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Новый глава НАТО вступил в должность
• 10:12 AM
1 min
Бывший премьер-министр Нидерландов Марк Рютте официально сменил на посту генерального секретаря НАТО норвежца Йенса Столтенберга на церемонии, состоявшейся во вторник.
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Ураган "Хелен" ударил по США, на Тайвань надвигается тайфун "Кратон"
• 10:12 AM
1 min
Разрушительный ураган "Хелен" пронёсся по юго-восточным штатам США. Больше 130 человек погибли, судьба сотен людей неизвестна. На Тайване готовятся к пришествию тайфуна "Кратон".
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Dışişleri Bakanlığı'ndan İsrail'in Lübnan'a kara harekatına tepki: 'Hukuksuz işgal girişimi'
• 10:05 AM
3 min
Dışişleri Bakanlığı, 'İsrail askerlerinin Lübnan topraklarından çekilmesi' çağrısında bulundu.
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Un chatarrero de Pompeya guarda un cuadro de Picasso en su salón durante 50 años sin saberlo
• 10:01 AM
4 min
Durante más de 50 años, una familia de Pompeya guardó en su casa un auténtico tesoro, sin tener ni idea de ello. El lienzo del genio malagueño, encontrado en los años 60 por un chatarrero, colgaba en su salón sin saber de su valor. Lo han tasado en seis m
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Latest news bulletin | October 1st – Midday
• 10:00 AM
1 min
Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news, World, Business, Entertainment, Politics, Culture, Travel.
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L’info du jour | 1er octobre - Mi-journée
World • 10:00 AM
1 min
Suivez les derniers développements de l'actualité en Europe et dans le monde. Retrouvez les dernières infos sur la politique, l'économie, la culture et le divertissement.
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Oscar-winning actor Daniel Kaluuya to get statue in London’s Leicester Square
Culture • 9:55 AM
6 min
The actor’s statue will be unveiled as part of the "Scenes In The Square" trail this month, to coincide with the UK’s Black History Month.
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No Comment : le Mexique se souviendra longtemps de l'ouragan John
World • 9:55 AM
2 min
Les pluies ont également provoqué des glissements de terrain qui ont entraîné l'effondrement de maisons et bloqué des routes dans les régions montagneuses toutes proches.
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Культурный гид по кофе в Международный день кофе
• 9:50 AM
11 min
Первое октября — Международный день кофе. Вот, чем сегодня можно заняться, попивая чашку горячего напитка.
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El mortal huracán Helene destroza la costa oeste de EE.UU., mientras un tifón se acerca a Taiwán
• 9:48 AM
6 min
El huracán Helene causó estragos en la costa oeste de EE.UU., mientras se espera que el tifón Krathon toque tierra en Taiwán el miércoles.
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L'Ukraine "en tête de liste" : le nouveau chef de l'OTAN prend ses fonctions
Europe • 9:47 AM
3 min
L'ancien Premier ministre néerlandais Mark Rutte a officiellement succédé au Norvégien Jens Stoltenberg au poste de secrétaire général de l'OTAN lors d'une cérémonie qui s'est déroulée mardi.
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Nato: il dopo Stoltenberg, Rutte assume la guida, tra le priorità mantenere impegni su Ucraina
• 9:46 AM
3 min
Martedì l'ex primo ministro olandese Mark Rutte ha assunto formalmente la carica di segretario generale della Nato al posto del norvegese Jens Stoltenberg
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Обстрел рынка в Херсоне: не менее 7 погибших
• 9:43 AM
1 min
Вероятный российский артиллерийский удар унёс жизни не менее 7 человек на рынке города Херсона на юге Украины
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Russian strike on Kherson market kills at least seven, Ukrainian authorities say
Europe • 9:43 AM
2 min
Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy shared images of an attack on a crowded public area, insisting that similar attacks can be prevented with international support.
