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Sur Minecraft, il est désormais possible d'explorer le Vatican
Culture • 2:59 PM
4 min
Ce nouveau jeu, basé sur Minecraft, permet aux plus jeunes d'explorer le Vatican et la basilique Saint-Pierre et permet de découvrir œuvres d'art, statues et personnages importants.View on euronews
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Merkez Bankası'ndan faiz kararı: Gecelik borç verme faiz oranı yüzde 46'ya çıkarıldı
• 2:58 PM
3 min
Politika faizi olan bir hafta vadeli repo ihale faiz oranını yüzde 42,5’te, Merkez Bankası gecelik vadede borçlanma faiz oranını ise yüzde 41’de sabit tutuldu.View on euronews
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Pode o Canadá candidatar-se à adesão à União Europeia?
• 2:56 PM
7 min
Têm-se levantado questões sobre se o Canadá poderia, hipoteticamente, candidatar-se à adesão à União Europeia no contexto das suas relações com os EUA, mas os especialistas dizem que a sua distância geográfica e cultural em relação ao continente europeu c
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Líderes da UE, exceto Orbán, rejeitam pedido de Putin para suspender ajuda militar à Ucrânia
• 2:54 PM
4 min
Apesar da exigência de Putin, a UE insiste que a Ucrânia deve ter "as suas próprias capacidades militares e de defesa robustas como uma componente essencial".<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/my-euro
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Murat Ongun'un malvarlığına el kondu
• 2:50 PM
3 min
Ongun, İBB Başkanı Ekrem İmamoğlu ile birlikte aynı soruşturmada Çarşamba günü gözaltına alınmıştı. Yine dün İmamoğlu'nun aile şirketine de el konmuştu.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/03/20/mu
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Itália transporta nove crianças palestinianas de Gaza para receberem tratamento
• 2:50 PM
1 min
Itália transportou crianças palestinianas gravemente doentes de Gaza, por via aérea, para que estas possam receber tratamento médico. Estas crianças corriam perigo de vida.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.eurone
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Almanya'dan İmamoğlu tepkisi: Muhalefet mahkemelerde yargılanmamalı
• 2:49 PM
2 min
Avrupa Komisyonu Başkanı Ursula von der Leyen ise "Türkiye demokratik değerleri, özellikle de seçilmiş yetkililerin haklarını korumalı," dedi.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/03/20/almanyadan-i
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Les dirigeants de l'UE, à l'exception d'Orbán, rejettent la demande de Poutine d'interrompre l'aide militaire à l'Ukraine
Europe • 2:46 PM
5 min
Malgré la demande de Poutine, l'UE insiste sur le fait que l'Ukraine devrait avoir "ses propres capacités militaires et de défense robustes en tant qu'élément essentiel".<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews
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ΕΕ: Οι ηγέτες, πλην Όρμπαν, απορρίπτουν το αίτημα Πούτιν για διακοπή στρατιωτικής βοήθειας στην Ουκρανία
• 2:45 PM
1 min
Παρά την απαίτηση του Πούτιν, η ΕΕ επιμένει ότι η Ουκρανία θα πρέπει να έχει "τις δικές της ισχυρές στρατιωτικές και αμυντικές ικανότητες ως βασικό συστατικό στοιχείο".<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.c
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Turchia: arrestati decine di sostenitori del sindaco di Istanbul İmamoğlu
• 2:41 PM
3 min
Le autorità turche hanno arrestato 37 persone per aver condiviso contenuti “provocatori” sui social dopo l'arresto del sindaco di Istanbul Ekrem İmamoğlu. In programma giovedì una nuova manifestazione<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button
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Δεκάδες συλλήψεις για διαδικτυακές αναρτήσεις στην Τουρκία μετά τη σύλληψη του Εκρέμ Ιμάμογλου
• 2:38 PM
1 min
Ο δήμαρχος της Κωνσταντινούπολης και πολιτικός της αντιπολίτευσης Εκρέμ Ιμάμογλου συνελήφθη την Τετάρτη με την κατηγορία της διαφθοράς και της δωροδοκίας.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/03/20/
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Brussels seeks to create single market for European defence
