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Урсула фон дер Ляйен получила премию Карла Великого за работу по укреплению европейского единства
• 4:01 PM
1 min
Председатель Европейской комиссии Урсула фон дер Ляйен была удостоена премии Карла Великого 2025 года в знак признания ее лидерства во время пандемии COVID-19 и войны в Украине.
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How are EU gas reserves holding up against the halt of Russian supplies?
Europe • 3:57 PM
2 min
Despite reassurance from the European Commission regarding gas supply security, EU stockpiles hold 16% of gas less as compared to the beginning of 2023. Only Portugal has a gas storage volume exceeding 100%.
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Пожары в Калифорнии: начало восстановления
• 3:57 PM
1 min
Пожары в Калфорнии пока не потушены полностью, но власти уже объявили о начале восстановительных работ.
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İddia: 'Mesud Barzani, Mazlum Kobani ile görüşecek'
• 3:56 PM
5 min
Buluşmanın 'çok yakında' gerçekleşeceği ileri sürüldü.
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I misteri svizzeri dello scambio tra Cecilia Sala e l'ingegnere iraniano Mohammad Abedini
• 3:56 PM
6 min
La revoca da parte del ministero della Giustizia italiano dell'arresto di Mohammad Abedini in cambio della liberazione di Cecilia Sala non chiude una vicenda ancora piena di ambiguità e incognite. Sanzioni, tecnologie, il ruolo della Svizzera e della gius
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SpaceX'in Ay görevine tanık olun: İki uzay aracı başarıyla fırlatıldı
• 3:53 PM
1 min
ABD'li Firefly Aerospace'in Blue Ghost ve Japon Ispace firmasının Resilience uzay araçlarının sırasıyla iki ve dört ay içinde Ay yüzeyine inmesi bekleniyor.
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Ursula von der Leyen reçoit le prix Charlemagne pour son travail sur l'unité européenne
Europe • 3:48 PM
1 min
La présidente de la Commission européenne, Ursula von der Leyen, s'est vue décerner le prix Charlemagne 2025 en reconnaissance de son leadership lors de la pandémie de COVID-19 et de la guerre en Ukraine.
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Что такое скандал с "бандами груминга" в Великобритании и почему он всплыл на поверхность?
• 3:45 PM
3 min
Скандал вызвал общенациональные дебаты и привлек международное внимание, в том числе со стороны Маска, который в последнее время сделал много заявлений о политике Великобритании.
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Orbán, il trumpiano dell'Europa dell'Est, non parteciperà all'insediamento del presidente Usa
• 3:44 PM
2 min
Il presidente eletto degli Stati Uniti ha rotto la tradizione invitando i leader mondiali alla cerimonia del 20 gennaio
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Ursula von der Leyen vince premio Carlo Magno 2025: la sua leadership ha garantito unità in Europa
• 3:43 PM
2 min
La presidente della Commissione europea Ursula von der Leyen ha ricevuto il Premio Carlo Magno 2025 come riconoscimento per la sua leadership durante la pandemia e la guerra in Ucraina
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Rocket debris from Elon Musk's SpaceX is delaying flights in this part of the world
• 3:39 PM
11 min
One airline said it often gets little notice of when or where it can expect rockets to fall from the sky so flights have been delayed to ensure safety.
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Brian Eno and Bette Adriaanse explore the vital role of art in 'What Art Does: An Unfinished Theory'
Culture • 3:39 PM
5 min
Released tomorrow, Brian Eno’s first book in nearly three decades, co-written with artist Bette Adriaanse, offers a playful exploration of the purpose and impact of art on society.
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İngiltere'deki 'tecavüz çeteleri' skandalı nedir ve neden yeniden ortaya çıktı?
• 3:34 PM
15 min
İngiliz sağı ve aşırı sağı, Elon Musk gibi figürlerin de yardımıyla, uzun süredir devam eden ulusal bir skandalı hükümeti zor durumda bırakmak için kullanıyor.
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مسكون بذكريات بالغة القسوة.. المفوض السامي للأمم المتحدة يزور سجن صيدنايا
International • 3:30 PM
1 min
زار مفوض الأمم المتحدة السامي لحقوق الإنسان، فولكر تورك، سجن صيدنايا بالقرب من العاصمة السورية دمشق، قائلًا إن مركز الاعتقال سيء السمعة "مسكون بذكريات بالغة القسوة".
