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Επτά οι υποψήφιοι διάδοχοι του Τόμας Μπαχ στην προεδρία της ΔΟΕ - Στην Ελλάδα οι εκλογές
• 8:23 PM
1 min
Τον προσεχή Μάρτιο κατά την σύνοδο της Διεθνούς Ολυμπιακής Επιτροπής που θα φιλοξενηθεί στην Πελοπόννησο, θα εκλεγεί ο νέος πρόεδρός της - Ποιοι οι επτά υποψήφιοι
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Italy and Spain at risk austerity in climate-neutrality race, new study suggests
• 4:40 PM
3 min
Study suggests green financing will boost the economy but Mediterranean countries will endure fiscal challenges.
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EU bungled plastic waste tax, auditors say  
• 3:28 PM
4 min
A new levy intended to discourage the landfill and incineration of plastic waste is plagued by dodgy data, and may have led to an uptick in crime, auditors warn
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Italian butterfly thieves handed highest-ever fine for wildlife crime in Sri Lanka
• 3:00 PM
3 min
The two men from northern Italy face two years in jail if they fail to pay the fine by 24 September.
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Σοβαρά επεισόδια στο ντέρμπι της Λεμεσού με τραυματισμούς, συλλήψεις και αναβολή
• 2:44 PM
1 min
Τρεις αστυνομικοί τραυματίστηκαν, ο ένας χρειάστηκε να χειρουργηθεί - Τέσσερα άτομα συνελήφθησαν και την Τρίτη αποφασίζεται η παράταση της κράτησής τους - 17 αναζητούνται από την Αστυνομία δημοσιοποιώντας φωτογραφίες - Το υπ. Δημοσιας Τάξεως τα ρίχνει στη
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UK high court blocks first new coal mine in 30 years. Is it the end of the ‘climate-damaging’ plan?
• 2:05 PM
4 min
The developer’s claim that it would be a ‘net zero mine’ is legally flawed, according to the ruling.
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Sunday, september 15, 2024

Гран-при по дзюдо в Загребе: схватки тяжеловесов в последний день турнира
• 10:37 PM
1 min
Тяжеловесы из Украины, Венгрии, Нидерландов и Японии уезжают из хорватской столицы с "золотом", завоёванным в последний день соревнований. Для большинства - это первая победа на турнирах такого уровня.
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Choque de pesos pesados en el tercer día del Gran Premio de Judo de Zagreb
• 9:05 PM
3 min
Las más grandes estrellas de las categorías poids lourds se sont affrontées sur le tatami, además de muchos jóvenes judokas y talentos locales.
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Gold for Hungary, France and Japan on third day of Zagreb Judo Grand Prix
Sport • 9:02 PM
4 min
Who won what on day three of the Zagreb Judo Grand Prix in the Croatian capital.
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Destaque para os pesos pesados no terceiro dia do Grande Prémio de Judo de Zagreb 2024
• 8:50 PM
3 min
Ao terceiro dia do Grande Prémio de Judo de Zagreb os pesos pesados subiram ao tatami para mostrar  os melhores  talentos do judo.
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Grand Prix di judo di Zagabria, la battaglia dei pesi massimi
Sport • 8:25 PM
11 min
La terza e ultima giornata del Grand Prix di judo di Zagabria ha visto protagonisti i pesi massimi
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Les poids lourds mis à l'honneur lors de la 3e journée du Grand prix de Judo de Zagreb 2024
Sport • 8:07 PM
5 min
Les plus grandes stars des catégories poids lourds se sont affrontées sur le tatami, ainsi que de nombreux jeunes judokas et talents locaux.
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Saturday, september 14, 2024

