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"Negoziati affrettati con la Russia porteranno a un cattivo accordo per l'Ucraina" avverte Kaja Kallas
• 11:56 AM
5 min
"La Siria ci dimostra che la Russia non è invincibile e che non dovremmo sottovalutare il nostro potere", ha dichiarato giovedì l'Alto rappresentante dell'Unione per gli affari esteri e la politica di sicurezza, Kaja Kallas
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What is battery swapping and could it help make EVs more popular?
Business • 11:54 AM
4 min
The technology isn't new but it presents several challenges.
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2,000-year-old ice rink opens in Pula, Croatia
• 11:54 AM
1 min
For the first time in its two-thousand-year history, the iconic Arena in the Croatian seaside city of Pula has been transformed into a Christmas ice rink.
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Sağlıklı geçirilen yıllar ile insan ömrünün arasındaki fark giderek açılıyor: Araştırma
• 11:49 AM
4 min
Yeni bir uluslararası araştırmaya göre, sağlığımız ve yaşam süremiz arasında giderek büyüyen bir uçurum var.
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Putin, Moskova'ya sığınan Esad hakkında ilk kez konuştu: 'Görüşmedim'
• 11:45 AM
4 min
Rusya Devlet Başkanı, 'yakın bir tarihte' Beşar Esad ile görüşebileceğini belirtti.
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Come Bashar al-Assad può essere assicurato alla giustizia: ci sono ostacoli legali e politici
• 11:43 AM
13 min
Gli esperti di diritti umani sono ottimisti sul fatto che al-Assad e i funzionari del regime possano un giorno essere chiamati a rispondere dei loro crimini in un tribunale
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Irão suspende promulgação de lei mais dura sobre uso de hijab
• 11:40 AM
2 min
Muitos acreditam que a lei poderia ter reacendido os protestos que se seguiram ao assassinato de Mahsa Amini em 2022. O presidente reformista do Irão já tinha manifestado oposição ao documento.
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Almanya, Esad'ın devrilmesinden sonra binlerce Suriyeli doktorun ülkede kalmasını umuyor
• 11:38 AM
6 min
Almanya'daki iş gücü sıkıntısının ortasında sağlık sektörü liderleri, Suriye'de Beşar Esad'ın devrilmesinden sonra Suriyeli doktorların ülkede kalmasını umuyor.
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Digital Economy Forum: Η ψηφιακή μετάβαση στην Ελλάδα μπορεί- και πρέπει- να «τρέξει» πιο γρήγορα
• 11:36 AM
4 min
Ο κλάδος Πληροφορικής και Επικοινωνιών παράγει σχεδόν το 8% του ελληνικού ΑΕΠ και απασχολεί 300.000 εργαζόμενους
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Erdoğan trifft Mikati: Appell für Stabilität im Libanon und Syrien
• 11:34 AM
2 min
Beim Treffen in Ankara schilderte Libanons Premier Mikati die katastrophale Lage seines Landes und kritisierte Israels fortgesetzte Angriffe. Präsident Erdoğan rief die internationale Gemeinschaft auf, Druck auf Israel auszuüben, den Waffenstillstand einz
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ما لم يصل إليه التحقيق كشفته صور غوغل.. فك لغز جريمة قتل في قرية إسبانية
International • 11:31 AM
1 min
في حادثة غير متوقعة، ساعدت صورة من خدمة خرائط غوغل في كشف خيوط جريمة قتل في قرية إسبانية صغيرة.
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EU-Rat: Ukraine, Trumps Rückkehr und Syrien stehen auf der Tagesordnung
• 11:30 AM
7 min
Trotz einer mit brisanten Themen gespickten Tagesordnung wird vom Gipfel der EU-Staats- und Regierungschefs kein Durchbruch erwartet.
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Breaking taboos: Inside Spain’s first naked cinema screening
Culture • 11:30 AM
3 min
Curtain up – clothes off! Spain makes history by hosting the country’s first nude film screening.
