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شاحنات الإغاثة الإنسانية تصطف عند معبر رفح استعدادًا لدخول القطاع المحاصر عند بدء وقف النار الأحد
International • 2:36 PM
1 min
اصطفت عشرات الشاحنات المحمّلة بالمساعدات الإنسانية في مدينة العريش المصرية، بانتظار تلقيها الضوء الأخضر لدخولها غزة عبر معبر رفح بمجرد دخول اتفاق وقف إطلاق النار بين إسرائيل وحماس حيز التنفيذ.
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La Lituanie s'engage à porter ses dépenses de défense à 5-6 % du PIB pour lutter contre la menace russe
Europe • 2:32 PM
4 min
L'annonce du pays balte intervient quelques semaines après que le président élu américain Donald Trump a déclaré que les alliés de l'OTAN devraient consacrer au moins 5 % de leur PIB à la défense.
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Scholz criticado por bloquear pacote de ajuda suplementar de 3 mil milhões de euros à Ucrânia
• 2:31 PM
4 min
A Ministra dos Negócios Estrangeiros alemã, Annalena Baerbock, e outros deputados criticaram o chanceler Olaf Scholz por ter recusado mais ajuda militar a Kiev.
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Weltwirtschaftsforum: Desinformation durch KI größtes globales Risiko
• 2:30 PM
4 min
Eine Reihe von Ländern in Europa stuft Falschinformationen als eines der fünf größten Risiken ein, weil sie die Wählerentscheidungen beeinflussen und das weitere geopolitische Umfeld beeinträchtigen können.
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Il presidente francese Emmanuel Macron a Beirut: "Sostegno al Libano"
• 2:26 PM
4 min
Il viaggio di Emmanuel Macron in Libano, il primo in più di quattro anni, segue un accordo di cessate il fuoco di 60 giorni che mira a porre fine alla guerra tra Israele ed Hezbollah
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SpaceX, razzo Starship rientra dopo il lancio: distrutta la navicella
• 2:25 PM
1 min
Il lancio di prova del razzo Starship è stato solo un parziale successo per SpaceX. Il vettore ha fatto rientro al complesso di lancio come da copione, ma la navicella che trasportava è andata distrutta
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Beirut: Frankreichs Präsident Macron trifft neue libanesische Führung
• 2:24 PM
3 min
Emmanuel Macrons Reise in den Libanon, seine erste seit mehr als vier Jahren, folgt auf ein 60-tägiges Waffenstillstandsabkommen, das den Krieg zwischen Israel und der Hisbollah beenden soll.
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En Espagne, les animaux se font bénir lors de la Saint Antoine
World • 2:23 PM
1 min
Des dizaines de propriétaires d'animaux ont fait bénir leurs animaux à l'église Saint-Antoine à Madrid pour honorer le saint patron des animaux.
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Madrid'de evcil hayvan sahipleri, hayvanlarını yıllık kutsama için Saint Anthony Kilisesi'ne getiriyor
• 2:20 PM
1 min
Madrid'deki evcil hayvan sahipleri, Aziz Anthony'nin yortu gününü kutlamak üzere, sağlık ve koruma getirdiğine inanılan bir gelenek olan Aziz Anthony Kilisesi'nde hayvanlarını kutsattı.
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Recordando al maravilloso y extraño (y amante de la quiche) David Lynch
• 2:16 PM
9 min
El crítico de cine de 'Euronews Culture' recuerda a David Lynch y cómo estuvo a punto de ser despedido tras conocer al director estadounidense durante un festival de cine francés.
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¿Qué líderes españoles y de Latinoamérica acudirán a la toma de posesión de Donald Trump?
• 2:13 PM
8 min
El próximo lunes Donald Trump toma posesión de su cargo convirtiéndose en el 47º presidente de Estados Unidos.