Гран-при по дзюдо в Загребе: на пьедестале - молодые дарования
• 9:52 PM
8 min
Во второй день Гран-при по дзюдо-2024, проходящего в столице Хорватии, определились победители в категориях среднего веса. Для большинства из них это первое "золото" Мирового тура.
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Día 2 del Gran Premio de Judo de Zagreb: Un escaparate de jóvenes talentos
• 9:16 PM
4 min
Jóvenes judocas internacionales se han lucido en el segundo día del Gran Premio de Zagreb, que cerrará mañana con los pesos pesados.
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Novos talentos em destaque no Grande Prémio de Judo de Zagreb
• 9:04 PM
3 min
Tal como no dia anterior, a segunda ronda de competição do Grande Prémio de Judo de Zagreb foi dominada pelos novos atletas que subiram ao tatami.
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Zagreb Judo Grand Prix showcases young judoka talents
Sport • 8:30 PM
2 min
All the latest developments on day two of the competition.
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Grand prix de Judo de Zagreb : les nouveaux talents mis à l'honneur
Sport • 8:19 PM
10 min
Comme le jour précédent, le deuxième tour des compétitions du Grand Prix de Judo de Zagreb a également été dominé par les nouveaux athlètes qui ont foulé les tatamis.
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Judo, nella seconda giornata del Grand Prix di Zagabria la riscossa dei nuovi talenti
Sport • 8:02 PM
10 min
Come nella prima giornata, anche la seconda tornata di gare al Grand Prix di judo di Zagabria è stata dominata dai nuovi atleti saliti sul tatami
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EU states lagging on carbon emission reductions, Commission tells MEPs
• 12:37 AM
3 min
Several member states still need to send their energy and climate plans to the European Commission, where strategies to slash emissions are laid out.
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Friday, september 13, 2024

Гран-при в Загребе зажигает новые звёзды дзюдо
• 11:31 PM
1 min
На арене "Загреб" начался первый крупный мировой турнир по дзюдо после Олимпийских игр в Париже - Гран-при Хорватии. В первый день турнира победами отметились молодые спортсмены.
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Atletas brilham no primeiro dia do Grande Prémio de Judo de Zagreb
• 10:42 PM
2 min
Mais uma vez, a cidade de Zagreb é o palco do Grande Prémio de Judo, que revela a resiliência e força dos atletas de todo o mundo.
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Las estrellas emergentes brillan en el Gran Premio de Judo de Zagreb
• 10:37 PM
3 min
El primer Gran Premio de Judo tras los Juegos Olímpicos de París 2024 se celebra en el Arena de Zagreb (Croacia).
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La Croatie célèbre ses champions lors de la première journée du Grand Prix de Zagreb 2024
Sport • 9:21 PM
6 min
Le premier grand prix après les Jeux olympiques de Paris 2024 a débuté aujourd'hui à l'Arena de Zagreb en Croatie.
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Rising Stars Shine at Judo Grand Prix Zagreb 2024
Sport • 9:17 PM
3 min
All the latest developments on the first day of the World Judo Tour.
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Grand Prix di judo di Zagabria, brillano gli astri nascenti
Sport • 9:00 PM
10 min
A Zagabria, in Croazia, in occasione della prima giornata del Grand Prix di judo, a brillare sono stati soprattutto alcuni volti nuovi
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Climate change triggered a mega-tsunami that caused the Earth to vibrate for nine days
• 3:04 PM
5 min
Scientists were baffled by seismic signals which were recorded from the Arctic to Antarctica for more than a week last September.
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Von der Leyen moots ‘nature credits’ market to avert ecosystem collapse
• 2:05 PM
4 min
The European Commission is considering a market-based system to encourage farmers and industry to conserve nature and restore lost biodiversity by putting a price on ecosystems.
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Global charity calls for end to EU incentives for crop-based biofuels
• 1:11 PM
5 min
Oxfam argues that despite caps introduced in recent years the EU continues to drive demand for food crops and land to be diverted into fuel production, but the biofuel industry continues to insist it is part of the solution to climate change.
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Sahada dostluk: Türkiye ve İtalya spor diplomasisiyle buluşuyor
• 11:46 AM
8 min
Türkiye Kadın Voleybol Milli Takımı'nın başarılı başantrenörü Daniele Santarelli, Türkiye'deki görevine voleybolun ne kadar önemli olduğunu bilerek başladığını belirtti.
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Thursday, september 12, 2024

Introducing the new UEFA Champions League format
Sport • 5:00 PM
1 min
Europe’s premier club competition is back, with more teams and a refreshed draw process.
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Wind and solar have risen to ‘new highs’ in the EU overtaking fossil fuels for the first time ever
• 2:04 PM
6 min
Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson said the EU is now “well equipped” to meet climate neutrality goals.
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‘Punitive instrument’: Brazil says EU deforestation laws will affect one third of exports
• 2:03 PM
7 min
Brazil made €42 billion from exports of products from its forests in 2023 alone.
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Wednesday, september 11, 2024

