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Fraud complaints target French billionaire Vincent Bolloré's Africa port deals
Africa • 11:41 AM
1 min
A coalition of African groups filed fraud complaints Wednesday against French billionaire Vincent Bolloré, accusing him of illegally obtaining the rights to run ports and money laundering. French investigators have in the past looked into allegations the
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Tuesday, march 18, 2025

Kagame and Tshisekedi meet in Qatar for first direct talks since DR Congo escalation
Africa • 9:51 PM
1 min
In a surprising turn of events, DR Congo and Rwanda's presidents held an informal meeting in Qatar on Tuesday. It was their first direct talks since Rwanda-backed M23 rebels seized two major cities in eastern DR Congo. In a joint statement, Felix Tshisek
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EE. UU. e Israel buscan expulsar a los palestinos de Gaza hacia África
Africa • 3:55 PM
1 min
Israel y Estados Unidos impulsan la expulsión de los gazatíes hacia África, pese a la condena internacional y las advertencias de la ONU sobre limpieza étnica. Según funcionarios israelíes, el plan sigue en marcha tras su anuncio por Trump en la Casa Bla
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Monday, march 17, 2025

DR Congo conflict: M23 rebels will not participate in peace talks in Angola
Africa • 10:26 PM
1 min
Diplomatic efforts are ongoing to put an end to the conflict in eastern DR Congo. What should have been a major breakthrough – the Congolese government meeting the M23 rebel group in the first direct negotiations – has now been on hold. At the last minut
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Tunisia rescues 612 migrants, recovers 18 bodies in overnight operations
Africa • 10:20 PM
1 min
Tunisia's national guard rescued 612 migrants and recovered 18 bodies off its Mediterranean coast, following multiple boat capsizings in the Sfax region. The rescued people, all from sub-Saharan African countries and including women and children, were at
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Ruanda y Bélgica cortan relaciones por el conflicto en la República Democrática del Congo
Africa • 5:55 PM
1 min
Ruanda rompió este lunes 17 de marzo relaciones diplomáticas con Bélgica y expulsó a todos sus diplomáticos del país. Un comunicado del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores ruandés afirmó que el país europeo había "socavado constantemente" a Kigali "durante
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Saturday, march 15, 2025

Francia abre investigación por homicidio involuntario contra TotalEnergies por masacre en Mozambique
Africa • 8:37 PM
1 min
Autoridad francesa abrió una investigación contra TotalEnergies por homicidio involuntario y omisión de socorro a personas en peligro por un atentado perpetrado en 2021 en Mozambique por militantes yihadistas cerca de un importante yacimiento de gas. Un
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Un estudio de cine desafía las normas en los barrios marginales de la capital de Uganda
Africa • 8:11 PM
1 min
En los barrios marginales de Wakaliga, a las afueras de Kampala, la capital de Uganda, un estudio de cine independiente lleva 20 años desafiando las normas. Con presupuestos ajustados, Wakaliwood produce películas de acción y artes marciales que millones
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Trump orders multiple strikes in Yemen against Iran-backed Houthi rebels
Africa • 7:28 PM
1 min
US President Donald Trump launched a series of airstrikes on Yemen's capital, Sanaa, on Saturday, promising to use “overwhelming lethal force” against Iranian-backed Houthi rebels until they agreed to end their attacks on shipping assets along a vital ma
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FRANCE 24 in Sudan: Four reports on the impact of war
Africa • 9:40 AM
1 min
A FRANCE 24 team reporting from Sudan in February met with civilians who have lived through two years of a civil war that has killed tens of thousands of people, displaced more than 12 million and sparked a humanitarian crisis.
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Friday, march 14, 2025

ACROSS AFRICA | The historical fissures of DR Congo's M23 Crisis
Africa • 1:33 PM
1 min
Join Georja Calvin-Smith for a weekly look at stories from across the continent. This week she's joined by journalist, Michaela Wrong to discuss some of the historical relationships between DR Congo and its neighbours that have fed into the current scram
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Thursday, march 13, 2025