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Gaza, gabinetto di sicurezza israeliano approva l'accordo per la tregua: la palla passa al governo
• 2:03 PM
1 min
Il gabinetto di sicurezza d'Israele ha dato parere positivo sulla proposta di accordo per un cessate il fuoco nella Striscia di Gaza, raccomandone l'approvazione al gabinetto di governo, che si riunirà entro la giornata di venerdì per votare
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Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Πίτσας: από την Ιταλία στην κατάκτηση του κόσμου
• 2:03 PM
8 min
Από τον ρωμαϊκό κόσμο μέχρι τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες, η πίτσα αποτελεί άυλη πολιτιστική κληρονομιά της Unesco από το 2017. Εξακολουθεί να είναι ένα από τα πιο καταναλισκόμενα πιάτα στον κόσμο, εν μέσω αυξανόμενων παραγγελιών και ενός ολοένα και πιο απαιτητι
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Euronews Culture's Film of the Week: 'A Real Pain' - A Holocaust tour full of laughs and heart
Culture • 2:01 PM
7 min
Jesse Eisenberg writes, directs and stars alongside a scene-stealing Kieran Culkin in this smart and deceptively profound exploration of generational trauma.
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دراسة جديدة: السمنة تزيد من خطر مضاعفات السرطان لدى الأطفال
Business • 2:01 PM
3 min
أظهرت دراسة حديثة أن الأطفال المصابين بالسرطان والذين يعانون من السمنة المفرطة يواجهون خطرًا أكبر لنتائج صحية أسوأ، مثل زيادة معدلات الانتكاس والوفاة، مما يثير القلق بشأن تأثير السمنة على تطور المرض وفعالية العلاج.
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Ο Μπολσονάρο απαγορεύεται να ταξιδέψει στην ορκωμοσία του Τραμπ στις ΗΠΑ, εφεσιβάλλει την απόφαση του Ανώτατου Δικαστηρίου
• 2:01 PM
1 min
Η υπεράσπιση του Μπολσονάρο άσκησε έφεση κατά της απόφασης του δικαστή του Ανώτατου Δικαστηρίου Αλεξάντερ ντε Μοράις, ο οποίος απέρριψε το αίτημα του πρώην προέδρου της Βραζιλίας να ανακτήσει το διαβατήριό του και να ταξιδέψει στις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες για
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ВЭФ: Дезинформация остаётся одним из главных глобальных рисков
• 2:00 PM
1 min
Несколько стран Европы назвали дезинформацию одним из пяти главных рисков, поскольку она может менять мнения избирателей и негативно влиять на геополитическую обстановку.
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A desinformação é o maior risco a curto prazo para o mundo, afirma o Fórum Económico Mundial
• 1:57 PM
5 min
Vários países da Europa classificaram a desinformação como um dos cinco principais riscos, devido à sua capacidade de influenciar as intenções de voto e prejudicar o ambiente geopolítico mais alargado.
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El presidente Macron visita Líbano para reunirse con los nuevos líderes del país
• 1:57 PM
4 min
El viaje de Macron al Líbano, el primero en más de cuatro años, se produce tras un acuerdo de alto el fuego de 60 días que entró en vigor el 27 de noviembre con el objetivo de poner fin a la guerra entre Israel y Hezbolá.
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Macaristan Başbakanı Viktor Orban, ABD yaptırımlarının konumunu 'güçlendirdiğini' savundu
• 1:56 PM
4 min
Macaristan Başbakanı Viktor Orban'ın yakın müttefiki ve bakanı Antal Rogan, yolsuzluk iddiaları nedeniyle geçen hafta ABD Hazinesi tarafından yaptırıma tabi tutulmuştu.
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Gabinete de Segurança de Israel aprova acordo de cessar-fogo em Gaza
• 1:55 PM
1 min
O acordo, que tem sido adiado após vários atrasos, será agora submetido à aprovação do Conselho de Ministros.
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Gaza: Israels Sicherheitskabinett billigt Abkommen über Waffenstillstand
• 1:51 PM
1 min
Im nächsten Schritt wird das Abkommen der Regierung des Landes zur Unterzeichnung vorgelegt.
