victims of World War II and the destruction of the city eight decades ago with several events on Thursday.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/14/dresden-mark
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NO COMMENT: De la propaganda al arte callejero, los muros de Varsovia cobran vida
• 1:00 AM
2 min
El arte callejero se apodera de los muros de Varsovia, Polonia, convirtiendo la capital en un museo al aire libre. Estos frescos, creados tanto por aficionados como por artistas de renombre, son testimonio de la riqueza cultural de Varsovia.<div class="sm
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Australia: 9 elefanti asiatici sono stati trasferiti al Werribee Open Range Zoo
• 12:00 AM
1 min
I nove elefanti asiatici sono stati trasportati per 40 km dallo zoo di Melbourne a un recinto 10 volte più grande al Werribee Open Range Zoo.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/2025/02/14/australia-9-e
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International community commits to supporting Syria's political transition
Europe • 11:05 PM
4 min
Syria will have a new government as of 1 March, the country's interim foreign minister announced earlier<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/13/international-community-commits-to-supp
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Trump targets allies and adversaries with 'reciprocal' tariffs in new executive order
• 11:00 PM
6 min
US President Donald Trump signs an executive order implementing reciprocal tariffs on US trade partners and adversaries as he pushes to eliminate trade imbalances with Washington.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ww
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Bürgerfragen: Diese Antworten von Merz, Weidel, Scholz und Habeck haben überrascht
• 10:43 PM
15 min
Weniger als 2 Wochen vor der Bundestagswahl haben sich die vier Kandidaten Olaf Scholz, Alice Weidel, Robert Habeck und Friedrich Merz den Fragen der Bürger gestellt - mit teils überraschenden Antworten.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__but
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Originelle Last-Minute-Ideen für den Valentinstag
• 10:35 PM
14 min
Wenn Sie keine Zeit mehr haben, den Valentinstag für Ihr Herzblatt zu organisieren, machen Sie sich keine Sorgen, wir haben Ideen, wie Sie das Fest der Liebe feiern können.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://de.eurone
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Τι θα συμβεί αν τα φάρμακα για τον HIV σταματήσουν για εκατομμύρια ανθρώπους
• 10:20 PM
1 min
Ο HIV αποδυναμώνει σταδιακά το ανοσοποιητικό σύστημα του οργανισμού και τον καθιστά ευάλωτο σε ασθένειες, συμπεριλαμβανομένων εκείνων που σπάνια εμφανίζονται σε κατά τα άλλα υγιείς ανθρώπους.
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انفجار مروع في متجر بتايوان يودي بحياة أربعة أشخاص
International • 10:16 PM
1 min
لقي أربعة أشخاص مصرعهم وأصيب ثمانية آخرون جراء انفجار وقع، الخميس، في الطابق الثاني عشر من متجر شين كونغ ميتسوكوشي بمدينة تايتشونغ التايوانية، وفق ما أعلنت سلطات الإطفاء.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://arabic.euro
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Litvanya Savunma Bakanı: AB'nin savunma kabiliyetleri Rusya'nın hızına 'yetişemiyor'
• 10:15 PM
1 min
AB'nin savunma kapasitesine ilişkin endişelerin arttığı bir dönemde Litvanya Savunma Bakanı, bloğun hazırlıksız olduğunu vurguladı.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/02/13/litvanya-savunma-bakani
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من بينهم 14 طفلا.. طائرة عسكرية إيطالية تنقل 45 فلسطينيا بحاجة إلى تلقي العلاج
International • 9:46 PM
2 min
غادرت طائرة تابعة للقوات الجوية الإيطالية من نوع سي-130 (C-130) العاصمة المصرية الخميس، لإجلاء 45 فلسطينياً من قطاع غزة، بينهم 14 طفلاً في حاجة ماسة إلى العناية الطبية، كانوا قد وصلوا إلى القاهرة بعد فتح معبر رفح،<div class="small-12 column text-center ar
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Ποιος είναι ο Ρόμπερτ Κένεντι Τζούνιορ, ο νέος υπουργός Υγείας των ΗΠΑ
• 9:45 PM
1 min
Πρώην βουλευτής των Δημοκρατικών, δικηγόρος και ακτιβιστής κατά των εμβολίων, ο Κένεντι σήμερα είναι ένας από τους πιο στενούς συμμάχους του Τραμπ
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EE.UU. asegura que no está traicionando a Ucrania aunque no apuesta por su entrada en la OTAN
• 9:44 PM
3 min