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Deutschland hofft, dass syrische Ärzte bleiben
• 11:28 AM
4 min
Angesichts des Arbeitskräftemangels in Deutschland hoffen die Verantwortlichen im Gesundheitswesen, dass syrische Ärzte nach dem Sturz von Baschar al-Assad in Deutschland bleiben werden.
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Putin alla conferenza di fine anno: "Provate, se riuscite, ad abbattere missile ipersonico Oreshnik"
• 11:23 AM
8 min
Dall'Ucraina alla Siria, passando per le relazioni con Trump: il presidente russo Putin fa il punto della situazione nella conferenza di fine anno
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В Иране отложен новый закон о хиджабах
• 11:21 AM
1 min
Тегеран решил не ужесточать наказания за нарушения исламского дресс-кода, опасаясь протестов.
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Putin’s 2024 end-of-year presser: ‘When everything is quiet and calm, we are getting bored’
Europe • 11:20 AM
4 min
As Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine is going into its third winter, Russian President Vladimir Putin held its annual end-of-year press-conference, two days after a Kyiv-orchestrated killing of a high-ranking general on the streets of Moscow.
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120 Tonnen Hilfsgüter für Mayotte: Macron besucht Zyklon-Opfer
• 11:20 AM
3 min
Nach Zyklon Chido haben französische Streitkräfte 120 Tonnen Hilfsgüter nach Mayotte gebracht. Tausende werden noch vermisst, während Präsident Macron am Donnerstag Solidarität mit den Betroffenen zeigen will.
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El presidente francés Emmanuel Macron visita Mayotte tras el paso del ciclón Chido
• 11:16 AM
2 min
Las autoridades temen que el paso del ciclón haya provocado cientos, o incluso miles de muertos en el archipiélago de Mayotte.
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Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης στις Βρυξέλλες: Η Ευρώπη να διαθέσει περισσότερους πόρους για την κοινή άμυνα
• 11:14 AM
1 min
Ο Έλληνας πρωθυπουργός ενημερώνει τους ομολόγους του για το πρόσφατο ταξίδι του στον Λίβανο και για την ανησυχία η οποία υπάρχει και στο Λίβανο και στη Συρία για την ανάγκη προστασίας των διαφόρων θρησκευτικών μειονοτήτων, ιδιαίτερα για τους ελληνορθόδοξο
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Макрон прибыл на Майотту. Спасатели до сих пор не могут добраться до ряда районов
• 11:13 AM
1 min
"Это массовые могилы под открытым небом", - такими словами описали состояние трущоб представители местных властей в разговоре с Макроном.
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Suriye'nin devrik lideri Beşar Esad ve adamları için yargılama yolu açık mı?
• 11:10 AM
13 min
Kovuşturmanın önündeki yasal ve siyasi engellere rağmen, insan hakları uzmanları Esad ve rejim yetkililerinin bir gün mahkemede işledikleri suçlardan sorumlu tutulabilecekleri konusunda iyimser.
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Verteidigungsminister Pistorius will das Militär ausbauen
• 11:08 AM
1 min
Die deutschen Streitkräfte haben seit längerem Schwierigkeiten, genügend Rekruten zu finden.
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Cette photo de Google Maps a permis d'élucider un crime dans un village espagnol
World • 11:06 AM
2 min
Une photographie sur Google Mapsest devenue un indice inattendu pour aider les officiers au cours de l'enquête policière sur la disparition d'un homme il y a un an à Soria, conduisant à l'arrestation récente de deux personnes.
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Rushed negotiations with Russia will lead to 'bad deal' for Ukraine, Kaja Kallas warns
Europe • 11:06 AM
5 min
"Syria shows us that Russia is not invincible and we shouldn't underestimate our own power," Kaja Kallas said on Thursday.
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Путин вызывает Запад на дуэль
• 11:04 AM
1 min
Президент РФ отвечает на вопросы в программе "Итоги года с Владимиром Путиным"по российскому телевидению. Она совмещает формат большой пресс-конференции и прямой линии.