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İsrail güvenlik kabinesi Gazze'de ateşkes ve rehinelerin iadesi anlaşmasını onayladı
• 1:49 PM
2 min
Birkaç kez ertelenen anlaşma, Pazar günü İsrail kabinesinin tamamına onay için sunulacak.
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Fact-check: Exclusion of EU leaders from Trump inauguration is in line with tradition
Europe • 1:47 PM
4 min
Social media users have misleadingly attached importance to the fact that European heads of state and government have been excluded from Trump’s guest list.
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Madrid pet owners bring animals to Saint Anthony Church for annual blessing
• 1:44 PM
1 min
Pet owners in Madrid had their animals blessed at Saint Anthony Church, a tradition believed to bring health and protection, celebrating St. Anthony’s feast day.
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Rus muhalif Navalni'nin üç avukatına hapis cezası verildi
• 1:43 PM
3 min
Kaldığı cezaevinde hayatını kaybeden Rus muhalefet lideri Aleksey Navalni'yi temsil eden üç avukat 5,5 yıla kadar hapis cezasına çarptırıldı. Karar, Kremlin'in artan baskısını yansıtıyor.
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MEPs urge Commission to act on Musk's interventions
Europe • 1:42 PM
3 min
In a letter sent to the President of the European Commission, a number of MEPs express their concern at alleged abuses committed by X’s owner Elon Musk and call on the European executive to apply the DSA.
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Israel's security cabinet approves Gaza ceasefire and hostage return agreement
• 1:42 PM
2 min
The deal, which has been held back after several delays, now passes to the country's full cabinet for signoff.
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Dia Mundial da Pizza: descubra que países comem mais pizza
• 1:39 PM
11 min
Do mundo romano aos Estados Unidos, a pizza é Património Imaterial da Unesco desde 2017. Este é um dos pratos mais consumidos no mundo, entre pedidos crescentes e um público cada vez mais exigente.
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La Lituania promette di aumentare la spesa per la difesa contro la minaccia russa: obiettivo è 5 per cento del Pil
• 1:38 PM
4 min
L'annuncio della nazione baltica arriva settimane dopo che il presidente eletto degli Stati Uniti Donald Trump ha dichiarato che gli alleati della Nato dovrebbero spendere almeno il 5 per cento del Pil per la difesa
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Pompeii archaeologists find 'once-in-a-century' private spa complex alongside banquet hall
Culture • 1:31 PM
11 min
The extraordinary discovery reveals how elite Roman homes were much more than just private residences - they were grand stages for art, culture, and political networking.
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Литва увеличит расходы на оборону до 5-6% ВВП в ответ на угрозу со стороны России
• 1:30 PM
1 min
Решение литовские власти приняли через несколько недель после того, как избранный президентом США Дональд Трамп заявил, что союзники по НАТО должны тратить на оборону не менее 5% ВВП.
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الكابينت الإسرائيلي يصادق رسميا على اتفاق غزة وسط انقسامات داخلية
International • 1:30 PM
2 min
صادق المجلس الوزاري الأمني الإسرائيلي المصغر، في اجتماعه الجمعة، على اتفاق وقف إطلاق النار في غزة، والذي يشمل إطلاق سراح عشرات الأسرى. تأتي هذا المصادقة بعد تأجيل التصويت، الذي كان مقرراً الخميس، بسبب خلافات في اللحظة الأخيرة حول تفاصيل الاتفاق.
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan'dan CHP'ye: Turpların büyükleri heybede
• 1:30 PM
5 min
CHP lideri Özgür Özel'e seslenen Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, 'Hoşunuza gitmese de hukuk işleyecek siz de saygı göstereceksiniz,' dedi.
