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CHP'li Beykoz Belediyesi, açılışı yapılan 'kermesi' Süleymancıların organize ettiğini yalanlamadı
• 4:29 PM
3 min
Süleymancıların Beykoz ilçe sorumlusu olarak ve 'Hayır Çarşısı' organizasyonuna ev sahipliği yaptığı bilinen Ahmet Karahan açılışta CHP'li Beykoz Belediye Başkanı Alaattin Köseler ile birlikte yer aldı.
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Λίβανος: Φεύγουν άμαχοι και ξένοι
• 4:27 PM
1 min
Βούλγαροι πολίτες αναχώρησαν με κυβερνητικό αεροσκάφος
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Recrutamento de outono na Rússia: Quantos dos 133.000 recrutas acabarão na Ucrânia?
• 4:27 PM
9 min
Esta terça-feira marca o início da mais recente campanha de recrutamento da Rússia, depois de o presidente Vladimir Putin ter assinado um decreto que convoca dezenas de milhares de jovens para o serviço militar. Quantos deles acabarão por se juntar à guer
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La conscription d'automne en Russie : combien des 133 000 appelés se retrouveront en Ukraine ?
World • 4:24 PM
9 min
Mardi marque le début de la dernière campagne de conscription en Russie, après que le président Vladimir Poutine a signé un décret appelant des dizaines de milliers de personnes à effectuer leur service militaire. Combien d'entre eux finiront par rejoindr
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El reclutamiento de otoño en Rusia: ¿Cuántos de los 133.000 reclutas acabarán en Ucrania?
• 4:19 PM
12 min
Este martes ha comenzado la última campaña de reclutamiento en Rusia, después de que el presidente Vladímir Putin firmara un decreto llamando a decenas de miles de personas al servicio militar. ¿Cuántos de ellos acabarán uniéndose a la guerra en Ucrania?
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X has lost 75% of its value since Elon Musk took over
Business • 4:19 PM
5 min
A disclosure from an investment company with equity in the company indicates that X's value has significantly declined since 2022.
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Erpressung und Gewalt: Das sind die mafiösen Methoden der Mailänder Ultra-Fans
• 4:16 PM
7 min
Am Montag sind 19 Ultra-Fans der Fußball-Klubs AC Mailand und Inter Mailand festgenommen worden. Die italienische Anti-Mafia-Behörde wirft ihnen Körperverletzung, Erpressung und Verbindungen zur Mafia vor.
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Çek Cumhuriyeti, AB'nin Lübnan için derhal ateşkes kararını veto etti
• 4:16 PM
3 min
AB dış politika şefi Josep Borrell, Orta Doğu'da 'daha fazla askeri müdahalenin durumu dramatik bir şekilde kötüleştireceğinden' endişe duyduğunu belirtti.
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Trois enfants blessés lors d'une attaque au couteau en Suisse
Europe • 4:07 PM
1 min
Un homme a blessé trois enfants à Zurich, en Suisse. l'un deux a été grièvement blessé. Pour l'heure, les motivations du suspect ne sont pas connues, les forces de l’ordre l’ont interpellé.
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Manifestation de Tibétains devant l'ambassade de Chine en Inde
World • 4:05 PM
1 min
Les Tibétains de l'Inde ont manifesté devant l'ambassade de Chine à New Delhi, appelant à la fin du "génocide" au Tibet.
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Belaruslu muhalif Tsikhanouskaya, Litvanya'nın Lukaşenko'yu UCM'de yargılama teklifinden memnun
• 4:03 PM
4 min
Belarus Devlet Başkanı Lukaşenko ve diğer yetkililer, mültecilerin kitlesel olarak zorla sınır dışı edilmesi de dahil olmak üzere insanlığa karşı suç işlemekle suçlanıyor.
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Швейцария: трое детей ранены в результате нападения с ножом
• 4:02 PM
1 min
По словам полицейских, дети шли в детский сад, когда на них внезапно напали.
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Latest news bulletin | October 1st – Evening
• 4:00 PM
1 min
Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news, World, Business, Entertainment, Politics, Culture, Travel.
