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Les métallurgistes de l'UE réclament des mesures de sauvegarde des emplois dans le cadre de la trans
Europe • 5:20 PM
4 min
Depuis 2019, près d'un million d'emplois industriels ont été perdus et de nombreux autres sont menacés.View on euronews
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Brüssel: Schüsse vor U-Bahnstation
• 5:18 PM
2 min
Die Brüsseler Polizei fahndet immer noch nach Bewaffneten in Tunneln der dortigen U-Bahn. Diverse Linien sind gesperrt. Videoaufnahmen am Eingang der Metrostation Clémenceau zeigen zwei vermummte Männer mit Sturmgewehren.View on euronews
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İtalya Adalet Bakanı, UCM'nin savaş suçuyla yargıladığı Libyalı El-Masri'nin ülkesine geri gönderilmesini savundu
• 5:18 PM
5 min
İtalya Adalet Bakanı, Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi'nin tutuklama emrinin çelişkiler ve usule ilişkin kusurlar içerdiğini savundu.View on euronews
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40αρης Κριστιάνο Ρονάλντο: Mια αυτοκρατορία αξίας 850 εκατομμυρίων ευρώ
• 5:17 PM
1 min
Σύμφωνα με την IPAM, η τιμή του Πορτογάλου σταρ έχει αυξηθεί κατά 325% τα τελευταία πέντε χρόνια, παρά τη μετακίνησή του σε ένα πρωτάθλημα χαμηλότερου προφίλ, όπως η Σαουδική Αραβία.View on euronews
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Peace talks? Ukraine and Russia already tried negotiating, but that didn't go well
Europe • 5:16 PM
5 min
When Volodymyr Zelensky said he was ready to negotiate with Vladimir Putin in order to end the war, it wasn't the first time Ukraine's leader announced his readiness to talk to Moscow. In fact, the two sides already tried to negotiate in the early days of
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"Зелёный переход": под угрозой 100 000 рабочих мест промышленного сектора ЕС
• 5:16 PM
1 min
Больше средств, соцгарантий и грамотной системы переобучения требуют профсоюзы для работников промышленных предприятий. Они организовали акцию протеста против методов достижения климатической нейтральности ЕС.<div class="small-12 column text-center articl
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Кто финансирует ВОЗ?
• 5:14 PM
1 min
Гендиректор ВОЗ заявил на пресс-конференции в декабре, что организация сможет адаптироваться к потере американской государственной поддержки.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/2025/02/05/financing-who
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Destination Europe Summit: Transport commissioner to address tourism priorities
Europe • 5:04 PM
1 min
Second edition of Euronews and European Travel Commission event will see debate on trends affecting sector, including addressing hotspot tourism backlashes.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/my-europ
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من معقل للمعارضة إلى وجهة سياحية.. كيف أصبحت إدلب مقصدًا للسوريين بعد سقوط الأسد؟
International • 5:01 PM
5 min
كانت إدلب قبل سنوات رمزًا للانتفاضة ضد حكم الأسد، وأحد أبرز معاقل المعارضة المسلحة، لكنها تتحول اليوم إلى مركز تجاري نشط يجذب السوريين من مختلف مناطق البلاد<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://arabic.euronews.com/2025/
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La plupart des réfugiés en Suède rentrent-ils chez eux en vacances, comme le prétend Elon Musk ?
Europe • 5:01 PM
5 min
L'affirmation du milliardaire américain a été vue près de 54 millions de fois sur X, mais le chiffre accrocheur de 79 % qu'il mentionne a été sorti de son contexte.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/2
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'We must defend ourselves’: German non-profits sue X for access to public data
Business • 5:00 PM
4 min
Two German nonprofits are asking a Berlin court for an urgent ruling on whether X breached EU law by not giving them access to data to study how posts on the platform could influence the upcoming election.
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Ελλάδα: Ελπίδα για το ευνο¨ϊκό σενάριο στη σεισμική δραστηριότητα Σαντορίνης-Αμοργού
• 5:00 PM
1 min
Παρουσία του Κυριάκου Μητσοτάκη και τριών ειδικών καθηγητών η σύσκεψη στο υπουργείο Πολιτικής ΠροστασίαςView on euronews
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Latest news bulletin | February 5th – Evening
• 5:00 PM
1 min
Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news, World, Business, Entertainment, Politics, Culture, Travel.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/
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L’info du jour | 5 février - Soir
World • 5:00 PM
1 min
Suivez les derniers développements de l'actualité en Europe et dans le monde. Retrouvez les dernières infos sur la politique, l'économie, la culture et le divertissement.View on euronews
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¿Quién financiará ahora la Organización Mundial de la Salud tras la salida de EE.UU. y Argentina?
