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Shock for UK as Bank of England halves its economic growth prediction
Europe • 11:41 AM
5 min
The BoE's predictions follow its decision on Thursday to cut its main interest rate for the third time in six months. The bank now predicts that the British economy will only grow by 0.75% this year, down from its previous forecast of 1.5% just three mont
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Trump y Musk defienden el recorte de programas federales en el nuevo programa DOGE
• 11:39 AM
5 min
Elon Musk afirma que hablaba a diario con Donald Trump y que ambos mantenían frecuentes conversaciones sobre dónde debía concentrar sus esfuerzos dentro del Gobierno estadounidense, el multimillonario de origen sudafricano.View on euronews
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Women's Prize for Non-Fiction 2025: Neneh Cherry, Yuan Yang and Anne Applebaum make the longlist
Culture • 11:39 AM
5 min
11 of the 16 longlisted authors are British, with a selection of reads that draw on a range of disciplines and "expertly steer us through the most pressing issues of our time".View on euronews
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İspanya, Valensiya'daki sel felaketinden etkilenen 25.000 göçmene oturma ve çalışma izni verecek
• 11:38 AM
2 min
Ekim 2024'te İspanya'nın doğusundaki Valensiya bölgesinde yaşanan sel felaketi sayısız ev ve işyerini yerle bir etmiş ve 200'den fazla kişinin ölümüne yol açmıştı.View on euronews
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Oulu2026 unveils vision and artists for Climate Clock art trail – reconnecting us with nature’s time
Culture • 11:37 AM
7 min
Ahead of the city’s stint as European Capital of Culture, Oulu2026 has announced a trailblazing new art initiative designed to address the urgent issue of climate change through collaborations between artists and scientists.View on euronews
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Avustralya'da İsrailli hastaları ölümle tehdit eden hemşireler görevden alındı
• 11:31 AM
9 min
Avustralya Başbakanı Albanese internette yayılan videoyu 'iğrenç ve utanç verici' olarak nitelendirdi.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/02/12/avustralyada-israilli-hastalari-olumle-tehdit-eden-h
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Almanya seçimleri: Sınır dışı edilmeler neden partilerin ana gündem maddesi oldu?
• 11:19 AM
12 min
Almanya'nın ana akım ve popülist partileri, yaklaşan seçimler öncesinde göç tartışmasını çözmek için daha fazla ve daha hızlı sınır dışı etme sözü veriyor.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/my-europe/
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Трамп и Маск защищают сокращение федеральных программ в рамках новой инициативы DOGE
• 11:12 AM
2 min
Департамент эффективности правительства, который возглавляет Илон Маск, заморозил финансирование многих программ и настоял на сокращении персонала. Под угрозой увольнения тысячи чиновников. На фоне жесткой критики Маск защищает действия своей команды.<div
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Salvamento Marítimo rescata a más de 500 personas en Canarias en un día de intensas operaciones
• 11:08 AM
3 min
Las operaciones, realizadas en las costas de Lanzarote, Gran Canaria y El Hierro, han llevado al límite los recursos de acogida, dejando a 94 personas sin alternativa más que dormir en el muelle de Arrecife.<div class="small-12 column text-center article_
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'We’ll bring hygge to Hollywood': Danes petition to buy California as Trump pursues Greenland
• 11:08 AM
3 min
The US president's increasingly belligerent statements about the Danish territory have met with apprehension, outrage, and now, humour.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/02/12/well-bring-hygge-t
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Europäische Start-ups: KI-Rennen gegen die USA und China ist nicht verloren
• 11:05 AM
3 min
EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula Von Der Leyen kündigte ein 200-Milliarden-Euro-Paket an, um die aufstrebende KI-Industrie in der EU zu fördern.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://de.euronews.com/2025/02/12/europaisch
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موسكو تفرج عن معلم أمريكي مقابل سجين روسي.. وترامب يعلق: خطوة نحو تحسين العلاقات
International • 11:02 AM
1 min
أعلن الكرملين يوم الأربعاء عن إطلاق سراح مواطن روسي من سجن أمريكي، في إطار صفقة تبادل شملت الإفراج عن المعلم الأمريكي مارك فوغل الذي كان محتجزا في روسيا.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://arabic.euronews.com/2025/02/
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Donald Trump et Elon Musk défendent leur programme d'efficacité gouvernementale DOGE
World • 11:02 AM
6 min
Le programme fait l'objet de vives critiques de la part des défenseurs de la vie privée après que des membres du DOGE ont accédé à des bases de données de plusieurs organismes fédéraux américains.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a
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La menace d'un conflit nucléaire, la guerre en Ukraine, un nouveau président américain... La paix est-elle possible en 2025 ?
