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Νότια Κορέα: Σε γενική απεργία τα συνδικάτα- Πρόταση μομφής κατά του προέδρου από την αντιπολίτευση
• 11:57 AM
1 min
Η πρόταση μομφής θα συζητηθεί την Παρασκευή ή το Σάββατο
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Шестая ночь протестов в Грузии. Новые стычки с полицией в центре Тбилиси
• 11:53 AM
1 min
Шестую ночь подряд в столице Грузии Тбилиси продолжаются протесты против решения руководства страны о приостановлении процесса евроинтеграции. Полиция вновь вытеснила протестующих с проспекта Руставели, применив спецсредства.
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The Blue Lake and Naïma Elmcherqui tribute: Marrakech Film Festival spotlights Moroccan talent
Culture • 11:51 AM
6 min
The 21st Marrakech International Film Festival is celebrating Moroccan cinema, including the premiere of Daoud Aoulad-Syad’s 'The Blue Lake' and a heartfelt tribute to late actress Naïma Elmcherqui.
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Michel Barnier se enfrenta a una moción de censura en la Asamblea Nacional este miércoles
• 11:48 AM
3 min
Para que salga adelante se tendrían que unir la derecha y la izquierda. La votación será este miércoles a las 16:00.
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Όχι, ο Πάπας δεν αντικαθιστά τα Χριστούγεννα με μια «Γιορτή της Ειρήνης»
• 11:45 AM
2 min
Ο Πάπας αφιερώνει συχνά χρόνο στις χριστουγεννιάτικες εμφανίσεις του για να απευθύνει έκκληση για ειρήνη σε όλο τον κόσμο, αλλά δεν υπάρχουν ενδείξεις ότι θέλει να αντικαταστήσει τη γιορτή με μια ημέρα αφιερωμένη στην ειρήνη.
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Gürcistan'da altı gece süren AB yanlısı protestolarda 300'den fazla kişi gözaltına alındı
• 11:45 AM
6 min
Kamuoyu yoklamaları, Gürcülerin çoğunluğunun ülkenin AB'ye katılmasından yana olduğunu gösteriyor.
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Siria: come il conflitto potrebbe avere un impatto sulla migrazione e sulla guerra in Ucraina
• 11:43 AM
8 min
Mentre i ribelli siriani continuano a combattere le forze governative, gli attori esterni coinvolti nel conflitto si preparano alle potenziali conseguenze di un eventuale crollo del regime di Assad, tra emergenza migranti e l'impatto sulla guerra in Ucrai
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Sean Penn accusa la "straordinaria vigliaccheria" degli Oscar al Festival di Marrakech
• 11:39 AM
3 min
L'attore/regista Sean Penn ha criticato l'Academy e Hollywood, soprattutto per la sua mancanza di coraggio quando si tratta di finanziare film che ampliano le "espressioni culturali"
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Perdidos y engañados: Cómo Ucrania redirige drones rusos a Bielorrusia
• 11:38 AM
11 min
Ucrania tiene una nueva forma de contrarrestar el creciente uso de drones Shahed por parte de Moscú en ataques masivos: redirigirlos de vuelta a Rusia o al espacio aéreo de Bielorrusia, país amigo del Kremlin.
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UN agency vows to be 'ruthless' on aid spending as funding shrinks
Europe • 11:31 AM
3 min
The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is requesting $47 billion (€45 billion) to help 190 million people globally.
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فيروس شلل الأطفال يثير القلق في أوروبا بعد اكتشافه في مياه الصرف الصحي بـ 3 دول.. ماذا يحدث الآن؟
Business • 11:30 AM
6 min
دقت السلطات الصحية الأوروبية ناقوس الخطر بعد رصد فيروس شلل الأطفال في مياه الصرف الصحي في ألمانيا، بولندا، وإسبانيا، خلال الخريف الجاري.
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Συνάντηση Μητσοτάκη – Ανδρουλάκη: Πρόθεση για ανοιχτό δίαυλο επικοινωνίας
• 11:29 AM
1 min
Πρώτη κατ΄ιδίαν συνάντησή του Έλληνα πρωθυπουργού με τον πρόεδρο της αξιωματικής αντιπολίτευσης από το 2021.