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Новости дня | 1 октября — вечерний выпуск
• 4:00 PM
1 min
Узнавайте о самых важных событиях в Европе и за ее пределами - последние новости, срочные новости, мир, бизнес, развлечения, политика, культура, путешествия
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L’info du jour | 1er octobre - Soir
World • 4:00 PM
1 min
Suivez les derniers développements de l'actualité en Europe et dans le monde. Retrouvez les dernières infos sur la politique, l'économie, la culture et le divertissement.
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Le notizie del giorno | 01 ottobre - Serale
• 4:00 PM
1 min
Segui l'attualità dall'Europa e dal mondo. Ricevi le ultime notizie su economia, spettacolo, politica, cultura, viaggi.
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فيضانات إعصار جون تخلف 17 قتيلاً على ساحل المحيط الهادئ في المكسيك
International • 4:00 PM
1 min
تراجعت مياه الفيضانات على الساحل الجنوبي للمحيط الهادئ في المكسيك بعد إعصار جون، الذي أسفر عن وفاة 17 شخصاً. في مدينة كايوكا دي بينيتيز، نظم السكان متطوعين لحرق جثث الحيوانات التي غمرت في الفيضانات، تجنبًا لمخاطر صحية.
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Центр Израиля под ударами "Хезболлах"
• 3:59 PM
1 min
Несколько человек, как сообщают местные СМИ, получили ранения в результате обстрела израильской территории боевиками группировки "Хезболлах".
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Тихановская высоко оценила решение Литвы подать в суд на Лукашенко
• 3:57 PM
2 min
Александр Лукашенко и другие белорусские официальные лица обвиняются в преступлениях против человечности, включая депортации, репрессии, пытки и убийства.
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Russia's autumn conscription: How many of the 133,000 draftees will end up in Ukraine?
Europe • 3:51 PM
11 min
Tuesday marks the beginning of Russia's latest conscription campaign after President Vladimir Putin signed a decree calling up tens of thousands for military service. How many of them will end up joining the war against Ukraine?
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La Repubblica Ceca blocca la dichiarazione congiunta dell'Ue per il cessate il fuoco in Libano
• 3:49 PM
5 min
Il Paese, assieme a Ungheria e Austria è tra i più strenui sostenitori di Israele in Europa. A causa della mancanza di unanimità, l'Alto rappresentante della politica Ue ha rilasciato da solo la dichiarazione
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İsviçre'de bıçaklı saldırı sonucu üç çocuk yaralandı
• 3:46 PM
1 min
Polis, çocukların aniden saldırıya uğradıkları anda anaokuluna gitmekte olduklarını belirtti.
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La Lituanie a saisi la CPI à l'encontre du Bélarus pour crimes contre l'humanité
Europe • 3:45 PM
4 min
Le président bélarusse et d'autres fonctionnaires sont accusés de crimes contre l'humanité, notamment de déportations massives et forcées de d'opposants.
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Lituania chiede indagine Cpi contro crimini commessi da Lukashenko, soddisfatta Tsikhanouskaya
• 3:45 PM
2 min
La Lituania chiede alla Cpi di indagare su presunti crimini contro l'umanità commessi nella Repubblica di Bielorussia, uno Stato non parte della Corte, affermando che parte degli elementi dei presunti crimini sono stati commessi sul territorio della Litua
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La líder opositora bielorrusa celebra que Lituania pida a la CPI que investigue a Lukashenko
• 3:44 PM
4 min
"Este paso significa que ahora puedo explicar a los bielorrusos que el sistema de justicia internacional funciona", dijo la líder opositora bielorrusia Svetlana Tijanóvskaya.
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Três crianças feridas após ataque com faca na Suíça
• 3:43 PM
1 min
A polícia disse que as crianças estavam a caminho do jardim de infância quando, subitamente, foram atacadas.
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Liban : la République tchèque bloque la déclaration commune de l'UE appelant à un cessez-le feu
Europe • 3:42 PM
3 min
L'absence d'unanimité à Bruxelles a contraint le responsable de la politique étrangère de l'UE Josep Borrell à publier la déclaration de son propre chef.
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República Checa bloqueia declaração conjunta da UE que apela a "cessar-fogo imediato" no Líbano
• 3:41 PM
3 min
A UE receia que "qualquer nova intervenção militar agrave dramaticamente a situação" no Médio Oriente, afirmou Josep Borrell.
