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Massive Attack concert made history by slashing greenhouse gas emissions by 98%
• 11:08 AM
4 min
The gig broke the world record for the lowest carbon emissions ever produced by a music event.
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Governments losing patience with European Commission over delayed 2040 climate target proposal
• 10:38 AM
5 min
With some clear exceptions, there appears to be broad support among European governments to open negotiations on a 2040 emissions reduction target as soon as possible – but enthusiasm for the 90% cut favoured by the European Commission was less in evidenc
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Women’s European Championships: Three Months To Go
Sport • 5:01 PM
1 min
The 2025 Women’s European Championships returns this summer, with 16 nations competing for continental glory in the most anticipated edition of the tournament yet.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2
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Vietnam’s ancient fish sauce making tradition is being threatened by warming seas and overfishing
• 3:02 PM
15 min
Fish sauce from the village has been recognised by Vietnam as an indelible part of the country's heritage.
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Wednesday, march 26, 2025

Toxic water and a sickening stench: How pig-rearing has turned this Spanish town into ‘a dungheap’
• 4:19 PM
10 min
Residents are too afraid to drink water from their local wells or open their windows for fear of the stench of nearby livestock operations.
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Europe challenged to step up as China’s solar boom powers record renewable energy growth
• 2:22 PM
4 min
UN climate chief Simon Stiell said that the clean energy transition can be "Europe's economic engine-room".
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Heavy rainfall fills empty reservoirs in Spain, bringing drought relief and floods
• 12:11 AM
5 min
Reservoirs around the country are now around 66% full on average, according to Spain's environment and ecological transition ministry — the highest level in a decade.
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Tuesday, march 25, 2025

Chinese lithium must not become ‘the new Russian gas’, says EU industry chief
• 5:14 PM
5 min
The EU has drawn up a priority list of 47 projects for the mining and processing of critical raw materials, which local authorities will be required to fast-track through the permitting process in as little as 15 months or less.
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Barcelona has the highest density of cars in the EU. Cutting traffic by 25% could save 200 lives
• 3:02 PM
6 min
From superblocks to port electrification plans, Barcelona’s traffic pollution is slowly improving.
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Blatter y Platini, absueltos por un tribunal suizo en un caso de fraude a la FIFA
• 11:58 AM
3 min
El expresidente de la FIFA y el exjefe de la UEFA fueron absueltos de los cargos de fraude, falsificación y apropiación indebida.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/2025/03/25/blatter-y-platini-absuelt
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Blatter and Platini cleared for a second time in FIFA corruption case
Sport • 11:04 AM
3 min
The former FIFA president and former UEFA chief were acquitted of charges including fraud, forgery and misappropriation.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/03/25/blatter-and-platini-cleared-for-a
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This decade-long climate lawsuit saw its plaintiffs grow from children into adults. Now, it is over
• 8:50 AM
7 min
The case has inspired similar climate legal action on behalf of young people across the United States.
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Bottom trawling in European waters costs society up to €11bn a year, new study finds
• 6:03 AM
10 min
Ocean experts found that the economic costs mostly come from carbon emissions caused by churning up the seabed.
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Blatter ve Platini, FIFA'daki 'yolsuzluk' davasında ikinci kez aklandı
• 12:55 AM
3 min
Eski FIFA başkanı ve eski UEFA başkanı dolandırıcılık, sahtecilik ve zimmete para geçirme gibi suçlamalardan beraat etti.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/03/25/blatter-ve-platini-fifadaki-yolsu
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Blatter e Platini ilibados pela segunda vez em caso de corrupção
• 12:36 AM
3 min
O antigo presidente da FIFA e o antigo diretor da UEFA foram absolvidos de acusações que incluíam fraude, falsificação e apropriação indevida.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/2025/03/25/blatter-e-pl
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Blatter e Platini scagionati per la seconda volta nel caso di corruzione della Fifa
Sport • 12:07 AM
3 min
L'ex presidente della Fifa e l'ex capo della Uefa sono stati assolti dalle accuse di frode, falsificazione e appropriazione indebita<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/2025/03/25/blatter-e-platini-scag
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Monday, march 24, 2025