Green recovery funds misapplied, unassessed according to EU auditors
• 3:31 PM
4 min
Spending overestimation on climate projects and miscount of actual sums spent in EU countries flagged by the latest report from the European Court of Auditors.
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EU still hesitant to sanction Russian gas as report highlights scale of ongoing imports
• 3:04 PM
5 min
The annual State of the EU Energy Union report shows Europe still relies on Russia for nearly a fifth of its gas imports, while the EU executive is concerned at the slow pace of the transition away from fossil fuels.
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European governments are using ‘harsh, overly broad’ laws to silence climate protesters
• 3:00 PM
6 min
Some Western nations are using old legislation or enacting harsh new laws to restrict the right to peaceful protest and impose disproportionate penalties, a report warns.
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Landmark EU report embraces green energy transition - but advocates for softer rules on PFAS
• 2:04 PM
6 min
The landmark Draghi report says the green energy transition is key to saving Europe's economy.
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‘They’re eating the dogs. They’re eating the cats’: Why did Trump accuse immigrants of eating pets?
• 9:23 AM
9 min
‘There have been no credible reports of pets being harmed’, officials say.
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Tuesday, september 10, 2024

‘Irreversible coma’: Largest glacier in Italy’s Dolomites could disappear completely by 2040
• 4:00 PM
3 min
Since 1888, the glacier has lost more than 80 per cent of its surface area.
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CO2 isn’t the only greenhouse gas: Where are the most potent coming from and can they be stopped?
• 2:00 PM
15 min
Though it is the most well-known and second most abundant greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide is only one of the gases we need to tackle.
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Ugandalı Olimpiyat atletini yakarak katleden zanlı hayatını kaybetti
• 1:17 PM
4 min
Ugandalı uzun mesafe koşucusu Rebecca Cheptegei, 33 yaşındaydı ve Paris Olimpiyatları'nda kadınlar maratonunda yarışmıştı.
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Monday, september 9, 2024

اعتقال العشرات في اشتباكات بعد مباراة كرواتيا وبولندا في دوري الأمم الأوروبية
Sports • 9:00 PM
1 min
شهدت مباراة كرواتيا ضد بولندا في دوري الأمم الأوروبية، والتي انتهت بفوز كرواتيا 1-0، اشتباكات بين مشجعي الفريقين أدت إلى اعتقال العشرات من مشجعي كرة القدم في كرواتيا.
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Barcelona acoge la 37ª Copa América de vela con un gran cambio: por primera vez compiten mujeres
• 8:40 PM
3 min
Barcelona se ha convertido en el epicentro mundial de la vela al acoger el torneo de la Copa América de vela, considerada como la cumbre de las regatas internacionales. Por primera vez, la competición contará con un equipo fenemino y se podrá disfrutar en
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فرنسا: معركة سياسية في باريس تتسبب بها حلقات الألعاب الأولمبية المعلقة على برج إيفل
Sports • 7:31 PM
2 min
أعربت عمدة باريس، آن هيدالغو، عن رغبتها في إبقاء الحلقات الأولمبية المثبتة على برج إيفل، وذلك للحفاظ على "روح الاحتفال" رغم انتهاء الألعاب.
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Hungary slammed for 'absurd' proposal to delay aviation fuel levy until 2049
• 4:38 PM
4 min
While the diesel, petrol and electricity used for rail and road transport is heavily taxed, airlines and maritime transport – from fishing boats to cruise ships – continue to enjoy a free ride – a situation that may encourage environmentally harmful trave
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‘Three weeks without a drop of rain’: How the Balkans grappled with hottest summer in over 130 years
• 2:04 PM
11 min
Southeast Europe was “trapped” this summer under a subtropical warm air mass from Western Africa and the Mediterranean Sea.
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Jannik Sinner sempre più nella storia: vince gli Us Open e conquista il secondo slam della carriera
Sport • 4:00 AM
3 min
Dopo Flavia Pennetta nel 2015, l'altoatesino diventa il primo tennista uomo a trionfare a Flushing Meadows. Sinner consolida il primo posto nel ranking Atp dopo mesi difficili per il forfait alle Olimpiadi e per il caso doping
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Sunday, september 8, 2024