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AB Komisyonu Başkanı Ursula von der Leyen'e çalışmaları nedeniyle Charlemagne ödülü verildi
• 3:30 PM
1 min
Avrupa Komisyonu Başkanı Ursula von der Leyen, COVID-19 salgını ve Ukrayna'daki savaş sırasında gösterdiği liderlikten ötürü 2025 Charlemagne Ödülü'ne layık görüldü.
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Macaristan Başbakanı Orban Donald Trump'ın yemin törenine katılmayacak
• 3:22 PM
2 min
ABD'nin seçilmiş başkanı Trump, 20 Ocak'taki törene dünya liderlerini davet ederek geleneği bozdu.
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Caos treni, Ferrovie dello Stato: ipotesi sabotaggi dietro guasti e ritardi degli ultimi giorni
• 3:18 PM
2 min
Quarto giorno di caos treni, Ferrovie dello Stato annuncia un esposto per sabotaggio. Le opposizioni chiedono che il ministro Matteo Salvini si dimetta
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Is it safe to travel to LA? Everything you need to know about flights, hotels and transport
• 3:16 PM
13 min
If you’ve got to travel to, through or from Los Angeles soon, is it safe to go?
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Hakkında 'görevden alma' davası açılan İstanbul Barosu olağanüstü kurultaya gitme kararı aldı
• 3:12 PM
3 min
İstanbul Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığı 14 Ocak Salı günü, İstanbul Barosu yönetiminin görevlerine son verilmesi, yeni baro başkanı ve yönetim kurulu üyeleri seçilmesi talebiyle dava açmıştı.
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Ursula von der Leyen wins Charlemagne prize for work on European unity
Europe • 3:12 PM
1 min
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has been awarded the Charlemagne Prize 2025 in recognition of her leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine.
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'Kırmızı bayrak' uyarısı verilen Los Angeles yangında son dalga için hazırlanıyor
• 3:12 PM
3 min
Üç büyük yangının en az 25 can aldığı ve binlerce evi yok ettiği bölgede endişe hakim.
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Qu'est-ce que le scandale des "grooming gangs" au Royaume-Uni et pourquoi a-t-il refait surface ?
World • 3:11 PM
16 min
Avec l'aide d'Elon Musk, la droite et l'extrême droite britanniques utilisent un scandale national de longue durée pour mettre le gouvernement travailliste sur la sellette, en mettant la désinformation au premier plan.
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Regno Unito, riemerge lo scandalo delle "bande di adescamento" tra disinformazione e razzismo
• 3:07 PM
16 min
Con l'aiuto di outsider estremi come Elon Musk, la destra e l'estrema destra britannica stanno sfruttando il terribile scandalo nazionale per mettere in difficoltà il governo, giocando sulla dilagante disinformazione
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تقليص 5% من القوة العاملة لتحسين الأداء.. آخر قرارات "ميتا بعد إلغاء برنامج التحقق من الأخبار
Business • 3:00 PM
2 min
أعلنت شركة "ميتا"، الشركة الأم لفيسبوك وإنستغرام، عن نيتها تقليص حوالي 5% من قوتها العاملة، وهو ما يعادل نحو 3600 وظيفة، وذلك في إطار خطتها لتحسين الأداء العام للشركة، جاء هذا الإعلان في مذكرة داخلية نُشرت مؤخرًا، حيث أشارت الشركة إلى أن عام 2025 سيكون "ع
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Erdoğan Suriye'nin yeni yönetiminin Dışişleri Bakanı Şeybani ile görüştü
• 3:00 PM
2 min
Şeybani göreve geldikten sonra ilk resmi yurt dışı ziyaretini Suudi Arabistan’a yapmıştı.
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French group encourages mass departure from Elon Musk's X platform on US inauguration day
Business • 2:58 PM
3 min
The French Human Rights League (LDH) is asking the public to join them in a mass exodus of X, formerly Twitter, on January 20.
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Tusk accusa la Russia: Mosca ha pianificato atti di terrorismo contro aerei in tutto il mondo
• 2:58 PM
2 min
In passato il Cremlino ha respinto affermazioni dall'Occidente secondo cui la Russia avrebbe architettato atti di sabotaggio e attacchi in Europa
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Orbán will not attend Trump inauguration, Hungary confirms
• 2:55 PM
2 min
The US president-elect has broken with tradition by inviting world leaders to the 20 January ceremony.