Estados Unidos descarta apoyar las principales demandas de Ucrania para la paz, pero insiste en que su postura "no es una traición". El secretario de Defensa, Pete Hegseth, visitará Polonia este viernes para reafirmar el compromiso de Washington con el fl
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O futuro da Europa está em jogo na Conferência de Segurança de Munique 2025
• 9:34 PM
2 min
Como é que a Europa pode enfrentar a tempestade perfeita de crises que ameaçam a sua segurança e os seus valores? Acompanhe na Euronews os encontros dos líderes mundiais, executivos e ministros de topo em Munique.<div class="small-12 column text-center ar
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Desilusão na Ucrânia com as negociações de Trump com Putin: "Tudo isto é extremamente triste"
• 9:26 PM
2 min
As reações nas ruas de Kiev sugerem um misto de desilusão, tristeza e raiva perante a abertura de conversações entre Trump e Putin, com o presidente dos EUA a não se comprometer até agora a dar à Ucrânia um lugar à mesa das negociações.<div class="small-1
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"La visión de paz de Putin es una Ucrania sometida y una Europa débil", dicen expertos
• 9:22 PM
11 min
Desde que Trump anunció el inicio de las negociaciones de paz sobre la guerra de Rusia contra Ucrania, representantes de EE.UU. ha hecho declaraciones sobre lo que Ucrania debe y no debe esperar. Sin embargo, no hay indicios de condiciones o concesiones c
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Δύο ρωσικά μη επανδρωμένα αεροσκάφη συνετρίβησαν στη Μολδαβία μετά από παραβίαση του εναέριου χώρου της, λένε οι αρχές
• 9:19 PM
1 min
Το περιστατικό έθεσε σε κίνδυνο τη ζωή των Μολδαβών, δήλωσε η πρόεδρος της χώρας Μάια Σάντου<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/02/13/dyo-rosika-drones-synetrivisan-sti-moldabia?utm_source=test_mr
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Litauische Verteidigungsministerin: EU-Verteidigungskapazitäten können mit Russlands Geschwindigkeit nicht mithalten
• 9:17 PM
2 min
In Anbetracht der zunehmenden Besorgnis über die Verteidigungskapazitäten der EU hat die litauische Verteidigungsministerin betont, dass die EU nicht ausreichend vorbereitet ist.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://de.
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حملة مقاطعة محال المواد الغذائية تصل إلى بلغاريا بسبب ارتفاع الأسعار
Europe • 9:15 PM
2 min
أقيمت في بلغاريا حملة مقاطعة لجميع محلات المواد الغذائية لمدة يوم واحد، احتجاجًا على الزيادة الكبيرة في أسعار المواد الأساسية، كما يقول المنظمون.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://arabic.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/0
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Montenegro prime minister: We are next in line to become the EU's 28th member
Europe • 9:12 PM
2 min
EU candidate country Montenegro hopes to become the 28th member by 2028, says its Prime Minister Milojko Spajić during an interview with Euronews.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/
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Belediyelere terör soruşturması: 10 kişi hakkında tutuklama kararı
• 9:11 PM
3 min
Kartal ve Ataşehir belediye başkan yardımcılarının da aralarında bulunduğu 10 isim, 'kent uzlaşısı' soruşturması tutuklandı.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/02/13/belediyelere-teror-sorusturmas
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Ministra da Defesa da Lituânia: capacidades de defesa da UE “não respondem” à velocidade da Rússia
• 9:08 PM
3 min
Perante preocupações crescentes sobre as capacidades de defesa da UE, a ministra da Defesa da Lituânia sublinhou a falta de preparação do bloco.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/2025/02/13/ministra-d
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"Montenegro formará parte de la UE en 2028", dice el primer ministro, Milojko Spajić
• 9:05 PM
2 min
Montenegro quiere convertirse en el próximo miembro de la Unión Europea y su primer ministro, Milojko Spajić, confía en que el país logrará la adhesión en 2028, según ha afirmado en esta entrevista con 'Euronews'.<div class="small-12 column text-center ar
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Cile, una megattera inghiotte e poi libera un kayak in Patagonia
• 9:00 PM
1 min
Una megattera ha brevemente inghiottito il kayaker Adrián Simancas al largo della Patagonia cilena prima di lasciarlo andare. Lo sportivo è rimasto illeso<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/2025/02/13/
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