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Fransa Cumhurbaşkanı Emmanuel Macron yeni yönetim ile Lübnan'a destek konusunu görüşmek üzere Beyrut'ta
• 1:25 PM
3 min
Emmanuel Macron'un dört yılın ardından ilk kez gerçekleştirdiği Lübnan ziyareti, İsrail-Hizbullah savaşını sona erdirmeyi amaçlayan 60 günlük ateşkes anlaşmasının ardından gerçekleşti.
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Bolsonaro ne pourra pas se rendre à l'investiture de Trump aux États-Unis en raison d'une décision de la Cour suprême
World • 1:21 PM
5 min
La défense de l'homme fort de la droite dure brésilienne a fait appel de la décision du juge de la Cour suprême Alexandre de Moraes, qui a rejeté la demande de l'ancien président qui voulait récupérer son passeport et se rendre aux États-Unis pour assiste
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Advogados de Navalny condenados a penas de prisão na Rússia
• 1:08 PM
3 min
Três homens que foram advogados do ex-líder da oposição russa terão de cumprir anos de prisão efetiva por suposta pertença a "grupo extremista".
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Le professioni di cui gli europei si fidano di più e di meno: medici in testa, recuperano i politici
• 1:03 PM
3 min
Medici, scienziati e insegnanti dominano la classifica, mentre i politici sono quelli di cui ci si fida meno, nonostante un graduale miglioramento rispetto ai dati del 20218
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إيران وروسيا توقعان على اتفاقية شراكة استراتيجية أثناء زيارة الرئيس الإيراني لموسكو
International • 1:01 PM
5 min
أكد الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين أن الاتفاقية الموقعة مع إيران ستعزز العلاقات الثنائية بين البلدين، مشيرًا إلى أنها ستساهم في تعزيز التعاون في مجالات مثل التجارة العسكرية والطاقة والتكنولوجيا.
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Rusia encarcela a tres abogados de Navalni por presuntos vínculos extremistas
• 1:00 PM
3 min
Tres abogados que representaron al fallecido líder de la oposición rusa Alexei Navalni fueron condenados a hasta 5,5 años de prisión. Un veredicto que refleja la creciente represión del Kremlin.
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Almanya Şansölyesi Olaf Scholz Ukrayna'ya 3 milyar euroluk ek yardım paketini engellediği için eleştirilerin hedefinde
• 11:57 AM
4 min
Almanya Dışişleri Bakanı Annalena Baerbock ve birçok milletvekili, Şansölye Olaf Scholz'u Ukrayna üzerinden seçim propagandası yapmakla suçluyor.
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UE : quelles professions inspirent le plus et le moins confiance aux Européens ?
Europe • 11:56 AM
2 min
Parmi 21 professions différentes, les Européens font le plus confiance aux médecins et aux scientifiques. En revanche, les hommes politiques sont ceux qui inspirent le moins confiance, malgré une augmentation progressive depuis le creux atteint en 2018.
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Μπορεί ο Ντόναλντ Τραμπ να τερματίσει τον πόλεμο στην Ουκρανία;
• 11:49 AM
1 min
Καθώς ο Ντόναλντ Τραμπ ετοιμάζεται να επιστρέψει στον Λευκό Οίκο, εγείρονται ερωτήματα για το πώς θα διαχειριστεί τελικά το μείζον πρόβλημα του πολέμου. Πόσο εύκολα μπορεί να υλοποιηθεί η προεκλογική του δέσμευση για τερματισμό του πολέμου σε 24 ώρες;
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Сможет ли Трамп положить конец войне России против Украины?
• 11:49 AM
1 min
Дональд Трамп обещал завершить российско-украинский конфликт за 24 часа. Но, избравшись президентом США, он заговорил о новых сроках. Это хорошая новость для Украины, заявил в интервью Euronews бывший министр экономики Тимофей Милованов.
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Pakistan'ın eski Başbakanı İmran Han yolsuzluktan 14 yıl hapse mahkum edildi
• 11:46 AM
3 min
2023'ten bu yana hapiste olan 72 yaşındaki Han, son kararın siyasi amaçlı olduğunu ve kararı temyize götüreceğini açıkladı.
