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Right-wing extremists delighted with Musk’s ‘Nazi salute’ while ex-partner Grimes distances herself
Culture • 10:57 AM
6 min
Musk has been criticised for making two Nazi-like gestures at President Donald Trump's inauguration. His ex-partner, the singer Grimes, has distanced herself from him, while Musk has defended himself in a typically disgraceful way.
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"Коммерсантъ": Приднестровье будет получать российский газ через Турцию
• 10:55 AM
1 min
Кипрская компания-посредник забронировала с 1 февраля "Турецкий поток", узнал "Коммерсантъ". Забронированные мощности совпадают с потребностями непризнанной республики.
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Rubio da el pistoletazo de salida a la política exterior de Trump con la reunión del 'Quad' Indo-Pacífico
• 10:53 AM
4 min
El nuevo secretario de Estado de Trump se reunió con sus homólogos de Australia, India y Japón para hablar de cómo contrarrestar el creciente poder de China.
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Мадуро: Венесуэла готова вернуть своих граждан из США после ужесточения там миграционной политики
• 10:53 AM
3 min
Президент США Дональд Трамп сразу после вступления в должность заявил об ужесточении миграционной политики и объявил чрезвычайное положение на южной границе. Он планирует направить войска для оказания помощи иммиграционной службе, чтобы остановить приток
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Czech-French writer Milan Kundera and his wife’s remains returned to Czechia
Culture • 10:52 AM
2 min
Czech-French writer Milan Kundera and his wife’s remains have been repatriated to Czechia.
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Dopo il caso-Pelicot la Francia vuole riscrivere la legge sulle violenze sessuali
• 10:51 AM
4 min
Il caso di Gisèle Pelicot ha commosso e indignato tutta la Francia. La donna è stata drogata e fatta stuprare dal marito, che ha adescato a tale scopo decine di persone sfruttanto una piattaforma online
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Gerilla şiddeti tırmanırken Kolombiyalılar Venezuela'ya kaçıyor
• 10:50 AM
2 min
Kolombiya'da tırmanan şiddet olaylarında en az 80 kişi hayatını kaybederken, 18.000'den fazla kişi evlerini terk etmek zorunda kaldı.
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Netflix riporta risultati trimestrali da record e le azioni salgono alle stelle
Business • 10:49 AM
4 min
Le azioni di Netflix sono salite a un nuovo massimo nelle contrattazioni after-hours dopo il rapporto sugli utili del quarto trimestre che ha superato le aspettative del mercato
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Συνάντηση του νέου ΥΠΕΞ των ΗΠΑ Μάρκο Ρούμπιο με ομολόγους του από το «μπλοκ κατά της Κίνας»
• 10:47 AM
2 min
Η συνάντηση, η οποία διεξήχθη στο υπουργείο Εξωτερικών, έχει συμβολικό χαρακτήρα
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Ουκρανία: Εκπαίδευση 45 ημερών για τους νεοσύλλεκτους - Το Κίεβο αναμένει τις κινήσεις Τραμπ
• 10:40 AM
1 min
Ο Ντόναλντ Τραμπ απειλεί τη Ρωσία με οικονομική καταστροφή, σε περίπτωση που δεν προσέλθει στο τραπέζι των διαπραγματεύσεων
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Com Trump no poder, Venezuela quer os seus imigrantes de volta, diz Maduro
• 10:40 AM
6 min
O Presidente norte-americano, Donald Trump, declarou uma emergência nacional na fronteira entre os EUA e o México, e planeia enviar as suas tropas para ajudar a apoiar os agentes de imigração e restringir o acesso a refugiados e requerentes de asilo.
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Após caso de Gisèle Pelicot deputados franceses pedem que a lei da violação inclua o consentimento
• 10:39 AM
4 min
Dominique Pelicot foi condenado no mês passado, juntamente com outros 50 homens, por drogar e violar Gisèle Pelicot, num caso que chocou a França.
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Social media delights in snowball fights and sledding across Texas and the Gulf Coast
• 10:35 AM
1 min
Videos posted on social media captured nuns having a snowball fight and Houston firefighters having a friendly battle as a rare storm swept across Texas and the Gulf Coast. The snow closed motorways, grounded flights and closed schools for more than a mil
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Sualtı kapsülleri bir gün insanların okyanusun dibinde yaşamasına ve keşfetmesine yardımcı olabilir
• 10:31 AM
6 min
Modüler sualtı yaşam alanlarını tasarlayan İngiliz şirket, bunların deniz araştırmaları ve turizmden güvenliğe kadar her şey için kullanılabileceğini belirtiyor.
