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Rusya, Ukrayna'nın Sumi kentindeki bir apartmanı İHA ile vurdu: 1'i çocuk 4 kişi öldü
• 4:46 PM
3 min
Saldırının düzenlendiği bölgede yaşayan 100'den fazla insanın tahliye edildiği bildirildi.
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DR Congo conflict: Why is the EU under pressure to reconsider its minerals partnership with Rwanda?
Europe • 4:45 PM
9 min
Diplomatic sources say the bloc is facing calls to suspend its wide-ranging minerals agreement with Rwanda amid fears it is inflaming the escalating conflict in eastern DRC.
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Was wir über die wiederbelebte EU-Grenzmission in Rafah wissen
• 4:43 PM
7 min
Die EU-Spitzendiplomatin Kaja Kallas hat erklärt, dass die zivile Mission eine "entscheidende Rolle" bei der Unterstützung des Waffenstillstands im Gazastreifen spielen kann. Euronews fasst zusammen, was wir über die Mission wissen.
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Luca Parmitano dell'Esa: "Europa in prima fila nella corsa alla Luna" con Artemis II
• 4:41 PM
3 min
L'ex responsabile della Stazione spaziale internazionale auspica che grazie alla missione Artemis II si apra la possibilità per gli astronauti europei di andare sulla Luna
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Domuz böbreği nakledilen 3. kişi hala hayatta: Umutlar artıyor
• 4:39 PM
3 min
Looney'nin nihayet tamamen taburcu edilmesi için umutlar artıyor.
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Slovak PM Fico abandons Brussels meeting amid Belgian air traffic control woes
• 4:38 PM
2 min
The Moscow-friendly leader has been pushing Brussels hard to put more pressure on Ukraine over Russian energy supplies.
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Francia, Dominique Pelicot interrogato per i casi irrisolti di stupro e omicidio degli anni '90
• 4:38 PM
3 min
Dominique Pelicot, incarcerato a dicembre per aver ripetutamente drogato e violentato l'allora moglie Gisèle, è sospettato di altri casi di stupro e omicidio
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Crash aérien à Washington : aucun survivant n'est attendu par les autorités
World • 4:37 PM
11 min
Les autorités craignent que 64 personnes à bord d'un avion d'American Airlines entré en collision avec un hélicoptère de l'armée soient mortes dans ce qui pourrait être la pire catastrophe aérienne américaine en près d'un quart de siècle.
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Τέμπη: Ύποπτος για ψευδή κατάθεση ο πρώην επικεφαλής της Hellenic Train Μαουρίτσιο Καποτόρτο
• 4:34 PM
1 min
Η έρευνα ξεκίνησε μετά την διαβίβαση της κατάθεσης του Ιταλού μάνατζερ στην Εισαγγελία Εφετών με απόφαση όλων των κομμάτων της Εξεταστικής
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Cate Blanchett launches €100,000 grant for refugee filmmakers amid Trump’s immigration crackdown
Culture • 4:30 PM
6 min
The funding project, backed by the International Film Festival Rotterdam and UNHCR, aims to amplify personal stories of forced displacement within the industry.
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¿Qué sabemos de la reactivada misión fronteriza de la UE en Rafah?
• 4:30 PM
10 min
La máxima diplomática de la UE para Asuntos Exteriores ha declarado que la misión civil puede desempeñar un "papel decisivo" en apoyo del alto el fuego en la Franja de Gaza. 'Euronews' desglosa lo que sabemos sobre su mandato y sus operaciones.
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Спасатели: выживших после крушения самолета в Вашингтоне, вероятно, нет
• 4:28 PM
1 min
Самолет American Airlines столкнулся с военным вертолетом, когда заходил на посадку в аэропорту Вашингтона. На борту лайнера находились 64 человека.
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Gazze'nin kuzeyine dönen Filistinliler yıkıntılar arasında çadır kurdu
• 4:23 PM
1 min
Ateşkes anlaşması kapsamında İsrail askerlerinin bölgeden çekilmesinin ardından binlerce Filistinli Gazze'nin kuzeyine geri döndü.
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French rapist Dominique Pelicot questioned over 1990s cold cases of rape and murder
Europe • 4:11 PM
3 min
Dominique Pelicot, who was jailed in December for repeatedly drugging and raping his then-wife Gisèle, is a suspect in other cases of rape and murder.
