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L'Ukraine interdit Telegram pour ses militaires et responsables sur leurs appareils de fonction
Business • 7:33 PM
1 min
Les Ukrainiens sont libres d'utiliser l'application sur leurs appareils personnels.
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Désaccord entre la Turquie et l'Allemagne au sujet du döner kebab, l'UE pourrait trancher
Business • 6:26 PM
7 min
La Turquie souhaite que les döner kebabs bénéficient du même statut de protection dans l'UE que le jambon Serrano ou la pizza napolitaine.
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ECB's Lagarde predicts inflation to hit 2% target next year
Business • 4:38 PM
4 min
ECB President Christine Lagarde praised the "remarkable" unwinding of inflation with minimal job losses, projecting inflation to hit target by 2025. However, she warned that significant uncertainties remain.
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Guerra in Ucraina, Kiev vieta l'uso di Telegram a militari e funzionari governativi
Business • 3:44 PM
2 min
L'app di messaggistica può essere facilmente violata dalla Russia, che può accedere alle conversazioni personali e lanciare attacchi informatici. Ai dipendenti governativi e al personale militare sarà impedito anche di installare Telegram, mentre la regol
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Ukraine bans the use of Telegram on state-issued devices in the name of 'national security'
Business • 3:31 PM
2 min
Government officials, military personnel and critical infrastructure workers will not be allowed to use the popular messaging app, but Ukrainians remain free to use it in their personal devices.
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La Turchia vuole nuove norme per il döner kebab, proteste dalla Germania
Business • 2:30 PM
6 min
La Turchia vuole che il döner kebab sia registrato in modo da avere lo stesso status protetto nell'Ue del prosciutto Serrano spagnolo e della pizza napoletana, di "Specialità tradizionale garantita"
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The number of deaths by suicide in Europe decreased by 13% in a decade
Business • 2:25 PM
6 min
In 2021, there were about 47,000 deaths due to suicide in the EU, according to Eurostat.
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A cheap antidepressant could help treat incurable brain tumours, early studies show
Business • 2:23 PM
4 min
Researchers in Switzerland will test the promising early results in human clinical trials.
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Turkey attempts to skewer Germany by regulating döner kebab market
Business • 1:55 PM
6 min
Turkey wants döner kebabs registered so that it has the same protected EU status as Serrano ham from Spain and Neapolitan pizza.
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Why is the Democratic Republic of the Congo struggling to contain mpox?
Business • 11:51 AM
7 min
The most impacted country due to mpox is struggling to contain it. Here's a look at why that's the case.
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COVID pandemic: Researchers create shortlist of animals that could reveal Wuhan origins of virus
Business • 11:02 AM
4 min
A new genetic analysis looks at species of animals present at the Wuhan market that may have spread COVID-19 to people.
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Mercedes-Benz shares fall as German carmaker lowers full year outlook
Business • 10:58 AM
2 min
The German carmaker’s shares started Friday with an almost 7% drop as the company significantly cut its expected results for the full year because of weakness in Chinese demand for its vehicles.
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Volkswagen dément avoir l'intention de couper 30 000 postes dans ses effectifs
Business • 10:21 AM
6 min
Au début du mois, le PDG Oliver Blume a déclaré aux employés que l'entreprise devait mettre fin à un engagement de protection de l'emploi vieux de trois décennies, qui aurait interdit les licenciements jusqu'en 2029.
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Germania, Volkswagen nega taglio di 30mila posti di lavoro: Berlino valuta incentivi auto elettriche
Business • 10:20 AM
3 min
A inizio mese il gruppo tedesco ha comunicato la possibile chiusura di stabilimenti in Germania. Una rivista tedesca parla di 30mila dipendenti da licenziare. L'azienda nega le cifre ma non la riduzione di 10 miliardi di investimenti in ricerca e sviluppo
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Africa: in arrivo 500mila dosi di vaccino contro il vaiolo per le scimmie
Business • 9:51 AM
3 min
L'alleanza per i vaccini Gavi ha stipulato un accordo con la casa farmaceutica danese Bavarian Nordic
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Le tensioni in Medio Oriente porteranno a un altro shock dei prezzi dell'energia in Europa?