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MOBO Awards 2025 nominations announced - Will Central Cee win Best Male Act for a third year?
Culture • 11:28 AM
7 min
The likes of Central Cee, Bashy and Ghetts will battle it out for Best Male Act, while RAYE, Nia Archives, Little Simz and Jorja Smith are all up for Best Female Act. The 2025 MOBO Awards will take place next February in Newcastle, UK.
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Francia: Michel Barnier è "convinto" di poter scampare il voto sulla fiducia
• 11:20 AM
3 min
La votazione sulla fiducia al primo ministro francese potrebbe cambiare lo scenario politico del Paese, instabile già da tempo. Michel Barnier ha chiesto prudenza ai parlamentari che voteranno la fiducia. Nfp e Rn compatti contro la legge di bilancio
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Ucrânia redireciona drones russos para a Bielorrússia
• 11:14 AM
10 min
A Ucrânia tem uma nova forma de contrariar a crescente utilização de drones Shahed por Moscovo em ataques em massa - redirecionando-os de volta para a Rússia ou para o espaço aéreo da Bielorrússia, país amigo do Kremlin.
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Συρία: Συνεχίζεται η προέλαση των ανταρτών - «Προ των πυλών» της Χάμα
• 11:14 AM
1 min
Τηλεφωνική επικοινωνία Ερντογάν-Πούτιν για τις εξελίξεις στη Συρία
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Comment l'Ukraine redirige les drones tirés par Moscou vers la Russie et le Bélarus
Europe • 11:13 AM
12 min
L'Ukraine dispose d'un nouveau moyen pour contrer l'utilisation croissante de drones Shahed par Moscou : les rediriger vers la Russie ou dans l'espace aérien du Belarus, allié du Kremlin.
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Başbakan Barnier, Fransız hükümetinin güven oylamasından sağ çıkabileceğini belirtti
• 11:11 AM
3 min
Fransa Başbakanı Michel Barnier, tartışmalı bir bütçe taslağını parlamento onayı olmadan kabul ettirmesinin ardından güven oylamasıyla karşı karşıya.
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¿Cómo afecta el conflicto en Siria a la guerra de Ucrania? Puede poner en jaque al Ejército ruso
• 11:10 AM
10 min
Mientras los rebeldes sirios siguen luchando contra las Fuerzas del Gobierno, las potencias extranjeras se preparan para las posibles consecuencias de la caída del régimen de Assad.
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Trump asks for hush money conviction to be quashed, citing Biden’s pardoning of son Hunter
• 11:10 AM
3 min
Borrowing from the language the incumbent US president used to pardon his son Hunter, the president-elect’s lawyers have argued that their client is the victim of "political theatre".
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Motions de censure : le gouvernement français est-il sur le point de tomber ?
World • 11:08 AM
5 min
Les députés français examineront mercredi après-midi les motions de censure contre le gouvernement déposées par l'opposition, suite à la décision du Premier ministre Michel Barnier de faire passer en force le nouveau budget de la Sécurité sociale.
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More than 300 arrested in Georgia after six nights of pro-EU protests
Europe • 11:06 AM
5 min
Allegations of police violence have emerged as citizens protest the recently re-elected Georgian Dream party's decision to suspend EU accession talks.
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Defaced Milan mural of Holocaust survivors has been removed
Culture • 11:06 AM
5 min
A Milan mural depicting Holocaust survivors has been removed after it was vandalised last month.
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Apple Müzik: 2024'ün en çok dinlenen şarkısı hangisi?
• 11:03 AM
5 min
Apple Müzik'de bu yıl en çok dinlenen şarkılar listesinde Taylor Swift zirveyi zorlarken, Kendrick Lamar da 'Not Like Us' adlı hit diss parçasıyla yılın en dikkat çeken isimlerinden biri oldu.