• 4:54 PM
3 min
Tras la decisión de Trump de retirar los fondos estadounidenses de la OMS, un alto empleado inició una campaña para recaudar 1.000 millones de dólares. Pero, ¿qué países financiaron la organización en 2024?<div class="small-12 column text-center article__
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EURONEWS HOY | Las noticias del miércoles 5 de febrero: Trump quiere tomar el control de Gaza
• 4:51 PM
4 min
El informativo exprés de 'Euronews' le ofrece los principales titulares de la jornada: Trump quiere que Estados Unidos "tome el control de Gaza" y aterriza en Guantánamo el primer vuelo militar con inmigrantes deportados desde EE.UU.<div class="small-12 c
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Filipinler Devlet Başkan Yardımcısı Sara Duterte görevden alındı
• 4:50 PM
2 min
Sara Duterte'nin görevden alınması, ülkenin en güçlü iki ailesi arasındaki çekişmenin işareti olarak yorumlanıyor.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/02/05/filipinler-devlet-baskan-yardimcisi-sara
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German authorities suspect Russian sabotage in anti-Greens election attacks
Europe • 4:49 PM
7 min
German authorities suspect the Kremlin of orchestrating a sabotage campaign targeting hundreds of vehicles to stoke anti-Green party sentiment ahead of the election.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com
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Polen: EU-Gericht bestätigt Geldstrafe über 320 Millionen Euro wegen umstrittener Justizreform
• 4:49 PM
3 min
Polen wird die 320 Millionen Euro an EU-Mitteln, die es während seines langwierigen Streits mit Brüssel über die Unabhängigkeit der Justiz verloren hat, nicht zurückerstattet bekommen.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https
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Poland's president vows to spend 4.7% of GDP on defence this year
Europe • 4:47 PM
3 min
Poland already spends more of its GDP on defence than any other NATO country, followed by Estonia and the US.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/05/polands-president-vows-to-spend-47
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Σεισμικές δονήσεις στη Νάπολη - Κλειστά σχολεία για προληπτικούς λόγους
• 4:46 PM
1 min
Τα Φλεγραία Πεδία σείονται και πάλι και τα μαθήματα έχουν ανασταλεί προληπτικά σε πολλά σχολεία της Νάπολης και των γειτονικών δήμων.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/02/05/napoli-seismiki-drast
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Caso Almasri, informativa al Parlamento dei ministri Nordio e Piantedosi: attacchi dall'opposizione
• 4:45 PM
10 min
Come richiesto a più riprese dai partiti d'opposizione, il ministro della Giustizia e quello dell'Interno hanno riferito alla Camera e al Senato in merito alla criticata condotta del governo nell'arresto e rimpatrio del generale libico, difendendo il loro
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Schweden: Machen 79 % der Flüchtlinge Urlaub in ihrer Heimat?
• 4:43 PM
3 min
Das behauptete Elon Musk, als er einen Artikel aus dem Jahr 2022 von der schwedischen Nachrichtenagentur The Bulletin repostet hatte.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://de.euronews.com/2025/02/05/schweden-machen-79-de
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Antes do corte de verbas da OMS imposto por Trump, quem financiava a organização de saúde das Nações Unidas?
