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Sebastian Alvarez entre dans l'histoire en faisant du skysurf à Abu Dhabi
World • 6:59 PM
1 min
Le pilote de wingsuit chilien Sebastian Alvarez est entré dans l'histoire en faisant du "skysurfing" depuis un hélicoptère Bell 212 situé à 3 657 mètres au-dessus de l'île de Hudayriyat à Abu Dhabi.
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Guerra in Ucraina: attacco russo su condominio a Kharkiv, tre morti
• 6:58 PM
2 min
La seconda città più grande dell'Ucraina rimane sotto attacco aereo mentre cerca di ricostruire in tempo per affrontare l'inverno
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El juez del caso Eva Kaili ordena revisar si el papel de los espías belgas fue lícito
• 6:56 PM
3 min
La ex eurodiputada, que ha negado las acusaciones de corrupción y blanqueo de dinero, consiguió llevar adelante su petición de examinar si los servicios secretos belgas desempeñaron un papel ilegal en su detención en 2022.
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Libanons Botschafter: "Israels Angriffe sind eine existenzielle Bedrohung"
• 6:53 PM
2 min
Der libanesische Botschafter in Brüssel, Fadi Hajali hat Israel einer "eklatanten Aggression" gegen sein Land beschuldigt.
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Thousands flee southern Lebanon due to intense bombardment
• 6:50 PM
1 min
Heavy Israeli bombardment on Monday forced thousands to flee southern Lebanon, with families seeking refuge in Beirut and nearby mountains.
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'Israeli attacks are existential threats to us' : Lebanese Ambassador
Europe • 6:43 PM
2 min
Belgium's Lebanese ambassador Fadi Hajali accused Israel of "targeting civilians and violating human rights."
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Au moins trois morts dans des frappes russes sur un quartier résidentiel de Kharkiv
Europe • 6:40 PM
1 min
Un immeuble d’habitation qui faisait l'objet de réparations après une précédente attaque a notamment été touché.
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Macaristan iltica haklarıyla ilgili mahkeme kararını uygulamaya hazır
• 6:38 PM
3 min
Avrupa Adalet Divanı, iltica haklarını ihlal ettiği gerekçesiyle Macaristan'a 200 milyon euro (7,6 milyar Türk Lirası) para cezası kesmişti.
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Caso Kaili, dubbi sul ruolo degli 007 belgi nell'arresto dell'ex vicepresidente del Parlamento Ue
• 6:33 PM
2 min
L'ex deputata ha sempre negato le accuse di corruzione e riciclaggio di denaro. Ora è da chiarire quale ruolo abbiano avuto i servizi segreti belgi nel suo arresto del 2022
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İsviçre'de polis 'intihar kapsülündeki' şüpheli ölümün ardından çok sayıda kişiyi gözaltına aldı
• 6:32 PM
7 min
Sarco kapsülünün, destekli intihara yardımcı olma amacı doğrultusunda kullanılmasının yasallığı İsviçre'deki yetkililer tarafından sorgulanıyor.
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السويد تتهم إيران بإرسال تهديدات للمواطنين على خلفية حرق القرآن
International • 6:30 PM
2 min
اتهمت السويد إيران بإرسال رسائل نصية تحمل تهديدات إلى آلاف الأشخاص عقب عمليات إحراق القرآن، مدعية أن الحرس الثوري الإيراني قام باختراق بيانات شركة سويدية مسؤولة عن الاتصالات، مما أتاح له إرسال حوالي 15 ألف رسالة باللغة السويدية.
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Le bateau des garde-côtes grecs aperçu dans les eaux territoriales turques
Europe • 6:25 PM
2 min
Le bateau des garde-côtes grecs a été filmé à plusieurs reprises en Turquie. Ankara dénonce des "violations inacceptables".
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Βέλγιο: Έρευνα στις μυστικές υπηρεσίες για την υπόθεση της Εύας Καϊλή
• 6:17 PM
1 min
Η πρώην ευρωβουλευτής είχε ζητήσει να εξεταστεί αν οι βελγικές μυστικές υπηρεσίες λειτούργησαν παράνομα κατά τη σύλληψή της το 2022
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'Kaili' davası: 'İstihbarat servisinin sağladığı belgeler incelenecek'
• 6:14 PM
3 min
Avrupa Parlamentosu'nun eski bir milletvekili olan Eva Kaili, yolsuzluk ve kara para aklama suçlamalarıyla 2022'de tutuklanmıştı.