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Guerra in Ucraina, la Russia bombarda il mercato di Kherson: almeno sette morti e quattro feriti
• 9:43 AM
2 min
Mosca ha lanciato un attacco nel centro di Kherson, capoluogo dell'omonima regione, che ha colpito il mercato centrale uccidendo almeno sette persone e ferendone altre quattro
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Los trabajadores portuarios de EE.UU. inician una huelga que puede causar desabastecimiento
• 9:40 AM
7 min
Los trabajadores portuarios, desde Maine hasta Texas, han empezado a formar piquetes a primera hora del martes en una huelga por los bajos salarios y la automatización de procesos que podría reavivar la inflación y provocar escasez de mercancías si se pro
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Pelo menos seis mortos e seis feridos após ataque russo a Kherson
• 9:36 AM
1 min
Ataque de artilharia russo foi lançado na manhã desta terça-feira, atingindo uma paragem de autocarro e o mercado no centro de Kherson na altura em que os habitantes faziam compras.
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Un petit café, s'il vous plaît : notre guide culturel à l'occasion de la Journée internationale du café
Culture • 9:35 AM
26 min
Aujourd'hui, plus que jamais, il est temps de vivre "la vida mocha"...
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İşiba Şigeru, Japonya'nın yeni başbakanı oldu
• 9:34 AM
1 min
İşiba Şigeru'nun, görevini 27 Ekim'de düzenlenmesi planlanan erken genel seçimlere kadar yürütmesi bekleniyor.
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Der neue NATO-Chef Mark Rutte erbt mehrere Sicherheitsprobleme
• 9:32 AM
5 min
Als EU-Veteran mit etablierten Beziehungen zu Donald Trump ist der ehemalige niederländische Premierminister Mark Rutte gut aufgestellt, um die Herausforderungen der NATO zu bewältigen, so Verteidigungsexperten gegenüber Euronews.
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Andrius Kubilius, nouveau commissaire européen à la Défense et à l'espace
Europe • 9:31 AM
6 min
Le deuxième mandat de la présidente de la Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, verra l'arrivée du tout premier commissaire chargé de la défense et de l'espace. Mais selon les experts, , l'espace n'est pas considérer comme une priorité.
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Rutte NATO'nun yeni şefi olarak göreve başladı: Ukrayna 'listenin en başında'
• 9:29 AM
3 min
Eski Hollanda Başbakanı Mark Rutte, Salı günü düzenlenen bir törenle NATO Genel Sekreterliği görevini Norveçli Jens Stoltenberg'den resmen devraldı.
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İstanbul Modern'e ziyaretçi akını: 1 ayda 85.000 ziyaretçi ile rekor kırıldı
• 9:24 AM
2 min
Eylül ayında ziyaretçi sayısı rekor bir seviyeyi görerek 85.000 kişiye ulaştı.
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Rusia ataca un mercado ucraniano en Jersón matando al menos a siete personas
• 9:23 AM
3 min
El suceso tuvo lugar mientras decenas de vecinos hacían sus compras. Hay un gran número de heridos.
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Corea del Sur presenta su misil más potente, que podría alcanzar los búnkeres subterráneos de Corea del Norte
• 9:21 AM
6 min
"Si Corea del Norte intenta utilizar armas nucleares, se enfrentará a la respuesta decidida y abrumadora de nuestro Ejército y de la alianza con EE.UU.", declaró el presidente surcoreano Yoon Suk Yeol.
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İsrail saldırıları ardından ülkelerini terk eden Lübnanlılar Türkiye'ye geliyor
• 9:20 AM
2 min
Lübnan'ın başkenti Beyrut'u terk edenler, seferlerine devam eden Middle East Airlines'ın İstanbul uçuşlarıyla Türkiye'ye geliyor.
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Travel chaos at Milan Bergamo airport after Ryanair plane tyre explodes upon landing
• 9:17 AM
1 min
Authorities announced delays to all departing flights after the tyre of a Ryanair plane exploded upon landing. Milan Bergamo is Italy's third-largest airport by number of passengers.
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Frappe sur un marché en Ukraine, au moins sept morts
Europe • 9:17 AM
3 min
Une frappe d'artillerie, apparemment de forces russes, a touché un marché dans la ville de Kherson, dans le sud de l'Ukraine, mardi, tuant au moins sept personnes et en blessant trois autres, selon les autorités.