• 4:41 PM
3 min
Na sequência da decisão de Trump de retirar os fundos dos EUA da OMS, uma funcionária iniciou uma campanha para angariar mil milhões de dólares. Mas que países financiaram a organização em 2024?<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a h
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Аргентина решила последовать примеру США и покидает ВОЗ
• 4:37 PM
1 min
Пресс-секретарь президента заявил, что Аргентина не позволит международной организации вмешиваться в свой суверенитет, "а тем более в наше здоровье",
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Oms: "Possiamo farcela anche senza i fondi degli Stati Uniti"
• 4:33 PM
2 min
In seguito alla decisione di Trump di ritirare i fondi statunitensi dall'Oms, è stata avviata una campagna per raccogliere 1 miliardo di dollari. Ma quali Paesi hanno finanziato l'organizzazione nel 2024?<div class="small-12 column text-center article__bu
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"هذه أرضي أنا".. هكذا رد سكان غزة على خطة ترامب لتهجير فلسطينيي القطاع
International • 4:30 PM
1 min
في قلب قطاع غزة المحاصر، حيث تمزق الحرب الأرض والإنسان، جاءت تصريحات الرئيس الأمريكي دونالد ترامب لتثير موجة من الاستياء والغضب.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://arabic.euronews.com/2025/02/05/this-is-my-land-gaza-r
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Euroverify: ¿Es cierto que el 79% de los refugiados pasan sus vacaciones en su país de origen?
• 4:30 PM
4 min
"Casi el 80% de los refugiados se van de vacaciones al país del que dicen haber huido", afirmó Elon Musk en X la semana pasada. La declaración, que implica que la mayoría de los refugiados instalados en Suecia juegan con el sistema, ha causado revuelo y h
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Before Trump's WHO cutoff, who was funding the United Nations' health organisation?
Europe • 4:30 PM
3 min
Following Trump's decision to withdraw the US funds from the WHO, a senior employee started a campaign to raise $1 billion. But which countries funded the organisation in 2024?<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.e
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"Газа – земля палестинцев". Европейские лидеры критикуют план Трампа
• 4:29 PM
1 min
Политики из стран Европы, даже те, кто идейно близок к Трампу, заявили, что переход Газы под "контроль" США на время восстановления и массовое переселение палестинцев в другие страны без внятных перспектив возвращения поставят под угрозу формулу "Два госу
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Επιβιώνοντας στη Γάζα, ο νέος αγώνας για χιλιάδες Παλαιστίνιους
• 4:28 PM
1 min
Η ανθρωπιστική κατάσταση στη Γάζα επιδεινώνεται, καθώς χιλιάδες Παλαιστίνιοι στερούνται βασικών πόρων και η βοήθεια αργεί να φτάσει στον κατεστραμμένο βορρά.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/02/
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Come è venuta a Donald Trump l'idea di trasformare Gaza nella "Riviera del Medio Oriente"?
• 4:27 PM
7 min
Donald Trump ha suscitato critiche con le sue proposte di occupare Gaza e reinsediare i palestinesi nei Paesi vicini. Mentre gli analisti cercano di decifrare queste dichiarazioni, sorge una domanda centrale: le osservazioni sono solo una dimostrazione di
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¿Cómo se le ocurrió a Donald Trump convertir Gaza en la "Riviera de Oriente Próximo"?
• 4:23 PM
7 min
Mientras los analistas tratan de descifrar estas declaraciones, se plantea una cuestión central: ¿son las declaraciones del nuevo presidente una mera muestra de orgullo del poderío estadounidense o hay un plan serio detrás de lo que ha dicho?<div class="s
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İsveç okul saldırısında ölenlerin yasını tutuyor
• 4:22 PM
1 min
İsveç'in Örebro kentinde yas tutanlar, silahlı saldırgan dahil 11 kişinin öldüğü ve 5 kişinin yaralandığı silahlı saldırıda kurbanları andı.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/02/05/isvec-okul-sal
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Ancient herald school in Roman Forum opens to public after major restoration
Culture • 4:21 PM
1 min
Before gladiators clashed and chariots raced, Rome’s imperial heralds roused the crowds - and now, their ancient training school at the Roman Forum has reopened after centuries.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.
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"Sei grüner!": Ermittler vermuten russische Sabotage gegen die Grünen
• 4:19 PM
7 min
In mehreren deutschen Bundesländern wurden hunderte Autos sabotiert. Ermittler vermuten nun mögliche russische Sabotage hinter den Angriffen.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://de.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/05/sei
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Arjantin Devlet Başkanı Milei ülkesini DSÖ'den çekmeyi planlıyor
• 4:16 PM
1 min
Bu adım, ABD Başkanı Donald Trump'ın ülkesini Dünya Sağlık Örgütü'nden çekmesinin ardından geldi.
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Who were the Brutalist architects who inspired the Oscar-nominated film?