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ΥΠΕΞ: Οι Έλληνες επισκέπτες να φύγουν αμέσως από τον Λίβανο
• 6:02 PM
1 min
Η Αθήνα συνιστά να μην γίνεται κανένα ταξίδι με προορισμό τη χώρα της ανατολικής Μεσογείου
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قادة العالم يرفعون صوتهم ضد الحرب: دعوات ملحّة لإنهاء القتال في غزة ولبنان
International • 6:00 PM
5 min
تأتي هذه الدورة وسط أجواء متوترة تسودها الانقسامات العالمية المتزايدة والحروب الكبرى في غزة وأوكرانيا والسودان، مع تهديدات بنشوب صراع أوسع في منطقة الشرق الأوسط.
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Посол Ливана: «Израильские бомбардировки угрожают существованию страны»
• 5:53 PM
1 min
Посол Ливана обвиняет Израиль в развязывании «войны против мирных жителей»
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L'Ungheria è pronta ad applicare una sentenza chiave dell'Ue in materia di asilo
• 5:46 PM
3 min
Il ministro degli Affari europei János Bóka insiste che non pagherà una multa di 200 milioni di euro imposta dai tribunali dell'Ue per aver limitato i diritti di asilo, sebbene Bruxelles abbia avviato una procedura speciale per detrarre la somma dai fondi
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Police in Switzerland detain several people over suspected death in Sarco 'suicide capsule'
Business • 5:45 PM
6 min
The legality of using the 3D-printed device for its intended purpose of helping assisted dying is being questioned by authorities in Switzerland.
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El embajador del Líbano pide a la UE imponer sanciones contra Israel
• 5:44 PM
3 min
El embajador del Líbano en Bruselas, Fadi Hajali, respondió a las preguntas de 'Euronews' acusando a Israel de una "flagrante agresión" contra su país.
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Sebastian Alvarez Abu Dabi'de 'gök sörfü' ile tarih yazdı
• 5:43 PM
1 min
Şilili wingsuit pilotu Alvarez, Abu Dabi'deki Hudayriyat Adası'nın 3.657 metre üzerinde bulunan bir Bell 212 helikopterden 'gök sörfü' yaparak tarihe geçti.
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İsveç, Kur'an yakma olaylarının ardından İran'ı mesajlaşma servisini hacklemekle suçladı
• 5:40 PM
2 min
İsveç, Kur'an yakma olaylarının ardından İran'ı mesajlaşma servisini hacklemekle suçladı
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Olivia Newton-John'un şarkısı ölümünden iki yıl sonra yayınlandı
• 5:38 PM
2 min
Şarkıdan elde edilecek gelir, daha önce kanser araştırmalarına sponsor olmuş Olivia Newton-John Vakfı'na bağışlanacak.
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Embaixador do Líbano em Bruxelas apela a sanções da UE contra Israel face aos recentes ataques
• 5:38 PM
3 min
Em entrevista à Euronews, Fadi Hajali acusou, ainda, Israel de uma “agressão flagrante” e pediu à comunidade internacional que se una contra o país de Benjamin Netanyahu.
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Borrell: İsrail-Hizbullah çatışması 'tam teşekküllü savaşa' dönüşebilir
• 5:34 PM
7 min
BM Genel Kurulu'nda konuşan AB Dış Politika Şefi, Orta Doğu'da daha geniş çaplı bir savaşın önüne geçilmesi gerektiğini belirterek, AB'nin Ukrayna'ya sağladığı destek konusunda bilgi verdi.
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Ουκρανία: Ξένα εξαρτήματα σε ρωσικά όπλα
• 5:32 PM
1 min
Πρόκειται για μικροτσίπ, ημιαγωγούς και άλλα μικροηλεκτρονικά από την Κίνα, τις ΗΠΑ και την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση
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Alman polisi, insan kaçakçılığından ötürü dört kişiyi gözaltına aldı
• 5:27 PM
3 min
Savcılık ve gümrük yetkililerinin de desteklediği operasyona toplam 400 polisin katıldığı belirtildi.
