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Πρωταθλητής Ευρώπης στο επί κοντώ ο Εμμανουήλ Καραλής
• 6:03 PM
1 min
Με άλμα στα 5,90μ. μοιράστηκε το χρυσό με τον Ολλανδό Φλον στο Ευρωπαϊκό κλειστού στίβου και έγινε ο πρώτος Έλληνας άλτης του επί κοντώ που κατακτά την κορυφή της Ευρώπης<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews
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Linz brilla en la segunda jornada del Gran Premio de Judo
• 9:28 AM
4 min
La segunda jornada del Gran Premio de Alta Austria dejó grandes emociones. Kaja Kajzer (Eslovenia), los hermanos Esposito (Italia) y Aoife Coughlan (Australia) se alzaron con el oro. Además, el austríaco Bernd Fasching desató la alegría local con su bronc
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Τζούντο: Θέαμα και επίδειξη τεχνικής την δεύτερη ημέρα του Grand Prix 2025 της Άνω Αυστρίας
• 9:11 AM
1 min
Κορυφαία στιγμή της ημέρας ήταν η κατάκτηση του χάλκινου μεταλλίου από τον Αυστριακό τζουντόκα Μπέρντ Φάσινγκ που ξεσήκωσε την Tips Arena και έκανε το τοπικό κοινό ξέσπασε από χαρά<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://g
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Гран-при Верхней Австрии 2025: победы второго дня
• 9:04 AM
2 min
Второй день престижного турнира подарил любителям дзюдо яркие поединки. Золото завоевали Кая Кайзер (Словения), братья Эспозито (Италия) и Ифа Кофлан (Австралия), а австриец Фашинг порадовал публику бронзой. Линц стал ареной невероятных эмоций и мастерств
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Grand Prix de Haute-Autriche 2025 : deuxième journée spectaculaire à Linz
Sport • 8:53 AM
5 min
La deuxième journée de la prestigieuse compétition a offert du grand spectacle ! Kaja Kajzer, Aoife Coughlan et les frères Esposito ont décroché l’or, tandis que l’Autrichien Bernd Fasching a fait vibrer la Tips Arena en remportant le bronze. Demain, plac
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Linz Shines on Day 2 of the Judo Grand Prix
Sport • 8:22 AM
4 min
The second day of the Upper Austria Grand Prix delivered thrilling judo action. Slovenia’s Kajzer, Italy’s Esposito brothers, and Australia’s Coughlan claimed gold, while Austria’s Fasching thrilled the home crowd with a bronze. A fantastic showcase of sk
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Saturday, march 8, 2025

Gran Premio de Alta Austria 2025: Día 1
• 9:33 AM
4 min
En el Gran Premio de Judo de Alta Austria 2025 en Linz, más de 400 atletas compitieron. Abiba Abuzhakynova, Yamato Fukuda, Oi Iroha, Ronald Lima y Seija Ballhaus se llevaron el oro. Momentos destacados incluyeron victorias impresionantes y entrevistas con
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Гран-при Верхней Австрии 2025: яркое открытие турнира в Линце
• 9:14 AM
2 min
Дзюдо вернулось в Верхнюю Австрию с ярким стартом Гран-при в Линце. Абиба Абужакынова, Фукуда Ямато и другие звёзды турнира завоевали золотые медали. Австрийские дзюдоисты также показали потрясающие выступления, подарив зрителям незабываемые моменты.<div
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Le judo revient en Haute-Autriche
Sport • 8:50 AM
4 min
La superbe ville de Linz accueille le premier Grand Prix de la saison et réunit plus de 400 athlètes. Abiba ABUZHAKYNOVA, FUKUDA Yamato, OI Iroha, Ronald LIMA et Seija BALLHAUS se sont illustrés. Générant de grands moments avec leurs fans, les judokas aut
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Τζούντο: Συναρπαστικές στιγμές στο Grand Prix 2025 της Άνω Αυστρίας
• 8:48 AM
1 min
Στο Λιντς συμμετέχουν περισσότεροι από 400 αθλητές - Συναρπαστικές νίκες από τους τζουντόκα στο Tips Arena<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/03/08/judo-synarpastikes-stigmes-sto-grand-prix-tis-an
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Judo Returns To Linz: Day 1 of the 2025 Upper Austria Grand Prix
Sport • 8:06 AM
3 min
The 2025 Upper Austria Grand Prix kicked off in Linz with over 400 athletes competing. Abiba Abuzhakynova, Yamato Fukuda, Oi Iroha, Ronald Lima, and Seija Ballhaus claimed gold medals in their respective categories, with thrilling victories and exciting m
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‘Sex-for-fish’: Rural Zambian women forced into coercive deals as drought and aid cuts bite
• 6:01 AM
6 min
Zambia reported more than 42,000 cases of gender-based violence in both 2023 and 2024.
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Friday, march 7, 2025