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من "النصرة إلى تحرير الشام".. مناورةٌ أم اقتناعٌ بتغيير المسار؟ ماذا نعرف عن أبو محمد الجولاني؟
International • 11:01 AM
1 min
عادت الحرب السورية إلى عناوين الصحف العالمية الرئيسية، وعاد معها اسم أبو محمد الجولاني، القيادي السابق لجبهة "النصرة" المتطرفة، لكن هذه المرة كزعيم لـ"هيئة تحرير الشام" التي قادت معركة "ردع العدوان" ضد النظام السوري، في 27 نوفمبر/تشرين الثاني. فما الذي نع
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Who is Didier Reynders, the former European Commissioner accused of money laundering?
Europe • 11:00 AM
6 min
Didier Reynders, the former European Commissioner for Justice, is under suspicion of money laundering.
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Latest news bulletin | December 4th – Midday
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news, World, Business, Entertainment, Politics, Culture, Travel.
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Новости дня | 4 декабря — дневной выпуск
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Узнавайте о самых важных событиях в Европе и за ее пределами - последние новости, срочные новости, мир, бизнес, развлечения, политика, культура, путешествия
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L’info du jour | 4 décembre - Mi-journée
World • 11:00 AM
1 min
Suivez les derniers développements de l'actualité en Europe et dans le monde. Retrouvez les dernières infos sur la politique, l'économie, la culture et le divertissement.
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Le notizie del giorno | 04 dicembre - Pomeridiane
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Segui l'attualità dall'Europa e dal mondo. Ricevi le ultime notizie su economia, spettacolo, politica, cultura, viaggi.
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Nachrichten des Tages | 4. Dezember - Mittagsausgabe
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Informieren Sie sich über das aktuelle Geschehen in Europa und der Welt - Politik, Wirtschaft, Unterhaltung, Kultur und Reisen.
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San Casciano, nuovi tesori etruschi emergono dagli scavi: serpenti in bronzo, ori, e uova intatte
• 10:58 AM
4 min
La scoperta, avvenuta durante gli scavi che si sono svolti negli ultimi mesi, da giugno a ottobre, si aggiunge ai precedenti ritrovamenti del 2022 quando vennero portate alla luce 24 statue bronzee di epoca etrusca e romana
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German AI company Helsing moves into attack drone market
Business • 10:55 AM
3 min
Helsing's new strike drone launch comes as the company tries to capitalise on the growing interest in autonomous weapons, the effectiveness of which has been highlighted by the war between Russia and Ukraine.
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Itália proíbe caixas de chaves em alojamentos locais: o que é que isto significa para os turistas?
• 10:45 AM
4 min
Os hóspedes dos alojamentos locais em Itália, bem como das propriedades listadas nas plataformas Airbnb e Booking, passam agora a ser recebidos pessoalmente pelos proprietários.
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AB'de sağlık paradoksu: Artan personel sayısıyla birlikte yaşanan eksiklikler
• 10:45 AM
6 min
OECD raporuna göre, Avrupa ülkeleri 2022 yılında yaklaşık 1,2 milyon doktor, hemşire ve ebe açığı olduğunu iddia ederken, aynı yıl birçok üye ülkede rekor düzeyde sağlık personeli bulunuyordu.
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Eski Adaletten Sorumlu Avrupa Komisyonu Üyesi Reynders'in kara para akladığından şüpheleniliyor
• 10:45 AM
1 min
Belçika polisi, dolandırıcılık iddiasıyla eski Adaletten Sorumlu Avrupa Komisyonu Üyesi Didier Reynders ile bağlantılı bazı mülklere baskın düzenledi.
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İtalya'daki kadın cinayeti davasında eski erkek arkadaş müebbet hapis cezasına çarptırıldı
• 10:41 AM
3 min
22 yaşındaki Giulia Cecchettin'in vahşice öldürülmesi İtalya'yı yasa boğdu ve kadına yönelik şiddetin sona erdirilmesi taleplerini körükledi.
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¿Qué es la 'carnicería del cerdo', la estafa financiera mundial sobre la que Meta advierte a todo el mundo?