‘Embarrassing, bad and frankly dangerous’: Experts react to drop in US weather balloon launches
• 3:42 PM
7 min
Weather balloons are an “essential piece of the forecasting system.” But there will be fewer of them in tornado season this year.
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Renewables stepped up to meet surge in energy demand from rising temperatures in 2024, IEA says
• 2:59 PM
4 min
Despite some climate-related setbacks, the decoupling of emissions from economic growth is one promising trend.
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Sunday, march 23, 2025

Τζούντο: Μπόζοροφ και Λόμπνικ έγραψαν ιστορία στο τουρνουά της Τιφλίδας
• 8:43 PM
1 min
Κατέκτησαν τα πρώτα τους χρυσά μετάλλια σε διεθνές επίπεδο<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/03/23/judo-mpozorov-kai-lomnik-egrapsan-istoria?utm_source=test_mrss&utm_campaign=feeds_sport_video-no
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Большой шлем по дзюдо в Тбилиси: итоги третьего дня турнира
• 8:40 PM
1 min
Финальный день турнира Большого Шлема в Тбилиси стал днем первых побед: Бозоров, Лобник и Савицкий взяли свое первое золото, а Дикко и Тасоев подтвердили статус фаворитов. Грузия вновь продемонстрировала силу в дзюдо, завершив турнир громкими победами.<di
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Triunfo de los pesos pesados en Tiflis
• 8:25 PM
3 min
El último día del Grand Slam de Tiflis estuvo lleno de primeras victorias. Bozorov, Lobnik y Savytskiy ganaron su primer oro, mientras que Dicko y Tasoev reafirmaron su dominio. Georgia volvió a demostrar su grandeza en el judo, cerrando el torneo con una
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Grand Chelem de Tbilissi : Une journée triomphale pour les poids lourds du judo
Sport • 8:20 PM
3 min
La dernière journée du Grand Chelem de Tbilissi 2025 a mis les poids lourds à l’honneur avec des combats spectaculaires. Bozorov, Lobnik et Savytskiy ont décroché leur premier or, tandis que Dicko et Tasoev ont confirmé leur domination. Une fin en apothéo
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Heavyweights Shine on Final Day of Tbilisi Grand Slam
Sport • 8:07 PM
3 min
The final day in Tbilisi saw thrilling battles from judo’s heavyweights. Bozorov, Lobnik, and Savytskiy claimed their first Grand Slam golds, while Dicko and Tasoev dominated their categories. Georgia’s Tushishvili fell short, but the home team secured mu
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Saturday, march 22, 2025

Τζούντο: Ασταμάτητος ο Λάσα Σαβνταταουσβίλι στο τουρνουά της Τιφλίδας
• 8:11 PM
1 min
Ο τρεις φορές Ολυμπιονίκης κατάφερε για ακόμη μια φορά να γράψει ιστορία<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/03/22/judo-astamatitos-o-lasa-savntatouasvili-sto-tournoua-tis-tiflidas?utm_source=test_
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Les étoiles géorgiennes brillent au Grand Chelem de Tbilissi
Sport • 8:01 PM
3 min
La deuxième journée du Grand Chelem de Tbilissi a offert un spectacle exceptionnel. Lasha Shavdatuashvili a enflammé le public en remportant l’or en -73 kg, tandis que Beauchemin-Pinard, Ozbas et Albayrak ont également décroché le titre.<div class="small-
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Grand Slam de Judo: La leyenda georgiana conquista de nuevo el oro
• 7:42 PM
3 min
El segundo día del Grand Slam de Judo en Tiflis fue un espectáculo lleno de victorias emocionantes. Lasha Shavdataushvili, Beauchemin-Pinard, Szofi Ozbas y Vedat Albyrak brillaron con el oro en sus respectivas categorías.<div class="small-12 column text-c
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Большой шлем по дзюдо в Тбилиси: Шавдатуашвили приносит золото Грузии
• 7:24 PM
1 min
Второй день турнира Большого Шлема в Тбилиси подарил яркие победы и незабываемые эмоции. Лаша Шавдатуашвили вновь доказал, что он неудержим на родной земле, Бошемен-Пинар, Озбаш и Албайрак также завоевали золото. Великолепное дзюдо и горячая поддержка три
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Georgian Stars Shine on Day 2 of Tbilisi Grand Slam
Sport • 7:04 PM
3 min
The second day of the Tbilisi Grand Slam delivered thrilling judo action. Lasha Shavdatuashvili electrified the home crowd with gold at -73kg, while Canada’s Beauchemin-Pinard, Hungary’s Ozbas, and Turkey’s Albayrak also claimed titles.<div class="small-1
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«Πέταξε» και στην Κίνα ο "Manolo": Δευτεραθλητής κόσμου με πανελλήνιο ρεκόρ ο Εμμανουήλ Καραλής
• 2:13 PM
1 min
Ο Έλληνας Ολυμπιονίκης πέρασε τα 6,05μ. κάνοντας πανελλήνιο ρεκόρ, αλλά ηττήθηκε στις λεπτομέρειες από τον μεγάλο Αρμάντ Ντουπλάντις και κατέκτησε το αργυρό μετάλλιο στο Παγκόσμιο Πρωτάθλημα Κλειστού Στίβου της Ναντζίνγκ.<div class="small-12 column text-c
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‘Road rage’ in paradise: Traffic noise is changing how birds in the Galápagos behave
• 10:05 AM
5 min
The study flags new challenges for conservation as population growth brings humans and animals closer together.
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Friday, march 21, 2025