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İmamoğlu 'ahmak davası' hakkında konuştu: 'Tam bir sefillik'
• 5:21 PM
4 min
CHP hukukçuları ve bazı yöneticileri İmamoğlu'na yönelik açılan davada "siyasi yasak" cezasının onaylanacağı iddialarının ardından Salı günü İstanbul'da olağanüstü toplandı.
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Schweden macht Iran für SMS mit Racheaufruf nach Koran-Verbrennungen verantwortlich
• 5:20 PM
4 min
Der schwedische Geheimdienst beschuldigt Iran, zu Racheaktionen aufgerufen zu haben. Durch einen Hackerangriff wurden im Sommer 2023 rund 15 000 SMS verschickt.
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Sendika müzakerecileri Boeing'in ücret konusundaki 'son teklifini' reddetti
• 5:19 PM
4 min
Dört yıl içinde toplam yüzde 30'luk bir paket teklifi, önceki tekliften daha yüksek ancak 30.000'den fazla işçi geleneksel emeklilik planının geri getirilmesini talep ediyor.
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Les frappes israéliennes sont "une menace existentielle" pour le Liban
Europe • 5:19 PM
3 min
L'ambassadeur du Liban à Bruxelles, Fadi Hajali, a répondu aux questions d'Euronews, accusant Israël d'une "agression flagrante" contre son pays.
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Trasporti Ue, i treni ad alta velocità per collegare l'Europa sono per ora solo un piano
Business • 5:17 PM
4 min
Europarlamentari, autorità e addetti ai lavori hanno discusso di alta velocità ferroviaria su un treno da Bruxelles a Berlino. Sei ore per discutere la fattibilità di un piano che non è mai partito. Ricerche indicano costi alti ma enormi benefici per econ
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Trump'ın suikastçısı Routh'un oğlunun telefonunda yüzlerce çocuk pornosu bulundu: Gözaltına alındı
• 5:17 PM
5 min
Pornografik içerikler eski model bir telefonun hafıza kartının incelemesiyle bulundu.
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Hungria está disposta a aplicar uma decisão controversa da UE em matéria de asilo, enquanto multas diárias aumentam
• 5:09 PM
3 min
O ministro dos Assuntos Europeus, János Bóka, insiste que não vai pagar uma multa de 200 milhões de euros imposta pelos tribunais da UE por ter restringido os direitos de asilo, apesar de Bruxelas ter acionado um procedimento especial para deduzir o monta
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Επτά μήνες Επιχείρηση «ΑΣΠΙΔΕΣ»: Τι έχουν πετύχει μέχρι τώρα οι ευρωπαϊκές φρεγάτες
• 5:06 PM
1 min
Ελλάδα, Ιταλία και Γαλλία συνθέτουν το στόλο της Επιχείρησης ΑΣΠΙΔΕΣ που προστατεύει τα εμπορικά πλοία από τους Χούθι στην Ερυθρά Θάλασσα
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هفوة محرجة.. ستارمر يدعو إلى إطلاق سراح ”النقانق“ من غزة
International • 5:00 PM
1 min
ارتكب رئيس الوزراء البريطاني كير ستارمر، اليوم الثلاثاء، هفوة محرجة أثناء خطابه في المؤتمر السنوي لحزب العمال البريطاني في ليفربول، بوصفه الأسرى الإسرائيليين بالـ"النقانق" عن طريق الخطأ.
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L'ambasciatore del Libano: "Raid minaccia esistenziale, l'Ue sanzioni Israele"
• 4:55 PM
3 min
L'ambasciatore del Libano a Bruxelles Fadi Hajali ha risposto alle domande di Euronews, accusando Israele di un"evidente aggressione" contro il proprio Paese
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Sebastian Alvarez's makes history 'skysurfing' in Abu Dhabi
• 4:54 PM
1 min
Chilean wingsuit flyer Sebastian Alvarez has made history by "skysurfing" from a Bell 212 helicopter located 3,657 metres above Hudayriyat Island in Abu Dhabi.
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¿Cómo unificar y mejorar la red ferroviaria europea?