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Los conflictos, la desinformación y el medioambiente encabezan los principales riesgos mundiales
• 2:53 PM
3 min
El Foro Económico Mundial ha publicado este miércoles su Informe de Riesgos Globales, que se basa en una encuesta a más de 900 líderes mundiales del sector público y el privado, la sociedad civil y el mundo académico.
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Может ли Илон Маск повлиять на выборы в Германии? В Бундестане разберутся
• 2:50 PM
2 min
В Бундестаге начали проверку в связи с заявлениями миллиардера Илона Маска, выразившего перед выборами в ФРГ поддержку ультраправой партии "Альтернатива для Германии". Ранее НПО LobbyControl заявила, что публичную беседу Маска с лидером АдГ можно расценив
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Ελλάδα: Ο Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης πρότεινε τον Κωνσταντίνο Τασούλα για Πρόεδρο της Δημοκρατίας
• 2:48 PM
1 min
Ο πρωθυπουργός Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης απηύθηνε τηλεοπτικό μήνυμα προς τους πολίτες για να ανακοινώσει την απόφασή του
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Ο Τουσκ κατηγορεί τη Ρωσία ότι σχεδιάζει «τρομοκρατικές ενέργειες» κατά αεροπορικών εταιρειών
• 2:43 PM
1 min
Το Κρεμλίνο έχει στο παρελθόν αρνηθεί τους ισχυρισμούς της Δύσης ότι η Ρωσία έχει οργανώσει πράξεις δολιοφθοράς και επιθέσεις σε όλη την Ευρώπη
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Swedish artist’s dream takes flight as tiny red house heads to the moon
Culture • 2:40 PM
1 min
A Swedish artist’s 25-year dream has come true as his miniature red house, "Moonhouse," is launched into space, aiming to become a lasting art installation on the moon’s surface.
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L'équipage d'un sous-marin français divulgue accidentellement des informations sensibles grâce à l'application Strava
World • 2:39 PM
3 min
Le personnel de la marine française a révélé des informations classifiées sur les patrouilles de sous-marins par le biais de l'application de fitness Strava, selon une enquête du journal Le Monde.
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Poland's Tusk accuses Russia of plotting 'acts of terror' against airlines
Europe • 2:38 PM
1 min
The Kremlin has previously denied Western claims that Russia has organised acts of sabotage and attacks across Europe.
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Donald Tusk acusa a Rusia de planear actos terroristas contra aviones "de todo el mundo"
• 2:36 PM
2 min
Los funcionarios de seguridad occidentales sospechan que la Inteligencia rusa estaba detrás de un complot para poner dispositivos incendiarios en paquetes en aviones de carga que se dirigían a América del Norte.
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Francia, soldati rivelano posizioni sottomarini sulla fitness app Strava
• 2:34 PM
3 min
Inchiesta del quotidiano Le Monde: militari francesi hanno rivelato informazioni riservate sulla posizione dei sottomarini utilizzando l'app di fitness Strava
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قلق وانتظار.. عائلات الأسرى الإسرائيليين في غزة تترقب الإعلان عن اتفاق وقف إطلاق النار
Europe • 2:31 PM
3 min
تنتظر عائلات الأسرى الإسرائيليين في غزة التوصل فعلا إلى اتفاق وقف إطلاق النار، وإطلاق سراح الأسرى إثر الحرب الإسرائيلية على القطاع المستمرة منذ 15 شهرا.لكن بعض الشخصيات في اليمين الإسرائيلي المتطرف، مثل وزير المالية الإسرائيلي بتسلئيل سموتريتش، تعارض أي ا
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Líder polaco acusa Rússia de planear atos de terror contra companhias aéreas mundiais
• 2:29 PM
3 min
Antes Moscovo já negado ser responsável por atos de sabotagem, depois de alegações de pacotes incendiários enviados em aviões de carga.
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Bulgaria’s centre-right party tasked with forming new government 80 days after vote
Europe • 2:25 PM
2 min
The GERB party won 69 seats in the October vote for the 240-member legislature, the most of any party but well short of a majority to govern alone.
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"Это гуманитарный газ": Россия продолжит поставки топлива в Приднестровье
• 2:24 PM
1 min
Москва и Тирасполь договорились о поставках российского газа в непризнанное Приднестровье. Ранее Украина остановила транзит топлива в Европу.