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Gisèle Pelicot : des députés français demandent que la loi sur le viol inclut le consentement
Europe • 10:27 AM
4 min
Dominique Pelicot a été condamné le mois dernier avec 50 autres hommes pour avoir drogué et violé à plusieurs reprises sa femme, Gisèle Pelicot dans une affaire qui a stupéfié la France et à l'international.
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Trump ne reconnaît que deux sexes, le masculin et le féminin : polémique aux États-Unis
Culture • 10:27 AM
15 min
Le président des États-Unis a décidé que l'Amérique ne reconnaîtrait plus que deux sexes : le masculin et le féminin. Son programme vis-à-vis des personnes transgenres suscite la polémique.
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Çok fazla kırmızı et yemek bunama ve bilişsel gerileme riskinin artmasıyla bağlantılı: Araştırma
• 10:27 AM
4 min
Yeni bir araştırmaya göre, çok miktarda işlenmiş kırmızı et tüketmek beyin sağlığını olumsuz etkileyebiliyor.
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Colombians flee to Venezuela as guerrilla violence escalates
• 10:20 AM
2 min
At least 80 people have been killed and more than 18,000 forced to leave their homes in Colombia amid escalating violence between rebel groups.
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Bataille de boules de neige sur la côte du Golfe du Mexique aux États-Unis
World • 10:18 AM
1 min
Près de 2 000 vols annulés et 10 000 retardés aux États-Unis en raison d'une tempête de neige rare, transformant le Texas et la côte nord du golfe du Mexique en paysages hivernaux.
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Stati Uniti, Maduro: con Trump in carica il Venezuela aspetta il ritorno dei suoi migranti
• 10:14 AM
5 min
Il presidente degli Stati Uniti Donald Trump ha dichiarato l'emergenza nazionale al confine tra Stati Uniti e Messico e intende inviare le sue truppe per aiutare gli agenti dell'immigrazione e limitare l'accesso ai rifugiati e ai richiedenti asilo
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Celebridades reagem à política de "dois géneros" de Donald Trump: "NÃO ficaremos em silêncio"
• 10:08 AM
6 min
O presidente dos Estados Unidos decidiu que o país reconhecerá apenas dois sexos: masculino e feminino. Muitos foram rápidos a salientar que Donald Trump não sabe a diferença entre "sexo" e "género", com celebridades a expressarem o seu apoio às pessoas a
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Ünlülerden Donald Trump'ın 'iki cinsiyet' politikasına tepki: 'Sessiz kalmayacağız'
• 10:06 AM
14 min
ABD Başkanı, ülkede sadece iki cinsiyetin tanınacağına karar verdi: Erkek ve kadın. Pek çok kişi Donald Trump'ın 'cinsiyet' ve 'toplumsal cinsiyet' arasındaki farkı bilmediğine dikkat çekerken, ünlüler de yeni kararnameden etkilenenlere desteklerini ifade
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El Banco Sabadell vuelve a Cataluña 7 años después del 'procés'
• 10:04 AM
2 min
El banco trasladó su domicilio fiscal a Alicante en octubre a 2017, tras el referéndum de independencia de Cataluña.
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EasyJet's losses ease as airline sees gain in year-end passenger numbers
Business • 10:03 AM
2 min
The airline says it has succeeded in narrowing headline pre-tax losses through cost-cutting measures and a rise in demand for package holidays.
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French MPs call for rape law to include consent after Gisèle Pelicot trial
Europe • 10:01 AM
3 min
Dominique Pelicot was sentenced last month along with 50 other men for the repeated drugging and rape of Gisèle Pelicot in case that stunned France.
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إندونيسيا: استئناف البحث عن مفقودين جراء الانهيارات الطينية وارتفاع عدد القتلى إلى 19
International • 10:00 AM
5 min
في أعقاب فيضانات عارمة وانهيارات طينية اجتاحت جزيرة جاوة الرئيسية في إندونيسيا، استأنف رجال الإنقاذ عمليات البحث يوم الأربعاء للعثور على المفقودين، حيث ارتفع عدد القتلى إلى 19 شخصاً.