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Un rigattiere di Pompei tiene per cinquant'anni un quadro di Picasso in salotto senza saperlo
• 9:16 AM
3 min
Per oltre cinquant'anni una famiglia di Pompei ha tenuto un vero e proprio tesoro dentro casa, senza averne alcuna idea. La tela, ritrovata negli anni '60 da un rigattiere, è rimasta appesa nel suo salotto di casa prima di scoprire che si trattava di un c
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Πόλεμος στην Ουκρανία: Πολύνεκρο ρωσικό πλήγμα στην Χερσώνα
• 9:13 AM
1 min
Ο υπουργός Άμυνας της Ουκρανίας απομάκρυνε τρεις αναπληρωτές υπουργούς του - «Πολύ δύσκολη» η κατάσταση στα μέτωπα λέει ο Ζελένσκι
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Banksy’s bulletproof Union Jack vest worn by Stormzy at Glastonbury on sale for €360,000
Culture • 9:06 AM
7 min
The now iconic vest, which draws attention to social and political unrest across the UK and highlights the endemic surges in knife crime in contemporary Britain, is set to go under the hammer this month.
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ΝΑΤΟ: Και επισήμως εποχή Ρούτε στην Βορειοατλαντική Συμμαχία
• 9:02 AM
1 min
Οι κομβικές προτεραιότητες του νέου γενικού γραμματέα αφορούν τον πόλεμο στην Ουκρανία και την επέκταση του Οργανισμού
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Trabalhadores portuários do Maine ao Texas entram em greve e arriscam nova escassez de bens
• 9:01 AM
7 min
Os trabalhadores portuários do Maine ao Texas entraram em greve esta terça-feira contra a automatização que poderá reacender a inflação e causar escassez de bens se se prolongar por mais do que algumas semanas.
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Usa, sciopero dei lavoratori portuali dal Maine al Texas: rischio aumento dell'inflazione globale
Business • 9:01 AM
2 min
I lavoratori di 36 porti statunitensi hanno cominciato uno sciopero per chiedere l'aumento dei salari e contro l'automazione che minaccia i posti di lavoro. Se la protesta dovesse protrarsi a lungo, la carenza di beni e merci rischia di far aumentare l'in
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"ميركل المكسيك" كلوديا شينباوم تؤدي اليمين كأول رئيسة للبلاد وسط تحديات اقتصادية وأمنية ملحة
International • 9:00 AM
4 min
تؤدي كلوديا شينباوم اليمين الدستورية يوم الثلاثاء كأول رئيسة للمكسيك منذ أكثر من 200 عام من الاستقلال، حيث تعهدت بحماية شبكة الأمان الاجتماعي الموسعة والنضال من أجل الفقراء على غرار سلفها، لكنها تواجه مشكلات ملحة تستدعي التعامل الفوري.
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Aeroportos de Bruxelas cancelam centenas de voos devido à greve dos trabalhadores
• 8:59 AM
4 min
Os voos com destino e partida dos aeroportos de Zaventem e Charleroi, em Bruxelas, serão suspensos, uma vez que centenas de funcionários dos serviços de segurança, limpeza e hotelaria dos principais centros de transporte farão greve por melhores salários
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Así lo preparamos: Guía cultural del café en el Día Internacional del Café
• 8:54 AM
26 min
Hoy más que nunca, es hora de vivir la vida moca...
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Belfast'teki yolcular, tekrarlanan gecikmelerin ardından dünya turu hayalinden vazgeçmeye başladı
• 8:49 AM
7 min
Geçtiğimiz Mayıs ayının sonlarında yola çıkması planlanan gemi, mahsur kalan yüzlerce yolcuyla birlikte aylardır Belfast limanında bekliyor.
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Why are carmakers pleading for a respite from EU climate policy?
Business • 8:42 AM
10 min
The head of the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association explains why the industry faces multi-billion euro fines next year when stricter CO2 emissions limits kick in
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Ukraine ‘at the top of the list’: NATO’s new chief takes charge
Europe • 8:42 AM
3 min
Former Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte formally took over as secretary general of NATO from Norway’s Jens Stoltenberg at a Tuesday ceremony.
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National Rally embezzlement trial begins as party denies payments to staff were illegal
Europe • 8:40 AM
5 min
Prosecutors say the alleged embezzlement of European funds makes French and European taxpayers victims of malfeasance.