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NGOs target new Commission with launch of ‘Blue Manifesto’
Business • 3:37 PM
3 min
With a European Oceans Pact in the pipeline and a new Fisheries and Oceans Commissioner set to take office later this year, green groups have set out their demands for the next EU executive.
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Mark Rutte NATO'nun yeni Genel Sekreteri olarak görevi Stoltenberg'den devraldı
• 3:36 PM
1 min
Eski Hollanda Başbakanı Mark Rutte, Salı günü düzenlenen bir törenle NATO Genel Sekreterliği görevini Norveçli Jens Stoltenberg'den resmen devraldı.
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Les travailleurs essentiels d'Europe dénoncent leurs conditions de travail
Europe • 3:34 PM
5 min
Un millier de travailleurs européens des services de nettoyage, de sécurité et de restauration ont manifesté mardi à Bruxelles pour exiger que les marchés publics (14 % du PIB de l'UE) financent de bonnes conditions de travail et des objectifs environneme
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Brotherhood Of Man'in solisti, İngiltere Eurovision galibi Martin Lee 77 yaşında hayatını kaybetti
• 3:30 PM
4 min
Şarkıcı ve söz yazarı Martin Lee, en çok 1976 yılında Eurovision Şarkı Yarışması'nı kazanan Brotherhood Of Man adlı pop grubunun baş vokalisti olarak yaptığı çalışmalarla tanınıyordu.
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Tayvan'da tayfun beklenirken ABD'yi ölümcül fırtınalar kasıp kavuruyor
• 3:29 PM
5 min
Helene Kasırgası ABD'nin batı kıyılarını kasıp kavururken, Krathon Tayfunu'nun Çarşamba günü Tayvan'da karaya ulaşması bekleniyor.
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan: 'İsrail saldırganlığı Türkiye'yi de içine almaktadır'
• 3:28 PM
7 min
Erdoğan, Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi'nin üçüncü yasama yılı açılışında kürsüden açıklamalarda bulundu.
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Three children injured after knife attack in Switzerland
Europe • 3:27 PM
1 min
Police said the children were on their way to kindergarten when they were suddenly attacked.
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Работники сферы услуг первой необходимости провели акцию протеста в Брюсселе
• 3:26 PM
1 min
Представители отрасли призывают Еврокомиссию срочно пересмотреть правила государственных закупок, по которым государственные органы ЕС заключают контракты с частными компаниями.
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Η Τσιχανόφσκαγια επαινεί την πρόταση της Λιθουανίας για τη δίωξη του Λουκασένκο στο ΔΠΔ
• 3:26 PM
2 min
Ο πρόεδρος της Λευκορωσίας και άλλοι αξιωματούχοι κατηγορούνται για εγκλήματα κατά της ανθρωπότητας, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των μαζικών αναγκαστικών απελάσεων μελών της αντιπολίτευσης
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Líder da oposição bielorrussa saúda decisão lituana de levar Lukashenko ao TPI
• 3:21 PM
4 min
A Lituânia decidiu processar o presidente da Bielorrússia Alexander Lukashenko e outras altas figuras do país junto do Tribunal Penal Internacional, por crimes contra a humanidade.
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شاهد: إسرائيل تزعم تنفيذ 70 عملية سرية خاصة واكشف وثائق في أنفاق "الرضوان" تهدف لاحتلال الجليل
International • 3:20 PM
1 min
زعمت القوات الإسرائيلية أنها نفذت 70 عملية عسكرية خاصة على مدار 200 ليلة في جنوب لبنان تم خلالها مداهمة مواقع واكتشاف "وثائق سرية" تابعة لحزب الله، تشير إلى خطط "لاحتلال الجليل". كما أدعت العثور على مخازن تحتوي على أسلحة روسية وإيرانية.
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Czech Republic blocks joint EU statement urging 'immediate ceasefire' in Lebanon
Europe • 3:18 PM
3 min
The EU fears that "any further military intervention would dramatically aggravate the situation" in the Middle East, Josep Borrell has said.
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Muhammed Ali'nin Henry Cooper'ı nakavt ettiği sol eldiveni açık artırmaya çıkıyor
• 3:13 PM
6 min
Muhammed Ali'nin ikonik sol eldiveninin milyonlarla ifade edilen bir fiyata satılması bekleniyor.