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O que é o DOGE de Trump, chefiado por Musk, e porque é que já está a ser processado
• 9:57 AM
4 min
Já foi intentada uma ação judicial num tribunal federal contra o DOGE quando Donald Trump estava a tomar posse.
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De olho na China, Rubio inaugura política externa de Trump com reunião do "quadrilátero" do indo-pacífico
• 9:49 AM
4 min
O novo secretário de Estado de Trump reuniu-se com os seus homólogos da Austrália, da Índia e do Japão para discutir a luta contra o poder crescente da China.
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Cápsulas subaquáticas poderão um dia ajudar os humanos a viver e a explorar o fundo do oceano
• 9:48 AM
6 min
Empresa britânica que concebeu os habitats subaquáticos modulares afirma que estes podem ser utilizados para tudo, desde estudos marinhos e turismo até à segurança.
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With Trump now in office, Venezuela wants its migrants back, Maduro says
• 9:48 AM
5 min
US President Donald Trump declared a national emergency at the US-Mexico border, and he plans to send his troops to help support immigration agents and restrict access to refugees and asylum seekers.
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Belirsizlik sürerken yeni Ukraynalı askerler cephede görev almak üzere eğitiliyor
• 9:47 AM
7 min
Kiev'de belirsizlik dönemi sürerken, yeni askere alınan Ukraynalılar Donetsk bölgesinde cephede görev almak üzere eğitim görüyor.
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La politique étrangère de Trump commence avec le "Quad", le Sommet indo-pacifique
World • 9:47 AM
4 min
Le nouveau secrétaire d'État de Donald Trump a rencontré ses homologues australien, indien et japonais pour discuter de la lutte contre la montée en puissance de la Chine.
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Ecco cos'è la commissione Doge di Trump guidata da Musk e perché è già stata citata in giudizio
Business • 9:43 AM
3 min
Una causa è già stata intentata in un tribunale federale contro il dipartimento per l'Efficienza del governo, mentre Donald Trump prestava giuramento come presidente degli Stati Uniti
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Consumo excessivo de carne vermelha está associado a um risco acrescido de demência e declínio cognitivo
• 9:40 AM
4 min
O consumo de grandes quantidades de carne vermelha processada pode ser mau para o cérebro? Uma nova investigação sugere que sim.
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DEM Parti heyeti, Abdullah Öcalan ile görüşmek için ikinci kez İmralı'ya gitti
• 9:39 AM
5 min
DEM Parti heyeti, ilk İmralı ziyaretinin ardından siyasi partileri ziyaret etmiş, görüşmelerin 'umut verici' olduğu bildirilmişti.
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الاتحاد الأوروبي يوسع شراكاته التجارية لمواجهة تهديدات ترامب الجمركية
Business • 9:31 AM
1 min
يسعى الاتحاد الأوروبي إلى تنويع أسواقه التجارية وتعزيز شراكاته العالمية في خطوة استباقية لمواجهة تهديدات الرئيس الأمريكي دونالد ترامب بفرض رسوم جمركية بنسبة 20% على الواردات الأوروبية.
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Russia, riprendono le operazioni di disinformazione in vista delle elezioni tedesche
• 9:29 AM
4 min
Un'organizzazione no-profit ha individuato la nota campagna "Doppelgänger" che diffonde contenuti volti a influenzare gli elettori tedeschi
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Marco Rubio inaugura la politica estera di Trump in chiave anti-cinese
• 9:26 AM
4 min
Appena insediato, il nuovo segretario di Stato di Trump ha incontrato i suoi omologhi di Australia, India e Giappone per discutere sul contrasto all'ascesa della Cina
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Celebrities react to Donald Trump’s ‘two gender’ policy: ‘We will NOT be silent’
Culture • 9:24 AM
14 min
The President of the United States has ruled that America will recognise only two sexes: male and female. Many were quick to point out Donald Trump doesn’t know the difference between 'sex' and 'gender', and celebrities have expressed their support for th
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بعد اعتقاله في المغرب... زعيم عصابة "مافيا يودا" بمرسيليا يصل إلى فرنسا
France • 9:21 AM
1 min
يصل الأربعاء فيليكس بينغي البالغ 34 عاما إلى فرنسا. وقد اعتقلته السلطات المغربية بعد مذكرة توقيف دولية أصدرتها فرنسا بحقه. ويعد بينغي زعيم عصابة "مافيا يودا" بمرسيليا التي تنافسها عصابة "مافيا دي زيد" التي اغتنمت الفرصة للسيطرة على سوق تجارة المخدرات في
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From wildfire trackers in LA to air raid alerts in Ukraine, crisis apps are a lifeline for millions
Business • 9:16 AM
7 min
Watch Duty, a wildfire tracking app keeping Los Angeles residents informed of danger, is the latest in a growing field of apps helping civilians to survive crises.