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Estas son las profesiones en las que más y menos confían los europeos
• 11:45 AM
3 min
Entre 21 profesiones diferentes, los europeos son los que más confían en los médicos y los científicos. Mientras tanto, los políticos son los que menos confianza inspiran, a pesar de un aumento gradual desde que alcanzaron su nivel más bajo en 2018.
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È il World Pizza day: dall'Italia alla conquista del mondo
• 11:41 AM
11 min
Dal mondo romano agli Stati Uniti, la pizza è patrimonio immateriale dell'Unesco dal 2017. Ancora oggi è uno dei piatti più consumati al mondo, fra ordini in crescita e un pubblico sempre più esigente
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Aliens, evil clowns and Demogorgons: What we'll be watching on TV in 2025
Culture • 11:38 AM
26 min
From Robert De Niro as a former US President to a new season of 'Stranger Things', and another Game of Thrones spin-off, 2025 is going to have us glued to the small-screen.
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Spannungen mit Russland und Nordkorea: Japan eröffnet Mission bei der NATO
• 11:38 AM
1 min
Die NATO hat ihre Beziehungen zu Japan und drei weiteren Partnern im indopazifischen Raum - Australien, Neuseeland und Südkorea - vertieft, allerdings nicht im Rahmen des Militärbündnisses.
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¿Puede Donald Trump poner fin a la guerra en Ucrania?
• 11:36 AM
6 min
Mientras Donald Trump regresa a la Casa Blanca, se plantean preguntas sobre la que posiblemente fue su promesa electoral más ambiciosa: poner fin a la guerra en Ucrania en 24 horas. Desde entonces, parece que Trump podría habérselo planteado de nuevo y co
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Donald Trump può porre fine alla guerra in Ucraina?
• 11:35 AM
5 min
Con il ritorno di Trump alla Casa Bianca, ci si interroga sulla promessa probabilmente più ambiziosa della sua campagna elettorale: porre fine alla guerra in Ucraina in 24 ore. Da allora, sembra che Trump ci abbia ripensato e abbia stabilito una nuova tem
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Tony Ödüllü İngiliz aktris Dame Joan Plowright 95 yaşında öldü
• 11:34 AM
5 min
İngiltere'nin en ünlü sahne ve ekran yıldızlarından biri olan Joan Plowright'a 2004 yılında Kraliçe 2. Elizabeth tarafından 'dame' unvanı verildi.
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Olaf Scholz sous le feu des critiques pour avoir bloqué un programme d'aide en faveur de l'Ukraine
Europe • 11:32 AM
4 min
La ministre allemande des Affaires étrangères, Annalena Baerbock, et d'autres législateurs ont critiqué le chancelier Olaf Scholz pour son refus d'accorder une aide militaire supplémentaire à Kyiv.
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جدل في الولايات المتحدة حول مصير تيك توك وبايدن يترك مصير التطبيق بيد ترامب
International • 11:31 AM
4 min
كشف مسؤول أمريكي عن أن الرئيس جو بايدن لن ينفذ حظرًا على تطبيق التواصل الاجتماعي تيك توك، والذي كان من المقرر أن يدخل حيز التنفيذ قبل يوم واحد من مغادرة بايدن البيت الأبيض. ، تاركاً مصير التطبيق الصيني الشهير في يد خلفه دونالد ترامب.
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Ecco quanto guadagnano gli amministratori delegati nelle prime 100 aziende europee
Business • 11:29 AM
5 min
Gli amministratori delegati guadagnano 110 volte di più del lavoratore medio in Europa. Euronews Business analizza da vicino quanto guadagnano i Ceo, confrontando la loro retribuzione con gli stipendi medi annuali in tutta l'Ue
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PIA afirma que la campaña publicitaria sobre los vuelos a Francia no pretende evocar los atentados terroristas del 11-S
• 11:29 AM
4 min
Un portavoz de PIA dijo que el anuncio, que tiene más de 21,2 millones de visitas en X, sólo pretendía celebrar que la aerolínea reanudaba sus vuelos a Europa.