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Tsikhanouskaya praises Lithuania's bid to prosecute Lukashenko at ICC
Europe • 3:11 PM
4 min
Belarusian president and other officials are accused of crimes against humanity, including the mass forced deportations of refugees.
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Bruxelles, la protesta dei "lavoratori essenziali"
• 3:09 PM
5 min
Addetti alle pulizie, personale di sicurezza e impiegati nelle mense hanno protestato a Bruxelles chiedendo stipendi più alti e migliori condizioni di lavoro. Nel mirino una direttiva europea sull'assegnazione degli appalti pubblici
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لبنان: مقتل ستة فلسطينيين نصفهم أطفال بغارة إسرائيلية استهدفت منزل اللواء المقدح بمخيم عين الحلوة
International • 3:00 PM
2 min
أدت غارة جوية إسرائيلية على مخيم للاجئين الفلسطينيين في جنوب لبنان إلى مقتل ستة أشخاص، من بينهم نجل مسؤول فلسطيني، حسبما قالت وكالة الأنباء اللبنانية الرسمية.
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Los trabajadores esenciales de Europa protestan en Bruselas por las condiciones laborales
• 2:59 PM
5 min
Un millar de trabajadores europeos de los servicios de limpieza, seguridad y servicio alimentario protestan en Bruselas para exigir que el mercado de contratación pública financie buenas condiciones laborales y objetivos medioambientales.
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EURONEWS HOY | Las noticias del martes 1 de octubre
• 2:57 PM
4 min
El resumen de la jornada en nuestro informativo exprés: Israel invade el sur de Líbano. España pide "no callar ni un minuto más" ante la masacre cometida por Israel en Oriente Medio. Zelenski y sus aliados firmarán un nuevo plan de seguridad para Ucrania.
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France : Michel Barnier appelle à "dégager des compromis"
Europe • 2:49 PM
4 min
Dans sa décalration de politique générale, Michel Barnier a dévoilé sa "feuille de route" devant l'Assmblée nationale et appelé à "dégager des compromis".
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Investigación 'Doble Curva': Los clubes de fútbol Inter y Milan, 'súbditos' de los ultras
• 2:39 PM
7 min
De la megainvestigación coordinada por la Fiscalía Antimafia de Milán se desprende el estado de "sumisión" de los clubes de fútbol a los dirigentes de la afición organizada, que actuaban imperturbablemente controlando todos los negocios que orbitaban en t
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ABD'li yetkili: İran, İsrail'e her an füze saldırısı gerçekleştirebilir
• 2:32 PM
5 min
İran'ın, İsrail'e yönelik balistik füze saldırısı başlatmayı planladığına dair işaretlerin bulunduğu belirtildi.
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فيديو دراماتيكي يُظهر مقاتلة روسية تحلق بشكل خطير قرب طائرة في سماء ألاسكا
International • 2:30 PM
1 min
أصدر المسؤولون العسكريون مؤخراً مقطع فيديو يوضح تفاعلاً مثيراً بين طائرة روسية مقاتلة وطائرة أمريكية أُرسلت لاعتراضها بالقرب من ألاسكا. يظهر في الفيديو، الذي نُشر يوم الاثنين، الطائرة الروسية وهي تقترب بسرعة من الخلف وتنقض بجوار الطائرة الأمريكية، على بُع
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Regno Unito, supermercati tedeschi Aldi e Lidl puntano al primato nel settore sfidando i concorrenti
Business • 2:30 PM
6 min
Le due multinazionali della grande distribuzione promettono di sconvolgere l'ordine stabilito nel settore dei supermercati del Regno Unito con investimenti elevati e prezzi bassi
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US warns Iran planning 'imminent' ballistic missile attack on Israel as Lebanon invasion begins
• 2:24 PM
11 min
The killing of the leader of Hezbollah has been followed by the start of an Israeli boots-on-the-ground operation.
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Κίνα: Εορτασμοί για τα 75 χρόνια κομμουνισμού
• 2:15 PM
1 min
Ο Κινέζος πρόεδρος Σι Τζινπίνγκ είπε πως οι προκλήσεις και οι δυσκολίες δεν θα σταματήσουν την πρόοδο της χώρας
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Profissionais de serviços essenciais manifestam-se em Bruxelas contra as condições de trabalho
• 2:15 PM
4 min
Trabalhadores europeus dos serviços de limpeza, segurança e restauração estão a protestar em Bruxelas para exigir que o mercado de contratos públicos de 2 biliões de euros (14% do PIB da UE) financie boas condições de trabalho e objetivos ambientais.