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Istruzione online: quali sono i paesi dell'Ue con il maggior numero di studenti sul web
• 4:06 PM
2 min
Nel 2024 gli utenti di Internet nell'Ue hanno seguito più corsi online rispetto all'anno precedente. L'Irlanda ha registrato la quota più alta di studenti online, seguita da Paesi Bassi e Finlandia
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ESA lead astronaut – Europe on front seat to the moon
Europe • 4:06 PM
3 min
The former head of the International Space Station looks forward to European astronauts heading to the moon.
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Un ataque ruso con drones Shahed en Sumy deja cuatro muertos y varios heridos
• 4:03 PM
3 min
En la ciudad portuaria de Izmail, fronteriza con Rumania, decenas de drones rusos atacaron la localidad situada junto al mar Negro.
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Serbia, gli studenti protestano con una marcia di 80 chilometri verso Novi Sad
• 4:02 PM
2 min
La marcia dalla capitale Belgrado alla città settentrionale di Novi Sad fa parte delle manifestazioni lanciate dagli studenti universitari di tutta la Serbia per chiedere conto della morte di 15 persone nel crollo di una tettoia della stazione ferroviaria
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"حياتي ليست أقل قيمة".. غضب في الأرجنتين من خطط ميلي لإلغاء تجريم قتل الإناث
International • 4:00 PM
1 min
في خطوة مثيرة للجدل، أعلنت إدارة الرئيس الأرجنتيني خافيير ميلي عن خطتها لإلغاء تصنيف قتل الإناث كجريمة قانونية مستقلة، ضمن تعديل جديد لقانون العقوبات أثار انتقادات واسعة من المدافعين عن حقوق المرأة.
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Ce que l'on sait de la nouvelle mission de l'UE à la frontière de Rafah
Europe • 4:00 PM
8 min
La cheffe de la diplomatie européenne a déclaré que la mission civile pouvait jouer un "rôle décisif" pour soutenir le cessez-le-feu à Gaza. Euronews fait le point sur ce que l'on sait de son mandat et de ses opérations.
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ABD'de ekonomik büyüme geçen yılın sonunda beklenenden daha yavaş
• 3:59 PM
2 min
Perşembe günü açıklanan son verilere göre, ABD ekonomik büyümesi geçen yılın sonunda beklenenden daha fazla yavaşladı.
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Gaza: Hamas libera otto ostaggi, ritardato il rilascio dei detenuti palestinesi da parte di Israele
• 3:56 PM
4 min
Dopo lo stallo nelle trattative della scorsa settimana per il mancato rilascio di Arbel Yehoud, sbloccato con l'apertura del corridoio di Netzarim, Hamas ha consegnato alla Croce Rossa internazionale tre ostaggi israeliani e cinque tailandesi, tra loro an
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Shell still reviewing moving listing away from London amid profit miss
Business • 3:56 PM
2 min
Shell said it is still reviewing whether to move its listing away from London as the company's latest earnings failed to cheer investors.
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Russia fires dozens of drones at targets across Ukraine
Europe • 3:47 PM
2 min
Russia launched at least 61 drones over Ukraine on the night of 24-25 January, whilst Ukrainian forces confirmed to have downed 46 them.
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Uzaktan eğitim: Hangi AB ülkeleri en yüksek sayıda çevrimiçi öğrenciye sahip?
• 3:47 PM
3 min
2024 yılında AB'deki internet kullanıcıları bir önceki yıla kıyasla daha fazla online kursa kaydoldu. İrlanda en yüksek online öğrenci oranına sahipken, onu Hollanda ve Finlandiya takip etti.
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Russian drone strike on Sumy residential building kills four, including a child
Europe • 3:46 PM
2 min
In Sumy, a Russian drone strike killed four people, including a child, and injured nine. Over 100 residents were evacuated.
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Cuáles son las diferencias entre los estados más pobres de EE.UU. y las mayores economías de Europa
• 3:46 PM
3 min
El estado más pobre de Estados Unidos tiene un PIB per cápita superior al de las principales economías europeas, con excepción de Alemania. ¿Seguirá siendo así en 2025?
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SoftBank set to invest billions more in Stargate co-partner OpenAI
Business • 3:42 PM
4 min
The Japanese investment holding company could potentially increase its investment in OpenAI, following the two companies already partnering up for The Stargate Project, which includes other investors such as Oracle and Emirati investment firm MGX.