Europe • 2:37 PM
3 min
Commission President Ursula von der Leyen wants to create a genuine single market for European defence products and services. How feasible is this idea and what would be the benefits for companies in the sector?<div class="small-12 column text-center arti
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Autoridades sanitárias contam, pelo menos, 85 mortos em ataques israelitas em Gaza
• 2:37 PM
8 min
Israel retomou os ataques pesados em Gaza na terça-feira, pondo em causa uma trégua frágil que estava em vigor desde 19 de janeiro.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/2025/03/20/autoridades-sanitarias-
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Germany reopens Damascus embassy 13 years after Syrian war forced its closure
Europe • 2:37 PM
4 min
Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said her trip to Damascus, her second since the fall of the al-Assad regime, was meant to renew the possibility of 'a political new beginning' between the two countries.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__bu
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Italy airlifts nine Palestinian children from Gaza for life-saving treatment
• 2:30 PM
1 min
Italy airlifts critically ill Palestinian children from Gaza to top hospitals, offering life-saving treatment in a major humanitarian mission.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/03/20/italy-airli
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EU leaders, except Orbán, reject Putin's demand to halt military aid to Ukraine
Europe • 2:26 PM
4 min
Despite Putin's demand, the EU insists Ukraine should have "its own robust military and defence capabilities as an essential component."<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/03/20/eu-lead
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Famílias francesas vão receber um manual de sobrevivência até ao verão
• 2:26 PM
7 min
Num contexto internacional incerto, o governo francês prepara-se para distribuir uma brochura com conselhos para a sobrevivência que chegue a todas as famílias.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/cultu
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L'Allemagne avertit ses ressortissants voulant se rendre aux États-Unis, après trois arrestations
Europe • 2:22 PM
6 min
Le ministère allemand des Affaires étrangères a mis à jour ses conseils aux Allemands qui se rendent aux États-Unis après que trois ressortissants allemands se sont vu refuser l'entrée sur le territoire américain et ont été arrêtés alors qu'ils tentaient
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Les leçons que l'Europe peut tirer de l'Ukraine en matière de technologie de défense
Business • 2:19 PM
7 min
Les dépenses de défense devraient dominer le sommet de l'Union européenne qui se tient cette semaine à Bruxelles. Mais comme l'Ukraine l'a appris en trois ans de guerre, la rapidité est la clé de tout investissement dans les technologies de défense.
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Striscia di Gaza, almeno 85 morti negli attacchi israeliani
• 2:16 PM
5 min
Martedì Israele ha ripreso a colpire pesantemente Gaza, mandando in frantumi la fragile tregua in vigore dal 19 gennaio e causando almeno 400 morti<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/2025/03/20/strisci
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Проверка фактов: может ли Канада подать заявку на вступление в ЕС?
• 2:15 PM
2 min
Может ли Канада подать заявку на вступление в Евросоюз на фоне разрушающихся отношений с США? Эксперты говорят, что географическая и культурная удаленность страны от европейского континента представляет проблему.<div class="small-12 column text-center art
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"جنود الاحتياط يرفضون العودة".. الجيش الإسرائيلي يواجه أزمة في التجنيد مع استئناف الحرب على غزة
International • 2:15 PM
2 min
مع استئناف الحرب الإسرائيلية على قطاع غزة، يواجه الجيش الإسرائيلي نقصًا ملحوظًا في جنوده، حيث يمتنع العديد منهم عن العودة إلى الخدمة، وفقًا لتقرير نشرته صحيفة يديعوت أحرونوت.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://arabic.