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Eski Fransa Cumhurbaşkanı Sarkozy mahkemede Libya'dan seçim kampanya fonu almadığını söyledi
• 2:23 PM
5 min
Sarkozy savcılar tarafından Libya'nın merhum diktatörü Muammer Kaddafi ile milyonlarca avroluk yasadışı fon almak için anlaşma yapmakla suçlanıyor.
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Faktencheck: Zahlt die Ukraine Schmiergelder an US-Politiker:innen?
• 2:21 PM
5 min
Immer wieder werden Fehlinformationen über den Krieg Russlands in der Ukraine verbreitet, um die öffentliche Meinung über die Unterstützung Kyjiws zu beeinflussen. Nun zirkulieren alte Behauptungen über Bestechungsgelder erneut im Netz.
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Ποιοι είναι οι τέσσερις υποψήφιοι για τη θέση του επόμενου επικεφαλής της ΕΕ για την προστασία των προσωπικών δεδομένων
• 2:21 PM
1 min
Οι νομοθέτες της ΕΕ θα αποφασίσουν την Πέμπτη για τον διάδοχο του Βόιτσεχ Βιεβορόφσκι
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Fransız denizaltı mürettebatı fitness uygulaması aracılığıyla yanlışlıkla hassas bilgileri sızdırdı
• 2:21 PM
2 min
Le Monde tarafından yapılan bir araştırmaya göre, Fransa Deniz Kuvvetleri personeli Strava fitness uygulaması aracılığıyla denizaltı devriyeleriyle ilgili gizli bilgileri ifşa etti.
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Primeira cerimónia de formatura da polícia pós-Assad
• 2:19 PM
1 min
A primeira turma de cadetes da polícia síria desde a queda do presidente Bashar al-Assad formou-se esta terça-feira na reabertura da escola de polícias em Damasco.
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Australia promette "risposta forte" in caso di uccisione di un cittadino prigioniero in Russia
• 2:19 PM
3 min
Oscar Jenkins, un insegnante di Melbourne che si è unito alle truppe ucraine, è stato visto mentre veniva colpito da un rapitore russo in un video pubblicato a dicembre. Da allora non si hanno più sue notizie
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More than 12,000 houses in ruins after fires devastate California
• 2:18 PM
2 min
Millions of Southern Californian residents continue to face dire new wildfire warnings and power outages after fires fanned by harsh winds caused widespread destruction.
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Υποβάθμιση της προστασίας των λύκων στην Ευρώπη. Ποιανού ή σειρά είναι τώρα;
• 2:13 PM
1 min
Ο λύκος δεν αποτελεί πλέον «αυστηρά προστατευόμενο είδος» στην Ευρώπη.
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Охрана волков в Европе снижена. Чья теперь очередь?
• 2:13 PM
1 min
Волк больше не является «строго охраняемым видом» в Европе.
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Proteção do lobo reduzida na Europa. De quem é a vez agora?
• 2:13 PM
4 min
O lobo deixou de ser uma "espécie estritamente protegida" na Europa.
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Reducción de la protección del lobo en Europa. ¿Está en riesgo la biodiversidad?
• 2:13 PM
4 min
El lobo ha dejado de ser una "especie estrictamente protegida" en Europa.
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Wolfsschutz in Europa reduziert. Wer ist jetzt an der Reihe?
• 2:13 PM
4 min
Der Wolf ist in Europa nicht länger eine "streng geschützte Art".
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Abbassata la tutela del lupo in Europa. La biodiversità è a rischio?
• 2:13 PM
4 min
Il lupo non è più una “specie rigorosamente protetta” in Europa.
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La protection des loups réduite en Europe. La biodiversité est-elle en danger ?
Europe • 2:13 PM
4 min
Le loup n'est plus une « espèce strictement protégée » en Europe.
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Wolf protection reduced in Europe. Is biodiversity at stake?
Europe • 2:13 PM
4 min
The wolf is no longer a “strictly protected species” in Europe.
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What is the UK's 'grooming gangs' scandal, and why has it resurfaced?
• 2:12 PM
14 min
With the help of extreme outsiders like Elon Musk, the British right and far right are using a long-running national scandal to hold the government's feet to the fire — with misinformation front and centre.
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Rising borrowing costs set to batter UK government - why does it matter?
Europe • 2:08 PM
6 min
As borrowing costs rise, the government has less money to spend on the country's creaking National Health Service, military, emergency services and schools.