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Yunanistan, Fransa’nın Türkiye'ye olası füze satışına tepki gösterdi
• 3:36 PM
3 min
Fransa ve Yunanistan 2021 yılında bir savunma anlaşmasına imza atmıştı. Yunanistan'a göre, Meteor füzelerinin Türkiye'ye olası satışı bu ortaklığa uygun değil.
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Αλβανία: Ετάφη ο μακαριστός Αναστάσιος
• 3:36 PM
5 min
Ο πρόεδρος της Κεντρικής Επιτροπής του Παγκοσμίου Συμβούλιου Εκκλησιών, ανέφερε πως ο Αναστάσιος ήταν ένας τεράστιος ηγέτης, ένας βαθύτατα θεολογικός ηγέτης, με ευρύτερους ορίζοντες
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Özel okul öğretmenlerine yeşil pasaport verilmesi gündemde
• 3:35 PM
2 min
Bakan Yusuf Tekin, 'Bir yanlış yaptıysak yanlış yaptığımızı bize birileri hatırlatır, biz de düzeltiriz,' dedi.
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Zuschauerschar bei Freilassung von Babyschildkröten in São Tomé
• 3:33 PM
4 min
In den Hoheitsgewässern von São Tomé und Príncipe leben fünf der sieben weltweit vorkommenden Arten von Meeresschildkröten.
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Estudantes sérvios continuam os protestos, apesar da demissão do primeiro-ministro
• 3:31 PM
2 min
Esta terça-feira, os estudantes começaram uma manifestação de 80 quilómetros. Há mais protestos planeados para este sábado.
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Serbie : les étudiants en marche pour défier le pouvoir
Europe • 3:30 PM
2 min
La marche de la capitale Belgrade jusqu'à Novi Sad s'inscrit dans le cadre des manifestations lancées par des étudiants dans toute la Serbie pour demander des comptes après la mort de 15 personnes dans l'effondrement d'un auvent de gare en novembre dernie
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خلال لقاء مع حماس.. إردوغان يأمل في نجاح المرحلتين الثانية والثالثة في اتفاق وقف إطلاق النار
International • 3:30 PM
2 min
استقبل الرئيس التركي، رجب طيب إردوغان، أمس الأربعاء، وفدا من حركة حماس في المجمع الرئاسي بالعاصمة أنقرة، حسب بيان صادر عن دائرة الاتصال في الرئاسة التركية.
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‘War rooms’, data theft allegations and open source: How tech firms reacted to DeepSeek’s AI
Business • 3:25 PM
6 min
The Chinese start-up has shaken up the AI bubble with a cheaper and less energy-intensive model. This is how the big tech league has reacted.
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Polonya'da tüp bebek politikasındaki değişiklikten bu yana ilk doğum memnuniyetle karşılandı
• 3:24 PM
2 min
Polonya hükümeti, 2024 yılında tüp bebek tedavisi için kamu finansmanını azaltmaya yönelik 2015 tarihli bir kararı tersine çevirdi. Politika değişikliğinin bir sonucu olarak ilk bebek Çarşamba günü dünyaya geldi.
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Çinli genetikçiler iki babalı fareler üretti: Yetişkinliğe ulaşabiliyorlar
• 3:20 PM
4 min
Araştırmaya katılmayan bilim insanı Keith Latham, 'Çalışmaya hayran oldum. Bunun önemli bir yaklaşım olduğunu düşünüyorum,' dedi.
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Après sa condamnation pour les viols de Mazan, Dominique Pelicot entendu sur deux "cold cases"
Europe • 3:17 PM
3 min
L’homme a été extrait de sa cellule ce jeudi pour être entendu sur deux autres affaires dans lesquelles il est mis en examen pour tentative de viol en 1999 et viol suivi de meurtre en 1991.
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Guerra in Ucraina: i droni russi uccidono quattro persone a Sumy, due vittime nella russa Belgorod
• 3:12 PM
1 min
Tra le vittime dell'attacco russo su Sumy, che ha colpito un'edificio residenziale di Sumy, c'è un bambino. Ci sono anche nove feriti. Secondo quanto dichiarato dal governatore della regione russa di Belgorod le vittime dei droni ucraini sono una donna e
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Километры протеста: студенты Сербии идут маршем в Нови-Сад
• 3:11 PM
1 min
Студенческие протесты в Сербии набирают обороты. Учащаяся молодежь идет двухдневным маршем в Нови-Сад, где в прошлом году погибли люди. Как считают протестующие, из-за халатности властей.