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«Η επιστροφή που δεν έγινε»: Ο αντίκτυπος της τουρκικής εισβολής στη ζωή των Κυπρίων πολιτών
• 2:13 PM
5 min
Ο Θανάσης Γιούμπασης σκηνοθετεί ένα ντοκιμαντέρ για την τουρκική εισβολή στην Κύπρο και τον αντίκτυπο που είχε αυτή στη ζωή των Ελληνοκυπρίων. Στο επίκεντρο βρίσκονται οι ιστορίες των προσφύγων και των εγκλωβισμένων<div class="small-12 column text-center
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Habeck im Exklusivinterview: "Klimaschutz kann nur noch an Unfähigkeit oder Unwillen scheitern"
• 2:11 PM
6 min
Am Dienstag stimmte das alte Bundestagsparlament in einer letzten Sitzung über das milliardenschwere Finanzpaket von SPD und CDU ab. Euronews sprach mit Vizekanzler und Bundeswirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck über Klima und Europa.<div class="small-12 col
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‘A threat to autonomy’: Dutch parliament urges government to move away from US cloud services
Business • 2:01 PM
3 min
The Dutch parliament approved several motions to build a national cloud and reduce its dependence on US cloud technology.
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Саммит ЕС: Каллас предлагает поставить Украине боеприпасы на сумму 5 млрд. евро
• 2:00 PM
1 min
Лидеры стран блока обсуждают, среди прочего, вопрос поддержки Украины в войне с Россией и на наметившихся переговорах о перемирии. Ранее им не удалось согласовать пакет помощи на €40 млрд.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="h
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Experimental drug may slow dementia onset for patients with rare genetic form of Alzheimer’s
Business • 1:56 PM
4 min
The drug targets amyloid plaques that build up in the brain years before symptoms appear.
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Έλεγχος γεγονότων: Μπορεί ο Καναδάς να υποβάλει αίτηση προσχώρησης στην ΕΕ;
• 1:54 PM
1 min
Έχουν τεθεί ερωτήματα σχετικά με το κατά πόσον ο Καναδάς θα μπορούσε υποθετικά να υποβάλει αίτηση ένταξης στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση εν μέσω των καταρρέοντων σχέσεών του με τις ΗΠΑ<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euro
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RTÜK'ten kanallara 'İmamoğlu' cezası
• 1:48 PM
3 min
RTÜK Başkanı Şahin, kanalların İstanbul Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığı ve resmi kurumların yayınlarını haberleştirmelerini istemişti.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/03/20/rtukten-kanallara-imamoglu-c
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فرنسا تعتزم زيادة إنفاقها العسكري والرفع من وتيرة إنتاج الأسلحة
France • 1:47 PM
1 min
في سياق جهود فرنسا لزيادة الإنفاق العسكري بسبب المخاوف من هجوم روسي والشكوك حول الحماية الأمريكية في المستقبل، تعتزم باريس زيادة إنتاج الأسلحة والمعدات العسكرية. في هذا السياق، سينشئ بنك الاستثمار الحكومي الفرنسي بي.بي.آي فرانس صندوقا بقيمة 450 مليون يور
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بوتين يوجه رسالة للشرع: ندعم القيادة السورية ومستعدون لتعزيز التعاون معها
International • 1:46 PM
2 min
أكد الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين "دعم بلاده للقيادة السورية في جهودها لتحقيق الاستقرار في البلاد"، مشددًا على استعداد موسكو لتطوير التعاون مع دمشق في مختلف المجالات. وجاء ذلك في رسالة بعث بها بوتين إلى الرئيس السوري الانتقالي أحمد الشرع، وفقًا لما أعلنه ا
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Dozens arrested over online posts in Turkey after key Erdoğan rival detained
• 1:45 PM
3 min
Istanbul mayor and opposition politician Ekrem İmamoğlu was detained on Wednesday on charges of corruption and bribery.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/03/20/dozens-arrested-over-online-posts-
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Manş Denizi'ni geçmeye çalışan bir kişi öldü, 15 kişi kurtarıldı
• 1:43 PM
1 min
Fransız yetkililer, aşırı kalabalık teknenin İngiltere'ye ulaşmak üzere Dunkirk limanı yakınlarında yola çıktığını belirtti.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/03/20/mans-denizini-gecmeye-calisan-