• 10:35 AM
5 min
Meta dice que ha cerrado 2 millones de cuentas en sus plataformas que están "descuartizando" a la gente en estafas financieras. Pero, ¿qué significa eso?
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Eminem'in şarkılarına konu olan annesi Debbie Nelson 69 yaşında hayatını kaybetti
• 10:34 AM
2 min
Eminem birçok hit şarkısında annesi Debbie Nelson'ı aşağılarken, Nelson da 1999 yılında oğluna hakaret davası açmıştı.
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Bank of America signs with FIFA for US-hosted Club World Cup despite no TV deals
Business • 10:34 AM
4 min
While games at the next World Cup, co-hosted with Canada and Mexico, will be watched by hundreds of millions globally mostly on free-to-air public networks, the Club World Cup broadcast picture is unclear.
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France : Michel Barnier met en garde contre la “tempête” que pourrait déclencher une chute du gouvernement
Europe • 10:33 AM
4 min
Les législateurs français ont passé des semaines à débattre d'une proposition de budget qui menace de faire tomber le cabinet de Michel Barnier.
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France : les marchés proches de leur plus bas niveau depuis quatre mois en raison de la crise gouvernementale
Europe • 10:32 AM
5 min
Les marchés français ont sous-performé par rapport à leurs homologues mondiaux cette année - fait rare, en cause : des troubles politiques. Le risque d'effondrement du gouvernement devrait aggraver les difficultés de l'économie de la zone euro et, par con
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Morreu a mãe de Eminem, que inspirou muitas letras do "rapper"
• 10:28 AM
3 min
Eminem menosprezou a mãe em muitas das suas canções de sucesso, tendo Debbie Nelson chegado a processar o filho por difamação em 1999. Ao longo dos anos, a relação entre os dois pareceu menos tensa, com o "rapper" a pedir desculpa por algumas das suas let
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French government may survive no-confidence vote, says PM Barnier
• 10:22 AM
3 min
France's Prime Minister Michel Barnier faces a no-confidence vote after he forced through a controversial draft budget without parliamentary approval.
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Apple Music Replay shares biggest songs of 2024: What is the most played track of the year?
Culture • 10:19 AM
9 min
It's been a banner year for women, the biggest in global songs chart history. Taylor Swift did very well, as did a certain Mr. Kendrick Lamar with his hit diss track 'Not Like Us'.
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Üç Avrupa ülkesinin atık sularında poliovirüs tespit edildi
• 10:17 AM
7 min
Avrupa ülkeleri 2002 yılında çocuk felcinden arındırılmış ilan edilmiş olsa da, diğer ülkelerde hala mevcut olduğundan, vakaların Avrupa ülkelerinde aşılanmamış insanlar arasında yayılmaya başlaması riski her zaman mevcut.
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Instrucciones para sobrevivir a una posible guerra en Europa: Suecia y otros países, en alerta
• 10:02 AM
9 min
Suecia ha reeditado el folleto y lo ha digitalizado para que sea accesible a toda la población y que sus ciudadanos se puedan preparar de cara a una posible guerra en el país. Mientras, en España, los 'preparacionistas' toman ya medidas para sobrevivir a
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"فرصة ثانية".. أوكرانيا تعيد جنودها الفارين إلى جبهات القتال ضد روسيا
International • 10:01 AM
2 min
في ظل الحرب المستمرة مع روسيا، تسعى أوكرانيا لتعزيز قدراتها العسكرية، مع التركيز على تعزيز صفوف المشاة. وفي خطوة غير معتادة، قررت كييف منح الجنود الذين فروا من الخدمة فرصة للعودة والانضمام إلى الجيش مرة أخرى. فهل تلقى هذه المبادرة قبولاً بين الجنود؟
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Güney Kore Devlet Başkanı sıkıyönetim kararının ardından görevden alınmakla karşı karşıya
• 10:00 AM
4 min
Lider Yoon Suk Yeol'un azledilmesi için parlamentonun üçte ikisinin ve ülkenin Anayasa Mahkemesi yargıçlarından en az altısının desteği gerekiyor.