Business • 9:00 AM
2 min
Lo abbiamo chiesto a Yousef Alshammari, analista specializzato in materia
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Les tensions au Moyen-Orient risquent-elles de provoquer un nouveau choc énergétique en Europe ?
Business • 8:31 AM
2 min
Yousef Alshammari, spécialiste de ces questions, livre son analyse à Euronews Business.
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Volkswagen denies plans to cut 30,000 staff from its workforce
Business • 8:25 AM
2 min
Earlier this month, CEO Oliver Blume told employees that the company needed to end a three-decade-old job protection pledge that would have banned layoffs until 2029.
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Le climat économique de l'Allemagne s'effondre et les perspectives se dégradent
Business • 5:23 AM
5 min
Le climat économique de l'Allemagne a chuté à son plus bas niveau depuis 11 mois en septembre, l'indice ZEW ayant fortement baissé. Les perspectives économiques se sont dégradées dans les principales industries allemandes, ce qui a eu un impact sur le mor
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Les transports publics : comment les villes européennes se comparent-elles ?
Business • 5:03 AM
9 min
Le mécontentement à l'égard des transports publics dans les capitales européennes a été davantage ressenti dans le sud du continent et dans certaines parties des Balkans. Comment votre ville se situe-t-elle par rapport aux autres ?
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Bosses looking for a sweeter deal to lure staff back to the office
Business • 4:45 AM
7 min
A survey of the world's leading business leaders finds they have little appetite for hybrid working and are looking to encourage workers back to the office with better deals on pay and promotion.
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Will tensions in the Middle East lead to another energy price shock in Europe?
Business • 4:15 AM
2 min
Will tensions in the Middle East lead to another market price shock in Europe? Energy analyst Dr Yousef Alshammari shares his outlook on oil prices with Euronews Business.
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Mpox : l'Alliance du vaccin s'apprête à livrer 500 000 doses aux pays africains
Business • 12:28 AM
3 min
Les doses en question devraient arriver dans le courant de l'année.
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ING pledges to stop financing new upstream oil and gas projects
Business • 12:21 AM
3 min
ING says it would no longer be offering finance to pure-play oil and gas companies for explorations or developments in new fields, as part of its move to help support the transition to green energy.
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Les bactéries résistantes aux antibiotiques pourraient causer 39 millions de décès d'ici 2050
Business • 11:57 AM
8 min
La résistance aux antibiotiques tue déjà chaque année des millions de personnes dans le monde, mais le nombre de décès pourrait augmenter de 68 % d'ici 2050, selon une nouvelle étude.
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Mediolanum: Corte Ue annulla decisione Bce su stop acquisizione Berlusconi
Business • 10:57 AM
2 min
Secondo la Corte la Bce non aveva il diritto di indagare sulle partecipazioni di Silvio Berlusconi in Banca Mediolanum, nonostante la condanna del defunto premier italiano per frode fiscale
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La victoire posthume de Silvio Berlusconi dans un litige bancaire devant la Cour de justice de l'UE
Business • 10:40 AM
3 min
La BCE n'avait pas le droit d'enquêter sur les avoirs de Silvio Berlusconi dans la Banca Mediolanum, malgré la condamnation de l'ancien Premier ministre italien pour fraude fiscale, a déclaré jeudi la plus haute juridiction de l'UE.
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Silvio Berlusconi posthumously wins longstanding banking dispute in EU court
Business • 10:27 AM
2 min
The ECB did not have the right to probe Silvio Berlusconi’s holdings in Banca Mediolanum, in spite of the late Italian prime minister’s conviction for tax fraud, the EU’s highest court said today.
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Retour inattendu et temporaire de X au Brésil
Business • 10:24 AM
2 min
Une faille technique a permis le retour partiel du réseau social au Brésil. Elon Musk évoque une manœuvre "involontaire"
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Le banche centrali stanno esplorando le valute online: nell'Ue arriverà l'euro digitale?