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Al menos 85 muertos en ataques israelíes en Gaza, según las autoridades sanitarias
• 1:32 PM
8 min
Israel reanudó el martes sus intensos ataques en Gaza, rompiendo la frágil tregua que se mantenía desde el 19 de enero.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/2025/03/20/al-menos-85-muertos-en-ataques-isra
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Σύνοδος Κορυφής: Η Λευκή Βίβλος στο επίκεντρο
• 1:23 PM
1 min
Οι Ευρωπαίοι ηγέτες συζητούν για άμυνα, ασφάλεια και Ουκρανία<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/03/20/synodos-koryfhs-h-leykh-biblos-sto-epikentro?utm_source=test_mrss&utm_campaign=feed
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Fransa'da bu yaza kadar her haneye hayatta kalma kılavuzu gönderilecek
• 1:22 PM
6 min
Belirsiz bir uluslararası ortamda Fransız hükümeti, tüm hanelere hayatta kalma kitapçığı dağıtmaya hazırlanıyor.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/kultur/2025/03/20/fransada-bu-yaza-kadar-her-haneye-h
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Un manuel de survie sera envoyé à tous les ménages français avant l'été
Culture • 1:20 PM
7 min
Dans un contexte international incertain, le gouvernement français s'apprête à distribuer un livret de survie à tous les ménages : le livret va préciser les démarches à adopter en cas de crise, s'agit-il d’un accident industriel, d'un événement climatique
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Tempestade Martinho faz estragos em todo o país
• 1:19 PM
3 min
A chuva e o vento forte causaram a derrocada de várias estruturas em diferentes pontos de Portugal Continental e da Madeira. A Grande Lisboa é a zona mais afetada, onde se registaram pelo menos seis feridos.<div class="small-12 column text-center article_
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Zölle auf Russische Düngemittel: Schwierige Gratwanderung für die EU
• 1:18 PM
4 min
Der Vorschlag der Europäischen Kommission, zusätzliche Zölle auf die Einfuhr von russischen Düngemitteln zu erheben, beunruhigt den Agrarsektor der EU. Denn 25% der Importe stammen aus Russland. Doch genau diese Abhängigkeit will die Kommission mindern.<d
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Πώς λειτουργεί η πρώτη "κλινική αμβλώσεων" της Πολωνίας;
• 1:17 PM
8 min
Ο νόμος της Πολωνίας για τις αμβλώσεις είναι ένας από τους πιο περιοριστικούς στην Ευρώπη<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/03/20/pos-leitourgei-h-proti-kliniki-ambloseon-tis-polonias?u
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Как работает первая в Польше "клиника абортов"?
• 1:16 PM
8 min
Аборты в Польше запрещены практически во всех случаях. Активисты открыли в Варшаве "клинику абортов", где помогают женщинам заказать препараты для медикаментозного аборта или поехать за границу для хирургического прерывания беременности.<div class="small-
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Tichanowskaja: Russlands Drohung, die NATO aus Belarus anzugreifen, sollte man Ernst nehmen
• 1:16 PM
4 min
Russlands Drohung, EU- und NATO-Staaten vom belarussischen Territorium aus anzugreifen, sollte sehr ernst genommen werden, sagte die prominente belarussische Oppositionspolitikerin Swetlana Tichanowskaja gegenüber Euronews.<div class="small-12 column text
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At least 85 killed in Israeli strikes across Gaza, health authorities say
• 1:01 PM
7 min
Israel resumed heavy strikes across Gaza on Tuesday, shattering a fragile truce that had been in place since 19 January.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/03/20/at-least-85-killed-in-israeli-str
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İsrail'in saldırıları devam ediyor: Gazze'de en az 85 Filistinli daha öldü
• 11:55 AM
7 min
Gazze Sağlık Bakanlığı’na göre, İsrail'in yeniden başlattığı hava saldırılarında bir gün içinde en az 400 Filistinli öldü. Ölenlerin çoğunu kadınların ve çocukların oluşturduğu belirtildi.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="h
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Como funciona a primeira "clínica de aborto" da Polónia?