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Lady Gaga ve Billie Eilish Los Angeles yangını mağdurları için konser verecek
• 11:29 AM
1 min
'Müzik ve dayanışma gecesi' olarak tanımlanan FireAid bu ayın sonunda gerçekleşecek.
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Έκρηξη πυραύλου Starship της SpaceX λίγα λεπτά μετά την απογείωσή του
• 11:29 AM
1 min
Μια ομάδα ανθρώπων που επισκέφθηκε τα νησιά Τουρκ και Κάικος κατέγραψε πλάνα από τα συντρίμμια του πυραύλου, την ώρα που έπεφταν φλεγόμενα από τον ουρανό
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Poderá Donald Trump pôr fim à guerra na Ucrânia?
• 11:28 AM
6 min
Com o regresso de Donald Trump à Casa Branca, estão a surgir questões sobre se este vai cumprir a promessa que fez, durante a sua campanha, de acabar com a guerra na Ucrânia em 24 horas. Desde então, Trump parece ter estendido o período para 6 meses.
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L'Allemagne, Interpol et le WWF s'associent pour lutter contre la criminalité environnementale
Europe • 11:21 AM
4 min
Les activités destructrices de l'environnement, telles que l'exploitation forestière illégale et l'élimination des déchets, constituent l'un des principaux domaines de la criminalité organisée dans le monde.
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Pakistan's former Prime Minister Imran Khan sentenced to 14 years in jail for corruption
• 11:20 AM
3 min
The 72-year-old, who has been imprisoned since 2023, says the latest ruling is politically motivated and that he will appeal the decision.
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Germany's Scholz under fire for blocking extra €3 billion aid package for Ukraine
Europe • 11:17 AM
4 min
German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and other lawmakers have criticised Chancellor Olaf Scholz for refusing further military aid to Kyiv.
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Remembering the wonderful and strange (and quiche-loving) David Lynch
Culture • 11:16 AM
7 min
Euronews Culture's resident film critic remembers David Lynch and how he nearly got fired after meeting the American director during a French film festival.
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"El riesgo de ruptura es real": El Gobierno de Sánchez, en peligro tras el órdago de Puidgemont
• 11:06 AM
3 min
El líder de Junts presiona así al Ejecutivo para que Pedro Sánchez se someta a una cuestión de confianza en el Congreso de los Diputados, algo que el PSOE está tratando de evitar a toda costa. Puigdemont exige una "reunión urgente" en Suiza.
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Tony Award-winning British actress Dame Joan Plowright dies aged 95
Culture • 11:06 AM
5 min
One of the UK’s most celebrated stage and screen stars, and the widow of Sir Laurence Olivier, has died aged 95.
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Un dron ucraniano que dispara con fusiles y rifles: Cambio de paradigma en la guerra
• 11:05 AM
4 min
El ejército ucraniano parece estar cambiando la forma en que utiliza los drones equipados con cámaras de visión en primera persona (FPV).
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'Yüzyılda bir kez' ortaya çıkacak keşif: Pompeii'nin 2.100 yıllık lüks hamamı
• 11:01 AM
5 min
Vezüv patlamasından kalan volkanik enkazın altında hala antik kentin üçte biri gizli.
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دراسة تكشف: الجسيمات البلاستيكية الدقيقة في مياه الشرب أصغر من الحد الذي اعتمده الاتحاد الأوروبي
Business • 11:01 AM
6 min
كشف العلماء أن معظم الجسيمات البلاستيكية الدقيقة الموجودة في مياه الشرب هي أصغر من الحد الذي أقرّه الاتحاد الأوروبي للكشف عنها، مما يثير القلق بشأن تأثيراتها المحتملة على صحة الإنسان.