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Stati Uniti: "Imminente attacco con missili balistici dell'Iran contro Israele"
• 2:14 PM
3 min
L'allerta arriva dall'amministrazione statunitense, che ha parlato di “gravi conseguenze” se ciò dovesse avvenire
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EUA dizem que Irão está a preparar ataque com mísseis contra Israel
• 2:12 PM
4 min
O Irão está a preparar um ataque “imininente” com mísseis balísticos contra Israel, de acordo com um alto funcionário da administração norte-americana.
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ΗΠΑ: Έχουμε ενδείξεις για επικείμενη ιρανική επίθεση κατά του Ισραήλ με βαλλιστικούς πυραύλους
• 2:11 PM
1 min
«Σοβαρές οι επιπτώσεις για την Τεχεράνη» εάν συμβεί προειδοποίησε Αμερικανός αξιωματούχος
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Israël a demandé aux populations des localités frontalières du Liban d'évacuer les lieux
World • 2:10 PM
6 min
L'armée israélienne a demandé mardi à la population d'évacuer près de deux douzaines de localités frontalières du Liban, quelques heures après avoir annoncé ce qu'elle a qualifié" d'opérations terrestres limitées" contre le Hezbollah.
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Enquête "Doppia curva" sur les virages milanais : violences, mafia et pressions sur les entraîneurs
Europe • 2:03 PM
8 min
La méga-enquête coordonnée par le parquet antimafia de Milan révèle l'état de "soumission" des clubs de football aux groupes de supporters "ultras.
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دمار واسع غير مسبوق بالضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت جراء القصف الإسرائيلي العنيف
International • 2:00 PM
2 min
دمرت الغارات الجوية الإسرائيلية التي استهدفت الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت العديد من المباني في لبنان على مدار الأسبوعين الماضيين
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Los aeropuertos de Bruselas cancelan cientos de vuelos por la huelga de sus trabajadores
• 1:53 PM
4 min
Los vuelos con origen y destino en los aeropuertos bruselenses de Zaventem y Charleroi quedarán en suspenso, ya que, según se informa, cientos de empleados de seguridad, limpieza y hostelería se declararán en huelga para exigir mejores salarios y condicio
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В Германии арестовали связанную с "АдГ" гражданку Китая по подозрению в шпионаже
• 1:50 PM
1 min
Женщину обвиняют в передаче секретной информации об авиаперевозках бывшему помощнику евродепутата от "АдГ", проходящему по делу о шпионаже в пользу КНР.
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Classifica di Time Out: a Marsiglia il quartiere più "cool e hipster" del mondo
• 1:48 PM
3 min
Ristoranti e panetterie alla moda, oltre che le librerie indipendenti, hanno fatto guadagnare al quartiere marsigliese il primo posto della graduatoria
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Inundações na costa sul do México destroem casas e matam mais de 15 pessoas
• 1:46 PM
1 min
Depois de terem sido atingidos pelo furacão John os moradores da cidade de Coyuca de Benítez limpam as casas cobertas de lama e queimam as carcaças dos animais mortos.
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Essential workers of Europe converge on Brussels for demo over labour conditions
Europe • 1:42 PM
4 min
A thousand European workers from cleaning, security and catering services are protesting in Brussels to demand that the €2 trillion public procurement market (14% of EU GDP) funds good working conditions and environmental targets.
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Irán prepara un ataque "inminente" con misiles balísticos contra Israel, según fuentes de EE.UU.
• 1:40 PM
3 min
Un alto funcionario de la Administración estadounidense ha advertido el martes de “severas consecuencias” si eso ocurriera.
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UK Eurovision winner Martin Lee, singer of Brotherhood Of Man, dies aged 77
Culture • 1:40 PM
4 min
The singer and songwriter Martin Lee was best known for his work as part of the pop group Brotherhood Of Man, which won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1976.
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Fransızca şarkıların Spotify'da hızla yükselen başarısının ardında ne var?
• 1:28 PM
5 min
Müzik, podcast ve sesli kitaplarda daha fazla Spotify dinleyicisi Fransızca içeriklere yöneliyor.