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В Пекине скромно отмечают 75-летие образования КНР
• 8:37 AM
1 min
Без военных парадов и пышных торжеств: в Китае отмечают 75-летие правления Компартии.
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Pedro Sánchez pide "no callar ni un minuto más" ante la "masacre" de Israel en Oriente Medio
• 8:35 AM
4 min
El presidente del Gobierno español también se ha referido a la guerra en Ucrania calificándola de "injusta e ilegal".
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Belgio, cancellati centinaia di voli per sciopero aeroportuali: a terra 42mila viaggiatori
• 8:33 AM
3 min
Gli aeroporti di Zaventem e Charleroi a Bruxelles paralizzati a causa dello sciopero dei lavoratori aeroportuali. I disservizi interesseranno più di 40mila viaggiatori. Previste manifestazioni anche nel quartire europeo
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Археологи обнаружили в Дании более 50 исключительно хорошо сохранившихся скелетов викингов
• 8:32 AM
3 min
Находки свидетельствуют о том, что викинги участвовали в международной торговле гораздо активнее, чем считалось ранее.
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Deadly storms rip through US while typhoon expected in Taiwan
• 8:29 AM
5 min
Hurricane Helene wreaked havoc across the US’ west coast, with Typhoon Krathon expected to make landfall in Taiwan on Wednesday.
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Coreia do Sul revela o míssil mais poderoso, capaz de atingir os bunkers da Coreia do Norte
• 8:26 AM
6 min
"Se a Coreia do Norte tentar utilizar armas nucleares, enfrentará a resposta resoluta e esmagadora das nossas forças armadas e da aliança [Coreia do Sul]-EUA", declarou o presidente Yoon Suk Yeol.
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La Corée du Sud dévoile son missile le plus puissant, capable d'atteindre les bunkers chez son voisin du Nord
World • 8:23 AM
12 min
"Si la Corée du Nord tente d'utiliser des armes nucléaires, elle sera confrontée à la réponse résolue et écrasante de notre armée et de l'alliance entre la Corée du Sud et les États-Unis", a prévenu le président Yoon Suk Yeol.
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Marine Le Pen, babasının Neo-Nazilerle birlikte şarkı söylerken görüntülenmesinin ardından yasal işlem başlatacak
• 8:21 AM
2 min
Sosyal medyada dolaşan görüntülerde, Jean-Marie Le Pen evinde aşırı sağcı bir rock grubu olan Match Retour üyeleriyle birlikte şarkı söylerken görülüyor.
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China celebra 75 anos do regime do Partido Comunista com celebrações discretas
• 8:08 AM
1 min
Não foram anunciadas quaisquer festividades para esta terça-feira, à exceção de uma cerimónia de hastear da bandeira na Praça Tiananmen em Pequim.
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Italie : arrestations d'ultras de l'AC et de l'Inter Milan soupçonnés de liens avec la mafia
Europe • 8:07 AM
2 min
19 ultras des clubs Inter Milan et AC Milan arrêtés par la police. Ils sont soupçonnés de former des groupes mafieux liés au monde du football.
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Brüksel'de havalimanı çalışanları greve gitti, yüzlerce uçuş iptal edildi
• 8:04 AM
3 min
Brüksel'de Zaventem ve Charleroi havalimanlarındaki uçuşlar, yüzlerce güvenlik, temizlik ve ağırlama personelinin daha iyi ücret ve çalışma koşulları için greve gitmesi nedeniyle iptal edildi.
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Correr hacia la batalla: El atleta ucraniano que cambió los maratones por el frente de batalla
• 8:03 AM
19 min
Dmytro, atleta de triatlón convertido en soldado, cambió los maratones por el frente de batalla. Gravemente herido en combate, ahora se enfrenta a una nueva carrera de recuperación.
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مارين لوبان تتقدم بدعوى قضائية بعد تصوير والدها يغني مع مجموعة من النازيين الجدد
International • 8:00 AM
1 min
أعلنت مارين لوبان، الزعيمة اليمينية المتطرفة في فرنسا، عن نيتها اتخاذ إجراءات قانونية عقب تداول مقطع فيديو يظهر والدها، جان ماري لوبان، يغني مع أعضاء فرقة يمينية متطرفة معروفة بصلاتها بالنازيين الجدد.