World • 11:01 AM
13 min
L'éclairage d'Harald Kuyat, ancien général de l'armée de l'air allemande et président du Comité militaire de l'OTAN de 2002 à 2005.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/2025/02/12/la-menace-dun-conflit-n
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Arap dünyası, Trump'ın Gazze planının Ortadoğu'nun istikrarsızlığını körükleyeceği konusunda uyardı
• 11:00 AM
5 min
ABD lideri Trump, Gazze'yi 'satın almaya ve sahiplenmeye' kararlı olduğunu ve Orta Doğu'daki diğer ülkelerin Gazze'nin yeniden inşasına yardımcı olabileceğini belirtti.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.c
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EU leaders and lawmakers condemn Trump's sanctions against ICC
Europe • 11:00 AM
3 min
Several of the bloc's member states expressed their concern and pledged to safeguard the court and those who work there.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/12/eu-leaders-and-lawmaker
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Le notizie del giorno | 12 febbraio - Pomeridiane
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Segui l'attualità dall'Europa e dal mondo. Ricevi le ultime notizie su economia, spettacolo, politica, cultura, viaggi.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/2025/02/12/le-notizie-del-giorno-12-febbraio-p
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L’info du jour | 12 février - Mi-journée
World • 11:00 AM
1 min
Suivez les derniers développements de l'actualité en Europe et dans le monde. Retrouvez les dernières infos sur la politique, l'économie, la culture et le divertissement.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews
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As notícias do dia | 12 fevereiro 2025 - Tarde
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Acompanhe a atualidade da Europa e do Mundo. Fique a par das notícias mais recentes da Política, dos Negócios, do Desporto e da Cultura.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/2025/02/12/as-noticias-do-dia
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Новости дня | 12 февраля — дневной выпуск
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Узнавайте о самых важных событиях в Европе и за ее пределами - последние новости, срочные новости, мир, бизнес, развлечения, политика, культура, путешествия<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/2025/02/1
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Latest news bulletin | February 12th – Midday
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news, World, Business, Entertainment, Politics, Culture, Travel.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/
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Nachrichten des Tages | 12. Februar - Mittagsausgabe
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Informieren Sie sich über das aktuelle Geschehen in Europa und der Welt - Politik, Wirtschaft, Unterhaltung, Kultur und Reisen.View on euronews
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After the 2024 Valencia floods, thousands of photos are to be restored
• 10:40 AM
1 min
In Valencia, with the help of volunteers and artificial intelligence, technicians are restoring thousands of photos damaged by last October's floods.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/02/12/afte
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Trump and Musk defend cutting federal programs under new DOGE initiative
• 10:34 AM
5 min
Musk claimed that the two spoke daily and had frequent conversations about where the South African-born billionaire should concentrate his efforts within the government.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews
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Colaboração entre DeepSeek e BYD faz disparar ações do fabricante de elétricos
• 10:34 AM
3 min
Empresa chinesa BYD está a lançar um sistema avançado de condução autónoma em todos os seus automóveis, designado por "God's Eye" - o "olho de Deus".
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NASA'nın uzayda mahsur kalan 2 astronotu yeni plan kapsamında Dünya'ya daha erken dönebilir
• 10:32 AM
2 min
NASA, Haziran ayından bu yana Uluslararası Uzay İstasyonu'nda bulunan ABD'li astronotlar Suni Williams ve Butch Wilmore'un dönüş görevini defalarca kez erteledi.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/habe
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Siemens Energy shares rise despite a plunge in profit
Business • 10:32 AM
3 min
Siemens Energy AG reported strong December quarter earnings, driven by increased electricity demands amid the artificial intelligence boom.