Business • 10:19 AM
5 min
Le banche centrali di oltre 130 Paesi si stanno aprendo alla possibilità di emettere valute digitali. Fra esse anche la Bce, che potrebbe annunciare nel 2025 l'arrivo dell'euro digitale
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I superbatteri resistenti agli antibiotici potrebbero uccidere 39 milioni di persone entro il 2050
Business • 10:00 AM
8 min
La resistenza agli antimicrobici sta già uccidendo milioni di persone in tutto il mondo, ma secondo un nuovo studio i decessi potrebbero aumentare del 68% tra il 2021 e il 2050
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Global vaccine donor to buy 500,000 mpox jabs for Africa
Business • 9:54 AM
3 min
The vaccines should arrive later this year, according to vaccine alliance Gavi.
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Le morti per ictus sono in calo in Europa ma in aumento nel resto del mondo
Business • 9:48 AM
5 min
Secondo gli autori dello studio gli sforzi per la prevenzione dell'ictus dovrebbero concentrarsi sull'ipertensione, sullo stile di vita e sui fattori ambientali che possono aumentare il rischio
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En Europe, les décès dus aux AVC en baisse, à l'inverse de la tendance observée dans le reste du monde
Business • 9:38 AM
6 min
Les efforts en termes de prévention doivent se focaliser sur l'hypertension artérielle, le mode de vie et les facteurs environnementaux qui peuvent augmenter le risque d'AVC, selon une étude récente.
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Chi è Maria Luís Albuquerque, la probabile prossima commissaria europea per i servizi finanziari?
Business • 9:32 AM
5 min
La presidente della Commissione europea Ursula von der Leyen ha affidato un portafoglio finanziario a una donna nota per aver messo in campo una dura disciplina fiscale durante la crisi del debito sovrano del Portogallo
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Musk's X skirts Brazil ban and returns to some users with change to server access
Business • 9:09 AM
4 min
Some X users are back online despite a nation-wide ban against the app in Brazil.
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Scientists find fruit flies have sensor in oesophagus that triggers feel-good hormone
Business • 8:45 AM
2 min
Receptors in the oesophagus lead to the release of serotonin when ‘good quality food’ is consumed, researchers say.
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Quali sono le capitali europee con i migliori e peggiori trasporti pubblici, Roma fanalino di coda
Business • 7:43 AM
7 min
L'insoddisfazione per il trasporto pubblico nelle capitali è più sentita nell'Europa meridionale e in alcune zone dei Balcani. La percentuale di soddisfazione aumenta nelle città del nord Europa. A Roma solo il 29% degli abitanti è soddisfatto dei traspor
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What the Fed's jumbo rate cut means for European and global markets
Business • 6:38 AM
5 min
The Fed's substantial rate cut could result in a further loosening of global liquidity, prompting a shift in capital across asset classes and stock sectors.
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The rise and fall of the Tupperware brand
Business • 12:48 AM
10 min
With the latest news of Tupperware Brands filing for bankruptcy, we look back at how the container company pioneered practical design and a new marketing model.
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Europol arrests 51 people and dismantles encrypted communication platform
Business • 12:45 AM
1 min
Europol arrests 51 people connected to Ghost, a platform used by cybercriminals for large-scale drug trafficking and money laundering.
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Wednesday, september 18, 2024

Stroke deaths are declining in Europe but rising worldwide, new analysis shows
Business • 10:30 PM
6 min
Stroke prevention efforts should focus on high blood pressure, lifestyle, and environmental factors that can increase people’s risk, the study authors said.
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Locals in this capital are happiest with their public transport. How do Europe's cities compare?
Business • 2:42 PM
8 min
Dissatisfaction with public transport in capital cities was more keenly felt in southern Europe and parts of the Balkans. How does your city compare?