Southern African Development Community pulls peacekeepers from DR Congo
Africa • 11:26 PM
1 min
Southern African countries are to pull their peacekeepers out of DR Congo. The troops were sent to help Kinshasa rein in the M23 rebels but failed to prevent them from seizing eastern towns in a lightning offensive this year. Angola says direct peace tal
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Trump to DR Congo’s rescue? What we know about a proposed US-Congolese mining deal
Africa • 8:25 PM
1 min
Congolese authorities are hoping to conclude an agreement with the Trump administration on the country's mining resources in a bid to secure US support in their fight against the M23 rebels and Rwandan forces leading an offensive in eastern DR Congo. Whi
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Negociaciones de paz entre República Democrática del Congo y M23 previstas para marzo
Africa • 6:19 AM
1 min
Las conversaciones de paz directas entre los rebeldes del M23 y la República Democrática del Congo comenzarán en Luanda, capital de Angola, el 18 de marzo, según anunció la presidencia de ese país en un comunicado el miércoles. En enero, los rebeldes, re
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Wednesday, march 12, 2025

‘Peace talks’ between M23 rebels and DR Congo to start in Angola on March 18
Africa • 8:21 PM
1 min
“Direct peace talks” between M23 rebels and Democratic Republic of Congo are set to start in Luanda on March 18, Angola’s presidency announced in a statement Wednesday. In January, the Rwanda-backed rebels launched a lightning advance in eastern DRC, mov
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Morocco scrambles to contain measles outbreak blamed on global anti-vax campaign
Africa • 2:49 AM
1 min
Moroccan authorities have sharply ramped up vaccinations against measles after the country was hit by an epidemic of “historic levels”. The government has blamed the measles outbreak, which has so far claimed 120 lives, on the “global anti-vax movement”
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Tuesday, march 11, 2025

Sudán: los paramilitares de las FAR anuncian una Carta Fundadora para un gobierno paralelo
Africa • 11:59 PM
1 min
En Sudán, los paramilitares de las Fuerzas de Apoyo Rápido han dado un paso más en su lucha por el poder. Reunidos en Nairobi con sus aliados, han firmado una Carta Fundadora que allana el camino para un gobierno paralelo. ¿Qué implicaciones tiene esto p
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Uganda despliega tropas en Sudán del Sur mientras crece el temor a una guerra civil
Africa • 11:58 AM
1 min
La tensión entre el presidente Salva Kiir y el vicepresidente primero Riek Machar aumenta a medida que se deshace el acuerdo de reparto del poder y estallan enfrentamientos, por lo que el jefe militar de Kampala envió tropas para ayudar a "asegurar" Juba
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Monday, march 10, 2025

FRANCE 24 exclusive report: Port Sudan, the ‘de-facto’ capital
Africa • 11:01 PM
1 min
As Sudan's brutal conflict drags on, doctors without borders and aid workers are working tirelessly to provide relief to victims of the world's biggest humanitarian crisis from the coastal city and now de facto capital – Port-Sudan. 
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Sunday, march 9, 2025

Four decades on, still no justice for South Africa's Apartheid-era atrocities
Africa • 9:59 AM
1 min
Victims of Apartheid-era atrocities are suing the South African government for damages over failing to prosecute those suspected of committing Apartheid-era crimes. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission identified some 300 suspects to be investigated f
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La ONU advierte de escalada en Sudán del Sur que amenaza el acuerdo de paz
Africa • 12:36 AM
1 min
La Comisión de Derechos Humanos de la ONU en Sudán del Sur advirtió este sábado, 8 de marzo, que el aumento de la violencia en el estado septentrional de Alto Nilo y las tensiones políticas entre el Gobierno y la oposición amenazan el acuerdo de paz de 2
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Friday, march 7, 2025