Culture • 4:14 PM
19 min
A firm favourite for Oscar glory this year 'The Brutalist' is not a biopic but rather a film loosely based of several real people. All share one common denominator; they were the godfathers of Brutalism, an influential, and divisive architectural movement
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La Pologne veut modifier le marquage de ses avions de combat pour mieux les camoufler
Europe • 4:11 PM
4 min
Une proposition de modification de l'insigne en damier des avions de guerre polonais vise à les rendre plus difficiles à détecter par les ennemis au combat.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/my-europe
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Italy’s justice minister defends repatriation of Libyan warlord wanted by ICC
Europe • 4:04 PM
5 min
Carlo Nordio argued that the ICC’s arrest warrant contained contradictions and procedural flaws, leading Italy’s courts to order Ossama al-Masri’s release.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/my-europe
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Rapid mobility of troops and equipment across the EU still 'problematic', say auditors
Europe • 4:04 PM
3 min
The EU's military mobility budget funded 95 projects in 21 member states, but it remains relatively modest compared to the real needs, Tony Murphy, president of the ECA, told reporters on Wednesday.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button">
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ΕΕ: Επικύρωσε πρόστιμο 320 εκατομμυρίων ευρώ κατά της Πολωνίας για τη δικαστική μεταρρύθμιση
• 4:04 PM
1 min
Δεν θα επιστραφούν τα 320 εκατ. ευρώ σε κονδύλια της ΕΕ που έχασε κατά τη διάρκεια της παρατεταμένης διαμάχης της με τις Βρυξέλλες σχετικά με την ανεξαρτησία της δικαιοσύνης.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euro
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Avrupa ülkeleri Trump'ın Gazze planına karşı çıktı: 'Kabul edilemez'
• 4:02 PM
4 min
ABD Başkanı Donald Trump'ın, Gazze Şeridi'ni 'devralma' önerilerine Avrupa ülkeleri karşı çıktı ve iki devletli çözüme desteklerini yineledi.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/05/avr
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ما هي الدول الأوروبية التي تعاني أكثر من غيرها من مشاكل التركيز والذاكرة؟
Europe • 4:00 PM
1 min
يعاني 15 في المئة من الأشخاص في جميع أنحاء الاتحاد الأوروبي من مشاكل متوسطة إلى حادة في التركيز والذاكرة. ووجد المكتب الإحصائي للجماعات الأوروبية علاقة بين هذه الأعراض وتدني مستوى المعيشة.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="h
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Inaccettabile: i Paesi europei respingono con fermezza il piano di Trump di occupare Gaza
• 4:00 PM
5 min
I Paesi europei hanno ribadito il loro sostegno alla soluzione dei due Stati dopo che Donald Trump ha suggerito la possibilità di "prendere il controllo" della Striscia di Gaza<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.eu
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Özel'den İmamoğlu'na iddianame tepkisi: 'Şimdi daha kararlıyız'
• 4:00 PM
6 min
Özgür Özel, Erdoğan'a 'slogan' tartışması üzerinden bu sefer şöyle yüklendi: "Bertolt Brecht'in şiiri bu, Allah’ın cahili. Ne Brecht'i bilir ne şiiri bilir ne sanat bilir ne kültür bilir.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="ht
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Rússia quer abandonar Estação Espacial Internacional. Foguetão Soyuz lançado para "defesa nacional"
• 3:56 PM
2 min
Um foguetão Soyuz-2.1v, que transportava uma nave espacial militar, foi lançado com êxito do Cosmódromo de Plesetsk, na região russa de Arkhangelsk, na manhã de 5 de fevereiro, informou o Ministério da Defesa russo.<div class="small-12 column text-center
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La Suède pleure ses victimes après la pire fusillade de masse
World • 3:55 PM
1 min
Après la pire fusillade de masse en Suède, des habitants rendent hommage aux victimes en déposant des fleurs et des bougies sur le site de l'attaque.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/2025/02/05/la-su
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Polónia atualiza caças F-35 com insígnias monocromáticas mais camufladas