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Covid: in Europa aumentano i casi della variante Xec. Ecco cosa sappiamo
Business • 2:40 PM
3 min
La sottovariante è stata segnalata in almeno 11 Paesi europei dopo essere emersa in Germania, ma finora non soddisfa i criteri per essere considerata una variante preoccupante
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Attacco in Libano: perché Hezbollah usa i cercapersone e come possono essere fatti esplodere
Business • 2:16 PM
4 min
I cercapersone appartenenti ad agenti di Hezbollah sono esplosi in un attacco che sarebbe stato pianificato da Israele. Ecco come gli esperti ipotizzano che possano essere stati fatti esplodere
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Comment les bipeurs du Hezbollah ont-ils pu être transformés en armes ?
Business • 2:13 PM
7 min
Des bipeurs appartenant à des agents du Hezbollah ont explosé lors d'une attaque qui aurait été planifiée par Israël.
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Pubblicità digitale nell'Ue: Google vince la sfida legale per annullare una delle multe antitrust
Business • 1:17 PM
3 min
Mercoledì Google ha vinto un ricorso in tribunale contro una multa antitrust dell'Unione europea da 1,49 miliardi di euro, comminata cinque anni fa e che riguardava la sua attività di pubblicità online
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Lebanon attack: Why is Hezbollah using pagers and how could they have been made to explode?
Business • 1:14 PM
6 min
Pagers belonging to Hezbollah operatives exploded in an attack that was allegedly planned by Israel. This is how experts are speculating they could have been detonated.
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Commission européenne : le relatif soulagement des écologistes, après les choix d'Ursula von der Leyen en matière de climat
Business • 11:47 AM
6 min
La présidente de la Commission européenne Ursula von der Leyen a envoyé un signal en faveur d'une continuité avec le Green Deal, en choisissant le Néerlandais Wopke Hoekstra, le Danois Dan Jørgensen et l'Espagnole Teresa Ribera.
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Monnaies numériques : plus de 130 pays explorent sérieusement cette option
Business • 11:38 AM
5 min
Selon une nouvelle étude d'un think tank américain, les banques centrales du monde entier s'intéressent désormais aux monnaies numériques.
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Who is Maria Luís Albuquerque, the likely next financial services Commissioner?
Business • 11:22 AM
5 min
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen entrusted a financial portfolio to a woman known for administering tough fiscal discipline during Portugal's sovereign debt crisis.
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The EU's new Hungarian health Commissioner-designate is in for a rocky ride
Business • 10:59 AM
6 min
Olivér Várhelyi, the controversial pick of Hungary's PM Viktor Orbán, has been handed a highly technical role by Ursula von der Leyen. What does it mean for EU health policy if he's rejected by the European Parliament?
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Google wins legal bid to overturn antitrust fine in EU digital ad case
Business • 10:22 AM
3 min
The ruling can be appealed to the EU Court of Justice, the bloc's top court, but only on points of law.
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La sindrome silenziosa dell'ovaio policistico: mancano diagnosi e ricerca, mentre dilaga la disinformazione
Business • 9:48 AM
10 min
La sindrome dell'ovaio policistico è una delle condizioni di salute più comuni nelle donne in età riproduttiva. Eppure, gli investimenti nella ricerca per migliorare i sintomi delle pazienti sono scarsi. Circa il 70 per cento delle donne non viene diagnos
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La taxe sur les déchets plastiques pointée du doigt par la Cour des Comptes européenne
Business • 8:49 AM
4 min
Cette récente taxe présente de nombreuses lacunes au sujet de l'évaluation de la gestion des déchets plastiques, et pourrait aussi générer une hausse des décharges illégales, d'après un rapport d'audit.
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Commissione Ue: ambientalisti soddisfatti dalle scelte di von der Leyen sul clima
Business • 8:08 AM
6 min
Gli attivisti per il clima e la lobby delle energie rinnovabili hanno interpretato le scelte dei commissari - l'olandese Wopke Hoekstra, il danese Dan Jørgensen e la spagnola Teresa Ribera - come un segnale di continuità con il Green Deal che ha caratteri
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Covid-19 : ce que l'on sait du nouveau variant XEC, qui se propage en Europe
Business • 7:56 AM
4 min
Ce variant a été signalé dans au moins 11 pays européens, après avoir émergé en Allemagne.