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Cómo ser un turista respetuoso en Roma y no caer en el mismo error que 'Emily en París'
• 8:00 AM
10 min
Roma celebrará el Jubileo en 2025 y espera una gran afluencia de visitantes a la ya de por sí concurrida Ciudad Eterna.
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Marine Le Pen to launch legal action after father filmed singing with neo-Nazis
• 7:54 AM
2 min
Jean-Marie Le Pen was serenaded by a group known to have ties to an international far-right organisation.
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Yeni yapay zeka modelleri, bilmediklerini itiraf etmektense yanlış cevap verme eğiliminde: Araştırma
• 7:48 AM
3 min
Yeni bir araştırmaya göre, bir yapay zeka büyük dil modeli (LLM) ne kadar gelişmiş olursa, bir sorguya cevap veremediğini kabul etme ihtimali de o kadar azalıyor.
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ABD'de büyük liman grevi: 45 bin liman işçisi iş bıraktı
• 7:46 AM
6 min
Pazar gece yarısı itibarıyla başlayan grevin doğu ve Körfez kıyılarındaki 36 limanı etkilemesi bekleniyor.
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EU needs long-term climate investment plan aligned with just transition, French MEP tells Euronews
Europe • 7:46 AM
9 min
French Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, 34, has been a researcher in EU energy policy for the past ten years and joined the European Parliament as a S&D lawmaker following the June elections. The Frenchman wants to stop the EU from backtracking on the green promis
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‘Race to the bottom’: Brussels airports cancel hundreds of flights as workers go on strike
Europe • 7:36 AM
3 min
Flights to and from airports Zaventem and Charleroi in Brussels will be put on hold as reportedly hundreds of security, cleaning and hospitality staff employed at the major transport hubs will strike for better wages and working conditions.
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Güney Kore, Kuzey Kore'nin yeraltı sığınaklarına ulaşabilecek en güçlü füzesini tanıttı
• 7:35 AM
7 min
Güney Kore Cumhurbaşkanı Yoon Suk-yeol, 'Kuzey Kore rejimi, nükleer silahların kendilerini koruyacağı yanılgısından vazgeçmeli,' dedi.
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Italien: Mafiöser Einfluss bedroht italienische Fußballszene
• 7:31 AM
2 min
Laut Staatsanwaltschaft besteht seit einiger Zeit die Gefahr, dass sich kriminelle Aktivitäten in italienischen Fußballstadien abspielen.
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Danemark : des archéologues révèlent des squelettes vikings "incroyablement bien conservés!"
Culture • 7:26 AM
6 min
Les découvertes suggèrent que les Vikings étaient impliqués dans des réseaux commerciaux bien plus étendus qu'on ne le pensait auparavant.
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ECB Başkanı Lagarde, UniCredit-Commerzbank birleşmesine olumlu bakıyor
• 7:24 AM
4 min
ECB, sınır ötesi bankacılık birleşmelerinin Tek Pazar'ın birlik stratejisiyle uyumlu olması ve Avrupa bankacılık sisteminin küresel ölçekte rekabet gücünü arttırması nedeniyle UniCredit'in Commerzbank'ın tamamını devralma olasılığını desteklediğini belirt
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In pictures: 81-year-old South Korean model Choi Soon-hwa almost becomes oldest Miss Universe
Culture • 7:18 AM
11 min
The 81-year-old model narrowly missed becoming the oldest Miss Universe, but did take home the prize for “best dresser.”
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Port workers from Maine to Texas go on strike risking new shortages
Business • 7:08 AM
5 min
Port workers from Maine to Texas began walking picket lines early Tuesday in a strike over wages and automation that could reignite inflation and cause shortages of goods if it goes on more than a few weeks.
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الحرب في يومها الـ361: تل أبيب تحت النار وتوغل إسرائيلي في جنوب لبنان وقصف يطال دمشق
International • 7:00 AM
1 min
اقتربت الحرب على غزة من إتمام عامها الأول، مع إطلاق الجيش الإسرائيلي عملية توغل في جنوب لبنان، معلنًا إقامة منطقة مغلقة عسكريًا في المطلة، مسغاف عام، وكفر غلعادي. من جهته، أعلن حزب الله استهداف تحركات للجنود الإسرائيليين قرب المطلة، دون ذكر ما إذا كانت هذ
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Is EU's first space commissioner launched on low-orbit mission?