• 4:52 PM
5 min
El lunes, varios especialistas del sector ferroviario hicieron un viaje de seis horas en tren para tratar de encontrar la manera de unificar una red fragmentada, cara y que frena el crecimiento europeo.
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Volunteers and authorities unite to clean up flood-stricken Romania
Europe • 4:51 PM
1 min
Over 7,000 households in Romania's Galati county were severely hit by floods that devastated the region.
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Hungary open to enforce key EU asylum ruling as daily fines mount
Europe • 4:50 PM
3 min
European Affairs Minister János Bóka insists he won't pay a €200m fine imposed by EU courts for restricting asylum rights, though Brussels has triggered a special procedure to deduct the sum from EU funds.
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Orta İtalya'yı vuran sel felaketinin ardından kayıp iki turist aranıyor
• 4:46 PM
4 min
Şiddetli yağışlar Orta Avrupa, İtalya ve Birleşik Krallık'ta binlerce kişinin tahliye edilmesine neden oldu.
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Την αναγνώριση του ψευδοκράτους ζήτησε ο Ερντογάν από το βήμα της ΓΣ του ΟΗΕ
• 4:45 PM
1 min
Να σταματήσει η διεθνής απομόνωση των τουρκοκυπρίων μέσω της λύσης των δύο κρατών επανέλαβε ο Τουρκος πρόεδρος, που ανέφερε ότι φέτος συμπληρώθηκαν 50 χρόνια από την «ειρηνευτική επιχείρηση» στην Κύπρο
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Rusya'nın Harkiv'e düzenlediği saldırıda üç kişi hayatını kaybetti
• 4:43 PM
2 min
Sert bir kışa hazırlanan Ukrayna'da ülkenin en büyük ikinci kenti Harkiv, Rus hava saldırılarının hedefindeydi.
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Fransa'da ilaç kıtlığı: 11 firmaya para cezası kesildi
• 4:36 PM
2 min
Fransa'daki ilaç sektörünün kilit firmaları, 'ilaç yokluğunu gidermeye yönelik düzenlemelere' uymamakla suçlanıyor.
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Il referendum sulla cittadinanza italiana si farà: raccolte 500 mila firme
• 4:35 PM
3 min
L'iter prevede adesso il controllo di validità formale della Corte di Cassazione e il vaglio della Corte Costituzionale. La consultazione referendaria potrà poi avere luogo, probabilmente entro il mese di giugno 2025
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Eva Kaili judge orders review of whether Belgian spies’ role was lawful
Europe • 4:31 PM
2 min
The ex-MEP, who has denied charges of corruption and money laundering, won her bid to examine whether the Belgian secret service played an illegal role in her 2022 arrest.
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تحذير من حزب الله للبنانيين: لا تفتحوا الباركود!
International • 4:30 PM
1 min
حث المكتب الإعلامي لحزب الله اللبنانيين، يوم الثلاثاء، على التخلص من المنشورات الإسرائيلية التي ألقيت اليوم، محذراً من مسح الرموز الاكترونية "باركود" التي تحملها لكونها "خطيرة جداً، تجنّباً لخرق بياناتهم الشخصية.
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İsrail: Hizbullah'ın 'Füze ve Roket Kuvvetleri' komutanı İbrahim Muhammed Kabisi'yi öldürdük
• 4:18 PM
4 min
İsrail ile Lübnan'ın güneyindeki Hizbullah militanları arasındaki gerilim artıyor.
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¿Qué pasará con la ley de telecomunicaciones de la UE sin Thierry Breton?
• 4:18 PM
6 min
Es probable que Henna Virkkunen sustituya a Thierry Breton como comisaria de Telecomunicaciones de la UE. El alcance de la próxima Ley de Redes Digitales es incierto.
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Greek coast guard violates Turkish waters pursuing migrant boat
Europe • 4:13 PM
4 min
Turkish news outlets have released videos appearing to show the Greek vessel chasing a dingy near the Turkish city of Bodrum.
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Ganhar controlo da própria vida: a exigência de um grupo de pessoas com deficiência
• 4:12 PM
4 min
A associação apela ao fim dos centros de internamento e denuncia o facto de a sociedade os ver como "destinatários passivos de ajuda".