How a Peruvian farmer’s lawsuit is challenging global energy giants over climate damage
• 3:03 PM
4 min
The case has taken nearly 10 years to be heard with judges visiting Peru to view the village firsthand.
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US has exited climate deal that helps developing nations switch to green energy, South Africa says
• 8:33 AM
6 min
The initiative is intended to help emerging economies move away from coal and other non-renewable energy sources.
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Thursday, march 6, 2025

How do footballers adapt during the Holy month of Ramadan?
Sport • 5:01 PM
1 min
During the Holy month of Ramadan, Muslim footballers will fast from sunrise until sunset. How do they adapt, and does it impact their performance?<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/03/06/how-do-
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These piglets left to die as part of a controversial exhibition in Denmark have gone missing
• 2:59 PM
7 min
The artist aimed to raise awareness about the cruelties of modern pig production in Denmark.
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'Big blow' for pollution research as US stops sharing air quality data from embassies worldwide
• 8:35 AM
9 min
Reliable data from US embassies and consulates has been essential for air quality monitoring in cities around the world.
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Wednesday, march 5, 2025

These 36 fossil fuel firms are responsible for half of global emissions, report reveals
• 4:03 PM
6 min
State-owned coal, oil and gas companies dominated the list of the highest emitting firms.
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‘God Squad’: Could Trump’s plan for increased logging make species extinct?
• 3:03 PM
5 min
The Endangered Species Committee has only issued exemptions twice in 47 years, prompting legal action from environmental groups both times.
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Tuesday, march 4, 2025

Missing EU climate targets could leave Ireland facing a €26 billion bill
• 4:03 PM
6 min
A new report warns Ireland needs to “act now” or it could be in line to pay significant compliance costs.
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Monday, march 3, 2025

«Ξεσπιτωμένο» λόγω των σεισμών το αθλητικό καμάρι της Σαντορίνης
• 3:33 PM
2 min
Οι παίκτριες της γυναικείας ομάδας βόλεϊ του ΑΟ Θήρας και όλο το υπόλοιπο τιμ μένουν τον τελευταίο μήνα σε ξενοδοχεία στην Αθήνα, δίνουν τα εντός έδρας ματς τους επίσης στην Αθήνα και παρά τα προβλήματα διαπρέπουν - Παίκτρια κοιμήθηκε στο αυτοκίνητο τις π
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‘We must consume better, differently, and less’: EU pollution check-up exposes waste problem
• 3:09 PM
6 min
Air pollution, pesticide use, and plastic litter at sea are down, but more action is needed for the bloc to meet its clean goals by 2030.
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Sunday, march 2, 2025