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Commission presents new plan to boost cybersecurity in healthcare sector
Europe • 2:02 PM
4 min
The European Commission has presented a new action plan to enhance the cybersecurity of the healthcare sector amid a rise in ransomware attacks.
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İmralı heyeti 17 Ocak'ta 'çalışmalara' ilişkin açıklama yapacak
• 2:01 PM
3 min
DEM Partili Önder, PKK lideri Öcalan'la yeni bir görüşme için en kısa sürede başvuruda bulunacaklarını belirtti.
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SpaceX lança dupla missão lunar
• 1:57 PM
1 min
Espera-se que as duas sondas aterrem na superfície da Lua dentro de dois e quatro meses, respetivamente.
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Γερμανία: Ύφεση και στασιμότητα στην οικονομία, «καμπανάκι» για μεταρρυθμίσεις
• 1:56 PM
1 min
Ο επικεφαλής του τμήματος γερμανικών αναλύσεων στην Oxford Economics, Όλιβερ Ρακάου, εξηγεί στο euronews πώς η Γερμανία έχει φτάσει σε κρίσιμο σημείο - Οι ευθύνες, οι απαραίτητες θυσίες και η επίδραση στην Ευρώπη
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Arte palestiniana em destaque em manifestação de apoio à Bienal de Gaza em Londres
• 1:53 PM
10 min
Ativistas reuniram-se em frente ao Instituto de Artes Contemporâneas (ICA) de Londres para manifestar o seu apoio à Bienal de Gaza e protestar contra os vínculos de patrocínio do ICA.
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UK's Sizewell C nuclear plant in doubt as EDF told to focus on France
Business • 1:50 PM
5 min
British nuclear project Sizewell C could be in jeopardy after EDF was asked by the French state auditor to reconsider committing to the power station - and instead focus more on domestic nuclear projects.
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BAFTA Film Ödülleri adayları: 'Conclave' ve 'Emilia Perez' yarışı önde götürüyor
• 1:47 PM
2 min
İngiltere'nin en prestijli ve uluslararası ödül sezonunun önemli bir parçası olan film ödülleri, bu ödül sezonunun ne kadar öngörülemez olduğunu bir kez daha ortaya koyan adaylarını açıkladı.
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Perù, i tatuaggi nascosti delle mummie: grazie ai laser la scoperta di questa arte millenaria
• 1:47 PM
5 min
I ricercatori hanno usato il laser per scoprire intricati tatuaggi nascosti sulle mummie peruviane del XIII secolo, rivelando dettagli dell'antica arte corporea invisibili a occhio nudo
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French submarine crew accidentally leak sensitive information through Strava app
• 1:44 PM
2 min
France's Navy personnel revealed classified information about submarine patrols through the Strava fitness app, found an investigation by Le Monde.
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الرئيس الإيراني ينفي وجود أي مخطط لاغتيال ترامب
International • 1:30 PM
2 min
نفى الرئيس الإيراني مسعود بيزشكيان في مقابلة حصرية مع شبكة "إن بي سي" وجود أي مخطط لطهران لاغتيال دونالد ترامب، مفنّدا بذلك الادعاءات السابقة التي أطلقها الرئيس المنتخب والإدارة الأمريكية.
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İstanbul'da son üç günde sahte içkiden ölenlerin sayısı 19'a yükseldi
• 1:29 PM
2 min
Son yıllarda fiyatların ve vergilerin artmasıyla Türkiye’de sahte içki tüketiminden kaynaklanan ölümlerde artış yaşanıyor.
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Joe Biden retire Cuba de la liste noire des Etats soutenant le terrorisme
World • 1:28 PM
4 min
Le président américain sortant, Joe Biden, a déclaré qu'il avait été incité à agir après avoir reçu "la sagesse et les conseils" d'autres dirigeants mondiaux.
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BAFTA Film Awards nominations: ‘Conclave’ and ‘Emilia Pérez’ lead the race
Culture • 1:26 PM
9 min
The most prestigious film awards in the UK, and a big part of awards season internationally, has announced its nominations, which further highlight how unpredictable this awards season remains.
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Porque é que a Disney está a ser processada pelo filme "Vaiana 2"?