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Stati Uniti nella morsa del gelo: neve anche in Texas, Florida e Alabama
• 9:02 AM
1 min
La neve si è posata sulle spiagge di località turistiche degli Stati meridionali, abituati più agli uragani estivi che al gelo
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China hawk Rubio kicks off Trump's foreign policy with Indo-Pacific 'Quad' meeting
• 9:00 AM
3 min
Trump's new secretary of state met with his counterparts from Australia, India and Japan to discuss countering China's rising power.
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What is Trump’s DOGE commission headed by Musk and why is it already being sued?
Business • 9:00 AM
3 min
A lawsuit has already been filed in a federal court against DOGE as Donald Trump was being sworn in.
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"Sexy Ozean": Unterwasserkapseln für Forschung, Überwachung und Tourismus
• 8:48 AM
6 min
Ein britisches Unternehmen hat modulare Unterwasser-Habitate entworfen, die für Sicherheit, Forschung und Tourismus eingesetzt werden könnten.
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Ο Τραμπ υπερασπίστηκε την απόφασή του για απονομή χάριτος στους εισβολείς της 6ης Ιανουαρίου
• 8:44 AM
4 min
Ο Αμερικανός πρόεδρος χαρακτήρισε τις ποινές όσων καταδικάστηκαν για τα επεισόδια στο Καπιτώλιο το 2021 «γελοίες και υπερβολικές», ενώ άφησε ανοικτό το ενδεχόμενο να υπάρχει θέσει στην αμερικανική πολιτική για μέλη των ακροδεξιών οργανώσεων.
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Un'azienda britannica sviluppa moduli innovativi per l'esplorazione sottomarina
Business • 8:42 AM
5 min
L'azienda britannica Deep ha progettato degli habitat subacquei modulari e afferma che potrebbero essere utilizzati per qualsiasi scopo: dagli studi scientifici al turismo e alla sicurezza
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La carne rossa aumenta i rischi di demenza e declino cognitivo
Business • 8:42 AM
4 min
Il consumo di grandi quantità di carne rossa lavorata potrebbe essere dannoso per il cervello? Una ricerca sostiene di sì
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Пожар в турецком отеле: число погибших возросло до 76 человек
• 8:41 AM
4 min
Число погибших при пожаре в отеле на турецком горнолыжном курорте возросло до 76 человек. В разгар сезона в гостинице находились 234 постояльца.
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Les nouvelles recrues ukrainiennes s'entrainent à combattre sur le front
Europe • 8:35 AM
7 min
Des soldats ukrainiens nouvellement recrutés s'entraînent en vue d'un déploiement sur la ligne de front dans la région de Donetsk, alors que Kyiv aborde une période d'incertitude.
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"حدثت أمور مدهشة".. تقارير تزعم أن غوغل زودت الجيش الإسرائيلي بأحدث تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي في حربه
International • 8:30 AM
3 min
ورغم محاولة غوغل الظهور بشكل حيادي، ونفيها تورطها العسكري مع الحكومة الإسرائيلية من خلال عقد "نيمبوس"، تشير الوثائق إلى أن الشركة متورطة لأغراض تجارية خوفًا من فقدان الصفقة لصالح شركة أمازون.
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A Davos i leader discutono a porte chiuse del futuro dell'Europa con Trump alla presidenza Usa
Business • 8:30 AM
5 min
I leader mondiali presenti al World Economic Forum di Davos hanno lanciato un appello urgente affinché l'Europa ripensi le proprie strategie economiche e normative, soprattutto con il ritorno di Donald Trump al potere negli Stati Uniti
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Teknoloji devleri 2025'te dünyanın en değerli markaları liginin zirvesinde
• 8:16 AM
6 min
Teknoloji şirketleri, süregelen güçlü marka sadakati ve yapay zeka alanındaki yeni inovasyonlar sayesinde bu yıl da dünyanın en değerli markaları arasında yer almaya devam etti.