Τζούντο: Ο Σαρίποβ πήρε το χρυσό μετάλλιο και έγινε ο νέος ήρωας του Ουζμπεκιστάν
• 8:27 PM
2 min
Η Τασκένδη αναδεικνύεται σε έναν από τους βασικούς πυλώνες του IJF World Judo Tour<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/03/02/tzoynto-o-saripov-phre-to-xryso-metallio-kai-egine-o-neos-iroas-toy-oybe
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Триумф Узбекистана в заключительный день турнира Большого шлема по дзюдо
• 6:21 PM
1 min
Заключительный день в Ташкенте принес Узбекистану первое золото благодаря Шахзоду Шарипову, вызвав восторг болельщиков. Ма Жэньжао, Матвей Каниковский и Ню Синьран показали блестящие выступления, а узбекские тяжеловесы пополнили медальную копилку. Следующ
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L’Ouzbékistan brille pour la clôture du Grand Slam
Sport • 6:05 PM
4 min
La dernière journée à Tachkent a vu Shakhzodxuja Sharipov décrocher le premier or pour l’Ouzbékistan, soulevant la ferveur du public. Ma Zhenzhao, Matvey Kanikovskiy et Niu Xinran ont brillé, tandis que les poids lourds ouzbeks ont enrichi le palmarès loc
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Uzbekistán brilla en el último día del Grand Slam
• 5:57 PM
4 min
La última jornada en Tashkent vio a Shakhzodxuja Sharipov ganar el primer oro para Uzbekistán, desatando la euforia del público. Zhenzhao Ma, Matvey Kanikovskiy y Xinran Niu dominaron sus categorías, mientras los pesos pesados uzbekos sumaron más medallas
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Uzbekistan Shines as Grand Slam Concludes
Sport • 5:47 PM
3 min
The final day in Tashkent saw Shakhzodxuja Sharipov secure Uzbekistan’s first gold, igniting the passionate home crowd. Ma Zhenzhao, Matvey Kanikovskiy, and Niu Xinran delivered dominant performances, while Uzbekistan’s heavyweights added more medals.<div
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Taşkent'te heyecanın zirve yaptığı judo günü
• 7:58 AM
2 min
Taşkent, Diyora Keldiyorova Dojo'nun açılışını heyecan verici bir judo günüyle kutladı. Yamaguchi, Maeda ve Galstian madalyaları toplarken, ev sahibi kalabalık Özbekistan'ın yıldızları için ayaktaydı. Yerel takım muhteşem bir gösteride birden fazla madaly
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Saturday, march 1, 2025

Τζούντο: «Ασταμάτητος» ο Αρμπούζοβ, κατέκτησε το χρυσό μετάλλιο - Στην κορυφή η Ιαπωνική ομάδα
• 8:05 PM
1 min
Ο Γενικός Γραμματέας της ΕΟΕ Ουζμπεκιστάν, Oybek Kasimov, απένειμε τα χρυσά μετάλλια<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/03/01/tzoynto-astamatitos-o-yimur-arbuzon-katektise-to-xriso-metallio-korifi
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Judo enflammé à Tachkent et inauguration du Dojo Diyora Keldiyorova
Sport • 7:46 PM
3 min
Une journée mémorable à Tachkent avec l'ouverture du Dojo Diyora Keldiyorova. Performances impressionnantes : Yamaguchi, Maeda et Galstian en or. Le public en liesse a vibré devant des combats spectaculaires. L'équipe locale brille avant l'entrée en scène
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Emoción y grandes combates en el Grand Slam de Judo en Tashkent
• 7:27 PM
3 min
Tashkent vivió una jornada espectacular con la inauguración del Dojo Diyora Keldiyorova. Japón brilló con victorias de Yamaguchi y Maeda, mientras que Uzbekistán celebró medallas locales. El ambiente electrizante promete más acción con los pesos pesados m
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Зрелищное дзюдо в Ташкенте и торжественное открытие зала имени Диёры Кельдиёровой
• 6:20 PM
1 min
В Ташкенте состоялось торжественное открытие зала дзюдо имени Диёры Кельдиёровой. Турнир подарил зрелищные схватки: Ямагути, Маэда и Галстян завоевали золото, трибуны взрывались от эмоций. Узбекистанская сборная блистает! В воскресенье – поединки тяжелове
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Thrilling Judo in Tashkent and the Grand Opening of Diyora Keldiyorova Dojo
Sport • 6:18 PM
3 min
Tashkent celebrated the opening of the Diyora Keldiyorova Dojo with an electrifying day of judo. Yamaguchi, Maeda, and Galstian shone, while the home crowd roared for Uzbekistan’s stars. The local team claimed multiple medals in a spectacular showcase.<di
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Friday, february 28, 2025