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Muhammad Ali's most famous boxing glove goes to auction
Culture • 1:27 PM
6 min
Ali's glove, iconic for its history split, is expected to sell for a price in the millions.
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Bardella and Patriots face uphill struggle in legal cordon sanitaire challenge
Europe • 1:24 PM
4 min
The far-right political group is suing the Parliament over the cordon sanitaire which has excluded its MEPs from top jobs. However, experts say time and judges might not be on the Patriots' side.
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Inchiesta "Doppia curva", Inter e Milan "sudditi" degli ultras: pressioni su Inzaghi per i biglietti
• 1:12 PM
6 min
Dalla mega inchiesta coordinata dalla Procura antimafia di Milano emerge lo stato di "sudditanza" dei club calcistici nei confronti dei vertici delle tifoserie organizzate, che agivano indisturbate nel controllo di tutte le attività commerciali orbitanti
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81-летняя модель едва не стала самой пожилой Мисс Вселенной
• 11:59 AM
10 min
81-летней модели не хватило совсем немного, чтобы стать самой пожилой Мисс Вселенной, но она получила приз за "лучший наряд"
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Портовые грузчики в США выступают против автоматизации и требуют повысить зарплаты
• 11:56 AM
1 min
Забастовка затронет 36 портов в США, если акция протеста затянется, то это может повлиять на доставку товаров по стране.
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Ue, il nuovo commissario per lo spazio potrebbe avere priorità secondaria
• 11:55 AM
6 min
Nel secondo mandato della presidente della Commissione europea Ursula von der Leyen, si istituisce il primo commissario per la difesa e lo spazio. Secondo gli analisti, la sua missione e il suo sostegno non sono all'altezza del riconoscimento ottenuto a l
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Alman polisi, AfD bağlantılı Çinli casusu askeri uçuş bilgilerini sızdırdığı iddiasıyla tutukladı
• 11:48 AM
1 min
Çin vatandaşı, kendisi gibi casusluk suçlamasıyla karşı karşıya olan eski bir AfD çalışanına hassas bilgileri aktarmakla suçlanıyor.
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"مهمتنا أصبحت صعبة" المتحدث باسم البعثة ليورونيوز.. ما هي "اليونيفيل" في لبنان وما هو الخط الأزرق؟
International • 11:45 AM
3 min
مع اندلاع حرب بين لبنان وإسرائيل وُصفت بأنها أعنف من تموز 2006، تتوجه الأنظار نحو دور قوات حفظ السلام التابعة للأمم المتحدة، التي تواجه تحديات كبيرة في تنفيذ مهمتها. في تصريح لـ"يورونيوز"، أكد المتحدث باسم البعثة، أندريا تيننتي، أن "هذه الفترة هي الأصعب ا
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China conmemora con un perfil discreto los 75 años del Partido Comunista en el poder
• 11:44 AM
5 min
Se cumplen 75 años de Gobierno del Partido Comunista en China sin que el país acoja este martes festividades especiales y con el telón de fondo de desafíos económicos, retos de seguridad y disputas territoriales.
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British handbag maker Mulberry turns down takeover bid from Frasers
Business • 11:41 AM
4 min
Mulberry has recently rejected a takeover proposal from Mike Ashley's Frasers Group as too low. It insists that its own fundraising measures will be enough to stabilise the company.
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İngiltere'de 142 yıllık kömür dönemi sona erdi: Kömürle çalışan son elektrik santrali kapandı
• 11:33 AM
5 min
Elektrik santralinin kapanmasıyla İngiltere, G7 ekonomileri arasında kömürü aşamalı olarak devreden çıkaran ilk ülke oldu.
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German authorities arrest AfD-linked Chinese spy for allegedly leaking military flight details
• 11:33 AM
1 min
The Chinese national is accused of conveying sensitive information to an ex-AfD staffer who is also facing espionage charges.
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Seul apresenta o seu míssil mais poderoso no Dia das Forças Armadas
• 11:33 AM
1 min
Presidente da Coreia do Sul alertou que o regime da Coreia do Norte entraria em colapso se recorresse a armas nucleares.