Τζούντο: Αποθέωση της Λιπαρτελιάνι στο γκραν σλαμ της Τιφλίδας
• 9:58 PM
1 min
Η Γεωργιανή τζουντόκα πήρε το χρυσό στα -57 κιλά αν και βρέθηκε να χάνει στον τελικό<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/03/21/judo-grand-slama-georgia-apotheosi-gia-liparteliani?utm_source=test_mr
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Georgia brilla en casa con su primer oro en el Grand Slam de Tiflis
• 9:27 PM
3 min
El Grand Slam de Tiflis 2025 arrancó con combates espectaculares. Destacaron GANBAATAR Narantsetseg, Luka MKHEIDZE y Amandine BUCHARD, pero la gran protagonista fue Eteri LIPARTELIANI, que con una remontada épica logró el primer oro para Georgia, desatand
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La Géorgie brille à domicile avec son premier or au Grand Chelem de Tbilissi
Sport • 9:11 PM
3 min
Le Grand Chelem de Tbilissi 2025 a offert un spectacle intense. GANBAATAR Narantsetseg, Luka MKHEIDZE et Amandine BUCHARD ont brillé, mais la star du jour fut Eteri LIPARTELIANI, qui, grâce à uneremontée incroyable, a décroché le premier or géorgien, soul
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Большой шлем по дзюдо в Тбилиси: драматичная борьба и первое золото для Грузии на родном татами
• 9:01 PM
1 min
В Тбилиси стартовал турнир Большого шлема по дзюдо. Ганбаатар Наранцэцэг из Монголии, Лука Мхеидзе из Франции и Амандин Бушар продемонстрировали отличную форму, но главной героиней дня стала Этери Липартелиани, завоевавшая первое золото для Грузии.<div cl
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Judo Grand Slam: Drama, Glory & Georgian Gold in Tbilisi
Sport • 8:36 PM
3 min
The 2025 Tbilisi Grand Slam kicked off with electrifying judo action. Mongolia’s Ganbaatar Narantsetseg, France’s Luka Mkheidze, and Amandine Buchard shone, but the night belonged to Georgia’s Eteri Liparteliani, who staged a thrilling comeback to secure
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Kirsty Coventry eleita a primeira mulher presidente do Comité Olímpico Internacional
• 8:16 AM
4 min
A vitória de Coventry foi também uma vitória para o presidente cessante do COI, Thomas Bach, que há muito que a vinha a promover como sua sucessora.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/2025/03/20/kirsty
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World Glacier Day: UN warns of ‘avalanche of cascading impacts’ as ice melt increases
• 5:58 AM
6 min
Five of the past six years have witnessed the most rapid glacier retreat on record.
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Thursday, march 20, 2025

Who will emerge from the tightest group in AFC World Cup qualifiers?
Sport • 5:01 PM
1 min
In the Asian Confederation, only one point separates five Group C teams from elimination or automatic qualification to the 2026 FIFA World Cup.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/03/20/who-will-e
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Greenpeace ordered to pay more than €600 million to oil company over US pipeline protests
• 7:42 AM
6 min
The environmental organisation has previously said the case could threaten to bankrupt it.
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Wednesday, march 19, 2025

Climate change is fuelling a mental health crisis in one of the world’s most vulnerable regions
• 3:05 PM
5 min
Young people in the region report extremely high levels of anxiety, depression, and climate change worry.
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Tuesday, march 18, 2025