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Le Kremlin intensifie son offensive, les frappes visent plusieurs villes ukrainiennes
Europe • 8:15 AM
9 min
Les frappes russes continuent de viser les villes ukrainiennes avec intensité, causant des dommages importants aux biens et aux infrastructures.
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Третья годовщина войны в Украине: будет ли мирная сделка?
• 8:13 AM
1 min
В канун третьей годовщины полномасштабного вторжения Россия в Украине запущены короткие программы для новобранцев. Тем временем Киев дал понять Вашингтону. что готов к мирной сделке. А Москва?
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Russia’s disinformation operations resurface ahead of German election
Europe • 8:12 AM
3 min
A non-profit has detected the well-known ‘Doppelgänger’ campaign spreading content aimed at swaying German voters.
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Netflix apresenta resultados trimestrais recorde e ações disparam
• 8:11 AM
4 min
As ações da Netflix subiram para um novo máximo na sequência do relatório de resultados do quarto trimestre, que ultrapassou as expetativas do mercado.
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Intelligenza artificiale, Trump annuncia investimenti multimiliardari
Business • 8:03 AM
4 min
Il presidente degli Stati Uniti Donald Trump ha annunciato investimenti per miliardi di dollari nell'IA, collaborando con le principali aziende hi-tech americane, il che ha portato a un'impennata dei loro titoli in Borsa
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Une entreprise britannique veut créer des habitats sous-marins pour l'exploration humaine des océans
Business • 7:59 AM
5 min
Une entreprise britannique qui a conçu ces habitats sous-marins modulaires affirme qu'ils pourraient être utilisés dans tous les domaines, des études marines à la sécurité en passant par le tourisme.
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Soldados ucranianos recém-recrutados treinam para combater na linha da frente
• 7:58 AM
7 min
Soldados ucranianos recém-recrutados treinam para serem destacados para a linha da frente na região de Donetsk, numa altura em que Kiev se aproxima de um período de incerteza.
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Ουκρανία: Μπαράζ ρωσικών επιθέσεων σε πόλεις σε όλη την επικράτεια
• 7:55 AM
1 min
Οι επιθέσεις της Μόσχας επεκτάθηκαν και στα βορειοανατολικά της χώρας, με στόχο τη δεύτερη μεγαλύτερη πόλη της Ουκρανίας, το Χάρκοβο. Αξιωματούχοι της περιφέρειας υποστηρίζουν ότι οι επιθέσεις εκεί προκάλεσαν μικρές ζημιές σε ορισμένες ιδιοκτησίες στην πε
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Guerra in Ucraina: i soldati appena reclutati si addestrano per il dispiegamento in prima linea
• 7:46 AM
7 min
I soldati ucraini appena reclutati si addestrano per il dispiegamento in prima linea nella regione di Donetsk, mentre per Kiev si prospetta un periodo di incertezza
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The world's most sustainable companies - which countries are host to them?
Business • 7:44 AM
4 min
The ranking of the 100 most sustainable global firms - compiled by Corporate Knights - shows France and Denmark leading the EU leaderboard.
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Trump revela investimento de vários milhares de milhões de dólares para financiar infraestruturas de IA
• 7:38 AM
4 min
Presidente dos EUA anunciou milhares de milhões de dólares em investimentos em IA, colaborando com as principais empresas tecnológicas.
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الجيش يواصل هجومه على جنين ويخرق الاتفاق بغزة وحواجزه الأمنية تعرقل وصول مريضة للمستشفى فتلقى حتفها
International • 7:30 AM
1 min
يواصل الجيش الإسرائيلي عمليته العسكرية في جنين ومخيمها لليوم الثاني على التوالي، مع تشديد الإجراءات الأمنية في مختلف محافظات الضفة الغربية، لا سيما عند حاجز عطارة وعين سينيا في محيط رام الله والبيرة، حسبما نقلت وكالة الأنباء الفلسطينية.
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Президент США Дональд Трамп защищает свое решение помиловать 6 участников беспорядков 6 января
• 7:29 AM
3 min
Решение о помиловании виновных в беспорядках на Капитолийском холме 6 января Трамп принял в первый же день после инаугурации.