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Online education: Which EU countries have the highest number of online learners?
Europe • 3:10 PM
2 min
In 2024, internet users in the EU took more online courses than in the previous year. Ireland had the highest share of online learners, followed by the Netherlands and Finland.
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Deutsche Bank shares plunge as it drops 2025 cost target
Business • 3:09 PM
3 min
Deutsche Bank posted lacklustre earnings in the last quarter of 2024, as higher litigation costs significantly eroded profit margins.
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Βρετανική δικαιοσύνη: Η κυβέρνηση πρέπει να επανεξετάσει τα σχέδια εξόρυξης αερίου και πετρελαίου
• 3:04 PM
2 min
Οι εταιρίες μπορούν να συνεχίσουν τον σχεδιασμό τους, αλλά δεν μπορούν να εξορυχθούν πετρέλαιο ή αέριο έως ότου η κυβέρνηση λάβει οριστικές αποφάσεις
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Europa se encuentra en cabeza en la carrera espacial hacia la Luna
• 3:02 PM
4 min
Artemis II está dirigida por la NASA y cuenta con la colaboración de la ESA, e incluirá la primera misión tripulada de la nave espacial Orión. Así, está previsto que la misión tenga lugar en los próximos meses, pero no antes de abril de 2026.
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Scambio di ostaggi tra Hamas e Israele: liberata la soldata israeliana Agam Berger
• 3:01 PM
1 min
La giovane soldata israeliana è stata rilasciata giovedì da Hamas durante il terzo scambio di prigionieri con Israele
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من قائد "تنظيم إرهابي" إلى رئيس انتقالي.. احتفالات في دمشق بعد تعيين الشرع رئيساً لسوريا
International • 3:01 PM
1 min
شهدت شوارع دمشق احتفالات واسعة عقب الإعلان عن تعيين أحمد الشرع رئيسا مؤقتا لسوريا، في خطوة جاءت بعد اختيار الفصائل التي أسهمت في الإطاحة بالرئيس بشار الأسد الشهر الماضي له لقيادة المرحلة الانتقالية.
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Dubai is the world's busiest airport, but is the tourism boom begining to strain the affluent city?
• 3:01 PM
4 min
Dubai is welcoming more tourists than ever, but local residents don't always benefit.
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Spagna, secondo una società di intelligence una campagna cinese ha cercato di rovesciare il governo
• 3:00 PM
5 min
La società di intelligence Graphika ha dichiarato che una campagna legata a Pechino, nota come "Spamouflage", ha diffuso disinformazione sulle inondazioni mortali che hanno colpito la Spagna lo scorso anno con l'obiettivo di roveschiare il governo Sanchez
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Serbian students continue protests with 80-kilometre march to Novi Sad
Europe • 2:58 PM
2 min
The march from the capital Belgrade to the northern city of Novi Sad is part of the demonstrations launched by university students across Serbia to demand accountability for the deaths of 15 people in a train station awning collapse last November.
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Une opération d'influence chinoise aurait incité les Espagnols à "renverser le gouvernement"
World • 2:56 PM
5 min
Selon la société de renseignement Graphika, une campagne liée à Pékin, connue sous le nom de "Spamouflage", a diffusé des informations erronées sur les inondations meurtrières qui ont frappé l'Espagne.
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Migranti in Albania, respinte tutte le richieste di asilo: venerdì la decisione sul trattenimento
• 2:53 PM
4 min
Venerdì i giudici sono chiamati a decidere sulla convalida o meno dei trattenimenti di 43 dei 49 migranti arrivati dall'Italia in Albania a bordo del pattugliatore Cassiopea. La denuncia del Tai: "Gravi criticità procedurali, che violano diritti fondament
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Arap ve Avrasya levhaları kopuyor: Yırtığın Türkiye'ye uzandığı keşfedildi
• 2:52 PM
3 min
Levhalar arasındaki açıklık Anadolu levhası ve Avrasya levhasıyla Arap levhasının kesiştiği bölgede yer alıyor. Buradaki yırtık giderek uzadı ve Türkiye'den İran'a kadar uzanır hale geldi.