Ξεκίνησαν οι εργασίες της 144ης Συνόδου της ΔΟΕ - Θα εκλέξει τον 10ο πρόεδρό της
• 9:17 PM
3 min
«Η Ελλάδα χάρισε δυο δώρα στην ανθρωπότητα, τη δημοκρατία και τους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες» επισήμανε ο απερχόμενος πρόεδρος Τόμας Μπαχ κατά την τελετή έναρξης στην Αρχαία Ολυμπία<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euro
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Whale pee transports thousands of tonnes of vital nutrients around the world’s oceans, study finds
• 3:01 PM
6 min
“Because of their size, whales are able to do things that no other animal does.”
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Is grass-fed beef better for the planet? New study finds its not so simple
• 8:41 AM
6 min
Even in the most optimistic scenarios, new research has found grass-fed beef is no less carbon intensive than industrial alternatives.
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Monday, march 17, 2025

In Finland, more than half of consumers are shopping less for climate reasons
• 3:34 PM
4 min
Most Finnish people said they had already experienced the impact of climate change in their daily lives with 62 per cent feeling that recent winters have been milder.
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What are nurdles? ‘Sheen’ of plastic pellets spotted in the North Sea after ship crash
• 2:49 PM
8 min
Although not toxic, nurdles present a deadly risk to wildlife if ingested.
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Sunday, march 16, 2025

Türk milli boksör Busenaz Sürmeneli, 3. kez dünya şampiyonu oldu
• 8:09 PM
1 min
Sürmeneli, altın madalyayı üçüncü kez Türkiye'ye getirdi.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/03/16/turk-milli-boksor-busenaz-surmeneli-3-kez-dunya-sampiyonu-oldu?utm_source=test_mrss&utm_campaign=
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A 500-cubic-metre oil spill is still tainting lives in this Hungarian town
• 10:05 AM
11 min
After nearly 500 cubic metres of oil spilled from an old pipe, locals are demanding compensation and accountability from the Hungarian oil company.
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Friday, march 14, 2025

‘A bad joke’: Greece gives green light to oil drilling while expanding marine protected areas
• 4:45 PM
6 min
Environmental lawyers say that the new concessions threaten endangered species in the biodiversity-rich Hellenic Trench.
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‘Faster and faster’: Why did global sea levels rise more than expected in 2024?
• 3:41 PM
4 min
Since the satellite recording of ocean height began in 1993, the rate of annual sea level rise has more than doubled.
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Governments agree to ease regulation of new-generation GMOs
• 2:40 PM
3 min
The EU is to set to release a new class of genetically modified crops from strict regulation that dates back over 20 years, but MEPs and governments are divided over whether biotech firms should be allowed to patent them.
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Thursday, march 13, 2025

Στα σκαριά η διεκδίκηση μεγάλων αθλητικών διοργανώσεων από την Κύπρο
• 5:20 PM
3 min
«Προτεραιότητα για την κυβέρνηση Χριστοδουλίδη ο αθλητικός τουρισμός» εξηγεί σε συνέντευξή του στο euronews ο υφυπουργός Κώστας Κουμής - Πάνω από 120 ομάδες πήγαν για προετοιμασία πέρυσι στην Κύπρο - Το Ευρωμπάσκετ, οι τέσσερις μαραθώνιοι, η ποδηλασία και
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2025 FIFA Club World Cup: Three months to go
Sport • 5:01 PM
1 min
The FIFA Club World Cup returns in June with a new, controversial 32-team format set to change club football forever.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/03/13/2025-fifa-club-world-cup-three-month
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‘Significant risk’: How climate change made UK wildfires 6 times more likely
• 3:30 PM
5 min
One of the study’s key messages is the pressing need to adapt to rising fire risks while limiting further warming.
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Wednesday, march 12, 2025

What is climate whiplash? New report reveals dangers of flooding and drought in European cities
• 3:52 PM
5 min
Researchers have found that 90 per cent of all climate disasters are driven by too much or too little water.
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Climate change could reduce the number of satellites that can safely orbit Earth, study finds
• 3:03 PM
4 min
A new study says space may become more littered with debris as climate change lessens nature's way of cleaning it up
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Tuesday, march 11, 2025