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El ministro alemán de Defensa quiere aumentar el tamaño de las Fuerzas Armadas
• 11:03 AM
1 min
Las Fuerzas Armadas alemanas han tenido problemas para encontrar nuevos reclutas y el ministro de Defensa quiere aumentar el número de efectivos en el Ejército.
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Miss Netherlands beauty pageant ditched in favour of empowerment platform
Culture • 11:00 AM
3 min
After 35 years, the Miss Netherlands beauty pageant has been scrapped, replaced by a new initiative, 'No Longer of This Time', which focuses on mental health, diversity, and inspiring stories.
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بابا نويل يجوب شوارع سراييفو لتوزيع الحلوى ورسم البسمة على وجوه الأطفال
International • 11:00 AM
1 min
في مساء يوم الأربعاء، جاب بابا نويل شوارع البوسنة والهرسك، حيث تجول في مدينة سراييفو على عربة تجرها الخيول.
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Le notizie del giorno | 19 dicembre - Pomeridiane
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Segui l'attualità dall'Europa e dal mondo. Ricevi le ultime notizie su economia, spettacolo, politica, cultura, viaggi.
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As notícias do dia | 19 dezembro 2024 - Tarde
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Acompanhe a atualidade da Europa e do Mundo. Fique a par das notícias mais recentes da Política, dos Negócios, do Desporto e da Cultura.
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Latest news bulletin | December 19th – Midday
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news, World, Business, Entertainment, Politics, Culture, Travel.
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L’info du jour | 19 décembre - Mi-journée
World • 11:00 AM
1 min
Suivez les derniers développements de l'actualité en Europe et dans le monde. Retrouvez les dernières infos sur la politique, l'économie, la culture et le divertissement.
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Nachrichten des Tages | 19. Dezember - Mittagsausgabe
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Informieren Sie sich über das aktuelle Geschehen in Europa und der Welt - Politik, Wirtschaft, Unterhaltung, Kultur und Reisen.
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Новости дня | 19 декабря — дневной выпуск
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Узнавайте о самых важных событиях в Европе и за ее пределами - последние новости, срочные новости, мир, бизнес, развлечения, политика, культура, путешествия
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Emmanuel Macron à Mayotte au chevet des sinistrés après le passage du cyclone Chido
World • 10:56 AM
5 min
Beaucoup craignent que des centaines, voire des milliers de personnes aient été tuées après la tempête qui a dévasté l'île samedi dernier.
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Rio de Janeiro's missing children
• 10:55 AM
1 min
The NGO Rio de Paz organised a demonstration on Copacabana beach on Wednesday to demand answers from the government about the violent deaths of children in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
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Germania: le migliaia di medici siriani rimarranno dopo la cacciata di al-Assad?
• 10:54 AM
5 min
In Germania si augurano che i medici siriani rimangano in patria dopo la caduta di Bashar al-Assad. Il capo della Federazione ospedaliera tedesca, Gerald Gass, afferma che i siriani costituiscono oggi il gruppo più numeroso di medici stranieri
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Germany's consumer climate still 'very low', DAX eyes fifth straight drop
Business • 10:46 AM
4 min
Germany's GfK Consumer Confidence Index rose slightly, but despite beating expectations, sentiment remains fragile amid high inflation and job insecurity. The DAX fell 0.9%, marking its fifth loss, as European markets slid on hawkish Fed signals.
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Il presidente francese Emmanuel Macron visita Mayotte devastata dal ciclone Chido
• 10:46 AM
2 min
Molti temono che siano centinaia, o addirittura migliaia, le vittime della tempesta che si è abbattuta sull'isola sabato scorso
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Фотография с Google Maps помогла раскрыть преступление в Испании
• 10:45 AM
1 min
Фотография на Google Maps стала неожиданной подсказкой для следователей.
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Can toppled Syrian president Bashar al-Assad and his operatives be brought to justice?
Europe • 10:45 AM
12 min
Despite the legal and political barriers to prosecution, human rights experts are optimistic that al-Assad and regime officials could one day be held accountable for their crimes in a court of law.