El Grand Slam 2025: dominio japonés y un espectáculo inolvidable en Tashkent
• 9:38 PM
3 min
El Grand Slam de Tashkent 2025 comenzó con un evento espectacular. Las judokas japonesas arrasaron en varias categorías, mientras que Ayub Bliev y Ramazan Abdulaev brillaron con su técnica impecable.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"
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Τζούντο: H Μιγιάκι Κάνο κέρδισε το χρυσό μετάλλιο - «Σύγκρουση κορυφής» μεταξύ Ιαπώνων
• 8:59 PM
1 min
Το αγνό πάθος των Ουζμπέκων τζουντόκα μπορεί μόνο να συγκριθεί με την απίστευτη ενέργεια των φιλάθλων<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/02/28/tzoynto-i-migiaki-kano-kerdise-to-xriso-sigkroysi-kor
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Tashkent Grand Slam : spectacle incroyable en Ouzbékistan tandis que les Japonaises raflent la mise
Sport • 8:40 PM
3 min
Le 1er jour du OTP Group Tashkent Grand Slam 2025 a rempli de joie les fans de judo venus assister à l'un des sports préférés du pays. En présence de nombreuses personnalités, les judoka japonais ont tiré leur épingle du jeu.<div class="small-12 column te
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Большой шлем по дзюдо: триумф японских дзюдоисток в Ташкенте
• 7:29 PM
1 min
Первый день Большого шлема в Ташкенте подарил зрителям захватывающие финалы. Японские дзюдоистки завоевали золото в трех весовых категориях. Аюб Блиев и Рамазан Абдулаев поразили молниеносной техникой. Сборная Узбекистана порадовала болельщиков яркими поб
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Judo Grand Slam 2025: Incredible Uzbek spectacle as Japanese women do the clean sweep
Sport • 6:26 PM
3 min
The 2025 OTP Group Tashkent Grand Slam kicked off with an unforgettable showcase. Japanese women secured multiple golds, while Ayub Bliev and Ramazan Abdulaev delivered stunning performances.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href
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Countries agree $200bn deal to protect nature at UN biodiversity talks in Rome
• 3:03 PM
8 min
A make-or-break second meeting of COP16 delegates finally ended with a landmark agreement in the early hours of Friday morning.
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Thursday, february 27, 2025

Jose Mourinho: one of football's most captivating and controversial figures
Sport • 5:00 PM
1 min
The self-proclaimed ‘Special One' Jose Mourinho has brought both success - and unrest - to every club he has managed.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/02/27/jose-mourinho-one-of-footballs-most-
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This key scientific finding underpins US climate action. Now Trump is being urged to ignore it
• 3:17 PM
7 min
In the wake of the hottest year on record and dozens of climate-related disasters, the Trump administration is considering repealing findings that link climate change to health.
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Wednesday, february 26, 2025

سيدات نادي "شبيبة القبائل" يسيطرن على المستديرة الخضراء ويعززن هيمنتهن على كرة القدم الجزائرية
Sports • 7:46 PM
1 min
يعدّ نادي شبيبة القبائل لكرة القدم للرجال في الجزائر أحد الأندية المهمة في عالم المستديرة الخضراء، حيث أسس تاريخًا طويلًا من النجاحات على الساحة المحلية والدولية. والآن، يسعى قادته إلى تحقيق نفس النجاح لفريق السيدات الذي يظهر مستقبلًا واعدًا.<div class="s
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Tuesday, february 25, 2025

Can the world deliver cash for nature? ‘Critical’ UN biodiversity talks resume in Rome
• 3:03 PM
9 min
Talks in Colombia in October yielded some significant outcomes but ended in confusion.
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Monday, february 24, 2025