• 11:52 AM
14 min
A lei polaca sobre o aborto é uma das mais restritivas da Europa. Os activistas abriram a primeira "clínica de aborto" da Polónia em Varsóvia. Está situada na mesma rua que o parlamento.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="htt
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Muere un sintecho en Barajas: los empleados denuncian violencia y robos en el aeropuerto de Madrid
• 11:50 AM
10 min
El principal sindicato habla de prostitución, violencia y consumo de drogas en las instalaciones aeroportuarias, donde ha fallecido este jueves un sintecho de 60 años.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.co
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Handel, KI, Ukraine: Warum die EU-Kommission in Delhi ist
• 11:47 AM
9 min
Indien ist ein schwieriger Partner für die EU, aber Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen und ihr Team hoffen auf engere Beziehungen in drei Bereichen: Handel, Technologie, Ukraine.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="ht
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Bélarus : la cheffe de l'opposition avertit du risque d'une attaque russe depuis son pays
Europe • 11:34 AM
2 min
Selon Svetlana Tikhanovskaïa, la menace d'une attaque de la Russie contre les États de l'UE et de l'OTAN depuis le territoire de la Biélorussie doit être prise très au sérieux.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.eu
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Como irá o novo Sistema de Entrada e Saída (SES) afetar os tempos de travessia das fronteiras da UE?
• 11:34 AM
8 min
O sistema exige que todas as fronteiras instalem novos dispositivos, mas a maioria não estará pronta no dia do lançamento.
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Las lecciones sobre defensa que Europa puede aprender de Ucrania
• 11:32 AM
6 min
El gasto en Defensa dominará la Cumbre de la UE que se celebra esta semana en Bruselas. Las empresas militares sobre el frente de batalla ucraniano creen ser un ejemplo a seguir ante futuros conflictos.
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В Энгельсе загорелся военный аэродром после атаки беспилотников
• 11:28 AM
2 min
Как пишут украинские OSINT-аналитики, в момент пожара на аэродроме находились от трех до пяти самолетов стратегической авиации.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/2025/03/20/engels-fire-military-airpor
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Trump'ın gümrük vergisi Avrupa'nın içki endüstrisi için 'gerçek bir felaket' olabilir
• 11:23 AM
6 min
Başkan Donald Trump'ın AB'den ithal edilen tüm alkollü içkilere yüzde 200 gümrük vergisi tehdidi, Avrupa'nın şarap endüstrisini ABD ile yeni bir ticaret savaşının merkezine yerleştirdi.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="http
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Scientists develop record cold refrigerator that could unlock full potential of quantum computers
Business • 11:23 AM
6 min
Its developers say the refrigerator can help pave the way for more reliable quantum computation.
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Meta despliega sus herramientas de IA en la UE a pesar de los problemas normativos
• 11:19 AM
4 min
La autoridad irlandesa de protección de datos detuvo el año pasado el despliegue de Meta después de que la empresa quisiera utilizar datos de la UE con fines de formación.
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Франция запускает "оборонный заём" для финансирования перевооружения
• 11:15 AM
1 min
Лидеры 27 стран ЕС обсуждают в Брюсселе вопросы обороны и перевооружения. Франция предлагает гражданам принять в этом участие, подписавшись на "оборонный заём". Всех деталей нового вклада министр экономики и финансов Эрик Ломбар пока не раскрыл.<div class
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‘Three guesses’: J.K. Rowling appears to take a swipe at Harry Potter stars amid feud
Culture • 11:11 AM
6 min
The controversial author has reignited tensions with Harry Potter stars Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint, after making an obvious jab at the trio on social media.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.