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Presidente francês Emmanuel Macron visita Mayotte na sequência do ciclone Chido
• 10:45 AM
1 min
Muitos receiam que centenas, ou mesmo milhares, de pessoas tenham morrido depois de a tempestade ter devastado a ilha no passado sábado.
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Almanya Savunma Bakanı Pistorius ordudaki asker sayısını artırmak istiyor
• 10:44 AM
1 min
Alman silahlı kuvvetleri Bundeswehr yıllardır yeterli sayıda asker bulmakta zorlanıyor.
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Frenan las reformas más estrictas sobre la ley del hiyab en Irán
• 10:43 AM
3 min
La legislación relacionada con el hiyab, que fue aprobada por el Parlamento de Irán en septiembre de 2023, no se enviará al Gobierno para su promulgación.
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Mordfall mit Google Maps-Foto gelöst
• 10:41 AM
1 min
Ein Foto auf Google Maps war ein unerwarteter Hinweis, der den Beamten bei den Ermittlungen zum Verschwinden eines Mannes vor einem Jahr in Soria halfen. Kürzlich wurden zwei Personen verhaftet.
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No Comment : une patinoire vieille de 2000 ans ouvre ses portes
World • 10:38 AM
1 min
Pour la toute première fois en deux millénaires d'histoire, l'emblématique arène de la ville balnéaire de Pula en Croatie a été transformée en patinoire de Noël.
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NATO, Baltık Denizi'ndeki internet kablolarını korumak için insansız deniz araçları kullanabilir
• 10:37 AM
5 min
NATO'nun Baltık Denizi'nin altından geçen internet kablolarının güvenliğini sağlamak için insansız denizaltı araçlarını kullanmayı düşündüğü belirtiliyor.
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Come cambieranno le relazioni tecnologiche tra Usa e Ue sotto la presidenza Trump
Business • 10:32 AM
5 min
Negli ultimi quattro anni, secondo gli esperti, gli Stati Uniti e l'Unione europea hanno ricominciato a collaborare quando si tratta di politica tecnologica. Ma con Donald Trump le cose potrebbero cambiare
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وزير الدفاع الألماني يعلن عن خطط لزيادة عدد جيش بلاده إلى 230 ألف جندي
Europe • 10:30 AM
1 min
أعلن وزير الدفاع الألماني، بوريس بيستوريوس، أن بلاده تعتزم زيادة عدد قواتها المسلحة إلى 230 ألف جندي، متجاوزة الهدف الحالي البالغ 203 آلاف جندي.
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No, il presidente della Finlandia non ha postato un video a sostegno dei separatisti nigeriani
• 10:18 AM
4 min
Un post sui social media afferma erroneamente che Alexander Stubb sostiene il movimento separatista del Biafra in Nigeria
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انفجار ضخم في منبج ومسؤول في وزارة الدفاع التركية يقول "لا اتفاق على هدنة بين أنقرة وقسد"
International • 10:15 AM
1 min
قال المرصد السوري إن إنفجارًا قويًا وقع في منبج عقب اشتباكات بين الفصائل الموالية لتركيا وقوات سوريا الديمقراطية
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Germany hopes thousands of Syrian doctors will stay after al-Assad’s ouster
Business • 10:14 AM
5 min
Amid workforce shortages in Germany, healthcare leaders hope Syrian doctors will stay put after the fall of Bashar al-Assad in Syria.
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French President Emmanuel Macron visits Mayotte in the wake of cyclone Chido
• 10:12 AM
1 min
Many fear hundreds, or even thousands, were killed after the storm devastated the island last Saturday.
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Los líderes de la UE se reúnen para tratar la ayuda a Ucrania, la transición en Siria y el regreso de Trump
• 10:08 AM
11 min
A pesar de una agenda repleta de temas candentes, no se espera que la cumbre de líderes de la UE arroje ningún avance.
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Amazon çalışanları ABD'deki yedi depoda greve gidiyor, sendika iş sözleşmesi istiyor
• 10:06 AM
3 min
Teamsters, yedi Amazon tesisindeki işçilerin Perşembe sabahı greve başlayacağını ve sendikanın önemli bir alışveriş döneminde e-ticaret şirketine bir iş sözleşmesi için baskı yapma çabasında olduğunu belirtti.