European governments heading towards GMO deregulation
• 4:10 PM
6 min
With the cultivation of genetically modified plants banned in nearly all EU countries, the European Commission wants to treat products of the latest lab techniques as equivalent to conventional crops. Governments appear to be getting on board.
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UN warns that ‘time is not on our side’ as key climate science meeting begins
• 3:33 PM
5 min
The IPCC assessment summarises the latest climate research from around the world, taking hundreds of experts years to produce.
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South Sudan shuts schools for two weeks after students collapse due to extreme heat
• 3:01 PM
7 min
Many schools in South Sudan have makeshift structures and no electricity for cooling systems.
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Greenpeace says pipeline company's $300m lawsuit could have 'chilling effect' on future protests
• 11:37 AM
6 min
The lawsuit accuses Greenpeace of defamation and orchestrating criminal behaviour during pipeline protests in 2016 and 2017.
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Гран-при Дохи в гонках Е1 выиграла команда Rafa
• 8:44 AM
1 min
E1 - это совершенно новая форма автоспорта на воде.Чемпионат по гонкам на RaceBirds проходит второй сезон. Участники соревнований надеются произвести фурор в гоночной индустрии.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.e
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El equipo de Rafa Nadal gana el Gran Premio de Doha en la E1, la competición de lanchas eléctricas
• 8:21 AM
3 min
El 'Team Rafa' se ha impuesto en el Gran Premio de Doha de la E1, la primera competición mundial de lanchas eléctricas, en una temporada que promete revolucionar el automovilismo acuático con tecnología sostenible y un espectáculo de alta velocidad.<div c
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Three years of war in Ukraine: ‘Environmental damage knows no borders’ as emissions rise to new high
• 7:05 AM
9 min
Forest fires have contributed to a 31 per cent rise in emissions from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine over the last 12 months.
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Big tech, banking, energy: Who are the biggest spenders on EU lobbying?
• 6:01 AM
4 min
The world’s largest companies and trade associations from the big tech, banking, energy, and chemicals/agri sectors have significantly increased their EU lobbying budgets in recent years.
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Sunday, february 23, 2025

Κατάρ: Το πρώτο παγκόσμιο πρωτάθλημα αποκλειστικά ηλεκτρικών μηχανοκίνητων σκαφών
• 5:59 PM
1 min
Η ομάδα AlUla ανήκει στο θρύλο του αμερικανικού μπάσκετ Λεμπρόν Τζέιμς<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/02/23/katar-to-proto-pagkosmio-protathlima-apokleistika-hlektrikon-mixanokinton-askafon?ut
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Friday, february 21, 2025

Conservative EPP confident of success in EU deregulation push
• 3:41 PM
4 min
The European People’s Party believes the EU executive will take on board its main demands when it publishes an ‘omnibus’ package to roll back reporting requirements for businesses, the group’s environment policy chief says.
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EU must not slow climate action on hopes of future carbon removals, top climate advisor warns
• 8:25 AM
5 min
Europe must ensure that factoring a future boom in carbon capture and storage into its climate policy does not lead to “mitigation deterrence” in the present, the head of the EU’s climate advisory board has warned.
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Climate groups launch first lawsuits challenging Trump’s plans to expand offshore drilling
• 6:11 AM
8 min
Several climate advocacy groups claim that the US President's undoing of marine protections is illegal.
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Thursday, february 20, 2025