• 3:46 PM
4 min
Uma proposta de alteração da insígnia axadrezada dos aviões de guerra polacos poderá tornar mais difícil a sua deteção pelo inimigo em combate.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/05/p
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Le groupe légendaire Black Sabbath se réunit pour un dernier concert à Birmingham
Culture • 3:45 PM
5 min
"Le plus grand concert de heavy metal de tous les temps" : Ozzy Osbourne s'apprête à retrouver ses coéquipiers de Black Sabbath pour un "Final Show" à Birmingham.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/cul
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Σουηδία: Στους 11 ο αριθμός των νεκρών από επίθεση σε κέντρο εκπαίδευσης ενηλίκων
• 3:40 PM
1 min
Ο δράστης ενήργησε μόνος του σύμφωνα με τις αρχές<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/02/05/sweden-day-after?utm_source=test_mrss&utm_campaign=feeds_world_video-not-mandatory_2025&utm_medium=referr
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"Inaceitável". Países europeus rejeitam plano de Trump para assumir controlo de Gaza
• 3:36 PM
6 min
Os países europeus reiteraram o seu apoio à solução de dois Estados, depois de Donald Trump ter sugerido que os Estados Unidos "tomassem conta" da Faixa de Gaza.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/my-e
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Turkish actress Melisa Sözen accused of promoting terrorism in French show 'Le bureau des légendes'
Culture • 3:35 PM
4 min
Le bureau des légendes (The Bureau) actress Melisa Sözen has been questioned on terrorism charges over her role in the French series. She played a double agent in the show’s third season - which aired seven years ago. Apparently fiction must equate to rea
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Philippines vice president impeached amid growing political feud
• 3:33 PM
2 min
The development will escalate the quarrel between two of the country's most powerful families.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/02/05/philippines-vice-president-impeached-amid-growing-political
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تونس: أحكام بالسجن بلغت 35 سنة ضدّ رئيس الحكومة ورئيس البرلمان ووزير الخارجية السابقين
International • 3:31 PM
1 min
قضت الدائرة الجنائية بالمحكمة الابتدائية بتونس بإدانة رئيس البرلمان السابق راشد الغنوشي وسجنه لمدّة 22 سنة كما قضت بسجن رئيس الحكومة الأسبق هشام المشيشي لمدّة 35 سنة وإدانة وزير الخارجية والناطق باسم وزارة الداخلية الأسبقين وعدد من الناشطين والصحفية شذى ا
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Amoklauf in Schweden: Zahl der Todesopfer steigt auf 11
• 3:30 PM
2 min
Ein Zeuge sagte, er und seine Mitschüler hätten sich in einem Klassenzimmer mit Tischen und Stühlen verbarrikadiert, bevor die Polizei kam und die Tür einschlug.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://de.euronews.com/my-e
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Φόρος τιμής στα θύματα των φονικότερων μαζικών πυροβολισμών στη Σουηδία
• 3:29 PM
1 min
Οι πενθούντες στο Örebro της Σουηδίας τίμησαν τα θύματα της φονικότερης μαζικής δολοφονίας στην ιστορία της χώρας, η οποία άφησε πίσω της 11 νεκρούς, συμπεριλαμβανομένου του δράστη, και 5 τραυματίες.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"
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How can lithium-ion batteries be recycled and reconditioned? | Euronews Tech Talks
Business • 3:29 PM
6 min
Euronews Tech Talks looks at reconditioning and recycling lithium-ion batteries and why these processes are important.
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Парламент Гренландии запретил партиям получать иностранные пожертвования
• 3:22 PM
1 min
Гренландские депутаты намерены защититься от внешнего вмешательства перед выборами на фоне экспансионистских угроз из Вашингтона. Голосование в полуавтономной территории Дании, которая стремится к независимости, пройдут 11 марта.<div class="small-12 colum
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Ryanair, Danimarka'nın 'yolcu vergisi' uygulaması sonrası iki havalimanından çekilme kararı aldı
• 3:21 PM
2 min
Ryanair, Kopenhag'ın getirdiği yolcu vergisinin rekabeti zedeleyeceğini öne sürdü.