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'The Seed of the Sacred Fig' director Mohammad Rasoulof on transforming difficulties into beauty
Culture • 10:04 AM
23 min
Dissident Iranian filmmaker Mohammad Rasoulof fled his country this year in order to present his new film to the world and to keep working freely. He speaks to Euronews Culture about the year that changed his life and representing Germany at the Oscars.
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من سوريا إلى عودة ترامب واحتجاجات جورجيا.. ملفات شائكة على طاولة الاتحاد الأوروبي في بروكسل
Europe • 10:00 AM
2 min
ويدرس الاتحاد تهديدات الزعيم الجمهوري بفرض رسوم جمركية شاملة على البضائع الأجنبية، إذ يمكن للقيود أن تدفع التكتل إلى مزيد من الركود الاقتصادي.
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Dominique Pélicot condenado a 20 anos de prisão e culpado de todas as acusações
• 10:00 AM
4 min
Pelicot, juntamente com outros 50 homens, será preso por ter violado repetidamente a sua mulher, Gisèle, ao longo de uma década.
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Доминик Пелико, приглашавший насильников к жене, осужден на 20 лет
• 9:56 AM
1 min
Суд Авиньона признал Доминика Пелико виновным в изнасилованиях с отягчающими обстоятельствами. Он 10 лет накачивал жену снотворными, приглашал к ней насильников и снимал половые акты на видео.
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Elon Musk vuole finanziare Reform UK, il partito di estrema destra di Nigel Farage
• 9:55 AM
3 min
Il miliardario ha incontrato lunedì il politico britannico nella residenza di Donald Trump, a Mar-a-Lago. Sarebbe pronto a supportare economicamente il partito della Brexit, mentre Farage prosegue la campagna di delegittimazione del primo ministro Starmer
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The gap between years lived in good health and how long we live is getting wider
Business • 9:53 AM
2 min
There’s a growing gap between our healthspan and our lifespan, a new international study showed.
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No Comment: i bambini scomparsi di Rio de Janeiro
• 9:47 AM
1 min
L'Ong Rio de Paz ha organizzato mercoledì una manifestazione sulla spiaggia di Copacabana per chiedere risposte al governo sulle morti violente di bambini a Rio de Janeiro, in Brasile
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No Comment : les enfants disparus de Rio de Janeiro
World • 9:45 AM
1 min
L'ONG Rio de Paz a organisé une manifestation sur la plage de Copacabana mercredi pour exiger des réponses du gouvernement sur les morts violentes d'enfants à Rio de Janeiro au Brésil.
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20 Jahre Haft für Dominique Pelicot
• 9:45 AM
1 min
Ein Gericht in Avignon hat Dominique Pelicot wegen der jahrelangen Vergewaltigung seiner Ex-Frau zu 20 Jahren Haft verurteilt. Auch 50 weitere Männer, die an den Übergriffen beteiligt waren, wurden angeklagt.
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Erdoğan recebe PM libanês em Ancara para discutir acordos de paz
• 9:42 AM
9 min
O presidente turco Erdoğan apela à comunidade internacional para exercer pressão sobre Israel para que cumpra com o acordo de cessar-fogo no Líbano.
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Alemanha quer reforçar Forças Armadas e chegar aos 230 mil efetivos
• 9:38 AM
1 min
Meta fixada era de 203 mil, sendo que neste momento as Forças Armadas alemãs contam com 180 mil efetivos no ativo.
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Dominique Pelicot Fransa'daki tarihi toplu tecavüz davasında suçlu bulundu
• 9:36 AM
4 min
Pelicot, diğer 50 erkekle birlikte, karısı Gisele'e on yıl boyunca defalarca tecavüz etmekten hapis cezasıyla karşı karşıya kalacak.
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Iran stoppt umstrittenes Kopftuchgesetz vorerst
• 9:34 AM
2 min
Das iranische Kopftuchgesetz, das strenge Strafen für Verstöße vorsah, wurde auf Eis gelegt. Präsident Massud Peseschkian konnte sich gegen islamische Hardliner durchsetzen – vorerst.