Season 2024/25: Where has it gone wrong for Manchester City?
Sport • 5:00 PM
1 min
After winning the Premier League four years in a row, Manchester City’s bid for a fifth consecutive title is doubtful.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/02/20/season-202425-where-has-it-gone-wro
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Luis Rubiales, Kadınlar Dünya Kupası'ndaki davranışı nedeniyle cinsel saldırıdan suçlu bulundu
• 4:43 PM
2 min
Audiencia Nacional, Jennifer Hermoso'yı rıza dışı öptüğü gerekçesiyle Rubiales'i 18 ay para cezasına çarptırdı.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/02/20/luis-rubiales-kadinlar-dunya-kupasindaki-da
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Экс-президент футбольной федерации Испании Луис Рубиалес приговорен к штрафу за поцелуй спортсменки
• 3:46 PM
1 min
Луису Рубиалесу будет запрещено приближаться к Дженнифер Эрмосо ближе чем на 200 метров в течение одного года.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/2025/02/20/rubiales-kiss-18-months-fine-for-sexual-agre
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Rubiales, condenado a pagar una multa por el beso a Jennifer Hermoso y absuelto de coacciones
• 3:26 PM
2 min
La Audiencia Nacional condena a Rubiales por el beso no consentido a Jennifer Hermoso a 18 meses de multa a razón de 20 euros por día. Sin embargo, ha sido absuelto del delito de coacciones.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href=
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Ex presidente Federcalcio spagnola Rubiales condannato a 10.800 euro di multa per il bacio a Hermoso
Sport • 3:23 PM
2 min
L'ex numero uno del calcio spagnolo aveva dato un bacio non consensuale alla giocatrice Jennifer Hermoso durante la premiazione del Mondiale femminile 2023. È stato condannato per violenza sessuale; assolto invece per il reato di coercizione<div class="sm
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Swiss populist politicians demand Paris Agreement exit: Could it follow the US out of the door?
• 3:03 PM
9 min
Switzerland’s biggest political party claims that a recent referendum indicates voters don’t want radical climate targets.
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القضاء الإسباني يعاقب روبياليس.. غرامة 10 آلاف يورو بسبب قبلة هيرموسو
Sports • 2:29 PM
5 min
أصدرت المحكمة العليا في إسبانيا حكما بإدانة لويس روبياليس، الرئيس السابق للاتحاد الإسباني لكرة القدم، بتهمة الاعتداء الجنسي، بعدما أقدم على تقبيل اللاعبة جيني هيرموسو دون موافقتها خلال الاحتفال بفوز إسبانيا بنهائي كأس العالم للسيدات 2023.<div class="small
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Σε εξαγοράσιμη ποινή 18 μηνών καταδικάστηκε ο Λουίς Ρουμπιάλες για το φιλί στην Τζένιφερ Ερμόσο
• 2:03 PM
1 min
Το Ποινικό Δικαστήριο τον έκρινε ένοχο για το μη συναινετικό φιλί στην παίκτρια κατά την τελετή απονομής του Παγκοσμίου Κυπέλλου Ποδοσφαίρου Γυναικών στο Σίδνεϊ<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/
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Luis Rubiales condenado a 18 meses de multa por agressão sexual após ter beijado Jennifer Hermoso
• 2:02 PM
2 min
A Audiência Nacional condena Rubiales a uma multa de 18 meses pelo beijo não consentido com Jennifer Hermoso.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/2025/02/20/luis-rubiales-condenado-a-18-meses-de-multa-p
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Former Spanish football boss Luis Rubiales found guilty of sexual assault
Sport • 1:40 PM
3 min
Rubiales was cleared of the charge of coercion for trying to downplay the kiss on the lips of Hermoso during the Women’s World Cup awards ceremony after the final in Sydney.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euro
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Luis Rubiales condamné à une amende de 10 800 euros pour le baiser forcé sur Jennifer Hermoso
Sport • 1:38 PM
3 min
L'ancien président de la Fédération espagnole de football (RFEF) a été jugé coupable pour avoir embrassé de force la joueuse Jennifer Hermoso en 2023.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/2025/02/20/luis
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Wednesday, february 19, 2025

Air inside homes can be dirtier than outside: Experts on small changes that make a big difference
• 3:02 PM
7 min
As we spend more time working from home, understanding the factors that affect air quality within our houses is increasingly important.
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‘Lack of spine’: France under fire for considering ‘Trump-inspired’ U-turn on environmental rules
• 3:02 PM
9 min
Companies may not have to report on their sustainability progress if CSRD legislation is rolled back, as some experts fear.
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EU targets food and fast fashion in new war on waste
• 2:25 PM
3 min
Polish presidency of the EU Council announced breakthrough in early hours after marathon overnight talks on food waste reduction targets and measures to limit a throwaway clothing culture.
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Mosquitoes wanted dead or alive: Asian village pays locals to hunt insects after two die from dengue
• 8:51 AM
6 min
Addition Hills in the Philippines has put a bounty on the heads of mosquitoes taking up residence in the village.
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Tuesday, february 18, 2025