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Crypto company Ledger spends 'millions' on new HQ to bring a slice of Apple to Paris
Business • 10:00 AM
9 min
Euronews Next went to the new nine-story building in Paris as the company marks its 10th anniversary.
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Τι φοβούνται οι αγορές για τη Γαλλία: Από τη δημοσιονομική στην πολιτική κρίση
• 9:57 AM
1 min
Η κυβέρνηση του Μισέλ Μπαρνιέ αντιμετωπίζει δύο προτάσεις μομφής για το σχέδιο προϋπολογισμού
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Georgia: Tblisi in fiamme, manifestanti si scontrano con la polizia
• 9:51 AM
1 min
Continuano le proteste in Georgia a seguito della sospensione dei negoziati con Bruxelles per l'adesione del Paese all'Ue. Centinaia di manifestanti si sono scontrati con la polizia nelle strade della capitale
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Ex-Freundin ermordet: 23-jähriger Italiener zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt
• 9:50 AM
2 min
Filippo Turetta wurde für den Mord an Giulia Cecchettin zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt. Seine grausame Tat hat ganz Italien erschüttert und einen gesellschaftlichen Wandel angestoßen.
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Lost and spoofed: How Ukraine redirects Russian drones to Belarus
Europe • 9:36 AM
9 min
Ukraine has a new way of countering Moscow's increased use of Shahed drones in mass attacks — redirecting them back to Russia or into the airspace of Kremlin-friendly Belarus.
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Italia, affitti brevi: Viminale vieta le pratiche di self check-in e stoppa la proliferazione di cassette portachiavi
• 9:35 AM
3 min
I responsabili di strutture tipo AirBnb o Booking saranno obbligati a incontrare i propri ospiti dopo la sferzata del Viminale che vieta il check-in in modo autonomo. Il Ministero dell'interno ha anche messo un freno alla proliferazione delle cassette por
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Muore Debbie Nelson, la madre di Eminem: il loro rapporto conflittuale al centro di molte hit
• 9:32 AM
4 min
Il rapper ha denigrato la madre in molte delle sue hit, fino a essere citato in giudizio per diffamazione. Negli ultimi anni, il loro rapporto è migliorato e Eminem si è scusato per alcuni dei suoi testi
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Нет, папа не собирается заменять Рождество "Праздником мира".
• 9:30 AM
2 min
Папа римский часто во время своих рождественских выступлений призывает к миру во всем мире, но нет никаких признаков того, что он хочет заменить христианский праздник днем, посвященным миру.
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تعديل يثير الانتقادات.. أوروبا تخفض حماية الذئاب من "محمية بشكل صارم" إلى "محمية"
Europe • 9:30 AM
1 min
وافق المجلس الأوروبي على اقتراح الاتحاد الأوروبي بتعديل الوضع القانوني للذئاب، محولاً وضعها من "محمية بشكل صارم" إلى "محمية"، خطوة أثارت انتقادات واسعة من المحافظين على البيئة.
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Пожизненное заключение за убийство бывшей подруги
• 9:06 AM
1 min
"Пожизненное заключение", - такой приговор вынес итальянский суд 22-летнему Филиппо Туретто, признанному виновным в убийстве его бывшей девушки Джулии Чекеттин.
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VÍDEO: La caída de un asteroide ilumina el cielo de la república siberiana rusa de Yakutia
• 9:05 AM
2 min
Un pequeño asteroide iluminó el cielo de la república siberiana rusa de Yakutia al entrar en la atmósfera terrestre.
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Why does the EU now have two health Commissioners, and what will it mean?
Europe • 9:04 AM
4 min
How health topics will be divided between two Commissioner for the first time is a poser for the new executive.
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Pena de prisão perpétua para estudante que matou ex-namorada em Itália
• 9:00 AM
4 min
A morte de Giulia Cecchettin, de 22 anos, há cerca de uma ano, chocou Itália e reacendeu o debate sobre a violência de género no país.