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Новости дня | 17 января — дневной выпуск
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Узнавайте о самых важных событиях в Европе и за ее пределами - последние новости, срочные новости, мир, бизнес, развлечения, политика, культура, путешествия
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L’info du jour | 17 janvier - Mi-journée
World • 11:00 AM
1 min
Suivez les derniers développements de l'actualité en Europe et dans le monde. Retrouvez les dernières infos sur la politique, l'économie, la culture et le divertissement.
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Le notizie del giorno | 17 gennaio - Pomeridiane
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Segui l'attualità dall'Europa e dal mondo. Ricevi le ultime notizie su economia, spettacolo, politica, cultura, viaggi.
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Latest news bulletin | January 17th – Midday
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news, World, Business, Entertainment, Politics, Culture, Travel.
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Nachrichten des Tages | 17. Januar - Mittagsausgabe
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Informieren Sie sich über das aktuelle Geschehen in Europa und der Welt - Politik, Wirtschaft, Unterhaltung, Kultur und Reisen.
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‘Undignified and awful’: Patients dying in overcrowded UK hospital corridors, nurses warn
Business • 10:57 AM
5 min
The British nursing union demanded transparency from the government on how many patients are being treated in ‘unsafe’ conditions.
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Governo dá luz verde à ANA para avançar com novo aeroporto
• 10:56 AM
2 min
Governo comunicou à ANA que pode avançar com a candidatura ao desenvolvimento do novo aeroporto de Lisboa, mas quer negociar custos, financiamento e prazos.
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Germany funds partnership with Interpol, WWF to tackle environmental crime
Europe • 10:54 AM
2 min
With environmentally destructive activities such as illegal logging and waste disposal among the largest areas of organised crime worldwide, Berlin is bankrolling a collaboration between civil society and the international police body Interpol.
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Japão inaugura missão independente junto da NATO
• 10:49 AM
2 min
A NATO aprofundou os seus laços com o Japão e três outros parceiros do Indo-Pacífico: a Austrália, a Nova Zelândia e a Coreia do Sul.
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Can Donald Trump put an end to the war in Ukraine?
• 10:48 AM
5 min
As Donald Trump returns to the White House, questions are being asked about arguably his most ambitious campaign promise: to end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours. Since then, it seems like Trump might have given it another thought and a new timeline. Could
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Lady Gaga and Billie Eilish among artists to perform at benefit concert for LA wildfire victims
Culture • 10:48 AM
1 min
Described as an “evening of music and solidarity", FireAid will take place later this month. Many of the performers have been announced...
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Trust issues? These are the professions Europeans trust the most and the least
Europe • 10:44 AM
2 min
Across 21 different professions, Europeans trust doctors and scientists the most. Meanwhile, politicians are the least trusted, despite a gradual increase since reaching a low in 2018.
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American Express agrees million-dollar deal to settle sales and marketing probe
Business • 10:41 AM
2 min
The New York-based financial giant provided inaccurate tax advice to customers and potential customers on wire products mainly aimed at small and mid-size businesses, New York tax officials said.
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كاليفورنيا: إجلاء المئات إثر اندلاع حريق في أحد أكبر مصانع تخزين البطاريات في العالم
International • 10:30 AM
1 min
أُصدرت أوامر بإجلاء مئات الأشخاص، وأُغلق جزء من الطريق السريع 1 في شمال كاليفورنيا، بعد اندلاع حريق ضخم في أحد أكبر مصانع تخزين البطاريات في العالم.
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Companhia aérea paquistanesa diz que campanha publicitária dos voos para França não pretende evocar os ataques de 11 de setembro
• 10:09 AM
4 min
Um porta-voz da PIA disse que o anúncio, que tem mais de 21,2 milhões de visualizações no X, tinha apenas o objetivo de celebrar o facto de a companhia aérea estar a retomar os voos para a Europa.