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Children in Haiti subjected to brutal gang violence, report says
• 10:30 AM
3 min
At least 5,600 people were killed in Haiti in 2024, an increase of more than 1,000 from the previous year. Another 2,212 people were injured and 1,494 kidnapped.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/202
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نسب الكلاب في عرض نادي وستمنستر: أسماء مهيبة تحمل قصصاً فريدة
International • 10:30 AM
1 min
في عرض نادي وستمنستر بيت الكلب في مدينة نيويورك، الذي يعتبر واحدا من أبرز الأحداث في عالم الكلاب، يتميز كل كلب باسم متطور يحمل دلالات دقيقة تتبع نسبه.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://arabic.euronews.com/2025/02/12/
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Suite aux inondations de 2024 à Valence, des milliers de photos vont être restaurées
World • 10:27 AM
1 min
À Valence, des techniciens restaurent des milliers de photos endommagées par les inondations d’octobre dernier, aidés par des bénévoles et l'intelligence artificielle.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.co
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Les deux astronautes bloqués dans l'ISS pourraient bientôt regagner la terre ferme
World • 10:26 AM
2 min
La NASA a décidé d'accélérer la mission de retour de Suni Williams et Butch Wilmore, deux astronautes américains qui se trouvent à bord de la station spatiale internationale depuis le mois de juin.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><
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Rwanda-backed rebels force 110,000 from camps in eastern DR Congo, UN says
• 10:20 AM
3 min
The rebels, who captured the region's largest city of Goma, issued a 72-hour ultimatum for displaced people to return to their villages.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/02/12/rwanda-backed-reb
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Dois astronautas retidos na Estação Espacial Internacional poderão regressar à Terra mais cedo
• 10:11 AM
3 min
A NASA está a antecipar a missão de regresso de Suni Williams e Butch Wilmore, dois astronautas norte-americanos que se encontram na Estação Espacial Internacional desde junho.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.eu
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How Elon Musk's €94.4 billion bid complicates matters for OpenAI
Business • 10:10 AM
7 min
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has dismissed a $97.4 billion (€94.4bn) takeover bid led by rival Elon Musk, but the unsolicited offer could complicate Altman's push to transform the maker of ChatGPT into a for-profit company.
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Euroverify: Santorini se convierte en escenario de vídeos falsos sobre la erupción de un volcán
• 10:08 AM
9 min
Algunos de los vídeos han sido generados por inteligencia artificial, mientras que otros han sido subtitulados erróneamente.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/2025/02/12/euroverify-santorini-se-convie
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Spain to grant residency and work permits to as many as 25,000 immigrants hit by Valencia floods
• 10:07 AM
3 min
The October disaster destroyed countless homes and businesses and killed more than 200 people.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/02/12/spain-to-grant-residency-and-work-permits-to-as-many-as-250
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Γιατί είναι fake τα βίντεο στο TikTok με τις εκρήξεις στο ηφαίστειο της Σαντορίνης
• 10:05 AM
4 min
To Euroverify καταρρίπτει μύθους από ευρέως διαδεδομένα στον κόσμο βίντεο στα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης και απαντά: Κρύβεται η Τουρκία πίσω από την διαρροή τους;<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025
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هل تنتهك خطة دونالد ترامب بشأن غزة القانون الدولي؟
Europe • 10:01 AM
1 min
إن احتمال نجاح الرئيس الأمريكي دونالد ترامب في تنفيذ خطته بشأن غزة ضئيل، ولكن هل لها أي أساس من منظور القانون الدولي؟<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://arabic.euronews.com/2025/02/12/does-donald-trumps-plan-for-gaza-
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Urgences fermées, manque de personnels de santé : les hôpitaux portugais ne tiennent qu'à un fil
World • 10:01 AM
7 min
Existe-t-il une solution au chaos médical et à l'attente interminable avant d'être pris en charge ? Un spécialiste de l'économie de la santé répond à Euronews.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/2025/0
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DeepSeek and BYD partnership drives EV maker's shares to record high
Business • 9:56 AM
2 min
Chinese firm BYD is rolling out an advanced self-driving system in all of its cars, labelled as "God's Eye".