Rescued golden eagle takes flight again in Tunisia
Africa • 7:11 PM
1 min
After months of rehabilitation, the golden eagle "Aquila" was released into the wild from the peak of Mont Sidi Zid in Tunisia. Despite being protected under Tunisian law, golden eagles in the northern African country are often illegally hunted and trapp
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Francia inicia la cesión de bases militares a Senegal en un primer paso hacia la retirada total
Africa • 3:58 PM
1 min
Francia anunció el viernes que había transferido a Senegal dos bases militares en los distritos de Marechal y Saint-Exubery de Dakar. Se trata del primer paso hacia la retirada total de los soldados franceses y la devolución de las bases a finales de 202
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France begins handover of army bases to Senegal
Africa • 2:34 PM
1 min
France on Friday said it had transferred two military bases in the Marechal and Saint-Exubery districts of Dakar to Senegalese control. It was the first step to a complete withdrawal of French soldiers and the return of the sites by the end of 2025. 
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Wednesday, march 5, 2025

US AIDS funding cuts send HIV treatment ‘off a cliff’ in South Africa
Africa • 10:20 PM
1 min
South Africa has been racing to pivot its HIV treatment plans following the withdrawal of US aid globally. Determined to keep its hands on the tiller, the Department of Health is aiming to increase the number of people treated by one million by the end o
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Activist and survivor Fatou Baldeh on fighting to eradicate female genital mutilation
Africa • 2:16 PM
1 min
A leading women's rights campaigner has spoken to FRANCE 24 about how she was subjected to female genital mutilation at the age of just seven in her home country of The Gambia. Fatou Baldeh explained that although the procedure was a horrific personal ex
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Sudáfrica: el colapso de la infraestructura de Johannesburgo
Africa • 12:46 AM
1 min
El centro de Johannesburgo fue en su día un centro económico con abundantes espacios verdes, pero en las dos últimas décadas el centro de la ciudad sudafricana vive en medio de la delincuencia, el vertido de basura, las infraestructuras deterioradas y la
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Tuesday, march 4, 2025

Túnez, señalado de vender refugiados y exiliados a milicias libias
Africa • 11:47 PM
1 min
El norte de África se ha convertido en una trampa mortal para los migrantes subsaharianos desde que la Unión Europea reforzó sus acuerdos con los países de esta región, para frenar la migración. Un informe titulado 'State Trafficking', presentado ante el
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UN says children raped as weapon of war in Sudan
Africa • 11:25 PM
1 min
The use of rape as a weapon of war has once again been uncovered in the midst of a major conflict. Investigators for the UN children's agency UNICEF say hundreds of little girls and boys, some not even a year old and more than a dozen under the age of fi
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Juicio a opositores tunecinos por cargos contra la seguridad nacional
Africa • 10:13 AM
1 min
Decenas de destacados opositores tunecinos serán juzgados el martes por cargos contra la seguridad nacional, acusados de "pertenencia a grupo terrorista" y "conspiración contra la seguridad del Estado". El presidente Kais Saied ha presidido una amplia ca
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ONU revela casos de violación a niños de un año en medio del conflicto en Sudán
Africa • 6:24 AM
1 min
La ONU denunció el martes que hombres armados en Sudán violaron a niños de tan solo un año, y Unicef citó el abuso sexual infantil generalizado en medio del conflicto. Se han registrado más de 221 casos de violación infantil desde principios de 2024, y d
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Children as young as one raped during conflict in Sudan, says UN
Africa • 3:32 AM
1 min
The United Nations reported Tuesday that armed men in Sudan raped children as young as one, with UNICEF citing widespread child sexual abuse amid the conflict. Over 221 child rape cases have been recorded since early 2024, with two-thirds of the survivor
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Tunisia opposition figures stand trial on national security charges
Africa • 2:05 AM
1 min
Scores of high-profile Tunisian opposition figures are going on trial Tuesday on national security charges, having been accused of "belonging to a terrorist group" and "plotting against the state security". President Kais Saied has presided over a sweepi
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Monday, march 3, 2025

Report highlights systemic inequalities in DR Congo's public spending
Africa • 11:26 PM
1 min
Congolese MPs receive around $21,000 a month, soldiers just $100. A new anti-corruption report says the government's overspending is allowing the elite to benefit while other vital areas suffer from underfunding; not least the underpaid troops facing a r
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Sunday, march 2, 2025