Manchester United 100.000 kişilik yeni stadyum inşa etmeyi planlıyor
• 4:02 PM
4 min
Projenin mimarı Norman Foster, stadyumun üstünü örtecek devasa bir çatı tasarladıklarını ve bu yapının yağmur suyunu toplayacağını belirtti. Ayrıca Trafalgar Meydanı’nın iki katı büyüklüğünde yeni bir kamusal alan inşa edileceğini duyurdu.<div class="smal
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‘It’s a budget-buster’: Why Trump wants to spend €40 million a year shooting owls
• 3:01 PM
7 min
To save the spotted owl, Trump plans to shoot hundreds of thousands of larger owls, but Congress says it’s too expensive.
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Microplastics may make bacteria more resistant to antibiotics, researchers say
• 1:34 PM
4 min
Microplastics made it more difficult for drugs to be efficient, researchers say.
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Environmental groups warn of ‘multiple toxic hazards’ after North Sea ship crash
• 10:03 AM
9 min
The Maritime and Coastguard Agency is assessing what counter pollution action is needed, as people voice concern for porpoises and seabirds.
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Monday, march 10, 2025

Ρεκόρ συμμετοχών και επιδόσεων στον φετινό Μαραθώνιο της Πάφου
• 3:59 PM
7 min
Πάνω από 4.500 δρομείς από 60 και πλέον χώρες έδωσαν το «παρών» στον ιστορικότερο μαραθώνιο της Κύπρου και τις παράλληλες δράσεις του - Πώς το νησί επενδύει μέσω τέτοιων διοργανωσεων στον αθλητικό τουρισμό<div class="small-12 column text-center article__b
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Switzerland told it must do more to comply with landmark climate ruling by Council of Europe
• 2:59 PM
6 min
The Swiss government has been pushing back against a landmark legal climate ruling last year.
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Τζούντο: Ζαμπνιασβίλι, Κουρτσένκο και Μοράλες έγραψαν ιστορία στο Grand Prix της Άνω Αυστρίας
• 7:53 AM
1 min
Οι νικητές βασίστηκαν κυρίως στην τακτική<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/03/10/judo-zabniasvili-kourtseno-kai-morales-egrapsan-istoria-sto-grand-prix?utm_source=test_mrss&utm_campaign=feeds_sp
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Дзюдо: звёздные поединки тяжеловесов в заключительный день Гран-при Верхней Австрии
• 6:52 AM
2 min
Финальный день в Линце подарил яркие победы! Золото завоевали Георгий Джабниашвили, Юлия Курченко, Иван Фелипе Силва Моралес, Селиа Канкан и Гурам Тушишвили. Захватывающие иппоны и напряжённые схватки сделали турнир незабываемым, а Австрия вновь доказала,
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Judo: El Gran Premio de Alta Austria llega a su fin por todo lo alto
• 6:46 AM
4 min
El último día en Linz dejó victorias inolvidables. Giorgi Jabniashvili, Yuliia Kurchenko, Iván Felipe Silva Morales, Celia Cancan y Guram Tushishvili conquistaron el oro. Con ippones espectaculares y combates intensos, el torneo cerró con broche de oro, c
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Le Grand Prix de Haute-Autriche : les poids lourds mis à l'honneur
Sport • 6:43 AM
4 min
C’est du judo de classe mondiale qui occupait le devant de la scène à Linz avec les combats de poids lourds. Giorgi JABNIASHVILI, Yuliia KURCHENKO, Ivan Felipe SILVA MORALES, Celia Cancan et Guram TUSHISHVILI se sont particulièrement illustrés.<div class=
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Judo: Upper Austria Grand Prix Wraps Up in Style
Sport • 5:50 AM
4 min
The final day in Linz delivered thrilling judo action! Giorgi Jabniashvili, Yuliia Kurchenko, Ivan Felipe Silva Morales, Celia Cancan, and Guram Tushishvili claimed gold. Spectacular ippons and intense battles made for an unforgettable event, proving Uppe
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Sunday, march 9, 2025