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L'enseignant américain Marc Fogel libéré par Moscou
World • 9:52 AM
1 min
Marc Fogel était détenu en Russie depuis trois ans. L'américain avait été arrêté par les autorités russes pour détention de cannabis.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/2025/02/12/lenseignant-americain
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NATO tool using AI can flag vessels behaving suspiciously amid sea cables sabotage threat
Business • 9:47 AM
5 min
NATO expects the real-time technology will help it to rapidly respond to emerging threats, such as sabotage attempts.
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Elecciones alemanas: ¿Por qué los partidos políticos prometen más deportaciones?
• 9:46 AM
12 min
Tanto los grandes partidos como los minoritarios prometen más expulsiones y más rápidas para resolver el debate sobre la inmigración, cuando el país se dispone a celebrar elecciones del domingo 23 de febrero.<div class="small-12 column text-center article
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Стоимость электроэнергии в странах Балтии резко возросла, в основном из-за погоды и роста цен на газ
• 9:43 AM
1 min
Скачок цен в странах Балтии обусловлен главным образом слабым ветром и подорожанием газа, но отключение от российской энергосистемы тоже сыграло свою роль, сообщил эстонский системный оператор Elering.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__butto
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Don't drop AI liability mechanism, lead lawmaker warns Commission
Business • 9:41 AM
3 min
The Parliament’s lead negotiator began work on AI liability rules this month.
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Испания предоставит вид на жительство 25 000 мигрантов, пострадавших от наводнения в Валенсии
• 9:38 AM
1 min
Испанское правительство предоставит разрешение на проживание и работу сроком на один год 25 000 мигрантов, пострадавших от наводнений в Валенсии, чтобы облегчить их легализацию в стране.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="htt
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Avrupalılar ABD'nin 'müttefik' değil sadece 'gerekli ortak' olduğunu düşünüyor
• 9:37 AM
4 min
Avrupa Dış İlişkiler Konseyi (ECFR) tarafından yapılan bir araştırma, Avrupalıların artık ABD'yi bir 'müttefik' olarak görmediğini ve AB'nin geleceği konusunda geniş bir görüş çeşitliliği olduğunu ortaya koyuyor.<div class="small-12 column text-center art
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الرئيس الإيطالي وملكة النرويج يفتتحان معرضا في روما لأعمال الفنان التعبيري إدفار مونش
International • 9:30 AM
1 min
عاش الفنان حياة مفعمة بالأحزان أوصلته إلى حد الجنون. حيث فقد والدته وشقيقته في سن صغيرة كما فقد والده أيضا في ظروف مأساوية، ناهيك عن العلاقة المتوترة التي كانت تربطه بخطيبته تولا لارسن<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https
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Eleições alemãs: porque é que os partidos prometem mais deportações?
• 9:28 AM
13 min
Os principais partidos e os mais pequenos estão a prometer mais e mais rápidas deportações para resolver o debate sobre a migração, numa altura em que o país se prepara para realizar eleições em menos de duas semanas.<div class="small-12 column text-cente
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Santorini, TikTok e X inondati di falsi video di eruzioni vulcaniche
• 9:24 AM
9 min
Alcuni dei video sono stati generati dall'intelligenza artificiale, mentre altri sono stati sottotitolati in modo errato<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/2025/02/12/santorini-tiktok-e-x-inondati-di-f
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Cem Güventürk'ün ikinci kişisel sergisi 'Ay, Güneş ve Ay' açıldı
• 9:22 AM
2 min
Evrensel sembollerle bir anlam yolculuğu sunan 'Ay Güneş ve Ay' Müze Gazhane'de açıldı.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/kultur/2025/02/12/cem-guventurkun-ikinci-kisisel-sergisi-ay-gunes-ve-ay-acildi
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Sanremo 2025, la classifica della prima serata del festival: la musica protagonista all'Ariston
• 9:17 AM
7 min
Questi i cinque cantanti più apprezzati dai giornalisti della sala stampa, tv e web alla prima serata del Festival di Sanremo targato Carlo Conti: Brunori Sas, Giorgia, Lucio Corsi, Simone Cristicchi e Achille Lauro<div class="small-12 column text-center
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Pedigree on show: The grand names of the Westminster Kennel Club dogs
• 9:16 AM
1 min
The dogs of the Westminster Kennel Club in New York have sophisticated names that trace their ancestry, but go by simpler nicknames off the show circuit.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/02/12/
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Danimarkalılar Trump'tan Grönland'a karşılık Kaliforniya'yı istedi: Yaklaşık 200.000 imza toplandı
• 9:15 AM
4 min
Danimarkalılar, Trump'ın Danimarka'ya bağlı özerk bölge Grönland'ı satın alma planına karşılık Kaliforniya'yı almak için imza kampanyası başlattı.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/02/12/danimark
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Does Europe need lithium mining projects? | Euronews Tech Talks
Business • 9:04 AM
6 min
Does Europe need lithium mining projects? Is there such a thing as responsible mining? This episode of Euronews Tech Talks delves into this heated debate with insights from experts.