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Europa ist im Wettlauf um den Weltraum vorne - sagt ein Astronaut
• 2:46 PM
3 min
Astronaut Luca Parmitano erzählt von seinen Aktivitäten im Weltall.
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Dünya Kruvasan Günü: Yumuşacık Fransız hamur işi kipferl'den cronut'a nasıl evrildi?
• 2:42 PM
13 min
Fransız kültürü ve mutfağının bir simgesi olmayı sürdüren kruvasan, sosyal medya yemek trendleri çağını başlattı.
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Medya ombudsmanı Bildirici: 'Henüz işlenmemiş suça talimat verilmesi gözdağından başka ne olabilir?'
• 2:39 PM
8 min
Medya ombudsmanı Faruk Bildirici, Barış Pehlivan'ın yaptığı görüşmeyi içeren ve Suat Toktaş'ın tutuklanmasına neden olan ses kaydına ilişkin olarak, 'Etik olarak izin alması gerekirdi,' dedi.
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Selanik’te çöp torbasında 2000 yıllık mermer heykel bulundu
• 2:36 PM
2 min
İlk incelemelere göre Helenistik döneme ait olduğu belirlenen eser, detaylı inceleme ve korunma altına alınmak üzere yetkililere teslim edildi.
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Serbien: Studenten starten 80 km langen Protestmarsch
• 2:35 PM
2 min
Die Studenten fordern Rechenschaft für den Dacheinsturz am Bahnhof in Novi Sad, der 15 Menschen tötete.
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Syrie : Ahmed Al-Charaa, ancien chef rebelle, nommé "président de transition"
World • 2:33 PM
6 min
Le chef du plus grand groupe rebelle dirige de facto le pays depuis que le dictateur Bachar al-Assad a quitté la Syrie début décembre.
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مستشار ترامب: نرحب بحلول أفضل من مصر والأردن إذا رفضتا استقبال الفلسطينيين
International • 2:30 PM
3 min
قال أدم بوهلر، المستشار الخاص للرئيس الأمريكي دونالد ترامب لشؤون الرهائن، إن على مصر والأردن تقديم حلول بديلة إذا كانتا لا ترغبان في استقبال لاجئين فلسطينيين من قطاع غزة.
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Polonia: nasce il primo bambino concepito con fecondazione assistita
• 2:30 PM
2 min
Nel 2024 il governo polacco ha invertito la decisione del 2015 di tagliare i finanziamenti pubblici per i trattamenti di fecondazione assistita
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Chinese influence operation urged Spaniards to 'overthrow the government', intelligence firm claims
Business • 2:28 PM
5 min
Intelligence firm Graphika said a Beijing-linked campaign known as "Spamouflage" spread disinformation about Spain's deadly floods last year.
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El BEI invertirá 95.000 millones de euros en 2025 y duplicará su gasto en Defensa
• 2:19 PM
6 min
El BEI, el mayor prestamista multilateral, duplicará su financiación en materia de Defensa, pasando de 1.000 millones de euros a 2.000 millones de euros en 2025.
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Россия ударила беспилотниками по жилому дому в Сумах
• 2:19 PM
1 min
Россия атаковала Украину 81 беспилотником. В городе Сумы дроны-камикадзе ударили по многоэтажному дому. Есть жертвы.
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Θεσσαλονίκη: Ζευγάρι επιχείρησε να θάψει 10 κιλά ηρωίνη σε δασική περιοχή
• 2:11 PM
1 min
Εις βάρος τους ασκήθηκε κακουργηματική δίωξη για διακεκριμένη περίπτωση διακίνησης ναρκωτικών
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Harvey Weinstein sağlık sorunları nedeniyle duruşma tarihinin değiştirilmesini talep etti
• 2:03 PM
5 min
Gözden düşen film yapımcısı Harvey Weinstein'ın hapishanede sağlık durumunun kötüleşmesi nedeniyle mahkemeden süreci öne çekmesini talep etmesi üzerine bir yargıç 15 Nisan'da yeniden yargılanmasına karar verdi.