¿Han cambiado los Juegos Paralímpicos la percepción de la discapacidad?
• 8:17 PM
2 min
A finales de agosto, la presidenta de la región de París, Valérie Pécresse, pidió una renovación masiva para arreglar la red de transporte público de París, que tiene siglos de antigüedad y es casi imposible de usar para las personas con discapacidad.
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Τόνι Ναδάλ: Μαθήματα τένις αλλά και... ζωής από τον κορυφαίο προπονητή
• 7:22 PM
10 min
Βρέθηκε στο Rafa Nadal Tennis Center στο Sani Resort της Χαλκιδικής και ανέλυσε στο euronews την φιλοσοφία του
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Los Juegos Paralímpicos finalizan con un nuevo récord mundial de maratón femenino
• 5:43 PM
2 min
El último día de los Juegos Paralímpicos de París ha terminado con una medalla de plata para el maratoniano español Alberto Suárez, mientras Elena Congost fue descalificada tras ganar el bronce por ayudar a su guía.
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Os melhores momentos dos Jogos Paralímpicos de Paris
• 5:21 PM
22 min
Cerca de 4.400 atletas de 184 países participaram na 17ª edição dos Jogos Paralímpicos, com vários recordes batidos e muitos momentos memoráveis.
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Paris 2024 Paralimpik Oyunları'ndan en unutulmaz anlar
• 4:05 PM
20 min
184 ülkeden yaklaşık 4.400 sporcunun katıldığı 17. Paralimpik Oyunları'nda birçok rekor kırıldı ve unutulmaz anlar yaşandı.
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Los mejores momentos de los Juegos Paralímpicos de París 2024
• 3:41 PM
23 min
Alrededor de 4.400 atletas de 184 naciones participaron en la 17ª edición de los Juegos Paralímpicos, con varios récords batidos y muchos momentos memorables.
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Voici les 10 meilleurs moments des Jeux paralympiques de Paris
Sport • 3:37 PM
22 min
Environ 4 400 athlètes de 184 nations ont participé à la 17ᵉ édition des Jeux paralympiques à Paris. Plusieurs records ont été battus et de nombreux moments mémorables ont été vécus.
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Hungarian families say area risks becoming a ‘battery wasteland’ in wake of Chinese lithium plant
• 8:04 AM
16 min
People are continuing to resist the factory through street protests, court cases and toxic air monitoring.
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Saturday, september 7, 2024

An ‘embarrassment’: Experts explain what could happen as Switzerland rejects landmark climate ruling
• 8:04 AM
11 min
Five months after the judgment, the Federal government said that it has fulfilled the policy requirements of the ruling.
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Friday, september 6, 2024

Conor McGregor 2025'teki İrlanda Cumhurbaşkanlığı seçimlerine göz kırptı: 'Tek mantıklı seçim benim'
• 4:18 PM
1 min
Şubat 2013'te Amerika Birleşik Devletleri (ABD) merkezli dövüş organizasyonu Ultimate Fighting Championship'e (UFC) katılan İrlandalı Conor McGregor yıllar içinde büyük bir popülariteye ulaştı.
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New Dutch coalition climate plans: Why the regions are fighting to keep a successful rural programme
• 3:03 PM
6 min
There are concerns on what the new coalition’s plans will be for nature and the environment in the Netherlands.
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The country that invented ‘flight shame’ is scrapping their tax on flights
• 2:02 PM
6 min
The decision by the country’s right-wing coalition government has caused outrage among environmentalists.
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بعد فوزها بالذهب الأولمبي.. إيمان خليف تلهم الفتيات الجزائريات لدخول عالم الملاكمة
Sports • 11:00 AM
6 min
منذ فوز إيمان خليف بالميدالية الذهبية في الملاكمة للسيدات ضمن دورة الألعاب الأولمبية، تشهد الجزائر اهتماماً متزايداً بهذه الرياضة، خاصة بين النساء. يؤكد الرياضيون والمدربون أن هذا الانتصار الوطني ألهم الفتيات والشابات لخوض تجربة الملاكمة، مما يعكس تأثيراً
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Summer 2024 is the hottest on record making it likely this will be the hottest year ever
• 8:00 AM
5 min
Europe was hit by deadly heatwaves and extreme weather from as early as June, with certain populations more at risk than others.
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Golbol Kadın Milli Takımı Paris 2024 Paralimpik Oyunları'nda İsrail'i yenerek altın madalya kazandı
• 7:07 AM
4 min
Türkiye'yi Paris'teki 2024 Paralimpik Oyunları'nda temsil eden Golbol Kadın Milli Takımı üst üste üçüncü kez altın madalya kazandı.
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Thursday, september 5, 2024