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في ثورة طبية.. فرنسا تتيح رسميًا اختبار اللعاب لتشخيص التهاب بطانة الرحم المهاجرة
Business • 9:01 AM
2 min
يمثل توفير اختبار اللعاب كوسيلة تشخيصية لمرض التهاب بطانة الرحم المهاجرة نقلة نوعية في رعاية المصابات به، اذ بات هذا الفحص متاحًا في 80 مستشفى فرنسيًا، مما يعزز فرص التشخيص المبكر لهذا المرض الذي تعاني منه نحو مليوني امرأة في فرنسا، أي واحدة من كل عشر نسا
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Le système d'expulsion des migrants est-il défaillant en Allemagne ?
Europe • 8:59 AM
9 min
Les partis allemands promettent des expulsions plus nombreuses et plus rapides, à l'approche des élections législatives du 23 février.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/12/le-systeme
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Avrupa piyasaları ABD-AB ticaret savaşı risklerine rağmen art arda yeni zirvelere ulaştı
• 8:58 AM
5 min
Avrupa borsaları bu yıl istisnai bir performans sergileyerek, genişleyen küresel ticaret savaşı risklerine rağmen hem Euro Stoxx 600 Endeksi hem de DAX defalarca yeni zirvelere ulaştı.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https
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Las nuevas empresas europeas confían en que la carrera de la inteligencia artificial no está perdida frente a EE.UU. y China
• 8:57 AM
3 min
La presidenta de la Comisión Europea, Ursula Von Der Leyen, anunció un paquete de 200.000 millones de euros para impulsar la incipiente industria de la IA en la UE.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/2
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Estonie : hausse des prix de l'électricité après la déconnexion au réseau électrique russe
World • 8:56 AM
1 min
Depuis ce week-end, les États baltes sont connectés à l'électricité fournie par la Finlande, la Suède et la Pologne.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/2025/02/12/estonie-hausse-des-prix-de-lelectricit
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Netanyahu: stop a cessate il fuoco se Hamas non libera gli ostaggi entro sabato
• 8:55 AM
4 min
A gennaio è stato raggiunto un fragile cessate il fuoco tra Israele e Hamas nella Striscia di Gaza che prevede o scambio tra ostaggi israeliani e prigionieri palestinesi. Trump e Netanyahu hanno messo in dubbio il proseguimento della tregua<div class="sma
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NATO müttefikleri, ABD Savunma Bakanı Hegseth ile ilk kez bir araya geliyor
• 8:48 AM
4 min
ABD Savunma Bakanı Hegseth'in, NATO müttefiklerine savunma harcamalarını GSYİH'lerinin yüzde 5'ine yükseltmeleri yönünde çağrıda bulunması bekleniyor.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/02/12/nato
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Еврокомиссия инвестирует 200 млрд евро в ИИ
• 8:40 AM
1 min
Председатель Комиссии ЕС Урсула фон дер Ляйен объявила о пакете мер в размере 200 млрд евро для развития зарождающейся индустрии искусственного интеллекта в ЕС.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/2025/
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NASA's 2 stuck astronauts may return to Earth sooner under new plan
• 8:40 AM
2 min
NASA is bumping up a return mission for Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore, two US astronauts who have been at the International Space Station since June.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/news/2025/02/
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Estonia, i prezzi dell'elettricità aumentano dopo il taglio della rete russa
• 8:40 AM
1 min
I Paesi Baltici si sono collegati all'elettricità fornita da Finlandia, Svezia e Polonia dopo essersi staccati dalla Russia, che li ha riforniti per decenni. Ma una serie di fattori hanno portato il prezzo a salire notevolmente<div class="small-12 column
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German election: Why are parties promising more deportations?