• 1:25 PM
7 min
A Disney enfrenta um processo judicial por alegada violação de direitos de autor, sob a acusação de que o filme de animação Vaiana 2 foi inspirado num guião antigo sem a devida autorização do seu criador. O escritor exige agora uma indemnização de 10 mil
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Los Angeles "em perigo extremo de incêndios" com nova previsão de aumento do vento
• 1:11 PM
2 min
Meteorologistas avisam para o surgimento de fortes rajadas esta quarta-feira e identificam zona a noroeste do centro da cidade como sendo de alto risco, numa altura em que está confirmada uma 25.ª vítima mortal dos incêndios.
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Зеленский прибыл в Варшаву после соглашения об эксгумации жертв Второй мировой войны
• 1:11 PM
1 min
В понедельник неправительственная организация Фонд свободы и демократии заявила, что в апреле начнет работы по эксгумации жертв в Украине.
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan: Silahı aradan çıkaralım, birbirimize sıkıca sarılalım
• 1:09 PM
5 min
AK Parti lideri, amaçlarının 'terör bariyerlerini kaldırarak kardeşlik hukukunu düzeltmek' olduğunu belirterek bu amaç doğrultusunda kayda değer bir mesafe alındığını söyledi.
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Chemnitz inaugura el año como Capital Europea de la Cultura 2025 con grandes celebraciones
• 1:07 PM
9 min
El gran espectáculo inaugural tendrá lugar el sábado por la noche en el Monumento a Marx, probablemente el monumento más conocido de Chemnitz, que en tiempos de la RDA se llamaba Karl-Marx-Stadt, la ciudad de Karl Marx.
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أمريكا أوّلا وآخرا.. وزير خارجية ترامب المرتقب يتعهد بتغيير النظام العالمي
International • 1:01 PM
1 min
تعهد السيناتور عن ولاية فلوريدا ماركو روبيو بتنفيذ رؤية الرئيس المنتخب دونالد ترامب "أمريكا أولاً" كوزير للخارجية، مؤكداً في جلسة تثبيته يوم الأربعاء أن الإدارة القادمة ستشق مساراً جديداً عبر وضع المصالح الأمريكية "فوق كل اعتبار".
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La familia del cooperante italiano detenido en Venezuela pide ayuda a Giorgia Meloni
• 11:59 AM
4 min
Trentini trabaja para la ONG Humanity & Inclusion y fue presuntamente detenido el pasado 15 de noviembre en un control mientras viajaba desde Caracas hasta la ciudad de Guasdualito. Los familiares de Alberto Trentini han denunciado su desaparición en Vene
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Ascienden a 25 el número de muertos por los incendios forestales en Los Ángeles
• 11:57 AM
2 min
La situación en Los Ángeles sigue siendo crítica. Vientos fuertes y cálidos continuaron soplando y avivando las llamas durante la noche del martes al miércoles.
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Trump'ın yemin töreni: Meta CEO'su Cumhuriyetçi milyarderlerle ortak toplantıya ev sahipliği yapacak
• 11:56 AM
2 min
Associated Press'e konuşan kaynaklar, Mark Zuckerberg'in önümüzdeki hafta Trump'ın yemin töreni için Cumhuriyetçi milyarderlerin katılacağı bir toplantıya ev sahipliği yapacağını açıkladı.
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Australia vows strong response if citizen killed in Russian captivity
• 11:56 AM
3 min
Oscar Jenkins, a former school teacher from Melbourne, was seen being struck by a Russian interrogator in a video posted in December.
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Drake, Kendrick Lamar'ın diss parçası 'Not Like Us' için açtığı davadan vazgeçti
• 11:52 AM
3 min
Drake, Universal Music ve Spotify'a karşı açtığı ve şirketleri Kendrick Lamar'ın kendisine yönelik diss parçasının akışını artırmak için komplo kurmakla suçladığı davadan vazgeçti.
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Watch as SpaceX launches Moon landers for private companies
• 11:51 AM
1 min
The two landers are expected to touch down on the surface of the moon in two and four months respectively.
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¿Quién será el próximo responsable de Privacidad de la UE y por qué es tan importante este cargo?
• 11:51 AM
7 min
Los legisladores de la UE decidirán el jueves sobre el sucesor de Wojciech Wiewiórowski.
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Papa Francisco torna-se o primeiro pontífice em funções a publicar uma autobiografia
• 11:49 AM
6 min
O Papa Francisco lançou a sua autobiografia "Esperança". O livro partilha episódios da sua vida e as reflexões do próprio sobre as questões mais complicadas da atualidade.