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وزارة دفاع كوريا الجنوبية: طائرة حربية روسية دخلت منطقة دفاعنا الجوي دون إشعار مسبق
International • 11:06 AM
1 min
قالت وزارة دفاع سيول إن طائرة عسكرية روسية دخلت منطقة الدفاع الجوي الخاصة بكوريا الجنوبية يوم الخميس دون إشعار مسبق. وهي المرة الثامنة التي تخترق فيها موسكو الأجواء منذ 11 مارس/آذار الجاري، وفقًا للمسؤولين.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__
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Acusan a un exempleado de Eminem de robo y venta en internet de canciones inéditas del artista
• 11:05 AM
3 min
Un antiguo empleado de Eminem ha sido acusado de robar música inédita del rapero y de venderla online.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/cultura/2025/03/20/acusan-a-un-exempleado-de-eminem-de-robo-y-v
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Κ. Μητσοτάκης: Όποιος εισέρχεται παράνομα και δεν έχει άσυλο θα πρέπει να επιστρέφεται
• 11:04 AM
1 min
Αναμένουμε τον νέο κατάλογο των ασφαλών χωρών προέλευσης, δήλωσε ο Έλληνας πρωθυπουργός από τις Βρυξέλλες<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/03/20/mhtsotakhs-opoios-eiserxetai-paranoma-den-exei-as
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One person dead and 15 rescued after trying to cross English Channel
• 11:01 AM
1 min
French authorities said the overcrowded boat set off close to the port of Dunkirk on Wednesday evening.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/03/20/one-person-dead-and-15-rescued-after-trying-to-cro
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Nachrichten des Tages | 20. März - Mittagsausgabe
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Informieren Sie sich über das aktuelle Geschehen in Europa und der Welt - Politik, Wirtschaft, Unterhaltung, Kultur und Reisen.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://de.euronews.com/2025/03/20/nachrichten-des-tages-20-ma
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Le notizie del giorno | 20 marzo - Pomeridiane
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Segui l'attualità dall'Europa e dal mondo. Ricevi le ultime notizie su economia, spettacolo, politica, cultura, viaggi.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.euronews.com/2025/03/20/le-notizie-del-giorno-20-marzo-pome
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Το πιο πρόσφατο δελτίο ειδήσεων | 20 Μαρτίου - Μεσημβρινό δελτίο
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Ενημερωθείτε για τις πιο σημαντικές ειδήσεις από την Ευρώπη και όχι μόνο - τα πιο πρόσφατα νέα, οι έκτακτες ειδήσεις, θέματα από όλο τον κόσμο, την οικονομία, την πολιτική, τον πολιτισμό, τα ταξίδια<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button">
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Новости дня | 20 марта — дневной выпуск
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Узнавайте о самых важных событиях в Европе и за ее пределами - последние новости, срочные новости, мир, бизнес, развлечения, политика, культура, путешествия<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://ru.euronews.com/2025/03/2
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As notícias do dia | 20 março 2025 - Tarde
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Acompanhe a atualidade da Europa e do Mundo. Fique a par das notícias mais recentes da Política, dos Negócios, do Desporto e da Cultura.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/2025/03/20/as-noticias-do-dia
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L’info du jour | 20 mars - Mi-journée
World • 11:00 AM
1 min
Suivez les derniers développements de l'actualité en Europe et dans le monde. Retrouvez les dernières infos sur la politique, l'économie, la culture et le divertissement.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews
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Latest news bulletin | March 20th – Midday
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news, World, Business, Entertainment, Politics, Culture, Travel.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/
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Últimas noticias | 20 marzo - Mediodía
• 11:00 AM
1 min
Ponte al día con las noticias más importantes de Europa y el mundo: noticias de última hora, internacional, negocios, entretenimiento, política, cultura, viajes.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/2025
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Iran, il francese Olivier Grondeau libero dopo 887 giorni di carcere in Iran
• 10:56 AM
2 min
Olivier Grondeau, un turista arrestato e detenuto in Iran dall'ottobre 2022, è stato rilasciato ed è tornato in Francia. La storia è stata tenuta riservata per oltre due anni fino a quando la famiglia l'ha resa pubblica con un audio: Grondeau temeva di di
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Vídeos do TikTok sobre TDAH não refletem corretamente os sintomas, diz estudo
• 10:55 AM
5 min
Para este estudo, foi pedido a especialistas em saúde mental e a jovens que classificassem 100 dos vídeos mais populares do TikTok sobre TDAH. Eis o que se descobriu.