Watch: Uganda’s blind football league score against adversity
Sport • 7:04 AM
1 min
Jagwe Muzafaru is visually impaired and founded the Blind Football League to give people like him a taste of the beautiful game.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/news/2025/02/18/watch-ugandas-blind-
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Despite promising climate research, ‘wolves won’t be back in Scotland anytime soon’ say experts
• 6:02 AM
16 min
Could reintroducing wolves be a viable solution to address the climate crisis? Rewilding experts aren’t convinced.
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Monday, february 17, 2025

Brazil’s Lula defends oil exploration in the Amazon as a way to finance green energy
• 3:30 PM
7 min
The President said Brazil can’t ignore the wealth beneath its feet and choose not to explore it.
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Judo: derby tedesco, vittoria lampo e 10° oro del Giappone nella terza giornata del Grande Slam
Sport • 8:01 AM
3 min
L'ultima giornata del Grande Slam di Baku ha regalato agli spettatori finali emozionanti. Murao, Olek e Arai hanno ottenuto vittorie impressionanti, mentre il Giappone ha conquistato la sua decima medaglia d'oro del torneo. Baku ha confermato ancora una v
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Sunday, february 16, 2025

Τζούντο: Χάλκινο για την Τελτσίδου στο γκραν σλαμ του Μπακού
• 7:55 PM
1 min
Με τον καλύτερο τρόπο για τα ελληνικά χρώματα ολοκληρώθηκε η διοργάνωση<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/02/16/judo-chalkiono-gia-teltsidou?utm_source=test_mrss&utm_campaign=feeds_sport_video-no
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Japón brilla en Bakú con su décima medalla de oro
• 7:47 PM
4 min
El último día del Grand Slam de Bakú 2025 dejó combates memorables. Murao, Olek y Arai se llevaron el oro, mientras que Japón alcanzó su décima victoria en el torneo. La intensidad y el respeto marcaron cada duelo, consolidando a Bakú como un escenario cl
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German Rivalry Reignites as Japan Claims 10 Golds in Baku
Sport • 7:30 PM
4 min
The final day of the 2025 Baku Grand Slam delivered thrilling judo action. Murao Sanshiro, Arai Dota, Ruri Takahashi and Ota Hyoga led Japan to a total of 10 golds. Anna Monta Olek triumphed in a fierce German showdown. Azerbaijan hosted a spectacular eve
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La rivalité allemande atteint son paroxysme alors que le Japon remporte 10 médailles d'or à Bakou
Sport • 7:23 PM
5 min
La 3e journée de Grand Chelem de Bakou s'est achevée. Devant un public en feu, les stars du judo ont fait le show. Le Japon a gagné plusieurs nouvelles médailles. La derby allemand a été remporté par Anna Monta Olek au dépend d’Alina Boehm. Le public a as
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Дзюдо: немецкое дерби, молниеносная победа и 10-е золото Японии в третий день Большого шлема в Баку
• 7:08 PM
2 min
Заключительный день Большого шлема в Баку подарил зрителям захватывающие финалы. Мурао, Олек и Араи одержали впечатляющие победы, а Япония завоевала 10-е золото турнира. Бои были напряжёнными, а атмосфера – незабываемой. Баку вновь подтвердил свой статус
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Calcio: è morto Pinto da Costa, il dirigente sportivo più decorato del mondo
Sport • 2:23 PM
9 min
Figura ineludibile del calcio portoghese, per ragioni sia buone che cattive, Pinto da Costa ha segnato un'epoca d'oro per l'FC Porto, vincendo 68 titoli. Il "presidente dei presidenti" è morto sabato all'età di 87 anni<div class="small-12 column text-cent
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Muere el portugués Pinto da Costa, el gestor deportivo más laureado del mundo
• 1:49 PM
10 min
Figura ineludible del fútbol portugués, por buenas y malas razones, lo cierto es que "contra todo y contra todos", Pinto da Costa marcó una época dorada para el FC Oporto, conquistando 68 títulos. El "presidente de los presidentes" falleció el sábado a lo
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Πέθανε ο Πίντο ντα Κόστα, ο πρόεδρος με τους περισσότερους τίτλους στον κόσμο
• 1:32 PM
5 min
Κορυφαία φιγούρα του πορτογαλικού ποδοσφαίρου, για καλούς και κακούς λόγους, ο Πίντο Ντα Κόστα σηματοδότησε μια χρυσή εποχή για την Πόρτο, κατακτώντας 68 τίτλους μόνο στο ποδόσφαιρο.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https:/
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Morreu Pinto da Costa, o dirigente desportivo mais premiado do mundo
• 11:56 AM
10 min
Figura incontornável do futebol português, tanto pelos bons como pelos maus motivos, o facto é que “contra tudo e contra todos”, Pinto da Costa marcou uma era de ouro para o FC Porto, ao conquistar 69 títulos só na principal modalidade. O “presidente dos
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German Election 2025: Where do political parties stand on key climate issues?
• 9:02 AM
13 min
After becoming a deciding issue for many in 2021, climate change has now dropped down the list of voter priorities in Germany.
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Saturday, february 15, 2025