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2025'te 95 milyar euro yatırım yapacak olan Avrupa Yatırım Bankası, savunma için sadece 2 milyar euro ayıracağını açıkladı
• 2:03 PM
4 min
En büyük çok taraflı kredi kuruluşu olan Avrupa Yatırım Bankası, savunma ve güvenlik alanındaki fonlarını 2025 yılına kadar 1 milyar euro'dan 2 milyar euro'ya çıkaracak. Grup başkanı, bankanın görev alanına giren her iki sektöre yönelik proaktif bir yakla
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US economic growth slower than expected at the end of last year
Business • 2:01 PM
1 min
US economic growth slowed more than expected at the end of last year, according to latest data released on Thursday.
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حاولت إسرائيل اغتياله مرارا وسيطلق سراحه اليوم.. من هو زكريا الزبيدي الممنوع من العودة إلى جنين؟
International • 2:00 PM
5 min
من المقرر أن يفرج اليوم عن أكثر من مئة أسير فلسطيني، ضمن المرحلة الثالثة لصفقة التبادل بين إسرائيل وحماس. ومن بينهم زكريا الزبيدي، وهو أحد قادة كتائب شهداء الأقصى ومن المحكومين بالمؤبد. وقد وردت تقارير إسرائيلية تفيد بأن الزبيدي ممنوع من العودة إلى مخيم ج
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ΔΝΤ: «Η βραχυπρόθεσμη οικονομική προοπτική της Ελλάδας παραμένει ευνοϊκή»
• 1:58 PM
1 min
Το ΔΝΤ επισημαίνει ότι η οικονομία διατήρησε τη δυναμική της ανάπτυξης το 2024, υποστηριζόμενη από ισχυρή εγχώρια ζήτηση
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National Croissant Day: How the flakey French pastry evolved from kipferl to cronut
Culture • 1:53 PM
16 min
From cronuts to crookies, the croissant kickstarted an age of social media food trends while remaining an icon of French culture and cuisine.
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Hollanda'da antik Romanya miğferinin müzeden çalınmasıyla ilgili 3 şüpheli gözaltına alındı
• 1:52 PM
6 min
Romanya'nın değerli antik Cotofenesti miğferinin çalınmasının ardından Hollanda polisi üç şüphelinin gözaltına alındığını bildirdi.
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Il ministro della Difesa greco chiede alla Francia di spiegare la vendita di missili alla Turchia
• 1:48 PM
3 min
Francia e Grecia sono legate da un accordo di difesa dal 2021 e, secondo Atene, la potenziale vendita di missili Meteor alla Turchia non rispetta la partnership
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Día Nacional del Croissant: ¿Cómo ha evolucionado el dulce francés hasta el 'cronut'?
• 1:48 PM
16 min
Desde los 'cronuts' hasta los 'croookies', el croissant inició una era de tendencias alimentarias en las redes sociales y, al mismo tiempo, sigue siendo un ícono de la cultura y la cocina francesa.
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ABD'de dünya şampiyonlarını taşıyan uçak kazasında ihmal şüphesi
• 1:43 PM
5 min
Demokrat senatörler, mayıs ayındaki havalimanıyla ilgili müzakereler sırasında havalimanına uzun mesafeli uçuşların eklenmesi önerisine sert muhalefet etmişti.
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Los estudiantes serbios inician una marcha hacia Novi Sad para protestar contra el Gobierno de Vucic
• 1:40 PM
3 min
Las manifestaciones, que tendrán lugar este sábado, forman parte de un movimiento de protesta en expansión por el derrumbe de una marquesina en una estación de tren en el pasado mes de noviembre, en el que murieron 15 personas.
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Richard Gere vai receber o Prémio Internacional Goya 2025
• 1:38 PM
3 min
O ator e produtor Richard Gere vai ser galardoado com o Goya Internacional 2025, a mais alta distinção atribuída pela sétima arte espanhola a um cineasta internacional.
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Milei'nin kadın cinayetlerini ceza kanunundan çıkarma planı Arjantin'de tepkilere yol açtı
• 1:35 PM
4 min
Arjantin Cumhurbaşkanı Javier Milei geçen hafta Davos'ta düzenlenen Dünya Ekonomik Forumu'nda 'radikal feminizmin eşitlik kavramının çarpıtılması olduğunu' söyledi.
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Rus oligark Abramovich lüks yatlarıyla milyonlarca dolar vergi kaçırmakla suçlanıyor
• 1:31 PM
3 min
Rus milyarder, söz konusu anlaşmadan haberdar olduğunu reddederek, iddia edilen vergi kaçakçılığından şahsen sorumlu ya da yükümlü olmadığını belirtti.