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Commission insists no plans to delay anti-deforestation law
Business • 4:11 PM
3 min
Amid a growing backlash from trading partners and conservative lawmakers, the European Commission maintains it is working to implement new legislation that will ban from January the import of products linked to deforestation overseas.
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Turistas podem ser multados em 750 euros por não cumprirem estas regras de etiqueta
• 4:08 PM
3 min
Os habitantes locais dizem que a sua cidade natal se transformou num parque temático para turistas.
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La Guardia Costera griega entra en aguas territoriales turcas y toca tierra firme
• 4:08 PM
2 min
Las autoridades ministeriales de ambos países se reúnen y acuerdan evitar incidentes similares que puedan "crear impresiones erróneas".
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Швеция утверждает, что за тысячами текстовых сообщений, подстрекающих к протестам против сожжения Корана, стоит Иран
• 4:04 PM
2 min
В последние годы в Швеции участились антииранские протесты, и Исламскую Республику обвиняют в провоцировании международной реакции.
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Турция протестует против нарушения территориальных вод
• 4:04 PM
1 min
Греческие моряки, преследовавшие контрабандистов, один раз даже высадились на турецком берегу
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Πορτογαλία: «Σύμπτωση» η ταυτόχρονη απεργία γιατρών και νοσηλευτών, λένε τα συνδικάτα
• 4:02 PM
1 min
Ο κρατικός τομέας της υγείας λειτουργεί με ελάχιστες υπηρεσίες εδώ και δύο ημέρες στην Πορτογαλία, με δύο ξεχωριστές αλλά ταυτόχρονες απεργίες για καλύτερους μισθούς και συνθήκες εργασίας
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روسيا تهاجم مدينة زاباروجيا الأوكرانية لأول مرة باستخدام قنابل انزلاقية تعود للحقبة السوفياتية
International • 4:00 PM
1 min
شنّت روسيا غارات جديدة على مدينة زاباورجيا الأوكرانية، مما أسفر عن مقتل شخص واحد وإصابة ستة آخرين، وفقًا لما أعلنته السلطات المحلية صباح الثلاثاء.
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L’info du jour | 24 septembre - Soir
World • 4:00 PM
1 min
Suivez les derniers développements de l'actualité en Europe et dans le monde. Retrouvez les dernières infos sur la politique, l'économie, la culture et le divertissement.
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Новости дня | 24 сентября — вечерний выпуск
• 4:00 PM
1 min
Узнавайте о самых важных событиях в Европе и за ее пределами - последние новости, срочные новости, мир, бизнес, развлечения, политика, культура, путешествия
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Le notizie del giorno | 24 settembre - Serale
• 4:00 PM
1 min
Segui l'attualità dall'Europa e dal mondo. Ricevi le ultime notizie su economia, spettacolo, politica, cultura, viaggi.
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Nachrichten des Tages | 24. September - Abendausgabe
• 4:00 PM
1 min
Informieren Sie sich über das aktuelle Geschehen in Europa und der Welt - Politik, Wirtschaft, Unterhaltung, Kultur und Reisen.
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Latest news bulletin | September 24th – Evening
• 4:00 PM
1 min
Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news, World, Business, Entertainment, Politics, Culture, Travel.
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Manifestation à Bruxelles de personnes en situation de handicap pour réclamer plus d'insertion
Europe • 3:58 PM
4 min
Les manifestants demandent la fin des espaces institutionnalisés et dénoncent le fait que la société les considère comme des "assistés passifs".
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Autodafés du Coran : la Suède accuse l'Iran de cyberattaque pour inciter à la haine
World • 3:56 PM
4 min
Environ 15 000 messages avaient été envoyés sur des téléphones mobiles en Suède durant l'été 2023, pour appeler à la vengeance.
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Divulgadas imagens de barcos da guarda costeira grega a violarem as águas territoriais da Turquia
• 3:56 PM
2 min
O ministro do Interior turco contactou o ministro grego da Política Marítima e Insular e expressou o seu desconforto perante as "violações" que disse considerar "inaceitáveis".
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French agency fines 11 pharmaceutical labs €8 million over drug shortages
Business • 3:54 PM
2 min
Big names in the pharmaceutical industry were accused of failing to comply with regulations to prevent drug shortages.