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ВКС провели запуск ракеты-носителя "в интересах обороны"
• 3:17 PM
1 min
Ракета-носитель "Союз-2.1в" стартовала с космодрома "Плесецк". Российские СМИ сообщают, что на борту находятся военные спутники.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/2025/02/05/russia-spacecraft?utm_sour
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Διεθνής καταδίκη της πρότασης Τραμπ για την Γάζα
• 3:17 PM
1 min
Δεκάδες κράτη απορρίπτουν τον αναγκαστικό εκτοπισμό Παλαιστινίων<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/02/05/die8nhs-katadikh-ths-protashs-tramp-gia-thn-gaza?utm_source=test_mrss&utm_campaign=feeds_w
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AI gives first tantalising look inside a 2,000- year-old Roman scroll
Business • 3:17 PM
4 min
The scroll was discovered in the town of Herculaneum, a town destroyed in the volcanic eruption that buried neighbouring Pompeii.
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Argentina anuncia que se retira de la OMS al igual que Estados Unidos
• 3:15 PM
2 min
La medida sigue los pasos de Estados Unidos, cuyo expresidente Donald Trump tomó una decisión similar.View on euronews
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'Unacceptable': European countries firmly reject Trump's plan to take over Gaza
Europe • 3:15 PM
5 min
European countries reiterated their support for the two-state solution after Donald Trump suggested America "take over" the Gaza Strip.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/05/unaccept
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Argentina to withdraw from World Health Organization following similar Trump decision
Business • 3:14 PM
2 min
The decision follows a similar move by the United States last month.
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Internationale Empörung über Trumps Äußerung zum Gazastreifen
• 3:12 PM
6 min
Trumps Äußerung, den Gazastreifen "in Besitz zu nehmen", sorgt international für Empörung. Die Reaktionen enthalten teils massive Kritik und werfen Israel und der US-Regierung einen Verstoß gegen Menschenrechte vor.<div class="small-12 column text-center
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İmamoğlu'ndan 'iddianame' tepkisi: 'Erdoğan, masabaşı oyunlarıyla ayakta kalacağını sanıyor'
• 3:09 PM
8 min
İmamoğlu'nun avukatı Kemal Polat, 'İddianamenin kabulünden önce basına servis edilmesi gizliliğin ihlalidir,' dedi.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/02/05/imamoglundan-iddianame-tepkisi-erdogan-
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Η συνέντευξη Ζελένσκι και το ρεπορτάζ από την Ουκρανία - Τι είπε ακριβώς για συνομιλίες με Πούτιν
• 3:05 PM
1 min
Ο πρόεδρος της Ουκρανίας μίλησε και για τις εκλογές στη χώρα του και το πότε θα γίνουν<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/02/05/zelenskyy-itw-kai-reportaz-apo-ukraine-piers-morgan?utm_source=test_
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Δημογραφικό: Οι νέες συνθήκες απαιτούν αλλαγές ακόμα και στο συνταξιοδοτικό
• 3:03 PM
1 min
Η Εθνική Στρατηγική για το δημογραφικό που παρουσιάστηκε πριν από λίγους μήνες, περιλαμβάνει στοχευμένες πρωτοβουλίες για την αλλαγή οπτικής απέναντι στην οικογένεια και την απόκτηση παιδιών<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href=
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El Tribunal de la UE confirma la multa de 320 millones de euros a Polonia por su reforma judicial
• 3:01 PM
5 min
Polonia no recibirá el reembolso de los 320 millones de euros de fondos de la Unión Europea que perdió durante su prolongada disputa con Bruselas sobre la independencia judicial.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.
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"لا ملاذ آمن لمجرمي الحرب".. العفو الدولية تطالب واشنطن بتسليم نتنياهو للمحكمة الجنائية
International • 3:00 PM
1 min
دعت منظمة العفو الدولية الولايات المتحدة إلى اعتقال رئيس الوزراء الإسرائيلي بنيامين نتنياهو، مشددة على ضرورة التزام واشنطن بالعدالة الدولية وعدم توفير "ملاذ آمن" للمطلوبين بارتكاب جرائم حرب.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href=
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Rusia lanza un cohete al espacio en "interés de la Defensa nacional"
• 2:56 PM
1 min
El Ministerio de Defensa ruso dijo el miércoles que la nave espacial Soyuz-2.1v transportaba "dispositivos espaciales".<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/2025/02/05/rusia-lanza-un-cohete-en-orbita-en-
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İsveç'te okulda silahlı saldırı: Ölenlerin sayısı 11'e yükseldi
• 2:54 PM
3 min
'İsveç tarihindeki en kötü katliam' olarak adlandırılan silahlı saldırı, en az 11 kişinin ölümüne ve beş kişinin ağır yaralanmasına neden oldu.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/05/i
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Mourners pay tribute to victims of Sweden's deadliest mass shooting
• 2:52 PM
1 min
Mourners in Örebro, Sweden, honoured the victims of the deadliest mass shooting in the country's history, which left 11 dead, including the gunman, and 5 injured.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/20
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Fusillade en Suède : le bilan s’élève à 11 morts, le tueur s’est "très probablement" suicidé
Europe • 2:50 PM
2 min
Une onzième personne est morte après la la fusillade dans un centre d’enseignement pour adultes en Suède. Les motivations du tueur est inconnue pour le moment.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/my-eur
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Será que cerca de 80% dos refugiados na Suécia fazem férias no seu país de origem, como afirma Elon Musk?