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Apple hit with €62 million EU class action for unfair charges on music
Business • 7:41 AM
2 min
Big Tech giant Apple was hit with a €1.8 billion European Commission fine in March for unfair pricing that allegedly locked out competitors.
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UniCredit seeks ECB approval for larger stake in Commerzbank
Business • 6:14 AM
4 min
UniCredit seeks the European Central Bank's approval to own up to 30% of a stake in Commerzbank, potentially triggering a full buyout deal of Germany's second-largest lender by assets.
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Retailers take emergency action to avoid Christmas delivery nightmare
Business • 4:35 AM
6 min
Unprecedented early ordering is being driven by concerns that the global shipping industry could buckle under the strain of trying to fulfil mounting Christmas orders without using the important Red Sea trading routes.
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SOPK : le manque de recherche, jusqu'à 70 % des femmes ne sont pas diagnostiquées dans le monde
Business • 12:22 AM
11 min
Le syndrome des ovaires polykystiques est l'un des problèmes de santé les plus courants chez les femmes en âge de procréer. Pourtant, les investissements dans la recherche et les progrès vers l'amélioration des symptômes et du bien-être des patientes sont
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Tuesday, september 17, 2024

Fumo, l'Ue chiede misure più severe per raggiungere una "generazione senza tabacco"
Business • 5:23 PM
3 min
La Commissione europea raccomanda agli Stati membri di estendere il divieto di fumo alle aree esterne, anche per i dispositivi elettronici e per i prodotti senza nicotina
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L'UE demande des mesures plus strictes pour parvenir à une "génération sans tabac"
Business • 5:00 PM
4 min
La Commission européenne recommande aux États membres d'étendre les interdictions de fumer aux espaces extérieurs, y compris pour les cigarettes électroniques et les produits sans nicotine.
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‘Dream team’: Green groups breathe a sigh of relief on von der Leyen’s climate choices
Business • 4:09 PM
5 min
Climate activists and the renewable energy lobby have broadly interpreted Ursula von der Leyen’s commissioner picks – the Netherlands’ Wopke Hoekstra, Denmark’s Dan Jørgensen and Spain’s Teresa Ribera – as signalling continuity with the Green Deal that ma
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134 countries now exploring digital currencies as interest triples since 2020, new report finds
Business • 4:04 PM
5 min
Central banks worldwide are now looking into digital currencies, according to a new study from a US think tank.
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EU calls for tougher measures to achieve a ‘tobacco free generation’
Business • 3:25 PM
3 min
The European Commission recommends that member states extend smoking bans to outdoor areas, including for electronic cigarettes and nicotine-free products.
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Ursula Von der Leyen propose des "crédits nature" pour protéger les écosystèmes
Business • 3:22 PM
4 min
La Commission européenne envisage un système basé sur le marché pour encourager les agriculteurs et l'industrie à préserver l'environnement et à restaurer la biodiversité.
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ChatGPT maker OpenAI to launch subsidiary in Paris as city aims to become AI hub - report
Business • 3:12 PM
3 min
OpenAI, the company behind the wildly successful chatbot, has made no secret of its plans to expand in Europe.
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Près de la moitié des médecins sont harcelés sexuellement par les patients. Pourquoi est-il si difficile de les protéger ?
Business • 2:58 PM
14 min
De nombreux médecins et professionnels de la santé sont victimes de harcèlement sexuel de la part de patients, mais ils ne signalent souvent pas ces incidents et ne savent pas comment se protéger.
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OpenAI's safety group to become 'independent' oversight board without Sam Altman
Business • 2:32 PM
3 min
The move follows increasing scrutiny over OpenAI's safety policies which Altman has directly influenced as one of the leaders of its committee.