Πρωταθλητής Ευρώπης στο επί κοντώ ο Εμμανουήλ Καραλής
• 6:03 PM
1 min
Με άλμα στα 5,90μ. μοιράστηκε το χρυσό με τον Ολλανδό Φλον στο Ευρωπαϊκό κλειστού στίβου και έγινε ο πρώτος Έλληνας άλτης του επί κοντώ που κατακτά την κορυφή της Ευρώπης<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews
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Linz brilla en la segunda jornada del Gran Premio de Judo
• 9:28 AM
4 min
La segunda jornada del Gran Premio de Alta Austria dejó grandes emociones. Kaja Kajzer (Eslovenia), los hermanos Esposito (Italia) y Aoife Coughlan (Australia) se alzaron con el oro. Además, el austríaco Bernd Fasching desató la alegría local con su bronc
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Τζούντο: Θέαμα και επίδειξη τεχνικής την δεύτερη ημέρα του Grand Prix 2025 της Άνω Αυστρίας
• 9:11 AM
1 min
Κορυφαία στιγμή της ημέρας ήταν η κατάκτηση του χάλκινου μεταλλίου από τον Αυστριακό τζουντόκα Μπέρντ Φάσινγκ που ξεσήκωσε την Tips Arena και έκανε το τοπικό κοινό ξέσπασε από χαρά<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://g
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Гран-при Верхней Австрии 2025: победы второго дня
• 9:04 AM
2 min
Второй день престижного турнира подарил любителям дзюдо яркие поединки. Золото завоевали Кая Кайзер (Словения), братья Эспозито (Италия) и Ифа Кофлан (Австралия), а австриец Фашинг порадовал публику бронзой. Линц стал ареной невероятных эмоций и мастерств
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Grand Prix de Haute-Autriche 2025 : deuxième journée spectaculaire à Linz
Sport • 8:53 AM
5 min
La deuxième journée de la prestigieuse compétition a offert du grand spectacle ! Kaja Kajzer, Aoife Coughlan et les frères Esposito ont décroché l’or, tandis que l’Autrichien Bernd Fasching a fait vibrer la Tips Arena en remportant le bronze. Demain, plac
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Linz Shines on Day 2 of the Judo Grand Prix
Sport • 8:22 AM
4 min
The second day of the Upper Austria Grand Prix delivered thrilling judo action. Slovenia’s Kajzer, Italy’s Esposito brothers, and Australia’s Coughlan claimed gold, while Austria’s Fasching thrilled the home crowd with a bronze. A fantastic showcase of sk
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Saturday, march 8, 2025

Gran Premio de Alta Austria 2025: Día 1
• 9:33 AM
4 min
En el Gran Premio de Judo de Alta Austria 2025 en Linz, más de 400 atletas compitieron. Abiba Abuzhakynova, Yamato Fukuda, Oi Iroha, Ronald Lima y Seija Ballhaus se llevaron el oro. Momentos destacados incluyeron victorias impresionantes y entrevistas con
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Гран-при Верхней Австрии 2025: яркое открытие турнира в Линце
• 9:14 AM
2 min
Дзюдо вернулось в Верхнюю Австрию с ярким стартом Гран-при в Линце. Абиба Абужакынова, Фукуда Ямато и другие звёзды турнира завоевали золотые медали. Австрийские дзюдоисты также показали потрясающие выступления, подарив зрителям незабываемые моменты.<div
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Le judo revient en Haute-Autriche
Sport • 8:50 AM
4 min
La superbe ville de Linz accueille le premier Grand Prix de la saison et réunit plus de 400 athlètes. Abiba ABUZHAKYNOVA, FUKUDA Yamato, OI Iroha, Ronald LIMA et Seija BALLHAUS se sont illustrés. Générant de grands moments avec leurs fans, les judokas aut
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Τζούντο: Συναρπαστικές στιγμές στο Grand Prix 2025 της Άνω Αυστρίας
• 8:48 AM
1 min
Στο Λιντς συμμετέχουν περισσότεροι από 400 αθλητές - Συναρπαστικές νίκες από τους τζουντόκα στο Tips Arena<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/03/08/judo-synarpastikes-stigmes-sto-grand-prix-tis-an
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Judo Returns To Linz: Day 1 of the 2025 Upper Austria Grand Prix
Sport • 8:06 AM
3 min
The 2025 Upper Austria Grand Prix kicked off in Linz with over 400 athletes competing. Abiba Abuzhakynova, Yamato Fukuda, Oi Iroha, Ronald Lima, and Seija Ballhaus claimed gold medals in their respective categories, with thrilling victories and exciting m
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‘Sex-for-fish’: Rural Zambian women forced into coercive deals as drought and aid cuts bite
• 6:01 AM
6 min
Zambia reported more than 42,000 cases of gender-based violence in both 2023 and 2024.
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Friday, march 7, 2025