Europe • 8:39 AM
10 min
Major parties and minnows are all promising more and quicker deportations to solve the migration debate as the country is set to hold elections next Sunday.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/my-europ
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Geschlossene Notaufnahmen, lange Wartezeiten: Portugals Gesundheitssystem krankt
• 8:34 AM
5 min
Ein Gesundheitsökonom sieht das Problem des nationalen Gesundheitsdienstes in Organisation und Management. Notfallmaßnahmen der Regierung griffen nicht bzw. lassen auf sich warten.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://d
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Γερμανία: Αλλαγή του συστήματος απελάσεων στην ΕΕ ζητούν τα περισσότερα κόμματα
• 8:33 AM
1 min
Οι αστυνομικοί ζητούν καλύτερη φύλαξη των εξωτερικών συνόρων της ΕΕ<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/02/12/germany-deportations-debate?utm_source=test_mrss&utm_campaign=feeds_world_video-not-man
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المعادن النادرة في أوكرانيا.. هل تُصبح بوابة لضمان الدعم الأمريكي؟
International • 8:31 AM
1 min
مع احتدام التنافس العالمي على المعادن الاستراتيجية، تبرز أوكرانيا كأحد أهم اللاعبين بفضل ثرواتها المعدنية الهائلة، التي قد تتحول إلى ورقة تفاوض رئيسية في علاقتها مع الولايات المتحدة، خاصة في ظل حاجتها المستمرة للدعم العسكري والاقتصادي.<div class="small-12
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Εσθονία - Λιθουανία: Αυξημένες τιμές ρεύματος μετά την «αποσύνδεσή» τους από το ρωσικό δίκτυο
• 8:12 AM
1 min
Οι χώρες της Βαλτικής ενσωματώθηκαν πρόσφατα στο ενεργειακό δίκτυο της ΕΕ<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/02/12/estonia-energy-prices-rise?utm_source=test_mrss&utm_campaign=feeds_world_video-no
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ماكرون ومودي في مدينة مارسيليا لتوطيد العلاقات الاقتصادية بين فرنسا والهند
France • 8:12 AM
1 min
في فقرة الاقتصاد اليوم، نتابع مع وسيم الدالي الرهانات الاقتصادية لزيارة الرئيس الفرنسي إيمانويل ماكرون ورئيس الوزراء الهندي ناريندرا مودي إلى ميناء مارسيليا، وذلك لبحث مشروع الممر الاقتصادي الهند - الشرق الأوسط - أوروبا، زيارة تشمل أيضا إعلانات تخص التعا
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Europeus consideram EUA um "parceiro necessário" e não um "aliado", segundo um estudo
• 8:11 AM
3 min
Um estudo do European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) mostra que os europeus já não veem os EUA como um "aliado" e revela uma grande variedade de opiniões sobre o futuro da UE.