• 2:47 PM
5 min
A afirmação do bilionário nascido na África do Sul de que os refugiados na Suécia estão a "jogar contra o sistema" tornou-se viral, mas a percentagem de 79% foi retirada do contexto.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https:/
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Суд ЕС утвердил штраф в размере 320 млн евро против Польши за спорную судебную реформу
• 2:43 PM
1 min
Польше не сможет вернуть 320 миллионов евро из фондов ЕС, которые она потеряла в ходе затянувшегося спора с Брюсселем о независимости судебной системы.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/my-europe/2025
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La Russia lancia un razzo in orbita "nell'interesse della difesa nazionale", afferma il Cremlino
• 2:43 PM
1 min
Il Ministero della Difesa russo ha dichiarato mercoledì che la navicella Soyuz-2.1v trasportava “dispositivi spaziali”. Secondo i media locali il velivolo trasportava satelliti militari<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="http
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La Cour de justice de l'UE confirme l'amende de 320 millions d'euros infligée à la Pologne
Europe • 2:39 PM
4 min
La Pologne ne se verra pas rembourser les 320 millions d'euros de fonds européens qu'elle a perdus lors de son long conflit avec Bruxelles au sujet de l'indépendance de la justice.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://f
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Cristiano Ronaldo cumple 40 años: el imperio de un futbolista de 850 millones de euros
• 2:33 PM
6 min
Según IPAM, el precio del astro portugués ha subido un 325% en los últimos cinco años, a pesar de su fichaje por una liga de perfil más bajo como Arabia Saudí. A sus 40 años, Ronaldo es una marca global con presencia en diversos sectores y potencial para
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كيف اهتدى دونالد ترامب لفكرة تحويل غزة إلى "ريفييرا الشرق الأوسط"؟
International • 2:31 PM
4 min
في تصريح مفاجئ ومثير للجدل، أثار دونالد ترامب تساؤلات واسعة حول مقترحاته بشأن السيطرة على غزة وتوطين الفلسطينيين في الدول المجاورة. وبينما يسعى المحللون لفك شيفرة هذه التصريحات، يبرز سؤال محوري: هل ما طرحه الرئيس الجديد كان مجرد اعتزاز بالقوة الأمريكية أم
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Italian artist Quayola brings new life to Gaudí's Casa Batlló with 'Arborescent' light show
Culture • 2:22 PM
9 min
Barcelona's Casa Batlló has staged an awe-inspiring audio-visual show designed by Italian multimedia artist Quayola. 'Mapping 2025' is part of the 'Heritage of Tomorrow' artistic program which aims to bring Antoni Gaudí’s legacy into the future. Euronews
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NO COMMENT: Al menos 900 muertos enterrados en fosas comunes en la ciudad congoleña de Goma
• 2:22 PM
1 min
Trabajadores de la Cruz Roja entierran a víctimas de los combates en Goma, en la República Democrática del Congo, donde aumenta el número de muertos. El grupo rebelde armado M23 ha anunciado un alto el fuego humanitario.<div class="small-12 column text-ce
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Γιάννος Περλέγκας: «Δεν μπορώ πια να ακολουθήσω τη μηχανή παραγωγής παραστάσεων στο ελληνικό θέατρο»
• 2:21 PM
23 min
Ο Γιάννος Περλέγκας και η ομάδα χορού και ακροβατικών «Κι όμΩς Κινείται» παρουσιάζουν τη «Δύναμη της Συνήθειας» του Τόμας Μπέρνχαρντ, στο θέατρο Ροές<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/culture/2025/02/
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Il tribunale dell'Ue conferma la multa di 320 milioni di euro alla Polonia per la controversa riforma giudiziaria
• 2:20 PM
3 min
Bocciato il ricorso presentato dalla Polonia per ottenere il rimborso dei 320 milioni di euro di fondi Ue persi durante la lunga disputa con Bruxelles sull'indipendenza giudiziaria<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://i
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Ο Βρετανός υπουργός εξωτερικών επισκέπτεται το Κίεβο - Νέο πακέτο βοήθειας από το Λονδίνο
• 2:16 PM
1 min
Με την κίνηση αυτή, το Λονδίνο στέλνει στον Λευκό οίκο το μήνυμα πως δεν μειώνει τη στήριξη και παραμένει στο πλευρό του Κιέβου<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/02/05/vretanos-ipoyrgos-exoteriko
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Ryanair punishes Denmark over ‘harmful’ new tax by scrapping flights to major airports
• 2:15 PM
3 min
Ryanair says the tax will make Denmark’s regional airports “hopelessly uncompetitive” compared to other EU countries.