Peruvian farmer takes German energy giant RWE to court in fight to hold polluters accountable
• 3:03 PM
10 min
The case has taken nearly 10 years to be heard with judges travelling to Peru to visit his village.
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US has exited climate deal that helps developing nations switch to green energy, South Africa says
• 8:33 AM
6 min
The initiative is intended to help emerging economies move away from coal and other non-renewable energy sources.
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Fish door bells, plastic-eating fungi and tree hugging: Positive environmental stories from 2025
• 12:53 AM
14 min
Eco anxiety is very real, so we share this year's most uplifting stories to prove there’s hope for our climate.
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Thursday, march 6, 2025

How do footballers adapt during the Holy month of Ramadan?
Sport • 5:01 PM
1 min
During the Holy month of Ramadan, Muslim footballers will fast from sunrise until sunset. How do they adapt, and does it impact their performance?<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/03/06/how-do-
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These piglets left to die as part of a controversial exhibition in Denmark have gone missing
• 2:59 PM
7 min
The artist aimed to raise awareness about the cruelties of modern pig production in Denmark.
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'Big blow' for pollution research as US stops sharing air quality data from embassies worldwide
• 8:35 AM
9 min
Reliable data from US embassies and consulates has been essential for air quality monitoring in cities around the world.
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Wednesday, march 5, 2025

These 36 fossil fuel firms are responsible for half of global emissions, report reveals
• 4:03 PM
6 min
State-owned coal, oil and gas companies dominated the list of the highest emitting firms.
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‘God Squad’: Could Trump’s plan for increased logging make species extinct?
• 3:03 PM
5 min
The Endangered Species Committee has only issued exemptions twice in 47 years, prompting legal action from environmental groups both times.
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Tuesday, march 4, 2025

Missing EU climate targets could leave Ireland facing a €26 billion bill
• 4:03 PM
6 min
A new report warns Ireland needs to “act now” or it could be in line to pay significant compliance costs.
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Monday, march 3, 2025

«Ξεσπιτωμένο» λόγω των σεισμών το αθλητικό καμάρι της Σαντορίνης
• 3:33 PM
2 min
Οι παίκτριες της γυναικείας ομάδας βόλεϊ του ΑΟ Θήρας και όλο το υπόλοιπο τιμ μένουν τον τελευταίο μήνα σε ξενοδοχεία στην Αθήνα, δίνουν τα εντός έδρας ματς τους επίσης στην Αθήνα και παρά τα προβλήματα διαπρέπουν - Παίκτρια κοιμήθηκε στο αυτοκίνητο τις π
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‘We must consume better, differently, and less’: EU pollution check-up exposes waste problem
• 3:09 PM
6 min
Air pollution, pesticide use, and plastic litter at sea are down, but more action is needed for the bloc to meet its clean goals by 2030.
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Sunday, march 2, 2025

Τζούντο: Ο Σαρίποβ πήρε το χρυσό μετάλλιο και έγινε ο νέος ήρωας του Ουζμπεκιστάν
• 8:27 PM
2 min
Η Τασκένδη αναδεικνύεται σε έναν από τους βασικούς πυλώνες του IJF World Judo Tour<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/03/02/tzoynto-o-saripov-phre-to-xryso-metallio-kai-egine-o-neos-iroas-toy-oybe
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Триумф Узбекистана в заключительный день турнира Большого шлема по дзюдо
• 6:21 PM
1 min
Заключительный день в Ташкенте принес Узбекистану первое золото благодаря Шахзоду Шарипову, вызвав восторг болельщиков. Ма Жэньжао, Матвей Каниковский и Ню Синьран показали блестящие выступления, а узбекские тяжеловесы пополнили медальную копилку. Следующ
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L’Ouzbékistan brille pour la clôture du Grand Slam
Sport • 6:05 PM
4 min
La dernière journée à Tachkent a vu Shakhzodxuja Sharipov décrocher le premier or pour l’Ouzbékistan, soulevant la ferveur du public. Ma Zhenzhao, Matvey Kanikovskiy et Niu Xinran ont brillé, tandis que les poids lourds ouzbeks ont enrichi le palmarès loc
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