Azerbaiyán brilla con oro en el segundo día del Grand Slam de Bakú
• 8:05 PM
4 min
En una jornada emocionante, Jessica Klimkait, Tatsuki Ishihara y Szofi Ozbas lograron el oro en nuevas categorías de peso. El héroe local Zelim Tckaev conquistó la primera medalla de oro para Azerbaiyán, desatando la euforia del público. ¡Mañana nos esper
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La deuxième journée du Grand Chelem de Bakou 2025 a attiré la foule pour le sacre de Tckaev
Sport • 7:41 PM
5 min
Le public a été tenu en haleine tout au long d’une journée excitante et spectaculaire. L’Azerbaïdjan a décroché la première médaille d’or du tournoi pour le pays hôte, tandis que plusieurs stars du circuit international ont fait leur grand début avec succ
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Азербайджан берёт золото – триумф во второй день Большого шлема в Баку
• 7:30 PM
2 min
Второй день турнира принес яркие победы: Джессика Климкайт, Ишихара Тацуки и Софи Озбаш завоевали золото в новых категориях. Главным героем стал Зелим Цкаев, добывший первое золото для Азербайджана. Болельщики в восторге – впереди финальный день!<div clas
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Τζούντο-Μπακού: Το Αζερμπαϊτζάν πανηγυρίσε χρυσό μετάλλιο σε μία ημέρα γεμάτη σπουδαίες μάχες
• 7:18 PM
1 min
Αύριο έρχεται η ώρα του Τσελίδη - Ο χάλκινος Ολυμπιονίκης του Παρισιού αγωνίζεται στην κατηγορία κάτω των 90 κιλών<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/02/15/judo-baku-to-azerbaijan-panigirise-xriso
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Azerbaijan Strikes Gold as Stars Shine in New Weight Categories
Sport • 6:58 PM
4 min
The second day of the 2025 Baku Grand Slam saw thrilling judo action. Home hero Zelim Tckaev secured Azerbaijan’s first gold, electrifying the crowd. Jessica Klimkait and Szofi Ozbas claimed gold in their new weight classes, while Ishihara Tatsuki impres
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Il Giappone domina la prima giornata del Grande Slam a Baku
Sport • 10:21 AM
3 min
Il primo giorno del torneo ha portato alla squadra giapponese un trionfo completo: tutte e cinque le medaglie d'oro. Yusifov e Asadov, atleti del paese ospitante, l'Azerbaigian, hanno vinto il bronzo<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"
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Japão domina o primeiro dia do Grand Slam de Baku
• 10:18 AM
4 min
O primeiro dia do torneio trouxe à equipa japonesa um triunfo completo - as cinco medalhas de ouro. Tsunoda, Nagayama, Abe Takeoka e Tamaoki subiram ao degrau mais alto do pódio. Yusifov e Asadov, representantes do país anfitrião, o Azerbaijão, conquistar
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Trump administration will try to revoke $20 billion in funding for climate projects
• 8:56 AM
5 min
The move has been called a political stunt and "a blatant violation of the Constitution".
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