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Σε εξέλιξη η συνάντηση Μητσοτάκη - Ερντογάν στη Νέα Υόρκη
• 3:49 PM
1 min
Συμμετέχουν και οι υπουργοί Εξωτερικών καθώς και οι επικεφαλής των διπλωματικών τους γραφείων
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Bruxelles, la protesta diversamente abile per non essere messi ai margini
• 3:45 PM
3 min
Manifestazione a Bruxelles di un gruppo di persone con disabilità. Chiedono alle istituzioni europee diverse forme di supporto, dalla disponibilità di un budget all'assistente personale
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Russia wants the world divided and in conflict. NATO cannot let this happen
Europe • 3:43 PM
6 min
Russia wants to keep NATO solely focused on the developments in Ukraine, making us oblivious to his imperialist plans elsewhere, Matas Maldeikis writes.
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Ουκρανία: Τρεις νεκροί από ρωσικό χτύπημα σε αστική συνοικία στο Χάρκοβο
• 3:37 PM
1 min
Η δεύτερη μεγαλύτερη πόλη της Ουκρανίας παραμένει στόχος επιθέσεων καθώς προσπαθεί να ανοικοδομηθεί εγκαίρως για τον σκληρό χειμώνα
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Fehlender Medikamentenvorrat: Frankreich verhängt Geldstrafen für Pharmaunternehmen
• 3:28 PM
1 min
Frankreich verhängt Strafzahlungen von insgesamt 8 Millionen Euro gegen ein Dutzend Pharmaunternehmen - wegen fehlender Medikamentenvorräte.
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В ЕС хотят создать высокоскоростную сеть железных дорог
• 3:28 PM
1 min
Возможно ли создать в ЕС общую высокоскоростную сеть железных дорог? Этот вопрос обсудили представители отрасли и политики.
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Unicredit-Commerzbank, Ue non contraria: caso diventa politico in Germania dopo critiche di Scholz
Business • 3:28 PM
5 min
L'Ue non sembra contraria all'affare Commerzbank. Le fusioni tra banche le rendono più competitive, dice una portavoce. Il caso diventa politico in Germania dopo che Scholz ha chiamato la scalata di Unicredit un "atto ostile"
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"Poder decidir cuándo salir o en qué gastar el dinero": La demanda de un grupo de discapacitados
• 3:26 PM
4 min
La asociación pide el fin de los centros de internamiento y denuncia que la sociedad les ve como "receptores pasivos de ayuda".
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Ministro da Economia alemão não quer "guerra de tarifas" com a China
• 3:22 PM
4 min
O ministro alemão da Economia, Robert Habeck, disse que vai apoiar a indústria automóvel alemã, mas hesita em aumentar as tarifas sobre os veículos elétricos fabricados na China.
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Commission mulls solar radiation modification to curb global warming
Europe • 3:20 PM
3 min
EU funding is assessing the feasibility and safety of geoengineering as an approach to combat the effects of greenhouse gas emissions.
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Dutch DSA authority received 170 complaints, but lacks power to act
Business • 3:17 PM
3 min
In July the European Commission began infringement proceedings against six countries for failing to implement the Digital Services Act, despite the law being applicable to all online platforms in February.
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How do you make Europe's rail network faster?
Europe • 3:16 PM
3 min
On Monday, rail sector specialists spent a six-hour train ride attempting to figure out how to fix a network that's fragmented, expensive and arguably holding back European growth.
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Quatro detidos por contrabando de seres humanos na Alemanha
• 3:06 PM
1 min
Autoridades fizeram rusgas em mais de 20 propriedades no sudoeste do país.
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Russian strike on Kharkiv partially destroys residential building, killing three
Europe • 3:05 PM
4 min
Ukraine's second-largest city remains under aerial attack as it tries to rebuild in time for a harsh winter.
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Ataque a edifício residencial faz pelo menos três mortos em Kharkiv
• 3:05 PM
3 min
Pelo menos três pessoas morreram e outras 24 ficaram feridas após um ataque aéreo russo ter atingido um bloco de apartamentos em Kharkiv, na Ucrânia.