2024 Summer Transfer Window Round-Up: Who made the best deals?
Sport • 5:00 PM
1 min
The summer transfer period has now ended, with spending plunging across the big European leagues and even Saudi Arabia – with one notable exception…
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EU lawmakers call for release of marine activist Paul Watson in Denmark
• 3:59 PM
3 min
American-Canadian activist was arrested in Greenland over a 2010 encounter with a Japanese whaling ship.
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Vegan Nutella has hit the shelves for its 60th birthday: Here’s how food and carbon experts rate it
• 3:55 PM
4 min
Replacing milk cuts the spread’s carbon footprint, but experts say that removing palm oil would have a bigger environmental impact.
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Today is Plastic Overshoot Day: A world-first international treaty could stem the tide of waste
• 2:00 PM
8 min
We are just three-quarters of the way through the year, but the earth has already produced too much plastic waste. What needs to be done?
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Paris Paralimpik Oyunları'ndan men edilen Serkan Yıldırım için hukuk mücadelesi başlatıldı
• 8:41 AM
3 min
31 Ağustos'ta erkekler 100 metre T12 sınıfında yarışan Yıldırım altın madalya kazanmıştı.
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وفاة العداءة الأولمبية الأوغندية ريبيكا تشيبتيجي بعد أيام من إحراقها على يد شريكها
Sports • 12:30 AM
1 min
توفيت العداءة الأولمبية الأوغندية ريبيكا تشيبتيجي عن عمر يناهز 33 عامًا في مستشفى كيني، حيث كانت تتلقى العلاج بعد أن أصيبت بحروق شديدة تقدر بنسبة 80% من جسدها إثر هجوم من شريكها.
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Wednesday, september 4, 2024

Create new EU energy agency, think tank urges new Commission
• 4:35 PM
3 min
Researchers at Brussels-based think tank Bruegel offered a number of energy, environment and climate policy recommendations for the new European Commission.
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Fencing at the Paris 2024 Olympics was transparent and triumphant
Sport • 3:19 PM
6 min
The inexorable desire to subordinate sports to politics is disappointing. People should compete only in sports and do it fairly — and fencing attacks should only occur in a fair bout on the fencing field, FIE Interim President Emmanuel Katsiadakis writes.
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Azerbaijan, Georgia, Hungary and Romania launch Black Sea power line to bring green energy to EU
• 3:04 PM
3 min
The undersea infrastructure could send Caspian Sea wind power and other renewable energy supplies to European countries.
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Agriculture report could signal dramatic change in EU farm subsidies
• 3:02 PM
6 min
Seven months of intense debate behind closed doors appears to have produced what election campaign tubthumping and rowdy street protests failed to deliver: the outline of way forward for Europe's unsustainable food production model.
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French central bank governor calls for green securitisations to boost lending
• 2:29 PM
3 min
The controversial financial instruments are finding favour again as policymakers switch priorities from stability to growth.
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400 million students have experienced climate-related school closures since 2022, new report says
• 1:40 PM
5 min
Climate change isn’t just having a direct impact on education, it is also overlooked in climate finance spending.
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Food retailers demand labelling of new-generation GM crops
• 5:30 AM
4 min
Without labelling requirements for food made from a new class of 'GMO-lite' crops, consumers will be deprived of choice and the organic sector could face an existential threat, retailers have warned.
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This chemical-free method for treating seeds is winning over sceptical farmers in Sweden and beyond
• 4:05 AM
8 min
Following success in Sweden and Norway, the creator of ThermoSeed now aims to take over Asia.
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Tuesday, september 3, 2024

Παραολυμπιακοί Αγώνες: Χρυσό στη σφαιροβολία F32 ο Θανάσης Κωνσταντινίδης
• 7:40 PM
1 min
Πρώτο χρυσό για την Ελλάδα στο Παρίσι - «Χάλκινος» ο Στεφανίδης στο ίδιο αγώνισμα
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Türk Paralimpik ekibi Rio 2016'daki rekoru Paris'te tazeleyebilir
• 7:11 PM
2 min
Rio 2016'da üç altın madalyayla tarihe geçen ekip, Paris'te bir altın madalya daha kazanması durumunda rekor tazeleyecek.
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Sweden’s ‘largest environmental crime’: 11 people on trial accused of illegally dumping waste
• 4:08 PM
4 min
Waste management company Think Pink is accused of dumping at least 200,000 tonnes of rubbish.
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Portuguese minister calls for water resilience financing by EU investment bank
• 3:30 PM
3 min
Maria da Graça Carvalho was in Brussels to follow up on a letter sent to the EU executive during the summer asking for concrete action to increase water security across the EU.
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‘Drowning in fashion’: How much water could you save by buying second-hand jeans and T-shirts?
• 2:05 PM
4 min
Globally, the fashion industry uses enough water to fill 37 million Olympic-sized swimming pools a year.
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Monday, september 2, 2024