‘Green Cruise’: Traveling across Africa in solar-powered cars
Africa • 11:17 AM
1 min
FRANCE 24 spoke to Eric Vigouroux, a former rallying driver who has just completed “the Green Cruise”, a tour of Africa in an electric car outfitted with solar panels.
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Cyclone Garance kills four in France's Reunion Island
Africa • 9:54 AM
1 min
At least four people have died in the Indian Ocean island of La Reunion during the passage of a devastating cyclone that sowed destruction across the overseas French territory, officials said on Saturday. Some 120,000 homes are still without electricity
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Saturday, march 1, 2025

Families of apartheid victims file lawsuit against govt for inaction
Africa • 2:31 PM
1 min
Families of apartheid victims in South Africa have launched a lawsuit against the government, accusing it of failing to bring culprits to justice. The country's Truth and Reconciliation Commission has recommended that all suspects who did not receive amn
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Cyclone Garance hits France's Reunion Island, kills at least three
Africa • 10:12 AM
1 min
French police said at least three people were killed when a tropical storm packing fierce winds and torrential rains thumped the French Indian Ocean island of Reunion on Friday. Residents were ordered to stay at home as Tropical Cyclone Garance brought h
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Friday, february 28, 2025

UN says South Sudan leaders fuelling violence and instability
Africa • 9:47 PM
1 min
In tonight's edition: South Sudan's leaders are fueling violence and instability in the young nation, a United Nations report says. Also, after recent promises of job opportunities in Spain, thousands of Gambians rush to apply for a job in the European c
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Thursday, february 27, 2025

DR Congo: Blasts kill 11 at rally in eastern city of Bukavu
Africa • 11:59 PM
1 min
In this week's Across Africa: At least 11 people are killed and dozens injured in explosions at a rally called by M23 rebels in the captured eastern Congolese city of Bukavu. Also, Ghana's defence capabilities are being boosted by a €50 million EU milita
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Several dead after twin explosions rock AFC rebel alliance meeting in DR Congo
Africa • 7:16 PM
1 min
Two explosions at a meeting in Bukavu organised by the AFC rebel alliance that includes the M23 armed group killed at least 11 people and wounded around 60, according to a hospital source. The meeting took place in the eastern Congo city of Bukavu, which
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Allegations of crimes against civilians in DR Congo are 'extremely serious': ICC prosecutor
Africa • 5:42 PM
1 min
FRANCE 24 spoke to the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Karim Khan. Last October, he announced that he had reopened an investigation in DR Congo into allegations of crimes committed since 2022 in North Kivu, a province in the east of
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Moroccan king urges citizens to refrain from sacrificing animals during Eid
Africa • 11:47 AM
1 min
King Mohammed VI on Thursday urged Moroccans "to refrain from performing the rite of sacrifice" during Eid al-Adha this year. The country is in its seventh consecutive year of drought, which has led to a 38 percent fall in livestock numbers and a surge i
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El G20 en África: una cumbre ignorada por Estados Unidos
Africa • 12:50 AM
1 min
Johannesburgo fue sede de la reunión de ministros de Exteriores del G20, antesala de la cumbre de noviembre en Sudáfrica. Para el Gobierno de Cyril Ramaphosa, presidir el foro es una oportunidad para impulsar la agenda africana. Sin embargo, la ausencia
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Wednesday, february 26, 2025

DR Congo: Rwanda not afraid of diplomatic pressure, foreign minister says
Africa • 10:28 PM
1 min
Rwanda's foreign minister says his country is not afraid of mounting diplomatic pressure over its role in the advance of M23 rebels through neighbouring DR Congo. The UK is suspending aid to Rwanda over its support for the rebels and Kinshasa is lobbying
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Ruanda acusa ante la ONU a República Democrática del Congo de atacar comunidad tutsi
Africa • 7:01 PM
1 min
Kigali acusó este 26 de febrero a Kinshasa ante el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU de bombardear aldeas de la minoría ruandesa. "El sufrimiento de estas personas no se puede tolerar nunca más, la política étnica ya no tiene lugar en nuestra región"
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In Kampala slums, Uganda's action-packed film studio Wakaliwood defies norms
Africa • 10:52 AM
1 min
In the slums of Wakaliga, on the outskirts of Uganda's capital Kampala, an independent film studio has been defying norms for 20 years. With shoestring budgets, Wakaliwood produces action and martial arts films that are viewed by millions of Ugandans on
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Tuesday, february 25, 2025