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Liverpool to stage landmark climate action concerts with Massive Attack, IDLES and Nile Rodgers
Culture • 3:03 PM
5 min
The English city of Liverpool has been named the world’s first “Accelerator City” for climate action by the United Nation’s climate change program. In November, three special gigs will take place in Liverpool...
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Παγκόσμιος συναγερμός για τον Λίβανο: Εκκλήσεις για μην μετατραπεί σε «νέα Γάζα»
• 3:03 PM
1 min
Ηχηρή προειδοποίηση από τον ΓΓ του ΟΗΕ - Προ των πυλών ανθρωπιστική κρίση στον Λίβανο - Όλες οι διεθνείς αντιδράσεις
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ترامب يُبدي تذمره من زيلينسكي: "أفضل بائع متجول في التاريخ"
International • 3:00 PM
2 min
أشار الرئيس الأمريكي السابق دونالد ترامب، يوم الاثنين، إلى أن الرئيس الأوكراني فولوديمير زيلينسكي أراد ”بشدة“ أن تفوز نائبة الرئيس كامالا هاريس في الانتخابات الرئاسية الأمريكية لعام 2024.
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Mindestens 3 Tote: Russland greift Charkiw mit 8 Fliegerbomben an
• 2:58 PM
6 min
Russland hat die zweitgrößte Stadt der Ukraine, Charkiw, heute mit acht Fliegerbomben angegriffen. Mindestens drei Menschen sind getötet worden.
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Como tornar a rede ferroviária europeia mais rápida?
• 2:49 PM
4 min
Na segunda-feira, especialistas do sector ferroviário fizeram uma viagem de comboio de seis horas para tentar encontrar uma solução para uma rede fragmentada, dispendiosa e que, provavelmente, está a travar o crescimento europeu.
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Two tourists missing after floods hit central Italy
Europe • 2:48 PM
3 min
Heavy rains have caused thousands to evacuate in Central Europe, Italy and the United Kingdom.
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'Team carry on': How to travel with only one small bag, according to Reddit experts
• 2:47 PM
10 min
Aficionados say that doing laundry becomes an 'enjoyable' part of the trip.
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EURONEWS HOY: Las noticias del martes 24 de septiembre de 2024
• 2:47 PM
3 min
En Euronews Hoy le traemos las noticias más destacadas del día: Borrell advierte ante la ONU de una posible "guerra total" en el Líbano, más de 550 personas mueren en los ataques israelíes contra Hezbolá, y la central nuclear húngara de Paks se mantiene a
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РФ нанесла удары по многоэтажному жилому дому и производителю продуктов в Харькове
• 2:45 PM
1 min
Премьер-министр Украины Денис Шмыгаль, заявил что "Россия целенаправленно терроризирует Харьков и другие мирные города".
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Playful penguins to caged parrots: The winners of the Bird Photographer of the Year 2024
Culture • 2:42 PM
23 min
Canadian photographer Patricia Homonylo was crowned Bird Photographer of the Year, while 14-year-old Andrés Luis Domínguez Blanco took home the Young Bird Photographer of the Year prize.
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Suécia diz que o Irão usou mensagens de texto para incitar protestos contra a queima do Alcorão
• 2:41 PM
6 min
Os protestos contra o Irão na Suécia aumentaram nos últimos anos e a República Islâmica está a ser responsabilizada por instigar uma reação internacional.
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Suecia acusa a Irán de piratear su servicio de mensajería tras los incidentes de la quema del Corán
• 2:34 PM
3 min
Las autoridades suecas han acusado a 'hackers' iraníes de piratear sus servicios de mensajería para enviar amenazas tras los incidentes de quema del Corán en 2023.
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أمطار غزيرة تضرب شمال شرق إيطاليا: 280 عملية إنقاذ وفِيضانات تجتاح بادوفا
International • 2:30 PM
1 min
نفّذ رجال الإنقاذ أكثر من 280 عملية إغاثة في منطقة فينيتو، شمال شرق إيطاليا ليل الاثنين الثلاثاء، بعد تعرض المنطقة لأمطار غزيرة.
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1984’ten beri 9 ABD seçimini doğru tahmin eden ‘kurabiye anketinde' Trump önde
• 2:30 PM
1 min
Trump ile Harris arasındaki seçim savaşı, tatlı bir boyut kazandı.
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