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Spionaggio: avvocata accusata di essere una spia cinese perde la battaglia legale contro l'MI5
• 9:33 AM
3 min
Nel 2022 l'MI5 aveva emesso un avviso di sicurezza contro Christine Lee: secondo l'intelligence britannica si era impegnata in "interferenze politiche" a favore del partito comunista cinese. L'avvocata ha perso la causa
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Five favourite newly listed historic places in England
Culture • 9:28 AM
10 min
As Historic England releases its annual list of protected buildings, we look at some of the highlights.
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2024’te Google Arama Trendleri en çok aranan dizileri ve oyuncuları açıkladı
• 9:27 AM
2 min
'Diziler' kategorisinde 'Gaddar,' 'Kızıl Goncalar' ve 'İnci Taneleri' ilk üç sırada yer aldı.
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Google Maps fotoğrafı, İspanyol köyündeki bir cinayeti çözmeye yardımcı oldu
• 9:25 AM
2 min
Çevrim içi harita hizmeti Google Maps'deki bir fotoğraf, bir yıl önce Soria'da bir adamın kaybolmasıyla ilgili soruşturmada kolluk kuvvetlerine yardımcı olan beklenmedik bir ipucu oldu ve kısa süre önce iki kişinin tutuklanmasını sağladı.
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Η ετήσια συνέντευξη Τύπου του προέδρου της Ρωσίας Βλαντίμιρ Πούτιν
• 9:25 AM
1 min
Παρακολουθήστε τις σημαντικότερες αναφορές του Ρώσου ηγέτη στις ερωτήσεις που δέχεται κατά την ετήσια συνέντευξη Τυπου
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İsrail, Suriye'de uzun süreli tampon bölge oluşturmayı planlıyor
• 9:21 AM
6 min
Netanyahu, Salı günü tampon bölgeye giderek Suriye topraklarına ayak basan ilk İsrailli lider oldu.
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Noémie Merlant sur "Les femmes au balcon" et le #MeToo : "Nous devons rester vigilants"
Culture • 9:21 AM
45 min
Euronews Culture s'est entretenu avec l'actrice-réalisatrice de sa nouvelle réalisation, de l'état de #MeToo dans l'industrie cinématographique française, de l'étiquette "féministe" et de la manière dont les sujets sérieux devraient être explorés par le b
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EU data watchdog sets terms for AI model's legitimate use of personal data
Europe • 9:19 AM
3 min
The EDPB responded to the Irish authority, clarifying AI model anonymity, the legitimacy of using personal data for their development while leaving leeway to national data protection authorities.
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Spagna, arriva il cinema nudista: a Barcellona e Valencia il primo film con pubblico naturista
• 9:19 AM
2 min
Circa cento spettatori in due cinema hanno potuto assistere per la prima volta alla proiezione di un film senza vestiti. L'iniziativa nata per "promuovere il naturismo in un contesto culturale"
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إطلاق سراح أربعة فرنسيين محتجزين في بوركينافاسو إثر وساطة مغربية
France • 9:15 AM
1 min
أُطلق سراح أربعة مسؤولين فرنسيين متهمين بالتجسس، كانوا معتقلين منذ سنة في بوركينا فاسو، حسب ما أفادت المديرية العامة للاستخبارات الفرنسية الخميس. وأوضح قصر الإليزيه أن "الرئيس إيمانويل ماكرون تحدث الأربعاء هاتفيا مع العاهل المغربي الملك محمد السادس، ليشك
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German Defence Minister proposes growing armed forces further and faster
Europe • 9:11 AM
2 min
As threats to Western Europe grow more pressing, the German military has been having difficulty attracting enough recruits.