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Sondaggio, gli europei pensano che gli Stati Uniti siano "partner necessari" e non "alleati"
Business • 8:10 AM
3 min
Uno studio dell'European council on foreign relations (Ecfr) mostra che gli europei non vedono più gli Stati Uniti come un "alleato" e rivela un'ampia varietà di opinioni sul futuro dell'Ue
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FBI, John F. Kennedy suikastına ilişkin 2.400 yeni belge bulunduğunu açıkladı
• 8:10 AM
8 min
Trump göreve başladığı ilk günlerde, eski ABD başkanlarından John F. Kennedy, siyasetçi Robert F. Kennedy ve Martin Luther King Jr.'ın suikastlarıyla ilgili dosyaların gizliliğini kaldıracak bir başkanlık kararnamesi imzaladı.<div class="small-12 column t
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Des noms de prestige pour les chiens du Westminster Kennel Club
World • 8:08 AM
1 min
Les chiens du Westminster Kennel Club à New York ont des noms sophistiqués retraçant leurs lignées, mais répondent à des surnoms plus simples en dehors des concours.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/
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La mayoría de los europeos percibe a EE.UU. más como socio necesario que un aliado
• 8:05 AM
3 min
Un estudio del Consejo Europeo de Relaciones Exteriores (ECFR) muestra que los europeos ya no ven a Estados Unidos como un "aliado", y revela una amplia variedad de opiniones sobre el futuro de la UE.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button
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Studie: Europäer sehen USA als "notwendigen Partner", nicht als "Verbündeten"
• 8:01 AM
3 min
Eine Studie des European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) zeigt, dass die Europäer die USA nicht mehr als "Verbündeten" sehen und ein breites Spektrum an Meinungen zur Zukunft der EU haben.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a hre
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Selon une étude, les Européens considèrent les États-Unis comme un "partenaire nécessaire" et non comme un "allié"
Europe • 8:01 AM
3 min
Une étude du Conseil européen des relations étrangères (ECFR) montre que les Européens ne considèrent plus les États-Unis comme un "allié" et révèle une grande diversité d'opinions sur l'avenir de l'UE.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__butt
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البيت الأبيض يمنع مراسل "أسوشيتد برس" من دخول المكتب البيضاوي بسبب خليج المكسيك.. فما القصة؟
International • 8:00 AM
1 min
في خطوة غير مسبوقة، منع البيت الأبيض مراسل وكالة "أسوشيتد برس" من حضور فعالية في المكتب البيضاوي يوم الثلاثاء بعد أن طالبت الوكالة بتغيير أسلوبها التحريري في تغطية ما يتعلق بخليج المكسيك، الذي أمر الرئيس دونالد ترامب بإعادة تسميته إلى خليج أمريكا.<div cla
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Europeans think US is 'necessary partner' not 'ally', study finds
Business • 8:00 AM
2 min
A study by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) shows that Europeans no longer see the US as an 'ally', and revealed a broad variety of opinions on the future of the EU.
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Угроза ядерного конфликта, война в Украине, новый президент США. Может ли 2025 год принести мир?
• 7:51 AM
2 min
На вопросы Euronews отвечает Харальд Куят, генерал ВВС Германии в отставке. С 2000 по 2002 год Куят занимал должность начальника штаба вооруженных сил Германии, а с 2002 по 2005 год - председателя Военного комитета НАТО.<div class="small-12 column text-ce
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El alto el fuego terminará si Hamás no devuelve a los rehenes antes del sábado, dice Netanyahu
• 7:51 AM
4 min
En enero se firmó un frágil alto el fuego entre Israel y Hamás en la Franja de Gaza. Trump afirmó esta misma semana que de no devolverse a los rehenes se desataría "un infierno" en Gaza. Netanyahu ha respaldado el ultimátum del presidente de Estados Unido
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European markets repeatedly reach new highs despite risks of a US-EU trade war
Europe • 7:42 AM
4 min
The European stock markets have been exceptional this year, with both the Euro Stoxx 600 Index and the DAX repeatedly reaching new highs, despite the risks of a widening global trade war.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="ht
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Santorini’de deprem paniği sürerken sahte yanardağ patlaması videoları yayılıyor
• 7:39 AM
9 min
Videoların bazılarının yapay zeka tarafından oluşturulduğu, bazılarına ise yanlış altyazılar eklendiği tespit edildi.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/02/12/santorinide-deprem-panigi-surerken-sa
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Russia, rilasciato l'insegnante americano detenuto dal 2021, Trump: accordo con Mosca ragionevole
• 7:37 AM
2 min
Marc Fogel, insegnante arrestato con l'accusa di aver portato marijuana terapeutica in Russia nell'agosto 2021, è stato rilasciato dal Cremlino ed è uscito dal Paese sull'aereo dell'inviato speciale di Trump Steve Witkoff<div class="small-12 column text-c
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