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Πτώση αστεροειδούς φωτίζει τον ουρανό στη σιβηρική δημοκρατία Γιακούτια της Ρωσίας
• 8:55 AM
1 min
Ένας μικρός αστεροειδής φώτισε τον ουρανό πάνω από τη σιβηρική δημοκρατία της Γιακούτια στη Ρωσία καθώς εισήλθε στην ατμόσφαιρα της Γης.
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Un astéroïde illumine le ciel de la république russe de Yakoutie, en Sibérie
World • 8:43 AM
2 min
Un petit astéroïde est entré mardi soir dans l'atmosphère terrestre au-dessus de la république sibérienne de Yakoutie, en Russie.
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Begoña Gómez, mujer de Sánchez, citada como investigada el 5 de julio por tráfico de influencias
• 8:38 AM
3 min
El juez ha citado a la esposa del presidente del Gobierno de España, Begoña Gómez, en calidad de investigada para el próximo día 5 de julio a las 10 de la mañana. Pedro Sánchez ha vuelto a escribir una carta a la ciudadanía en defensa de su honradez y la
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La oposición carga contra Sánchez por su decisión de continuar en el Gobierno
• 8:37 AM
7 min
La oposición ha cargado contra el presidente Sánchez por su decisión de continuar al frente del Ejecutivo después de anunciar su posible dimisión. Mientras PP y Vox critican su supuesta "deriva autoritaria", sus socios de Gobierno le reclaman que de un nu
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Begoña Gómez tenía solo 40 euros en sus 11 cuentas bancarias según la investigación del juez Peinado
• 8:30 AM
5 min
El instructor de la causa contra la esposa de Pedro Sánchez ha recibido el informe de la investigación sobre sus cuentas bancarias. Mientras, el jefe de Gabinete de Ayuso ha sido citado como testigo en el caso del presunto delito de revelación de secretos
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Sean Penn blames Oscars’ ‘extraordinary cowardice’ at Marrakech Film Festival
Culture • 8:25 AM
3 min
Actor / Director Sean Penn has criticised the Academy and Hollywood, especially for its lack of courage when it comes to funding films that expand "cultural expressions". He also slammed how the system made it difficult for the Donald Trump origin story '
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Fact-checking: il Papa non ha sostituito il Natale con una "Festa della Pace"
• 8:23 AM
4 min
Durante le sue ultime apparizioni il Papa ha dedicato spesso del tempo a invocare la pace in tutto il mondo, ma non risulta che voglia sostituire la festa con una giornata dedicata alla pace
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Kuzey Amerika'nın Göller Bölgesi beyaza büründü
• 8:21 AM
1 min
Salı gece saatlerine kadar Ohio, New York ve Pensilvanya'nın bazı bölgelerinde kar uyarıları yürürlükte kaldı.
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ΕΕ: Ύποπτος για ξέπλυμα χρήματος μέσω λοταρίας ο πρώην επίτροπος Ντιντιέ Ρέιντερς
• 8:04 AM
1 min
Η βελγική αστυνομία πραγματοποίησε έφοδο σε διάφορα ακίνητα που συνδέονται με τον πρώην Επίτροπο Δικαιοσύνης της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και επι σειρά ετών κορυφαίο υπουργό στο Βέλγιο
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Italie : l'ex-petit ami de Giulia Cecchettin condamné à la prison à perpétuité
Europe • 8:04 AM
4 min
La jeune étudiante italienne de 22 ans avait disparu en novembre 2023 avant d'être retrouvée morte une semaine plus tard près de lac Barcis, au nord de Venise.