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Tsikhanouskaya: sacrificare gli interessi dell'Ucraina mette a rischio la sicurezza dell'Europa
• 10:54 AM
3 min
La minaccia della Russia di attaccare gli Stati Ue e Nato dal territorio della Bielorussia dovrebbe essere presa molto sul serio, ha dichiarato a Euronews la leader dell'opposizione bielorussa Svetlana Tsikhanouskaya. E tutto dipenderà dal sacrificio degl
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Un homme débourse 5,3 millions d’euros pour s’offrir le chien le plus cher du monde
Culture • 10:50 AM
3 min
S. Sathish est un éleveur réputé de Bangalore et possède plus de 150 races de chiens différentes. Le dernier membre de sa famille de chiens est arrivé à un prix assez élevé...<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.eur
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Tsikhanouskaya: Sacrificing Ukraine’s interests now will allow another invasion
• 10:50 AM
2 min
The threat of Russia attacking EU and NATO states from the territory of Belarus should be taken very seriously, Belarusian opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya told Euronews. She says that will depend on whether Ukraine's interests are sacrificed no
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La líder de la oposición bielorrusa: "Sacrificar los intereses de Ucrania permitirá otra invasión"
• 10:48 AM
3 min
La amenaza de que Rusia ataque a Estados de la UE y la OTAN desde el territorio de Bielorrusia debe tomarse muy en serio, afirma a 'Euronews' la líder de la oposición bielorrusa, Svetlana Tijanóvskaya.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__butto
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«Αν θυσιαστεί η Ουκρανία θα υπάρξει νεά εισβολή» προειδοποιεί η Τσιχανόφσκαγια
• 10:48 AM
1 min
Η ηγέτιδα της λευκορωσικής αντιπολίτευσης στο euronews<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://gr.euronews.com/2025/03/20/an-thysiastei-h-oukrania-tha-yparxei-nea-eisboli-proeidopoiei-h-tsixanofskagia?utm_source=test_mrss&
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Quais são os objetivos de Netanyahu ao retomar a guerra contra Gaza?
• 10:48 AM
11 min
Os acontecimentos políticos e militares na região deram à escalada israelita um contexto diferente do dia a seguir ao ataque do Hamas. Isto levanta várias questões: em que medida as circunstâncias da guerra de Israel em Gaza diferem das anteriores? Quais
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Fransız mahkum 900 gün sonra İran hapishanesinden tahliye edildi
• 10:45 AM
2 min
Ekim 2022'den beri İran'da tutuklu bulunan Olivier Grondeau, Tahran'ın kendisini pazarlık kozu olarak kullandığını öne sürdü.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/2025/03/20/fransiz-mahkum-900-gun-sonra-
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EVP-Chef warnt: Putin "spielt" und hat kein Interesse, den Krieg zu beenden
• 10:44 AM
4 min
Manfred Weber im Exklusivinterview mit Euronews: "Putin ist nicht zum Frieden bereit".<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://de.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/03/20/evp-chef-warnt-putin-spielt-und-hat-kein-interesse-den-kri
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French Ministry of Education cancels retelling of 'Beauty and the Beast' deemed 'inappropriate'
Culture • 10:37 AM
3 min
The new adaptation of the fairytale had been commissioned for a campaign designed to give 10-year-old pupils a book to read over the summer.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/culture/2025/03/20/frenc
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L'outil d'intelligence artificielle de Meta bientôt disponible en Europe
Business • 10:34 AM
3 min
Le déploiement européen de Meta IA avait été interrompu l' été dernier en raison de "l'imprévisibilité de la réglementation".