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Euro, kritik ABD enflasyon verileri ve gümrük tarifesi umutları öncesinde toparlanıyor
• 11:47 AM
4 min
Euro, ABD'nin seçilmiş başkanının gümrük vergilerini kademeli olarak artırmayı düşünebileceği yönündeki haberler üzerine son iki işlem gününde ABD doları karşısında toparlandı.
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Biden yönetimi, Küba'yı terörizmin devlet sponsorları listesinden çıkarıyor
• 11:40 AM
4 min
Kübalı yetkililer Biden'ın kararını memnuniyetle karşıladı, ancak Donald Trump tarafından tersine çevrilebileceğini de kabul etti.
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Un site mentionné dans la Bible, vieux de 2 700 ans, a peut-être été retrouvé en Jordanie
Culture • 11:38 AM
4 min
Mahanai, le lieu où Jacob aurait vu des anges lors de son retour de Padan-aram vers le sud de Canaan, est mentionné dans le livre de la Genèse.
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Fraude viral: francesa enganada por esquema amoroso de IA com Brad Pitt alvo de cyberbullying
• 11:33 AM
7 min
Burlões enganaram uma mulher francesa em 830 mil euros, fazendo-a acreditar que estava a namorar com Brad Pitt. A vítima enfrentou ataque de assédio, revelando até que ponto a empatia e a decência humana são escassas quando se trata de pessoas que caem em
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Fransa'da bir kadın, yapay zeka yardımıyla kendini Brad Pitt olarak tanıtan kişilerce dolandırıldı
• 11:32 AM
7 min
Bir grup kişi, Fransız bir kadını Brad Pitt ile flört ettiğine inandırarak, 830.000 euro dolandırdı.
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USA wollen Kubas Einstufung als Terrorstaat aufheben und Gefangene freilassen
• 11:32 AM
3 min
Der scheidende US-Präsident Joe Biden sagte, er sei zum Handeln veranlasst worden, nachdem er von anderen Staats- und Regierungschefs "Weisheit und Rat" erhalten habe.
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"أيها الدموي.. يا وزير الإبادة" هكذا قاطعت سيدتان خطاب أنتوني بلينكن تنديدا بموقفه من حرب غزة
International • 11:30 AM
3 min
قاطعت سيدة وزير الخارجية الأمريكي أنتوني بلينكن أثناء خطابه في المجلس الأطلسي، ووصفته بأنه "بلينكن الدموي ووزير الإبادة الجماعية" وأنه سيُعرف دائما بهذه الصفة أبدًا، و"يداه ملطختان بدماء مئات الآلاف من الأبرياء".
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Irán y la UE mantienes conversaciones "constructivas" sobre el programa nuclear
• 11:28 AM
3 min
Irán y tres estados europeos dijeron haber mantenido conversaciones "francas y constructivas" sobre el programa nuclear de Teherán, menos de una semana antes de que Donald Trump, asuma el cargo.
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Londra'da düzenlenen Gazze Bienali protestosu Filistin sanatı ve direnişine dikkat çekiyor
• 11:27 AM
3 min
Aktivistler, Gazze Bienali'ne destek vermek ve Londra Çağdaş Sanatlar Enstitüsü'nün sponsorluk ilişkilerini protesto etmek amacıyla toplandı.
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Stati Uniti: Cuba rimossa dalla lista dei Paesi terroristi, accordo su rilascio prigionieri politici
• 11:27 AM
3 min
Washington ha deciso di rimuovere Cuba dalla lista nera di Stati considerati sponsor del terrorismo. Il presidente uscente degli Stati Uniti Joe Biden ha dichiarato di essere stato spinto ad agire dopo aver ricevuto "saggezza e consigli" da altri leader m
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Trump inauguration: Meta CEO to co-host meeting with Republican billionaires
Business • 11:25 AM
1 min
Mark Zuckerberg will co-host a meeting of Republican billionaires for the Trump inauguration next week, sources told The Associated Press.
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Une Française victime de cyberharcèlement après être tombée amoureuse d'un faux Brad Pitt
Culture • 11:24 AM
8 min
Des fraudeurs ont escroqué 830 000 euros à une Française en lui faisant croire qu'elle sortait avec un faux Brad Pitt généré par IA. La victime fait depuis l'objet de cyberharcèlement.
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Who are the four contenders to be the next EU privacy chief?
Business • 11:20 AM
5 min
EU lawmakers will decide on the successor to Wojciech Wiewiórowski on Thursday.
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