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في غزة.. مأساة مستمرة وأثمان باهظة في حرب بلا نهاية وتل أبيب تستعد لترسيخ وجودها بمنشأة عسكرية دائمة
International • 8:00 AM
1 min
غزة، المدينة التي باتت أيامها ولياليها شاهدة على مأساة مستمرة، لا يزال سكانها يدفعون أثمانًا باهظة في حرب لا تنتهي
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WWF & GREENPEACE: Προστατευόμενες Θαλάσσιες Περιοχές μόνο «στα χαρτιά» - Ποια μέτρα προτείνουν
• 8:00 AM
7 min
Εννέα περιβαλλοντικοί οργανισμοί πρόσφατα δημοσίευσαν έκθεση αξιολόγησης, η οποία και εντοπίζει σοβαρά κενά, ενώ τα μέτρα προστασίας κρίνονται ανεπαρκή
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Corea del Sud: il presidente Yoon Suk yeol rischia l'impeachment dopo aver indetto la legge marziale
• 7:59 AM
7 min
Le opposizioni e alcuni parlamentari di maggioranza hanno presentato una mozione per mettere il presidente sotto impeachment dopo aver promulgato la legge marziale nel Paese. L'opposizione ha dichiarato "incostituzionale" la legge e la svolta autoritaria
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Протесты и столкновения в Тбилиси после решения властей отложить переговоры о вступлении в ЕС
• 7:58 AM
3 min
Полиция применила водометы и слезоточивый газ для разгона манифестантов в Тбилиси. Участники протеста выступали против решения властей отложить переговоры о вступлении в ЕС.
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Eminem's mother Debbie Nelson, whose fraught relationship fuelled the rapper's lyrics, dies aged 69
Culture • 7:56 AM
3 min
Eminem disparaged his mother in many of his hit songs, with Debbie Nelson even suing her son for defamation in 1999. Over the years, their relationship seemed less tense, with the rapper apologizing for some of his lyrics.
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Бывший еврокомиссар по вопросам юстиции Дидье Рейндерс подозревается в отмывании денег
• 7:53 AM
1 min
Бельгийская полиция провела обыск в домах бывшего еврокомиссара по вопросам юстиции Дидье Рейндерса в связи с предполагаемым мошенничеством, сообщают Follow the Money и бельгийская газета Le Soir.
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Syria: How the conflict could impact migration and the war in Ukraine
• 7:53 AM
8 min
As Syrian rebels continue fighting government forces, outside powers are bracing for the potential fallout should the Assad regime collapse.
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Ue: ex commissario alla Giustizia Reynders indagato per riciclaggio di denaro
• 7:39 AM
1 min
Reynders è stato commissario Ue alla Giustizia dal 2019 al 2024. Il politico è stato anche ministro delle Finanze del Belgio dal 1999 al 2011 e ministro degli Esteri dal 2011 al 2019
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Poliovirus has been detected in sewage in 3 European countries. What happens now?
Business • 7:30 AM
7 min
Health authorities say European countries should ramp up their immunisation and disease surveillance efforts.
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The EU health paradox: shortages with surging staff numbers
Business • 7:30 AM
6 min
European countries claimed shortages of around 1.2 million doctors, nurses and midwives in 2022 - yet that same year, several member states had record levels of medical staff, according to an OECD report.
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Corée du Sud : le président menacé de destitution après avoir décrété une éphémère loi martiale
World • 7:27 AM
5 min
Le président sud-coréen a annoncé lever la loi martiale qu'il avait lui même décrétée après un vote au Parlement. Une décision inattendue, contestée y compris dans son propre camp.
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South Korea's president faces impeachment after shock martial law order
• 7:15 AM
4 min
Leader Yoon Suk-yeol imposed a short-lived martial law order on Tuesday that stunned the country and prompted troops to encircle parliament — before lawmakers voted to lift it.
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İngiltere Başbakanı Starmer, Parthenon Heykelleri'nin Yunanistan'a iade edilmesine sıcak bakıyor
• 7:12 AM
2 min
İngiltere yasaları, British Museum'un heykelleri kalıcı olarak Yunanistan'a iade etmesini engelliyor. Uzun vadeli bir ödünç verme konusunda görüşmelerin sürdüğü bildiriliyor ancak hükümet, kalıcı olarak kaldırılmalarını sağlayacak yasayı değiştirmeyeceğin
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EU online rules are not a stick to beat Big Tech, says Dutch watchdog
Business • 7:11 AM
5 min
Dutch regulator is receiving first DSA complaints, but is waiting for parliament to transpose the law to have the formal power to act on them.