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Atrás de portas fechadas, líderes discutem em Davos o caminho da Europa com Trump
• 7:29 AM
5 min
Os líderes mundiais presentes no Fórum Económico Mundial, em Davos, apelaram à Europa para repensar urgentemente as suas estratégias económicas e regulamentares, especialmente com o regresso de Donald Trump ao poder nos EUA.
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Stati Uniti, Trump difende la sua decisione di graziare i rivoltosi di Capitol Hill
• 7:25 AM
6 min
Il presidente degli Stati Uniti Donald Trump ha difeso la sua decisione di concedere la grazia totale agli autori degli scontri del 6 gennaio a Capitol Hill nel suo primo giorno di mandato
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A puerta cerrada en Davos: Los líderes debaten el camino de Europa con Donald Trump
• 7:22 AM
6 min
Los líderes mundiales reunidos en el Foro Económico Mundial de Davos han hecho un llamamiento urgente para que Europa se replantee sus estrategias económicas y regulatorias, especialmente con la vuelta de Donald Trump al poder en Estados Unidos.
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Europas größter Flughafen-Solarpark in Rom enthüllt
• 7:21 AM
3 min
An der Ostseite der Start- und Landebahn 3 bilden 55.000 Solarpaneele das größte Photovoltaiksystem in Europa.
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Trump defende decisão de perdoar os autores da invasão ao Capitólio
• 7:16 AM
6 min
O presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, defendeu a sua decisão de conceder perdão total aos autores dos motins de 6 de janeiro no Capitólio, no seu primeiro dia de mandato.
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Award-winning photographer Thomas Meurot reflects on his cold-water surfing adventure in Iceland
Culture • 7:15 AM
15 min
Thomas Meurot takes us behind the lens of his Sony award-winning project Kald Sòl (Cold Sun) - a raw, black-and-white exploration of cold-water surfing in Iceland.
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Moscovo intensifica ofensiva e ataca várias cidades ucranianas
• 7:03 AM
9 min
Os ataques russos continuam a atingir cidades ucranianas com grande intensidade, causando danos significativos em propriedades e infraestruturas.
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الدنمارك تلغي اختبار "الكفاءة الأبوية" المثير للجدل للأسر في غرينلاند.. هل لترامب علاقة بالقرار؟
International • 7:01 AM
1 min
أعلنت الدنمارك أخيرًا إلغاء استخدام "اختبارات الكفاءة" الأبوية المثيرة للجدل والتي كانت تُستخدم لتقييم الأسر في غرينلاند في حالات حماية الأطفال. وكانت هذه الاختبارات تشهد اعتراضات واسعة من قبل نشطاء وأسر غرينلاندية، الذين كانوا يعتبرونها تمييز بحقهم.
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Nove pessoas detidas após incêndio em estância de esqui no noroeste da Turquia
• 6:57 AM
10 min
Nove pessoas detidas no âmbito de uma investigação que a Turquia está a levar a cabo depois de um incêndio numa popular estância de esqui ter provocado a morte de pelo menos 76 pessoas.
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Davos'ta kapalı kapılar ardında: Liderler, Trump ile Avrupa'nın yolunu tartışıyor
• 6:52 AM
5 min
Davos'taki Dünya Ekonomik Forumu'nda bir araya gelen liderler, özellikle Trump'ın ABD'de yeniden iktidara gelmesiyle birlikte, Avrupa'nın ekonomik ve düzenleyici stratejilerini yeniden gözden geçirmesi için acil çağrıda bulundu.
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Soldados ucranianos se entrenan para el despliegue en el frente ante un futuro incierto para Kiev
• 6:50 AM
9 min
Los soldados ucranianos recién reclutados se entrenan para el despliegue en primera línea en la región de Donetsk mientras Kiev se acerca a un período de incertidumbre.
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With Trump in power, Europe may buy LNG, planes, and cut car tariffs | Radio Schuman
Europe • 6:50 AM
2 min
Bernd Lange, the president of the European Parliament’s trade committee, told Euronews how Europe could negotiate with US president Donald Trump if tariffs hit on European goods.