Europe • 7:00 AM
6 min
Commission President Ursula von der Leyen's second term will see the first-ever commissioner for defence and space. But his mission and support do not match the recognition seen at the policy level, analysts and industry representatives argue.
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Мафия угрожает итальянскому футболу
• 6:57 AM
1 min
В Италии арестовали 19 человек, которых обвиняют в связях с "Ндрангетой" и создании мафиозных группировок в футбольной среде.
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«Παγώνει» το εμπόριο στις ΗΠΑ: Μαζικές απεργιακές κινητοποιήσεις των λιμενεργατών
• 6:56 AM
1 min
Σε αδιέξοδο οι διαπραγματεύσεις των συνδικάτων με τους εργοδότες για μισθολογικές αυξήσεις
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İtalyan futbol dünyası bir süredir 'mafya tipi bir etki' altında
• 6:54 AM
2 min
Pazartesi günü İtalya'da futbol ile bağlantılı mafyatik gruplar oluşturmakla suçlanan 19 kişi gözaltına alındı. Savcılar, bir süredir İtalyan futbol stadyumlarında yürütülen suç faaliyetlerine doğru bir yönelim riski olduğunu vurguluyor.
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Израиль - "Хезболлах": ЕС надеется "услышать голос дипломатии"
• 6:53 AM
1 min
Главы МИД стран-членов ЕС провели экстренное заседание по ситуации на Ближнем Востоке. В итоговом заявлении они настаивают на прекращении огня в регионе и просят Израиль и "Хезболлах" воздержаться от дальнейшей эскалации.
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فرنسا ترسل سفينة بحرية إلى السواحل اللبنانية استعدادا لإجلاء رعاياها حال توسع رقعة الصراع
France • 6:52 AM
1 min
بعدما طلبت باريس من مواطنيها الجمعة الامتناع عن التوجه إلى إسرائيل ولبنان، ذكرت هيئة الأركان العامة للقوات المسلحة الفرنسية أن سفينة من سفن القوات البحرية قد أبحرت الإثنين باتجاه لبنان للتمركز "احترازيا" بالقرب من سواحله، للتمكن من إجلاء الرعايا الفرنسيي
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Gazeteci Güneri Civaoğlu hayatını kaybetti
• 6:50 AM
1 min
Hastanede yoğun bakımda tedavi gören gazeteci Güneri Civaoğlu, 85 yaşında hayata gözlerini yumdu.
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Israël lance son offensive terrestre contre le Hezbollah dans le sud du Liban
World • 6:49 AM
4 min
L'armée israélienne a déclaré qu'elle menait des "raids terrestres ciblés" dans des villages proches de la frontière israélienne.
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Procuradores italianos admitem riscos de "influência ao estilo da máfia" no futebol
• 6:48 AM
2 min
19 pessoas foram detidas em Itália, na segunda-feira, acusadas de formarem grupos mafiosos ligados aos negócios do futebol. Os procuradores afirmam que há já algum tempo que se corre o risco de uma deriva para atividades criminosas levadas a cabo nos está
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Ουκρανία: Νέα συμφωνία ασφάλειας στο Ράμσταϊν προανήγγειλε ο Ζελένσκι
• 6:37 AM
1 min
Ο Ουκρανός πρόεδρος πριν λίγες ημέρες παρουσίασε στον Αμερικανό ομόλογό του και στους υποψηφίους των προεδρικών εκλογών στις ΗΠΑ το «σχέδιο νίκης», θέλοντας να πετύχει την συνέχιση της βοήθειας προς τη χώρα του.
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Βέλγιο: Απεργία στα αεροδρόμια των Βρυξελλών και του Σαρλερουά
• 6:34 AM
1 min
Χιλιάδες επιβάτες επηρεάζονται από τις κινητοποιήσεις των εργαζομένων στον κλάδο της παροχής υπηρεσιών κατά των κανονισμών της ΕΕ
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Otomobil endüstrisinin geleceği: Elektrikli araç pazarındaki engeller ve karlılığın sürdürülmesi
• 6:29 AM
5 min
Yeni bir rapora göre, otomobil endüstrisine yönelik tehditler devam etse de, motorsuzlaşma genel olarak zengin ve kentsel bir olgu.