'Victor Osimhen Galatasaray'da' iddiası: İstanbul'a geliyor
• 5:45 PM
2 min
Victor Osimhen, şu ana kadar Türkiye'ye gelmiş piyasa değeri en yüksek futbolcu olacak.
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Airlines must monitor vapour trails under new EU climate rules
• 4:17 PM
3 min
The controversial new green plans, opposed by the industry, were agreed by officials on Friday
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Desalination and circularity: How Catalonia is planning to solve its water crisis without rain
• 4:07 PM
7 min
The regional government wants to avoid severe episodes of scarcity like Catalonia has seen in the past four years.
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EU eyes access to critical raw materials in Angola investment deal
• 3:19 PM
3 min
The EU hopes a first-of-a-kind investment deal with Angola will increase access to key resources needed for the green transition, while encouraging the west African state no to become over-reliant on its substantial oil reserves.
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Uppsala, Faro, Reykjavik: Which cities have the best and worst air quality in Europe?
• 3:00 PM
6 min
New European Environment Agency data ranks urban centres based on fine particulate matter pollution, which has the highest negative health impacts.
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Electric cars, fracking, LNG: Harris and Trump have starkly different approaches to climate
• 2:05 PM
16 min
From electric cars to fracking, here's where Kamala Harris and Donald Trump stand on key climate issues.
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Sunday, september 1, 2024

البرازيلي دافيد نيريس لاعب نابولي الإيطالي يتعرض للسرقة تحت تهديد السلاح
Sports • 6:30 PM
2 min
تعرض دافيد نيريس، لاعب نابولي الجديد، لسرقة تحت تهديد السلاح بعد فوز فريقه 2-1 على بارما يوم السبت في المرحلة الثالثة من الدوري الإيطالي لكرة القدم. وقع الحادث بعد المباراة التي أُقيمت في ملعب مارادونا، حيث قام اللصوص، الذين كانوا على دراجة نارية، بصدم سي
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FIFA, ırkçılığa uğrayan futbolculara oyunu durdurma hakkı tanıdı
• 7:54 AM
1 min
Futbolcular, ırkçılığa maruz kaldıkları durumda ellerini bileklerinden çaprazlayarak hakeme işaret verebilecek.
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Saturday, august 31, 2024

"فيفا" يؤجل البت في طلب استبعاد إسرائيل من المنافسات الدولية إلى أكتوبر
Sports • 7:00 PM
3 min
قرر الاتحاد الدولي لكرة القدم "فيفا" تأجيل البت في طلب الاتحاد الفلسطيني استبعاد المنتخب الإسرائيلي من المشاركات الدولية، بسبب استمرار القصف الإسرائيلي على قطاع غزة والمجازر الدموية بحق المدنيين منذ أكتوبر 2023، فضلاً عن الانتهاكات المتكررة بحق الرياضيين
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Formule 1 : Andrea Kimi Antonelli, 18 ans, nouveau pilote Mercedes pour remplacer Hamilton
Sport • 4:44 PM
2 min
Après des semaines de rumeurs, la confirmation de Mercedes est arrivée : le jeune Antonelli courra pour le constructeur automobile allemand à partir de 2025
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Fórmula 1: Andrea Kimi Antonelli, de 18 anos, vai substituir Lewis Hamilton na Mercedes
• 4:40 PM
2 min
Após semanas de rumores, chegou a confirmação da Mercedes: o jovem Antonelli vai correr pelo construtor alemão a partir de 2025
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Formula 1: 18-year-old Andrea Kimi Antonelli to replace Hamilton as new Mercedes driver
Sport • 3:25 PM
2 min
Antonelli will be the first Italian to compete in F1 since Antonio Giovinazzi in Abu Dhabi with Alfa Sauber in 2021.
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Andrea Antonelli, de 18 años, nuevo piloto de F1 en Mercedes en sustitución de Hamilton en 2025
• 3:08 PM
2 min
Tras semanas de rumores, llega la confirmación de Mercedes: El joven Antonelli correrá para el fabricante alemán a partir de 2025.
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Ashley, Bert, Conall: Storm names for next season revealed, after a particularly stormy year
• 3:04 PM
6 min
They include the name of a former meteorologist who made “the most important forecast” the Met Office has ever produced.
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