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Donald Trump defiende su decisión de indultar a los 1.500 condenados por el asalto al Capitolio en 2021
• 6:48 AM
8 min
El presidente de Estados Unidos defendió en su primer día completo de mandato su decisión de conceder el indulto total a los autores de los disturbios del 6 de enero de 2021 en el Capitolio. Sugirió que los grupos de extrema derecha Proud Boys y Oath Keep
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Τουρκία: Απόδοση ευθυνών υπόσχεται ο Ερντογάν για την φωτιά στο χειμερινό θέρετρο
• 6:41 AM
2 min
Τουλάχιστον 79 άνθρωποι έχασαν τη ζωή τους σύμφωνα με τις τουρκικές Αρχές
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Turchia, almeno 76 i morti nell'incendio di un hotel in una stazione sciistica
• 6:40 AM
9 min
Nove persone sono state fermate per essere interrogate nell'ambito delle prime indagini sull'incendio divampato in un hotel di una stazione sciistica che ha causato la morte di almeno 76 persone
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Trump, 6 Ocak Kongre baskını faillerini affetme kararını savundu
• 6:30 AM
6 min
ABD Başkanı Donald Trump, görevdeki ilk tam gününde 6 Ocak Kongre baskını faillerini affetme kararını savundu.
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These underwater pods could one day help humans to live and explore at the bottom of the ocean
Business • 6:30 AM
6 min
The UK company that designed the modular underwater habitats says they could be used for everything from marine studies and tourism to security.
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ترامب: "بوتين لا يُبلي بلاءً حسنًا".. الرئيس يهدد زعيم الكرملين بالعقوبات ويمازحه "علينا أن ننجز!"
International • 6:30 AM
1 min
رغم أنّه لم يأتِ على ذكر الحرب الروسية-الأوكرانية في خطاب تنصيبه، ظهر الرئيس الأمريكي دونالد ترامب أكثر صرامةً من المتوقع في تصريحاته بشأن الكرملين، ملوّحًا بفرض العقوبات على موسكو ما لم تُنهِ ملف كييف، قائلًا إن بوتين "لا يُبلي بلاءً حسنًا".
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Война в Украине: российская армия нанесла удары по украинским городам
• 6:28 AM
4 min
Во вторник в Украине были повреждены дома и инфраструктура в Харьковской, Черкасской и Донецкой областях.
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Rusia ataca varias ciudades ucranianas e intensifica su ofensiva
• 6:25 AM
10 min
Los ataques rusos siguen teniendo como objetivo ciudades ucranianas con gran intensidad, causando importantes daños materiales e infraestructurales.
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Trump unveils multi billion dollar investment to fund AI infrastructure
Business • 6:25 AM
3 min
US President Donald Trump announced billions of dollars in AI investments, collaborating with major tech companies, which led to a surge in their share prices. However, energy prices continued to decline due to concerns about increasing US production.
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L'enquête commence après l'incendie meurtrier d'un hôtel dans une station de ski en Turquie
World • 6:23 AM
10 min
Neuf personnes ont été arrêtées, dont le propriétaire de l'hôtel qui a pris feu dans une station de ski très fréquentée. Le bilan est de 76 morts et plus de 50 blessés. Le président Erdoğan a déclaré ce mercredi, jour de deuil national.
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Tech titans top the world's most valuable brands league in 2025
Business • 6:21 AM
5 min
Tech companies continued to be some of the world’s most valuable brands this year, boosted by ongoing strong brand loyalty, as well as new innovations in artificial intelligence.
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9 detenidos por el incendio en una estación de esquí en Turquía: han muerto al menos 76 personas
• 6:20 AM
11 min
Nueve personas han sido arrestadas en el marco de la investigación que Turquía está llevando a cabo tras el incendio de una popular estación de esquí en el que murieron más de 70 personas. Hay más de 50 heridos.
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Eating too much red meat linked to an increased risk of dementia and cognitive decline
Business • 6:15 AM
4 min
Could consuming large amounts of processed red meat be bad for your brain? New research suggests it might.
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Immigration aux Canaries : "Pas de murs assez solides pour empêcher les gens de chercher l'avenir"
Europe • 6:12 AM
8 min
Fernando Clavijo a rencontré le commissaire aux affaires intérieures Magnus Brunner à Strasbourg : "Lorsque vous fermez une porte, les migrants sortent par une autre", se désole-t-il.
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Netflix reports record-breaking quarterly results as shares soar
Business • 6:11 AM
3 min
Netflix’s shares surged to a new high in after-hours trading following the fourth quarter earnings report that blew out market expectations.
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