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Narin Güran cinayeti davasında dört sanık için ağırlaştırılmış müebbet hapis cezası istendi
• 9:08 AM
6 min
Narin Güran'ın öldürülmesine ilişkin tutuklu bulunan amca Salim Güran, anne Yüksel Güran ve ağabey Enes Güran ile komşuları Nevzat Bahtiyar "iştirak halinde çocuğa karşı kasten öldürme" suçundan ağırlaştırılmış müebbet hapis istemiyle yargılanıyor.
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Υπόθεση Πελικό: 20 χρόνια κάθειρξη για τον βιαστή σύζυγο
• 9:07 AM
1 min
Οι δικαστές έκριναν ένοχους και τους 51 άνδρες που δικάζονταν μαζί με τον Πελικό οι περισσότεροι από τους οποίους αρνήθηκαν τις κατηγορίες
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Francia: Dominique Pelicot condannato a venti anni per stupro nello storico processo di Mazan
• 9:03 AM
4 min
Dominique Pelicot, insieme ad altri 50 uomini, dovrà affrontare il carcere per lo stupro della moglie di Pelicot, Gisèle Pelicot, avvenuto ripetutamente per oltre un decennio
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Dominique Pelicot condenado a 20 años de cárcel en el juicio por violación de su esposa
• 9:02 AM
5 min
Dominique Pelicot, junto con otros 50 hombres, se enfrentará a penas de prisión por la violación de la esposa de Pelicot, Gisèle Pelicot, que tuvo lugar durante más de una década.
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L'Allemagne veut augmenter la taille de ses forces armées
Europe • 9:01 AM
2 min
Le ministre de la Défense veut recruter 30 000 personnes supplémentaires dans les rangs de l'armée allemande.
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Dominique Pelicot sentenced to 20 years in prison in historic French rape trial
Europe • 8:59 AM
4 min
Pelicot, along with 50 other men, will face prison for repeatedly raping his wife, Gisèle, over the course of a decade.
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La Disney taglia la storia transgender dalla prossima serie tv Pixar "Win or Lose"
• 8:51 AM
5 min
Prosegue la tendenza della Disney di censurare i contenuti LGBTQ+ dalle sue produzioni. Lo studio statunitense ha infatti confermato che un personaggio transgender è stato rimosso dalla prossima serie tv "Win or Lose"
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Google Maps clue helps solve crime in Spanish village
• 8:50 AM
1 min
A photograph on the online map service provided an unexpected clue that helped law enforcement in their nvestigation into the disappearance of a man a year ago in Soria, leading to the recent arrest of two people.
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Tropas francesas entregam 120 toneladas de ajuda a Mayotte antes da chegada de Macron à ilha
• 8:45 AM
2 min
Segundo o balanço oficial, há 31 mortos, mas receia-se que tenham morrido centenas de pessoas. Presidente francês chega a Mayotte esta quinta-feira.
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Эрдоган призвал оказывать давление на Израиль
• 8:42 AM
1 min
Турция и Ливан будут вместе помогать Сирии. По словам Эрдогана, приоритетом является строительство инфраструктуры и жилья и создание органов власти.
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السينما كما لم تعرفها من قبل.. متفرجون يخلعون ملابسهم لمتابعة فيلم في إسبانيا
Civilization • 8:36 AM
1 min
لطالما سمعنا عن شواطئ العراة، الرياضات العارية، والفعاليات المخصصة لهؤلاء حول العالم، مثل المشي لمسافات طويلة في الهواء الطلق، وحتى المهرجانات الموسيقية التي تستقبل الحضور دون ملابس. ولكن هل تخيلت يوما أن تدخل صالة سينما، تخلع ملابسك، وتجلس عاريا تماما لم
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No Comment: la maratona di ghiaccio è la gara più fredda e dura del mondo
• 8:34 AM
1 min
Venerdì 13 dicembre, concorrenti provenienti da tutto il mondo hanno preso parte alla partenza della leggendaria maratona sui ghiacci dell'Antartide, una delle sfide più estreme
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No Comment: in Siria riprende il traffico aereo
• 8:30 AM
1 min
In Siria il traffico aereo, sospeso dalla caduta del regime di Bashar al-Assad, riprende: atterrato ad Aleppo un volo decollato dalla capitale Damasco
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