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South Korea unveils most powerful missile which could reach North Korea underground bunkers
• 6:29 AM
5 min
"If North Korea attempts to use nuclear weapons, it will face the resolute and overwhelming response of our military and the (South Korea)-US alliance," President Yoon Suk Yeol said.
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La Fiscalía alerta de que el fútbol italiano corre el riesgo de sufrir "influencia mafiosa" desde hace tiempo
• 6:28 AM
2 min
Italia detuvo a 19 personas el lunes, acusadas de formar grupos mafiosos relacionados con el negocio del fútbol. La Fiscalía afirma que, desde hace tiempo, existe el riesgo de que se produzca una deriva hacia actividades delictivas llevadas a cabo en los
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Zelenskyy prepara-se para novo acordo de segurança antes da reunião de Ramstein
• 6:27 AM
3 min
O Presidente ucraniano Volodymyr Zelenskyy afirmou que as equipas dos EUA e da Ucrânia estão a preparar-se para uma próxima reunião do Grupo de Contacto de Defesa da Ucrânia em Ramstein, na Alemanha.
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Per i procuratori il panorama calcistico italiano è da tempo a rischio di "influenza mafiosa"
• 6:23 AM
2 min
Lunedì in Italia sono state arrestate 19 persone accusate di aver costituito gruppi mafiosi legati al mondo del calcio. I pubblici ministeri affermano che da tempo c'è il rischio di una deriva verso attività criminali svolte negli stadi di calcio italiani
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Israel inicia ofensiva terrestre "direcionada" contra o Hezbollah no sul do Líbano
• 6:19 AM
7 min
Forças israelitas dizem ter como alvo "aldeias próximas da fronteira que representam uma ameaça imediata para as comunidades israelitas no norte do país".
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This is how we brew it: A cultural guide to coffee on International Coffee Day
Culture • 6:17 AM
24 min
Today of all days, it’s time to be livin’ la vida mocha...
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Südlibanon: Israelisches Militär beginnt Bodenoperation
• 6:16 AM
2 min
Bereits am Montagabend hatte das israelische Militär kleinere Bodenangriffe gegen die Hisbollah gestartet und Gemeinden entlang der Nordgrenze abgeriegelt.
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Chypre, Danemark, Grèce, Slovénie : les citoyens de 17 pays européens peuvent désormais se rendre en Chine sans visa
• 6:06 AM
6 min
Le régime chinois d'exemption de visa, en pleine expansion, vise à stimuler le tourisme.
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Zelenskiy Almanya'daki toplantı öncesinde yeni bir güvenlik anlaşmasına hazırlanıyor
• 6:06 AM
3 min
Ukrayna Cumhurbaşkanı Volodimir Zelenskiy, ABD ve Ukraynalı yetkililerin Almanya'nın Ramstein kentinde yapılacak 'Ukrayna Savunma Temas Grubu' toplantısına hazırlandığını belirtti.
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Frustração com a classe política dominante leva à ascensão da extrema-direita
• 6:02 AM
4 min
O Partido da Liberdade, de extrema-direita, atingiu um patamar histórico após ter saído vitorioso das eleições legislativas na Áustria. Com 29% dos votos, um partido de extrema-direita é dominante pela primeira vez desde a II Guerra Mundial.
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64 χρόνια από την ανακήρυξη της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας: Μεγάλη στρατιωτική παρέλαση στη Λευκωσία
• 6:01 AM
1 min
Παρουσία της Κατερίνας Σακελλαροπούλου η παρέλαση
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What would having the far right in power mean for Austria and EU migration policies? | Radio Schuman
Europe • 5:51 AM
2 min
The anti-immigration far-right party in Austria won the general elections on Sunday, and migration might shape the way the upcoming coalition is formed, according to an expert Radio Schuman spoke to.
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Kyiv’s Future Generation Art Prize celebrates and champions global young artists
Culture • 5:45 AM
9 min
The prize is open to all artists aged 35 or younger from anywhere in the world and working in any medium. This year’s cohort features 21 artists from as far afield as Lithuania, Iraq and Taiwan.
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