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França anuncia produto de poupança para financiar empresas do setor da defesa
• 10:32 AM
2 min
O ministro da Economia francês, Éric Lombard, anunciou na quinta-feira a sua intenção de lançar um novo produto de poupança para financiar o setor da defesa.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://pt.euronews.com/my-europ
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L'ex consulente artistica di Leonardo DiCaprio condannata per una frode da 6,5 milioni di dollari
• 10:31 AM
3 min
A ottobre Lisa Schiff si era già dichiarata colpevole di frode informatica, ammettendo di aver truffato i clienti della sua attività di consulenza artistica, la Schiff Fine Art<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://it.eu
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غزة تنزف من جديد: 85 قتيلا على الأقل في غارات إسرائيلية مكثفة على القطاع والقسام تستهدف تل أبيب
International • 10:30 AM
1 min
بعد أيام من التصعيد الإسرائيلي في غزة، أعلنت كتائب القسام، الجناح العسكري لحماس، الخميس، عن قصفها تل أبيب بصواريخ "M90". وقالت إن ذلك جاء كرد على "المجازر الإسرائيلية بحق المدنيين"، حيث شهد القطاع، منذ ساعات الفجر، غارات إسرائيلية غير مسبوقة، سقط ضحيتها م
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Tsikhanouskaya: sacrificar os interesses da Ucrânia agora abre caminho a nova invasão russa
• 10:28 AM
3 min
A ameaça de ataques russos aos países da UE e da NATO a partir do território da Bielorrússia deve ser levada muito a sério, disse à Euronews a líder da oposição bielorrussa Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button">
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EU-Gipfel: Ukraine, Verteidigung und Wirtschaft ganz oben auf der Tagesordnung
• 10:25 AM
5 min
Das Gipfeltreffen der EU-Mitgliedsstaaten hat eine lange Agenda. Verteidigung bleibt das größte Thema: Wolodymyr Selenskyj wird die 27 Staats- und Regierungschefs über die neuesten Entwicklungen in den von Donald Trump geförderten Verhandlungen zur Beendi
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Mansur Yavaş, İmamoğlu için oy kullanacak: Tepkimizi göstereceğiz
• 10:23 AM
4 min
Ankara Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanı Mansur Yavaş, Ekrem İmamoğlu'nun diplomasının iptali sonrası 'günü geldiğinde' adaylığı değerlendirme kararını askıya aldığını belirtmişti.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euro
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French man returns home after nearly 900 days in Iranian prison
• 10:21 AM
2 min
Olivier Grondeau, who had been held in Iran since October 2022, said earlier this year that Tehran was using him as a bargaining chip.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://www.euronews.com/2025/03/20/french-man-returns-
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Los legisladores de Ciudad de México vetan las corridas que maten o hieran a los toros
• 10:20 AM
9 min
La legislación, aprobada por 61 votos a favor y 1 en contra, prohíbe matar a los toros y utilizar objetos punzantes que puedan herir a los animales.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/2025/03/20/los-le
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El líder del Partido Popular Europeo afirma que "Putin no tiene interés en frenar la guerra"
• 10:16 AM
4 min
Putin "juega" para ganar tiempo y vencer en el campo de batalla, advierte el jefe del PPE en una entrevista para 'Euronews'.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://es.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/03/20/el-lider-del-partido
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Виктор Орбан наградил Маттео Сальвини
• 10:07 AM
1 min
Премьер-министр Венгрии Виктор Орбан наградил заместителя премьер-министра Италии Маттео Сальвини премией Яноша Хуньяди "за защиту традиционных европейских христианских ценностей и свободы".<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href=
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Leonardo DiCaprio'nun eski sanat danışmanı dolandırıcılıktan hapis cezasına çarptırıldı
• 10:05 AM
3 min
Lisa Schiff, Fine Art adlı sanat danışmanlığı şirketinin müşterilerini dolandırdığını kabul etmişti.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://tr.euronews.com/kultur/2025/03/20/leonardo-dicaprionun-eski-sanat-danismani-dolan
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L’arrestation du principal opposant à Erdoğan provoque la colère en Turquie
World • 9:56 AM
9 min
Ekrem İmamoğlu devait être désigné d’ici la fin de semaine candidat du parti d’opposition pour la prochaine présidentielle.<div class="small-12 column text-center article__button"><a href="https://fr.euronews.com/2025/03/20/larrestation-du-principal-oppos
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