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Rusya ve Kuzey Kore ile artan gerilim karşısında Japonya, NATO misyonunu faaliyete geçirdi
• 10:07 AM
1 min
NATO, askeri ittifakın bir parçası olmasa da Japonya ve diğer üç Hint-Pasifik ortağı Avustralya, Yeni Zelanda ve Güney Kore ile bağlarını derinleştiriyor.
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La mayoría de los microplásticos presentes en el agua potable son más pequeños que los límites de detección de la UE
• 10:04 AM
6 min
Los científicos afirman que la mayoría de los microplásticos que se encuentran en el agua potable son muy finos y, por tanto, tienen más probabilidades de pasar del intestino humano a la sangre y los órganos.
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Donald Trump nomeia Mel Gibson, Sylvester Stallone e Jon Voight como "embaixadores" em Hollywood
• 10:02 AM
8 min
O Presidente eleito Donald Trump anunciou a nomeação dos atores Mel Gibson, Jon Voight e Sylvester Stallone como embaixadores para ajudar a tornar Hollywood "maior, melhor e mais forte".
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الصين تواجه أزمة ديموغرافية مع انخفاض عدد السكان للعام الثالث على التوالي
International • 10:01 AM
5 min
أعلنت الحكومة الصينية عن تراجع عدد السكان للعام الثالث على التوالي في 2024، حيث بلغ العدد الإجمالي للسكان 1.408 مليار نسمة بنهاية العام، بانخفاض قدره 1.39 مليون نسمة مقارنة بالعام السابق.
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Água potável contém microplásticos mais pequenos do que os limites de deteção da UE
• 9:57 AM
5 min
Cientistas afirmam que a maioria dos microplásticos encontrados na água potável são muito finos e, por isso, mais suscetíveis de passar do intestino humano para o sangue e os órgãos.
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Schweden will kriminellen Einwanderen die Staatsbürgerschaft entziehen
• 9:56 AM
3 min
Schweden verschärft sein Einwanderungsrecht. Die Regierung will die Verfassung ändern, um Personen mit doppelter Staatsbürgerschaft, die Straftaten gegen den Staat begehen, die schwedische Staatsbürgerschaft zu entziehen.
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Bilim insanları kanser teşhisi konan obez çocukların daha kötü sağlık sonuçlarıyla karşılaştığını tespit etti
• 9:56 AM
3 min
Kanadalı araştırmacılar, yaşları 2 ila 19 arasında değişen 11.000'den fazla kanser hastasının yüzde 10,5'inin obez olduğunu belirledi.
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Trasporti: le 10 rotte aeree con più turbolenze d'Europa
• 9:48 AM
10 min
Otto delle dieci rotte più perturbate d'Europa passano per le Alpi. I voli da Nizza e da Milano verso la Svizzera quelli in cui si rischiano più turbolenze
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Popes, Nobel Prizes and surprise sequels: Euronews Culture's guide to the books of 2025
Culture • 9:46 AM
13 min
Whether you want to start or can't stop reading there's sure to be a title that tickles your fancy in our carefully curated guide to books due out in 2025.
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AB dünya çapında 80 kalkınma ofisini kapatmayı planlıyor
• 9:43 AM
4 min
Avrupa Komisyonu'nun Uluslararası Ortaklıklar Departmanı, Komisyon Başkanı Ursula von der Leyen'in yeni görevi kapsamında odak noktasını değiştirerek dünya çapındaki ofislerinde stratejik bir küçülmeye gidiyor.
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L'eau potable contient des microplastiques de taille inférieure au seuil de détection de l'UE
Business • 9:42 AM
6 min
Les scientifiques affirment que la plupart des microplastiques trouvés dans l'eau potable sont très fins et donc plus susceptibles de passer de l'intestin humain au sang et aux organes.
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Responsável pela migração da UE na Grécia diz que tema das deportações é "prioritário para o bloco"
• 9:42 AM
7 min
Grécia, um dos principais pontos de entrada de migrantes para a UE, tem defendido controlos mais rigorosos da imigração.
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