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Ηλεκτρονικός πόλεμος: Πώς η Ουκρανία παραπλανά τα ρωσικά ντρόοουν και τα στέλνει στη Λευκορωσία
• 7:10 AM
1 min
Η Λευκορωσία επιστράτευσε αεροσκάφη για να απαντήσει στην παραβίαση του εναέριου χώρου - γεγονός που υποδηλώνει ότι το Μινσκ δεν ήταν προετοιμασμένο αντιμετωπίσει τα ρωσικά ντρόουν
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ABD ve Kanada uyruklu üç dağcı Yeni Zelanda'nın zirvesinde kayboldu
• 7:06 AM
2 min
Ülkenin en yüksek dağı olarak bilinen Aoraki'ye tırmanmaya çalışan dağcılardan haber alınamadığı söylendi.
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Oposição sul-coreana apresenta moção de destituição do presidente após levantamento da lei marcial
• 7:05 AM
5 min
O Presidente Yoon Suk Yeol causou um choque em todo o país depois de ter declarado uma lei marcial de emergência na terça-feira. A medida foi levantada às primeiras horas desta quarta-feira.
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منطقة عازلة وتنازل عن الأراضي.. كيف يخطط ترامب لإنهاء الحرب الروسية الأوكرانية؟
International • 7:03 AM
1 min
مع اقتراب وصول الرئيس الأمريكي دونالد ترامب إلى البيت الأبيض، يجري الحديث عن أن الزعيم الجمهوري يخطط، كما وعد، لإنهاء الحرب بين روسيا وأوكرانيا عن طريق إجبار الأخيرة على التنازل عن مجموعة من أراضيها لصالح موسكو، بالإضافة إلى تعليق مساعي عضوية كييف في حلف
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Du dérapage budgétaire au dérapage politique en France
Europe • 7:02 AM
3 min
Le gouvernement de Michel Barnier fait face à deux motions de censure provoquées par le projet budgétaire. A Bruxelles, les institutions de l’UE suivent les débats financiers, mais aussi les difficultés politiques.
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NO COMMENT: Carlos III ofrece una bienvenida real al emir de Catar
• 7:01 AM
1 min
El martes, el rey Carlos III, el príncipe Guillermo y Kate dieron una bienvenida real al emir de Catar.
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Da derrapagem orçamental à derrapagem política em França
• 7:00 AM
3 min
O governo de Michel Barnier enfrenta duas moções de censura sobre o projeto de orçamento. Em Bruxelas, as instituições europeias estão a acompanhar os debates financeiros, mas também as dificuldades políticas.
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Belgique : l'ancien commissaire européen Didier Reynders soupçonné de blanchiment d'argent
Europe • 6:56 AM
1 min
La police belge a perquisitionné plusieurs propriétés liées à l'ancien commissaire européen à la Justice pour fraude présumée.
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Câbles sous-marins détruits : la Suède demande officiellement à Pékin de coopérer à l'enquête
Europe • 6:51 AM
5 min
Le navire chinois soupçonné d'avoir sectionné les 17 et 18 novembre dernier deux câbles sous-marins est toujours stationné dans les eaux internationales entre le Danemark et la Suède.
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"Bola de fogo sobre a Sibéria": queda de asteroide ilumina o céu na república russa da Iacútia
• 6:51 AM
2 min
Um pequeno asteroide iluminou o céu sobre a república siberiana russa de Iacútia quando entrou na atmosfera da Terra.
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Will the French government likely fall, and how will that hit Brussels? | Radio Schuman
Europe • 6:50 AM
2 min
French prime minister Michel Barnier will face a no-confidence vote today that could topple his government and bring more chaos to the EU.
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No, the Pope isn't replacing Christmas with a 'Feast of Peace'
Europe • 6:46 AM
5 min
The Pope often takes time during his Christmas appearances to call for peace across the world, but there's no evidence he wants to replace the festival with a day dedicated to peace.
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