ICC prosecutor visits DR Congo amid conflict in east
Africa • 10:20 PM
1 min
In tonight's edition: The prosecutor for the International Criminal Court lands in the Congolese capital Kinshasa as communities upended by the M23 rebel takeover try to reintroduce some normality into their lives. Also, MSF aid teams say they've been fo
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M23 rebels claim to be conscripting Congolese soldiers who have surrendered
Africa • 12:26 AM
1 min
Kinshasa estimates that more than 7,000 people have been killed in eastern DR Congo since M23 rebels began seizing territory there this year, while the Rwanda-backed rebels claim to be conscripting thousands of Congolese soldiers who have surrendered to
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Monday, february 24, 2025

DR Congo : M23 rebels say that over 2,000 police officers have surrendered
Africa • 1:06 PM
1 min
In the eastern DR Congo, M23 rebels backed by Rwanda have been consolidating their control in the towns they've captured during their lightning offensive. The rebels say that more than 2,000 Congolese police officers have surrendered and joined their mov
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Saturday, february 22, 2025

República Democrática del Congo: el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU condena a Ruanda y al M23
Africa • 2:16 PM
1 min
El Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas aprobó el viernes una resolución que pide a Ruanda que deje de apoyar a los rebeldes del M23 y que retire inmediatamente y "sin condiciones previas" sus tropas del este de la República Democrática del Congo.
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UN Security Council demands Rwanda withdraw troops from eastern DR Congo
Africa • 1:44 PM
1 min
The UN Security Council on Friday unanimously adopted a resolution calling Rwanda to end its support for the M23 rebel group and withdraw troops from eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.
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Friday, february 21, 2025

Uganda moves opposition figure Besigye's treason trial to civil court
Africa • 10:31 PM
1 min
In tonight's edition: Ugandan opposition figure Kizza Besigye is charged with treason. Also, we talk to South Africa Basic Education Minister Siviwe Gwarube about the importance of mother tongue teaching. And 10 years after his death, artists are paying
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Thursday, february 20, 2025

France leaves last remaining military base in Ivory Coast
Africa • 10:20 PM
1 min
In tonight's edition: A page has turned in Franco-Ivorian military relations, as France hands over the keys to its sole military base in Côte d'Ivoire. Located near Abidjan airport, French forces had occupied the base for 47 years. Military relations are
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France leaves last remaining military base in Ivory Coast
Africa • 4:27 PM
1 min
Ivory Coast officially took control of the last remaining French military base in the country as the majority of French forces departed from countries across West Africa. Story by Anna Pereira and Antonia Kerrigan.
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Families of missing Congolese soldiers stranded in rebel-held city of Goma
Africa • 11:02 AM
1 min
Nearly four weeks after M23 rebels took control of Goma, the families of Congolese soldiers say they have been abandoned. While some have found shelter in schools and churches, the M23 is now pressuring them to leave. Emmet Livingstone and Aurélie Bazzar
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Children use guns discarded by DR Congo army, as M23 rebels advance in south of Bukavu
Africa • 10:57 AM
1 min
Rwanda-backed M23 insurgents shot dead three boys who had picked up guns left by Congolese soldiers fleeing the rebel advance in eastern Congo, the U.N. said on Tuesday. More information with FRANCE 24 correspondent in Kinshasa, Emmet Livingstone.
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Sudan slams Kenya for hosting paramilitaries' government declaration
Africa • 10:52 AM
1 min
A day after the Rapid Support Forces gathered in Nairobi, the Sudanese army issued a statement condemning Kenya's violation of international law by welcoming a “terrorist militia responsible for acts of genocide” to form a parallel government. More infor
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