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الذكاء الاصطناعي في التوظيف: 77% من الباحثين عن عمل يستخدمونه.. فهل يسهل الفرص أم يزيد الفجوات؟
Business • 1:30 PM
1 min
كشف استطلاع فرنسي حديث أن أكثر من ثلاثة من كل أربعة باحثين عن عمل قد استخدموا الذكاء الاصطناعي في عملية البحث عن وظائف. وتشير النتائج إلى أن هذه التكنولوجيا أصبحت أداة رئيسية، لكنها في الوقت ذاته تبرز فجوة رقمية بين الفئات المختلفة من الباحثين عن العمل.
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Richard Gere recevra le prix international Goya 2025 pour l'ensemble de sa carrière
Culture • 1:27 PM
3 min
L'acteur et producteur Richard Gere recevra le Goya International 2025, la plus haute distinction décernée par le septième art espagnol à un cinéaste international.
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European Investment Bank to invest €95bn in 2025, but only €2bn for defence
Europe • 1:27 PM
3 min
The EIB, the largest multilateral lender, will double its funding for defence and security from €1 billion to €2 billion by 2025. Its group president defends a proactive approach to both sectors within the bank's remit. "We are not a defence ministry," sh
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Ministro da Defesa grego exige que França explique venda de mísseis à Turquia
• 1:27 PM
3 min
A França e a Grécia estão vinculadas por um acordo de defesa desde 2021 - e, segundo a Grécia, a potencial venda de mísseis Meteor à Turquia não respeita a sua parceria.
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На острове Сан-Томе вылупились черепахи исчезающего вида
• 1:24 PM
1 min
Десятки туристов съехались на центральноафриканский острове Сан-Томе на пляж Вила-Мария, чтобы посмотреть, как вылупившиеся детеныши морских черепах спускаются в море
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Poland welcomes first birth since IVF policy change
Europe • 1:23 PM
1 min
In 2024, the Polish government reversed a 2015 decision to slash public funding for IVF treatment. The first baby was born as a result of the policy change on Wednesday.
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Unions and NGOs fearful of EU Commission's new business simplification strategy
Business • 1:23 PM
3 min
Civil society groups and unions are nervous about the political turn taken by the European Commission under Ursula von der Leyen’s second presidency, and warn its new Competitiveness Compass could steer it away from green deal aspirations and workers’ rig
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Milei quiere impulsar una reforma para eliminar el feminicidio del Código Penal en Argentina
• 1:16 PM
4 min
"Eliminar el feminicidio como categoría legal pondría en mayor riesgo a mujeres y niñas", según la directora ejecutiva de Amnistía Internacional en Argentina.
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Angela Merkel, şansölye adayı Merz'i Federal Meclis oylaması nedeniyle eleştirdi
• 1:09 PM
2 min
Angela Merkel, CDU/CSU önergesinin AfD'nin oylarıyla çoğunluğu sağlayabildiği göç konulu Federal Meclis oylaması nedeniyle halefi Friedrich Merz'i eleştirdi.
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La vente de missiles français à la Turquie suscite l'inquiétude de la Grèce
World • 1:07 PM
3 min
Paris et Athènes sont liées par un accord de défense depuis 2021. Selon la Grèce, la vente potentielle de missiles Meteor à la Turquie ne respecte pas leur partenariat.
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Merkel critique Merz pour son alliance avec l'AfD pour le vote d'une résolution sur l'immigration
Europe • 1:04 PM
2 min
Angela Merkel, ancienne chancelière allemande, regrette que Friedrich Merz, le président de la CDU, ait rompu son engagement de ne jamais s’associer à l’AfD.
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شاهد: لحظة إطلاق سراح الأسيرة الإسرائيلية أربيل يهود وتسليمها للصليب الأحمر في خان يونس
International • 1:00 PM
1 min
شهدت مدينة خان يونس جنوب قطاع غزة الخميس تجمعا حاشدا خلال تسليم الأسيرة أربيل يهود (29 عامًا) إلى الصليب الأحمر، بالقرب من منزل قائد حركة حماس الراحل يحيى السنوار، الذي دُمّر خلال الحرب الإسرائيلية الأخيرة.
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