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Des euro-obligations pourraient financer le bouclier de défense aérienne de l'UE, selon un think tank
Business • 1:29 PM
3 min
Ursula von der Leyen veut protéger l'Europe d'éventuelles attaques de missiles russes. Mais la construction d'un système de défense aérienne de l'UE pose toujours un problème clivant de financement.
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Instagram just got tougher for teenagers: Here’s how the Meta company is changing
Business • 1:03 PM
3 min
This is what teenagers and parents need to know about the new safety features coming to Instagram.
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These Commissioners will be in charge of EU tech policy
Business • 11:33 AM
6 min
Tech and industry portfolios go to Finland’s Henna Virkkunen, France’s Stéphane Séjourné, Bulgaria’s Ekaterina Zaharieva and Ireland’s Michael McGrath.
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Reducing air pollution exposure could curb Parkinson's risks, researchers say
Business • 10:35 AM
5 min
Air pollution exposure could increase the risk of Parkinson’s disease, as well as certain symptoms.
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Von der Leyen propone i "crediti natura" per evitare il collasso degli ecosistemi
Business • 10:34 AM
4 min
La Commissione europea sta prendendo in considerazione un sistema basato sul mercato per incoraggiare gli agricoltori e l'industria a preservare l'ambiente e a ripristinare la biodiversità perduta, dando un prezzo agli ecosistemi.
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Germany's economic sentiment takes a dramatic fall as outlook worsens
Business • 10:31 AM
4 min
Germany's economic sentiment plunged to an 11-month low in September, with the ZEW index dropping sharply. Economic outlook worsened across key German industries, impacting the broader eurozone morale.
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Meta mette al bando i media russi per "attività di interferenza straniera"
Business • 9:44 AM
1 min
Il segretario di Stato americano Antony Blinken ha dichiarato che i Paesi dovrebbero trattare le attività dell’emittente statale russa Rt come se fossero attività di intelligence
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Intel postpones construction of German chip factory for two years
Business • 8:54 AM
3 min
US chip-maker Intel has announced plans to postpone the construction of a factory in Germany for at least two years.
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Meta bans Russian state media over 'foreign influence'
Business • 8:14 AM
1 min
Meta is banning several Russian state media outlets from using Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp over allegations they used deceptive tactics to carry out covert influence operations online.
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Amazon tells employees to go back to the office five times a week
Business • 7:51 AM
3 min
Last year, Amazon asked all employees to come back to the office for three mandatory days, resulting in protests.
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Meta interdit les médias d'État russes sur ses plateformes en ligne
Business • 7:45 AM
1 min
Meta affirme que plusieurs médias proches de Moscou ont utilisé des tactiques trompeuses pour mener des opérations d'influence pro-russes en ligne.
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Antibiotic-resistant superbugs could kill 39 million people by 2050, researchers warn
Business • 6:48 AM
9 min
Antimicrobial resistance is already killing millions around the globe, but deaths could surge by 68 per cent between 2021 and 2050, according to a major new study.
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Des chercheurs travaillent à l'élaboration d'un vaccin contre le virus du Nil Occidental
Business • 5:21 AM
6 min
Le virus du Nil Occidental a tué des dizaines de personnes cet été dans plusieurs pays d'Europe où il est endémique. L'UE finance la recherche d'un vaccin à Barcelone.
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Perù, incidente bus turisti a Machu Picchu: 10 italiani feriti, nessuno in pericolo di vita
Business • 5:14 AM
2 min
31 feriti in tutto, nessun altro cittadino Ue. La Farnesina ha confermato il ferimento di dieci italiani, nessuno in pericolo di vita. La strada che collega Machu Picchu a valle è stata teatro di molti incidenti
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Weight loss market: Smaller rivals muscle in on Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk
Business • 4:45 AM
4 min
As Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk continue to dominate the lucrative weight-loss drug market, smaller competitors are gearing up to release their own treatments, aiming to challenge the two industry leaders.