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From London to Berlin: Monet’s Impressionist cityscapes shine in new exhibitions across Europe
Culture • 11:25 AM
1 min
Two major exhibitions on Claude Monet have opened in Europe, with London’s Courtauld Gallery showcasing his iconic Thames series and Berlin’s Alte Nationalgalerie focusing on his rare Paris cityscapes.
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États-Unis : grève des dockers de la côte Est
Business • 11:19 AM
8 min
Les travailleurs portuaires américains se mettent en grève et font craindre des pénuries.
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A junk dealer in Pompeii keeps a Picasso painting in his living room for 50 years without knowing it
Culture • 11:15 AM
4 min
For more than 50 years, a family in Pompeii kept a real treasure inside their home without having any idea about its worth. The canvas, found in the 1960s by a junk dealer, hung in their living room before they discovered it was a masterpiece by Picasso,
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Ukraynalı yetkililer, Rusya'nın Herson şehrindeki bir pazar alanına düzenlediği saldırıda en az yedi kişinin öldüğünü açıkladı
• 11:11 AM
2 min
Ukrayna Cumhurbaşkanı Zelenskiy, kalabalık bir pazar alanına yapılan saldırının görüntülerini paylaşarak benzer saldırıların uluslararası destekle önlenebileceğini vurguladı.
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Xi warns of 'rough seas' as China celebrates 75 years of communist rule
• 11:11 AM
3 min
Commemorations were also held in the former UK colony of Hong Kong and Portugal’s former territory of Macao, both of which returned to Chinese sovereignty in the late 1990s.
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Аэропорты Брюсселя отменяют сотни рейсов из-за забастовки
• 10:55 AM
1 min
Полеты в брюссельские аэропорты Завентем и Шарлеруа и из них будут приостановлены, поскольку, как сообщается, сотни сотрудников различных служб этих крупных транспортных узлов объявили забастовку, требуя повышения зарплаты и улучшения условий труда.
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Pelo menos 133 mortos nos EUA após passagem do furacão Helena
• 10:54 AM
6 min
O furacão Helena chegou na noite de quinta-feira aos EUA, ao estado da Florida, e já fez mais de 100 mortos em todo o país. O estado da Carolina do Norte foi um dos mais afetados.
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Un brocanteur de Pompéi garde un tableau de Picasso pendant cinquante ans dans son salon sans le savoir
Culture • 10:50 AM
4 min
La toile, trouvée dans les années 1960 par un brocanteur dans cette ville du sud de l'Italie, était accrochée dans son salon avant que la famille ne découvre qu'il s'agissait d'un chef-d'œuvre de Picasso, aujourd'hui estimé à 6 millions d'euros.
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В ЕС впервые появится комиссар по космосу
• 10:48 AM
1 min
Впервые в истории в Евросоюзе появится комиссар по обороне и космосу. Это бывший премьер-министр Литвы Андрюс Кубилюс. Но получит ли он достаточно финансирования, чтобы изменить европейский космос?
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Oscar ödüllü aktör Daniel Kaluuya'nın Londra'nın Leicester Meydanı'nda heykeli dikilecek
• 10:47 AM
5 min
Aktörün heykeli, 'Scenes In The Square' projesi kapsamında hem Cadılar Bayramı hem de İngiltere'deki Black History Month'a denk gelecek şekilde gösterime sunulacak.
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المحكمة الابتدائية في تونس تقضي بسجن المرشح للانتخابات الرئاسية العياشي زمّال مدة12 عاما
International • 10:47 AM
1 min
المحكمة الابتدائية في تونس تقضي بسجن المرشح للانتخابات الرئاسية العياشي زمّال مدة12 عاما
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Monde : les États-Unis touchés par une tempête tandis que Taiwan se prépare à l'arrivée d'un typhon
World • 10:46 AM
4 min
Il s'agit des pires inondations que l'État de Caroline du Nord ait connues depuis un siècle, avec des précipitations estimées à plus de 61 centimètres dans certaines zones. En Asie du Sud-Est, le Taïwan se prépare à l'arrivée du puissant typhon Krathon.
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Rutte diz que Ucrânia está "no topo das prioridades" ao assumir liderança da NATO
• 10:39 AM
3 min
O antigo primeiro-ministro dos Países Baixos, Mark Rutte, assumiu formalmente o cargo de secretário-geral da NATO, substituindo o norueguês Jens Stoltenberg.
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