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İmamoğlu için yedi yıl dört aya kadar hapis ve siyasi yasak istendi
• 2:14 PM
5 min
İddianamede başsavcı Akın Gürlek 'mağdur' sıfatıyla yer aldı ve İmamoğlu hakkında siyasi yasak istendi.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/02/05/imamoglu-icin-yedi-yil-dort-aya-kadar-hapis-ve-siya
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Tributes laid at site of Sweden school shooting as death toll rises to 11
Europe • 2:10 PM
2 min
Sweden's worst mass shooting left at least 11 people dead, including the gunman, and at least five seriously wounded at an adult education centre west of Stockholm, as officials warned that the death toll could rise.<div class="small-12 column text-center
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Perante interesse crescente dos EUA e China, Gronelândia pressiona UE a investir mais no território
• 2:09 PM
7 min
O debate nacional sobre a independência da Gronelândia terá em conta a negociação de melhores condições na sua relação com a Dinamarca e a garantia de um investimento mais significativo por parte da UE.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__butt
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La Groenlandia vorrebbe più investimenti da parte dell'Ue
• 2:03 PM
5 min
Il dibattito nazionale sull'indipendenza della Groenlandia prenderà in considerazione la possibilità di negoziare condizioni migliori nelle relazioni con la Danimarca e di assicurarsi investimenti più significativi da parte dell'Ue<div class="small-12 col
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Есть ли угроза правам сирийских беженцев в Европе после падения Асада?
• 2:01 PM
1 min
Несколько европейских стран приостановили обработку заявлений о предоставлении убежища от сирийцев после падения режима Башара Асада в Сирии.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/2025/02/05/est-li-ugroza
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Os direitos dos refugiados sírios estão em causa na Europa após a queda de Assad?
• 2:01 PM
3 min
Vários países europeus suspenderam o processamento dos pedidos de asilo de cidadãos sírios na sequência da queda do regime de Bashar al-Assad na Síria.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/2025/02/05/os-
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I diritti dei rifugiati siriani in Europa sono a rischio dopo la caduta di Assad?
• 2:01 PM
3 min
Diversi Paesi europei hanno sospeso l'esame delle procedure di asilo di cittadini siriani dopo la caduta del regime di Bashar al-Assad in Siria.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/2025/02/05/i-diritti-
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¿Están en juego los derechos de los refugiados sirios en Europa tras la caída de Asad?
• 2:01 PM
3 min
Varios países europeos han suspendido la tramitación de las solicitudes de asilo de ciudadanos sirios tras la caída del régimen de Bashar al-Asad en Siria.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/2025/02/05
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Διακυβεύονται τα δικαιώματα των Συρίων προσφύγων στην Ευρώπη μετά την πτώση του Assad;
• 2:01 PM
1 min
Αρκετές ευρωπαϊκές χώρες ανέστειλαν την επεξεργασία αιτήσεων ασύλου από Σύριους υπηκόους μετά την πτώση του καθεστώτος του Bashar al-Assad στη Συρία.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/02/05/diaky
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