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Eurobonds could finance EU air defence shield, leading think tank says
Business • 4:30 AM
3 min
Ursula von der Leyen wants to protect Europe against Russian missile attacks, and building an Israel-style defence system could cost hundreds of billions. But new funding proposals from an influential Brussels think tank are likely to raise hackles in fru
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Scientists shed light on the many ways women's brains change during pregnancy
Business • 12:38 AM
5 min
A new study looked at how the brain changes throughout pregnancy and could help better understand issues like postpartum depression.
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Who holds the economic power in von der Leyen’s new Commission?
Business • 12:30 AM
5 min
Trade, competition, fiscal policy and the EU budget are among the most sought-after prizes on offer in the new EU executive. Euronews examines who is lined up to control key posts, and which embarrassing revelations might trip them up.
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New XEC COVID variant is on the rise in Europe. Here's what we know about it so far
Business • 12:25 AM
3 min
The subvariant has been reported in at least 11 European countries after emerging in Germany, but so far doesn't meet the criteria for being a variant of concern or interest.
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Monday, september 16, 2024

Exclusif : l'UE veut interdire de fumer et de vapoter dans les espaces extérieurs (projet fuité)
Business • 6:40 PM
6 min
La Commission européenne recommandera d'étendre l'interdiction de fumer aux terrasses des cafés, aux arrêts de bus et dans les zoos, et prévoit également d'inclure dans l'interdiction les produits sans nicotine, selon un document qui a fait l'objet d'une
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Esclusivo: l'Ue vuole vietare il fumo e il vaping nelle aree esterne, secondo una bozza trapelata
Business • 6:19 PM
4 min
Secondo un documento trapelato e ottenuto da Euronews, la Commissione europea raccomanderà il divieto di fumare nelle terrazze dei caffè, alle fermate degli autobus e negli zoo e prevede di includere anche i prodotti senza nicotina
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BMW a mis deux ans à découvrir un défaut de fonctionnement lui coûtant des milliards d'euros
Business • 5:26 PM
3 min
Les actions de la société se sont effondrées la semaine dernière à la suite de l'avertissement sur les bénéfices qui a révélé l'ampleur du problème, 5 milliards d'euros ayant à un moment donné été effacés de la valeur de la société.
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Exclusive: EU wants to ban smoking and vaping in outdoor areas, leaked draft says
Business • 4:49 PM
4 min
The European Commission will recommend smoking bans in cafe terraces, bus stops, and zoos, and plans also cover nicotine-free products, according to a leaked document obtained by Euronews.
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UK telecoms provider records 2,000 possible cyber-attacks every second
Business • 4:07 PM
2 min
The UK’s largest telecommunications provider says there are roughly 2,000 potential cyber-attacks every second recorded through its platforms.
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Botulism led to 5 people being hospitalised in France. What is it and how can you avoid it?
Business • 4:06 PM
3 min
A local artisanal pesto in France was linked to cases of botulism. What is it?
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EU bungled plastic waste tax, auditors say  
Business • 3:28 PM
4 min
A new levy intended to discourage the landfill and incineration of plastic waste is plagued by dodgy data, and may have led to an uptick in crime, auditors warn
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Slack is adding AI agents. This is what you can do with them
Business • 3:04 PM
3 min
The new AI features could help humans with tasks such as drafting emails.
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Where in Europe are there restrictions on smoking outdoors?
Business • 2:30 PM
10 min
Experts say limiting smoking in outdoor areas such as beaches, parks, and restaurants could be the next move for many countries to tackle tobacco smoking.
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Titanic builder Harland & Wolff to enter administration amid debt woes
Business • 2:16 PM
2 min
RMS Titanic shipbuilder Harland & Wolff announced on Monday that it will enter administration following financial troubles.
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La Cina e l'Ue hanno avviato colloqui per allentare le tensioni sui dazi commerciali
Business • 1:20 PM
5 min
In un'escalation di tensioni commerciali, il ministro del Commercio cinese, Wang Wentao, e il commissario al Commercio della Commissione europea, Valdis Dombrovskis, si incontreranno giovedì per discutere delle relazioni commerciali tra le due parti
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